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FirstRelease WVEHR VER VOE1.0
Cache 31-Jan-2008 23:07:04 ZWR
^USR(8930,0)="USR CLASS^8930^623^116"
^USR(8930,31,0)="ASSOCIATE CHIEF OF STAFF^ACOS^1^Associate Chief Of Staff"
^USR(8930,34,0)="ATTENDING PHYSICIAN^ATT^1^Attending Physician"
^USR(8930,46,0)="CHIEF RESIDENT^CR^1^Chief Resident"
^USR(8930,48,0)="CHIEF, MIS^CMIS^1^Chief, MIS"
^USR(8930,54,0)="CLINICAL CLERK^CLCLRK^1^Clinical Clerk"
^USR(8930,55,0)="CLINICAL COORDINATOR^CLPAC^1^Clinical Coordinator"
^USR(8930,56,0)="CLINICAL DIETITIAN^CLDIET^1^Clinical Dietitian"
^USR(8930,58,0)="CLINICAL PHARMACIST^CLPH^1^Clinical Pharmacist"
^USR(8930,91,0)="DENTAL ASSISTANT^DA^1^Dental Assistant"
^USR(8930,92,0)="DENTAL INTERN^DI^1^Dental Intern"
^USR(8930,93,0)="DENTAL RESIDENT^DR^1^Dental Resident"
^USR(8930,100,0)="DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN^DIALTEC^1^Dialysis Technician"
^USR(8930,104,0)="DISTINGUISHED PHYSICIAN^VIPMD^1^Distinguished Physician"
^USR(8930,151,0)="HEAD NURSE^HEADRN^1^Head Nurse"
^USR(8930,153,0)="HEALTH CARE TECHNICIAN^HCT^1^Health Care Technician"
^USR(8930,158,0)="HEMODIALYSIS TECHNICIAN^HEMO^1^Hemodialysis Technician"
^USR(8930,171,0)="INFECTION CONTROL NURSE^ICN^1^Infection Control Nurse"
^USR(8930,173,0)="INFECTIOUS DISEASE FELLOW^IDF^1^Infectious Disease Fellow"
^USR(8930,194,0)="LABORATORY TECHNICIAN^LABTECH^1^Laboratory Technician"
^USR(8930,251,0)="MEDICAL RECORD SUPERVISOR^MRS^1^Medical Record Supervisor"
^USR(8930,254,0)="MEDICAL RECORDS TECHNICIAN^MRT^1^Medical Records Technician^503"
^USR(8930,255,0)="MEDICAL STUDENT^MS^1^Medical Student"
^USR(8930,256,0)="MEDICAL STUDENT III^MS3^1^Medical Student III"
^USR(8930,257,0)="MEDICAL STUDENT IV^MS4^1^Medical Student IV"
^USR(8930,259,0)="MEDICAL TECHNICIAN^MTECH^1^Medical Technician"
^USR(8930,260,0)="MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST^MTECH^1^Medical Technologist"
^USR(8930,273,0)="NURSE ANESTHETIST^NRSANES^1^Nurse Anesthetist"
^USR(8930,274,0)="NURSE CLINICAL SPECIALIST^NRSSPEC^1^Nurse Clinical Specialist"
^USR(8930,276,0)="NURSE PRACTITIONER^NRSPRAC^1^Nurse Practitioner"
^USR(8930,277,0)="NURSING ASSISTANT^NA^1^Nursing Assistant"
^USR(8930,281,0)="NURSING SUPERVISOR^NRSSUP^1^Nursing Supervisor"
^USR(8930,284,0)="OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST^OT^1^Occupational Therapist"
^USR(8930,285,0)="OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT^OTA^1^Occupational Therapy Assistant"
^USR(8930,286,0)="OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY STUDENT^OTS^1^Occupational Therapy Student"
^USR(8930,294,0)="OPERATING ROOM TECHNICIAN^ORTECH^1^Operating Room Technician"
^USR(8930,298,0)="ORAL SURGERY RESIDENT^OSRES^1^Oral Surgery Resident"
^USR(8930,309,0)="PATHOLOGY RESIDENT^PATHRES^1^Pathology Resident"
^USR(8930,326,0)="PHARMACY STUDENT^PHSTU^1^Pharmacy Student"
^USR(8930,329,0)="PHARMACY TECHNICIAN^PHTECH^1^Pharmacy Technician"
^USR(8930,332,0)="PHYSICAL THERAPIST^PT^1^Physical Therapist"
^USR(8930,333,0)="PHYSICAL THERAPY AID^PTA^1^Physical Therapy Aid"
^USR(8930,335,0)="PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT^PA^1^Physician Assistant"
^USR(8930,361,0)="PROSTHETICS CLERK^PROSTH^1^Prosthetics Clerk"
^USR(8930,369,0)="PSYCHIATRY RESIDENT^PSYRES^1^Psychiatry Resident"
^USR(8930,371,0)="PSYCHOLOGY INTERN^PSYCH^1^Psychology Intern"
^USR(8930,379,0)="PULMONARY FELLOW^PULM^1^Pulmonary Fellow"
^USR(8930,380,0)="PULMONARY FUNCTION TECH^PULM^1^Pulmonary Function Tech"
^USR(8930,384,0)="PULMONARY TECHNICIAN^PULM^1^Pulmonary Technician"
^USR(8930,402,0)="RADIOLOGY RESIDENT^RADRES^1^Radiology Resident"
^USR(8930,404,0)="RADIOLOGY TECHNICIAN^RADTECH^1^Radiology Technician"
^USR(8930,409,0)="RECREATION THERAPIST^RT^1^Recreation Therapist"
^USR(8930,410,0)="RECREATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT^RTA^1^Recreational Therapy Assistant"
^USR(8930,414,0)="REMOTE USER^REM^1^Remote User"
^USR(8930,415,0)="RENAL FELLOW^RENAL^1^Renal Fellow"
^USR(8930,426,0)="RESIDENT PHYSICIAN^RESMD^1^Resident Physician"
^USR(8930,427,0)="RESPIRATORY THERAPIST^RT^1^Respiratory Therapist"
^USR(8930,438,0)="SENIOR RESIDENT^^1^Senior Resident"
^USR(8930,442,0)="SOCIAL WORK INTERN^^1^Social Work Intern"
^USR(8930,444,0)="SOCIAL WORKER^SW^1^Social Worker"
^USR(8930,449,0)="SPEECH PATHOLOGIST^SP^1^Speech Pathologist"
^USR(8930,459,0)="STAFF PHYSICIAN^SMD^1^Staff Physician"
^USR(8930,460,0)="STAFF PSYCHIATRIST^PSY^1^Staff Psychiatrist"
^USR(8930,461,0)="STAFF PSYCHOLOGIST^^1^Staff Psychologist"
^USR(8930,464,0)="STAFF SURGEON^^1^Staff Surgeon"
^USR(8930,536,0)="VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION SPECIALIST^VR^1^Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist"
^USR(8930,548,0)="PRIVACY ACT OFFICER^PAO^1^Privacy Act Officer"
^USR(8930,549,0)="POST GRADUATE YEAR 1 RESIDENT^PGY1^1^PGY1 Resident"
^USR(8930,550,0)="POST GRADUATE YEAR 2 RESIDENT^PGY2^1^PGY2 Resident"
^USR(8930,551,0)="POST GRADUATE YEAR 3 RESIDENT^PGY3^1^PGY3 Resident"
^USR(8930,552,0)="POST GRADUATE YEAR 4 RESIDENT^PGY4^1^PGY4 Resident"
^USR(8930,554,0)="CLINICAL SERVICE CHIEF^SVCC^1^Clinical Service Chief"
^USR(8930,555,0)="MEDICAL INFORMATION SECTION^MIS^1^Medical Information Section"
^USR(8930,556,0)="CHIEF, MEDICAL SERVICE^CMED^1^Chief, Medical Service"
^USR(8930,557,0)="CHIEF, SURGICAL SERVICE^CSURG^1^Chief, Surgical Service"
^USR(8930,558,0)="CHIEF, PSYCHIATRY SERVICE^CPSYCH^1^Chief, Psychiatry Service"
^USR(8930,564,0)="ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY^ADR^1^Allergy & Immunology^3"
^USR(8930,571,0)="NURSE LICENSED PRACTICAL^LPN^1^Nurse - Licensed Practical"
^USR(8930,572,0)="NURSE STUDENT^^1^Nurse Student"
^USR(8930,573,0)="MEDICAL CLERK^MEDCLK^1^Medical Clerk"
^USR(8930,574,0)="DIETETIC INTERN^DI^1^Dietetic Intern"
^USR(8930,603,0)="GERIATRIC INTERNAL MEDICINE^GERIMD^1^Geriatric Internal Medicine^34"
^USR(8930,605,0)="INFECTIOUS DISEASE INTERNIST^INFINT^1^Infectious Disease Internist^36"
^USR(8930,621,0)="MEDICAL RECORD ADMINISTRATOR^MRA^1^Medical Record Administrator^502"
^USR(8930,622,0)="LR ANATOMIC PATH EMPTY CLASS^LRAPMT^1^LR Anatomic Path Empty Class"
^USR(8930,623,0)="DGPF PATIENT RECORD FLAGS MGR^PRFM^1^DGPF Patient Record Flags Mgr"
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Allergy & Immunology",564)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Associate Chief Of Staff",31)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Attending Physician",34)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Chief Resident",46)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Chief, MIS",48)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Chief, Medical Service",556)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Chief, Psychiatry Service",558)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Chief, Surgical Service",557)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Clinical Clerk",54)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Clinical Coordinator",55)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Clinical Dietitian",56)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Clinical Pharmacist",58)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Clinical Service Chief",554)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"DGPF Patient Record Flags Mgr",623)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Dental Assistant",91)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Dental Intern",92)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Dental Resident",93)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Dialysis Technician",100)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Dietetic Intern",574)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Distinguished Physician",104)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Geriatric Internal Medicine",603)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Head Nurse",151)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Health Care Technician",153)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Hemodialysis Technician",158)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Infection Control Nurse",171)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Infectious Disease Fellow",173)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Infectious Disease Internist",605)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"LR Anatomic Path Empty Class",622)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Laboratory Technician",194)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Medical Clerk",573)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Medical Information Section",555)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Medical Record Administrator",621)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Medical Record Supervisor",251)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Medical Records Technician",254)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Medical Student",255)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Medical Student III",256)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Medical Student IV",257)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Medical Technician",259)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Medical Technologist",260)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Nurse - Licensed Practical",571)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Nurse Anesthetist",273)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Nurse Clinical Specialist",274)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Nurse Practitioner",276)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Nurse Student",572)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Nursing Assistant",277)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Nursing Supervisor",281)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Occupational Therapist",284)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Occupational Therapy Assistant",285)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Occupational Therapy Student",286)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Operating Room Technician",294)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Oral Surgery Resident",298)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"PGY1 Resident",549)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"PGY2 Resident",550)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"PGY3 Resident",551)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"PGY4 Resident",552)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Pathology Resident",309)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Pharmacy Student",326)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Pharmacy Technician",329)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Physical Therapist",332)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Physical Therapy Aid",333)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Physician Assistant",335)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Privacy Act Officer",548)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Prosthetics Clerk",361)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Psychiatry Resident",369)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Psychology Intern",371)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Pulmonary Fellow",379)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Pulmonary Function Tech",380)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Pulmonary Technician",384)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Radiology Resident",402)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Radiology Technician",404)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Recreation Therapist",409)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Recreational Therapy Assistant",410)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Remote User",414)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Renal Fellow",415)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Resident Physician",426)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Respiratory Therapist",427)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Senior Resident",438)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Social Work Intern",442)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Social Worker",444)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Speech Pathologist",449)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Staff Physician",459)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Staff Psychiatrist",460)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Staff Psychologist",461)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Staff Surgeon",464)=""
^USR(8930,"ADNM",1,"Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist",536)=""
^USR(8930,"B","ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY",564)=""
^USR(8930,"B","CHIEF RESIDENT",46)=""
^USR(8930,"B","CHIEF, MEDICAL SERVICE",556)=""
^USR(8930,"B","CHIEF, MIS",48)=""
^USR(8930,"B","CLINICAL CLERK",54)=""
^USR(8930,"B","DENTAL ASSISTANT",91)=""
^USR(8930,"B","DENTAL INTERN",92)=""
^USR(8930,"B","DENTAL RESIDENT",93)=""
^USR(8930,"B","DIETETIC INTERN",574)=""
^USR(8930,"B","HEAD NURSE",151)=""
^USR(8930,"B","MEDICAL CLERK",573)=""
^USR(8930,"B","MEDICAL STUDENT",255)=""
^USR(8930,"B","MEDICAL STUDENT III",256)=""
^USR(8930,"B","MEDICAL STUDENT IV",257)=""
^USR(8930,"B","MEDICAL TECHNICIAN",259)=""
^USR(8930,"B","NURSE ANESTHETIST",273)=""
^USR(8930,"B","NURSE PRACTITIONER",276)=""
^USR(8930,"B","NURSE STUDENT",572)=""
^USR(8930,"B","NURSING ASSISTANT",277)=""
^USR(8930,"B","NURSING SUPERVISOR",281)=""
^USR(8930,"B","PATHOLOGY RESIDENT",309)=""
^USR(8930,"B","PHARMACY STUDENT",326)=""
^USR(8930,"B","PHYSICAL THERAPIST",332)=""
^USR(8930,"B","PHYSICAL THERAPY AID",333)=""
^USR(8930,"B","PRIVACY ACT OFFICER",548)=""
^USR(8930,"B","PROSTHETICS CLERK",361)=""
^USR(8930,"B","PSYCHOLOGY INTERN",371)=""
^USR(8930,"B","PULMONARY FELLOW",379)=""
^USR(8930,"B","RADIOLOGY RESIDENT",402)=""
^USR(8930,"B","REMOTE USER",414)=""
^USR(8930,"B","RENAL FELLOW",415)=""
^USR(8930,"B","RESIDENT PHYSICIAN",426)=""
^USR(8930,"B","SENIOR RESIDENT",438)=""
^USR(8930,"B","SOCIAL WORK INTERN",442)=""
^USR(8930,"B","SOCIAL WORKER",444)=""
^USR(8930,"B","SPEECH PATHOLOGIST",449)=""
^USR(8930,"B","STAFF PHYSICIAN",459)=""
^USR(8930,"B","STAFF PSYCHIATRIST",460)=""
^USR(8930,"B","STAFF PSYCHOLOGIST",461)=""
^USR(8930,"B","STAFF SURGEON",464)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Allergy & Immunology",564)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Associate Chief Of Staff",31)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Attending Physician",34)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Chief Resident",46)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Chief, MIS",48)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Chief, Medical Service",556)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Chief, Psychiatry Service",558)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Chief, Surgical Service",557)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Clinical Clerk",54)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Clinical Coordinator",55)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Clinical Dietitian",56)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Clinical Pharmacist",58)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Clinical Service Chief",554)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","DGPF Patient Record Flags Mgr",623)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Dental Assistant",91)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Dental Intern",92)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Dental Resident",93)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Dialysis Technician",100)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Dietetic Intern",574)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Distinguished Physician",104)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Geriatric Internal Medicine",603)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Head Nurse",151)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Health Care Technician",153)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Hemodialysis Technician",158)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Infection Control Nurse",171)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Infectious Disease Fellow",173)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Infectious Disease Internist",605)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","LR Anatomic Path Empty Class",622)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Laboratory Technician",194)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Medical Clerk",573)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Medical Information Section",555)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Medical Record Administrator",621)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Medical Record Supervisor",251)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Medical Records Technician",254)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Medical Student",255)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Medical Student III",256)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Medical Student IV",257)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Medical Technician",259)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Medical Technologist",260)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Nurse - Licensed Practical",571)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Nurse Anesthetist",273)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Nurse Clinical Specialist",274)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Nurse Practitioner",276)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Nurse Student",572)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Nursing Assistant",277)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Nursing Supervisor",281)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Occupational Therapist",284)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Occupational Therapy Assistant",285)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Occupational Therapy Student",286)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Operating Room Technician",294)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Oral Surgery Resident",298)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","PGY1 Resident",549)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","PGY2 Resident",550)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","PGY3 Resident",551)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","PGY4 Resident",552)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Pathology Resident",309)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Pharmacy Student",326)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Pharmacy Technician",329)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Physical Therapist",332)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Physical Therapy Aid",333)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Physician Assistant",335)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Privacy Act Officer",548)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Prosthetics Clerk",361)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Psychiatry Resident",369)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Psychology Intern",371)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Pulmonary Fellow",379)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Pulmonary Function Tech",380)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Pulmonary Technician",384)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Radiology Resident",402)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Radiology Technician",404)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Recreation Therapist",409)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Recreational Therapy Assistant",410)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Remote User",414)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Renal Fellow",415)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Resident Physician",426)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Respiratory Therapist",427)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Senior Resident",438)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Social Work Intern",442)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Social Worker",444)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Speech Pathologist",449)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Staff Physician",459)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Staff Psychiatrist",460)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Staff Psychologist",461)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Staff Surgeon",464)=""
^USR(8930,"DNAME","Vocational Rehabilitation Spec",536)=""
^USR(8930.1,1,1,1,0)="Individual designated as a provider who is the expected cosigner"
^USR(8930.1,1,1,2,0)="may edit the summary."
^USR(8930.1,3,1,1,0)="Only the Author (or surrogate), Attending Physician, or Service Chief may "
^USR(8930.1,3,1,2,0)="sign an unsigned Discharge Summary."
^USR(8930.1,5,1,1,0)="Discharge Summaries may only be cosigned by Staff Physicians who are"
^USR(8930.1,5,1,2,0)="expected to cosign the document."
^USR(8930.1,11,1,1,0)="An authorized user may enter clinical documents for another individual."
^USR(8930.1,11,1,2,0)="To be completed, the document must be signed by the person designated"
^USR(8930.1,11,1,3,0)="as the author/dictator or other designated responsible party."
^USR(8930.1,13,1,1,0)="Only members of the Medical Information Section may view an unverified"
^USR(8930.1,13,1,2,0)="Discharge Summary."
^USR(8930.1,14,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Unreleased may be released from"
^USR(8930.1,14,1,2,0)="transcription by the individual identified as the transcriber. This"
^USR(8930.1,14,1,3,0)="will permit the author/dictator of the document to edit and sign the "
^USR(8930.1,17,1,1,0)="A progress note with a status of Completed may be viewed by all users"
^USR(8930.1,17,1,2,0)="of the system."
^USR(8930.1,30,1,1,0)="A clinical document with the status of Unsigned may be edited by the"
^USR(8930.1,30,1,2,0)="individual identified as the author/dictator of the document."
^USR(8930.1,31,1,1,0)="A clinical document with the status of Unsigned may be edited by"
^USR(8930.1,31,1,2,0)="the individual designated as expected signer."
^USR(8930.1,32,1,1,0)="An uncosigned Discharge Summary may only be edited by a Staff Physician"
^USR(8930.1,32,1,2,0)="who is expected to cosign the document."
^USR(8930.1,33,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Unsigned may be signed by"
^USR(8930.1,33,1,2,0)="the individual designated as the expected signer."
^USR(8930.1,34,1,1,0)="An unsigned discharge summary may be signed by an individual designated"
^USR(8930.1,34,1,2,0)="as a Clinical Service Chief in the User Class File."
^USR(8930.1,38,1,1,0)="If the original text entry is unsigned, the individual designated as the"
^USR(8930.1,38,1,2,0)="cosigner may sign the entry for the author/dictator or the person "
^USR(8930.1,38,1,3,0)="designated as the expected signer."
^USR(8930.1,38,1,4,0)=" "
^USR(8930.1,38,1,5,0)="The cosigner must be enrolled as Provider in order to perform this"
^USR(8930.1,39,1,1,0)="Clinical documents with a status of Complete may be viewed by"
^USR(8930.1,39,1,2,0)="authorized users."
^USR(8930.1,40,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Unreleased may be edited"
^USR(8930.1,40,1,2,0)="by the person who identified as the transcriber of the note."
^USR(8930.1,41,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Unreleased may be edited"
^USR(8930.1,41,1,2,0)="by any individual enrolled in the Transcriptionist class."
^USR(8930.1,42,1,1,0)="An MIS user may verify an unverified discharge summary."
^USR(8930.1,43,1,1,0)="An MIS user may edit an unverified discharge summary."
^USR(8930.1,46,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Uncosigned may be cosigned"
^USR(8930.1,46,1,2,0)="by the individual designated as the expected cosigner."
^USR(8930.1,49,1,1,0)="Progress Notes with a status of Unsigned may be edited by an "
^USR(8930.1,49,1,2,0)="individual who is identified as a Student and is the author/dictator"
^USR(8930.1,49,1,3,0)="of the note."
^USR(8930.1,50,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Unsigned may be signed by"
^USR(8930.1,50,1,2,0)="an individual who is enrolled as a Student and is identfied as the"
^USR(8930.1,50,1,3,0)="expected signer of the document."
^USR(8930.1,51,1,1,0)="A clinical document with the status of Unsigned may be edited"
^USR(8930.1,51,1,2,0)="by the individual designated as the expected cosigner."
^USR(8930.1,52,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Uncosigned may be edited"
^USR(8930.1,52,1,2,0)="by the individual designated as the expected cosigner."
^USR(8930.1,53,1,1,0)="A clinical document with the status of Unreleased may be deleted"
^USR(8930.1,53,1,2,0)="from the record by individuals enrolled as Chief, MIS."
^USR(8930.1,54,1,1,0)="Clinical documents with a status of Undictated may be deleted"
^USR(8930.1,54,1,2,0)="by individuals enrolled as Chief, MIS."
^USR(8930.1,55,1,1,0)="Clinical documents with a status of Untranscribed can be"
^USR(8930.1,55,1,2,0)="deleted by individuals enrolled as Chief, MIS."
^USR(8930.1,56,1,1,0)="Clinical documents with a status of Unreleased may be deleted"
^USR(8930.1,56,1,2,0)="by individuals enrolled as Chief,MIS."
^USR(8930.1,58,1,1,0)="Clinical documents with a status of Unsigned may be deleted"
^USR(8930.1,58,1,2,0)="by individuals enrolled as Chief, MIS."
^USR(8930.1,59,1,1,0)="Clinical documents with a status of Uncosigned may be "
^USR(8930.1,59,1,2,0)="deleted by individual enrolled as Chief, MIS."
^USR(8930.1,60,1,1,0)="Clinical documents with a status of Complete may be deleted"
^USR(8930.1,60,1,2,0)="by individuals enrolled as Chief, MIS."
^USR(8930.1,61,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Amended may be deleted "
^USR(8930.1,61,1,2,0)="by individuals enrolled as Chief, MIS."
^USR(8930.1,62,1,1,0)="A progress note with the status of Unsigned may be deleted from the"
^USR(8930.1,62,1,2,0)="record by the individual who is identified as the author/dictator of the"
^USR(8930.1,63,1,1,0)="Clinical documents with a status of Completed may be printed by"
^USR(8930.1,63,1,2,0)="indviduals who are authorized users of the system."
^USR(8930.1,64,1,1,0)="A progress note with the status of Unsigned may be viewed by the "
^USR(8930.1,64,1,2,0)="individual designated as the author/dictator of the note."
^USR(8930.1,65,1,1,0)="A progress note with a status of Uncosigned may be viewed by the"
^USR(8930.1,65,1,2,0)="individual who is the original author/dictator of the note."
^USR(8930.1,66,1,1,0)="A progress note with the status of Uncosigned may be viewed by"
^USR(8930.1,66,1,2,0)="the individual designated at the expected cosigner."
^USR(8930.1,67,1,1,0)="A progress note with a status of Unsigned may be printed by the author/"
^USR(8930.1,67,1,2,0)="dictator of the note."
^USR(8930.1,68,1,1,0)="A progress note with a status of Uncosigned may be printed by the"
^USR(8930.1,68,1,2,0)="original author/dictator of the note."
^USR(8930.1,70,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Unsigned may be viewed"
^USR(8930.1,70,1,2,0)="by the individual who is designated the expected cosigner "
^USR(8930.1,70,1,3,0)="of the document."
^USR(8930.1,74,1,1,0)="An MIS user may print an unverified discharge summary."
^USR(8930.1,75,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Uncosigned may be edited"
^USR(8930.1,75,1,2,0)="by an individual enrolled as a Clinical Service Chief."
^USR(8930.1,76,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Unsigned may be edited by"
^USR(8930.1,76,1,2,0)="an individual enrolled as a Clinical Service Chief."
^USR(8930.1,77,1,1,0)="A individual with access to TIU may view an unsigned discharge summary."
^USR(8930.1,78,1,1,0)="An individual with access to TIU may view an unsigned discharge summary."
^USR(8930.1,79,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Unsigned may be signed by"
^USR(8930.1,79,1,2,0)="an individual designated as an additional. The signature is"
^USR(8930.1,79,1,3,0)="captured as a concurrence only. The document is Completed"
^USR(8930.1,79,1,4,0)="when signed by the expected signer and/or expected cosigner."
^USR(8930.1,80,1,1,0)="A clinical document with the status of Completed may be signed by"
^USR(8930.1,80,1,2,0)="and individual designated as an additional signer. (NOTE: Such"
^USR(8930.1,80,1,3,0)="concurrence signatures do not affect the status of the note.)"
^USR(8930.1,81,1,1,0)="A clinical document with the status of Uncosigned may be signed"
^USR(8930.1,81,1,2,0)="by an individual designated as an additional signer. The document"
^USR(8930.1,81,1,3,0)="will only be completed when the individual named as expected"
^USR(8930.1,81,1,4,0)="cosigner signs the document."
^USR(8930.1,82,1,1,0)="A clinical document with the status of Amended may be viewed"
^USR(8930.1,82,1,2,0)="by an authorized user."
^USR(8930.1,86,1,1,0)="A clinical document with the status of Amended may be printed"
^USR(8930.1,86,1,2,0)="by an authorized user."
^USR(8930.1,91,1,1,0)="A clinical document with the status of Unsigned may be copied"
^USR(8930.1,91,1,2,0)="by the individual identified as the author/dictator of the document."
^USR(8930.1,92,1,1,0)="A clinical document with the status of Completed may be copied"
^USR(8930.1,92,1,2,0)="by an authorized user."
^USR(8930.1,93,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Deleted may be removed (deleted)"
^USR(8930.1,93,1,2,0)="from the record by an individual enrolled as a Clinical Coordinator."
^USR(8930.1,94,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Unsigned may be sent back"
^USR(8930.1,94,1,2,0)="by an individual enrolled under the User Class, Medical Information"
^USR(8930.1,95,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Unverified may be sent back by"
^USR(8930.1,95,1,2,0)="an individual enrolled in the User Class, Medical Information Section."
^USR(8930.1,99,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Uncosigned may be view"
^USR(8930.1,99,1,2,0)="by the individual named as the expected cosigner."
^USR(8930.1,100,1,1,0)="A clinical document with a status of Uncosigned may be viewed"
^USR(8930.1,100,1,2,0)="by individuals enrolled under the User Class, Clinical Service "
^USR(8930.1,103,1,1,0)="A clinicaldocument with a status of Completed may be amended"
^USR(8930.1,103,1,2,0)="by an individual enrolled in the User Class, Chief, MIS."
^USR(8930.1,105,1,1,0)="An authorized user may added an addendum to a clinical document"
^USR(8930.1,105,1,2,0)="with a status of Completed."
^USR(8930.1,106,1,1,0)="An authorized user may add an addendum to a clinical document"
^USR(8930.1,106,1,2,0)="with a status of Amended."
^USR(8930.1,107,1,1,0)="An individual with access to TIU may addend a discharge summary."
^USR(8930.1,108,1,1,0)="An individual with acces to TIU may added an uncosigned discharge summary."
^USR(8930.1,109,1,1,0)="A progress note with the status of Uncosigned may be edited by the "
^USR(8930.1,109,1,2,0)="individual designated as the expected cosigner of the note."
^USR(8930.1,110,1,1,0)="A progress note with the status of unsigned may be edited by the"
^USR(8930.1,110,1,2,0)="individual designated as the author/dictator of the note."
^USR(8930.1,111,1,1,0)="A progress note with a status of Uncosigned may be printed by"
^USR(8930.1,111,1,2,0)="the individual who is identified as the expected cosigner."
^USR(8930.1,112,1,1,0)="A progress note with a status of Unsigned may be signed the"
^USR(8930.1,112,1,2,0)="the individual identified as the author/dictator of the note."
^USR(8930.1,113,1,1,0)="A progress note with a status of Uncosigned may be cosigned "
^USR(8930.1,113,1,2,0)="by the individual designated as the expected cosigner."
^USR(8930.1,119,1,1,0)="Progress notes with a status of Unsigned may be viewed by individuals"
^USR(8930.1,119,1,2,0)="who are members of Chief,MIS User Class."
^USR(8930.1,120,1,1,0)="Progress notes with a status of Unsigned may be deleted by individuals "
^USR(8930.1,120,1,2,0)="who are members of the Chief, MIS User Class"
^USR(8930.1,121,1,1,0)="Progress notes with a satus of Uncosigned may be view by individuals"
^USR(8930.1,121,1,2,0)="enrolled as members of teh Chief, MIS User Class."
^USR(8930.1,122,1,1,0)="Progress notes with a status of Uncosigned may be deleted by individuals"
^USR(8930.1,122,1,2,0)="enrolled as members of the Chief, MIS User Class."
^USR(8930.1,123,1,1,0)="Clinical Documents with a status of Deleted may be viewed by any user with"
^USR(8930.1,123,1,2,0)="access to TIU."
^USR(8930.1,124,1,1,0)="If a document has been deleted but its audit trail has not been deleted,"
^USR(8930.1,124,1,2,0)="CHIEF, MIS can delete the audit trail."
^USR(8930.1,126,1,1,0)="If a document has been purged but its audit trail still exists, a CHIEF,MIS "
^USR(8930.1,126,1,2,0)="can delete its audit trail."
^USR(8930.1,128,1,1,0)="Clinical Documents with a status of Purged may be viewed by all Users."
^USR(8930.1,135,1,1,0)="Individuals enrolled in the Chief, MIS User Class may view Clinical"
^USR(8930.1,135,1,2,0)="Documents with a status of untranscribed."
^USR(8930.1,137,1,1,0)="Individuals enrolled in the Chief, MIS User Class may view Clinical"
^USR(8930.1,137,1,2,0)="Documents with a status of unreleased."
^USR(8930.1,138,1,1,0)="Any user with access to TIU may view an UNDICTATED Clinical Document."
^USR(8930.1,139,1,1,0)="The author of a completed document may identify signers for concurrence."
^USR(8930.1,140,1,1,0)="The author of an UNCOSIGNED document may modify the expected cosigner as"
^USR(8930.1,140,1,2,0)="necessary, and identify people whose concurrence is requested."
^USR(8930.1,141,1,1,0)="The expected cosigner of a document may identify people for concurrence"
^USR(8930.1,141,1,2,0)="signature when the document is uncosigned."
^USR(8930.1,142,1,1,0)="The expected cosigner of a completed document may identify signers for"
^USR(8930.1,147,1,1,0)="An UNSIGNED CLINICAL DOCUMENT may be reassigned by an MIS EMPLOYEE with"
^USR(8930.1,147,1,2,0)="access to the appropriate options."
^USR(8930.1,148,1,1,0)="An UNSIGNED CLINICAL DOCUMENT may be reassigned by its author."
^USR(8930.1,169,1,1,0)="Using this empty class to prevent this action on Anatomic Pathology documents."
^USR(8930.1,169,1,2,0)="These documents should be managed from the Anatomic Pathology menu only."
^USR(8930.1,169,1,3,0)="Rule created by patch USR*1*23."
^USR(8930.1,170,1,1,0)="Using this empty class to prevent this action on Anatomic Pathology documents."
^USR(8930.1,170,1,2,0)="These documents should be managed from the Anatomic Pathology menu only."
^USR(8930.1,170,1,3,0)="Rule created by patch USR*1*23."
^USR(8930.1,171,1,1,0)="Using this empty class to prevent this action on Anatomic Pathology documents."
^USR(8930.1,171,1,2,0)="These documents should be managed from the Anatomic Pathology menu only."
^USR(8930.1,171,1,3,0)="Rule created by patch USR*1*23."
^USR(8930.1,172,1,1,0)="Using this empty class to prevent this action on Anatomic Pathology documents."
^USR(8930.1,172,1,2,0)="These documents should be managed from the Anatomic Pathology menu only."
^USR(8930.1,172,1,3,0)="Rule created by patch USR*1*23."
^USR(8930.1,173,1,1,0)="Using this empty class to prevent this action on Anatomic Pathology documents."
^USR(8930.1,173,1,2,0)="These documents should be managed from the Anatomic Pathology menu only."
^USR(8930.1,173,1,3,0)="Rule created by patch USR*1*23."
^USR(8930.1,174,1,1,0)="Using this empty class to prevent this action on Anatomic Pathology documents."
^USR(8930.1,174,1,2,0)="These documents should be managed from the Anatomic Pathology menu only."
^USR(8930.1,174,1,3,0)="Rule created by patch USR*1*23."
^USR(8930.1,175,1,1,0)="Using this empty class to prevent this action on Anatomic Pathology documents."
^USR(8930.1,175,1,2,0)="These documents should be managed from the Anatomic Pathology menu only."
^USR(8930.1,175,1,3,0)="Rule created by patch USR*1*23."
^USR(8930.1,176,1,1,0)="Using this empty class to prevent this action on Anatomic Pathology documents."
^USR(8930.1,176,1,2,0)="These documents should be managed from the Anatomic Pathology menu only."
^USR(8930.1,176,1,3,0)="Rule created by patch USR*1*23."
^USR(8930.1,177,1,1,0)="Using this empty class to prevent this action on Anatomic Pathology documents."
^USR(8930.1,177,1,2,0)="These documents should be managed from the Anatomic Pathology menu only."
^USR(8930.1,177,1,3,0)="Rule created by patch USR*1*23."
^USR(8930.1,178,1,1,0)="This rule limits note entry to persons specially trained to assign and"
^USR(8930.1,178,1,2,0)="document the assignment of Category I Patient Record Flags."
^USR(8930.1,178,1,3,0)="Sites must not alter or delete this User Class."
^USR(8930.1,178,1,4,0)="Sites must not alter, delete, or override this rule."
^USR(8930.1,178,1,5,0)="Rule created by patch USR*1*24."
^USR(8930.2,0)="USR ROLE^8930.2^9^9"
^USR(8930.2,1,0)="AUTHOR/DICTATOR^Author (Dictator)^AU"
^USR(8930.2,2,0)="ATTENDING PHYSICIAN^Attending Physician^ATT"
^USR(8930.2,4,0)="EXPECTED COSIGNER^Expected Cosigner^EC"
^USR(8930.2,5,0)="EXPECTED SIGNER^Expected Signer^ES"
^USR(8930.2,7,0)="ADDITIONAL SIGNER^Additional Signer^X"
^USR(8930.2,8,1,1,0)="The completer of a document is the person whose signature completes"
^USR(8930.2,8,1,2,0)="(authenticates) the document. If the document requires cosignature, the"
^USR(8930.2,8,1,3,0)="completer is the cosigner. Otherwise the completer is the signer."
^USR(8930.2,9,1,1,0)="This is the person that will interpret the clinical procedure."
^USR(8930.2,"B","ADDITIONAL SIGNER",7)=""
^USR(8930.2,"B","EXPECTED COSIGNER",4)=""
^USR(8930.2,"B","EXPECTED SIGNER",5)=""
^USR(8930.3,0)="USR CLASS MEMBERSHIP^8930.3P^77^47"
^USR(8930.4,0)="USR SEARCH CATEGORIES^8930.4^3^3"
^USR(8930.4,1,0)="DOCUMENT DEFINITION^8925.1^B"
^USR(8930.4,1,1)="S DIC(""S"")=""I +$$CANPICK^TIULP(+Y),$S($P($G(^TIU(8925.1,+Y,0)),U,4)=""""CO"""":0,$P($G(^TIU(8925.1,+Y,0)),U,4)=""""O"""":0,$P($G(^TIU(8925.1,+Y,0)),U)[""""ADDENDUM"""":0,1:1)"""
^USR(8930.4,2,0)="USER CLASS^8930^C"
^USR(8930.4,3,0)="USER ROLE^8930.2^D"
^USR(8930.4,"B","USER CLASS",2)=""
^USR(8930.4,"B","USER ROLE",3)=""
^USR(8930.6,0)="USR RECORD STATUS^8930.6^15^15"
^USR(8930.6,1,1,1,0)="The document is required, and a record has been created in anticipation of"
^USR(8930.6,1,1,2,0)="dictation and transcription, but the system has not yet been informed of"
^USR(8930.6,1,1,3,0)="its dictation."
^USR(8930.6,2,1,1,0)="The document is required, and the system has been informed of its"
^USR(8930.6,2,1,2,0)="dictation, but the transcription has not yet been entered, or received by"
^USR(8930.6,3,1,1,0)="The document is in the process of being entered into the system, but has"
^USR(8930.6,3,1,2,0)="not yet been released by the originator (i.e., the person entering the"
^USR(8930.6,3,1,3,0)="text directly on line)."
^USR(8930.6,4,1,1,0)="The document has been released or uploaded, but an intervening"
^USR(8930.6,4,1,2,0)="verification step must be completed before the document may be displayed."
^USR(8930.6,5,1,1,0)="The document is on line, in a draft state, but the first-line (author's)"
^USR(8930.6,5,1,2,0)="signature has not yet been obtained."
^USR(8930.6,6,1,1,0)="The document is complete, with the exception of cosignature (i.e., by the"
^USR(8930.6,7,1,1,0)="The document has acquired all necessary signatures, and is legally"
^USR(8930.6,8,1,1,0)="The document has been completed, and a privacy act issue has required its"
^USR(8930.6,9,1,1,0)="The grace period for purge has expired, and the report text has been"
^USR(8930.6,9,1,2,0)="removed from the on line record to recover disk space."
^USR(8930.6,9,1,3,0)=" "
^USR(8930.6,9,1,4,0)="NOTE: only completed documents may be purged. It is assumed that the"
^USR(8930.6,9,1,5,0)="chart copy of the document has been retained for archival purposes."
^USR(8930.6,10,1,1,0)="This status applies to document definitions only."
^USR(8930.6,10,1,2,0)=" "
^USR(8930.6,10,1,3,0)="If a document definition has status ACTIVETEST, then documents may be"
^USR(8930.6,10,1,4,0)="entered for this definition, but should be entered only for TEST"
^USR(8930.6,10,1,6,0)=" "
^USR(8930.6,10,1,7,0)="If a document definition has status ACTIVETEST, then its status may be"
^USR(8930.6,10,1,8,0)="changed to ACTIVENOTYET or to ACTIVELIVE."
^USR(8930.6,11,1,1,0)="This status applies to document definitions only."
^USR(8930.6,11,1,2,0)=" "
^USR(8930.6,11,1,3,0)="Documents may be entered for document definitions of status ACTIVELIVE."
^USR(8930.6,11,1,4,0)="ACTIVELIVE status is intended for actual, clinical documents, NOT for test"
^USR(8930.6,11,1,6,0)=" "
^USR(8930.6,11,1,7,0)="If a document definition has status ACTIVELIVE, then its status may be"
^USR(8930.6,11,1,8,0)="changed to ACTIVENOLONGER only."
^USR(8930.6,12,1,1,0)="This status applies to document definitions only."
^USR(8930.6,12,1,2,0)=" "
^USR(8930.6,12,1,3,0)="If a document definition has status ACTIVENOLONGER, then it may not be"
^USR(8930.6,12,1,4,0)="used to enter documents."
^USR(8930.6,12,1,5,0)=" "
^USR(8930.6,12,1,6,0)="If a document definition has status ACTIVENOLONGER, its status may"
^USR(8930.6,12,1,7,0)="be changed back to ACTIVELIVE only."
^USR(8930.6,13,1,1,0)="This status applies to document definitions only."
^USR(8930.6,13,1,2,0)=" "
^USR(8930.6,13,1,3,0)="Document definitions of status ACTIVENOTYET may not be used to enter"
^USR(8930.6,13,1,5,0)=" "
^USR(8930.6,13,1,6,0)="Document definitions of status ACTIVENOTYET may be changed to status"
^USR(8930.6,14,1,1,0)="The document has been deleted (but the audit trail information may have"
^USR(8930.6,14,1,2,0)="been retained)."
^USR(8930.6,15,1,1,0)="These are records which have been retracted in error following signature."
^USR(8930.8,0)="USR ACTION^8930.8I^27^24"
^USR(8930.8,5,2,1,0)="This event occurs when the second-line signature is obtained for a document."
^USR(8930.8,9,2,1,0)=" "
^USR(8930.8,9,2,2,0)="Users authorized to perform this event may edit the text of associated"
^USR(8930.8,16,2,1,0)="This describes the copy action, which allows the user to copy a progress"
^USR(8930.8,16,2,2,0)="note (or other document) from one patient or encounter to another."
^USR(8930.8,17,2,1,0)="This action involves sending back a document to transcription for"
^USR(8930.8,17,2,2,0)="correction (and possibly redictation). It removes documents which require"
^USR(8930.8,17,2,3,0)="release from view, except by the originator or a transcriptionist."
^USR(8930.8,18,2,1,0)="This involves the Privacy Act Amendment of a document by authorized"
^USR(8930.8,18,2,2,0)="individuals AFTER Electronic Signature."
^USR(8930.8,19,2,1,0)="Addenda may be added to documents for the purposes of clarification,"
^USR(8930.8,19,2,2,0)="augmenting, or disclaming existing information. Addenda may be thought of"
^USR(8930.8,19,2,3,0)="as extensions of their parent documents, and inherit their properties from"
^USR(8930.8,19,2,4,0)="them (i.e., an addendum to a discharge summary is treated like a discharge"
^USR(8930.8,19,2,5,0)="summary, while an addendum to a progress note is treated like a progress"
^USR(8930.8,19,2,6,0)="note, etc.)."
^USR(8930.8,20,2,1,0)="This action allows the identification of users whose concurrence is"
^USR(8930.8,20,2,2,0)="expected, but NOT REQUIRED. It may be used by the author of a note to"
^USR(8930.8,20,2,3,0)="call a given document to another user's (e.g., teammate's) attention. An"
^USR(8930.8,20,2,4,0)="example might be a Resident or Fellow who wishes for a Staff Physician's"
^USR(8930.8,20,2,5,0)="concurrence on a complex note or consult. The recipient of the alert for"
^USR(8930.8,20,2,6,0)="concurrence signature may add an addendum or sign the document, but may"
^USR(8930.8,20,2,7,0)="not generally edit the document itself. His signature in this case does"
^USR(8930.8,20,2,8,0)="NOT complete the document, but merely indicates concurrence."
^USR(8930.8,21,2,1,0)="Reassignment of records involves the correction of Patient, Visit, or"
^USR(8930.8,21,2,2,0)="Signatory information, and may typically be accomplished by the author or"
^USR(8930.8,21,2,3,0)="MIS prior to signature, or by the CHIEF, MIS following signature."
^USR(8930.8,22,2,1,0)="This describes the action by which a title may be changed at appropriate"
^USR(8930.8,22,2,2,0)="times during the life of a document (e.g., conversion of a posting to"
^USR(8930.8,22,2,3,0)="another title, or to a progress note of a given title, etc.)."
^USR(8930.8,23,0)="LINK WITH REQUEST^A^DOC^^LINK^BE LINKED with a request^with a request"
^USR(8930.8,23,2,1,0)="This action involves the linking (or re-linking) of a result with a"
^USR(8930.8,23,2,2,0)="request in another application (e.g., a PULMONARY CONSULT with its"
^USR(8930.8,23,2,3,0)="corresponding request)."
^USR(8930.8,24,0)="ATTACH TO ID NOTE^A^DOC^^ATTACH^BE ATTACHED to an ID note^to an interdisciplinary note"
^USR(8930.8,24,2,1,0)="This action applies to interdisciplinary CHILD notes. Rules involving"
^USR(8930.8,24,2,2,0)="this action determine whether or not a particular child note can be"
^USR(8930.8,24,2,3,0)="attached to ID parents, and who can do the attaching."
^USR(8930.8,24,2,4,0)=" "
^USR(8930.8,24,2,5,0)="Two rules are required if a document CHILD is to be attached to a"
^USR(8930.8,24,2,6,0)="document PARENT. The first rule uses this action, ATTACH TO ID NOTE, and"
^USR(8930.8,24,2,7,0)="permits the particular CHILD to become an entry under an ID parent. The"
^USR(8930.8,24,2,8,0)="second rule uses action ATTACH ID ENTRY, and permits the particular PARENT"
^USR(8930.8,24,2,9,0)="to receive ID children."
^USR(8930.8,24,3)="Rule applies to individual ID CHILD entries"
^USR(8930.8,25,2,1,0)="This action applies to interdisciplinary PARENT notes. Rules involving"
^USR(8930.8,25,2,2,0)="this action determine whether or not a particular parent note can receive"
^USR(8930.8,25,2,3,0)="ID children, and who can do the attaching."
^USR(8930.8,25,2,4,0)=" "
^USR(8930.8,25,2,5,0)="Two rules are required if a document CHILD is to be attached to a"
^USR(8930.8,25,2,6,0)="document PARENT. The first rule uses action ATTACH TO ID NOTE, and"
^USR(8930.8,25,2,7,0)="permits the particular CHILD to become an entry under an ID parent. The"
^USR(8930.8,25,2,8,0)="second rule uses this action, ATTACH ID ENTRY, and permits the particular"
^USR(8930.8,25,2,9,0)="PARENT to receive ID children."
^USR(8930.8,25,3)="Rule applies to interdisciplinary PARENT notes"
^USR(8930.8,26,0)="LINK TO FLAG^A^DOC^^LINK^BE LINKED to a PRF flag^to a PRF flag"
^USR(8930.8,26,2,1,0)="This action involves linking (or re-linking) an EXISTING Patient Record "
^USR(8930.8,26,2,2,0)="Flag (PRF) document to a Patient Record Flag."
^USR(8930.8,26,2,3,0)=" "
^USR(8930.8,26,2,4,0)="(More accurately, a PRF document is linked to an Assignment History Action"
^USR(8930.8,26,2,5,0)="for a given patient, a given flag, and a given flag assignment.)"
^USR(8930.8,26,2,6,0)=" "
^USR(8930.8,26,2,7,0)="Users authorized to create NEW PRF documents are automatically authorized "
^USR(8930.8,26,2,8,0)="(in fact, REQUIRED) to link the new documents when creating them. Explicit"
^USR(8930.8,26,2,9,0)="authorization for (re)-linking a PRF document to a flag is required only"
^USR(8930.8,26,2,10,0)="for documents which already exist. Such documents may have been created"
^USR(8930.8,26,2,11,0)="before PRF Phase II introduced links and have NO links, or they may"
^USR(8930.8,26,2,12,0)="require re-linking to the correct Assignment History Action for the"
^USR(8930.8,26,2,13,0)="correct patient and flag assignment."
^USR(8930.8,27,2,1,0)="This USR action only applies to editing the Expected Cosigner of"
^USR(8930.8,27,2,2,0)="documents. Use USR action EDIT RECORD for more general edit authorization."
^USR(8930.8,27,2,3,0)=" "
^USR(8930.8,27,2,4,0)="This action is intended for Clinical Coordinators. Rules for this"
^USR(8930.8,27,2,5,0)="action are recommended in the patch description for patch USR*1*30."
^USR(8930.8,"B","ATTACH ID ENTRY",25)=""
^USR(8930.8,"B","ATTACH TO ID NOTE",24)=""
^USR(8930.8,"B","CHANGE TITLE",22)=""
^USR(8930.8,"B","COPY RECORD",16)=""
^USR(8930.8,"B","DELETE RECORD",15)=""
^USR(8930.8,"B","EDIT COSIGNER",27)=""
^USR(8930.8,"B","EDIT RECORD",9)=""
^USR(8930.8,"B","IDENTIFY SIGNERS",20)=""
^USR(8930.8,"B","LINK TO FLAG",26)=""
^USR(8930.8,"B","LINK WITH REQUEST",23)=""
^USR(8930.8,"B","MAKE ADDENDUM",19)=""
^USR(8930.8,"B","PRINT RECORD",14)=""
^USR(8930.8,"B","SEND BACK",17)=""