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; ;
; Copyright 1991, 2006 Fidelity Information Services, Inc ;
; ;
; This source code contains the intellectual property ;
; of its copyright holder(s), and is made available ;
; under a license. If you do not know the terms of ;
; the license, please stop and do not read further. ;
; ;
%GI ; %GO;19920722 21:35;global input
;Load globals into database
;Possible enhancements:
;selection and/or exclusion by key list, range and/or wildcard
;optional confirmation by global name
;callable entry point
w !,"Global Input Utility",!
i '$d(%zdebug) n $et s $et="zg "_$zl_":ERR^%GI" u $p:(ctrap=$c(3):exc="zg "_$zl_":EXIT^%GI")
n d,g,n,sav,x,y,%ZD,fmt,ctls
s ctls="" f d=1:1:31,127 s ctls=ctls_$c(d)
f d q:$l(%ZD)
. r !,"Input device: <terminal>: ",%ZD,!
. i '$l(%ZD) s %ZD=$p q
. i %ZD="^" q
. i %ZD="?" d q
. . w !!,"Select the device you want for input"
. . w !,"If you wish to exit enter a caret (^)",!
. . s %ZD=""
. i $zparse(%ZD)="" w " no such device" s %ZD="" q
. o %ZD:(readonly:block=2048:record=2044:exception="g noopen"):0
. i '$t w !,%ZD," is not available" s %ZD="" q
. q
noopen . w !,$p($ZS,",",2,999),! c %ZD s %ZD=""
w !!
s sav="",(g,n)=0
u %ZD:exception="g eof"
r x,y u $p w !,x,!,y,!!
u $p r !,"OK <Yes>? ",x,!!
i $l(x),$e("NO",1,$l(x))=$tr(x,"no","NO") c:%ZD'=$p %ZD u $p:(ctrap="":exc="") q
s fmt=y["ZWR"
i (fmt) f u %ZD r x q:x="" d
. s @x,n=n+1,x=$p($p(x,"="),"(") i x'=sav,x'="^" d
. . s g=g+1,sav=x
. . u $p w:$x>70 ! w x,?$x\10+1*10
i ('fmt) f u %ZD r x,y i "*"'[$e(x) d
. i $tr(x,ctls,"")'=x d ;convert control chars to $C(x) exprs
. . n c,cp,nx s nx=""
. . f cp=1:1:$l(x) d
. . . s c=$e(x,cp),nx=nx_$s(ctls[c:"""_$c("_$a(c)_")_""",1:c)
. . s x=nx ;use fixed 'x'
. s @x=y
. s n=n+1,x=$p(x,"(")
. i x'=sav,x'="^" d
. . s g=g+1,sav=x
. . u $p w:$x>70 ! w x,?$x\10+1*10
eof u $p
w !!,"Restored ",n," node",$s(n=1:"",1:"s")
w " in ",g," global",$s(g=1:".",1:"s.")
c:%ZD'=$p %ZD u $p:(ctrap="":exc="")
ERR u $p w !,$p($zs,",",2,99),!
; Warning - Fall-though
s $ec=""
EXIT i $d(%ZD),%ZD'=$p c %ZD
u $p:(ctrap="":exc="")