SDIR("A")="Was treatment related to Military Sexual Trauma"
SDIR("?")=" ",DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Yes' if this prescription is being used to treat a condition related",DIR("?",2)="to Military Sexual Trauma. This response will be used to determine whether or"
SDIR("?",3)="not a copay should be applied to the prescription."
IY["^"!($D(DUOUT))!($D(DTOUT))DW!!,"This Renewal has been designated as"_$S($G(PSOUFLAG)="YES":"",1:" NOT")_" being used for treatment of Military",!,"Sexual Trauma."D:$G(PSOSCP)<50MESSMDPAUSEQ
SDIR("A")="Was treatment related to Agent Orange exposure"
SDIR("?")=" ",DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Yes' if this prescription is being used to treat a condition due to",DIR("?",2)="Vietnam-Era Herbicide (Agent Orange) exposure. This response will be used to"
SDIR("?",3)="determine whether or not a copay should be applied to the prescription."
IY["^"!($D(DUOUT))!($D(DTOUT))DW!!,"This Renewal has been designated as"_$S($G(PSOUFLAG)="YES":"",1:" NOT")_" being used for treatment of Vietnam-Era",!,"Herbicide (Agent Orange) exposure."D:$G(PSOSCP)<50MESSVDPAUSEQ
SDIR("A")="Was treatment related to Ionizing Radiation exposure"
SDIR("?")=" ",DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Yes' if this prescription is being used to treat a condition due to",DIR("?",2)="ionizing radiation exposure during military service. This response will be used"
SDIR("?",3)="to determine whether or not a copay should be applied to the prescription."
IY["^"!($D(DUOUT))!($D(DTOUT))DW!!,"This Renewal has been designated as"_$S($G(PSOUFLAG)="YES":"",1:" NOT")_" being used for treatment of ionizing",!,"radiation exposure."D:$G(PSOSCP)<50MESSMDPAUSEQ
SDIR("A")="Was treatment related to Environmental Contaminant exposure"
SDIR("?")=" ",DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Yes' if this prescription is being used to treat a condition due to",DIR("?",2)="environmental contaminant exposure during the Persian Gulf War. This response"
SDIR("?",3)="will be used to determine whether or not a copay should be applied to the",DIR("?",4)="prescription."
IY["^"!($D(DUOUT))!($D(DTOUT))DW!!,"This Renewal has been designated as"_$S($G(PSOUFLAG)="YES":"",1:" NOT")_" being used for treatment of",!,"environmental contaminant exposure during the Persian Gulf War."D:$G(PSOSCP)<50MESSDPAUSEQ
SDIR("A")="Was treatment related to Head and/or Neck Cancer"
SDIR("?")=" ",DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Yes' if this prescription is being used to treat Head and/or Neck Cancer",DIR("?",2)="due to nose or throat radium treatments while in the military. This response"
SDIR("?",3)="will be used to determine whether or not a copay should be applied to the",DIR("?",4)="prescription."
IY["^"!($D(DUOUT))!($D(DTOUT))DW!!,"This Renewal has been designated as"_$S($G(PSOUFLAG)="YES":"",1:" NOT")_" being used for treatment related to",!,"Head and/or Neck Cancer."D:$G(PSOSCP)<50MESSVDPAUSEQ