VistA-cprs/Kevin's Achieving Compilati...

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Attempts at getting WV_CPRS_V27 (OR_3_243V27) up and compiling in Delphi Dev Studio 2006
June, 2010
Copied source to:
Menu: Component\Install Packages --> Add ...
Browse to Packages folder
Don't add the file names that have *60.bpl
Don't add VA10.bpl
Don't add Borland.bpl
Then found: .\VA\VAShared2006.dpk
I suspect this is a combination of needed files. It opens, but I can't find how to install it.
So I closed this.
Opened up CPRSChart.dpr
Attempted compile.
Got error of missing ORSystem.dcu
Open project options.
Go to Directories and Conditionals
Change the Unit Output Directory to the DCU folder.
Change the Search Path so that is searches in:
CPRS folder
CPRSLib folder
WVEHR-Lib folder
Change the Packages output folder to
Compile attempt again. This time is is missing TRPCB.dcu
In my other instances of compiling CPRS, I have always had the BDK32 folder in with the CPRS source. This is the RPC Broker. It does not appear to be included anywhere in the source tree.
A file search shows that it is in the DCU folder. So back to the Options and include the DCU folder in the search path.
Compile attempt again. Compiles much further. Now error of multiple missing *.dfm files.
First missing one is. fDebugInfo.DFM. A filesystem search doesn't find it.
A search for *.dfm reveals many files, but not the ones I need.
Looking closer, the missing .dfm files are all related to the debugger.
So I think this is a problem of the compiler wanting to recompile the TRPCB.dcu.
So I am going to take a chance and copy over the BDK32 directory into the source tree and add it to the search path and see if that works. I put it at the same level as the CPRS-Lib, VA, DCU etc folders. I deleted the \BDK32\D7 folder. Added \BDK32\Source to search path.
Compile attempt again..