
428 lines
9.3 KiB

inherited frmODAllergy: TfrmODAllergy
Tag = 105
Left = 13
Top = 106
Height = 339
HorzScrollBar.Range = 520
VertScrollBar.Range = 312
Caption = 'Enter Allergy Information'
ExplicitHeight = 339
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object btnAgent: TSpeedButton [0]
Left = 175
Top = 61
Width = 19
Height = 19
Caption = '...'
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentFont = False
OnClick = btnAgentClick
object lblReactionType: TOROffsetLabel [1]
Left = 7
Top = 81
Width = 188
Height = 15
Caption = 'Type of Reaction:'
HorzOffset = 2
Transparent = False
VertOffset = 2
WordWrap = False
object lblAgent: TOROffsetLabel [2]
Left = 7
Top = 44
Width = 188
Height = 15
Caption = 'Causative agent:'
HorzOffset = 2
Transparent = False
VertOffset = 2
WordWrap = False
object lblSymptoms: TOROffsetLabel [3]
Left = 7
Top = 125
Width = 134
Height = 15
Caption = 'Signs/Symptoms'
HorzOffset = 2
Transparent = False
VertOffset = 2
WordWrap = False
object lblSelectedSymptoms: TOROffsetLabel [4]
Left = 147
Top = 125
Width = 119
Height = 15
Caption = 'Selected Symptoms'
HorzOffset = 2
Transparent = False
VertOffset = 2
WordWrap = False
object lblComments: TOROffsetLabel [5]
Left = 281
Top = 125
Width = 226
Height = 15
Caption = 'Comments'
HorzOffset = 2
Transparent = False
VertOffset = 2
WordWrap = False
object lblOriginator: TOROffsetLabel [6]
Left = 209
Top = 6
Width = 45
Height = 15
Caption = 'Observer'
HorzOffset = 2
Transparent = False
VertOffset = 2
WordWrap = False
object Bevel1: TBevel [7]
Left = 2
Top = 125
Width = 273
Height = 125
object lblObservedDate: TOROffsetLabel [8]
Left = 366
Top = 46
Width = 140
Height = 15
Caption = 'Reaction Date/Time'
HorzOffset = 2
Transparent = False
VertOffset = 2
WordWrap = False
object lblSeverity: TOROffsetLabel [9]
Left = 365
Top = 82
Width = 141
Height = 15
Caption = 'Severity'
HorzOffset = 2
Transparent = False
VertOffset = 2
WordWrap = False
object lstAllergy: TORListBox [10]
Left = 8
Top = 61
Width = 166
Height = 21
Color = clBtnFace
ExtendedSelect = False
ItemHeight = 13
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = lstAllergyClick
Caption = 'Causative agent'
ItemTipColor = clWindow
LongList = False
Pieces = '2'
OnChange = ControlChange
inherited memOrder: TCaptionMemo
Left = 5
Top = 256
TabOrder = 16
ExplicitLeft = 5
ExplicitTop = 256
inherited cmdAccept: TButton
Left = 441
Top = 256
Caption = 'Accept'
TabOrder = 13
ExplicitLeft = 441
ExplicitTop = 256
inherited cmdQuit: TButton
Left = 441
Top = 283
TabOrder = 14
ExplicitLeft = 441
ExplicitTop = 283
inherited pnlMessage: TPanel
Left = 20
Top = 253
TabOrder = 15
ExplicitLeft = 20
ExplicitTop = 253
inherited memMessage: TRichEdit
Left = 41
ExplicitLeft = 41
object cboReactionType: TORComboBox [15]
Left = 7
Top = 96
Width = 190
Height = 21
Style = orcsDropDown
AutoSelect = True
Caption = 'Type of Reaction'
Color = clWindow
DropDownCount = 8
ItemHeight = 13
ItemTipColor = clWindow
ItemTipEnable = True
ListItemsOnly = True
LongList = False
LookupPiece = 0
MaxLength = 0
Pieces = '2'
Sorted = False
SynonymChars = '<>'
TabOrder = 3
OnChange = ControlChange
CharsNeedMatch = 1
object grpObsHist: TRadioGroup [16]
Left = 364
Top = 11
Width = 147
Height = 30
Columns = 2
Ctl3D = True
Items.Strings = (
ParentCtl3D = False
TabOrder = 9
OnClick = grpObsHistClick
object memComments: TRichEdit [17]
Left = 282
Top = 142
Width = 229
Height = 104
TabOrder = 12
WantTabs = True
OnExit = memCommentsExit
OnKeyUp = memCommentsKeyUp
object lstSelectedSymptoms: TORListBox [18]
Left = 147
Top = 143
Width = 122
Height = 75
ExtendedSelect = False
ItemHeight = 13
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 5
Caption = 'Selected Symptoms'
ItemTipColor = clWindow
LongList = False
Pieces = '2,4'
OnChange = ControlChange
object ckNoKnownAllergies: TCheckBox [19]
Left = 8
Top = 18
Width = 119
Height = 17
Caption = 'No Known Allergies'
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = ckNoKnownAllergiesClick
object cboOriginator: TORComboBox [20]
Left = 210
Top = 22
Width = 139
Height = 96
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
Style = orcsSimple
AutoSelect = True
Caption = 'Observer'
Color = clWindow
DropDownCount = 8
ItemHeight = 13
ItemTipColor = clWindow
ItemTipEnable = True
ListItemsOnly = True
LongList = True
LookupPiece = 2
MaxLength = 0
ParentShowHint = False
Pieces = '2,3'
ShowHint = False
Sorted = False
SynonymChars = '<>'
TabOrder = 8
OnChange = ControlChange
OnNeedData = cboOriginatorNeedData
CharsNeedMatch = 1
object cboSymptoms: TORComboBox [21]
Left = 7
Top = 143
Width = 135
Height = 103
Style = orcsSimple
AutoSelect = True
Caption = 'Signs/Symptoms'
Color = clWindow
DropDownCount = 8
ItemHeight = 13
ItemTipColor = clWindow
ItemTipEnable = True
ListItemsOnly = True
LongList = True
LookupPiece = 0
MaxLength = 0
Pieces = '2'
Sorted = False
SynonymChars = '<>'
TabOrder = 4
OnKeyDown = cboSymptomsKeyDown
OnMouseClick = cboSymptomsMouseClick
OnNeedData = cboSymptomsNeedData
CharsNeedMatch = 1
object btnCurrent: TButton [22]
Left = 137
Top = 14
Width = 56
Height = 21
Caption = 'Current'
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = btnCurrentClick
object calObservedDate: TORDateBox [23]
Left = 365
Top = 62
Width = 145
Height = 21
TabOrder = 10
OnChange = ControlChange
DateOnly = False
RequireTime = False
Caption = 'Reaction Date/Time'
object cboSeverity: TORComboBox [24]
Left = 365
Top = 97
Width = 144
Height = 21
Style = orcsDropDown
AutoSelect = True
Caption = 'Severity'
Color = clWindow
DropDownCount = 8
ItemHeight = 13
ItemTipColor = clWindow
ItemTipEnable = True
ListItemsOnly = True
LongList = False
LookupPiece = 0
MaxLength = 0
Pieces = '2'
Sorted = False
SynonymChars = '<>'
TabOrder = 11
OnChange = ControlChange
CharsNeedMatch = 1
object btnRemove: TButton [25]
Left = 210
Top = 224
Width = 57
Height = 21
Caption = 'Remove'
TabOrder = 7
OnClick = btnRemoveClick
object btnDateTime: TButton [26]
Left = 147
Top = 224
Width = 62
Height = 21
Caption = 'Date/Time'
TabOrder = 6
OnClick = btnDateTimeClick
inherited amgrMain: TVA508AccessibilityManager
Data = (
'Component = lstAllergy'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = cboReactionType'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = grpObsHist'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = memComments'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = lstSelectedSymptoms'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = ckNoKnownAllergies'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = cboOriginator'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = cboSymptoms'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = btnCurrent'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = calObservedDate'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = cboSeverity'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = btnRemove'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = btnDateTime'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = memOrder'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = cmdAccept'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = cmdQuit'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = pnlMessage'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = memMessage'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = frmODAllergy'
'Status = stsDefault'))
object dlgReactionDateTime: TORDateTimeDlg
FMDateTime = 2981202.000000000000000000
DateOnly = False
RequireTime = False
Left = 242
Top = 10