
145 lines
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* *
* Copyright 2001, 2009 Fidelity Information Services, Inc *
* *
* This source code contains the intellectual property *
* of its copyright holder(s), and is made available *
* under a license. If you do not know the terms of *
* the license, please stop and do not read further. *
* *
#include "mdef.h"
#ifdef VMS
#include <rms.h>
static struct FAB ceprep_fab; /* file access block for compiler escape preprocessor output */
static struct RAB ceprep_rab; /* record access block for compiler escape preprocessor output */
#include "gtm_string.h"
#include "cmd_qlf.h"
#include "compiler.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "io_params.h"
#include "op.h"
#include "comp_esc.h"
GBLREF unsigned char source_buffer[];
GBLREF mident module_name;
GBLREF io_pair io_curr_device;
GBLREF command_qualifier cmd_qlf;
static io_pair dev_in_use;
void open_ceprep_file(void)
#ifdef VMS
/* stub except for VMS */
#ifdef __ALPHA
# pragma member_alignment save
# pragma nomember_alignment
static readonly struct
unsigned char newversion;
unsigned char wrap;
unsigned char width;
int4 v_width;
unsigned char eol;
} open_params_list =
(unsigned char) iop_newversion,
(unsigned char) iop_wrap,
(unsigned char) iop_recordsize,
(unsigned char) iop_eol
#ifdef __ALPHA
# pragma member_alignment restore
int mname_len;
uint4 status;
char charspace, ceprep_name_buff[MAX_MIDENT_LEN + SIZEOF(".MCI") - 1], fname[255];
mval file, params;
struct NAM ceprep_nam; /* name block for file access block for compiler escape preprocessor output */
/* Create cepreprocessor output file. */
ceprep_fab = cc$rms_fab;
ceprep_fab.fab$l_dna = ceprep_name_buff;
mname_len = module_name.len;
assert(mname_len <= MAX_MIDENT_LEN);
if (0 == mname_len)
MEMCPY_LIT(ceprep_name_buff, "MDEFAULT.MCI");
ceprep_fab.fab$b_dns = SIZEOF("MDEFAULT.MCI") - 1;
} else
memcpy(ceprep_name_buff, module_name.addr, mname_len);
MEMCPY_LIT(&ceprep_name_buff[mname_len], ".MCI");
ceprep_fab.fab$b_dns = mname_len + SIZEOF(".MCI") - 1;
if (MV_DEFINED(&cmd_qlf.ceprep_file))
ceprep_fab.fab$b_fns = cmd_qlf.ceprep_file.str.len;
ceprep_fab.fab$l_fna = cmd_qlf.ceprep_file.str.addr;
ceprep_nam = cc$rms_nam;
ceprep_nam.nam$l_esa = fname;
ceprep_nam.nam$b_ess = SIZEOF(fname);
ceprep_nam.nam$b_nop = (NAM$M_SYNCHK);
ceprep_fab.fab$l_nam = &ceprep_nam;
ceprep_fab.fab$l_fop = FAB$M_NAM;
if (RMS$_NORMAL != (status = sys$parse(&ceprep_fab, 0, 0)))
rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) status);
file.mvtype = params.mvtype = MV_STR;
file.str.len = ceprep_nam.nam$b_esl;
file.str.addr = fname;
params.str.len = SIZEOF(open_params_list);
params.str.addr = &open_params_list;
op_open(&file, &params, CEPREP_OPEN_TIMEOUT, 0);
params.str.len = 1;
charspace = (char)iop_eol;
params.str.addr = &charspace;
dev_in_use = io_curr_device;
op_use(&file, &params);
void close_ceprep_file(void)
#ifdef VMS
/* stub except for VMS */
unsigned char charspace;
mval param, ceprep_file;
param.str.len = 1;
charspace = (char)iop_eol;
param.str.addr = &charspace;
ceprep_file.mvtype = param.mvtype = MV_STR;
ceprep_file.str.len =>trans_name->len;
ceprep_file.str.addr =>trans_name->dollar_io;
op_close(&ceprep_file, &param);
io_curr_device = dev_in_use;
void put_ceprep_line(void)
#ifdef VMS
/* stub except for VMS */
mval out;
out.mvtype = MV_STR;
out.str.len = strlen((char *)source_buffer);
out.str.addr = source_buffer;