added a triples rpc

This commit is contained in:
george 2012-01-28 05:28:51 +00:00
parent 952d09df85
commit 603b541d5c
1 changed files with 35 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -68,6 +68,37 @@ SING(ZRTN,ZG) ; SUBJECTS IN GRAPH
. S ZRTN($$NXT(.ZRTN),"S")=$$STR(ZI)
qparse(qrtn,zquery) ; parses the query
; want this to be able to handle the WHERE clause of SPARQL eventually
n q1,q2,q3,qq
;s qq=$tr(zquery," ","^")
s qq=query ; really want to remove whitespace here
s q1=$p(qq," ",1)
i q1["?" s q1=""
s q2=$p(qq," ",2)
i q2["?" s q2=""
s q3=$p(qq," ",3)
i q3["?" s q3=""
s qrtn(1)=q1_"^"_q2_"^"_q3 ; more lines to come later
rpctrip(rtn,query,limit,offset) ; rpc to access triples with a query
n zoff,zlim,zcount,zq
i '$d(limit) s limit=250
i '$d(offset) s offset=0
d qparse(.zq,query) ; parse the query
n qsub,qpred,qobj,qtmp
W !,zq(1)
s qsub=$p(zq(1),"^",1)
s qpred=$p(zq(1),"^",2)
s qobj=$p(zq(1),"^",3)
d triples(.qtmp,qsub,qpred,qobj)
f zcount=offset+1:1:offset+limit q:'$d(qtmp(zcount)) d ;
. s rtn(zcount)=qtmp(zcount)
triples(triplertn,sub,pred,obj,graph,fary) ; returns triples
I '$D(fary) D ;
@ -81,14 +112,16 @@ triples(triplertn,sub,pred,obj,graph,fary) ; returns triples
s zgraph=$$IENOF^C0XF2N($g(graph),fary) ; ien of graph
W !,"s:",zsub," p:",zpred," o:",zobj
d trip(.tmprtn,zsub,zpred,zobj,zgraph,fary)
n zzz,zrsub,zrpred,zrobj,zgraph
n zzz,zrsub,zrpred,zrobj,zgraph,zcnt
s zcnt=1
s zzz=""
f s zzz=$o(tmprtn(zzz)) q:zzz="" d ;
. s zrsub=$$GET1^DIQ(C0XTFN,zzz_",",.03,"E")
. s zrpred=$$GET1^DIQ(C0XTFN,zzz_",",.04,"E")
. s zrobj=$$GET1^DIQ(C0XTFN,zzz_",",.05,"E")
. s zrgraph=$$GET1^DIQ(C0XTFN,zzz_",",.02,"E")
. s triplertn(zzz)=zrsub_"^"_zrpred_"^"_zrobj ; _"^"_zrgraph
. s triplertn(zcnt)=zrsub_"^"_zrpred_"^"_zrobj ; _"^"_zrgraph
. s zcnt=zcnt+1
trip(triprtn,nsub,npred,nobj,ngraph,fary) ; returns triples iens