
159 lines
3.5 KiB

inherited frmNoteCPFields: TfrmNoteCPFields
Left = 508
Top = 307
Caption = 'Enter Required Fields'
ClientHeight = 151
ClientWidth = 249
Position = poScreenCenter
OnCreate = FormCreate
ExplicitWidth = 257
ExplicitHeight = 178
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object lblAuthor: TLabel [0]
Left = 7
Top = 5
Width = 94
Height = 13
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Author:'
object lblProcSummCode: TOROffsetLabel [1]
Left = 4
Top = 50
Width = 125
Height = 15
Caption = 'Procedure Summary Code'
HorzOffset = 2
Transparent = False
VertOffset = 2
WordWrap = False
object lblProcDateTime: TOROffsetLabel [2]
Left = 4
Top = 96
Width = 105
Height = 15
Caption = 'Procedure Date/Time'
HorzOffset = 2
Transparent = False
VertOffset = 2
WordWrap = False
object cboAuthor: TORComboBox [3]
Left = 4
Top = 17
Width = 239
Height = 21
Style = orcsDropDown
AutoSelect = True
Caption = 'Author'
Color = clWindow
DropDownCount = 8
ItemHeight = 13
ItemTipColor = clWindow
ItemTipEnable = True
ListItemsOnly = False
LongList = True
LookupPiece = 2
MaxLength = 0
ParentShowHint = False
Pieces = '2,3'
ShowHint = True
Sorted = False
SynonymChars = '<>'
TabOrder = 0
OnNeedData = cboAuthorNeedData
CharsNeedMatch = 1
object cboProcSummCode: TORComboBox [4]
Left = 4
Top = 66
Width = 142
Height = 21
Style = orcsDropDown
AutoSelect = True
Caption = 'Procedure Summary Code'
Color = clWindow
DropDownCount = 8
Items.Strings = (
ItemHeight = 13
ItemTipColor = clWindow
ItemTipEnable = True
ListItemsOnly = False
LongList = False
LookupPiece = 0
MaxLength = 0
Pieces = '2'
Sorted = False
SynonymChars = '<>'
TabOrder = 1
CharsNeedMatch = 1
object calProcDateTime: TORDateBox [5]
Left = 4
Top = 112
Width = 142
Height = 21
TabOrder = 2
DateOnly = False
RequireTime = True
Caption = 'Procedure Date/Time'
object cmdOK: TButton [6]
Left = 166
Top = 78
Width = 72
Height = 21
Hint =
'Save these items, and continue to enter text interpretation of r' +
Caption = 'Save'
Default = True
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 3
OnClick = cmdOKClick
object cmdCancel: TButton [7]
Left = 166
Top = 105
Width = 72
Height = 21
Hint =
'Enter text interpretation of results now, and enter these items ' +
Cancel = True
Caption = 'Enter Later'
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 4
OnClick = cmdCancelClick
inherited amgrMain: TVA508AccessibilityManager
Data = (
'Component = cboAuthor'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = cboProcSummCode'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = calProcDateTime'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = cmdOK'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = cmdCancel'
'Status = stsDefault')
'Component = frmNoteCPFields'
'Status = stsDefault'))