
176 lines
8.4 KiB

KBANXDD - FILE 176.005
3131114.151223 ZWR
^DIC(176.005,0)="RXNORM RELATED CONCEPTS^176.005"
^DIC(176.005,"%D",1,0)="File = RXNREL.RRF"
^DIC(176.005,"%D",2,0)=" "
^DIC(176.005,"%D",3,0)="This file follows the general format of the MRREL.RRF file of the"
^DIC(176.005,"%D",4,0)="Metathesaurus. Some of the Metathesaurus fields are not provided by "
^DIC(176.005,"%D",5,0)="RxNorm and are marked as ""(no value provided)"". There is one row in this "
^DIC(176.005,"%D",6,0)="table for each relationship between concepts or atoms known to RxNorm. In "
^DIC(176.005,"%D",7,0)="addition, explicit SY RELs are provided which give the UMLS Metathesaurus "
^DIC(176.005,"%D",8,0)="CUI and AUI as the RXCUI2 and RXAUI2 fields."
^DIC(176.005,"%D",9,0)=" "
^DIC(176.005,"%D",10,0)="Note that for asymmetrical relationships there is one row for each "
^DIC(176.005,"%D",11,0)="direction of the relationship. Note also the direction of REL - the "
^DIC(176.005,"%D",12,0)="relationship which the SECOND concept or atom (with Concept Unique "
^DIC(176.005,"%D",13,0)="Identifier RXCUI2 and Atom Unique Identifier RXAUI2) HAS TO the FIRST "
^DIC(176.005,"%D",14,0)="concept or atom (with Concept Unique Identifier RXCUI1 and Atom Unique "
^DIC(176.005,"%D",15,0)="Identifier RXAUI1)."
^DD(176.005,.01,0)="SAB^RFJ20^^0;1^K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<1)!'(X'?1P.E) X"
^DD(176.005,.01,3)="Answer must be 1-20 characters in length."
^DD(176.005,.01,21,1,0)="Abbreviation of the source of relationship"
^DD(176.005,.02,0)="RXAUI1^FJ8^^0;2^K:$L(X)>8!($L(X)<1) X"
^DD(176.005,.02,3)="Answer must be 1-8 characters in length."
^DD(176.005,.02,21,1,0)="Unique identifier for first atom"
^DD(176.005,.03,0)="STYPE1^FJ50^^0;3^K:$L(X)>50!($L(X)<1) X"
^DD(176.005,.03,3)="Answer must be 1-50 characters in length."
^DD(176.005,.03,21,1,0)="The name of the column in RXNCONSO.RRF that contains the identifier used "
^DD(176.005,.03,21,2,0)="for the first concept or first atom in source of the relationship (e.g., "
^DD(176.005,.03,21,3,0)="'AUI' or 'CUI')."
^DD(176.005,.04,0)="REL^FJ4^^0;4^K:$L(X)>4!($L(X)<1) X"
^DD(176.005,.04,3)="Answer must be 1-4 characters in length."
^DD(176.005,.04,21,1,0)="Relationship of second concept or atom to first concept or atom"
^DD(176.005,.05,0)="RXCUI2^FJ8^^0;5^K:$L(X)>8!($L(X)<1) X"
^DD(176.005,.05,3)="Answer must be 1-8 characters in length."
^DD(176.005,.05,21,1,0)="Unique identifier of second concept"
^DD(176.005,.06,0)="RXAUI2^FJ8^^0;6^K:$L(X)>8!($L(X)<1) X"
^DD(176.005,.06,3)="Answer must be 1-8 characters in length."
^DD(176.005,.06,21,1,0)="Unique identifier for second atom"
^DD(176.005,.07,0)="STYPE2^FJ50^^0;7^K:$L(X)>50!($L(X)<1) X"
^DD(176.005,.07,3)="Answer must be 1-50 characters in length."
^DD(176.005,.07,21,1,0)="The name of the column in RXNCONSO.RRF that contains the identifier used "
^DD(176.005,.07,21,2,0)="for the second concept or second atom in the source of the relationship "
^DD(176.005,.07,21,3,0)="(e.g., 'AUI' or 'CUI')."
^DD(176.005,.08,0)="RELA^FJ100^^0;8^K:$L(X)>100!($L(X)<1) X"
^DD(176.005,.08,3)="Answer must be 1-100 characters in length."
^DD(176.005,.08,21,1,0)="Additional (more specific) relationship label (optional)"
^DD(176.005,.09,0)="RUI^FJ10^^0;9^K:$L(X)>10!($L(X)<1) X"
^DD(176.005,.09,3)="Answer must be 1-10 characters in length."
^DD(176.005,.09,21,1,0)="Unique identifier for relationship"
^DD(176.005,.1,0)="SRUI^FJ50^^0;10^K:$L(X)>50!($L(X)<1) X"
^DD(176.005,.1,3)="Answer must be 1-50 characters in length."
^DD(176.005,.1,21,1,0)="Source asserted relationship identifier, if present (no value provided)"
^DD(176.005,.11,0)="RXCUI1^FJ8^^0;11^K:$L(X)>8!($L(X)<1) X"
^DD(176.005,.11,3)="Answer must be 1-8 characters in length."
^DD(176.005,.11,21,1,0)="Unique identifier of first concept"
^DD(176.005,.12,0)="SL^FJ1000^^0;12^K:$L(X)>1000!($L(X)<1) X"
^DD(176.005,.12,3)="Answer must be 1-1000 characters in length."
^DD(176.005,.12,21,1,0)="Source of relationship labels (no value provided)"
^DD(176.005,.13,0)="DIR^FJ1^^0;13^K:$L(X)>1!($L(X)<1) X"
^DD(176.005,.13,3)="Answer must be 1 character in length."
^DD(176.005,.13,21,1,0)="Source asserted directionality flag. (no value provided) Y indicates that "
^DD(176.005,.13,21,2,0)="this is the direction of the relationship in its source; N indicates that "
^DD(176.005,.13,21,3,0)="it is not; a blank indicates that it is not important or has not yet been "
^DD(176.005,.14,0)="RG^FJ10^^0;14^K:$L(X)>10!($L(X)<1) X"
^DD(176.005,.14,3)="Answer must be 1-10 characters in length."
^DD(176.005,.14,21,1,0)="Machine generated and unverified indicator (optional)"
^DD(176.005,.15,0)="SUPPRESS^FJ1^^0;15^K:$L(X)>1!($L(X)<1) X"
^DD(176.005,.15,3)="Answer must be 1 character in length."
^DD(176.005,.15,21,1,0)="Suppressible flag. Values = Y, E, or N. Reflects the suppressible status "
^DD(176.005,.15,21,2,0)="of the relationship; not yet in use. See also SUPPRESS in MRCONSO.RRF and "
^DD(176.005,.15,21,3,0)="MRDEF.RRF and MRREL.RRF in the UMLS Reference Manual."
^DD(176.005,.16,0)="CVF^FJ50^^0;16^K:$L(X)>50!($L(X)<1) X"
^DD(176.005,.16,3)="Answer must be 1-50 characters in length."
^DD(176.005,.16,21,1,0)="Content view flag"
^DD("IX",1028,0)="176.005^B^Compound Index for RXCUI1/RELA/RXCUI2^R^^R^IR^I^176.005^^^^^LS"
^DD("IX",1028,1)="S ^C0CRXN(176.005,""B"",X(1),X(2),X(3),DA)="""""
^DD("IX",1028,2)="K ^C0CRXN(176.005,""B"",X(1),X(2),X(3),DA)"
^DD("IX",1028,2.5)="K ^C0CRXN(176.005,""B"")"