
308 lines
13 KiB

English French Notes Complete/Exclude
Number of Items Quoted:
Quote Total:
Prompt Pay Terms:
RFQ Line #:
| RFQ Requirements
| **** Line Item #
was not in the Request ****
| Item Description:
| Unit Price:
Total Cost:
| Natl Stock #:
Mfg Part #:
Quote Information for this Line Item
Vendor's Product #:
Hazmat Code:
Govt Contract:
Unit of Purchase:
Unit Cost:
Volume Discount %:
Volume Discount Amount:
Net Line Amount:
Natl Stock #:
Federal Supply Class:
Natl Drug Code:
Lot #:
Serial #:
SIC Code:
Delivery Schedules:
* End of Quote *
is being edited by another user, please try later
The status of RFQ #
Do you wish to now award items assigned to vendors?
Enter 'YES' to create 2237(s) and PO(s) for items
already assigned but not awarded
Net Line Amt $
Enter the index value for the selected quote.
The quotes which included RFQ Line Item #
Selected quote did NOT include this item.
Select RFQ to Award:
Do you wish to review this RFQ?
Answer 'YES' if you wish to view the RFQ before proceeding with the award.
Answer 'NO' to abort the Award.
Vendor submitting Quote #
is not in the database!
must be linked to an
existing File #440 entry before he can receive awards.
Do you wish to link the vendor at this time?
Answer 'YES' to continue or 'NO' to bypass this vendor
Bypassing this vendor
must be associated
with ITEM MASTER File entry #
before he can be awarded this
has been built for Quote #
PO #
The Status of RFQ #
has been changed from
Select RFQ to ReOpen:
Answer 'NO' to abort the ReOpening.
Quote Due Date must be in the Future
Quote Due Date must be earlier than Required Delivery Date
The Status and Quote Due Date for RFQ #
are unchanged!
has been changed from CLOSED
Do you wish to send an electronic notification to the vendors?
Answer 'YES' if you wish to send a text message.
No Reopening Message has been entered!
** RFQ Reopening Message **
reopened with a new Quote Due Date of
10Reopening Message
No PO Number was entered, do you want to try again?
Answer 'YES' to return to prompt for PO Number
Lock Table Problem - Please contact IRM!
As FOB is Origin, you will now be prompted for the Shipping BOC.
As this PO has an EDI Vendor, you will be asked about Special Handling.
Major budget object code classifications are:
10 thru 13 - Personal Services and Benefits
21 - Travel and Transportation of Persons
22 - Transportation of Things
23 - Rent, Communications, and Utilities
24 - Printing and Reproduction
25 - Other Services
26 - Supplies and Materials
31 thru 33 - Acquisition of Capital Assets
2237 pointer is missing so can't determine available BOCs.
2237's Cost Center is missing so can't determine available BOCs.
Line Item # is missing
Description is missing for Item #
Short Description is missing for Item #
Unit of Purchase is missing for Item #
Quantity is missing for Item #
SIC Code is missing for Item #
Federal Supply Class is missing for Item #
BOC is missing for Item #
** Warning: The following Required Fields were not completed:
Delivery Date is missing for Delivery Schedule #
Quantity is missing for Delivery Schedule #
Only MANUAL method is available for Non-EDI Vendor or vendor without Dun#.
lines of Administrative Certification.
Do you wish to add a standard Administrative Certification phrase?
Administrative Certification phrase #
has been added.
Total Quantity of Delivery Schedule does NOT equal Item Quantity.
Entry not properly added!
Enter Desired Input Mode:
Here you can indicate if you wish to edit in scroll mode with FileMan
Input Templates or screen mode with ScreenMan
Edit mode not indicated, aborting the edit.
Enter '^' to Exit or existing RFQ #:
Someone else is editing this entry, please try later!
Enter Primary 2237 Transaction #:
Work Sheet entry in use, please try later!
Someone is editing the source 2237, please try later!
Unable to add RFQ entry - Please notify IRM staff.
Someone else is editing this RFQ entry, please try later!
Importing 2237 information into the RFQ entry...
Unable to get RFQ counter value - Please notify IRM staff.
Someone else has the RFQ counter locked!
I will try again!
Stock #:
is being edited by another user.
Do you wish to import items from an additional 2237?
2237 with the same Fund Control Point.
All item information on that 2237 will be imported into this RFQ
Enter additional 2237 Transaction #:
Importing item information into this RFQ entry...
Building the cross references...
Electronic Signature Failed, Edit aborted
Editing Solicited Vendor in RFQ Temporary Vendor File...
is locked, please try later!
Do you wish to view the RFQ?
Do you wish to transmit this RFQ to vendors?
Accept default of 'YES' to transmit, enter 'NO' to avoid transmitting.
Warning - Transmit aborted as there are NO RECIPIENTS!
Due to Error Conditions Transmission Was Aborted!
RFQ has not been transmitted, use option Edit Incomplete RFQ to complete.
Required manual RFQs were not printed, use option Manual Print of RFQ.
The status of RFQ #:
There are no vendors for Manual Solicitation
90 Column Printer for Manual RFQ:
Device must be a printer supporting 90 characters per line.
Select Request for Quotation #:
is being edited by another user. Please try later!
Select Quote's Vendor:
.01The vendor for this quote;S PRCVPT=X
Another user is editing this vendor - Please try later!
Editing RFQ VENDOR File entry...
Warning - Usually there are no shipping charges on FOB Destination
Warning - No Shipping Charges on Origin FOB?
Invalid RFQ Reference Date
Invalid Requested Delivery Date
Invalid RFQ Bids Due Date
Invalid RFQ Bids Due Time
Contracting Officer's Name is missing
Contracting Officer's Commercial Phone # is missing
If you are not an electronic trading partner with VA, you may submit
your bid by mail or FAX to the Contracting Office. If you would
like to register as a VA Electronic Trading Partner, please contact
your Software Provider or VA EDI Staff at 512-326-6463.
: FSC and NSN missing
: Quantity not greater than zero
: Unit of Purchase missing
: SIC Code missing
: Item Description missing
: Total of Delivery Schedule NOT EQUAL to Line Quantity
No Items in RFQ
lacks a Dun # so NOT a recipient
Unable to lock 2237 entry
Unable to add Delivery Schedule Entry
Unable to lock Delivery Schedule Entry
This 2237 is derived from RFQ #
*** Unable to lock REQUEST WORKSHEET File entry!
Unable to Lock Source 2237
During RFQ Award, this request has been split with the following
items transfered to 2237 #
Sender's Message # is missing
Message Description is missing
Invalid Effective Date
Invalid Effective Time
Official's Name is missing
Official's Phone # is missing
No Vendors for Electronic Transmission
Sending Station not in File 411
MailMan Msg #:
No text in message
Enter RFQ #:
No entry was made.!
Do you wish to transmit this message to the vendors?
Choices are restricted to Electronic Solicited Vendors unless the RFQ's
transmission was Public. Vendor must be EDI and have Duns #.
843 Vendor Quote Filer
Comments submitted with 843 Transaction.
864 Text Message Filer
During the filing of an 843 Transaction (Vendor's Quote) from vendor
for RFQ #
, the following errors
Error filing Quote for RFQ #:
Select RFQ to retransmit:
Answer 'NO' to abort the retransmission.
Select 864's RFQ #:
Do you wish to view a synopsis of this RFQ?
Answer 'NO' to return to the prompt for RFQ #.
Select 864 Text Message:
Do you wish to view this text message?
Answer 'YES' if you wish to view this message before transmission.
Is this the correct Message?
Select RFQ to Cancel:
Answer 'NO' to abort the Cancellation.
No Cancellation Message has been entered!
** RFQ Cancellation Message **
been cancelled.
10Reason for Cancellation
Electronic Transmission & Status Change Aborted!
No Vendors for Electronic Transmission - Transmission & Status Change Aborted!
Status of 2237 #
As it appears that this RFQ was never transmitted electronically,
do you wish to delete this RFQ?
Enter 'YES' to delete, 'NO' to retain in the database.
has been deleted!
Do you wish to copy this RFQ into a new RFQ entry?
Answer 'YES' if you wish to copy this RFQ to make changes and reissue.
Copying this RFQ into a new entry...
Unable to get new RFQ # - Please notify IRM staff
Do you wish to edit this new RFQ now?
Enter 'YES' to edit now, or 'NO' to exit.
Use this option to print the 90 column manual quotation form to a printer.
Do you wish to print RFQs for All manually solicited or an
Individual vendor
All manually solicited vendors will print a RFQ form for each vendor
who has previously been selected for manual solicitation. Individual
will enable you to print a manual RFQ for any single vendor, whether
or not he has previously been specified for manual solicitation.
If the vendor has not been specified for solicitation earlier, he
will be added to the list of manually solicited vendors.
Enter an existing Vendor or RETURN
Enter the Vendor's Name:
The vendor was NOT added to the RFQ VENDOR File!
This vendor entry is in use, please try later!
Device to Print RFQ:
The current Solicited Vendors for this RFQ are:
First check that the Vendor in not already on file in the VENDOR file (#440)
or the RFQ VENDOR file (#444.1). By entering RETURN, you will be
given an opportunity to add a new vendor to the RFQ VENDOR file.
REQUEST FOR MANUAL QUOTATIONS | The Notice of Small Business-Small Purchase Set-Aside
(this is not an order)
| on the last page of this form
| _____is _____is not applicable.
| and address, using ZIP)
not offers. If you are unable to quote, please so indicate on this form and
return it. This request does not commit the Government to pay any costs
incurred in the preparation of the submission of this quotation or to
contract for supplies or services. Supplies are of domestic origin unless
otherwise indicated by quoter. Any representations and/or certifications
attached to this Request for Quotations must be completed by the quoter.
city,county, State and ZIP code)
| (area code)
not, a veteran-owned small business, ___is ___is not, a Vietnam era
veteran-owned small business, and ___is ___is not, a disabled veteran-owned
(a) A person who served in the U.S. Armed Forces and who was discharged
(b) Vietnam era veterans who served for a period of more than 180 days, any
(c) Disabled veterans with a minimum of compensable disability of 30 percent,
(see FAR 14.405)
Approved by OIRM____
equal basis with those manufactured using inch-pound units, providing they fall
within the tolerances specified using conversion tables contained in the latest revision
of Federal Standard No. 376 and all other requirements of this document are met.
tolerances specified in the inch-pound units, a request should be made to the Contracting
Officer to determine if the product is acceptable. The Contracting Officer, in concert
with COTR (Contracting Officer's Technical Representative) will accept
or reject the product.
the United States, its territories or possessions, the Trust Territory
of the Pacific Islands, or the District of Columbia.
size standards in this solicitation
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