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;;2.7;AMIE;**12,56**;Apr 10, 1995
;;Narrative: This is the protocol for conducting initial examinations on former
;;POWs. Approach these veterans with the greatest sensitivity because the
;;POW experience likely resulted in a great deal of psychological and physical
;;trauma. Details about beatings, torture, forced marches, forced labor, diet,
;;disease, brainwashing, extremes of hot and cold, and anxiety may be
;;significant parts of the veteran's history; eliciting these details requires
;;that one establish a trusting relationship with the veteran. Examine
;;veteran for each disability / disease / condition veteran is claiming
;;as a consequence of the POW experience. A former POW may be entitled
;;to service connection for presumptive POW diseases; the worksheet contains
;;a list of these presumptive diseases. Based on veteran's claim(s) and your
;;findings, please refer to and follow additional worksheets to assure
;;the examination provides information adequate for rating purposes.
;; Avitaminosis
;; Beriberi (including beriberi heart disease which includes ischemic
;; heart disease in a former POW who experienced localized edema
;; during captivity)
;; Chronic dysentery
;; Helminthiasis
;; Malnutrition (including optic atrophy associated with malnutrition)
;; Pellagra
;; Cirrhosis of the liver
;; Any other nutritional deficiency
;; Psychosis
;; Any of the anxiety states
;; Dysthymic disorder (or depressive neurosis)
;; Organic residuals of frostbite
;; Post-traumatic arthritis
;; Irritable bowel syndrome
;; Peptic ulcer disease
;; Peripheral neuropathy
;;A. Review of Medical Records:
;; 1. Include a review of VA form 10-0048, Former POW Medical
;; History, which the veteran should have completed, prior to
;; conducting the examination.
;; 2. Review the Social Survey.
;;B. Medical History (Subjective Complaints): NOTE: If the veteran
;; has had a previous protocol examination, only an interval history
;; is required.
;; Comment on:
;; 1. Past medical history, including childhood and adult illnesses
;; and surgery.
;; 2. Family history.
;; 3. Social history - state civilian and military occupations,
;; including dates and locations. Describe use of alcohol,
;; tobacco, and drugs.
;; 4. Complete system review, commenting on all positive symptoms.
;; a. Describe initial symptoms, time of onset, and current
;; symptoms of all presumptive POW disabilities found.
;; b. Comment on amount of weight lost as a prisoner. Record
;; initial and release weights.
;; 5. Describe current treatment (specify type, frequency,duration,
;; response, side effects).
;;C. Physical Examination (Objective Findings):
;; Address each of the following and fully describe current findings:
;; The examiner should incorporate all ancillary study results into
;; the final diagnoses.
;; 1. VS: Heart rate, blood pressure (If the diagnosis of hypertension
;; has not been established, take 2 or more blood pressure readings
;; on at least 3 different days. If hypertension has been
;; diagnosed, take 2 or more blood pressure readings.), respirations,
;; height, weight, maximum weight in past year, weight change in
;; past year, body build, and state of nutrition.
;; 2. DOMINANT HAND: Indicate the dominant hand and how determined
;; (i.e., writes, eats, combs hair, etc.).
;; 3. POSTURE AND GAIT: (If abnormal, describe.)
;; 4. SKIN, INCLUDING APPENDAGES: (If abnormal, describe appearance,
;; location, extent of lesions, and limitations to daily activity.)
;; If there are laceration or burn scars, describe location,
;; measurements (cm. x cm.), depression, type of tissue loss,
;; adherence, disfigurement, and tenderness. For each burn scar,
;; state if due to a 2nd or 3rd degree burn. (NOTE: If skin
;; condition or scars are disfiguring, obtain COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS
;; of affected area(s).
;; 5. HEMIC AND LYMPHATIC: (Describe local or generalized adenopathy,
;; tenderness, suppuration, etc.)
;; 6. HEAD AND FACE: Describe scars, deformities, etc.
;; 7. EYES: Describe external eye, pupil reaction, movements,
;; field of vision, any uncorrectable refractive error or any
;; retinopathy.
;; 8. EARS: Describe canals, drums, perforations, discharge.
;; 9. NOSE, SINUSES, MOUTH AND THROAT: Include gross dental findings.
;; 10. NECK: Describe lymph nodes, thyroid, etc.
;; 11. CHEST: Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation. If
;; abnormal, describe limitations of daily living (i.e., How far
;; can veteran walk, how many flights of stairs can he or she
;; climb, etc.).