
3735 lines
209 KiB

FirstRelease WVEHR VER VOE1.0
Cache 31-Jan-2008 23:07:04 ZWR
^DIZ(8980,0)="KERMIT HOLDING^8980s^^"
^DIZ(437016,0)="PATCH RECORD^437016^10^10"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,1,0)="642^REMOVE OLD VIC PROMPTS^^^^^2137"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,2,0)="629^VIC CARD AND MAG READER^^^^^2139"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,4,0)="640^AUSTIN ERROR CODES PTF^^^^^2142"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,5,0)="618^Clean Up Pointers in PATIENT RELATION...^^^^^2185"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,6,0)="643^NON-VA CENSUS PTF RECORD^^^^^2187"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,7,0)="614^PTF EMPTY TRANSMISSIONS/RAI-MDS HL7 ...^^^^^2188"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,8,0)="620^Switch Name Standardization APIs^^^^^2189"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,9,0)="610^FIX MEANS TEST PRINTING ISSUE^561"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,10,0)="627^FIX HL7 MESSAGE BUILD FOR MULTIPLE ALIAS^562"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,11,0)="622^RACE AND ETHNICITY DATA CORRUPTION ...^563"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,12,0)="651^INSURANCE BUFFER CHECK^^^^^2229"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,13,0)="645^TRANSMIT 13 DX CODES FOR PTF^^^^^2275"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,14,0)="670^INSURANCE BUFFER CHECK^^^^^2276"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,15,0)="641^PATIENT LOOKUP FAILS^^^^^2277"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,16,0)="630^FIX FUTURE DATED LTC TEST LOOKUP^^^^^2294"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,17,0)="636^PTF CODING WHEN PATIENT STAY STRADDLES^^^^^2295"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,18,0)="665^ADD/IMPLEMENT NEW DATE/TIME LAST UPD...^^^^^0"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,19,0)="666^ISO SENSITIVE RECORDS ACCESS REPORT^^^^^0"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,20,0)="662^HL7/A08 MESSAGING FOR OUTPATIENTS^^^^^2435"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,21,0)="647^COLLATERAL PATIENT REGISTRATION^^^^^2439"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,22,0)="624^1010 EZ PHASE 3 ENHANCEMENTS^582^^^^2504"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,23,0)="677^EMERGENCY RESPONSE - HURRICANE KATRINA^585^^^^2915"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,24,0)="655^REMOVE INCOME TEST INCONSISTENCY MSGS^^^^^2974"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,25,0)="654^UPDATE POS DESCRIPTION^587^^^^0"
^DIZ(437016,1,1,26,0)="635^801 SCREEN TO PCE^^^^^2979"
^DIZ(437016,2,1,1,0)="279^PROVIDER ID MAINTENANCE CARE UNIT ...^^^^^0"
^DIZ(437016,2,1,2,0)="249^SCHEDULING ENCAPSULATION/API UPDATE^^^^^2199"
^DIZ(437016,2,1,3,0)="306^STOP CODE UPDATE^^^^^0"
^DIZ(437016,2,1,4,0)="307^CMAC 2005^^^^^2201"
^DIZ(437016,2,1,5,0)="301^CBO DATA EXTRACT UPDATE^^^^^2202"
^DIZ(437016,2,1,6,0)="296^ECLAIMS PLUS ITERATION I (FAST TRACK)^^^^^2204"
^DIZ(437016,2,1,7,0)="298^REASONABLE CHARGES 2.4 - CPT/HCPCS 2005^274"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,0)="43^VERSION 3.09 CHANGES^42"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,1,0)=" RETRIEVAL OF USER MANUAL"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,2,0)=" ========================"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,3,0)=" The preferred method is to FTP the file from DOWNLOAD.VISTA.MED.VA.GOV, which"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,4,0)=" will transmit the file from the first available server. Alternatively, site"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,5,0)=" may elect to retrieve the file from a specific OI Field Office. The"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,6,0)=" documentation can be read via the Adobe Acrobat Reader browser program. "
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,7,0)=" The .PDF file is a binary file and must be transferred using binary file "
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,8,0)=" transfer tools."
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,9,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,10,0)=" IO FIELD OFFICE FTP Address DIRECTORY"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,11,0)=" --------------- ----------------- -----------------"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,12,0)=" Hines FTP.FO-HINES.MED.VA.GOV [ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE]"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,13,0)=" Albany FTP.FO-ALBANY.MED.VA.GOV [ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE]"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,14,0)=" Salt Lake FTP.FO-SLC.MED.VA.GOV [ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE]"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,15,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,16,0)=" File Description"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,17,0)=" ------------------------------- ------------------------------"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,18,0)=" VSS_USER_MANUAL.PDF User Manual"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,19,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,20,0)=" Additional information and copies of this document is also available from the"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,21,0)=" Vista Documentation Library website. It is under the Financial-Administration"
^DIZ(437016,3,1,1,5,22,0)=" under Voluntary Service System. The address is"
^DIZ(437016,4,1,1,0)="45^MULTIPLE POSTING OF PARTIALS ...^40"
^DIZ(437016,4,1,3,0)="57^NURSE SHIFT LOG DOES NOT MATCH ...^45"
^DIZ(437016,4,1,5,0)="48^PROBLEMS WITH RETURNED TO STOCK ...^47"
^DIZ(437016,4,1,6,0)="53^VERIFY COUNT OPTION ERRORS IF 0 BAL^48"
^DIZ(437016,5,1,1,0)="77^CORRECT WRONG PATIENT NAME ENTERED ...^^^^^2453"
^DIZ(437016,5,1,2,0)="82^UPDATE TO AMIE GENITOURINARY EXAM ...^70^^^^0"
^DIZ(437016,6,1,1,0)="53^HINQ NOT DISPLAYING POA INFORMATION^^^^^2455"
^DIZ(437016,7,1,1,0)="143^DUZ Authentication^127"
^DIZ(437016,8,1,1,0)="66^10-10 EZ/EZR PHASE 3.0 FIXES^^^^^2508"
^DIZ(437016,8,1,2,0)="63^UPDATE EAS MT LETTERS^^^^^0"
^DIZ(437016,8,1,3,0)="64^FIX EAS MT APPT EXPIRATION RPT^^^^^2511"
^DIZ(437016,8,1,4,0)="57^1010 EZ PHASE 3 ENHANCEMENTS^55"
^DIZ(437016,9,1,1,0)="198^PMI INFO SENT IN NTE SEGMENT VIA OPAI^^^^^2734"
^DIZ(437016,9,1,2,0)="217^PSO Automated Refill Back Billing^^^^^0"
^DIZ(437016,9,1,3,0)="221^ERROR AFTER PATCH PSO*7.0*174^^^^^2736"
^DIZ(437016,9,1,5,0)="212^CONCURRENT PSO MONTHLY COST COMPILERS^^^^^2738"
^DIZ(437016,9,1,6,0)="211^REQUIRE DEA# OR VA# TO ORDER DRUGS^^^^^2739"
^DIZ(437016,9,1,8,0)="220^PSO VDEF MESSAGE ENHANCEMENT^^^^^2745"
^DIZ(437016,9,1,10,0)="218^ERROR: REFILL DELETE WHILE PENDING HL7^^^^^2747"
^DIZ(437016,10,1,1,0)="104^FIX ZMT SEGMENT BUILDER FOR LTC TESTS^^^^^2913"
^DIZ(437016,10,1,4,0)="108^IVM ADDRESS UPDATE LOG^^^^^2976"
^DIZ(437016.9,0)="AAQJ DOCUMENT^437016.9^16^14"
^DIZ(437016.9,1,0)="Help Info - Patch Record"
^DIZ(437016.9,1,1,1,0)="Sorry. Haven't entered the data in this yet."
^DIZ(437016.9,2,0)="Help Info - Simple Patch"
^DIZ(437016.9,2,1,1,0)="Sorry. Haven't entered the data in this yet."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,0)="Install Example - Local Patch"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,1,0)="EXAMPLE of a Simple Patch Local Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,2,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,3,0)="Apr 25, 1999 6:20:49 pm (UCI: VAH,ROU)"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,4,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,5,0)="Select Systems Manager Menu Option: PT Patch Main Menu"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,6,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,7,0)="Select Patch Main Menu Option: SImple Patch Main"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,8,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,9,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: SImple Patch Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,10,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,11,0)="Simple Patch/Package Installation - VAH - Apr 25, 1999@18:20:54"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,12,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,13,0)="NOTE: Do not use this option for installs which require Logins Inhibited."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,14,0)=" Instead, use AAQMENU from programmer mode with Simple Patch option."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,15,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,16,0)=" You can finish an install using the options under"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,17,0)=" the KIDS Installation Menu if it terminates abnormally,"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,18,0)=" or you want to interrupt the process to run other options."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,19,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,20,0)="(Press Return to skip automatic Patch Message lookup"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,21,0)=" and use Read a Message or Load a Distribution instead.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,22,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,23,0)="==> For automatic Patch Message lookup and Install/Check,"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,24,0)=" enter Patch Name in format Namespace*Version*Patch: PSOZ*7.0*14"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,25,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,26,0)="Looking for message with 'Released PSOZ*7*14' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,27,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,28,0)="Looking for message with 'EMERGENCY Released PSOZ*7*14' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,29,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,30,0)="Looking for message with 'PSOZ*7*14 TEST ' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,31,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,32,0)="Looking for message with 'LOCAL PSOZ*7*13' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,33,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,34,0)="Found Message: #4131251"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,35,0)=" Subject: LOCAL PSOZ*7*14 SEQ #0 Multiple Labels for Optifill"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,36,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,37,0)="Is this the correct message? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,40,0)="Current Version 7.0 agrees with this Patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,41,0)="OUTPATIENT PHARMACY Version 7.0 was installed Apr 23, 1999."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,42,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,43,0)="This patch was not found in the INSTALL file."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,44,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,45,0)="Checking the Patch Sequence Numbers for the correct order."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,46,0)=$C(27)_"[7mNOTE:"_$C(27)_"[m"_$C(7)_" This patch has SEQ #0. Sequence Numbers cannot be checked."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,47,0)="Patch PSOZ*7.0*14 may have a problem with sequence number order."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,48,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,49,0)="Looking for Associated patches."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,50,0)="No Associated patches found in Message."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,51,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,52,0)=$C(27)_"[7mDiscrepancies were Noted."_$C(27)_"[m"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,53,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,54,0)="Do you want to Continue with the Install? No// Y (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,55,0)="Line 12 Message #4131251 Unloading KIDS Distribution PSOZ*7.0*14"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,56,0)=" PSOZ*7.0*14"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,57,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,58,0)="Want to Continue with Load? YES// "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,59,0)="Loading Distribution..."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,60,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,61,0)=" PSOZ*7.0*14"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,62,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,63,0)="==> Pre-Install Checksums will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,64,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,65,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: PSOZ*7.0*14// Loaded from Distribution "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,66,0)=" 4/25/99@18:21:12"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,67,0)=" => LOCAL PSOZ*7*14 SEQ #0 Multiple Labels for Optifill"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,68,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,69,0)="Default 'NO' will list checksums for routines on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,70,0)="Do you want to also list Transport Global RSUM Values? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,71,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,72,0)="Pre-Install Values from Transport Global VAH Routines Apr 25, 1999@18:20"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,73,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,74,0)="Routine Checksum 2nd Line Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,75,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,76,0)="PSOLBLN 18869871 **16**"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,77,0)="PSOZMULC 2806 **L14**"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,78,0)="PSOZMULD is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,79,0)="PSOZMULI is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,80,0)="PSOZMULS is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,81,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,82,0)="==> KIDS Verify Checksums option will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,83,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,84,0)="PACKAGE: PSOZ*7.0*14 VAH Apr 25, 1999@18:21 PAGE 1"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,86,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,87,0)=" 5 Routine checked, 0 failed."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,88,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,89,0)="==> KIDS Backup will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,90,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,91,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: PSOZ*7.0*14// Loaded from Distribution "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,92,0)=" 4/25/99@18:21:12"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,93,0)=" => LOCAL PSOZ*7*14 SEQ #0 Multiple Labels for Optifill"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,94,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,95,0)="This Distribution was loaded on Apr 25, 1999@18:21:12 with header of "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,96,0)="LOCAL PSOZ*7*14 SEQ #0 Multiple Labels for Optifill"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,97,0)="It consisted of the following Install(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,99,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,100,0)="Loading Routines for PSOZ*7.0*14.."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,101,0)="Routine PSOZMULD is not on the disk.."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,102,0)="Routine PSOZMULI is not on the disk.."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,103,0)="Routine PSOZMULS is not on the disk...."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,104,0)="Backup message #4131253 created"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,105,0)="with Subject 'BEFORE PSOZ*7.0*14 from VAH'"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,106,0)="and sent to STOXEN,JAMES H and PATCHES,ALL D"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,107,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,108,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,109,0)="==> KIDS Install option will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,110,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,111,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: PSOZ*7.0*14// Loaded from Distribution "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,112,0)=" 4/25/99@18:21:12"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,113,0)=" => LOCAL PSOZ*7*14 SEQ #0 Multiple Labels for Optifill"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,114,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,115,0)="This Distribution was loaded on Apr 25, 1999@18:21:12 with header of "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,116,0)="LOCAL PSOZ*7*14 SEQ #0 Multiple Labels for Optifill"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,117,0)="It consisted of the following Install(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,119,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,120,0)=" PSOZ*7.0*14"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,121,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,122,0)="Install Questions for PSOZ*7.0*14"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,123,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,124,0)="Incoming Files:"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,125,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,126,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,127,0)=" 59 OUTPATIENT SITE (Partial Definition)"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,128,0)="Note: You already have the 'OUTPATIENT SITE' File."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,129,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,130,0)="Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,131,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,132,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,133,0)="Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,134,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,135,0)="Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,136,0)="You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,137,0)="Enter a '^' to abort the install."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,138,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,139,0)="DEVICE: HOME// 0;P-OTHER80 TERMINAL"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,140,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,141,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,142,0)=" Install Started for PSOZ*7.0*14 : "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,143,0)=" Apr 25, 1999@18:21:57"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,144,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,145,0)=" Installing Routines:......"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,146,0)=" Apr 25, 1999@18:21:58"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,147,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,148,0)=" Installing Data Dictionaries: .."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,149,0)=" Apr 25, 1999@18:21:58"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,150,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,151,0)=" Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS: "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,152,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,153,0)=" Installing OPTION.."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,154,0)=" Apr 25, 1999@18:21:58"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,155,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,156,0)=" Updating Routine file......"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,157,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,158,0)=" Updating KIDS files....."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,159,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,160,0)=" PSOZ*7.0*14 Installed. "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,161,0)=" Apr 25, 1999@18:21:58"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,162,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,163,0)="==> Post-Install Checksums will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,164,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,165,0)="Default 'NO' will list checksums for routines on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,166,0)="Do you want to also list Build File RSUM Values? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,167,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,168,0)="Post-Install Values from Build File VAH Routines Apr 25, 1999@18:22"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,169,0)="NOTE: Old and new values will be the same if XTRMON has run"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,170,0)=" after this KIDS Build was installed."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,171,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,172,0)=" Checksum"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,173,0)="Routine Old New 2nd Line Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,174,0)="PSOLBLN 18869871 23530730 **16,L05,L14,L16**"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,175,0)="PSOZMULC 2806 4569365 **L14**"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,176,0)="PSOZMULD 510382 **L14**"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,177,0)="PSOZMULI 11255038 **L14**"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,178,0)="PSOZMULS 1464658 **L14**"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,179,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,180,0)="==> REMINDER: Check the Patch Description for Post-Install procedures."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,181,0)="Simple Patch Installation Finished - VAH - Apr 25, 1999@18:22:01"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,182,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,183,0)="Updating the Patch Record now."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,184,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,185,0)="UCI Install information for TST is missing."_$C(7)
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,186,0)="Use Enter/Edit Patch option to update UCI data, as needed."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,187,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,188,0)="Looking for Subject in MailMan Message #4131251"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,189,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,190,0)="Subject found in Message is: Multiple Labels for Optifill"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,191,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,192,0)="Do you want to use the MailMan Message Subject as is? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,193,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,194,0)="Press RETURN to Continue:"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,195,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,196,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,197,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,198,0)="Select Patch Main Menu Option: INquire for Single Patch"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,199,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,200,0)="Use a leading zero for Patch Numbers less than 10."
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,201,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,202,0)="Select PATCH RECORD PKG/VERS: PSO*7.0"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,203,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,204,0)="Select PATCH: L14 Multiple Labels for Optifill"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,205,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,206,0)="DEVICE: TERMINAL Right Margin: 80// "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,207,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,208,0)=" PATCH INQUIRE - VAH Apr 25, 1999@18:23"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,209,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,210,0)=" METHOD "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,211,0)=" MESSAGE# BACKUP# SUBJECT"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,214,0)=" PKG/VERS: PSO*7.0"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,215,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,216,0)=" L14 0 PackMan/KIDS Multiple Labels for Optifill"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,217,0)=" 4131251 4131253 VAH APR 25,1999 18:22 JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,218,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,219,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,220,0)=" Install: PSOZ*7.0*14 Install Completed by STOXEN,JAMES H"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,221,0)=" Start Time: 04/25/99 6:21:57 pm"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,222,0)=" Stop Time: 04/25/99 6:21:58 pm"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,223,0)=" Comment: LOCAL PSOZ*7*14 SEQ #0 Multiple Labels for Opti"
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,224,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,4,1,225,0)="Select PATCH RECORD PKG/VERS: "
^DIZ(437016.9,5,0)="Template for Documentation"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,1,0)=" Pkg*Ver*No:"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,2,0)=" Subject:"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,3,0)=" Description:"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,4,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,5,0)=" Summary of Number of Component Changes"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,6,0)=" Component detail should be in Build Notes"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,7,0)=" NOTE: Templates may be identified with alpha prefix"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,8,0)=" Examples: 1I = 1 Input 1S,2P = 1 Sort and 2 Print"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,9,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,10,0)=" Class I Class III Optional Comments"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,11,0)=" Routines:"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,12,0)=" Menu Options:"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,13,0)=" Templates:"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,14,0)=" File/Fields:"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,15,0)=" Mail Groups:"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,16,0)=" Security Keys:"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,17,0)="Other (Specify):"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,18,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,19,0)=" Received from: "
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,20,0)=" Created/Revised by: "
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,21,0)=" Date of VAH install:"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,22,0)=" Date(s)of reinstall:"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,23,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,24,0)=" Justification:"
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,25,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,5,1,26,0)=" Additional Info: "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,0)="Template for Build Notes"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,2,0)=" Run Date: MON DA, YEAR Designation: PKGZ*VER*NUM"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,3,0)=" Package : {PACKAGE NAME} Priority: N/A"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,4,0)=" Version : X.X SEQ #0 Status: RELEASED"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,5,0)=" ========================================================================="
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,6,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,7,0)=" Associated patches: (v)PKG*VER*NUM <<= must be installed BEFORE`PKG*V*N'"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,8,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,9,0)=" Subject:"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,10,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,11,0)=" Category: "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,12,0)=" - Routine"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,13,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,14,0)=" Description:"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,15,0)=" ==========="
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,16,0)=" This message contains the KIDS Build file for local patch PKG*VER*LNN."
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,17,0)=" This Class III modification ...."
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,18,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,19,0)=" Routine Information: "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,20,0)=" ===================="
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,21,0)=" The following routines have second lines that look like: "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,22,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,23,0)=" <TAB>;;N.N;PACKAGE NAME;**[PATCH LIST]**;MONTH YEAR"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,24,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,25,0)=" Checksum Checksum"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,26,0)=" Routines Before Patch After Patch Patch List "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,27,0)=" ======== ============ =========== =========="
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,28,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,29,0)=" Options and Templates: (or other components, as needed)"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,30,0)=" ======================"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,31,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,32,0)=" Installation Instructions:"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,33,0)=" =========================="
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,34,0)=" This patch {can be} {should not be} loaded and run with"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,35,0)=" {Package/Service} users on the system. "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,36,0)=" Installation should take less than NN minute(s)."
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,37,0)=" There are no other scheduling restrictions or recommendations."
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,38,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,39,0)=" This patch is distributed in KIDS format in a Packman message. "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,40,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,41,0)=" NOTE: This message includes the routine CLASSI as of PKG*VER*NNN"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,42,0)=" with the local code added. If the CLASSI routine on your"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,43,0)=" system has newer patches or local code, you will need to"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,44,0)=" reload CLASSI from the Backup message and manually apply"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,45,0)=" the changes listed below under Routine Edit Information."
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,46,0)=" The best way to determine if CLASSI can simply be loaded"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,47,0)=" or must be reloaded from Backup and edited is to check"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,48,0)=" the Before Patch Checksum value. If the value from the"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,49,0)=" routine on your system matches the Before value, CLASSI"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,50,0)=" is safe to load as is and no edit will be needed."
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,51,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,52,0)=" Use Simple Patch or:"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,53,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,54,0)=" 1. Use the ""INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE"" option on the Packman menu to"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,55,0)=" load the KIDS distribution in this message onto your system."
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,56,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,57,0)=" 2. If using Routine Mapping, review your mapped set. If any routines"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,58,0)=" being installed are mapped, they should be removed from the mapped "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,59,0)=" set at this time."
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,60,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,61,0)=" 3. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System menu, "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,62,0)=" select the Installation menu."
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,63,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,64,0)=" 4. From this menu, you may select the following options:"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,65,0)=" (when prompted for INSTALL NAME, enter PKGZ*N.N*NN)"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,66,0)=" a. Verify Checksums in Transport Global - this option will ensure"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,67,0)=" the integrity of the routines that are in the transport global."
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,68,0)=" b. Backup a Transport Global - this option will create a backup"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,69,0)=" message of any routines exported with the patch. It will NOT"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,70,0)=" backup any other changes such as DDs or templates."
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,71,0)=" c. (Optional) Compare Transport Global to Current System - this option"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,72,0)=" will allow you to view all changes that will be made when the patch"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,73,0)=" is installed. It compares all components of the patch (routines,"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,74,0)=" DDs, templates, etc.)."
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,75,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,76,0)=" 5. Use the Install Package(s) option and select the package PKGZ*N.N*NN"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,77,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,78,0)=" 6. When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,79,0)=" Protocols? YES//' respond NO."
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,80,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,81,0)=" 7. When prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,82,0)=" Install? YES//' respond according to site policy. Generally, this"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,83,0)=" can be answered with NO if a rebuild is scheduled to run every night."
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,84,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,85,0)=" 8. If any routines were unmapped as part of step 2, they should be"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,86,0)=" returned to the mapped set once the installation has run to"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,87,0)=" completion."
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,88,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,89,0)=" Routine Edit Infomation:"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,90,0)=" ========================"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,91,0)=" The only changes to the routine are the addition of LNN to the"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,92,0)=" second line and the new line D ^CLASSIII ;LNN which appears as"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,93,0)=" line 31 {change number} in this example."
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,94,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,95,0)=" {Paste from P-MESSAGE Copy of Routine Listing}"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,96,0)=" CLASSI * * 62 LINES, 4228 BYTES, RSUM: 14760470/22829907 Page 1"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,97,0)=" UCI: TST,ROU Site: TEST.FARGO.VA.GOV FEB 18,1999@14:36"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,98,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,99,0)=" 1 CLASSI ;LOC/INI - SOME UTILITY ; 4/29/93 10:55"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,100,0)=" 2 ;;N.N;SOME PACKAGE;**30,44,NNN,LNN**;MONTH YEAR"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,101,0)=" {Lines cut from example here.}"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,102,0)=" 29 CODE FROM LINE 29"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,103,0)=" 30 CODE FROM LINE 30"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,104,0)=" 31 D ^CLASSIII ;LNN"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,105,0)=" 32 CODE FROM LINE 32"
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,106,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,108,0)=" User Information: "
^DIZ(437016.9,6,1,109,0)=" Entered By : LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME Date Entered : MON NN, YEAR"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,0)="Install Example - XM*DBA Patch"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,1,0)="The following example shows how the ""Simple Patch Pre-Install Check"""
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,2,0)="option can be used to update XM*DBA entries in the Patch Record (#437016)."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,3,0)="All of the data shown by the Inquire option was automatically entered"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,4,0)="by Simple Patch after entering the Patch Name. This example also shows"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,5,0)="the automatic message lookup feature available with the Inquire option."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,6,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,8,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: PRE-Install Check (Only)"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,9,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,10,0)="Simple Patch Pre-Install Check - VAH - May 08, 2000@23:29:56"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,11,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,12,0)="(Press Return to skip automatic Patch Message lookup"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,13,0)=" and use Read a Message or Load a Distribution instead.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,14,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,15,0)="==> For automatic Patch Message lookup and Install/Check,"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,16,0)=" enter Patch Name in format Namespace*Version*Patch: XM*DBA*137 "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,17,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,18,0)="This message refers to a DBA patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,19,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,20,0)="For Patch Record Updating: METHOD will be FileMan."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,21,0)="BACKUP# will be 0, and UCI DATE/TIME will be NOW."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,22,0)="If default values are incorrect, make changes using Enter/Edit Patch Record."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,23,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,24,0)="Looking for message with 'Released XM*DBA*137' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,25,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,26,0)="Found Message: #5372850"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,27,0)=" Subject: Released XM*DBA*137 SEQ #134"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,28,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,29,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,30,0)="Forwarding message #5372850 to STOXEN,JAMES H@TEST.FARGO.VA.GOV"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,31,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,32,0)="Forwarding message #5372850 to PATCHES,ALL D."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,33,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,34,0)="Doing Partial Update of the Patch Record now."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,35,0)="Updating the Patch Record now."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,36,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,37,0)="Looking for Subject in MailMan Message #5372850"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,38,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,39,0)="Subject found in Message is: Close Legacy Domains"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,40,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,41,0)="Do you want to use the MailMan Message Subject as is? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,42,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,44,0)="Select Patch Main Menu Option: INquire for Patch/Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,45,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,46,0)="Use a leading zero for Patch Numbers less than 10."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,47,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,48,0)="Select PATCH RECORD PKG/VERS: XM*DBA"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,49,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,50,0)="Select PATCH: 137 Close Legacy Domains"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,51,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,52,0)="DEVICE: TELNET Right Margin: 80// "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,53,0)=" PATCH INQUIRE - VAH May 08, 2000@23:30"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,54,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,55,0)=" METHOD "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,56,0)=" MESSAGE# BACKUP# SUBJECT"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,58,0)=" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,59,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,60,0)=" 137 134 FileMan Close Legacy Domains"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,61,0)=" 5372850 0 VAH MAY 8,2000 23:30 JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,62,0)=" TST MAY 8,2000 23:30 JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,63,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,64,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,65,0)=" Patch Number not found in the INSTALL File (#9.7)."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,66,0)="There are no Documentation, Build, or Compare entries for this patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,67,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,68,0)="Do you want to see the Patch MailMan Text? No// Y (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,69,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,71,0)="{MailMan Message}"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,72,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,73,0)="Subject: Released XM*DBA*137 SEQ #134"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,74,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,75,0)="DEVICE: HOME// TELNET"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,76,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,77,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,79,0)="Run Date: MAY 02, 2000 Designation: XM*999*137"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,80,0)="Package : XM - MAILMAN Priority: Mandatory"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,81,0)="Version : 999 SEQ #134 Status: Released"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,83,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,84,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,85,0)="Subject: Close Legacy Domains"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,86,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,87,0)="Category: "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,88,0)=" - Database"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,89,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,90,0)="Description: "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,92,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,93,0)=" This patch lists legacy sites and the procedure to be used to close their"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,94,0)=" domains in the DOMAIN file 4.2."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,95,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,96,0)=" This patch is for Medical Centers, FORUM, and the CIOFO's only."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,97,0)=" Database sites such as Austin, HEC, FMS etc. should disregard this patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,98,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,99,0)="Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,100,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,102,0)=" If you have the slightest doubt as to whether this patch applies to your"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,103,0)=" site, please contact Willie Wilson, (205) 554-3478."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,104,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,105,0)=" Background:"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,106,0)=" When two or more VA Medical Center facilities integrate their databases,"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,107,0)=" the legacy facilities become DIVISIONS of the primary facility. The ""new"""
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,108,0)=" facility's station number is the primary facility's ""old"" station number."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,109,0)=" New station numbers are NOT assigned/issued. Because of the integration,"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,110,0)=" the legacy facilities no longer receive mail or PDX transmissions from"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,111,0)=" other facilities. All transmissions are received on the primary facility. "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,112,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,113,0)=" General:"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,114,0)=" This patch lists legacy sites and the procedure to be used to close their"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,115,0)=" domains in the DOMAIN file 4.2."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,116,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,117,0)=" Once these domains have been closed, any mail messages or PDX requests "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,118,0)=" must be sent to the primary facility."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,119,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,120,0)=" Effective date for the domain closure: 8 MAY 2000"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,121,0)=" POC for the domain closure: Willie Wilson, (205) 554-3478."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,122,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,123,0)=" Instructions:"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,124,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,125,0)="Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,126,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,128,0)=" Use VA FileMan to close the legacy domains:"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,129,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,130,0)=" VA FileMan 22.0"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,131,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,132,0)=" Select OPTION: ENTER OR EDIT FILE ENTRIES "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,133,0)=" ====="
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,134,0)=" INPUT TO WHAT FILE: DOMAIN// <press enter>"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,135,0)=" ============="
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,136,0)=" EDIT WHICH FIELD: ALL// FLAGS"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,137,0)=" ====="
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,138,0)=" THEN EDIT FIELD: <press enter>"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,139,0)=" ============="
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,140,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,141,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,142,0)=" Select DOMAIN NAME: BROCKTON.VA.GOV"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,143,0)=" ======="
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,144,0)=" FLAGS: S// ?"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,145,0)=" ==="
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,147,0)=" FLAGS: S// C"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,148,0)=" ="
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,149,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,150,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,151,0)="Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,152,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,154,0)=" If you are an integrated station, the primary facility should not close"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,155,0)=" the domains of its legacy facilities. The left column shows the domain to"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,156,0)=" close. If your site's domain is the primary domain (shown in the right"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,157,0)=" column) for that legacy domain, do not close the legacy domain."
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,158,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,159,0)=" Using the example, close the following Legacy domains:"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,160,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,161,0)=" Close Legacy Domain Primary Domain (should not close Legacy)"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,162,0)=" ------------------- ----------------------------------------"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,163,0)=" BROCKTON.VA.GOV BOSTON.VA.GOV"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,164,0)=" BROOKLYN.VA.GOV NEW-YORK.VA.GOV"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,166,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,167,0)="Routine Information:"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,169,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,171,0)="User Information: "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,172,0)="Entered By : BEUSCHEL,GARY Date Entered : APR 26, 2000"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,173,0)="Completed By: MURPHY,MINAO J. Date Completed: MAY 01, 2000"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,174,0)="Released By : MROWCZYNSKI,EDWARD Date Released : MAY 02, 2000"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,176,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,177,0)="Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,178,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,180,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,181,0)="Packman Mail Message:"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,183,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,184,0)="No routines included"
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,185,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,7,1,186,0)="Select Patch Main Menu Option: "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,0)="Install Example - PackMan KIDS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,2,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: PRE-Install Check (Only)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,3,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,4,0)="Simple Patch Pre-Install Check - VAH - May 19, 2000@06:57:11"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,5,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,6,0)="(Press Return to skip automatic Patch Message lookup"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,7,0)=" and use Read a Message or Load a Distribution instead.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,8,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,9,0)="==> For automatic Patch Message lookup and Install/Check,"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,10,0)=" enter Patch Name in format Namespace*Version*Patch: XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,11,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,12,0)="Looking for message with 'Released XU*8*134' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,13,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,14,0)="Found Message: #5277818"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,15,0)=" Subject: Released XU*8*134 SEQ #128"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,16,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,17,0)="Checking if Patch is for Current Version of Package."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,18,0)="Current Version 8.0 agrees with this Patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,19,0)="KERNEL Version 8.0 was installed Oct 15, 1995."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,20,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,21,0)="There is No Record in the INSTALL File"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,22,0)="of this Patch being previously installed."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,23,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,24,0)=" Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,25,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,26,0)="Checking the Patch Sequence Numbers for the correct order."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,27,0)="Patch #106 with SEQ #127 has the highest Sequence Number."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,28,0)="Patch #134 with SEQ #128 is being compared for pre-install."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,29,0)="Patch XU*8.0*134 is OK for the sequence number order."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,30,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,31,0)="Looking for Associated patches."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,32,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,33,0)="A4A7*1.01*11 SEQ #11 3/6/16/20 KILLER PATCH"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,34,0)=" Installed in TST on Jul 05, 1999 by DLG"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,35,0)=" Installed in VAH on Jul 20, 1999 by DLG"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,36,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,37,0)="DI*22*1 SEQ #1 Post Verification Fixes"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,38,0)=" Installed in TST on Sep 03, 1999@03:47:19 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,39,0)=" Installed in VAH on Sep 12, 1999@23:05:20 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,40,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,41,0)="DI*22*4 SEQ #9 Misc. DIC Fixes"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,42,0)=" Installed in TST on Dec 04, 1999@03:47:11 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,43,0)=" Installed in VAH on Dec 04, 1999@04:04:12 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,44,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,45,0)="DI*22*12 SEQ #3 NEW API TO DELETE A CROSS-REFERENCE"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,46,0)=" Installed in TST on Oct 14, 1999@21:29:09 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,47,0)=" Installed in VAH on Oct 14, 1999@21:32:12 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,48,0)=" Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,49,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,50,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,51,0)="DI*22*16 SEQ #6 ALLOCATION ERRORS IN LOOKUP (DIC) CALL"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,52,0)=" Installed in TST on Oct 14, 1999@23:26:01 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,53,0)=" Installed in VAH on Oct 14, 1999@23:45:47 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,54,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,55,0)="DI*22*17 SEQ #11 MISCELLANEOUS BUG FIXES IN DIC LOOKUP"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,56,0)=" Installed in TST on Dec 09, 1999@06:48:21 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,57,0)=" Installed in VAH on Dec 09, 1999@06:54:36 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,58,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,59,0)="XU*8*135 SEQ #120 NEW RAI/MDS FILE and TRIGGERS IN #200"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,60,0)=" Installed in TST on Feb 25, 2000@04:23:48 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,61,0)=" Installed in VAH on Feb 25, 2000@04:28:29 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,62,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,63,0)="DI*22*20 SEQ #18 VP SCREENS, LONG .01, DIC(P)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,64,0)=" Installed in TST on Feb 04, 2000@05:36:01 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,65,0)=" Installed in VAH on Feb 04, 2000@05:59:09 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,66,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,67,0)="DI*22*21 SEQ #12 EDITING SCREENED LAYGO POINTERS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,68,0)=" Installed in TST on Dec 09, 1999@06:49:10 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,69,0)=" Installed in VAH on Dec 09, 1999@06:55:04 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,70,0)=" Press RETURN to Continue: XU*8.0*134 PRE"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,71,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,72,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,73,0)="XU*8*137 SEQ #123 KIDs fixes for FM & HL7, MM X-ref, State"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,74,0)=" Installed in TST on Feb 25, 2000@07:46:55 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,75,0)=" Installed in VAH on Feb 25, 2000@07:49:50 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,76,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,77,0)="DI*22*29 SEQ #19 UNDEF ON LOOKUP TO 200, USER ENTERS SPAC"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,78,0)=" Installed in TST on Mar 06, 2000@04:08:31 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,79,0)=" Installed in VAH on Mar 06, 2000@04:28:44 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,80,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,81,0)="Forwarding message #5277818 to STOXEN,JAMES H@TEST.FARGO.VA.GOV"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,82,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,83,0)=" Press RETURN to Continue:"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,84,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,85,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,86,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,88,0)="Simple Patch/Package Installation - TST - May 19, 2000@07:00:21"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,89,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,90,0)="NOTE: Do not use this option for installs which require Logins Inhibited."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,91,0)=" Instead, use AAQMENU from programmer mode with Simple Patch option."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,92,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,93,0)=" You can finish an install using the options under"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,94,0)=" the KIDS Installation Menu if it terminates abnormally,"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,95,0)=" or you want to interrupt the process to run other options."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,96,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,97,0)="(Press Return to skip automatic Patch Message lookup"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,98,0)=" and use Read a Message or Load a Distribution instead.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,99,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,100,0)="==> For automatic Patch Message lookup and Install/Check,"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,101,0)=" enter Patch Name in format Namespace*Version*Patch: XU*8*134 "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,102,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,103,0)="Version number must include a whole number and at least one decimal position."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,104,0)="Non-significant zeros in the Patch Name will be ignored for message lookup."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,105,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,106,0)="(Press Return to skip automatic Patch Message lookup"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,107,0)=" and use Read a Message or Load a Distribution instead.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,108,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,109,0)="==> For automatic Patch Message lookup and Install/Check,"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,110,0)=" enter Patch Name in format Namespace*Version*Patch: XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,111,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,112,0)="Looking for message with 'Released XU*8*134' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,113,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,114,0)="Found Message: #5027655"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,115,0)=" Subject: Released XU*8*134 SEQ #128"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,116,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,117,0)="Checking if Patch is for Current Version of Package."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,118,0)="Current Version 8.0 agrees with this Patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,119,0)="KERNEL Version 8.0 was installed Oct 15, 1995."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,120,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,121,0)="There is No Record in the INSTALL File"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,122,0)="of this Patch being previously installed."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,123,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,124,0)=" Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,125,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,126,0)="The Pre-Install Checks for Sequence Number and Associated Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,127,0)="can only be done with the Patch Record in the VAH account."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,128,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,129,0)="Do you want to Continue with the Install? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,130,0)="Line 849 Message #5027655 Unloading KIDS Distribution XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,131,0)=" XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,132,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,133,0)="Want to Continue with Load? YES// "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,134,0)="Loading Distribution..."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,135,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,136,0)=" XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,137,0)="Will first run the Environment Check Routine, XLFNENV"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,138,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,139,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,140,0)="==> Pre-Install Checksums will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,141,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,142,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: XU*8.0*134// Loaded from Distribution"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,143,0)=" 5/19/00@07:00:40"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,144,0)=" => Released XU*8*134 SEQ #128"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,145,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,146,0)="Default 'NO' will list checksums for routines on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,147,0)="Do you want to also list Transport Global RSUM Values? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,148,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,149,0)="Pre-Install Values from Transport Global TST Routines May 19, 2000@07:01:43"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,150,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,151,0)="Routine Checksum 2nd Line Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,152,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,153,0)="XLFNAME is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,154,0)="XLFNAME1 is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,155,0)="XLFNAME2 is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,156,0)="XLFNAME3 is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,157,0)="XLFNAME4 is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,158,0)="XLFNAME5 is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,159,0)="XLFNAME6 is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,160,0)="XUSERNEW 6995154 **16,49**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,161,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,162,0)="==> KIDS Verify Checksums option will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,163,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,164,0)="PACKAGE: XU*8.0*134 TST May 19, 2000@07:01 PAGE 1"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,166,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,167,0)=" 9 Routine checked, 0 failed."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,168,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,169,0)="==> KIDS Backup will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,170,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,171,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: XU*8.0*134// Loaded from Distribution"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,172,0)=" 5/19/00@07:00:40"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,173,0)=" => Released XU*8*134 SEQ #128"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,174,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,175,0)="This Distribution was loaded on May 19, 2000@07:00:40 with header of "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,176,0)=" Released XU*8*134 SEQ #128"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,177,0)=" It consisted of the following Install(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,178,0)=" XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,179,0)="Loading Routines for XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,180,0)="Routine XLFNAME is not on the disk.."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,181,0)="Routine XLFNAME1 is not on the disk.."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,182,0)="Routine XLFNAME2 is not on the disk.."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,183,0)="Routine XLFNAME3 is not on the disk.."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,184,0)="Routine XLFNAME4 is not on the disk.."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,185,0)="Routine XLFNAME5 is not on the disk.."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,186,0)="Routine XLFNAME6 is not on the disk...."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,187,0)="Backup message #5029723 created"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,188,0)="with Subject 'BEFORE XU*8.0*134 from TST'"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,189,0)="and sent to STOXEN,JAMES H and PATCHES,ALL D"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,190,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,191,0)="==> KIDS Install option will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,192,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,193,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: XU*8.0*134// Loaded from Distribution"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,194,0)=" 5/19/00@07:00:40"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,195,0)=" => Released XU*8*134 SEQ #128"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,196,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,197,0)="This Distribution was loaded on May 19, 2000@07:00:40 with header of "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,198,0)=" Released XU*8*134 SEQ #128"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,199,0)=" It consisted of the following Install(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,200,0)=" XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,201,0)="Checking Install for Package XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,202,0)="Will first run the Environment Check Routine, XLFNENV"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,203,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,204,0)="Install Questions for XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,205,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,206,0)="Incoming Files:"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,207,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,208,0)=" 20 NAME COMPONENTS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,209,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,210,0)=" 200 NEW PERSON (Partial Definition)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,211,0)="Note: You already have the 'NEW PERSON' File."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,212,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,213,0)="Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,214,0)="Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,215,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,216,0)="Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,217,0)="You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,218,0)="Enter a '^' to abort the install."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,219,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,220,0)="DEVICE: HOME// TELNET"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,221,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,222,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,223,0)=" Install Started for XU*8.0*134 : "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,224,0)=" May 19, 2000@07:02:08"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,225,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,226,0)="Build Distribution Date: Mar 23, 2000"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,227,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,228,0)=" Installing Routines:.........."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,229,0)=" May 19, 2000@07:02:08"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,230,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,231,0)=" Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^XLFNAME."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,232,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,233,0)="The 'AF' cross-reference on file #200, field #.01 was deleted."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,234,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,235,0)=" Installing Data Dictionaries: ...."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,236,0)=" May 19, 2000@07:02:10"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,237,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,238,0)=" Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS: "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,239,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,240,0)=" Installing FUNCTION.."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,241,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,242,0)=" Installing INPUT TEMPLATE...."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,243,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,244,0)=" Installing FORM...."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,245,0)=" May 19, 2000@07:02:11"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,246,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,247,0)=" Running Post-Install Routine: POST^XLFNAME."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,248,0)=" Converting New Person Names................................."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,249,0)=" DONE!"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,250,0)=" Number of records processed: 6109"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,251,0)=" Entry number last processed: 6246"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,252,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,253,0)=" Updating Routine file......"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,254,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,255,0)=" Updating KIDS files......."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,256,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,257,0)=" XU*8.0*134 Installed. "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,258,0)=" May 19, 2000@07:13:47"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,259,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,260,0)=" INSTALLATION Message #5030559 sent to defined Mail Group and/or S.AAQJSERV."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,261,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,262,0)=" Install Message sent #5030560"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,263,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,264,0)="==> Post-Install Checksums will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,265,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,266,0)="Default 'NO' will list checksums for routines on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,267,0)="Do you want to also list Build File RSUM Values? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,268,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,269,0)="Post-Install Values from Build File TST Routines May 19, 2000@07:14"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,270,0)="NOTE: Old and New values will be the same after XTRMON has run."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,271,0)=" The Old value may look incorrect if a routine is patched more"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,272,0)=" than once in a day. See On-Line Documentation for more info."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,273,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,274,0)=" Checksum"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,275,0)="Routine Old New 2nd Line Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,276,0)="XLFNAME 7311068 **134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,277,0)="XLFNAME1 8772051 **134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,278,0)="XLFNAME2 3037800 **134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,279,0)="XLFNAME3 7553802 **134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,280,0)="XLFNAME4 14920261 **134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,281,0)="XLFNAME5 14281977 **134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,282,0)="XLFNAME6 510953 **134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,283,0)="XLFNENV 1143844 **134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,284,0)="XUSERNEW 6995154 7347033 **16,49,134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,285,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,286,0)="==> REMINDER: Check the Patch Description for Post-Install procedures."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,287,0)="Simple Patch Installation Finished - TST - May 19, 2000@07:14:47"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,288,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,289,0)="Forwarding message #5027655 to PATCHES,ALL D."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,290,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,291,0)="Press RETURN to Continue:"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,292,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,293,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: TIME"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,294,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,295,0)="May 19, 2000 7:16:03 am (UCI: TST,ROU)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,296,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,298,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: SImple Patch Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,299,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,300,0)="Simple Patch/Package Installation - VAH - May 19, 2000@07:26:57"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,301,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,302,0)="NOTE: Do not use this option for installs which require Logins Inhibited."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,303,0)=" Instead, use AAQMENU from programmer mode with Simple Patch option."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,304,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,305,0)=" You can finish an install using the options under"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,306,0)=" the KIDS Installation Menu if it terminates abnormally,"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,307,0)=" or you want to interrupt the process to run other options."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,308,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,309,0)="(Press Return to skip automatic Patch Message lookup"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,310,0)=" and use Read a Message or Load a Distribution instead.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,311,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,312,0)="==> For automatic Patch Message lookup and Install/Check,"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,313,0)=" enter Patch Name in format Namespace*Version*Patch: XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,314,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,315,0)="Looking for message with 'Released XU*8*134' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,316,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,317,0)="Found Message: #5277818"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,318,0)=" Subject: Released XU*8*134 SEQ #128"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,319,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,320,0)="Checking if Patch is for Current Version of Package."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,321,0)="Current Version 8.0 agrees with this Patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,322,0)="KERNEL Version 8.0 was installed Oct 15, 1995."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,323,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,324,0)="There is No Record in the INSTALL File"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,325,0)="of this Patch being previously installed."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,326,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,327,0)=" Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,328,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,329,0)="Checking the Patch Sequence Numbers for the correct order."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,330,0)="Patch #106 with SEQ #127 has the highest Sequence Number."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,331,0)="Patch #134 with SEQ #128 is being compared for pre-install."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,332,0)="Patch XU*8.0*134 is OK for the sequence number order."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,333,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,334,0)="Looking for Associated patches."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,335,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,336,0)="A4A7*1.01*11 SEQ #11 3/6/16/20 KILLER PATCH"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,337,0)=" Installed in TST on Jul 05, 1999 by DLG"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,338,0)=" Installed in VAH on Jul 20, 1999 by DLG"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,339,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,340,0)="DI*22*1 SEQ #1 Post Verification Fixes"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,341,0)=" Installed in TST on Sep 03, 1999@03:47:19 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,342,0)=" Installed in VAH on Sep 12, 1999@23:05:20 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,343,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,344,0)="DI*22*4 SEQ #9 Misc. DIC Fixes"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,345,0)=" Installed in TST on Dec 04, 1999@03:47:11 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,346,0)=" Installed in VAH on Dec 04, 1999@04:04:12 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,347,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,348,0)="DI*22*12 SEQ #3 NEW API TO DELETE A CROSS-REFERENCE"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,349,0)=" Installed in TST on Oct 14, 1999@21:29:09 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,350,0)=" Installed in VAH on Oct 14, 1999@21:32:12 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,351,0)=" Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,352,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,353,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,354,0)="DI*22*16 SEQ #6 ALLOCATION ERRORS IN LOOKUP (DIC) CALL"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,355,0)=" Installed in TST on Oct 14, 1999@23:26:01 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,356,0)=" Installed in VAH on Oct 14, 1999@23:45:47 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,357,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,358,0)="DI*22*17 SEQ #11 MISCELLANEOUS BUG FIXES IN DIC LOOKUP"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,359,0)=" Installed in TST on Dec 09, 1999@06:48:21 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,360,0)=" Installed in VAH on Dec 09, 1999@06:54:36 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,361,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,362,0)="XU*8*135 SEQ #120 NEW RAI/MDS FILE and TRIGGERS IN #200"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,363,0)=" Installed in TST on Feb 25, 2000@04:23:48 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,364,0)=" Installed in VAH on Feb 25, 2000@04:28:29 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,365,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,366,0)="DI*22*20 SEQ #18 VP SCREENS, LONG .01, DIC(P)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,367,0)=" Installed in TST on Feb 04, 2000@05:36:01 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,368,0)=" Installed in VAH on Feb 04, 2000@05:59:09 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,369,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,370,0)="DI*22*21 SEQ #12 EDITING SCREENED LAYGO POINTERS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,371,0)=" Installed in TST on Dec 09, 1999@06:49:10 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,372,0)=" Installed in VAH on Dec 09, 1999@06:55:04 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,373,0)=" Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,374,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,375,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,376,0)="XU*8*137 SEQ #123 KIDs fixes for FM & HL7, MM X-ref, State"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,377,0)=" Installed in TST on Feb 25, 2000@07:46:55 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,378,0)=" Installed in VAH on Feb 25, 2000@07:49:50 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,379,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,380,0)="DI*22*29 SEQ #19 UNDEF ON LOOKUP TO 200, USER ENTERS SPAC"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,381,0)=" Installed in TST on Mar 06, 2000@04:08:31 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,382,0)=" Installed in VAH on Mar 06, 2000@04:28:44 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,383,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,384,0)="Forwarding message #5277818 to STOXEN,JAMES H@TEST.FARGO.VA.GOV"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,385,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,386,0)="Do you want to Continue with the Install? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,387,0)="Line 849 Message #5277818 Unloading KIDS Distribution XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,388,0)=" XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,389,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,390,0)="Want to Continue with Load? YES// "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,391,0)="Loading Distribution..."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,392,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,393,0)=" XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,394,0)="Will first run the Environment Check Routine, XLFNENV"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,395,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,396,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,397,0)="==> Pre-Install Checksums will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,398,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,399,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: XU*8.0*134// Loaded from Distribution"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,400,0)=" 5/19/00@07:27:37"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,401,0)=" => Released XU*8*134 SEQ #128"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,402,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,403,0)="Default 'NO' will list checksums for routines on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,404,0)="Do you want to also list Transport Global RSUM Values? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,405,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,406,0)="Pre-Install Values from Transport Global VAH Routines May 19, 2000@07:27:44"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,407,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,408,0)="Routine Checksum 2nd Line Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,409,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,410,0)="XLFNAME is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,411,0)="XLFNAME1 is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,412,0)="XLFNAME2 is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,413,0)="XLFNAME3 is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,414,0)="XLFNAME4 is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,415,0)="XLFNAME5 is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,416,0)="XLFNAME6 is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,417,0)="XUSERNEW 6995154 **16,49**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,418,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,419,0)="==> KIDS Verify Checksums option will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,420,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,421,0)="PACKAGE: XU*8.0*134 VAH May 19, 2000@07:27 PAGE 1"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,423,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,424,0)=" 9 Routine checked, 0 failed."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,425,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,426,0)="==> KIDS Backup will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,427,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,428,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: XU*8.0*134// Loaded from Distribution"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,429,0)=" 5/19/00@07:27:37"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,430,0)=" => Released XU*8*134 SEQ #128"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,431,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,432,0)="This Distribution was loaded on May 19, 2000@07:27:37 with header of "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,433,0)=" Released XU*8*134 SEQ #128"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,434,0)=" It consisted of the following Install(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,435,0)=" XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,436,0)="Loading Routines for XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,437,0)="Routine XLFNAME is not on the disk.."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,438,0)="Routine XLFNAME1 is not on the disk.."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,439,0)="Routine XLFNAME2 is not on the disk.."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,440,0)="Routine XLFNAME3 is not on the disk.."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,441,0)="Routine XLFNAME4 is not on the disk.."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,442,0)="Routine XLFNAME5 is not on the disk.."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,443,0)="Routine XLFNAME6 is not on the disk...."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,444,0)="Backup message #5437547 created"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,445,0)="with Subject 'BEFORE XU*8.0*134 from VAH'"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,446,0)="and sent to STOXEN,JAMES H and PATCHES,ALL D"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,447,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,448,0)="==> KIDS Install option will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,449,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,450,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: XU*8.0*134// Loaded from Distribution"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,451,0)=" 5/19/00@07:27:37"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,452,0)=" => Released XU*8*134 SEQ #128"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,453,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,454,0)="This Distribution was loaded on May 19, 2000@07:27:37 with header of "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,455,0)=" Released XU*8*134 SEQ #128"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,456,0)=" It consisted of the following Install(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,457,0)=" XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,458,0)="Checking Install for Package XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,459,0)="Will first run the Environment Check Routine, XLFNENV"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,460,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,461,0)="Install Questions for XU*8.0*134"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,462,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,463,0)="Incoming Files:"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,464,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,465,0)=" 20 NAME COMPONENTS"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,466,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,467,0)=" 200 NEW PERSON (Partial Definition)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,468,0)="Note: You already have the 'NEW PERSON' File."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,469,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,470,0)="Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,471,0)="Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,472,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,473,0)="Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,474,0)="You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,475,0)="Enter a '^' to abort the install."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,476,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,477,0)="DEVICE: HOME// TELNET"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,478,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,479,0)=" Install Started for XU*8.0*134 : "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,480,0)=" May 19, 2000@07:28:05"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,481,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,482,0)="Build Distribution Date: Mar 23, 2000"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,483,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,484,0)=" Installing Routines:.........."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,485,0)=" May 19, 2000@07:28:05"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,486,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,487,0)=" Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^XLFNAME."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,488,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,489,0)="The 'AF' cross-reference on file #200, field #.01 was deleted."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,490,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,491,0)=" Installing Data Dictionaries: ...."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,492,0)=" May 19, 2000@07:28:08"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,493,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,494,0)=" Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS: "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,495,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,496,0)=" Installing FUNCTION.."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,497,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,498,0)=" Installing INPUT TEMPLATE...."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,499,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,500,0)=" Installing FORM...."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,501,0)=" May 19, 2000@07:28:10"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,502,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,503,0)=" Running Post-Install Routine: POST^XLFNAME."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,504,0)=" Converting New Person Names.................................."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,505,0)=" DONE!"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,506,0)=" Number of records processed: 6205"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,507,0)=" Entry number last processed: 6342"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,508,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,509,0)=" Updating Routine file......"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,510,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,511,0)=" Updating KIDS files......."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,512,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,513,0)=" XU*8.0*134 Installed. "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,514,0)=" May 19, 2000@07:43:37"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,515,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,516,0)=" INSTALLATION Message #5438277 sent to defined Mail Group."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,517,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,518,0)=" Install Message sent #5438278"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,519,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,520,0)="==> Post-Install Checksums will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,521,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,522,0)="Default 'NO' will list checksums for routines on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,523,0)="Do you want to also list Build File RSUM Values? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,524,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,525,0)="Post-Install Values from Build File VAH Routines May 19, 2000@07:44"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,526,0)="NOTE: Old and New values will be the same after XTRMON has run."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,527,0)=" The Old value may look incorrect if a routine is patched more"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,528,0)=" than once in a day. See On-Line Documentation for more info."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,529,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,530,0)=" Checksum"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,531,0)="Routine Old New 2nd Line Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,532,0)="XLFNAME 7311068 **134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,533,0)="XLFNAME1 8772051 **134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,534,0)="XLFNAME2 3037800 **134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,535,0)="XLFNAME3 7553802 **134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,536,0)="XLFNAME4 14920261 **134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,537,0)="XLFNAME5 14281977 **134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,538,0)="XLFNAME6 510953 **134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,539,0)="XLFNENV 1143844 **134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,540,0)="XUSERNEW 6995154 7347033 **16,49,134**"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,541,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,542,0)="==> REMINDER: Check the Patch Description for Post-Install procedures."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,543,0)="Simple Patch Installation Finished - VAH - May 19, 2000@07:44:01"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,544,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,545,0)="Forwarding message #5277818 to PATCHES,ALL D."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,546,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,547,0)="Updating the Patch Record now."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,548,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,549,0)="Looking for Subject in MailMan Message #5277818"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,550,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,551,0)="Subject found in Message is: New Person Name Standardization"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,552,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,553,0)="Do you want to use the MailMan Message Subject as is? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,554,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,555,0)="Press RETURN to Continue:"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,556,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,557,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option:"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,558,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,560,0)=" PATCH INQUIRE - VAH May 19, 2000@07:45"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,561,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,562,0)=" METHOD "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,563,0)=" MESSAGE# BACKUP# SUBJECT"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,565,0)=" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,566,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,567,0)=" 134 128 PackMan/KIDS New Person Name Standardization"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,568,0)=" 5277818 5437547 TST MAY 19,2000 07:13 JHS "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,569,0)=" VAH MAY 19,2000 07:44 JHS "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,570,0)=" XLFNAME XLFNAME1 XLFNAME2 XLFNAME3 XLFNAME4 Total=8 "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,571,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,572,0)=" Install: XU*8.0*134 Install Completed by STOXEN,JAMES H"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,573,0)=" Start Time: 05/19/00 7:28:05 am"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,574,0)=" Stop Time: 05/19/00 7:43:37 am"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,575,0)=" Comment: Released XU*8*134 SEQ #128"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,576,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,577,0)="There are no Documentation, Build, or Compare entries for this patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,578,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,579,0)="Do you want to see the Patch MailMan Text? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,580,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,581,0)="Select Patch Main Menu Option: "
^DIZ(437016.9,8,1,582,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,0)="Menu Options for Simple Patch"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,1,0)="Aug 25, 1999 8:36:15 pm (UCI: VAH,ROU)"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,3,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,4,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: ?"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,5,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,6,0)=" Before Patch Install ..."
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,7,0)=" Simple Patch Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,8,0)=" After Patch Install ..."
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,9,0)=" Pre-Install Check (Only)"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,10,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,11,0)="Enter ?? for more options, ??? for brief descriptions, ?OPTION for help text."
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,12,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,13,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: ??"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,14,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,15,0)=" Before Patch Install ... [XPDZ PATCH BEFORE]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,16,0)=" Simple Patch Install [XPDZ PATCH INSTALL]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,17,0)=" After Patch Install ... [XPDZ PATCH AFTER]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,18,0)=" Pre-Install Check (Only) [XPDZ PATCH PRE-INSTALL]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,20,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,21,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: Before Patch Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,22,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,23,0)="Select Before Patch Install Option: ?"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,24,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,25,0)=" Introductory text edit"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,26,0)=" Place Taskman in a WAIT State"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,27,0)=" Stop Task Manager"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,28,0)=" STOP background filer (XMAD)"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,29,0)=" AM Assume Surrogate and Return"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,30,0)=" LM Load PackMan Message"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,31,0)=" RM Read a message"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,32,0)=" SM Send a Message"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,33,0)=" Group information"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,34,0)=" FM VA FileMan ..."
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,35,0)=" RC Compare two routines"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,36,0)=" First Line Routine Print"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,37,0)=" List Routines"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,38,0)=" Routines by Patch Number"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,39,0)=" RS Revised System Status"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,40,0)=" Inquire of Option with Scheduling"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,41,0)=" Option Access By User"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,42,0)=" Print users holding certain key(s)"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,43,0)=" Brief User Report by Mail Code"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,44,0)=" User Inquiry"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,45,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,46,0)="Enter ?? for more options, ??? for brief descriptions, ?OPTION for help text."
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,47,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,48,0)="Select Before Patch Install Option: ??"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,49,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,50,0)=" Introductory text edit [XUSERINT]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,51,0)=" Place Taskman in a WAIT State [XUTM WAIT]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,52,0)=" Stop Task Manager [XUTM STOP]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,53,0)=" STOP background filer (XMAD) [XMMGR-STOP-BACKGROUND-FILER]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,54,0)=" AM Assume Surrogate and Return [XPDZ XMASSUME]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,55,0)=" LM Load PackMan Message [XMPACK]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,56,0)=" **> Locked with XUPROGMODE"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,57,0)=" RM Read a message [XMREAD]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,58,0)=" SM Send a Message [XMSEND]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,59,0)=" Group information [XMHELPGROUP]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,60,0)=" FM VA FileMan ... [DIUSER]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,61,0)=" **> Locked with FILEMAN"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,62,0)=" RC Compare two routines [XT-ROUTINE COMPARE]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,63,0)=" First Line Routine Print [XU FIRST LINE PRINT]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,64,0)=" List Routines [XUPRROU]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,65,0)=" Routines by Patch Number [XUPR RTN PATCH]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,66,0)=" RS Revised System Status [XUZ STATUS]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,67,0)=" Inquire of Option with Scheduling [XUZINQUIRE]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,68,0)=" Option Access By User [XUOPTWHO]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,69,0)=" Print users holding certain key(s) [XQZSHOKEY]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,70,0)=" Brief User Report by Mail Code [XUZ USER BRIEF REPORT]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,71,0)=" User Inquiry [XUSERINQ]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,73,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,74,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: Simple Patch Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,75,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,76,0)="Simple Patch/Package Installation - VAH - Aug 25, 1999@20:36:54"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,77,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,78,0)="NOTE: Do not use this option for installs which require Logins Inhibited."
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,79,0)=" Instead, use AAQMENU from programmer mode with Simple Patch option."
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,80,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,81,0)=" You can finish an install using the options under"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,82,0)=" the KIDS Installation Menu if it terminates abnormally,"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,83,0)=" or you want to interrupt the process to run other options."
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,84,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,85,0)="(Press Return to skip automatic Patch Message lookup"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,86,0)=" and use Read a Message or Load a Distribution instead.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,87,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,88,0)="==> For automatic Patch Message lookup and Install/Check,"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,89,0)=" enter Patch Name in format Namespace*Version*Patch: "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,90,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,91,0)="==> Do you want to load this with (R)ead a message,"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,92,0)=" or (L)oad a Distribution?: R// ^"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,94,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,95,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: After Patch Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,96,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,97,0)="Select After Patch Install Option: ?"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,98,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,99,0)=" Introductory text edit"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,100,0)=" Remove Taskman from WAIT State"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,101,0)=" Restart Task Manager"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,102,0)=" START background filer (XMAD)"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,103,0)=" Build Primary Menu Trees"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,104,0)=" AM Assume Surrogate and Return"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,105,0)=" LM Load PackMan Message"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,106,0)=" RM Read a message"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,107,0)=" SM Send a Message"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,108,0)=" Group information"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,109,0)=" Mail group edit"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,110,0)=" FM VA FileMan ..."
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,111,0)=" RC Compare two routines"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,112,0)=" Delete Routines"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,113,0)=" Routines by Patch Number"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,114,0)=" Allocation of Security Keys"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,115,0)=" Edit an Existing User"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,116,0)=" Enter/Edit Patch Record"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,117,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,118,0)="Enter ?? for more options, ??? for brief descriptions, ?OPTION for help text."
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,119,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,120,0)="Select After Patch Install Option: ??"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,121,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,122,0)=" Introductory text edit [XUSERINT]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,123,0)=" Remove Taskman from WAIT State [XUTM RUN]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,124,0)=" Restart Task Manager [XUTM RESTART]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,125,0)=" START background filer (XMAD) [XMMGR-START-BACKGROUND-FILER]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,126,0)=" Build Primary Menu Trees [XQBUILDTREE]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,127,0)=" AM Assume Surrogate and Return [XPDZ XMASSUME]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,128,0)=" LM Load PackMan Message [XMPACK]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,129,0)=" **> Locked with XUPROGMODE"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,130,0)=" RM Read a message [XMREAD]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,131,0)=" SM Send a Message [XMSEND]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,132,0)=" Group information [XMHELPGROUP]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,133,0)=" Mail group edit [XMEDITMG]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,134,0)=" FM VA FileMan ... [DIUSER]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,135,0)=" **> Locked with FILEMAN"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,136,0)=" RC Compare two routines [XT-ROUTINE COMPARE]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,137,0)=" Delete Routines [XTRDEL]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,138,0)=" **> Locked with XUPROGMODE"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,139,0)=" Routines by Patch Number [XUPR RTN PATCH]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,140,0)=" Allocation of Security Keys [XUKEYALL]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,141,0)=" Edit an Existing User [XUSEREDIT]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,142,0)=" Enter/Edit Patch Record [AAQJ PATCH EDIT]"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,143,0)=" **> Locked with XUMGR"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,145,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,146,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: PRE-Install Check (Only)"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,147,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,148,0)="Simple Patch Pre-Install Check - VAH - Aug 25, 1999@20:37:28"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,149,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,150,0)="(Press Return to skip automatic Patch Message lookup"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,151,0)=" and use Read a Message or Load a Distribution instead.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,152,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,153,0)="==> For automatic Patch Message lookup and Install/Check,"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,154,0)=" enter Patch Name in format Namespace*Version*Patch: "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,155,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,156,0)="==> Do you want to load this with (R)ead a message,"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,157,0)=" or (L)oad a Distribution?: R// ^"
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,158,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,9,1,159,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,0)="Install Example - FTP KIDS"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,1,0)="FTP/KIDS Installation Steps"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,2,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,3,0)="1. Run Pre-Install Check in Production"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,4,0)="2. Run Simple Patch Install in TST using Load option."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,5,0)="3. Run Simple Patch Install in VAH using Load option."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,7,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,8,0)="PRE-Install Check (Only)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,9,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,10,0)="Simple Patch Pre-Install Check - VAH - Sep 28, 1999@01:11:37"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,11,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,12,0)="(Press Return to skip automatic Patch Message lookup"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,13,0)=" and use Read a Message or Load a Distribution instead.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,14,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,15,0)="==> For automatic Patch Message lookup and Install/Check,"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,16,0)=" enter Patch Name in format Namespace*Version*Patch: RMPR*3.0*36"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,17,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,18,0)="Looking for message with 'Released RMPR*3*36' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,19,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,20,0)="Found Message: #4566162"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,21,0)=" Subject: Released RMPR*3*36 SEQ #33"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,22,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,23,0)="This is not a KIDS PackMan Distribution message."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,24,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,25,0)="Does this message refer to a KIDS FTP, or Informational Patch? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,26,0)="Which type of Patch is this (F)TP or (I)nformational?: I// FTP"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,27,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,28,0)="FTP Pre-Install. For Patch Record Updating:"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,29,0)="METHOD will be Not Installed and BACKUP# will be 0."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,30,0)="The UCI data and METHOD will be updated after install is finished."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,31,0)="If default values are incorrect, make changes using Enter/Edit Patch Record."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,32,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,33,0)="Checking if Patch is for Current Version of Package."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,34,0)="Current Version 3.0 agrees with this Patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,35,0)="PROSTHETICS Version 3.0 was installed Mar 15, 1996."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,36,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,37,0)="There is No Record in the INSTALL File"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,38,0)="of this Patch being previously installed."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,39,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,40,0)=" Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,41,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,42,0)="Checking the Patch Sequence Numbers for the correct order."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,43,0)="Patch #29 with SEQ #32 has the highest Sequence Number."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,44,0)="Patch #36 with SEQ #33 is being compared for pre-install."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,45,0)="Patch RMPR*3.0*36 is OK for the sequence number order."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,46,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,47,0)="Looking for Associated patches."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,48,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,49,0)="RMPR*3*34 SEQ #30 1999 PSAS HCPCS"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,50,0)=" Installed in VAH on Mar 23, 1999@19:18:30 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,51,0)=" Installed in TST on Mar 23, 1999@19:21:20 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,52,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,53,0)="RMPR*3*35 SEQ #31 Miscellaneous Prosthetic Problems"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,54,0)=" Installed in TST on Jun 14, 1999@19:09:46 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,55,0)=" Installed in VAH on Jun 14, 1999@19:12:18 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,56,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,57,0)="Forwarding message #4566162 to PATCHES,ALL D."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,58,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,59,0)="Doing Partial Update of the Patch Record now."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,60,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,61,0)="Looking for Subject in MailMan Message #4566162"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,62,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,63,0)="Subject found in Message is: NPPD TOOLS UPDATE"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,64,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,65,0)="Do you want to use the MailMan Message Subject as is? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,66,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,67,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: HALT"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,69,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,70,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: SImple Patch Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,71,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,72,0)="Simple Patch/Package Installation - TST - Sep 28, 1999@01:12:57"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,73,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,74,0)="NOTE: Do not use this option for installs which require Logins Inhibited."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,75,0)=" Instead, use AAQMENU from programmer mode with Simple Patch option."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,76,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,77,0)=" You can finish an install using the options under"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,78,0)=" the KIDS Installation Menu if it terminates abnormally,"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,79,0)=" or you want to interrupt the process to run other options."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,80,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,81,0)="(Press Return to skip automatic Patch Message lookup"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,82,0)=" and use Read a Message or Load a Distribution instead.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,83,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,84,0)="==> For automatic Patch Message lookup and Install/Check,"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,85,0)=" enter Patch Name in format Namespace*Version*Patch: "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,86,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,87,0)="==> Do you want to load this with (R)ead a message,"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,88,0)=" or (L)oad a Distribution?: R// L"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,89,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,90,0)="==> Do you want to check the DOWNLOAD Directory for the file? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,91,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,92,0)="File Check/Delete for DOWNLOAD Directory on Alpha-NT system."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,93,0)="This will delete one file at a time, not wild card selections."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,94,0)="NOTE: *.* will be automatically added to File Name for lookup."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,95,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,96,0)="TEST.FARGO.VA.GOV TST,ROU Sep 28, 1999@01:13:04"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,97,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,98,0)="The DOWNLOAD Directory for this Site and UCI is: Y:\DOWNLOAD\"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,99,0)="Is this the correct directory? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,100,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,101,0)="Enter a portion of the File Name or press RETURN to Exit: RMPR"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,102,0)="File found: Y:\DOWNLOAD\RMPR_3_36.KID;1 "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,103,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,104,0)="The File Name contains a trailing VMS Version number."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,105,0)="File Y:\DOWNLOAD\RMPR_3_36.KID;1 should be Renamed RMPR_3_36.KID"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,106,0)="Do you want to Rename this file? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,107,0)="File has been Renamed Y:\DOWNLOAD\RMPR_3_36.KID"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,108,0)="Use lookup again if you want to delete."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,109,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,110,0)="Enter a Host File: Y:\DOWNLOAD\RMPR_3_36.KID Replace "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,111,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,112,0)="KIDS Distribution saved on Sep 22, 1999@09:51:21"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,113,0)="Comment: RMPR*3.0*36"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,114,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,115,0)="This Distribution contains Transport Globals for the following Package(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,116,0)=" RMPR*3.0*36"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,117,0)="Distribution OK!"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,118,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,119,0)="Want to Continue with Load? YES// "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,120,0)="Loading Distribution..."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,121,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,122,0)=" RMPR*3.0*36"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,123,0)="Use INSTALL NAME: RMPR*3.0*36 to install this Distribution."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,124,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,125,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,126,0)="==> Pre-Install Checksums will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,127,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,128,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: RMPR*3.0*36 Loaded from Distribution "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,129,0)=" 9/28/99@01:13:13"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,130,0)=" => RMPR*3.0*36 ;Created on Sep 22, 1999@09:51:21"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,131,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,132,0)="Default 'NO' will list checksums for routines on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,133,0)="Do you want to also list Transport Global RSUM Values? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,134,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,135,0)="Pre-Install Values from Transport Global TST Routines Sep 28, 1999@01:12"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,136,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,137,0)="Routine Checksum 2nd Line Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,138,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,139,0)="RMPRE29 1079144 "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,140,0)="RMPRN6 12218848 **31,32,34**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,141,0)="RMPRN63 6798812 **31,34,35**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,142,0)="RMPRN6PL 6832289 **32,34**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,143,0)="RMPRN6UT 1116840 **32**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,144,0)="RMPRSE2 11143205 **28,30,32**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,145,0)="RMPRSE21 is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,146,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,147,0)="==> KIDS Verify Checksums option will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,148,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,149,0)="PACKAGE: RMPR*3.0*36 TST Sep 28, 1999@01:13 PAGE 1"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,151,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,152,0)=" 7 Routine checked, 0 failed."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,153,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,154,0)="==> KIDS Backup will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,155,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,156,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: RMPR*3.0*36// Loaded from Distribution "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,157,0)=" 9/28/99@01:13:13"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,158,0)=" => RMPR*3.0*36 ;Created on Sep 22, 1999@09:51:21"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,159,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,160,0)="This Distribution was loaded on Sep 28, 1999@01:13:13 with header of "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,161,0)=" RMPR*3.0*36 ;Created on Sep 22, 1999@09:51:21"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,162,0)=" It consisted of the following Install(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,163,0)=" RMPR*3.0*36"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,164,0)="Loading Routines for RMPR*3.0*36......"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,165,0)="Routine RMPRSE21 is not on the disk.."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,166,0)="Backup message #97330 created"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,167,0)="with Subject 'BEFORE RMPR*3.0*36 from TST'"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,168,0)="and sent to STOXEN,JAMES H and PATCHES,ALL D"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,169,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,170,0)="==> KIDS Install option will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,171,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,172,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: RMPR*3.0*36// Loaded from Distribution "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,173,0)=" 9/28/99@01:13:13"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,174,0)=" => RMPR*3.0*36 ;Created on Sep 22, 1999@09:51:21"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,175,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,176,0)="This Distribution was loaded on Sep 28, 1999@01:13:13 with header of "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,177,0)=" RMPR*3.0*36 ;Created on Sep 22, 1999@09:51:21"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,178,0)=" It consisted of the following Install(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,179,0)=" RMPR*3.0*36"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,180,0)="Checking Install for Package RMPR*3.0*36"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,181,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,182,0)="Install Questions for RMPR*3.0*36"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,183,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,184,0)="Incoming Files:"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,185,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,186,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,187,0)=" 660 RECORD OF PROS APPLIANCE/REPAIR (Partial Definition)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,188,0)="Note: You already have the 'RECORD OF PROS APPLIANCE/REPAIR' File."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,189,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,190,0)="Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,191,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,192,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,193,0)="Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,194,0)="Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,195,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,196,0)="Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': RMPR OFFICIAL "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,197,0)=" Prosthetic Official's Menu"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,198,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,199,0)="Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': RMPR CLERK "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,200,0)=" Prosthetic Clerk's Menu"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,201,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,202,0)="Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,203,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,204,0)="Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,205,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,206,0)="Delay Install (Minutes): (0-60): 0// "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,207,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,208,0)="Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,209,0)="You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,210,0)="Enter a '^' to abort the install."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,211,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,212,0)="DEVICE: HOME// 0;P-OTHER80 TELNET"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,213,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,214,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,215,0)=" Install Started for RMPR*3.0*36 : "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,216,0)=" Sep 28, 1999@01:14:28"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,217,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,218,0)="Build Distribution Date: Sep 22, 1999"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,219,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,220,0)=" Installing Routines:........"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,221,0)=" Sep 28, 1999@01:14:28"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,222,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,223,0)=" Installing Data Dictionaries: .."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,224,0)=" Sep 28, 1999@01:14:28"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,225,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,226,0)=" Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS: "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,227,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,228,0)=" Installing INPUT TEMPLATE.."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,229,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,230,0)=" Installing OPTION....."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,231,0)=" Sep 28, 1999@01:14:29"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,232,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,233,0)=" Running Post-Install Routine: XREF^RMPRSE21."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,234,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,235,0)="New Cross Reference for HCPCS.............................................."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,238,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,240,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,241,0)=" Updating Routine file......"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,242,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,243,0)=" Updating KIDS files......."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,244,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,245,0)=" RMPR*3.0*36 Installed. "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,246,0)=" Sep 28, 1999@01:15:15"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,247,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,248,0)=" INSTALLATION Message #97331 sent to defined Mail Group and/or S.AAQJSERV."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,249,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,250,0)=" Install Message sent #97332"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,251,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,252,0)="==> Post-Install Checksums will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,253,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,254,0)="Default 'NO' will list checksums for routines on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,255,0)="Do you want to also list Build File RSUM Values? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,256,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,257,0)="Post-Install Values from Build File TST Routines Sep 28, 1999@01:15"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,258,0)="NOTE: Old and new values will be the same if XTRMON has run"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,259,0)=" after this KIDS Build was installed."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,260,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,261,0)=" Checksum"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,262,0)="Routine Old New 2nd Line Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,263,0)="RMPRE29 1079144 2248706 **36**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,264,0)="RMPRN6 12218848 12245048 **31,32,34,36**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,265,0)="RMPRN63 6798812 7008435 **31,34,35,36**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,266,0)="RMPRN6PL 6832289 7037030 **32,34,36**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,267,0)="RMPRN6UT 1116840 1116550 **32,36**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,268,0)="RMPRSE2 11143205 11456577 **28,30,32,36**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,269,0)="RMPRSE21 11678791 **36**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,270,0)="==> The KIDS file can be deleted from the DOWNLOAD Directory now."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,271,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,272,0)="File Check/Delete for DOWNLOAD Directory on Alpha-NT system."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,273,0)="This will delete one file at a time, not wild card selections."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,274,0)="NOTE: *.* will be automatically added to File Name for lookup."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,275,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,276,0)="TEST.FARGO.VA.GOV TST,ROU Sep 28, 1999@01:15:20"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,277,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,278,0)="The DOWNLOAD Directory for this Site and UCI is: Y:\DOWNLOAD\"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,279,0)="Is this the correct directory? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,280,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,281,0)="Enter a portion of the File Name or press RETURN to Exit: RMPR"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,282,0)="File found: Y:\DOWNLOAD\RMPR_3_36.KID"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,283,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,284,0)="Do you want to delete the selected file? No// Y (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,285,0)="File has been deleted!"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,286,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,287,0)="==> REMINDER: Check the Patch Description for Post-Install procedures."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,288,0)="Simple Patch Installation Finished - TST - Sep 28, 1999@01:16:01"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,289,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,290,0)="Press RETURN to Continue:"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,291,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,292,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: HALT"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,293,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,294,0)="Halting at 1:16 am "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,296,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,297,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: SImple Patch Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,298,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,299,0)="Simple Patch/Package Installation - VAH - Sep 28, 1999@01:17:01"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,300,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,301,0)="NOTE: Do not use this option for installs which require Logins Inhibited."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,302,0)=" Instead, use AAQMENU from programmer mode with Simple Patch option."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,303,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,304,0)=" You can finish an install using the options under"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,305,0)=" the KIDS Installation Menu if it terminates abnormally,"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,306,0)=" or you want to interrupt the process to run other options."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,307,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,308,0)="(Press Return to skip automatic Patch Message lookup"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,309,0)=" and use Read a Message or Load a Distribution instead.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,310,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,311,0)="==> For automatic Patch Message lookup and Install/Check,"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,312,0)=" enter Patch Name in format Namespace*Version*Patch: "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,313,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,314,0)="==> Do you want to load this with (R)ead a message,"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,315,0)=" or (L)oad a Distribution?: R// L"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,316,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,317,0)="==> Do you want to check the DOWNLOAD Directory for the file? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,318,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,319,0)="File Check/Delete for DOWNLOAD Directory on Alpha-NT system."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,320,0)="This will delete one file at a time, not wild card selections."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,321,0)="NOTE: *.* will be automatically added to File Name for lookup."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,322,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,323,0)="FARGO.VA.GOV VAH,ROU Sep 28, 1999@01:17:07"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,324,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,325,0)="The DOWNLOAD Directory for this Site and UCI is: T:\DOWNLOAD\"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,326,0)="Is this the correct directory? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,327,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,328,0)="Enter a portion of the File Name or press RETURN to Exit: RMPR"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,329,0)="File found: T:\DOWNLOAD\RMPR_3_36.KID;1 "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,330,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,331,0)="The File Name contains a trailing VMS Version number."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,332,0)="File T:\DOWNLOAD\RMPR_3_36.KID;1 should be Renamed RMPR_3_36.KID"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,333,0)="Do you want to Rename this file? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,334,0)="File has been Renamed T:\DOWNLOAD\RMPR_3_36.KID"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,335,0)="Use lookup again if you want to delete."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,336,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,337,0)="Enter a Host File: T:\DOWNLOAD\RMPR_3_36.KID Replace "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,338,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,339,0)="KIDS Distribution saved on Sep 22, 1999@09:51:21"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,340,0)="Comment: RMPR*3.0*36"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,341,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,342,0)="This Distribution contains Transport Globals for the following Package(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,343,0)=" RMPR*3.0*36"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,344,0)="Distribution OK!"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,345,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,346,0)="Want to Continue with Load? YES// "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,347,0)="Loading Distribution..."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,348,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,349,0)=" RMPR*3.0*36"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,350,0)="Use INSTALL NAME: RMPR*3.0*36 to install this Distribution."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,351,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,352,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,353,0)="==> Pre-Install Checksums will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,354,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,355,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: RMPR*3.0*36 Loaded from Distribution "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,356,0)=" 9/28/99@01:17:16"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,357,0)=" => RMPR*3.0*36 ;Created on Sep 22, 1999@09:51:21"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,358,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,359,0)="Default 'NO' will list checksums for routines on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,360,0)="Do you want to also list Transport Global RSUM Values? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,361,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,362,0)="Pre-Install Values from Transport Global VAH Routines Sep 28, 1999@01:17"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,363,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,364,0)="Routine Checksum 2nd Line Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,365,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,366,0)="RMPRE29 1079144 "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,367,0)="RMPRN6 12218848 **31,32,34**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,368,0)="RMPRN63 6798812 **31,34,35**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,369,0)="RMPRN6PL 6832289 **32,34**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,370,0)="RMPRN6UT 1116840 **32**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,371,0)="RMPRSE2 11143205 **28,30,32**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,372,0)="RMPRSE21 is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,373,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,374,0)="==> KIDS Verify Checksums option will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,375,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,376,0)="PACKAGE: RMPR*3.0*36 VAH Sep 28, 1999@01:17 PAGE 1"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,378,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,379,0)=" 7 Routine checked, 0 failed."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,380,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,381,0)="==> KIDS Backup will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,382,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,383,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: RMPR*3.0*36// Loaded from Distribution "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,384,0)=" 9/28/99@01:17:16"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,385,0)=" => RMPR*3.0*36 ;Created on Sep 22, 1999@09:51:21"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,386,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,387,0)="This Distribution was loaded on Sep 28, 1999@01:17:16 with header of "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,388,0)=" RMPR*3.0*36 ;Created on Sep 22, 1999@09:51:21"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,389,0)=" It consisted of the following Install(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,390,0)=" RMPR*3.0*36"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,391,0)="Loading Routines for RMPR*3.0*36......"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,392,0)="Routine RMPRSE21 is not on the disk.."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,393,0)="Backup message #4575453 created"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,394,0)="with Subject 'BEFORE RMPR*3.0*36 from VAH'"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,395,0)="and sent to STOXEN,JAMES H and PATCHES,ALL D"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,396,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,397,0)="==> KIDS Install option will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,398,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,399,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: RMPR*3.0*36// Loaded from Distribution "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,400,0)=" 9/28/99@01:17:16"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,401,0)=" => RMPR*3.0*36 ;Created on Sep 22, 1999@09:51:21"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,402,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,403,0)="This Distribution was loaded on Sep 28, 1999@01:17:16 with header of "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,404,0)=" RMPR*3.0*36 ;Created on Sep 22, 1999@09:51:21"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,405,0)=" It consisted of the following Install(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,406,0)=" RMPR*3.0*36"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,407,0)="Checking Install for Package RMPR*3.0*36"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,408,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,409,0)="Install Questions for RMPR*3.0*36"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,410,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,411,0)="Incoming Files:"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,412,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,413,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,414,0)=" 660 RECORD OF PROS APPLIANCE/REPAIR (Partial Definition)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,415,0)="Note: You already have the 'RECORD OF PROS APPLIANCE/REPAIR' File."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,416,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,417,0)="Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,418,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,419,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,420,0)="Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,421,0)="Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,422,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,423,0)="Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': RMPR OFFICIAL "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,424,0)=" Prosthetic Official's Menu"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,425,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,426,0)="Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': RMPR CLERK "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,427,0)=" Prosthetic Clerk's Menu"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,428,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,429,0)="Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,430,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,431,0)="Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,432,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,433,0)="Delay Install (Minutes): (0-60): 0// "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,434,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,435,0)="Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,436,0)="You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,437,0)="Enter a '^' to abort the install."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,438,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,439,0)="DEVICE: HOME// 0;P-OTHER80 TELNET"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,440,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,441,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,442,0)=" Install Started for RMPR*3.0*36 : "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,443,0)=" Sep 28, 1999@01:17:52"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,444,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,445,0)="Build Distribution Date: Sep 22, 1999"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,446,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,447,0)=" Installing Routines:........"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,448,0)=" Sep 28, 1999@01:17:52"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,449,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,450,0)=" Installing Data Dictionaries: .."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,451,0)=" Sep 28, 1999@01:17:53"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,452,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,453,0)=" Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS: "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,454,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,455,0)=" Installing INPUT TEMPLATE.."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,456,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,457,0)=" Installing OPTION....."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,458,0)=" Sep 28, 1999@01:17:54"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,459,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,460,0)=" Running Post-Install Routine: XREF^RMPRSE21."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,461,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,462,0)="New Cross Reference for HCPCS............................................."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,465,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,467,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,468,0)=" Updating Routine file......"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,469,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,470,0)=" Updating KIDS files......."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,471,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,472,0)=" RMPR*3.0*36 Installed. "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,473,0)=" Sep 28, 1999@01:19:35"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,474,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,475,0)=" INSTALLATION Message #4575454 sent to defined Mail Group."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,476,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,477,0)=" Install Message sent #4575455"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,478,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,479,0)="==> Post-Install Checksums will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,480,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,481,0)="Default 'NO' will list checksums for routines on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,482,0)="Do you want to also list Build File RSUM Values? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,483,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,484,0)="Post-Install Values from Build File VAH Routines Sep 28, 1999@01:19"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,485,0)="NOTE: Old and new values will be the same if XTRMON has run"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,486,0)=" after this KIDS Build was installed."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,487,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,488,0)=" Checksum"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,489,0)="Routine Old New 2nd Line Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,490,0)="RMPRE29 1079144 2248706 **36**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,491,0)="RMPRN6 12218848 12245048 **31,32,34,36**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,492,0)="RMPRN63 6798812 7008435 **31,34,35,36**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,493,0)="RMPRN6PL 6832289 7037030 **32,34,36**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,494,0)="RMPRN6UT 1116840 1116550 **32,36**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,495,0)="RMPRSE2 11143205 11456577 **28,30,32,36**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,496,0)="RMPRSE21 11678791 **36**"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,497,0)="==> The KIDS file can be deleted from the DOWNLOAD Directory now."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,498,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,499,0)="File Check/Delete for DOWNLOAD Directory on Alpha-NT system."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,500,0)="This will delete one file at a time, not wild card selections."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,501,0)="NOTE: *.* will be automatically added to File Name for lookup."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,502,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,503,0)="FARGO.VA.GOV VAH,ROU Sep 28, 1999@01:19:39"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,504,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,505,0)="The DOWNLOAD Directory for this Site and UCI is: T:\DOWNLOAD\"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,506,0)="Is this the correct directory? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,507,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,508,0)="Enter a portion of the File Name or press RETURN to Exit: RMPR"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,509,0)="File found: T:\DOWNLOAD\RMPR_3_36.KID"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,510,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,511,0)="Do you want to delete the selected file? No// Y (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,512,0)="File has been deleted!"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,513,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,514,0)="==> REMINDER: Check the Patch Description for Post-Install procedures."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,515,0)="Simple Patch Installation Finished - VAH - Sep 28, 1999@01:19:46"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,516,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,517,0)="Updating the Patch Record now."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,518,0)=" Subject in Patch Record is: NPPD TOOLS UPDATE"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,519,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,520,0)="Do you want to use the Patch Record Subject as is? No// Y (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,521,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,522,0)="Press RETURN to Continue:"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,524,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,525,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,526,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,527,0)="Select Patch Main Menu Option: INquire for Patch/Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,528,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,529,0)="Use a leading zero for Patch Numbers less than 10."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,530,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,531,0)="Select PATCH RECORD PKG/VERS: RMPR*3.0 "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,532,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,533,0)="Select PATCH: 36 NPPD TOOLS UPDATE"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,534,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,535,0)="DEVICE: TELNET Right Margin: 80// "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,536,0)=" PATCH INQUIRE - VAH Sep 28, 1999@01:20"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,537,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,538,0)=" METHOD "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,539,0)=" MESSAGE# BACKUP# SUBJECT"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,541,0)=" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,542,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,543,0)=" 36 33 FTP/KIDS NPPD TOOLS UPDATE"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,544,0)=" 4566162 4575453 TST SEP 28,1999 01:15 JHS "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,545,0)=" VAH SEP 28,1999 01:19 JHS "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,546,0)=" RMPRSE21 RMPRE29 RMPRN63 RMPRN6PL Total=7 "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,547,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,548,0)=" Install: RMPR*3.0*36 Install Completed by STOXEN,JAMES H"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,549,0)=" Start Time: 09/28/99 1:17:52 am"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,550,0)=" Stop Time: 09/28/99 1:19:35 am"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,551,0)=" Comment: RMPR*3.0*36 ;Created on Sep 22, 1999@09:51:21"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,552,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,553,0)="There are no Documentation, Build, or Compare entries for this patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,554,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,555,0)="Do you want to see the Patch MailMan Text? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,556,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,11,1,557,0)="Select Patch Main Menu Option:"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,0)="Install Example - TEST Patch"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,1,0)="Sep 20, 1999 4:19:29 pm (UCI: VAH,ROU)"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,2,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,3,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: PRE-Install Check (Only)"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,4,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,5,0)="Simple Patch Pre-Install Check - VAH - Sep 20, 1999@16:19:32"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,6,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,7,0)="(Press Return to skip automatic Patch Message lookup"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,8,0)=" and use Read a Message or Load a Distribution instead.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,9,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,10,0)="==> For automatic Patch Message lookup and Install/Check,"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,11,0)=" enter Patch Name in format Namespace*Version*Patch: PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,12,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,13,0)="Looking for message with 'Released PRC*5*162' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,14,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,15,0)="Looking for message with 'EMERGENCY Released PRC*5*162' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,16,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,17,0)="Looking for message with 'PRC*5*162 TEST' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,18,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,19,0)="Found Message: #4537062"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,20,0)=" Subject: PRC*5*162 TEST v4"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,21,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,22,0)="Is this the correct message? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,23,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,24,0)=" [7mNOTE: [m This is a TEST Patch without a valid SEQ #. Zero will be used."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,25,0)="Checking if Patch is for Current Version of Package."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,26,0)="Current Version 5.0 agrees with this Patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,27,0)="IFCAP Version 5.0 was installed May 12, 1995."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,28,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,29,0)="There is No Record in the INSTALL File"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,30,0)="of this Patch being previously installed."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,31,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,32,0)=" Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,33,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,34,0)="Checking the Patch Sequence Numbers for the correct order."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,35,0)=" [7mNOTE: [m This patch has SEQ #0. Sequence Numbers cannot be checked."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,36,0)="Patch PRC*5.0*162 may have a problem with sequence number order."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,37,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,38,0)="Looking for Associated patches."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,39,0)="No Associated patches found in Message."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,40,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,41,0)=" [7mDiscrepancies were Noted. [m"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,42,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,43,0)=" Press RETURN to Continue:"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,44,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,45,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,47,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,48,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: SImple Patch Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,49,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,50,0)="Simple Patch/Package Installation - TST - Sep 20, 1999@16:20:34"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,51,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,52,0)="NOTE: Do not use this option for installs which require Logins Inhibited."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,53,0)=" Instead, use AAQMENU from programmer mode with Simple Patch option."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,54,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,55,0)=" You can finish an install using the options under"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,56,0)=" the KIDS Installation Menu if it terminates abnormally,"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,57,0)=" or you want to interrupt the process to run other options."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,58,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,59,0)="(Press Return to skip automatic Patch Message lookup"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,60,0)=" and use Read a Message or Load a Distribution instead.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,61,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,62,0)="==> For automatic Patch Message lookup and Install/Check,"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,63,0)=" enter Patch Name in format Namespace*Version*Patch: PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,64,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,65,0)="Looking for message with 'Released PRC*5*162' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,66,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,67,0)="Looking for message with 'EMERGENCY Released PRC*5*162' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,68,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,69,0)="Looking for message with 'PRC*5*162 TEST' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,70,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,71,0)="Found Message: #96964"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,72,0)=" Subject: PRC*5*162 TEST v4"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,73,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,74,0)="Is this the correct message? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,75,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,76,0)=" [7mNOTE: [m This is a TEST Patch without a valid SEQ #. Zero will be used."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,77,0)="Checking if Patch is for Current Version of Package."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,78,0)="Current Version 5.0 agrees with this Patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,79,0)="IFCAP Version 5.0 was installed May 12, 1995."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,80,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,81,0)="There is No Record in the INSTALL File"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,82,0)="of this Patch being previously installed."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,83,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,84,0)=" Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,85,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,86,0)="The Pre-Install Checks for Sequence Number and Associated Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,87,0)="can only be done with the Patch Record in the VAH account."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,88,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,89,0)=" [7mDiscrepancies were Noted. [m"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,90,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,91,0)="Do you want to Continue with the Install? No// Y (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,92,0)="Line 139 Message #96964 Unloading KIDS Distribution PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,93,0)=" PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,94,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,95,0)="Want to Continue with Load? YES// "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,96,0)="Loading Distribution..."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,97,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,98,0)=" PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,99,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,100,0)="==> Pre-Install Checksums will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,101,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,102,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: PRC*5.0*162// Loaded from Distribution"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,103,0)=" 9/20/99@16:20:54"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,104,0)=" => PRC*5*162 TEST v4"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,105,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,106,0)="Default 'NO' will list checksums for routines on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,107,0)="Do you want to also list Transport Global RSUM Values? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,108,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,109,0)="Pre-Install Values from Transport Global TST Routines Sep 20, 1999@16:20"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,110,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,111,0)="Routine Checksum 2nd Line Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,112,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,113,0)="PRCH7D is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,114,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,115,0)="==> KIDS Verify Checksums option will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,116,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,117,0)="PACKAGE: PRC*5.0*162 TST Sep 20, 1999@16:21 PAGE 1"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,119,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,120,0)=" 1 Routine checked, 0 failed."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,121,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,122,0)="==> KIDS Backup will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,123,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,124,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: PRC*5.0*162// Loaded from Distribution"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,125,0)=" 9/20/99@16:20:54"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,126,0)=" => PRC*5*162 TEST v4"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,127,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,128,0)="This Distribution was loaded on Sep 20, 1999@16:20:54 with header of "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,129,0)=" PRC*5*162 TEST v4"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,130,0)=" It consisted of the following Install(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,131,0)=" PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,132,0)="Loading Routines for PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,133,0)="Routine PRCH7D is not on the disk.. "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,134,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,135,0)="There are no routines which need to be saved."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,136,0)="No Backup Message will be created."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,137,0)="==> KIDS Install option will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,138,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,139,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: PRC*5.0*162// Loaded from Distribution"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,140,0)=" 9/20/99@16:20:54"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,141,0)=" => PRC*5*162 TEST v4"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,142,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,143,0)="This Distribution was loaded on Sep 20, 1999@16:20:54 with header of "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,144,0)=" PRC*5*162 TEST v4"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,145,0)=" It consisted of the following Install(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,146,0)=" PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,147,0)="Checking Install for Package PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,148,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,149,0)="Install Questions for PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,150,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,151,0)="Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,152,0)="Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,153,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,154,0)="Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,155,0)="You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,156,0)="Enter a '^' to abort the install."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,157,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,158,0)="DEVICE: HOME// 0;P-OTHER80 TELNET"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,159,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,160,0)=" Install Started for PRC*5.0*162 : "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,161,0)=" Sep 20, 1999@16:22:09"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,162,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,163,0)="Build Distribution Date: Sep 09, 1999"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,164,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,165,0)=" Installing Routines:.."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,166,0)=" Sep 20, 1999@16:22:09"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,167,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,168,0)=" Updating Routine file......"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,169,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,170,0)=" Updating KIDS files......."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,171,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,172,0)=" PRC*5.0*162 Installed. "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,173,0)=" Sep 20, 1999@16:22:09"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,174,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,175,0)=" INSTALLATION Message #97052 sent to defined Mail Group and/or S.AAQJSERV."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,176,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,177,0)=" Install Message sent #97053"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,178,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,179,0)="==> Post-Install Checksums will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,180,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,181,0)="Default 'NO' will list checksums for routines on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,182,0)="Do you want to also list Build File RSUM Values? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,183,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,184,0)="Post-Install Values from Build File TST Routines Sep 20, 1999@16:22"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,185,0)="NOTE: Old and new values will be the same if XTRMON has run"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,186,0)=" after this KIDS Build was installed."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,187,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,188,0)=" Checksum"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,189,0)="Routine Old New 2nd Line Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,190,0)="PRCH7D 11101400 **162**"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,191,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,192,0)="==> REMINDER: Check the Patch Description for Post-Install procedures."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,193,0)="Simple Patch Installation Finished - TST - Sep 20, 1999@16:22:16"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,194,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,195,0)="Forwarding message #96964 to PATCHES,ALL D."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,196,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,197,0)="Press RETURN to Continue:"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,198,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,199,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,201,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,202,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: SImple Patch Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,203,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,204,0)="Simple Patch/Package Installation - VAH - Sep 20, 1999@16:23:09"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,205,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,206,0)="NOTE: Do not use this option for installs which require Logins Inhibited."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,207,0)=" Instead, use AAQMENU from programmer mode with Simple Patch option."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,208,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,209,0)=" You can finish an install using the options under"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,210,0)=" the KIDS Installation Menu if it terminates abnormally,"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,211,0)=" or you want to interrupt the process to run other options."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,212,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,213,0)="(Press Return to skip automatic Patch Message lookup"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,214,0)=" and use Read a Message or Load a Distribution instead.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,215,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,216,0)="==> For automatic Patch Message lookup and Install/Check,"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,217,0)=" enter Patch Name in format Namespace*Version*Patch: PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,218,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,219,0)="Looking for message with 'Released PRC*5*162' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,220,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,221,0)="Looking for message with 'EMERGENCY Released PRC*5*162' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,222,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,223,0)="Looking for message with 'PRC*5*162 TEST' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,224,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,225,0)="Found Message: #4537062"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,226,0)=" Subject: PRC*5*162 TEST v4"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,227,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,228,0)="Is this the correct message? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,229,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,230,0)=" [7mNOTE: [m This is a TEST Patch without a valid SEQ #. Zero will be used."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,231,0)="Checking if Patch is for Current Version of Package."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,232,0)="Current Version 5.0 agrees with this Patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,233,0)="IFCAP Version 5.0 was installed May 12, 1995."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,234,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,235,0)="There is No Record in the INSTALL File"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,236,0)="of this Patch being previously installed."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,237,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,238,0)=" Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,239,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,240,0)="Checking the Patch Sequence Numbers for the correct order."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,241,0)=" [7mNOTE: [m This patch has SEQ #0. Sequence Numbers cannot be checked."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,242,0)="Patch PRC*5.0*162 may have a problem with sequence number order."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,243,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,244,0)="Looking for Associated patches."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,245,0)="No Associated patches found in Message."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,246,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,247,0)=" [7mDiscrepancies were Noted. [m"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,248,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,249,0)="Do you want to Continue with the Install? No// Y (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,250,0)="Line 139 Message #4537062 Unloading KIDS Distribution PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,251,0)=" PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,252,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,253,0)="Want to Continue with Load? YES// "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,254,0)="Loading Distribution..."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,255,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,256,0)=" PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,257,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,258,0)="==> Pre-Install Checksums will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,259,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,260,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: PRC*5.0*162// Loaded from Distribution"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,261,0)=" 9/20/99@16:23:26"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,262,0)=" => PRC*5*162 TEST v4"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,263,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,264,0)="Default 'NO' will list checksums for routines on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,265,0)="Do you want to also list Transport Global RSUM Values? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,266,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,267,0)="Pre-Install Values from Transport Global VAH Routines Sep 20, 1999@16:23"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,268,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,269,0)="Routine Checksum 2nd Line Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,270,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,271,0)="PRCH7D is not on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,272,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,273,0)="==> KIDS Verify Checksums option will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,274,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,275,0)="PACKAGE: PRC*5.0*162 VAH Sep 20, 1999@16:23 PAGE 1"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,277,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,278,0)=" 1 Routine checked, 0 failed."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,279,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,280,0)="==> KIDS Backup will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,281,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,282,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: PRC*5.0*162// Loaded from Distribution"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,283,0)=" 9/20/99@16:23:26"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,284,0)=" => PRC*5*162 TEST v4"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,285,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,286,0)="This Distribution was loaded on Sep 20, 1999@16:23:26 with header of "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,287,0)=" PRC*5*162 TEST v4"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,288,0)=" It consisted of the following Install(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,289,0)=" PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,290,0)="Loading Routines for PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,291,0)="Routine PRCH7D is not on the disk.. "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,292,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,293,0)="There are no routines which need to be saved."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,294,0)="No Backup Message will be created."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,295,0)="==> KIDS Install option will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,296,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,297,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: PRC*5.0*162// Loaded from Distribution"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,298,0)=" 9/20/99@16:23:26"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,299,0)=" => PRC*5*162 TEST v4"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,300,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,301,0)="This Distribution was loaded on Sep 20, 1999@16:23:26 with header of "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,302,0)=" PRC*5*162 TEST v4"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,303,0)=" It consisted of the following Install(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,304,0)=" PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,305,0)="Checking Install for Package PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,306,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,307,0)="Install Questions for PRC*5.0*162"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,308,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,309,0)="Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,310,0)="Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,311,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,312,0)="Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,313,0)="You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,314,0)="Enter a '^' to abort the install."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,315,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,316,0)="DEVICE: HOME// 0;P-OTHER80 TELNET"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,317,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,318,0)=" Install Started for PRC*5.0*162 : "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,319,0)=" Sep 20, 1999@16:23:52"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,320,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,321,0)="Build Distribution Date: Sep 09, 1999"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,322,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,323,0)=" Installing Routines:.."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,324,0)=" Sep 20, 1999@16:23:53"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,325,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,326,0)=" Updating Routine file......"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,327,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,328,0)=" Updating KIDS files......."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,329,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,330,0)=" PRC*5.0*162 Installed. "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,331,0)=" Sep 20, 1999@16:23:54"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,332,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,333,0)=" INSTALLATION Message #4553530 sent to defined Mail Group."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,334,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,335,0)=" Install Message sent #4553531"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,336,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,337,0)="==> Post-Install Checksums will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,338,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,339,0)="Default 'NO' will list checksums for routines on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,340,0)="Do you want to also list Build File RSUM Values? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,341,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,342,0)="Post-Install Values from Build File VAH Routines Sep 20, 1999@16:23"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,343,0)="NOTE: Old and new values will be the same if XTRMON has run"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,344,0)=" after this KIDS Build was installed."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,345,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,346,0)=" Checksum"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,347,0)="Routine Old New 2nd Line Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,348,0)="PRCH7D 11101400 **162**"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,349,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,350,0)="==> REMINDER: Check the Patch Description for Post-Install procedures."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,351,0)="Simple Patch Installation Finished - VAH - Sep 20, 1999@16:23:56"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,352,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,353,0)="Forwarding message #4537062 to PATCHES,ALL D."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,354,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,355,0)="Updating the Patch Record now."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,356,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,357,0)="Looking for Subject in MailMan Message #4537062"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,358,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,359,0)="Subject found in Message is: IFCAP/HOME OXYGEN MODULE API"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,360,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,361,0)="Do you want to use the MailMan Message Subject as is? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,362,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,363,0)="Press RETURN to Continue:"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,364,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,365,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,367,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,368,0)="Select Patch Main Menu Option: INquire for Patch/Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,369,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,370,0)="Use a leading zero for Patch Numbers less than 10."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,371,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,372,0)="Select PATCH RECORD PKG/VERS: PRC*5.0"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,373,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,374,0)="Select PATCH: 162V4 IFCAP/HOME OXYGEN MODULE API"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,375,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,376,0)="DEVICE: TELNET Right Margin: 80// "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,377,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,378,0)=" PATCH INQUIRE - VAH Sep 20, 1999@16:24"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,379,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,380,0)=" METHOD "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,381,0)=" MESSAGE# BACKUP# SUBJECT"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,383,0)=" ----------------------------------------------------------------------"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,384,0)=" 162V4 0 PackMan/KIDS IFCAP/HOME OXYGEN MODULE API"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,385,0)=" 4537062 0 TST SEP 20,1999 16:22 JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,386,0)=" VAH SEP 20,1999 16:23 JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,387,0)=" PRCH7D "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,388,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,389,0)="NOTE: The Install File lookup appears to have found a Test Patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,390,0)=" It will attempt to find more versions of the same Test Patch,"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,391,0)=" and the Verified Patch with the same number."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,392,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,393,0)=" Install: PRC*5.0*162 Install Completed by STOXEN,JAMES H"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,394,0)=" Start Time: 09/20/99 4:23:52 pm"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,395,0)=" Stop Time: 09/20/99 4:23:54 pm"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,396,0)=" Comment: PRC*5*162 TEST v4"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,397,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,398,0)="There are no Documentation, Build, or Compare entries for this patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,399,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,400,0)="Do you want to see the Patch MailMan Text? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,401,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,12,1,402,0)="Select Patch Main Menu Option:"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,0)="Add ADP, Generic MailMan User"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,1,0)="Select MailMan Menu Option: Help (User/Group Info., etc.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,2,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,3,0)="Select Help (User/Group Info., etc.) Option: USER Information"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,4,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,5,0)="User name: ADP PATCHES,ALL D INFORMATION RESOURCES "
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,6,0)=" Last used MailMan: 17 Nov 99 18:49"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,7,0)=" PATCHES"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,8,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,9,0)=" Introduction:"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,10,0)=" This is a Generic User set up to receive all VistA Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,11,0)=" and related messages. The patches should be saved in the"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,12,0)=" related PATCHES Basket for the related Package*Version."
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,13,0)=" The BEFORE messages created during a patch install should"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,14,0)=" be forwarded to the ADP user and SAVED in the BEFORE Basket."
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,15,0)=" Mail Baskets should be established for each package using"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,16,0)=" a standard naming convention. For example, five baskets "
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,17,0)=" have been set up for V4.5 Inpatient Medications:"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,18,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,19,0)=" PSJ*4.5 BEFORE -to save BEFORE messages when installing patches."
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,20,0)=" PSJ*4.5 LOCAL -Optional: if there are a number of local patches."
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,21,0)=" PSJ*4.5 MESSAGES -to save important Heads-Up messages which someone"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,22,0)=" may want to refer to later."
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,23,0)=" PSJ*4.5 NOIS/TLOG -to save forwarded NOIS messages from Forum and "
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,24,0)=" local TLOG messages which are significant."
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,25,0)=" NOTE: The use of the TLOG short description will"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,26,0)=" be very helpful when looking for a message."
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,27,0)=" PSJ*4.5 PATCHES -to save all patches and patch related messages."
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,28,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,29,0)=" REMINDER: When a new version of a package is installed, delete all of"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,30,0)=" the BEFORE and PATCHES messages for the previous version."
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,31,0)=" You may want to review the other baskets and check for messages"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,32,0)=" which are not version specific. Those can be saved in the new"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,33,0)=" PKG*VERS basket before deleting the other messages."
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,34,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,35,0)="Office phone: 3798"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,36,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,38,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,39,0)="Mail Groups:"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,40,0)=" XTRMON (Public)"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,41,0)=" PATCH (Public)"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,42,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,43,0)="This user's surrogates are:"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,44,0)=" STOXEN,JAMES H Read and Write Privileges"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,45,0)=" SAMS,KENNETH C Read and Write Privileges"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,46,0)=" PFAU,PETER J Read and Write Privileges"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,47,0)=" ANDERSON,MARGARET A Read and Write Privileges"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,48,0)=" GILBERTSON,DENNIS L Read and Write Privileges"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,49,0)=" NORAKER,DUANE O Read and Write Privileges"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,50,0)=" BAKKE,INA F Read and Write Privileges"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,51,0)=" HAYES,MICHAEL W Read and Write Privileges"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,52,0)=" WALKER,JOE FRANK Read and Write Privileges"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,53,0)=" KELLY,DELMER T Read and Write Privileges"
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,54,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,55,0)="User name: "
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,56,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,13,1,57,0)="Select Help (User/Group Info., etc.) Option: "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,0)="Warning for TEST Patch"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,1,0)="The following example shows how Simple Patch will view a previously"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,2,0)="installed TEST Patch as a discrepancy. The check to see if a patch"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,3,0)="has already been installed looks for the same Patch Number. Another"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,4,0)="MailMan Patch #95 was found resulting in a ""beep"" and the warning"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,5,0)="with the reverse video NOTE (double asterisks used for reverse video"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,6,0)="in this example). ""Discrepancies were Noted"" also appears in reverse"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,7,0)="video and the default for ""Do you want to Continue with the Install?"""
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,8,0)="is set to NO. However, when the discrepancy was identified, the Partial"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,9,0)="Install Comment showed the previously installed Patch #95 was TEST v1."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,10,0)="This showed it was safe to install the Released Patch #95 and the"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,11,0)="""Continue"" prompt could be answered with YES."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,12,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,13,0)="After the Released Patch XM*7.1*95 has been installed, ""Inquire for"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,14,0)="Patch/Install"" identifies TEST v1, TEST v2, and the Released Patch in"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,15,0)="the Patch Record (#437016) and the Install (#9.7) Files. The optional"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,16,0)="feature to view the Patch MailMan Text can be used if more detailed"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,17,0)="information is desired."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,19,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,20,0)="Simple Patch/Package Installation - VAH - Oct 15, 1999@03:46:28"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,21,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,22,0)="NOTE: Do not use this option for installs which require Logins Inhibited."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,23,0)=" Instead, use AAQMENU from programmer mode with Simple Patch option."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,24,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,25,0)=" You can finish an install using the options under"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,26,0)=" the KIDS Installation Menu if it terminates abnormally,"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,27,0)=" or you want to interrupt the process to run other options."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,28,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,29,0)="(Press Return to skip automatic Patch Message lookup"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,30,0)=" and use Read a Message or Load a Distribution instead.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,31,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,32,0)="==> For automatic Patch Message lookup and Install/Check,"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,33,0)=" enter Patch Name in format Namespace*Version*Patch: XM*7.1*95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,34,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,35,0)="Looking for message with 'Released XM*7.1*95' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,36,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,37,0)="Found Message: #4636040"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,38,0)=" Subject: Released XM*7.1*95 SEQ #95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,39,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,40,0)="Checking if Patch is for Current Version of Package."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,41,0)="Current Version 7.1 agrees with this Patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,42,0)="MAILMAN Version 7.1 was installed Oct 20, 1994."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,43,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,44,0)="**NOTE:** INSTALL file shows at least one XM*7.1*95 already installed."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,45,0)="First installed Sep 24, 1999@03:24:11 by STOXEN,JAMES H."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,46,0)="Partial Install Comment: XM*7.1*95 TEST v1"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,47,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,48,0)=" Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,49,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,50,0)="Checking the Patch Sequence Numbers for the correct order."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,51,0)="Patch #100 with SEQ #94 has the highest Sequence Number."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,52,0)="Patch #95 with SEQ #95 is being compared for pre-install."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,53,0)="Patch XM*7.1*95 is OK for the sequence number order."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,54,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,55,0)="Looking for Associated patches."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,56,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,57,0)="XM*7.1*89 SEQ #88 Broadcasts and Forwarding"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,58,0)=" Installed in TST on Oct 12, 1999@18:59:15 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,59,0)=" Installed in VAH on Oct 12, 1999@19:01:16 by JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,60,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,61,0)="**Discrepancies were Noted.**"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,62,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,63,0)="Do you want to Continue with the Install? No// Y (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,64,0)="Line 101 Message #4636040 Unloading KIDS Distribution XM*7.1*95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,65,0)="Build XM*7.1*95 has been loaded before, here is when: "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,66,0)=" XM*7.1*95 Install Completed"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,67,0)=" was loaded on Sep 24, 1999@03:24:10"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,68,0)=" XM*7.1*95 Install Completed"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,69,0)=" was loaded on Oct 12, 1999@19:14:56"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,70,0)="OK to continue with Load? NO// YES"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,71,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,72,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,73,0)="Want to Continue with Load? YES// "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,74,0)="Loading Distribution..."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,75,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,76,0)=" XM*7.1*95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,77,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,78,0)="==> Pre-Install Checksums will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,79,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,80,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: XM*7.1*95// Loaded from Distribution"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,81,0)=" 10/15/99@03:47:12"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,82,0)=" => Released XM*7.1*95 SEQ #95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,83,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,84,0)="Default 'NO' will list checksums for routines on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,85,0)="Do you want to also list Transport Global RSUM Values? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,86,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,87,0)="Pre-Install Values from Transport Global VAH Routines Oct 15, 1999@03:46"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,88,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,89,0)="Routine Checksum 2nd Line Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,90,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,91,0)="XMXSEC1 13791136 **50,95**"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,92,0)="XMXSEC2 21310509 **50,89,95**"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,93,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,94,0)="==> KIDS Verify Checksums option will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,95,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,96,0)="PACKAGE: XM*7.1*95 VAH Oct 15, 1999@03:47 PAGE 1"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,98,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,99,0)=" 2 Routine checked, 0 failed."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,100,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,101,0)="==> KIDS Backup will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,102,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,103,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: XM*7.1*95// Loaded from Distribution"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,104,0)=" 10/15/99@03:47:12"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,105,0)=" => Released XM*7.1*95 SEQ #95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,106,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,107,0)="This Distribution was loaded on Oct 15, 1999@03:47:12 with header of "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,108,0)=" Released XM*7.1*95 SEQ #95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,109,0)=" It consisted of the following Install(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,110,0)=" XM*7.1*95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,111,0)="Loading Routines for XM*7.1*95.."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,112,0)="Backup message #4636924 created"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,113,0)="with Subject 'BEFORE XM*7.1*95 from VAH'"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,114,0)="and sent to STOXEN,JAMES H and PATCHES,ALL D"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,115,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,116,0)="==> KIDS Install option will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,117,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,118,0)="Select INSTALL NAME: XM*7.1*95// Loaded from Distribution"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,119,0)=" 10/15/99@03:47:12"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,120,0)=" => Released XM*7.1*95 SEQ #95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,121,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,122,0)="This Distribution was loaded on Oct 15, 1999@03:47:12 with header of "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,123,0)=" Released XM*7.1*95 SEQ #95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,124,0)=" It consisted of the following Install(s):"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,125,0)=" XM*7.1*95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,126,0)="Checking Install for Package XM*7.1*95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,127,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,128,0)="Install Questions for XM*7.1*95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,129,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,130,0)="Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,131,0)="Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,132,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,133,0)="Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,134,0)="You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,135,0)="Enter a '^' to abort the install."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,136,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,137,0)="DEVICE: HOME// 0;P-OTHER80 TELNET"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,138,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,139,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,140,0)=" Install Started for XM*7.1*95 : "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,141,0)=" Oct 15, 1999@03:47:58"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,142,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,143,0)="Build Distribution Date: Oct 05, 1999"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,144,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,145,0)=" Installing Routines:..."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,146,0)=" Oct 15, 1999@03:47:58"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,147,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,148,0)=" Updating Routine file......"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,149,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,150,0)=" Updating KIDS files......."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,151,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,152,0)=" XM*7.1*95 Installed. "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,153,0)=" Oct 15, 1999@03:47:58"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,154,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,155,0)=" INSTALLATION Message #4636925 sent to defined Mail Group."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,156,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,157,0)=" Install Message sent #4636926"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,158,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,159,0)="==> Post-Install Checksums will run now."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,160,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,161,0)="Default 'NO' will list checksums for routines on the system."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,162,0)="Do you want to also list Build File RSUM Values? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,163,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,164,0)="Post-Install Values from Build File VAH Routines Oct 15, 1999@03:48"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,165,0)="NOTE: Old and new values will be the same if XTRMON has run"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,166,0)=" after this KIDS Build was installed."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,167,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,168,0)=" Checksum"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,169,0)="Routine Old New 2nd Line Patches"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,170,0)="XMXSEC1 13791136 13791136 **50,95**"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,171,0)="XMXSEC2 21310509 21310509 **50,89,95**"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,172,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,173,0)="==> REMINDER: Check the Patch Description for Post-Install procedures."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,174,0)="Simple Patch Installation Finished - VAH - Oct 15, 1999@03:48:01"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,175,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,176,0)="Forwarding message #4636040 to PATCHES,ALL D."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,177,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,178,0)="Updating the Patch Record now."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,179,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,180,0)="Looking for Subject in MailMan Message #4636040"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,181,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,182,0)="Subject found in Message is: Forward messages in transmit queues"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,183,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,184,0)="Do you want to use the MailMan Message Subject as is? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,185,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,186,0)="Press RETURN to Continue:"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,188,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,189,0)="Select Patch Main Menu Option: INquire for Patch/Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,190,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,191,0)="Use a leading zero for Patch Numbers less than 10."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,192,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,193,0)="Select PATCH RECORD PKG/VERS: XM"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,194,0)=" 1 XM*7.1 "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,195,0)=" 2 XM*DBA "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,196,0)="CHOOSE 1-2: 1 XM*7.1"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,197,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,198,0)="Select PATCH: 95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,199,0)=" 1 95 Forward messages in transmit queues"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,200,0)=" 2 95V1 Forward messages in transmit queues"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,201,0)=" 3 95V2 Forward messages in transmit queues"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,202,0)="CHOOSE 1-3: 1 95 Forward messages in transmit queues"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,203,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,204,0)="DEVICE: TELNET Right Margin: 80//"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,205,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,206,0)=" PATCH INQUIRE - VAH Oct 15, 1999@03:48"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,207,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,208,0)=" METHOD "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,209,0)=" MESSAGE# BACKUP# SUBJECT"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,211,0)=" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,212,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,213,0)=" 95 95 PackMan/KIDS Forward messages in transmit queues"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,214,0)=" 4636040 4636924 TST OCT 15,1999 03:44 JHS "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,215,0)=" VAH OCT 15,1999 03:48 JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,216,0)=" XMXSEC1 XMXSEC2 "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,217,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,218,0)="NOTE: The Install File lookup appears to have found a Test Patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,219,0)=" It will attempt to find more versions of the same Test Patch,"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,220,0)=" and the Verified Patch with the same number."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,221,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,222,0)=" Install: XM*7.1*95 Install Completed by STOXEN,JAMES H"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,223,0)=" Start Time: 09/24/99 3:24:10 am"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,224,0)=" Stop Time: 09/24/99 3:24:11 am"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,225,0)=" Comment: XM*7.1*95 TEST v1"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,226,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,227,0)="Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,228,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,229,0)="PATCH INQUIRE - VAH Oct 15, 1999@03:48"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,230,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,231,0)=" METHOD"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,232,0)=" MESSAGE# BACKUP# SUBJECT"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,234,0)=" -------------------------------------------------------------------------"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,235,0)=" Install: XM*7.1*95 Install Completed by STOXEN,JAMES H"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,236,0)=" Start Time: 10/12/99 7:14:56 pm"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,237,0)=" Stop Time: 10/12/99 7:14:56 pm"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,238,0)=" Comment: XM*7.1*95 TEST v2"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,239,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,240,0)=" Install: XM*7.1*95 Install Completed by STOXEN,JAMES H"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,241,0)=" Start Time: 10/15/99 3:47:58 am"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,242,0)=" Stop Time: 10/15/99 3:47:58 am"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,243,0)=" Comment: Released XM*7.1*95 SEQ #95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,244,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,245,0)="There are no Documentation, Build, or Compare entries for this patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,246,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,247,0)="Do you want to see the Patch MailMan Text? No// Y (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,249,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,250,0)="{MailMan Message}"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,251,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,252,0)="Subject: Released XM*7.1*95 SEQ #95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,253,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,254,0)="DEVICE: HOME// TELNET"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,255,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,256,0)="$TXT Created by BEUSCHEL,GARY at MAILMAN.ISC-SF.VA.GOV (KIDS) on TUESDAY,"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,257,0)=" 10/05/99 at 10:50"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,259,0)="Run Date: OCT 14, 1999 Designation: XM*7.1*95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,260,0)="Package : XM - MAILMAN Priority: Mandatory"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,261,0)="Version : 7.1 SEQ #95 Status: Released"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,263,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,264,0)="Associated patches: (v)XM*7.1*89 <<= must be installed BEFORE `XM*7.1*95'"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,265,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,266,0)="Subject: Forward messages in transmit queues"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,267,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,268,0)="Category: "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,269,0)=" - Routine"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,270,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,271,0)="Description: "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,273,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,274,0)=" Patch XM*7.1*95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,275,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,276,0)=" NOIS: WAS-0999-21379"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,277,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,278,0)="Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,279,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,280,0)=" Test Sites: Washington,D.C.; Fargo,ND"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,281,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,282,0)=" MailMan patch XM*7.1*50 removed the ability to forward messages in the"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,283,0)=" Postmaster's transmit queue baskets. This patch restores that ability."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,284,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,285,0)=" NOTE: This patch should be installed after hours, when user activity is at a"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,286,0)=" minimum. It requires MailMan patch XM*7.1*89."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,287,0)=" ============================================================================ "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,288,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,289,0)=" ROUTINES:"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,290,0)=" The second line of the routine now looks like:"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,291,0)=" ;;7.1;MailMan;**[patch list]**;Jun 02, 1994"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,292,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,293,0)=" Before After"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,294,0)=" Name Checksum Checksum Patch List"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,295,0)=" --------------------------------------------------------------"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,296,0)=" XMXSEC1 12851118 13791136 50,95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,297,0)=" XMXSEC2 21338911 21310509 50,89,95"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,298,0)=" * Checksums produced by CHECK^XTSUMBLD"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,299,0)=" ==========================================================================="
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,300,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,301,0)=" INSTALLATION:"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,302,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,303,0)="Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,304,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,305,0)=" NOTE: This patch should be installed after hours, when user activity is at a"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,306,0)=" minimum. It requires MailMan patch XM*7.1*89."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,307,0)=" 1. DSM Sites: If any of these routines is mapped, disable mapping for the "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,308,0)=" affected routine(s). "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,309,0)=" 2. On the PackMan menu, use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option. This loads "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,310,0)=" the patch into a Transport Global on your system. "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,311,0)=" 3. You do not need to stop TaskMan or the background filers."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,312,0)=" 4. On the KIDS:Installation menu, use the following options to install the"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,313,0)=" Transport Global:"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,314,0)=" Verify Checksums in Transport Global"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,315,0)=" Print Transport Global"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,316,0)=" Compare Transport Global to Current System"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,317,0)=" Backup a Transport Global"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,318,0)=" Install Package(s)"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,319,0)=" Select INSTALL NAME: XM*7.1*95 Loaded from Distribution <date/time>"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,320,0)=" ========="
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,321,0)=" Install Questions:"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,322,0)=" Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,323,0)=" =="
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,324,0)=" Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,325,0)=" =="
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,326,0)=" Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,327,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,328,0)="Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,329,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,330,0)=" You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,331,0)=" Enter a '^' to abort the install."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,332,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,333,0)=" DEVICE: HOME// <It's up to you. You may queue it if you wish.>"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,334,0)=" ------------------------------------------------"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,335,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,336,0)=" 5. DSM Sites: After patch has installed, rebuild your map set, if necessary."
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,337,0)=" ==========================================================================="
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,338,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,339,0)="Routine Information:"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,341,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,342,0)="Routine Name:"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,343,0)=" - XMXSEC1"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,344,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,345,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,346,0)="Routine Checksum:"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,347,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,348,0)="Routine Name:"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,349,0)=" - XMXSEC2"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,350,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,351,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,352,0)="Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,353,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,354,0)="Routine Checksum:"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,355,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,357,0)="User Information: "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,358,0)="Entered By : BEUSCHEL,GARY Date Entered : SEP 22, 1999"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,359,0)="Completed By: WOODHOUSE,GREGORY Date Completed: OCT 13, 1999"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,360,0)="Released By : MROWCZYNSKI,EDWARD Date Released : OCT 14, 1999"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,362,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,363,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,364,0)="Packman Mail Message:"
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,366,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,367,0)="Select Patch Main Menu Option: "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,368,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,14,1,369,0)="Oct 15, 1999 3:48:50 am (UCI: VAH,ROU)"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,0)="Non-KIDS Local PackMan Example"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,1,0)="Dec 16, 1999 0:35:53 am (UCI: VAH,ROU)"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,2,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,3,0)="Select Patch Main Menu Option: INquire for Patch/Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,4,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,5,0)="Use a leading zero for Patch Numbers less than 10."
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,6,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,7,0)="Select PATCH RECORD PKG/VERS: SOW*3.0"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,8,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,9,0)="Select PATCH: L02 FIX $T IN COMMUNITY RESOURCE MODULE"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,10,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,11,0)="DEVICE: TELNET Right Margin: 80// "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,12,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,13,0)=" PATCH INQUIRE - VAH Dec 16, 1999@00:36"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,14,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,15,0)=" METHOD "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,16,0)=" MESSAGE# BACKUP# SUBJECT"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,18,0)=" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,19,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,20,0)=" L02 0 PackMan/KIDS FIX $T IN COMMUNITY RESOURCE MODULE"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,21,0)=" 4851658 4851656 TST DEC 15,1999 JHS "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,22,0)=" SOWKBH "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,23,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,24,0)=" Patch Number not found in the INSTALL File (#9.7)."
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,25,0)="Do you want to see related Patch Documentation? No// Y (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,26,0)="Build Notes are available for this Patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,27,0)="Documentation is available for this Patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,28,0)="Routine Compare Results are available for this Patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,29,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,30,0)="Which document(s) to you want to see?"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,31,0)="(B)uild Notes, (C)ompare Results ,(D)ocumentation, or (A)ll: D//A"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,32,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,34,0)="{Documentation Field}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,35,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,36,0)=" 12-15-99/jhs In the routine SOWKBH, the use of '$T as a timeout was"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,37,0)=" replaced with $D(DTOUT). Due to the 30-day Y2K Lockdown of the Production"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,38,0)=" system, this local patch was installed in Test only. To give Social Work"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,39,0)=" Service access to the current data in the Community Resource Module, I"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,40,0)=" copied the global SOWK(656 from VAH to TST. Prior to the copy, there"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,41,0)=" were 1157 entrie in TST and 1183 entries in VAH."
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,42,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,43,0)=" Since this local patch will most likely be replaced by a National verified"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,44,0)=" patch, I made a simple PackMan message rather than a KIDS Build. The data"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,45,0)=" in the Patch Record was updated manually."
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,46,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,47,0)=" Last Edited: Dec 15, 1999@23:23"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,48,0)=" Edited By: STOXEN,JAMES H"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,49,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,50,0)="Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,51,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,53,0)="{Build Notes Field}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,54,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,55,0)=" Not Applicable. This was done as a simple PackMan message as this"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,56,0)=" Local Patch may be a temporary fix during the 30-day Y2K Lockdown."
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,57,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,58,0)=" Last Edited: Dec 15, 1999@23:24"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,59,0)=" Edited By: STOXEN,JAMES H"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,60,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,61,0)="Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,62,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,64,0)="{Compare Results Field}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,65,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,66,0)=" MailMan PackMan Compare - For STOXEN,JAMES H"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,67,0)=" Message #4851658"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,68,0)=" Subject: LOCAL SOWK*3*L02 Fix $T Problem in Community Resource Module"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,69,0)=" From: <STOXEN.JAMES_H@TEST.FARGO.VA.GOV>"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,70,0)=" WEDNESDAY DEC 15, 1999@23:21:48 (VAH,ROU)"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,71,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,72,0)=" ***************************************************************************"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,73,0)=" Message #4851658 Routine from DISK on LEFT - from Message on RIGHT"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,74,0)=" ***************************************************************************"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,75,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,76,0)=" Line 3 Message #4851658 Comparing Routine SOWKBH"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,77,0)=" 1{SOWKBH ;B'HAM ISC/SAB-Print rou} 1{SOWKBH ;B'HAM ISC/SAB-Print rou}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,78,0)=" {tine for Community Resource Mod} {tine for Community Resource Mod}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,79,0)=" {ule ; 22 Jan 93 / 9:58 AM [ 07/} {ule ; 22 Jan 93 / 9:58 AM [ 07/}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,80,0)=" {18/94 1:02 PM ]} {18/94 1:02 PM ] [12/15/99 10:3}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,81,0)=" ^ ^"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,82,0)=" {9pm]}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,83,0)=" 2{ ;;3.0; Social Work ;**33**;27 } 2{ ;;3.0; Social Work ;**33,L01**}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,84,0)=" ^ ^"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,85,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,86,0)="Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,87,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,89,0)=" {Apr 93} {;27 Apr 93}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,90,0)=" 3{ASK W !!,""Do you want"",!?5,""Sin} 3{ASK W !!,""Do you want"",!?5,""Sin}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,91,0)=" {gle level sort (S)"" R !?5,""Mult} {gle level sort (S)"" R !?5,""Mult}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,92,0)=" {iple level sort (M): S// "",SW:} {iple level sort (M): S// "",SW:}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,93,0)=" {DTIME S:SW="""" SW=""S"" G:""^""[SW!(} {DTIME S:SW="""" SW=""S"" G:""^""[SW!$}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,94,0)=" ^ ^"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,95,0)=" {'$T) CLO} {D(DTOUT) CLO}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,96,0)=" 25{SORT1 W !!,?25,""SINGLE LEVEL SO} 25{SORT1 W !!,?25,""SINGLE LEVEL SO}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,97,0)=" {RT"",!!,""Select By: "",!,?5,""Coun} {RT"",!!,""Select By: "",!,?5,""Coun}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,98,0)=" {ty"",!,?5,""Agency"",!,?5,""City"",!} {ty"",!,?5,""Agency"",!,?5,""City"",!}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,99,0)=" {,?5,""Zip"",!,?5,""Type "" R !,""Ent} {,?5,""Zip"",!,?5,""Type "" R !,""Ent}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,100,0)=" {er two or more characters: "",SW} {er two or more characters: "",SW}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,101,0)=" {:DTIME G:""^""[SW!('$T) CLO S SW=} {:DTIME G:""^""[SW!$D(DTOUT) CLO S}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,102,0)=" ^ ^"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,103,0)=" {$E(SW,1,2)} { SW=$E(SW,1,2)}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,104,0)=" 26{SEA W @IOF,!! S DR="".01:99"",(DI} 26{SEA W @IOF,!! S DR="".01:99"",(DI}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,105,0)=" {C,DIE)=""^SOWK(656,"",DIC(0)=""AEQ} {C,DIE)=""^SOWK(656,"",DIC(0)=""AEQ}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,106,0)=" {"",DIC(""A"")=$S(SW=""CO"":""COUNTY: } {"",DIC(""A"")=$S(SW=""CO"":""COUNTY: }"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,107,0)=" {"",SW=""TY"":""TYPE: "",SW=""CI"":""CIT} {"",SW=""TY"":""TYPE: "",SW=""CI"":""CIT}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,108,0)=" {Y: "",SW=""ZI"":""ZIP: "",SW=""AG"":""A} {Y: "",SW=""ZI"":""ZIP: "",SW=""AG"":""A}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,109,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,110,0)="Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,111,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,113,0)=" {GENCY: "",1:""1"") D:SW=""TY"" LOK I} {GENCY: "",1:""1"") D:SW=""TY"" LOK ;}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,114,0)=" ^ ^"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,115,0)=" { DIC(""A"") D HLP G SORT1} {;I DIC(""A"") D HLP G SORT1}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,116,0)=" 27{TY S D=$S(SW=""CO"":""M"",SW=""TY"":""} 27{TY S D=$S(SW=""CO"":""M"",SW=""TY"":""}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,117,0)=" {C"",SW=""CI"":""E"",SW=""ZI"":""D"",1:""B} {C"",SW=""CI"":""E"",SW=""ZI"":""D"",1:""B}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,118,0)=" {"") D IX^DIC G:""^""[X!('$T) CLO G} {"") D IX^DIC G:""^""[X!$D(DTOUT) C}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,119,0)=" ^ ^"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,120,0)=" {:Y'>0 TY S DA=+Y K DIC G DEV} {LO G:Y'>0 TY S DA=+Y K DIC G DE}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,121,0)=" {V}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,122,0)=" --------------------------------------------------------------------------"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,123,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,124,0)=" Last Edited: Dec 15, 1999@23:25"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,125,0)=" Edited By: STOXEN,JAMES H"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,126,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,127,0)="Press RETURN to Continue: "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,128,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,130,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,131,0)="Do you want to see the Patch MailMan Text? No// Y (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,132,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,134,0)="{MailMan Message}"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,135,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,136,0)="Subject: LOCAL SOWK*3*L02 Fix $T Problem in Community Resource Module"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,137,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,138,0)="DEVICE: HOME// TELNET"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,139,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,140,0)="$TXT Created by STOXEN,JAMES H at TEST.FARGO.VA.GOV on WEDNESDAY, 12/15/99"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,141,0)=" at 22:57"
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,142,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,15,1,143,0)="Select Patch Main Menu Option: "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,0)="Install Example - Info Patch"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,1,0)="Select Simple Patch Main Option: PRE-Install Check (Only)"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,2,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,3,0)="Simple Patch Pre-Install Check - VAH - May 08, 2000@23:32:12"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,4,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,5,0)="(Press Return to skip automatic Patch Message lookup"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,6,0)=" and use Read a Message or Load a Distribution instead.)"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,7,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,8,0)="==> For automatic Patch Message lookup and Install/Check,"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,9,0)=" enter Patch Name in format Namespace*Version*Patch: KMPR*1.0*1"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,10,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,11,0)="Looking for message with 'Released KMPR*1*1' in the subject."
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,12,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,13,0)="Found Message: #5145732"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,14,0)=" Subject: Released KMPR*1*1 SEQ #1"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,15,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,16,0)="This is not a KIDS PackMan Distribution message."
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,17,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,18,0)="Does this message refer to a KIDS FTP, or Informational Patch? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,19,0)="Which type of Patch is this (F)TP or (I)nformational?: I// "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,20,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,21,0)="For Patch Record Updating: METHOD will be Informational."
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,22,0)="BACKUP# will be 0, and UCI DATE/TIME will be NOW."
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,23,0)="If default values are incorrect, make changes using Enter/Edit Patch Record."
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,24,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,25,0)="Forwarding message #5145732 to STOXEN,JAMES H@TEST.FARGO.VA.GOV"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,26,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,27,0)="Forwarding message #5145732 to PATCHES,ALL D."
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,28,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,29,0)="Doing Partial Update of the Patch Record now."
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,30,0)="Updating the Patch Record now."
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,31,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,32,0)="Looking for Subject in MailMan Message #5145732"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,33,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,34,0)="Subject found in Message is: RUM Update"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,35,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,36,0)="Do you want to use the MailMan Message Subject as is? Yes// (Yes)"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,37,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,39,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,40,0)="Select Patch Main Menu Option: INquire for Patch/Install"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,41,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,42,0)="Use a leading zero for Patch Numbers less than 10."
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,43,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,44,0)="Select PATCH RECORD PKG/VERS: KMPR*1.0 "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,45,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,46,0)="Select PATCH: 01 RUM Update"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,47,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,48,0)="DEVICE: TELNET Right Margin: 80// "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,49,0)=" PATCH INQUIRE - VAH May 08, 2000@23:32"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,50,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,51,0)=" METHOD "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,52,0)=" MESSAGE# BACKUP# SUBJECT"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,54,0)=" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,55,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,56,0)=" 01 1 Informational RUM Update"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,57,0)=" 5145732 0 VAH MAY 8,2000 23:32 JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,58,0)=" TST MAY 8,2000 23:32 JHS"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,59,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,60,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,61,0)=" Patch Number not found in the INSTALL File (#9.7)."
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,62,0)="There are no Documentation, Build, or Compare entries for this patch."
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,63,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,64,0)="Do you want to see the Patch MailMan Text? No// (No)"
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,65,0)=" "
^DIZ(437016.9,16,1,66,0)="Select Patch Main Menu Option:"
^DIZ(437016.9,"B","Add ADP, Generic MailMan User",13)=""
^DIZ(437016.9,"B","Help Info - Patch Record",1)=""
^DIZ(437016.9,"B","Help Info - Simple Patch",2)=""
^DIZ(437016.9,"B","Install Example - FTP KIDS",11)=""
^DIZ(437016.9,"B","Install Example - Info Patch",16)=""
^DIZ(437016.9,"B","Install Example - Local Patch",4)=""
^DIZ(437016.9,"B","Install Example - PackMan KIDS",8)=""
^DIZ(437016.9,"B","Install Example - TEST Patch",12)=""
^DIZ(437016.9,"B","Install Example - XM*DBA Patch",7)=""
^DIZ(437016.9,"B","Menu Options for Simple Patch",9)=""
^DIZ(437016.9,"B","Non-KIDS Local PackMan Example",15)=""
^DIZ(437016.9,"B","Template for Build Notes",6)=""
^DIZ(437016.9,"B","Template for Documentation",5)=""
^DIZ(437016.9,"B","Warning for TEST Patch",14)=""