
153 lines
3.4 KiB

inherited frmTemplateAutoGen: TfrmTemplateAutoGen
Left = 361
Top = 230
ActiveControl = rgSource
BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
BorderStyle = bsDialog
Caption = 'Generate Template'
ClientHeight = 213
ClientWidth = 415
Position = poScreenCenter
OnShow = FormShow
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object lblTop: TMemo [0]
Left = 256
Top = 8
Width = 147
Height = 65
TabStop = False
BorderStyle = bsNone
Color = clBtnFace
Lines.Strings = (
'Template generation creates a '
'new template, automatically '
'copying the template'#39's '
'boilerplate from an existing '
TabOrder = 5
object lblSelect: TStaticText [1]
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 241
Height = 213
Align = alLeft
Alignment = taCenter
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Select Source of Template Generation ...'
TabOrder = 6
object rgSource: TKeyClickRadioGroup [2]
Left = 256
Top = 88
Width = 153
Height = 81
Caption = ' Template Generate Source '
Items.Strings = (
'&Boilerplated Note Title'
'&Patient Data (Object)')
TabOrder = 2
TabStop = True
OnClick = rgSourceClick
object cbxObjects: TORComboBox [3]
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 249
Height = 213
Style = orcsSimple
AutoSelect = True
Caption = 'Patient Data'
Color = clWindow
DropDownCount = 8
ItemHeight = 13
ItemTipColor = clWindow
ItemTipEnable = True
ListItemsOnly = False
LongList = False
LookupPiece = 0
MaxLength = 0
Pieces = '1'
Sorted = False
SynonymChars = '<>'
TabOrder = 1
Visible = False
OnDblClick = cbxObjectsDblClick
CharsNeedMatch = 1
object btnOK: TButton [4]
Left = 257
Top = 190
Width = 75
Height = 21
Caption = '&OK'
Default = True
ModalResult = 1
TabOrder = 3
object btnCancel: TButton [5]
Left = 337
Top = 190
Width = 75
Height = 21
Cancel = True
Caption = '&Cancel'
ModalResult = 2
TabOrder = 4
object cbxTitles: TORComboBox [6]
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 249
Height = 213
Style = orcsSimple
AutoSelect = True
Caption = 'Choose Existing Template'
Color = clWindow
DropDownCount = 8
ItemHeight = 13
ItemTipColor = clWindow
ItemTipEnable = True
ListItemsOnly = True
LongList = True
LookupPiece = 0
MaxLength = 0
Pieces = '2'
Sorted = False
SynonymChars = '<>'
TabOrder = 0
Visible = False
OnDblClick = cbxTitlesDblClick
OnNeedData = cbxTitlesNeedData
CharsNeedMatch = 1
inherited amgrMain: TVA508AccessibilityManager
Data = (
'Component = lblTop'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = lblSelect'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = rgSource'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = cbxObjects'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = btnOK'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = btnCancel'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = cbxTitles'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = frmTemplateAutoGen'
'Status = stsDefault'))