
308 lines
14 KiB

English French Notes Complete/Exclude
has Parent:
not deleted!
Object has not been embedded in Boilerplate Text. Delete
is not presently used by any documents. If entry is deleted,
any items UNDER it will be Orphans. I will delete entry as an item under its
parent AND as a Document Definition. It will no longer exist. OK
Definition. It will no longer exist. OK
Status not INACTIVE; Can't Delete
Entry In Use by documents; Can't delete
Object embedded in boilerplate text; Can't delete
Entry has Authorizations/Subscriptions; Can't delete.
Select TIU TITLE or COMPONENT NAME to add Copy to:
Copy left in file as an orphan. To add it to a Title/Component, use action
Items for the desired Title/Component.
Enter 'MT' to Move a Title from one Document Class to another.
Enter 'MD' to Move ALL documents from one Title to another Title.
Enter 'C' to Copy a Title, a Component, or an Object.
Enter 'U' to Update Parent Document Type for Documents of a Certain Title.
For details, exit Copy/Move, and enter '??' at the Select Action prompt.
Select Copy/Move Action
WARNING: Entries can be COPIED without affecting the original, but be careful
where you PUT the copy. Don't touch entries you are not responsible for.
WARNING: This action affects inheritance and can CHANGE DOCUMENT BEHAVIOR. It
DISREGARDS ownership. It may take awhile if the Title has many documents.
Please use caution and DON'T TOUCH entries you are not responsible for.
Entry to Copy
?? Classes and Document Classes cannot be copied.
Faulty entry. Please TRY entry and correct problems before copying it.
...Not copied
...Copy deleted
copied into File Entry #
Items for the desired Document Class. Please test it thoroughly after adding it
since its inheritance may have changed.
Another user is editing parent Title. Copy deleted. Please try again later.
Inactivating Title
Copy added to
You will need to add the copy to a Document Class in the hierarchy and activate
it before it can be used. Use DETAILED DISPLAY for the Document Class, ITEMS,
ADD/CREATE, and enter the name of the copy.
Copies are created inactive. Please activate the copy Title when it is ready
for users to enter documents on it.
Adding the copy Title to a different Document Class may change its behavior
from that of the original. Adding it to a different CLASS may change it
RADICALLY. Please test the copy thoroughly before activating it.
Please test the Title
and reactivate it when it is ready for users to enter documents on it.
You will need to add the copy to a Title in the hierarchy before it can be used.
Use DETAILED DISPLAY for the Title, ITEMS, ADD/CREATE, and enter the name of
the copy.
You will have to expand the hierarchy to see the Copy in its new position.
Please test the copy object and activate it when it is ready for users to embed
it in boilerplate text.
Want to override safeguards and
Selecting (another) item to add:
WARNING: As a National Programmer, you are permitted to override safeguards
when moving entries and when adding/deleting items. Please do NOT override
safeguards except as a last resort, and then only after thoroughly testing the
actions you plan to take.
Selecting Entries for Status ACTIVE. You may enter multiple entries
at the same time.
Selecting Entry for Status
. Please select ONE entry. You will be
prompted for another.
Selecting Another Entry for Status
Selecting Entries for Status
. You may enter multiple entries
Missing List Manager Information; See IRM
does not exist in the File; See IRM
Addendum; Can't edit Status
is National; Can't edit Status
is an Object. To edit Status please select action Detailed
Display and then select Basics.
Editing Status for Entry
Shared Components have no Status; Can't Edit Status
Component Status is determined by Parent; Can't Edit Status
Status already
NOT Inactivated
NOT Inactivated
Entry and descendants Inactivated
Entry (& any nonShared Components) Inactivated
Entry Inactivated
This will Inactivate ALL DESCENDANTS (except Shared Components). Before
Inactivating, please note which Descendants are presently Inactive. This will
help you know which Descendants NOT to reactivate later.
Sure you want to Inactivate
Entry and any (nonShared) Components Activated
Entry Activated
Entry & any (nonShared) Components changed to TEST
WARNING: Object is embedded in boilerplate text of active titles. If you
inactivate the object, it will not function when users enter documents against
such titles. You might want to warn users or even take such titles offline
while the Object is inactive.
Selecting entries for
Editing Entry
is National; Can't Edit
Only the Owner can edit Shared Components
To Edit Name or Print Name of an Object, please select Detailed Display and then
select Basics.
Shared Component has parent that isn't Inactive: Can't Edit
Entry has No Status/Bad Status; Can't Edit
is not Inactive; Can't Edit
is Active. Do you want to bypass safety measures and edit
even though this may cause errors if e.g. a document is being entered
on this entry.
Another user is editing this entry; please try later.
Edited Entry Not in current View
Entry accessed by another user; Please try again later.
Copy into (different) Name
Name of copy must be different from original name. Original is provided as the
default since it may be similar to new name, but original must be changed.
Enter ^ to exit.
Can't Copy entry
Copy accessed by another user; Please recopy
; Not in current View
Copying Items. . .
Action Try not available on items screen.
Missing List Manager Data; See IRM
Boilerplate Text looks OK; no bad/inactive Objects.
looks OK; no problems found.
Entry is an
Faulty Object:
Faulty Entry:
Faulty Entry: Bad
Object in Boilerplate Text. For details, select
Action BOILERPLATE TEXT, then Action TRY.
Title/Component itself is faulty. For details, exit out of BOILERPLATE TEXT
and TRY entry.
Checking Title on a document. You will not be permitted to sign the document,
and the document will be deleted at the end of the check.
Be sure to select a TEST PATIENT since the document will show up on Unsigned
lists while you are editing it.
Ancestry ERROR; See IRM
Selecting target Document Class.
Enter '??' for a list of Document Classes within the
original Class.
Select TIU DOCUMENT CLASS NAME to Move Title to:
Select TIU DOCUMENT CLASS NAME to Add Copy to:
select entry even though it is FAULTY
Title NOT moved.
Copy NOT added.
Faulty Document Class. Please TRY it and correct problems before
Moving Title
Adding Copy
to it.
CWAD's behave differently from nonCWAD documents.
Are you sure you want this Document Class
... Not in Current View
Title whose documents you want to Update
?? Entry must be a TITLE (not a Document Class, etc.).
?? Title has no documents to Update
Title to Move
?? Can't Move National Titles
Faulty Title. Please TRY it and correct problems before moving it.
select title even though it is FAULTY
NOT Moved
Another user is editing this Title.
Documents would not function properly under this move
since Title lacks Technical Fields. Please edit Title's:
Use values Title inherits from its ancestors. (To see inherited values, select
Detailed Display for the CURRENT PARENT.
In some cases you may have to look
higher up the hierarchy than current parent.
) Then come back and try again
to move the Title.
ignore missing fields
Title NOT moved
...Title Inactivated, Moved to
Since the Title is in a new Document Class, it now inherits from a new parent
wherever it lacks its own values, and its behavior may differ from before. It
may also differ from its new siblings wherever it HAS its own values and
siblings INHERIT them.
Please check Title thoroughly before reactivating. Check Business Rules,
TIU Document Parameters, and Document Definition attributes including Basic,
Technical, and Upload fields.
Note that the IN USE display is not updated for CLASSES if old and new Document
Classes were in different Classes. This is intentional, to speed up the move
process. Display can be updated at any time by collapsing and reexpanding
the hierarchy.
Title whose documents you want to Move
?? Documents cannot be moved for Titles with Components
?? Title has no documents to move
?? Can't Move Addenda
Action not reversible if target title already has its own documents.
Moving documents from title
to title
Are you sure
CWADs behave differently from nonCWAD documents. Sure you want to move
CWADs generate alerts; nonCWADs don't.
...done. Please move remaining documents later.
...done. All documents Moved to Title
Parent Document Type updated as necessary for all documents.
If you want users to be able to enter more documents on the OLD TITLE,
please reactivate it.
...Nothing moved
OLD Title inactivated. Moving documents...
...Document can't be locked. Please move it later. Continuing to move others...
Selecting target Title.
Enter '??' for a list of Titles within the original Class.
Select TIU TITLE NAME to Move documents to:
can't move docmts to natl titles
?? Documents cannot be moved to Titles with Components
Faulty Title. Please TRY Title and correct problems
before moving documents to it.
Documents NOT Moved.
Title has no documents to update.
Title has no parent.
Processing documents that use this Title...
Since some documents needing update were (still) not available, please update
them using action 'Update Documents' (again) for this title.
All documents updated for selected Title.
can't be locked, not updated.
Updating CLASS cross-references for documents that use this Title...
Enter ? for Help
Enter ?? for detailed help on actions including PRINTING
Enter ??? for detailed help on display
Type action name from Action List. Example: Type 'D' or 'DET' for Detailed
Display. There are also 'Hidden Actions' which don't show on the Action List
such as PL Print List.
Enter ?? to see hidden actions, and for
descriptions of actions.
Action and Entry Number can be selected in a single step. Examples: To see a
Detailed Display of Entry 3, enter 'DET=3'. To scroll to the extreme right,
To see more columns of essential information, enter '>' to scroll to the right
whenever >>> shows on the highlighted message bar. Enter '<' to scroll left.
Enter ? for Help
Enter ?? for detailed help on actions including PRINTING
Enter ??? for detailed help on display
Enter '?NEW' for New User Help
When editing a field (as opposed to Selecting an Action), ? will give you one
line of help on the field. ?? will give you a complete description of the
field and how it works.
Help on Listed Actions
Actions are not selectable when they are enclosed in parentheses.
Help on Hidden Actions including PRINTING
Help on Display
Plus (+) indicates entry has Items under it and can be expanded.
Press RETURN to continue or '^' or '^^' to exit
Enter '^' to quit present section or '^^' to quit to menu
Help on Basics
Help on Items
Help on Boilerplate Text
Help on Technical Fields
Help on Upload
Help on Upload Record Header
NOTE: The following fields are for Captioned Headers. (Fields for Delimited
Headers are similar.)
The Internal File Number is the number of the entry in the TIU Document
Definition File. IFN is included in the display to help programmers with
Please enter a
, or enter '^' to exit
or to change document to a Progress Note.
Title is Required.
OK, please enter a
If you are sure there is no request to associate with this document, answer 'YES' to upload into a progress note. If you are not sure,
answer 'NO' and enter a consult title. You can change your mind later.
answer 'NO' and come back and resolve the error later.
Want to upload into a progress note instead of a consults title
will be invalid data and will not file.
?Help >ScrollRight PS/PL PrintScrn/List +/-
? Help +, - Next, Previous Screen PS/PL
New Users, Please Enter '?NEW' for Help
Upload Look-Up Method
Header Piece
Missing Basic Variables; See IRM.
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