
308 lines
12 KiB

English French Notes Complete/Exclude
Enter Y to edit this information or N to proceed.
You have entered
to interrupt entry of this survey.
If you stop now, you have not entered demographics or questions and the
survey is incomplete. It is not possible to delete the survey from
this point in this option. You will have to use the menu option
Delete a Survey, Questions and Responses
Is this what you really want to do
Enter Y to stop or N to begin the editing again.
Survey Name:
(Adding Questions)
The increment must be numeric, non-decimal, between 1 and 10.
Do you want help on question entry
Enter Y to see the help text or N to skip.
What increment value do you wish your questions use? 1 //
Enter the number to skip between questions.
If you exit without entering any questions, you will have to use the
'Add/edit Individual Questions' option to add them without benefit
of automatic question numbering.
Adding Questions
Type ^ to exit
Last question number:
>> Question number:
Question number entry must be numeric,'R' to resequence
the question numbers, or 'C' to copy a question.
Resequence question numbers
This number must be between 1 and 999.
Are you sure you want to remove this question
Entering Y will delete this question completely.
>> Question removed <<
>> Nothing deleted <<
Are you finished entering questions for this survey
Enter Y if you are finished or N if you have more questions
to add. If you answer Yes, any further questions will have
to be put in via the 'Add/Edit Individual Questions' option
because this option only for new surveys.
Please wait while this survey is checked for missing critical data
Last date for usage is missing
Demographic data is missing
and demographics are mandatory
(but demographics are not mandatory)
Survey title is missing
Survey instructions are missing
There are no questions for this survey
The answer type on question
is not (a)lpha ,(n)umeric or (L)ikert
There is no question number for IFN
is multiple choice and has no answers
has no question text
Perhaps this survey should not be released
until this data is supplied.
Do you want to release anyway
Answer Y release the survey or N to leave it as is.
If you answer Y, the survey will be released regardless of
what non-critical information is missing. N will leave it as is.
This survey is missing important data and cannot be released
until it is supplied.
You must specifically answer Y or N.
Survey released.
of your response:
You must enter a
from the selection given.
Enter Yes, No, or Not applicable (Y/N/NA):
Enter Y for Yes or N for No or NA for not applicable.
True, False, or Not applicable (T/F/NA):
Enter T for True, F for False, or NA for not applicable.
This will be a word processing response.
Press RETURN to enter a response,
^ will skip entering any response to this question
RETURN will allow you to enter a response
Q will allow you to abort or suspend
Invalid answer - must be Q, ^, or RETURN
Question skipped
Previous response:
True, False, or NA (T/F/NA):
Clear a Survey of Responses
Type RETURN or ^ to exit
This program will COMPLETELY clear a survey of its associated responses.
Enter Y if the correct one or N if not.
Is this the correct survey
Enter Y if you are sure or N if not.
Are you sure you want to remove all responses to this survey
Deleting the responses . . .
Responses deleted:
Copy a Survey
Select survey to copy:
The survey COPY may need editing before it can be used.
Enter NEW survey name:
Enter the new name for this survey copy.
The new name must be from 1-65 alpha characters.
Survey to copy:
Is everything Ok
Survey questions not found for
New survey creation error !
. . .
An error occurred while copying the main survey data
Copying the questions . . .
An error occurred while copying the questions
Press RETURN to continue
The partial records have been deleted.
That number already exists.
You are about the change the number of this question.
Add/Edit Demographic Questions
This survey has data associated with it and the demographic content
may not be changed.
You have entered a pointer type in question
have not specified any file.
You have entered a 'set of codes' type in question
and not entered any codes.
- Demographics Entry
Entry of demographic information is mandatory
Pointed-to file information is missing for this question!
Codes are missing for this 'set of codes' question!
Invalid entry
There is no file associated with the pointer in this answer.
Please enter your answer
<no answer>
Please enter a date:
Enter a free text response from 1 to 40 characters
Enter your response
Survey Demographical Statistics
Survey Selection
Select a survey:
Survey Title:
Printing Demographical Information
There were no demographics specified for this survey.
Choose a sorting demographic
Do you want to include bypassed questions in the
statistics calculations
Enter Y to print questions skipped by the participants
or No to not print them.
Do you want to include 'Not Applicable' responses in the
Enter Y to print responses of 'Not Applicable'
Do you want to print word processing responses
Enter Y to print word processing questions or No to not print them.
Survey Demographical Statistics
Demographical Statistics
Sorting on:
V A Medical Center
' did not respond
Not including
bypassed answers
Edit Survey Answers
E to edit all (including demographics)
I to edit individual questions (no demographics)
P to print a copy of your answers for yourself
Q to QUIT (also '^' or <RETURN>)
Survey Printing for user
Editing Individual Questions
Entry must be numeric, greater than zero and previously answered.
Question entry must be numeric.
That question was not found. The question must be
numeric, greater than zero, and already answered.
Edit All Questions Sequentially
Edit an Incomplete Survey
This option will allow you to edit the answers you have entered on a survey
so far. You must use the 'Participate in a Survey' option to finish it.
This survey is not available for selection at this time. Its current
status is
Under Maintenance/Development
Active Life Expired
You do not have a response on file for this survey.
Your response does not have a suspended status. You may not
edit the answers.
You have not answered any questions on this survey.
Please use the 'Participate in a Survey' option
instead of this one.
Create/Edit/Maintain a Survey
Survey Name Selection
Change Basic Data
The survey description was not entered !
The survey instructions were not entered !
Type ^ to exit, ? or ?? for HELP
This number must be between 1 and 999.
Change or Delete
Are you adding question
This survey has no questions.
Your DUZ is missing !
Your DUZ(0) is missing !
Populate the Demographic Reference File
Programmer access required for this program !
Fix a Survey Response
This option fixes a participant's survey response that may still
show as
due to having exited abnormally or the job
having been killed.
Fix Response for
Is everything correct
Enter Y if the correct person or N if not.
No response found for this participant.
There is no response on file for this participant which
needs to be fixed.
Response fixed.
Count Survey Participants
Select survey:
Currently, there
DUZ(2) is not defined. Please set and rerun QAPPOST by entering D ^QAPPOST
The routine
is not on disk.
No action needed.
Deleting the routine
since it is no longer needed...
Print All Survey Responses
This program will print all responses to the selected survey
You must use your own judgement when printing
long surveys because of the possible length of the printout.
to this survey.
Print All Respones for
Print a Survey
Printing a
Press RETURN to continue or '^' to exit
[Word Processing]
Press RETURN to end
Press Return
Print a Survey Hardcopy
This program allows you to print a hardcopy of a survey for your
you actually participate in it.
It will not print answers you have previously made to this or
other surveys.
This survey cannot be printed now. Its status is
Under development
Active life expired
Printing Survey Title:
There are no questions on this survey.
Copy Survey Questions
Enter the question number to copy:
There is no question number
Your entry must be numeric and also an existing question number.
Is this correct question
Enter Y to proceed, N to go back and reselect
You must enter a new number for this
Entry must be 1-3 numbers (1-999) and must be unique. Enter ^ to exit.
You must enter a different question number.
That one has been used.
Now you may edit the question header and text.
The rest of the question definition will remain
the same unless you change it specifically.
Release/Disable a Survey for Participation
Type RETURN or '^' to exit
The LAST DATE FOR USAGE is earlier than today's date.
You must change it to a future date before you may release
this survey.
Current status is
There are no questions to resequence
What increment would you like to use? 1//
Enter the value to skip between question numbers (1-10).
The increment must be 1-2 numbers, without decimals.
Selected parameters:
Survey name:
Is this Ok
Resequence Survey Question Numbers
>> Question skipped <<
Survey Data Entry
ready for use
This survey is no longer active.
<no questions answered>
You may not participate more than once in this survey.
You have already taken and completed this survey.
You may participate again only if you know the correct password.
Enter ^ to exit
Incorrect password
You don't know the password !
This is a restart of a previous session.
The last question answered was #
You appear to be already working on this survey at another terminal.
You do not know the password !
Do you want to see instructions
Enter Y to see instructions or N to skip them.
Demographics file error - response deleted !
Timed out ! - response deleted !
- Data Entry
Do you want to edit your answers
Enter Y to edit the answers or N to continue
and complete the survey.
(Type ^ to edit answers)
Is it Ok to register this survey as complete
Enter ^ edit your responses
N to suspend/abort this response
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