
308 lines
10 KiB

English French Notes Complete/Exclude
No User Selected
No application(s) selected
Lexicon Defaults:
Select default to modify (1-
to modify defaults,
for previous menu,
/<Return> to exit
to exit, or
Replace existing user defaults?
By answering No:
Existing defaults will have precedence over the selected changes
Replacing or deleting existing defaults will not be allowed
Adding defaults where none previously existed will be allowed
By answering Yes:
Selected changes will have precedence over existing defaults
Replace existing defaults:
Yes, existing defaults will be changed
No, existing defaults will remain unaltered
No changes made to the default
will be replaced
Up-dating User Defaults
Task has been created to update user defaults
Unable to create a task to update user defaults
Do you wish to set the currently selected user
defaults to another user or group of users?
The defaults you selected may be applied to another user/user group
Select 1-5:
Press <Return> to continue,
to exit or select (1-5)
The default selections listed above may be applied to either
a single user, a user group based on service/location, or all
users. You may either select a user/user group (1-5), or
press <Return> to continue, or
Current default selections:
Not selected
User/User groups:
By answering
you will be setting the look-up defaults for the Clinical
Lexicon for the selected applications and users.
Set user defaults:
users in Service/Section:
users in Hospital Location:
users in Service/Location:
users: All Users
Another user is editing this entry, please wait
@^Delete vocabulary
Select SUBSET 1-
to select a subset, or
Subsets found
Enter a concept to edit definition:
The definition for
is not editable
No selection made, try again using the same concept
You were given various forms of an expression
(concept, synonyms and
lexical variants) to select from.
Do you wish to try again using
the same concept
Old Definition:
This record is being edited by
another user, try again later
New Definition:
Changes to the definition were not saved
No changes made
in Expression File (#757.01)
expressions were
expression was
found representing the selected concept:
, or <Return> to continue
There are several types of expressions
which can represent a concept:
Major Concept
Synonym of the Concept
Lexical Variant of the Concept
Lexical Variant of a Synonym of the Concept
You may edit any of these forms of expressions.
In this case, there are no Synonyms or
Lexical Variants to select from,
you can only edit the Concept
Concept -
Synonym -
Variant -
Related -
Modified -
Other -
the proposed changes you have made to
the definition during this edit session will be stored.
Make changes permanent
is already defined as an excluded word
has been defined as a replacement word (file #757.05)
You can not exclude a word from a search which is to be replaced
by another expression prior to performing the search
as replacement text prior to performing the search
Alpha-numeric expression. The only punctuation allowed is the slash
already exist in the Excluded Words file.
Do you want to delete it from the Excluded Words file
and continue to add it as a replacement word? No//
to the Replacement Words file and delete it
from the Excluded Words file
Do not add
to the Replacement Words file and
retain it in the Excluded Words file
Delete? No//
from Excluded Words file #757.04
already exist in the Replacement Words file (#757.05)
as a (R)eplaced word. You may alter the original entry to be a
(L)inked word, but you can not (R)eplace
with multiple
does not exist in the Lexicon. You
may not replace a word with text not found in the Lexicon,
resulting in unsuccessful searches.
WARNING: Your input contains the word
which is
already defined in the Replacement Words file (#757.05) as a (R)eplaced
word. This may cause problems (i.e., circular definition of a word)
resulting in an unsuccessful search in the Lexicon.
Example of a circular definition:
Replace: CA with CANCER and
Replace: CALCIUM with CA
Searching for
may result in a listing of CANCER's,
depending on the order of replacement.
You can not exclude a word which is to be replaced
You can not exclude a replacement word
You can not replace an excluded word.
is indexed as a key word for:
You can not alter this keyword/term linkage.
Invalid characters detected, use any combination of uppercase or numeric
Cannot be the same as the Short TitLe
Only one match found, select:
Press the <Return> key to continue
Answer with # (1-
choices), or ?# (help on a term)
Enter the name of a vocabulary to use:
SOC;Social Work
free text
Clinical Lexicon Utility v 1.0 Problem List v 2.0
Lexicon Utility v 2.0 Problem List v 2.0*7
>> DUZ and DUZ(0) must be defined as an active user to initialize.
>> Cannot find Lexicon global, ^LEX must be loaded into or
translated to this account
Saving Lexicon v 1.0 User Defaults
Removing Lexicon v 1.0 from the Multi-Term Look-up Utility (MTLU)
Saving Lexicon v 1.0 Pointers
Renaming Lexicon v 1.0 Options
Deleting Lexicon v 1.0 Data Dictionaries
Restoring Lexicon User Defaults for use with Lexicon v 2.0
Repointing Files/Fields for use with Lexicon v 2.0
Checking for GMPT Package file entry (not used in Lexicon v 2.0)
Checking for ^GMP or ^GMPT (not used in Lexicon v 2.0)
Press <Return> to continue
This might take quite a while, I've got
Data Dictionaries to Delete.
Don't forget to delete the ^GMP and ^GMPT globals
used by the Clinical Lexicon Utility, version 1.0
were not found
Lexicon Utility, version 1.0
Old Name
New Name
Lexicon Utility
Clinical/Non-Clinical Terminology System
GMPT Package File entry was found
The GMPT namespace was used by the Clinical Lexicon
Utility version 1.0. The GMPT Package File entry may
be deleted.
GMPT Package File entry was not found
Pointed to by
Lexicon Terms in Problem List
Lexicon Installation
Lexicon/Problem List Survey
Lexicon v 2.0 not completely installed
Lexicon v 2.0 installed
Installing Version:
Installed on:
Installation Attempted on:
Installation in account:
Installation by (POC):
^GMP Global not Deleted
^GMPT Global not Deleted
^GMP and ^GMPT not Deleted
Old Globals were Deleted
New Globals are Installed
Only ^LEX was Installed
Only ^LEXT was Installed
New Globals were not Installed
User Defaults Transferred
User Defaults not found
Lexicon removed from MTLU
Lexicon was not removed from MTLU
Status of MTLU Unknown
Old Options were not Deleted
Old Options were Deleted
New Options are Installed
New Options are not Installed
Special Lookup is
Problem List calls ^LEX
Problem List calls ^GMP
Lexicon Terms in Problem List
Lexicon v
Terms in Problem List
As of:
Try another
You have searched for a term in the Lexicon, do you want to
Do you want more information
The Lexicon also contains definitions (on most major concepts),
codes (from major coding systems, i.e., ICD, CPT, NANDA, etc.),
synonyms, lexical variants, and semantic classifications for each
term by class and type.
Modified/Descendant Terms
Directly Linked to Concept
Indirectly Linked (via Synonym)
Broader View of Concept
Narrower View of Concept
Other View of Concept
Enter an expression:
Re-Indexing Major Concept Words in
Task to re-index Major Concept not created
, an index reference will be made to link the
term to the key word
No Word Linkages Created
has been linked to:
By confirming the word linkages displayed above, a look-up
conducted on
will retrieve the linked terms.
is used as follows:
is it exclusive?
Based on the reference
shown above, does
exclusively refer to
exclusively refers to
will always be replaced by
refers to concepts other than
and begin linking
(in each
occurrence where the two terms have the same meaning)
used exclusively
Additional information is available, press <Return> to continue
was not found in the Lexicon
Do you wish to link
to terms
will cause the
look-up to include all linked occurences of
to be listed when searching for
Total Codes:
Active Codes:
Inactive Codes:
Problem List Survey
ICD Code
Unresolved Narratives
Lexicon Terms
Total Problems
Exact match unresolved narratives resolved to to the Lexicon
Inactive ICD codes/6 digit codes re-coded to an active ICD Code
Uncoded Lexicon terms re-coded to an ICD code other than 799.9
Exact Match URs in Prob List # 9000011
In-Active ICD Codes in Prob List # 9000011
Update 799.9s in Prob List # 9000011
Edit shortcuts for:
already exist as a shortcut
(in the context of
pointing to the term
Delete current shortcut:
Add shortcut:
Enter shortcut keyword(s):
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