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ARJTDDKA ;WV/TOAD - FileMan Search All Routines ;5/24/2004 19:39
;;3.0T1;OPENVISTA;;JUN 20, 2004
; not yet tested on GT.M on VMS
; not tested on DSM since the overhaul to add GT.M support
; This routine is part of the VistA Software Search program,
; designed to make it easy to search through all VistA
; software (which can be a problem both because some VistA
; software is in globals and because some searches are
; syntactic rather than simple contains operations). This
; particular routine is a companion to ARJTDDKR, which searches
; selected routines; this one searches all routines. Traversing
; all routines pre-1995-Standard-MUMPS is vendor-dependent, and
; not all MUMPS vendors have implemented ^$ROUTINE to make it
; portable. In particular, GT.M's routine directory handling
; makes this code a touch tricky, thus this routine. The main
; useful entry point is ALL^ARJTDDKA.
; need to write $$NEXTROU
; need to test results
; need to add to ARJTDDK* check for ^[]global
; call David and email verified code to him for his report
; then upload new Seattle meeting web page
; Change History:
; 2004 05 24-25 created based on ALL^ARJTDDKR & GT.M %RSEL
; program to make ALL not DSM-specific.
; Table of Contents:
; ALL = public subroutine to search all routines
; ROUDIR = public sub for GT.M to build array of paths
; PATH = private sub for ROUDIR to check & format 1 path
; $$NEXTROU = private function for ROUDIR to loop thru routines
ALL(CONTAINS,FIND,EXIT) ; public subroutine: search all routines
; input:
; .CONTAINS - array of simple contains searches to do
; FIND - special code (like DSM) for more complex searches
; DSM-specific ^ () global (name = space) - routine directory
; GT.M-specific: $ZROUTINES, host OS directories
; output:
; .EXIT - whether user has asked searches to end ("^")
; ^XTMP("DSMROUTINES") -- see ARJJTDDK routine for docs
; current device for simple feedback
; called by ALL^ARJTDDK -- master search option
; calls:
; $$FMADD^XLFDT - FileMan function to add days to a date
; $$DT^XLFDT - today's date in FM format
; ROUDIR - for GT.M, load array of source code directories
; $$NEXTROU - for GT.M, return next routine name
; FEEDBACK^ARJTDDKR - give routine search feedback
; SEARCH^ARJTDDKR - search each routine
; RESULTS^ARJTDDKU - report results of search
W !!,"Searching all routines"
I $ZV["GT.M" N DIRECTRY D ROUDIR(.DIRECTRY) ; load rtn direc array
S EXIT=0 ; not interrupted so far
N PRE S PRE="" ; trace shifting prefixes
N COUNT ; number of routines searched
N FOUND S FOUND=0 ; number of matching routines found
N ROU S ROU="" ; name of each routine
. I $ZV["GT.M" S ROU=$$NEXTROU(.DIRECTRY) ; GT.M stores in host OS
. I $ZV["DSM" S ROU=$O(^ (ROU)) ; DSM stores rtn direc in ^[space]
. Q:ROU=""
QUIT ; end of ALL
ROUDIR(DIRS) ; public subroutine for GT.M: build array of routine directories
; another time, document syntax and examples of $ZRO
; Input: $ZROUTINES = GT.M special variable IDing source code paths
; Output: .DIRS(#)=directory, source code directories
; Context: for GT.M only. Called by ALL, but public as needed. Calls PATH
; R1. set up variables & ensure $ZRO is not empty
K DIRS ; clear output
Q:'$L($ZRO) ; done if no routine directory
N PIECE ; each piece of $ZRO
N PIECECNT ; count pieces of $ZRO traversed
N DIRCNT S DIRCNT=0 ; count valid source code directories found in $ZRO
N DELIM ; $ZRO piece delimiter
I $ZV["VMS" S DELIM="," ; GT.M on VMS delimits $ZROUTINES with commas
E S DELIM=" " ; GT.M on Unix delimits it with spaces
I $ZV["VMS" S END="" ; VMS directories do not end with "/"
E S END="/" ; Unix directories do end with "/"
; R2. loop through $ZRO's pieces
F PIECECNT=1:1:$L($ZRO,DELIM) D ; traverse all the pieces of $ZROUTINES
. S PIECE=$P($ZRO,DELIM,PIECECNT) ; get next piece
. ;
. ;
. ; R3. handle Unix directories
. ;
. I $ZV["Linux",PIECE'["(" D PATH Q ; no source info - it does both
. ;
. ;
. ; R4. handle VMS directories
. ;
. I $ZV["VMS",PIECE[".olb" Q ; it's an object library and we don't poke in them
. I $ZV["VMS",PIECE'["/" D PATH Q ; no source info - it does both
. ;
. I $ZV["VMS" S PIECE=$P(PIECE,"=",2) ; grab 1st source directory
. I $ZV["VMS",$E(PIECE)'="(" D PATH Q ; /SRC or /NOSRC - we're done
. ;
. ;
. ; R5. handle VMS & Linux: parentheses
. ;
. S PIECE=$P(PIECE,"(",2) ; strip the opening paren
. I PIECE[")" S PIECE=$P(PIECE,")") D PATH Q ; if only one path in parens
. ;
. ;
. ; R6. handle VMS & Linux: list of paths in parens
. ;
. D PATH ; check and format first path name in list
. N LISTEND S LISTEND=0 ; have we found the close paren yet?
. F PIECECNT=PIECECNT+1:1 D Q:LISTEND ; traverse the rest of the paren list
. . S PIECE=$P($ZRO,DELIM,PIECECNT) ; get the next path name in the parens
. . Q:'$L(PIECE) ; skip empties
. . I PIECE[")" S LISTEND=1,PIECE=$P(PIECE,")") ; handle end of list
. . D PATH ; check and format path from list
QUIT ; end of ROUDIR
PATH ; private subroutine: check and format path name
; Input:
; PIECE = path name to check and format
; END = proper end of path ("/" for Unix)
; Output:
; DIRCNT = count of source code directories found
; DIRS = array by count of source code directories
; Context:
; Called only by ROUDIR. Calls nothing.
I $L(PIECE) S PIECE=$P($ZPARSE(PIECE_END,"","*"),"*") ; if path not empty, format it
I $L(PIECE) S DIRCNT=DIRCNT+1,DIRS(DIRCNT)=PIECE ; if valid, record it
QUIT ; end of PATH
NEXTROU(ROUDIRS) ; private function: for GT.M
; Consider eventually describing $ZSEARCH in here.
; This is the GT.M equivalent of DSM's $O(^ (routine)); it traverses GT.M's routine
; directories in the order they are prioritized in $ZROUTINES and returns each of
; the routine names found there, one routine per call. It uses the unusual GT.M
; intrinsic function $ZSEARCH which remembers its own context, which is why the
; previous routine name need not be passed in to get the next one. We are assuming
; $ZSEARCH is not already mid-search beneath us in the stack, but we use context
; number 1 just in case, leaving 0 in case someone else has one already running.
; See the GT.M Programmer Manual for documentation on how this unusual function
; works. We also use the GT.M $ZPARSE function to extract the routine name from the
; path and extension, since the former varies by OS.
; Input:
; ROUDIRS(#)=source code path
; ROUDIRS(0)=current path #
; Output:
; ROUDIRS(0)=current path # (when changed--this slowly loops thru list)
; Context:
; private, GT.M-specific, called only by ALL above. Calls nothing.
I '$D(ROUDIRS(0)) S ROUDIRS(0)=1 ; if 1st call, we start with 1st path
N ROUFILE S ROUFILE=$ZSEARCH(ROUDIRS(ROUDIRS(0))_"*.m",1) ; get next routine file
I ROUFILE="" D ; if we've run out of routine files in current directory
. S ROUDIRS(0)=ROUDIRS(0)+1 ; advance to next source code directory
. I '$D(ROUDIRS(ROUDIRS(0))) S ROUTINE="" Q ; if we've run out of paths we're done
. S ROUFILE=$$NEXTROU(.ROUDIRS) ; recursively get next routine file
. I ROUFILE="" S ROUTINE="" Q ; if rest of paths are empty we're done
I ROUFILE'="" D ; if we did get another routine source code file...
. S ROUTINE=$ZPARSE(ROUFILE,"NAME") ; extract routine name from path & extension
. I $E(ROUTINE)="_" S $E(ROUTINE)="%" ; GT.M translates % to _ for file naming