
308 lines
14 KiB

English French Notes Complete/Exclude
A request will be created for
both cases
Select '2' if you want to REMOVE this record ENTIRELY from your records.
Schedule a Procedure for which Date ?
The schedule cannot be updated without a date.
Reservations cannot be made for dates in the past. Please select another date.
Scheduling not allowed for
No surgical case has been scheduled.
Case Information:
* Concurrent Case #
Enter 'NO' if you have selected the wrong request, or RETURN to continue
scheduling this request.
Schedule a Case for which Operating Room ?
Schedule Anesthesia Personnel for which Date ?
Schedule Anesthesia Personnel for which Operating Room ?
There are no cases scheduled for this operating room.
Would you like to continue with another operating room ? YES//
Enter RETURN if you would like to schedule anesthesia personnel in another
room, or 'NO' to quit.
Scheduled Operations for
Enter RETURN to continue scheduling other cases, or '^' to leave this option.
Schedule Concurrent Cases for which Patient ?
Schedule Concurrent Procedures for which Date ?
Cases cannot be scheduled for past dates. Please enter a different date.
Since you were unable to complete the information for the concurrent case, you
may want to delete the first case and re-enter both at another time.
Do you want to delete the entry for Case
Enter RETURN to delete Case
, or 'NO' to continue entering information
for this case.
This case cannot be scheduled until the missing information has been entered.
The field '
' has not been entered.
Schedule a case for which operating Room ?
To schedule a case an operating room MUST be selected. Enter '^' to exit.
To create a surgical case, a surgeon MUST be selected. Enter '^' to exit.
To create a surgical case, a surgical specialty MUST be selected. Enter '^'
to exit.
Principal Operative Procedure
Principal procedure must not contain an up-arrow (^).
A brief description of the indications for this operation MUST be entered
before proceeding with this option.
It is mandatory that you provide this information before proceeding with this
Do you want to continue with this option
Enter RETURN to continue with this option, or 'NO' to discontinue this option.
Principal Procedure:
Principal Procedure Code (CPT):
To continue, a Surgical Specialty MUST be defined for this case.
Request Concurrent Cases for which Patient ?
Make a Request for Concurrent Cases on which Date ?
Requests cannot be made for past dates. Please enter a different date.
The following requests have been entered.
1. Enter Request Information for Case #
2. Enter Request Information for Case #
to enter request information. Enter '^' or RETURN to exit.
Press RETURN to continue.
may want to delete the first request and re-enter both at another time.
Do you want to delete the request for Case
Print list of Completed Cases Missing CPT Codes for
Print the List of Cases Missing CPT codes to which Printer ?
Enter '1' or press <RET> to print the list for surgical procedures performed
in the OR. Enter '2' to print the list for non-OR procedures. Enter '3' to
print the list for both OR surgical procedures and non-OR procedures.
Press <RET> to continue, or '^' to quit.
Enter RETURN if you would like to list completed cases missing CPT codes for
Do you want the list for all Specialties ? YES//
all Specialties, or 'NO' to select a specific specialty.
Select Specialty:
Completed Cases Missing CPT Codes
Patient (ID#)
Display of Available Operating Room Time
1. Display Availability (12:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
2. Display Availability (06:00 AM - 08:00 PM)
3. Display Availibility (12:00 PM - 12:00 AM)
Select Number: 2//
Enter the number corresponding to portion of the display graph of available
operating room time that you want to view. If you want to view the room
between the hours of 6:00 AM and 8:00 PM, enter '2'. A display of available
operating room time will then appear on your screen.
3. Display Availability (12:00 PM - 12:00 AM)
4. Do Not Display Availability
see a display for any time period, enter '4'. You will then be asked to
select an operating room.
Change to which Date ?
The request for
change the date of it also ? YES//
Please answer 'YES' or 'NO'. A '^' is not allowed.
Enter RETURN if these cases will remain concurrent, or 'NO' if they will no
longer be associated together.
There is old text remaining in your file. By transmitting a new batch, the
old text will be erased.
Do you want to continue ? YES//
Enter RETURN if you would like to transmit a new batch of dictations,
or 'NO' to exit this option.
There is old data in the print queue.
Do you want to clear the print queue ? NO//
Do you want to clear the error log ? NO//
Enter 'YES' if you would like to clear out the cases already stored in
the print queue, or RETURN to continue.
Enter RETURN if you wish to leave the unmatched case numbers in the error
log for further inspection, or 'YES' to clean out the log.
Please enter a brief statement of the indications for this operative
procedure. It is mandatory that you provide this information before
proceeding with this request.
Do you want to continue with this request ? YES//
Enter RETURN to re-enter the indications for operation and continue with this
request, or 'NO' if you do not want to continue with the request.
Based on the free-text procedure name entered, the computer will attempt to
match the appropriate CPT Code.
Do you want to select the CPT Code now ? YES//
Looking for potential CPT Codes based on the entire free-text procedure name...
Select Principal Operation Code (CPT):
Enter 'YES' to utilize the computer for selecting the correct CPT code based
on your free-text procedure name, or if you'd like to select the code on your
own. Enter 'NO' to skip entering the CPT code and go on to the next prompt.
Do you want to search for the correct CPT code based on the first word
of your free-text procedure name ? YES//
Enter 'YES' to search for the appropriate CPT code based on the first word of
your free-text procedure name. Enter 'NO' to select a CPT code on your own.
Searching CPT Codes to match with
match the appropriate ICD Diagnosis Code.
Do you want to select the ICD Diagnosis Code now ? YES//
Looking for potential ICD Diagnosis Codes based on the entire
free-text procedure name...
Select Principal Diagnosis Code (ICD Diagnosis):
code based on your free-text procedure name, or if you'd like to select
the code on your
own. Enter 'NO' to skip entering the CPT code and go on
to the next prompt.
word of your free-text procedure name. Enter 'NO' to select a CPT code on
in your text...
Searching ICD Diagnosis Codes to match with
Make a Request for which Date ?
Requests cannot be made for past dates.
List requests by SPECIALTY or WARD ? SPECIALTY//
Enter RETURN if you would like to sort requests by SURGICAL SPECIALTY, or
'WARD' to sort by the WARD location.
Do you want requests for all surgical specialties ? YES//
Enter RETURN if you would like a list of requests for all surgical specialties,
or 'NO' to list the requests for a specific specialty.
List Requests for which Specialty ?
Requests by Service
Operative Requests for
Operative Procedure
Do you want requests for all wards ? YES//
list the requests for a specific ward.
List Requests for which Ward ?
Requests by Ward
has the following procedure already entered for this
Will this be a concurrent procedure
If these procedures will be scheduled at the same time, in the same operating
How long is this procedure ? (HOURS:MINUTES)
Surgery requests not allowed for
DAY !!
I'm sorry, but it is too late to make a request. If this case must
be entered, use the option 'Schedule Unrequested Operations' under
the 'Schedule Operations Menu'.
requests are
request is
outstanding for
Do you want to update
one of
the outstanding request
Enter a RETURN if you would like to delete, update, or change the date of the
requested cases.
Do you want to make a new request for
Enter 'YES' to continue with this option to make a new request, or RETURN to
To make an operation request, a surgeon MUST be selected. Enter '^' to exit.
To make an operation request, a surgical specialty MUST be selected. Enter '^'
Principal Operative Procedure:
before proceeding with this request.
No request has been entered.
Enter RETURN to continue with this request, or 'NO' to discontinue this request.
A request has been made for
Deleting information...
The following information for case #
and must be removed before continuing:
Reserve from what time ? (NEAREST 15 MIN):
Please enter a starting time to the nearest 15 minutes, for example,
7:00, 7:15, 7:30, 7:45. Enter the time only with no date.
Reserve to what time ? (NEAREST 15 MIN):
Please enter an ending time to the nearest 15 minutes, for example,
The ending time must be after the starting time.
You have entered an ending time which is earlier than the starting time.
Do you want to schedule this case to end on the following day,
Enter 'YES' if you want this case to end at
of the following day.
List of Unmerged Operation Notes
Patient (ID #)
Date of Operation
The error log is empty.
The print queue is empty.
Print queue information to which Device ?
Transcribed Operation Notes
of Lines
If this is the
which you intend to transcribe, enter RETURN.
Enter NO to select another case.
Provider's Procedure Notes
Do you want to print the
Non-OR Procedure
Do you want to add a concurrent case ? NO//
Enter 'YES' if you need to add a case to be performed concurrently with this
case. Press RETURN to update other information related to this case.
Do you want to change the
time or operating room for which this
case is scheduled ? NO//
Enter 'YES' if you need to change the
time or operating room for this
case. Enter RETURN to update other information related to this case.
Reschedule this Procedure for which Date ?
Schedule this case for which Operating Room:
Since no date has been entered, I must assume that you want to re-schedule
this case for the same date. If you have made a mistake and want to
leave this case scheduled for the same operating room at the same times,
enter RETURN when prompted to select an operating room.
Update Cancellation Information for which Patient:
There are no cancelled cases for
Select Operation:
Purge Utilization Information
This option will purge all utilization information for the dates prior to (and
Are you sure that you want to purge for this date range ? NO//
Enter 'YES' to purge information, 'NO' to quit, or '?' for more help.
Purge Surgery Utilization Data
The option to purge utilization data has been queued.
Enter 'YES' to purge utilization information for all dates prior to and
. Enter 'NO' to quit this option.
There are no requested cases for
cases are
case is
requested for
that this case is requested for.
Select Operation Request:
Enter the number corresponding to the request that will be updated or deleted.
Enter RETURN if this request is to be deleted, or NO to quit.
Operation ...
the request for
A concurrent case has been requested for this operation. Do you want to
it also ? YES//
Enter 'Y' if you want to delete
Enter RETURN if you want these case to remain concurrent.
schedule it for the same time ? (Y/N)
This prompt must be answered 'YES' or 'NO'.
If you want to schedule these operations concurrently, answer 'Y'. If not,
answer 'N' and these cases will no longer be associated with each other.
cancel it also ? YES//
If you want to cancel both cases, enter 'YES'. If you answer 'NO', the cases
will no longer be associated with each other
This case has not been scheduled.
Surgery Waiting List
Press RETURN to continue, or '^' to stop the list
Select a number, or press RETURN to continue:
Enter the number corresponding to the patient that you want to
press RETURN to continue. Entering a '^' will exit you from this option.
Print the Waiting List on which Device:
Surgery Waiting List for
Tentative Admission:
Tentative Date of Operation:
* Procedure performed since entry on list (
Surgery Waiting List sorted by Patient
Surgical Specialty is
Surgery Waiting List sorted by Patient
* Procedure performed since entry on the list (
Tentative Admission Date:
Home Phone:
Referring Physician/Institution:
* Procedure performed since this entry was made on the Waiting List
Operation Date:
Surgery Waiting List Reports
Print Report By:
A Alphabetical Order by Patient
T Tentative Date of Operation
D Date Entered on the Waiting List
Enter Selection (A,T, or D):
Enter one of the letters, A, T, or D or ^ to exit.
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