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DVBCWNS5 ;VMP/JER - SPINE WKS TEXT - 1 ; 12/02/03 11:00am
;;2.7;AMIE;**60**;DEC 2, 2003
;;A. Review of Medical Records:
;;B. Present Medical History (Subjective Complaints):
;;Please comment whether etiology for any of these subjective complaints is
;;unrelated to claimed disability.
;;1. Report complaints of pain (including any radiation), stiffness,
;; weakness, etc.
;; a. Onset
;; b. Location and distribution
;; c. Duration
;; d. Characteristics, quality, description
;; e. Intensity
;;2. Describe treatment - type, dose, frequency, response, side effects.
;;3. Report whether there are periods of flare-up. Provide the
;; following if individual reports periods of flare-up:
;; a. Severity, frequency, and duration.
;; b. Precipitating and alleviating factors.
;; c. Additional limitation of motion or functional impairment during
;; the flare-up.
;;4. Describe associated features or symptoms (e.g., weight loss, fevers,
;; malaise, dizziness, visual disturbances, numbness, weakness,
;; bladder complaints, bowel complaints, erectile dysfunction).
;;5. Describe walking and assistive devices.
;; a. Does the veteran walk unaided? Does the veteran use a cane,
;; crutches, or a walker?
;; b. Does the veteran use a brace (orthosis)?
;; c. How far and how long can the veteran walk?
;; d. Is the veteran unsteady? Does the veteran have a history of
;; falls?
;;6. Describe details of any trauma or injury, including dates, and direction
;; and magnitude of forces.
;;7. Describe details of any surgery, including dates.
;;8. Functional Assessment - Describe effects of the condition(s) on the
;; veteran's mobility (e.g., walking, transfers), activities of daily
;; living (i.e., eating, grooming, bathing, toileting, dressing), usual
;; occupation, recreational activities, driving.
;;C. Physical Examination (Objective Findings): Address each of the following as
;; appropriate to the condition being examined and fully describe current
;; findings:
;; 1. Inspection: spine, limbs, posture and gait, position of the
;; head, curvatures of the spine, symmetry in appearance, symmetry
;; and rhythm of spinal motion.
;; 2. Range of motion
;; a. Cervical Spine
;; The reproducibility of an individual's range of motion is one
;; indicator of optimum effort. Pain, fear of injury, disuse or
;; neuromuscular inhibition may limit mobility by decreasing the
;; individual's effort. If range of motion measurements fail to
;; match known pathology, please repeat the measurements.
;; (Reference: Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment,
;; Fifth Edition, 2001, page 399).
;; i. Using a goniometer, measure and report the range of motion in
;; degrees of forward flexion, extension, left lateral flexion,
;; right lateral flexion, left lateral rotation and right lateral
;; rotation. Generally, the normal ranges of motion for the
;; cervical spine are as follows:
;; -Forward flexion: 0 to 45 degrees
;; -Extension: 0 to 45 degrees
;; -Left Lateral Flexion: 0 to 45 degrees
;; -Right Lateral Flexion: 0 to 45 degrees
;; -Left Lateral Rotation: 0 to 80 degrees
;; -Right Lateral Rotation: 0 to 80 degrees
;; There may be a situation where an individual's range of motion is
;; reduced, but "normal" (in the examiner's opinion) based on the
;; individual's age, body habitus, neurologic disease, or other factors
;; unrelated to the disability for which the exam is being performed. In
;; this situation, please explain why the individual's measured range of
;; motion should be considered as "normal".
;; ii. If the spine is painful on motion, state at what point in the
;; range of motion pain begins and ends.
;; iii. State to what extent (if any), expressed in degrees if
;; possible, the range of motion is additionally limited by pain,
;; fatigue, weakness, or lack of endurance following repetitive use
;; or during flare-ups. If more than one of these is present,
;; state, if possible, which has the major functional impact.
;; iv. Describe objective evidence of painful motion, spasm, weakness,
;; tenderness, etc.
;; v. Describe any postural abnormalities, fixed deformity
;; (ankylosis), or abnormality of musculature of cervical spine
;; musculature. In the situation where there is unfavorable
;; ankylosis of the cervical spine, indicate whether there is:
;; difficulty walking because of a limited line of vision;
;; restricted opening of the mouth (with limited ability to
;; chew); breathing limited to diaphragmatic respiration;
;; gastrointestinal symptoms due to pressure of the costal margin
;; on the abdomen; dyspnea; dysphagia; atlantoaxial or cervical
;; subluxation or dislocation
;; b. Thoracolumbar spine
;; The reproducibility of an individual's range of motion is one
;; indicator of optimum effort. Pain, fear of injury, disuse or
;; neuromuscular inhibition may limit mobility by decreasing the
;; individual's effort. If range of motion measurements fail to
;; match known pathology, please repeat the measurements.
;; (Reference: Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment,
;; Fifth Edition, 2001, page 399).
;; It is best to measure range of motion for the thoracolumbar
;; spine from a standing position. Measuring the range of motion
;; from a standing position (as opposed to from a sitting position)
;; will include the effects of forces generated by the distance
;; from the center of gravity from the axis of motion of the spine
;; and will include the effect of contraction of the spinal
;; muscles. Contraction of the spinal muscles imposes a significant
;; compressive force during spine movements upon the lumbar discs.
;; i. Provide forward flexion of the thoracolumbar spine as a unit.
;; Do not include hip flexion. (See Magee, Orthopedic Physical
;; Assessment, Third Edition, 1997, W.B. Saunders Company,
;; pages 374-75). Using a goniometer, measure and report the range
;; of motion in degrees for forward flexion, extension, left
;; lateral flexion, right lateral flexion, left lateral rotation
;; and right lateral rotation. Generally, the normal ranges of
;; motion for the thoracolumbar spine as a unit are as follows:
;; -Forward flexion: 0 to 90 degrees
;; -Extension: 0 to 30 degrees
;; -Left Lateral Flexion: 0 to 30 degrees
;; -Right Lateral Flexion: 0 to 30 degrees
;; -Left Lateral Rotation: 0 to 30 degrees
;; -Right Lateral Rotation: 0 to 30 degrees
;;There may be a situation where an individual's range of motion is reduced, but
;;"normal" (in the examiner's opinion) based on the individual's age, body
;;habitus, neurologic disease, or other factors unrelated to the disability for
;;which the exam is being performed. In this situation, please explain why the
;;individual's measured range of motion should be considered as "normal".
;; ii. If the spine is painful on motion, state at what point in the range
;; of motion pain begins and ends.
;; iii. State to what extent (if any), expressed in degrees if possible,
;; the range of motion is additionally limited by pain, fatigue,
;; weakness, or lack of endurance following repetitive use or during
;; flare-ups. If more than one of these is present, state, if possible,
;; which has the major functional impact.
;; iv. Describe objective evidence of painful motion, spasm, weakness,
;; tenderness, etc.
;; a. Indicate whether there is muscle spasm, guarding or localized
;; tenderness with preserved spinal contour, and normal gait.
;; b. Indicate whether there is muscle spasm, or guarding severe enough
;; to result in an abnormal gait, abnormal spinal contour such as
;; scoliosis, reversed lordosis or abnormal kyphosis.
;; v. Describe any postural abnormalities, fixed deformity (ankylosis),
;; or abnormality of musculature of back. In the situation where
;; there is unfavorable ankylosis of the thoracolumbar spine,
;; indicate whether there is: difficulty walking because of a
;; limited line of vision; restricted opening of the mouth (with
;; limited ability to chew); breathing limited to diaphragmatic
;; respiration; gastrointestinal symptoms due to pressure of
;; the costal margin on the abdomen; dyspnea; dysphagia;
;; atlantoaxial or cervical subluxation or dislocation; or
;; neurologic symptoms due to nerve root involvement.
;; 3. Neurological examination
;;Please perform complete neurologic evaluation as indicated based upon
;;disability for which the exam is being performed. Please provide brief
;;statement if any of the following (a-e) is not included in exam. For
;;additional neurologic effects of disability not captured by a - e,
;;(e.g. bladder problems) please refer to appropriate worksheet for the body
;;system affected.
;; a. Sensory examination, to include sacral segments.
;; b. Motor examination (atrophy, circumferential measurements, tone,
;; and strength).
;; c. Reflexes (deep tendon, cutaneous, and pathologic).
;; d. Rectal examination (sensation, tone, volitional control, and
;; reflexes).
;; e. Lasegue's sign.
;; 4. For vertebral fractures, report the percentage of loss of
;; height, if any, of the vertebral body
;; 5. Non-organic physical signs (e.g., Waddell tests, others).
;;D. For intervertebral disc syndrome
;; 1. Conduct and report a separate history and physical
;; examination for each segment of the spine (cervical,
;; thoracic, lumbar) affected by disc disease.
;; 2. Conduct a complete history and physical examination of each
;; affected segment of the spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar),
;; whether or not there has been surgery, as described above
;; under B. Present Medical History and C. Physical Examination.
;; 3. Conduct a thorough neurologic history and examination, as
;; described in C5, of all areas innervated by each affected
;; spinal segment. Specify the peripheral nerve(s) affected.
;; Include an evaluation of effects, if any, on bowel or bladder
;; functioning.
;; 4. Describe as precisely as possible, in number of days, the
;; duration of each incapacitating episode during the past
;; 12-month period. An incapacitating episode, for disability
;; evaluation purposes, is a period of acute signs and symptoms
;; due to intervertebral disc syndrome that requires bed rest
;; prescribed by a physician and treatment by a physician.
;;E. Diagnostic and Clinical Tests:
;; 1. Imaging studies, when indicated.
;; 2. Electrodiagnostic tests, when indicated.
;; 3. Clinical laboratory tests, when indicated.
;; 4. Isotope scans, when indicated.
;; 5. Include results of all diagnostic and clinical tests conducted in the
;; examination report.
;;F. Diagnosis:
;;Signature: Date: