
1497 lines
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! !
! Copyright 2001, 2012 Fidelity Information Services, Inc !
! !
! This source code contains the intellectual property !
! of its copyright holder(s), and is made available !
! under a license. If you do not know the terms of !
! the license, please stop and do not read further. !
! !
.TITLE MERRORS Error Messages for GTM
! The code numbers for the errors that have been
! standardized by the MUMPS Development Committee are
! listed below.
! Those error messages that have a standardized
! error code have a definition that ends in !/ansi=###
! If not specified, the value for "ansi" defaults to 0.
! (Note that the first entry in this file MUST have
! an !/ansi= specification; any subsequent ones are
! optional.)
! M1, Naked indicator undefined
! M2, Invalid combination with P _fncodatom_
! M3, $RANDOM seed less than 1
! M4, No true condition in $SELECT
! M5, _lineref_ less than zero
! M6, Undefined _lvn_
! M7, Undefined _gvn_
! M8, Undefined _svn_
! M9, Divide by zero
! M10, Invalid pattern match range
! M11, No parameters passed
! M12, Invalid _lineref_ (negative offset)
! M13, Invalid _lineref_ (label not found)
! M14, _line_ level not 1
! M15, Undefined index variable
! M16, Argumented QUIT not allowed
! M17, Argumented QUIT required
! M18, Fixed length READ not greater than zero
! M19, Cannot copy a tree or subtree into itself
! M20, _line_ must have _formallist_
! M21, Formal parameter occurs multiple times (original text: Algorithm specification invalid)
! M22, SET or KILL to ^$GLOBAL when data in global
! M23, SET or KILL to ^$JOB for non-existent job number
! M24, Change to collation algorithm while subscripted local variables defined
! M25, Attempt to modify currently executing routine
! M26, Non-existent _environment_
! M27, Attempt to rollback a transaction that is not restartable
! M28, Mathematical function, parameter out of range
! M29, SET or KILL on _ssvn_ not allowed by implementation
! M30, Reference to _glvn_ with different collating sequence within a collating algorithm
! M31, _controlmnemonic_ used for device without a _mnemonicspace_ selected
! M32, _controlmnemonic_ used in user-defined _mnemonicspace_ which has no associated line
! M33, SET or KILL to ^$ROUTINE when _routine_ exists
! M34, --- currently unassigned ---
! M35, Device does not support _mnemonicspace_
! M36, Incompatible _mnemonicspace_s
! M37, READ from device identified by the empty string
! M38, Invalid _ssvn_ subscript
! M39, Name of variable expected (original text: Invalid $NAME argument)
! M40, Call-by-reference in JOB _actual_
! M41, Invalid LOCK argument within a TRANSACTION
! M42, Invalid QUIT within a TRANSACTION
! M43, Invalid range ($X, $Y)
! M44, Invalid _command_ outside of a TRANSACTION
! M45, Invalid GOTO reference
! M46, Invalid attribute name
! M47, Invalid attribute value (original text: Invalid attribute name)
! M48, Nonexistent window, element or choice
! M49, Invalid attempt to set focus
! M50, Attempt to reference a non M-Term window in an OPEN command
! M51, Attempt to destroy M-Term window prior to CLOSE
! M52, Required attribute missing
! M53, Invalid argument for font function
! M54, Attempt to create non-modal child of a modal parent
! M55, Invalid nested TSTART command
! M56, Name length exceeds implementation's limit
! M57, More than one defining occurrence of label in routine
! M58, Too few formal parameters
! M59, Environment reference not permitted for this _ssvn_
! M60, Undefined _ssvn_
! M61, Attempt to OPEN file with conflicting ACCESS parameters
! M62, Illegal value for ACCESS parameter while attempting to OPEN file
! M63, Illegal value for DISPOSITION parameter while attempting to CLOSE file
! M64, Illegal value for RENAME parameter while attempting to CLOSE file
! M65, Illegal value for VOLUME label
! M66, Illegal value for DENSITY parameter
! M67, Illegal value for ACCESS parameter
! M68, Illegal value for MOUNT parameter
! M69, Attempted tape I/O while no tape mounted
! M70, Illegal value for BLOCKSIZE parameter
! M71, Attempt to read data block larger than buffer size
! M72, Illegal value for recordsize parameter
! M73, Invalid usage of _devicekeyword_ NEWFILE
! M74, Illegal value for TRANSLATION parameter
! M75, String length exceeds implementation's limit
! M76, TCP socket state incorrect for CONNECT or LISTEN
! M77, TCP _deviceattribute_ missing
! M78, TCP _devicekeyword_ missing
! M79, TCP socket allocated to another device
! M80, Network error not otherwise specified
! M81, Unable to establish network connection
! M82, Network connection suspended: wait to resume
! M83, Network connection lost
! M84, Network protocol error: invalid client message
! M85, Network protocol error: invalid server message
! M86, Cannot relinquish device with I/O pending
! M87, Network buffer overflow
! M88, Non-existent _routine_
! M89, Specified pattern is not a _subpattern_
! M90, Invalid _namevalue_
! M91, Routine source is not available
! M92, Mathematical overflow
! M93, Mathematical underflow
! M94, Attempt to compute zero to the zero-eth power
! M95, Exponentiation returns complex number with non-zero imaginary part
! M96, Attempt to assign value to already valued write-once _ssvn_
! M97, Routine associated with user-defined _ssvn_ does not exist
! M98, Resource unavailable
! M99, Invalid operation for context
! M100, Output time-out expired
! M101, Attempt to assign incorrect value to $ECODE
! M102, Simultaneous synchronous and asynchronous event class
! M103, Invalid event identifier
! M104, IPC event identifier is not a valid job-number
! M105, Object not currently accessible
! M106, Object does not support requested method or property
! M107, Object has no default value
! M108, Value if not of data type OREF
! M109, Undefined _devicekeyword_
! M110, Event identifier not available
! M111, Invalid number of days for date
! M112, Invalid number of seconds for time
! List of messages which are not reported by GT.M standard error routines(rts_error etc.) but
! by PRINTFs. NOTE: if the value of any these messages changes in future, all its non-standard
! usages should be reflected with the new value.
! ERR_GTMDISTUNDEF 150377714 (reported in gtm.c if $gtm_dist is not defined)
! ERR_DISTPATHMAX 150377682 (reported in gtm.c if $gtm_dist buffer is insufficient)
! ERR_DLLNOOPEN 150379250 (reported in gtm.c if libgtmshr cannot be opened)
! ERR_DLLNORTN 150379258 (reported in gtm.c if gtm_main is not found in libgtmshr)
! ERR_OPCOMMISSED 150381275 (sent via $SNDOPR in util_output.c if prior errors)
! List of known undocumented messages follows (along with a comment)
! ERR_JNLREQUIRED message referenced only in GT.CX code (not supported currently)
! ERR_LKSECINIT message referenced only in GT.CX code (not supported currently)
! ERR_JNLWRTNOWWRTR internal error (not displayed to the users)
! ERR_ACK internal error (not displayed to the users)
! ERR_ENQ internal error (not displayed to the users)
! ERR_REPEATERROR internal error (not displayed to the users)
! ERR_TPRETRY internal error (not displayed to the users)
! ERR_INVDBGLVL referenced only if "gtmdbglvl" is set to non-zero value (which is a debugging feature)
! ERR_DEFEREVENT referenced only if #define DEBUG is TRUE (i.e. for debug builds only)
! ERR_FREEZEID referenced only if #define DEBUG_FREEZE is TRUE.
! ERR_MUDESTROYFAIL referenced only if #define IPCRM_FOR_SANCHEZ_ONLY is TRUE.
! ERR_MUDESTROYSUC referenced only if #define IPCRM_FOR_SANCHEZ_ONLY is TRUE.
! ERR_ASC2EBCDICCONV not yet documented since zOS is not officially supported
! ERR_SYSTEMVALUE code is not executed (set $system won't reach op_svput at all to signal the error)
! ERR_YDIRTSZ used by a percent utility, which is not documented intentionally
! ERR_ZDEFACTIVE functionality not documented (GT.CM related weirdness)
! ERR_ZDEFOFLOW functionality not documented (GT.CM related weirdness)
! ERR_WILLEXPIRE error triggered by the license management code which has been since disabled.
! ERR_RBWRNNOTCHG not seen by user since return status of mupip_set_file (that triggers this) is not displayed.
! ----- Buffer to introduce new undocumented error messages without affecting UNUSEDMSGnnn match with corresponding line numbers.
! In addition all messages of the LMU and GTLP message facility are not documented as Licensing is out of GT.M since V4.2.
ACK <>/success/fao=0!/ansi=0
BREAKZST <Break instruction encountered during ZSTEP action>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
BADACCMTHD <Invalid access method was specified, file not created>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
BADJPIPARAM <!AD is not a legal parameter for $ZGETJPI()>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
BADSYIPARAM <!AD is not a legal parameter for $ZGETSYI()>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
BITMAPSBAD <Database bit maps are incorrect>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
BREAK <Break instruction encountered>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
BREAKDEA <Break instruction encountered during Device error action>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
BREAKZBA <Break instruction encountered during ZBREAK action>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
STATCNT <!AD:!_ Key cnt: !UL max subsc len: !UL max data len: !UL>/info/fao=5!/ansi=0
BTFAIL <The database block table is corrupt; error type !UL>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
MUPRECFLLCK <Database file !AD is locked by MUPIP RECOVER. Could not secure access.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CMD <Command expected but not found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
COLON <Colon (:) expected in this context>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
COMMA <Comma expected in this context>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
COMMAORRPAREXP <Comma or right parenthesis expected but not found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
COMMENT <Comment line. Placed zbreak at next executable line.>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
CTRAP <Character trap $C(!UL) encountered>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
CTRLC <CTRL_C encountered>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
CTRLY <User interrupt encountered>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBCCERR <Interlock instruction failure in critical mechanism for region !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DUPTOKEN <Token 0x!16@XQ is duplicate in the journal file !AD for database !AD>/error/fao=5!/ansi=0
DBJNLNOTMATCH <Database !AD points to journal file name !AD but the journal file points to database file !AD>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
DBFILERR <Error with database file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBNOTGDS <!AD - Unrecognized database file format>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBOPNERR <Error opening database file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBRDERR <Cannot read database file !AD after opening>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CCEDUMPNOW <>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
DEVPARINAP <Device parameter inappropriate to this command>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
RECORDSTAT <!AD:!_ Key cnt: !UL max subsc len: !UL max data len: !UL max rec len: !UL>/info/fao=6!/ansi=0
NOTGBL <!_!AD!/!_!_!_"^" Expected>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DEVPARPROT <The protection specification is invalid>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
PREMATEOF <Premature end of file detected>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
GVINVALID <!_!AD!/!_!_!_Invalid global name>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DEVPARTOOBIG <String deviceparameter exceeds 255 character limit>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DEVPARUNK <Deviceparameter unknown>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DEVPARVALREQ <A value is required for this device parameter>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DEVPARMNEG <Deviceparameter must be a positive value>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DSEBLKRDFAIL <Failed attempt to read block>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DSEFAIL <DSE failed. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
NOTALLREPLON <Replication state is not on for all regions>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
BADLKIPARAM <!AD is not a legal parameter for $ZGETLKI()>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLREADBOF <Beginning of journal file encountered for !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DVIKEYBAD <$ZGETDVI("!AD","!AD") contains an illegal keyword>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
ENQ <>/success/fao=0!/ansi=0
EQUAL <Equal sign expected but not found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ERRORSUMMARY <Errors occurred during compilation>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ERRWEXC <Error while processing exception string>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ERRWIOEXC <Error while processing I/O exception string>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ERRWZBRK <Error while processing ZBREAK action string>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ERRWZTRAP <Error while processing $ZTRAP>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
NUMUNXEOR <!_!AD!/!_!_!_unexpected end of record in numeric subscript>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
EXPR <Expression expected but not found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
STRUNXEOR <!_!AD!/!_!_!_unexpected end of record in string subscript>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLEXTEND <Journal file extension error. Journal file !AD closed.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
FCHARMAXARGS <Argument count of $CHAR function exceeded the maximum of 255>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
FCNSVNEXPECTED <Function or special variable expected in this context>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
FNARGINC <Format specifiers to $FNUMBER are incompatible: "!AD">/error/fao=2!/ansi=2
JNLACCESS <Error accessing journal file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
TRANSNOSTART <ZTCOMMIT(s) issued without corresponding ZTSTART(s)>/error/fao=0!/ansi=44
FNUMARG <$FNUMBER format specifier "!AD" contains an illegal character: "!AD">/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
FOROFLOW <FOR commands nested more than !UL deep on a line>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
YDIRTSZ <Size of YDIRT data too large>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLSUCCESS <!AD successful>/success/fao=2!/ansi=0
GBLNAME <Either an identifier or a left parenthesis is expected after a ^ in this context>/error/fao=0!/ansi=29
GBLOFLOW <Database segment is full>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CORRUPT <Corrupt input in Blk # !UL, Key #!UL; resuming with next global block>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
GTMCHECK <Internal GT.M error--Report to your GT.M Support Channel>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
GVDATAFAIL <Global variable $DATA function failed. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
EORNOTFND <!_!AD!/!_!_!_End of record not found>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
GVGETFAIL <Global variable retrieval failed. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
GVIS <!_!_Global variable: !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
GVKILLFAIL <Global variable kill failed. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
GVNAKED <Illegal naked global reference>/error/fao=0!/ansi=1
GVNEXTARG <Argument to global variable $NEXT must be subscripted>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
GVORDERFAIL <Global variable $ORDER or $NEXT function failed. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
GVPUTFAIL <Global variable put failed. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
PATTABSYNTAX <Error in !AD at line !UL>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
GVSUBOFLOW <Maximum combined length of subscripts exceeded>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
GVUNDEF <Global variable undefined: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=7
TRANSNEST <Maximum transaction nesting levels exceeded>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INDEXTRACHARS <Indirection string contains extra trailing characters>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INDMAXNEST <Maximum nesting of indirection expressions exceeded>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INDRMAXLEN <Maximum length !UL of an indirection argument was exceeded>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
INSFFBCNT <Insufficient byte count quota left for requested operation>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INTEGERRS <Database integrity errors>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INVCMD <Invalid command keyword encountered>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
INVFCN <Invalid function name>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INVOBJ <Cannot ZLINK object file due to unexpected format>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INVSVN <Invalid special variable name>/error/fao=0!/ansi=8
IOEOF <Attempt to read past an end-of-file>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
IONOTOPEN <Attempt to USE an I/O device which has not been opened>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUPIPINFO <!AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
IVTIME <Invalid time specification: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JOBFAIL <JOB command failure>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JOBLABOFF <Label and offset not found in created process>/error/fao=0!/ansi=13
JOBPARNOVAL <This job parameter cannot take a value>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JOBPARNUM <The value of this job parameter must be an integer>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JOBPARSTR <The value of this job parameter must be a string>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JOBPARUNK <Job parameter unknown>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JOBPARVALREQ <A value is required for this job parameter>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JUSTFRACT <Fraction specifier to $JUSTIFY cannot be negative>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
KEY2BIG <Key size (!UL) is greater than maximum (!UL) for region: !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
LABELEXPECTED <Label expected in this context>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
LABELMISSING <Label referenced but not defined: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=13
LABELUNKNOWN <Label referenced but not defined>/error/fao=0!/ansi=13
DIVZERO <Attempt to divide by zero>/error/fao=0!/ansi=9
LKNAMEXPECTED <An identifier is expected after a ^ in this context>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLRDERR <Error reading journal file !AD. Unable to initialize.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
LOADRUNNING <Cannot ZLINK an active routine !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=25
LPARENMISSING <Left parenthesis expected>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
LSEXPECTED <A line separator is expected here>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
LVORDERARG <Argument to local variable $NEXT must be subscripted>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MAXFORARGS <Maximum number of arguments to a single FOR command exceeded>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
TRANSMINUS <Negative numbers not allowed with ZTCOMMIT>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MAXNRSUBSCRIPTS <Maximum number of subscripts exceeded>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MAXSTRLEN <Maximum string length exceeded>/error/fao=0!/ansi=75
JNLDBERR <Journal file !AD does not correspond to database file !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
JNLFILOPN <Error opening journal file !AD for database file !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
MBXRDONLY <Mailbox is read only, cannot write to it>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLINVALID <!AD is not a valid journal file !/ for database file: !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
MBXWRTONLY <Mailbox is write only, cannot read from it>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MEMORY <Central memory exhausted during request for !UJ bytes from 0x!XJ>/fatal/fao=2!/ansi=0
MTBLKTOOBIG <Magtape BLOCK_SIZE exceeds maximum size allowed>/error/fao=0!/ansi=70
MTBLKTOOSM <Magtape BLOCK_SIZE is less than !UL bytes>/error/fao=1!/ansi=70
MTFIXRECSZ <BLOCK_SIZE !UL must be multiple of fixed record size !UL>/error/fao=2!/ansi=70
MTIS <Magnetic tape: !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
MTRDBADBLK <Block read too small, contained only !UL bytes, block size = !UL>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MTRDONLY <Cannot write to a READONLY magtape>/error/fao=0!/ansi=62
MTRDTHENWRT <Attempt to read after a write to a magtape>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MTRECGTRBLK <Magtape record size cannot exceed block size>/error/fao=0!/ansi=71
MTRECTOOBIG <Magtape record size exceeds maximum allowed>/error/fao=0!/ansi=72
MTRECTOOSM <Magtape record size is too small for record type>/error/fao=0!/ansi=72
JNLTMQUAL3 <Time qualifier BEFORE_TIME="!AZ" is less than the journal file(s) minimum timestamp="!AZ">/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MULTLAB <This label has been previously defined>/error/fao=0!/ansi=57
BLKCNT <Last LOAD Block/RMS Record number: !UL>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
CCEDUMPOFF <>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
NOPLACE <Line specified in a ZBREAK cannot be found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLCLOSE <Error closing journal file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
NOTPRINCIO <Output currently directed to device !AD>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
NOTTOEOFONPUT <Not positioned to EOF on write (sequential organization only)>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
NOZBRK <No zbreak at that location>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
NULSUBSC <Null subscripts are not allowed for region: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
NUMOFLOW <Numeric overflow>/error/fao=0!/ansi=92
PARFILSPC <Parameter: !AD file specification: !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
PATCLASS <Illegal character class for pattern code>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
PATCODE <Illegal syntax for pattern>/error/fao=0!/ansi=10
PATLIT <Illegal character or unbalanced quotes for pattern literal>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
PATMAXLEN <Pattern code exceeds maximum length>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
LPARENREQD <!_!AD!/!_!_!_Left parenthesis expected>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
PATUPPERLIM <Pattern code upper limit is less than lower limit>/error/fao=0!/ansi=10
PCONDEXPECTED <Post-conditional expression expected but not found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
PRCNAMLEN <Process name !AD length is greater than !SL>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
RANDARGNEG <Random number generator argument must be greater than or equal to one>/error/fao=0!/ansi=3
DBPRIVERR <No privilege for attempted update operation for file: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
REC2BIG <Record size (!UL) is greater than maximum (!UL) for region: !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=75
RHMISSING <Right-hand side of expression expected>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DEVICEREADONLY <Cannot write to read-only device>/error/fao=0!/ansi=62
COLLDATAEXISTS <Collation type cannot be changed while data exists>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ROUTINEUNKNOWN <Routine could not be found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=88
RPARENMISSING <Right parenthesis expected>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
RTNNAME <Routine name expected here>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
VIEWGVN <Invalid global key name used with VIEW/$VIEW(): !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
RTSLOC <!_!_At M source location !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
RWARG <This is not a legal argument for a READ command>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
RWFORMAT <A valid format expression (!!, #, or ?expr) expected here>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLWRTDEFER <Journal write start deferred>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
SELECTFALSE <No argument to $SELECT was true>/error/fao=0!/ansi=4
SPOREOL <Either a space or an end-of-line was expected but not found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
SRCLIN <!_!AD!/!_!AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
SRCLOC <!_!_At column !UL, line !UL, source module !AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
SRCLOCUNKNOWN <!_!_M source location unknown>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
STACKCRIT <Stack space critical>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
STACKOFLOW <Stack overflow>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
STACKUNDERFLO <Stack underflow>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
STRINGOFLOW <String pool overflow>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
SVNOSET <Cannot SET this special variable>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
VIEWFN <View parameter is not valid with $VIEW()>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
TERMASTQUOTA <Process AST quota exceeded, cannot open terminal>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
TEXTARG <Invalid argument to $TEXT function>/error/fao=0!/ansi=5
TMPSTOREMAX <Maximum space for temporary values exceeded>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
VIEWCMD <View parameter is not valid with VIEW command>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
TXTNEGLIN <A line prior to line number zero was referenced in $TEXT>/error/fao=0!/ansi=12
TXTSRCFMT <$TEXT encountered an invalid source program file format>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
UIDMSG <Unidentified message received>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
UIDSND <Unidentified sender PID>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
UNDEF <Undefined local variable: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=6
UNIMPLOP <Unimplemented construct encountered>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
VAREXPECTED <Variable expected in this context>/error/fao=0!/ansi=39
VARRECBLKSZ <Blocksize must be at least record size + 4 bytes>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MAXARGCNT <Maximum number of arguments !UL exceeded>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
WCFAIL <The database cache is corrupt>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
VIEWARGCNT <View parameter !AD has inappropriate number of subparameters>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
XKILLCNTEXC <Maximum number of arguments (!UL) to exclusive kill exceeded>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
ZATTACHERR <Error attaching to "!AD">/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZDATEFMT <$ZDATE format string contains invalid character>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZEDFILSPEC <Illegal ZEDIT file specification: !AD> /error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZFILENMTOOLONG <!AD is longer than 255 characters>/error/fao=2!/ansi=75
ZFILKEYBAD <!AD is not a legal keyword for $ZFILE()>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZFILNMBAD <!AD is not a legal file name>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZGOTOLTZERO <Cannot ZGOTO a level less than zero>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZGOTOTOOBIG <Cannot ZGOTO a level greater than present level>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZLINKFILE <Error while zlinking "!AD">/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZPARSETYPE <Illegal TYPE argument to $ZPARSE(): !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZPARSFLDBAD <Illegal $ZPARSE() field parameter: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZPIDBADARG <The tvexpr must be FALSE if last $ZPID() not found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZPRIVARGBAD <!AD is not a legal privilege for $ZPRIV()>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZPRIVSYNTAXERR <Privilege string cannot end with a comma>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZPRTLABNOTFND <Label not found in routine>/error/fao=0!/ansi=13
VIEWAMBIG <View parameter !AD is ambiguous>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
VIEWNOTFOUND <View parameter !AD not valid>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZSETPRVARGBAD <!AD is not a legal privilege for $ZSETPRIV()>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
INVSPECREC <Invalid global modifier record>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZSETPRVSYNTAX <$ZSETPRIV() privileges string cannot end with a comma>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZSRCHSTRMCT <Search stream identifier out of range>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
VERSION <Version mismatch - This program must be recompiled>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUNOTALLSEC <WARNING: not all global sections accessed were successfully rundown>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUSECDEL <Section !AD deleted>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUSECNOTDEL <Section !AD not deleted>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
RPARENREQD <!_!AD!/!_!_!_Right parenthesis expected>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZGBLDIRACC <Cannot access global directory !AD!AD!AD.>/error/fao=6!/ansi=26
GVNAKEDEXTNM <Cannot reference different global directory in a naked reference>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
EXTGBLDEL <Invalid delimiter for extended global syntax>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DSEWCINITCON <No action taken, enter YES at CONFIRMATION prompt to initialize global buffers>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
LASTFILCMPLD <The file currently being compiled is !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
NOEXCNOZTRAP <Neither an exception nor a Ztrap is specified>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
UNSDCLASS <Unsupported descriptor class>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
UNSDDTYPE <Unsupported descriptor data type>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCUNKTYPE <External call: Unknown argument type>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCUNKMECH <External call: Unknown parameter-passing mechanism>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCUNKQUAL <External call: Unknown input qualifier>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLDBTNNOMATCH <Journal file !AD has !AD transaction number [0x!16@XQ], but database !AD has current transaction number [0x!16@XQ] and journal end transaction number [0x!16@XQ]>/error/fao=9!/ansi=0
ZCALLTABLE <External call Table format error>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCARGMSMTCH <External call: Actual argument count, !UL, is greater than formal argument count, !UL>/error/fao=2!/ansi=58
ZCCONMSMTCH <External call: Too many input arguments>/error/fao=0!/ansi=58
ZCOPT0 <External call: Qualifier OPTIONAL_0 can be used only with mechanisms REFERENCE or DESCRIPTOR>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCSTATUS <External call: Unsuccessful return status>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCUSRRTN <External call: Run-time error in user routine>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCPOSOVR <External call: Invalid overlapping of arguments in table position !UL>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
ZCINPUTREQ <External call: Required input argument missing>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLTNOUTOFSEQ <End transaction [0x!16@XQ] of journal !AD different from Begin transaction [0x!16@XQ] of next generation journal !AD>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
ACTRANGE <Alternate Collating Type !UL is out of range>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
ZCCONVERT <External call: error converting output argument>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCRTENOTF <External call routine !AD not found>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
GVRUNDOWN <Error during global database rundown>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
LKRUNDOWN <Error during lock database rundown>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
IORUNDOWN <Error during image rundown>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
FILENOTFND <File !AD not found>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUFILRNDWNFL <File !AD rundown failed>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLTMQUAL1 <Time qualifier BEFORE_TIME="!AZ" is less than SINCE_TIME="!AZ">/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
FORCEDHALT <Image HALTed by MUPIP STOP>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
LOADEOF <Load error: EOF reached prior to BEGIN record !UL. No records loaded.>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
WILLEXPIRE <This copy of GT.M will expire within one week>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
LOADEDBG <Load error: END smaller than BEGIN. No records loaded.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
LABELONLY <Routine !AD was compiled for label-only entry>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUREORGFAIL <MUPIP REORG failed. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
GVZPREVFAIL <Global variable $ZPREVIOUS function failed. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MULTFORMPARM <This formal parameter is multiply defined>/error/fao=0!/ansi=21
QUITARGUSE <Quit cannot take an argument in this context>/error/fao=0!/ansi=16
NAMEEXPECTED <A local variable name is expected in this context>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
UNUSEDMSG438 <ACTLSTEXP: Last used in V5.4-002B>/error/fao=0!/ansi=11
NOTEXTRINSIC <Quit does not return to an extrinsic function: argument not allowed>/error/fao=0!/ansi=16
UNUSEDMSG440 <FMLLSTPRESENT: Last used in V5.4-002B>/error/fao=0!/ansi=11
FMLLSTMISSING <The formal list is absent from a label called with an actual list: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=20
ACTLSTTOOLONG <More actual parameters than formal parameters: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=58
ACTOFFSET <Actuallist not allowed with offset>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MAXACTARG <Maximum number of actual arguments exceeded>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMDUMPFAIL <Could not create DUMP FILE>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLTMQUAL2 <Time qualifier LOOKBACK_TIME="!AZ" is later than SINCE_TIME="!AZ">/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
GDINVALID <Unrecognized Global Directory file format: !AD, expected label: !AD, found: !AD>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
ASSERT <Assert failed in !AD line !UL for expression (!AD)>/fatal/fao=5!/ansi=0
MUFILRNDWNSUC <File !AD successfully rundown>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
LOADEDSZ <Load error: END too small. No records loaded.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
QUITARGLST <Quit cannot take a list of arguments>/error/fao=0!/ansi=16
QUITARGREQD <Quit from an extrinsic must have an argument>/error/fao=0!/ansi=17
CRITRESET <The critical section crash count for region !AD has been incremented>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
UNKNOWNFOREX <Process halted by a forced exit from a source other than MUPIP>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
FSEXP <File specification expected but not found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
WILDCARD <Wild cards are prohibited: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DIRONLY <Directories only are allowed in file specs: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
FILEPARSE <Error parsing file specification: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
QUALEXP <Qualifier expected but not found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
BADQUAL <Unrecognized qualifier: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
QUALVAL <Qualifier value required but not found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZROSYNTAX <$ZROUTINES syntax error: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
COMPILEQUALS <Error in compiler qualifiers: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZLNOOBJECT <No object module was produced>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZLMODULE <Object file name does not match module name: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBLEVMX <!AD Block level higher than maximum>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBLEVMN <!AD Block level less than zero>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBSIZMN <!AD Block too small>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBSIZMX <!AD Block larger than file block size>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBRSIZMN <!AD Physical record too small>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBRSIZMX <!AD Physical record too large>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBCMPNZRO <!AD First record of block has nonzero compression count>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBSTARSIZ <!AD Star record has wrong size> /info /fao=2!/ansi=0
DBSTARCMP <!AD Star record has nonzero compression count> /info /fao=2!/ansi=0
DBCMPMX <!AD Record compression count is too large> /info /fao=2!/ansi=0
DBKEYMX <!AD Key too long>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBKEYMN <!AD Key too short>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBCMPBAD <!AD Compression count not maximal>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBKEYORD <!AD Keys out of order>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBPTRNOTPOS <!AD Block pointer negative>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBPTRMX <!AD Block pointer larger than file maximum>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBPTRMAP <!AD Block pointer is a bit map block number> /info /fao=2!/ansi=0
IFBADPARM <External Interface Bad Parameter>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
IFNOTINIT <External Interface must first call GTM$INIT or M routine>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRSOCKET <!AD - !UL : Error initializing gtmsecshr socket>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
LOADBGSZ <Load error: BEGIN too small. No records loaded.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
LOADFMT <Load error: invalid format type. Must be ZWR, GO, BINARY, or GOQ.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
LOADFILERR <Error with load file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
NOREGION <REGION not found: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
PATLOAD <Error loading pattern file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
EXTRACTFILERR <Error with extract file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
FREEZE <Region: !AD is already frozen>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
NOSELECT <None of the selected variables exist -- halting>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
EXTRFAIL <Extract failed for the global ^!AD. MUPIP INTEG should be run.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
LDBINFMT <Corrupt binary format header information>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
NOPREVLINK <Journal file !AD has a null previous link>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CCEDUMPON <>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
CCEDMPQUALREQ <A qualifier (DB,[NO]ON, or NOW) is required with the DUMP command>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CCEDBDUMP <Section !AD dumped>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
CCEDBNODUMP <Section !AD not dumped; status = >/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
CCPMBX <Error accessing Cluster Control Program Mailbox>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
REQRUNDOWN <Error accessing database !AD. Must be rundown on cluster node !AD.>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
CCPINTQUE <Interlock failure accessing Cluster Control Program queue>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CCPBADMSG <Invalid message code received by Cluster Control Program>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CNOTONSYS <Command is not supported by this operating system>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CCPNAME <Error setting the Cluster Control Program process name>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
CCPNOTFND <The Cluster Control Program is not responding>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
OPRCCPSTOP <The Cluster Control Program has been halted by an operator stop request>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
SELECTSYNTAX <Argument to !AD clause is not valid>/fatal/fao=2!/ansi=0
LOADABORT <Aborting load at record !UL>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
FNOTONSYS <Function or special variable is not supported by this operating system>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
AMBISYIPARAM <Parameter !AD is ambiguous to $ZGETSYI()>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
PREVJNLNOEOF <A previous generation journal file !AD does not have valid EOF>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
LKSECINIT <Error creating lock section for database !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MTDOSLAB <Tape label is not in valid DOS-11 format>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MTDOSFOR <Use of DOS-11 labels requires stream format>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MTINVLAB <Invalid label type specified in magtape OPEN>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
TXTSRCMAT <M object module and source file do not match>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CCENOGROUP <CCE does not have GROUP privilege. Information may be incomplete.>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
BADDBVER <Incorrect database version: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
LINKVERSION <This image must be relinked with the current version of GT.M>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
TOTALBLKMAX <Extension exceeds maximum total blocks. Not extending.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
LOADCTRLY <User interrupt encountered during load. Load halting.>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
CLSTCONFLICT <Cluster conflict opening database file !AD; could not secure access. Already open on node !AD.>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
SRCNAM <in source module !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
LCKGONE <Lock removed: !AD>/success/fao=2!/ansi=0
SUB2LONG <Subscript invalid, too long>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
EXTRACTCTRLY <User interrupt encountered during extract -- halting>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
CCENOWORLD <CCE does not have WORLD privilege. Information may be incomplete.>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
GVQUERYFAIL <Global variable $QUERY function failed. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
LCKSCANCELLED <Error on remote node holding locks or zallocates. All locks and zallocates cancelled.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INVNETFILNM <Invalid file name following node designation in global directory>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
NETDBOPNERR <Error while attempting to open database across net>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
BADSRVRNETMSG <Invalid message received from GT.CM server>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
BADGTMNETMSG <Invalid message sent to GT.CM server, type: 0x!XL>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
SERVERERR <Severe error on server: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
NETFAIL <Failure of Net operation>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
NETLCKFAIL <Lock operation across Net failed>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
TTINVFILTER <Invalid FILTER argument>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
MTANSILAB <Tape label is not in valid ANSI format>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MTANSIFOR <Use of ANSI labels does not allow stream format>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
BADTRNPARAM <!AD is not a legal parameter to $ZTRNLNM>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DSEONLYBGMM <!AD is supported only for BG/MM access methods>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
DSEINVLCLUSFN <Specified function is invalid for clustered databases>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
RDFLTOOSHORT <Length specified for fixed length read less than or equal to zero>/error/fao=0!/ansi=18
TIMRBADVAL <Bad value specified. Timer not changed.>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
CCENOSYSLCK <CCE does not have SYSLCK privilege. Information may be incomplete.>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
CCPGRP <Error with the Cluster Control Program's group number>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
UNSOLCNTERR <An unsolicited error message has been received from the network>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
BACKUPCTRL <Control Y or control C encountered during backup, aborting backup>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
NOCCPPID <Cannot find CCP process id>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CCPJNLOPNERR <Error opening journal file. Database not opened.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
LCKSGONE <Locks selected for deletion removed>/success/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZLKIDBADARG <The tvexpr must be FALSE if last ZLKID not found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBFILOPERR <Error doing database I/O to region !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CCERDERR <Error reading from database file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CCEDBCL <Database file !AD is clustered>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
CCEDBNTCL <Database file !AD is not clustered>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
CCEWRTERR <Error writing to database file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CCEBADFN <Filename error>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CCERDTIMOUT <Read timeout, CCP has not responded to request>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CCPSIGCONT <CCP non fatal error at pc 0x!XJ. Continuing operation.>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
CCEBGONLY <Only BG databases can be clustered>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CCENOCCP <The cluster control program is not running on this node>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
CCECCPPID <The cluster control program has PID 0x!XL>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
CCECLSTPRCS <!UL processes are accessing clustered database files>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
ZSHOWBADFUNC <An illegal function was specified for ZSHOW>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
NOTALLJNLEN <Journaling not enabled and on for all regions>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZSHOWGLOSMALL <Global output variable is too small for ZSHOW output>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
NOLBRSRC <Object libraries cannot have SRC paths associated>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INVZSTEP <Invalid ZSTEP qualifier>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZSTEPARG <ZSTEP argument expected>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INVSTRLEN <Invalid string length !UL: max !UL>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
RECCNT <Last LOAD record number: !UL>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
TEXT <!AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZWRSPONE <Subscript patterns in ZWRITE are atomic; Invalid delimiter>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
FILEDEL <File !AD successfully deleted>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLBADLABEL <Journal file !AD does not have a GT.M Journal File Label>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLREADEOF <End of journal file encountered for !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLRECFMT <Journal file record format error encountered>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
BLKTOODEEP <Block level too deep>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
NESTFORMP <Formal parameter list cannot be combined with nested line>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
BINHDR <!AD!/!/Date: !AD!/Time: !AD!/Extract Region Characteristics!/!_Blk Size: !AD!/!_Rec Size: !AD!/!_Key Size: !AD!/!_Std Null Coll: !AD!/!AD!/>/info/fao=16!/ansi=0
GOQPREC <Numeric precision in key error: Blk #!UL, Key #!UL. Record not loaded.>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
LDGOQFMT <Corrupt GOQ format header information!/>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
BEGINST <Beginning LOAD at record number: !UL>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
INVMVXSZ <Invalid block size for GOQ load format>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLWRTNOWWRTR <Journal writer attempting another write>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUPGDERR <Command aborted due to global directory errors>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLINVALLOC <Journal file allocation !UL is not within the valid range of !UL to !UL. Journal file not created.>/warning/fao=3!/ansi=0
JNLINVEXT <Journal file extension !UL is greater than the maximum allowed size of !UL. Journal file not created.>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUPCLIERR <Action not taken due to CLI errors>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLTMQUAL4 <Time qualifier BEFORE_TIME="!AZ" is less than AFTER_TIME="!AZ">/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
UNUSEDMSG594 <JNLBUFFTOOLG Last used in V5.5-000>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
UNUSEDMSG595 <JNLBUFFTOOSM Last used in V5.5-000>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUNODBNAME <A database name or the region qualifier must be specified>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
FILECREATE <!AD file !AD created>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
FILENOTCREATE <!AD file !AD not created>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
JNLPROCSTUCK <Journal file writes blocked by process !UL>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
INVGLOBALQUAL <Error in GLOBAL qualifier : Parse error at offset !UL in !AD>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
COLLARGLONG <Collation sequence !UL does not contain routines for long strings>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
NOPINI <PINI journal record expected but not found in journal file !AD at offset [0x!XL]>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
DBNOCRE <Not all specified database files, or their associated journal files were created>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLSPACELOW <Journal file !AD nearing maximum size, !UL blocks to go>/info/fao=3!/ansi=0
DBCOMMITCLNUP <Pid !UL [0x!XL] handled error (code = !UL) during commit of !AZ transaction in database file !AD>/info/fao=6!/ansi=0
BFRQUALREQ <The [NO]BEFORE qualifier is required for this command>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
REQDVIEWPARM <Required View parameter is missing>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
COLLFNMISSING <Routine !AD is not found for collation sequence !UL>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
JNLACTINCMPLT <Mupip journal action might be incomplete>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
NCTCOLLDIFF <Source and destination for MERGE cannot have different numerical collation type>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DLRCUNXEOR <!_!AD!/!_!_!_unexpected end of record in $CHAR()/$ZCHAR() subscript>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DLRCTOOBIG <!_!AD!/!_!_!_!AD value cannot be greater than 255>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
WCERRNOTCHG <Not all specified database files were changed>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
WCWRNNOTCHG <Not all specified database files were changed>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCWRONGDESC <A string longer than 65535 is passed via 32-bit descriptor>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUTNWARN <Database file !AD has 0x!16@XQ more transactions to go before reaching the transaction number limit (0x!16@XQ). Renew database with MUPIP INTEG TN_RESET>/warning/fao=4!/ansi=0
JNLNAMLEN <Journal file name !AD: for database file !AD exceeds maximum length of !UL>/error/fao=5!/ansi=0
LCKSTIMOUT <DAL timed lock request expired>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
CTLMNEMAXLEN <The maximum length of a control mnemonic has been exceeded>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CTLMNEXPECTED <Control mnemonic is expected in this context>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
USRIOINIT <User-defined device driver not successfully initialized>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CRITSEMFAIL <Error with semaphores for region !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
TERMWRITE <Error writing to terminal>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
COLLTYPVERSION <Collation type !UL, version !UL mismatch>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
LVNULLSUBS <Null subscripts not allowed in local variables>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
GVREPLERR <Error replicating global in region !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MTIOERR <I/O Error with magnetic tape device !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
RMWIDTHPOS <File record size or width must be greater than zero>/error/fao=0!/ansi=72
OFFSETINV <Entry point !AD+!SL not valid>/error/fao=3!/ansi=13
JOBPARTOOLONG <Total parameter length is too long for job command>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JOBARGMISSING <Missing job argument !UL - can't skip non-trailing arguments to a JOB command in OpenVMS editions>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
RUNPARAMERR <Error accessing parameter for run command>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
FNNAMENEG <Depth argument to $NAME cannot be negative>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ORDER2 <Invalid second argument to $ORDER. Must be -1 or 1.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUNOUPGRD <Database not upgraded because of preceding errors>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
REORGCTRLY <User interrupt encountered during database reorg -- halting>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
TSTRTPARM <Error parsing TSTART qualifier>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
TRIGNAMENF <Trigger name !AD not found with the current default global directory>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
TRIGZBREAKREM <ZBREAK in trigger !AD removed due to trigger being reloaded>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
TLVLZERO <Transaction is not in progress>/error/fao=0!/ansi=44
TRESTNOT <Cannot TRESTART, transaction is not restartable>/error/fao=0!/ansi=27
TPLOCK <Cannot release lock(s) held prior to current TSTART>/error/fao=0!/ansi=41
TPQUIT <Cannot QUIT out of a routine with an active transaction>/error/fao=0!/ansi=42
TPFAIL <Transaction COMMIT failed. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
TPRETRY <Restart transaction from non-concurrency DB failure>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
TPTOODEEP <$TLEVEL cannot exceed 127>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZDEFACTIVE <ZDEFER already active>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZDEFOFLOW <ZDEFER Buffer overflow to node !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUPRESTERR <MUPIP restore aborted due to preceding errors>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUBCKNODIR <MUPIP backup aborted due to error in output directory>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
TRANS2BIG <Transaction exceeded available buffer space for region !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
INVBITLEN <Invalid size of the bit string>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INVBITSTR <Invalid bit string>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INVBITPOS <Invalid position in the bit string>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
PARNORMAL <Parse successful>/success/fao=0!/ansi=0
PARBUFSM <Parse buffer too small>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
RMWIDTHTOOBIG <File record size or width too big>/error/fao=0!/ansi=72
PATTABNOTFND <Pattern table !AD not found>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
OBJFILERR <Error with object file I/O on file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
SRCFILERR <Error with source file I/O on file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
NEGFRACPWR <Invalid operation: fractional power of negative number>/error/fao=0!/ansi=95
MTNOSKIP <SKIP operation not supported on this device>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CETOOMANY <Too many compiler escape substitutions in a single statement>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CEUSRERROR <Compiler escape user routine returned error code !UL>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
CEBIGSKIP <Compiler escape user routine skip count is too large>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CETOOLONG <Compiler escape substitution exceeds maximum line size>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CENOINDIR <Indirection type information not available for compiler escape feature>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
COLLATIONUNDEF <Collation type !UL is not defined>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
RBWRNNOTCHG <Not all specified database files were changed>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRSRVF <!AD - !UL : Attempt to service request failed (retry = !UL)>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
FREEZECTRL <Control Y or control C encountered during attempt to freeze the database. Aborting freeze.>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLFLUSH <Error flushing journal buffers to journal file !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
CCPSIGDMP <CCP non fatal dump, continuing operation. Report to your GT.M Support Channel.>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
NOPRINCIO <Unable to write to principal device>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
INVPORTSPEC <Invalid port specification>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INVADDRSPEC <Invalid IP address specification>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
SOCKPARMREQ <Socket device parameter is required for TCP open>/error/fao=0!/ansi=78
IPADDRREQ <Active connection requires IP address>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
SOCKWAIT <Error waiting for socket connection>/error/fao=0!/ansi=80
SOCKACPT <Error accepting socket connection>/error/fao=0!/ansi=81
SOCKINIT <Error initializing TCP socket: (errno == !UL) !AD>/error/fao=3!/ansi=80
OPENCONN <Error opening TCP connection>/error/fao=0!/ansi=81
DEVNOTIMP <!AD device not implemented on in this environment>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLEXTR <Error writing journal extract file: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBREMOTE <Database region !AD is remote; perform maintenance on the server node>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLREQUIRED <Journaling is required for clustered operation with file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
TPMIXUP <!AZ transaction cannot be started within !AZ transaction>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
HTOFLOW <Hash table overflow: Failed to allocate !UL elements>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
RMNOBIGRECORD <File record size requires BIGRECORD parameter>/error/fao=0!/ansi=72
DBBMSIZE <!AD Bit map has incorrect size> /info /fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBMBARE <!AD Bit map does not protect itself> /info /fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBMINV <!AD Bit map contains an invalid pattern> /info /fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBMMSTR <!AD Bit map does not match master map> /info /fao=2!/ansi=0
DBROOTBURN <!AD Root block has data level> /info /fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLSTATEERR <Replication state cannot be changed to the specified value for database file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
VMSMEMORY <Central memory exhausted during request for !UL bytes from 0x!XJ - check page file quota and page file size>/fatal/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBDIRTSUBSC <!AD Directory tree block contains non name-level entries> /info /fao=2!/ansi=0
TIMEROVFL <Timer overflow; interval probably too large> /error /fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMASSERT <!AD - Assert failed !AD line !UL>/fatal/fao=5!/ansi=0
DBFHEADERR4 <Database file !AD: control problem: !AD was 0x!XL expecting 0x!XL> /info /fao=6!/ansi=0
DBADDRANGE <Database file !AD, element location 0x!XJ: blk = 0x!XL: control 0x!XJ was outside !AD range 0x!XJ to 0x!XJ> /info /fao=9!/ansi=0
DBQUELINK <Database file !AD, element location 0x!XJ: blk = 0x!XL: control !AD queue problem: was 0x!XJ, expecting 0x!XJ> /info /fao=8!/ansi=0
DBCRERR <Database file !AD, cr location 0x!XJ blk = 0x!XL error: !AD was 0x!XL, expecting 0x!XL -- called from module !AD at line !UL> /info /fao=11!/ansi=0
MUSTANDALONE <Could not get exclusive access to !AD> /info /fao=2!/ansi=0
MUNOACTION <MUPIP unable to perform requested action> /error /fao=0!/ansi=0
RMBIGSHARE <File with BIGRECORD specified may only be shared if READONLY>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
TPRESTART <Database !AD; code: !AD; blk: 0x!XL in glbl: ^!AD; pvtmods: !UL, blkmods: !UL, blklvl: !UL, type: !UL, readset: !UL, writeset: !UL, local_tn: !16@XQ> /info /fao=14!/ansi=0
SOCKWRITE <Write to a TCP/IP socket failed> /error /fao=0!/ansi=0
DBCNTRLERR <Database file !AD: control error suspected but not found> /info /fao=2!/ansi=0
NOTERMENV <Environment variable TERM not set. Assuming "unknown."> /info /fao=0!/ansi=0
NOTERMENTRY <TERM = "!AD" has no "terminfo" entry. Possible terminal handling problems.> /info /fao=2!/ansi=0
NOTERMINFODB <No "terminfo" database. Terminal handling problems likely.> /info /fao=0!/ansi=0
INVACCMETHOD <Invalid access method> /error /fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLOPNERR <Error opening journal file !AD!/ for database !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
JNLRECTYPE <Journal record type does not match expected type>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLTRANSGTR <Transaction number in journal is greater than in database>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLTRANSLSS <Transaction number in journal is less than in database>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLWRERR <Error writing journal file !AD. Unable to update header.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
FILEIDMATCH <Saved File ID does not match the current ID - the file appears to have been moved>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
EXTSRCLIN <!_!AD!/!_!AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
EXTSRCLOC <!_!_At column !UL, line !UL, source module !AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
BIGNOACL <Existing file found when BIGRECORD specified with UDF format but no GT.M ACE, perhaps lost during COPY>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ERRCALL <Error called from !AD line !UL>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
ZCCTENV <Environmental variable for external package !AD not set>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZCCTOPN <Unable to open external call table: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZCCTNULLF <External call table contains no records: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZCUNAVAIL <Package, !AD unavailable>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZCENTNAME <No entry name found in external call table>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCCOLON <Colon expected but not found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCRTNTYP <Unknown return type>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCRCALLNAME <Routine name expected but not found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCRPARMNAME <Parameter name expected but not found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCUNTYPE <Unknown type encountered>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCMLTSTATUS <Multiple entries of xc_status in a single entry in external call table>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCSTATUSRET <External call returned error status>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCMAXPARAM <Exceeded maximum number of external call parameters>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCCSQRBR <Closing Square bracket expected>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCPREALLNUMEX <Pre-allocation value should be a decimal number>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCPREALLVALPAR <Pre-allocation allowed only for variables passed by reference>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
VERMISMATCH <Attempt to access !AD with version !AD, while already using !AD>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
JNLCNTRL <Journal control unsynchronized. Journaling closed for !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
TRIGNAMBAD <Trigger initialization failed. Error while processing ^#t("!AD",!AD)>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
BUFRDTIMEOUT <Pid [0x!XL] timed out waiting for buffered read of blk [0x!XL] into cr [0x!XL] by process [0x!XL] to complete in database file !AD>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
INVALIDRIP <Invalid read-in-progress field in Cache Record. Resetting and continuing. Region: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
BLKSIZ512 <Block size !UL rounds to !UL>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUTEXERR <Mutual Exclusion subsystem failure>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLVSIZE <Journal File !AD has incorrect virtual_filesize !UL. Allocation : !UL, Extension : !UL, Filesize : !UL, File system block size : !UL>/error/fao=7!/ansi=0
MUTEXLCKALERT <Mutual Exclusion subsystem ALERT - lock attempt threshold crossed for region !AD. Process !UL is in crit cycle !UL.>/warning/fao=4!/ansi=0
MUTEXFRCDTERM <Mutual Exclusion subsystem detected forced termination of process !UL. Crit salvaged from region !AD.>/warning/fao=3!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHR <!UL : Error during gtmsecshr operation>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRSRVFID <!AD: !UL - Attempt to service request failed.!/ client id: !UL, mesg type: !UL, mesg data: !UL>/warning/fao=6!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRSRVFIL <!AD: !UL - Attempt to service request failed.!/ client id: !UL, mesg type: !UL!/file: !AD>/warning/fao=7!/ansi=0
SOCKACTNA <Action not appropriate for current socket>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
PROTNOTSUP <Protocol !AD not supported>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DELIMSIZNA <Delimiter size is not appropriate>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INVCTLMNE <Invalid control mnemonics>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
SOCKLISTEN <Error listening on a socket>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
LQLENGTHNA <Listening queue length !UL not appropriate. Must be between 1 and 5.>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
ADDRTOOLONG <Socket address !AD of length !UL is longer than the maximum permissible length !UL>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
UNUSEDMSG760 <LSNCONNOTCMP Last used in V5.4-002A>/error/fao=0!/ansi=76
CPBEYALLOC <Attempt to copy beyond the allocated buffer>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBRDONLY <Database file !AD read only>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DUPTN <Duplicate transaction found [TN = 0x!16@XQ] at offset 0x!XL in journal file !AD>/warning/fao=4!/ansi=0
TRESTLOC <Transaction start: !AD, Transaction failure: !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
REPLPOOLINST <Error with replication pool (id = !UL) for instance file !AD>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
ZCVECTORINDX <Invalid Vector Index !UL>/warning/fao=1!/ansi=0
REPLNOTON <Replication is not on for journal file !AD, rollback will not continue>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLMOVED <Journal file appears to have been moved. Journaling activity will not be done.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
EXTRFMT <Extract error: invalid format type. Must be ZWR, GO, or BINARY.>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
CALLERID <Routine !AD called from 0x!XJ>/info/fao=3!/ansi=0
KRNLKILL <Process was terminated by SIGDANGER signal from the system -- System swap space is too low -- Report to System Administrator>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
MEMORYRECURSIVE <Memory Subsystem called recursively>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
FREEZEID <Cache !AD on !AD by freeze id 0x!XL with match 0x!XL from 0x!XJ>/info/fao=7!/ansi=0
BLKWRITERR <Unable to queue disk write for block 0x!XL. Will keep trying.>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
STOPTIMEOUT <Waited too long for stopped process to release. Region: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
TRIGMODINTP <Triggers for a given global cannot be both used and modified or removed in the same transaction>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
BCKUPBUFLUSH <Unable to flush buffer for online backup>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
NOFORKCORE <Unable to fork off process to create core. Core creation postponed.>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLREAD <Error reading from journal file !AD at offset [0x!XL]>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
JNLMINALIGN <Journal Record Alignment !UL is less than the minimum value of !UL>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLDSKALIGN <Journal Record Alignment !UL is not a multiple of 512>/warning/fao=1!/ansi=0
JNLPOOLSETUP <Journal Pool setup error>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLSTATEOFF <ROLLBACK or RECOVER BACKWARD cannot proceed as database file !AD does not have journaling ENABLED and ON>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
RECVPOOLSETUP <Receive Pool setup error>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
REPLCOMM <Replication subsystem communication failure>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
NOREPLCTDREG <Replication subsystem found no region replicated for !AD !AZ>/warning/fao=3!/ansi=0
REPLINFO <!AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLWARN <!AD>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLERR <!AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLNMBKNOTPRCD <Journal file !AD does not match the current journal file !AD of database file !AD>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
REPLFILIOERR <Replication subsystem file I/O error !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLBRKNTRANS <Replication subsystem found seqno !16@XQ broken or missing in the journal files>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
TTWIDTHTOOBIG <Terminal WIDTH exceeds the maximum allowed limit>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
REPLLOGOPN <Replication subsystem could not open log file !AD: !AD. Logging done to !AD.>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
REPLFILTER <Replication filter subsystem failure>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
GBLMODFAIL <Global variable Conflict Test failed. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
TTLENGTHTOOBIG <Terminal LENGTH exceeds the maximum allowed limit>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
TPTIMEOUT <Transaction timeout>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DEFEREVENT <Transfer table reset for event type !UL when set for type !UL>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLFILNOTCHG <Journal file not changed>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
EVENTLOGERR <Error in event logging subsystem>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
UPDATEFILEOPEN <Update file open error>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLBADRECFMT <Journal File Record Format Error encountered for file !AD at disk address 0x!XL>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
NULLCOLLDIFF <Null collation order must be the same for all regions> /error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUKILLIP <Kill in progress indicator is set for file !AD - this !AD operation is likely to result in incorrectly marked busy errors>/warning/fao=4!/ansi=0
JNLRDONLY <Journal file !AD read only>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ANCOMPTINC <Deviceparameter !AD is not compatible with any other deviceparameters in the !AD command>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
ABNCOMPTINC <Deviceparameter !AD and deviceparameter !AD are not compatible in the !AD command>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
UNUSEDMSG809 <GTMSECSHRLOGF last used in V5.5-000>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
SOCKNOTFND <Socket !AD not found>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CURRSOCKOFR <Current socket of index !UL is out of range. There are only !UL sockets.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
SOCKETEXIST <Socket !AD already exists>/error/fao=2!/ansi=79
LISTENPASSBND <Controlmnemonic LISTEN can be applied to PASSIVE socket in the state BOUND only>/error/fao=0!/ansi=76
DBCLNUPINFO <Database file !AD !/!AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
MUNODWNGRD <Database not downgraded because of preceding errors>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
REPLTRANS2BIG <Transaction !16@XQ of size !UL (pre-filter size !UL) too large to be accommodated in the !AD pool>/error/fao=5!/ansi=0
RDFLTOOLONG <Length specified for fixed length read exceeds the maximum string size>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUNOFINISH <MUPIP unable to finish all requested actions>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBFILEXT <Database file !AD extended from 0x!XL blocks to 0x!XL at transaction 0x!16@XQ>/info/fao=5!/ansi=0
JNLFSYNCERR <Error synchronizing journal file !AD to disk>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
FSYNCTIMOUT <Timed out on fsync for journal file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZCPREALLVALINV <The pre-allocation value exceeded the maximum string length>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
NEWJNLFILECREAT <Journal file !AD nearing maximum size. New journal file created.>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
DSKSPACEFLOW <Disk Space for file !AD nearing maximum size. !UL blocks available.>/info/fao=3!/ansi=0
GVINCRFAIL <Global variable $INCR failed. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ISOLATIONSTSCHN <Error changing NOISOLATION status for global ^!AD within a TP transaction from !UL to !UL>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
REPLGBL2LONG <Global names longer than 8 characters cannot be handled at the secondary>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
TRACEON <Missing global name (with optional subscripts) for recording M-tracing information>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
TOOMANYCLIENTS <GT.CM is serving the maximum number of clients. Try again later.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
NOEXCLUDE <None of the excluded variables exist>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
GVINCRISOLATION <$INCREMENT cannot be performed on global ^!AD as it has NOISOLATION turned ON>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
EXCLUDEREORG <Global: !AD is present in the EXCLUDE option. REORG will skip the global.>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
REORGINC <Reorg was incomplete. Not all globals were reorged.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ASC2EBCDICCONV <ASCII/EBCDIC conversion failed when calling !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRSTART <!AD - !UL : gtmsecshr failed to startup>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
DBVERPERFWARN1 <Performance warning: Database !AD is running in compatibility mode which degrades performance. Run MUPIP REORG UPGRADE for best overall performance>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
FILEIDGBLSEC <File ID in global section does not match with the database file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
GBLSECNOTGDS <Global Section !AD is not a GT.M global section>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
BADGBLSECVER <Global Section !AD does not match the current database version>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
RECSIZENOTEVEN <RECORDSIZE [!UL] needs to be a multiple of 2 if ICHSET or OCHSET is UTF-16, UTF-16LE or UTF-16BE>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
BUFFLUFAILED <Error flushing buffers from !AD for database file !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
MUQUALINCOMP <Incompatible qualifiers - FILE and REGION>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DISTPATHMAX <$gtm_dist path is greater than maximum (!UL)>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
MAXTRACEHEIGHT <The maximum trace tree height (!UL) has been exceeded. The trace information will be incomplete.>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
IMAGENAME <The executing module name should be !AD instead of !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRPERM <The gtmsecshr module in $gtm_dist does not have the correct permission and uid>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMDISTUNDEF <Environment variable $gtm_dist is not defined>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
SYSCALL <Error received from system call !AD -- called from module !AD at line !UL>/error/fao=5!/ansi=0
MAXGTMPATH <The executing module path is greater than the maximum !UL>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
TROLLBK2DEEP <Intended rollback(!SL) deeper than the current $tlevel(!UL)>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
INVROLLBKLVL <Rollback level (!UL) not less than current $TLEVEL(!UL). Can't rollback.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
OLDBINEXTRACT <Loading an older version(!UL) of binary extract. !/Database or global collation changes since the extract, if any, will result in database corruption.>/warning/fao=1!/ansi=0
ACOMPTBINC <Deviceparameter !AD is compatible with only !AD in the command !AD>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
NOTREPLICATED <Transaction number !16@XQ generated by the !AD process (PID = !UL) is not replicated to the secondary>/warning/fao=4!/ansi=0
DBPREMATEOF <Premature end of file with database file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
KILLBYSIG <!AD process !UL has been killed by a signal !UL>/fatal/fao=4!/ansi=0
KILLBYSIGUINFO <!AD process !UL has been killed by a signal !UL from process !UL with userid number !UL>/fatal/fao=6!/ansi=0
KILLBYSIGSINFO1 <!AD process !UL has been killed by a signal !UL at address 0x!XJ (vaddr 0x!XJ)>/fatal/fao=6!/ansi=0
KILLBYSIGSINFO2 <!AD process !UL has been killed by a signal !UL at address 0x!XJ>/fatal/fao=5!/ansi=0
SIGILLOPC <Signal was caused by an illegal opcode>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGILLOPN <Signal was caused by an illegal operand>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGILLADR <Signal was caused by illegal addressing mode>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGILLTRP <Signal was caused by an illegal trap>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGPRVOPC <Signal was caused by a privileged opcode>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGPRVREG <Signal was caused by a privileged register>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGCOPROC <Signal was caused by a coprocessor error>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGBADSTK <Signal was caused by an internal stack error>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGADRALN <Signal was caused by invalid address alignment>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGADRERR <Signal was caused by a non-existent physical address>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGOBJERR <Signal was caused by an object specific hardware error>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGINTDIV <Signal was caused by an integer divided by zero>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGINTOVF <Signal was caused by an integer overflow>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGFLTDIV <Signal was caused by a floating point divide by zero>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGFLTOVF <Signal was caused by a floating point overflow>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGFLTUND <Signal was caused by a floating point underflow>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGFLTRES <Signal was caused by a floating point inexact result>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGFLTINV <Signal was caused by an invalid floating point operation>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGMAPERR <Signal was caused by an address not mapped to an object>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIGACCERR <Signal was caused by invalid permissions for mapped object>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
TRNLOGFAIL <Translation of (VMS) logical name or (UNIX) environment variable !AD failed>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
INVDBGLVL <Invalid non-numeric debug level specified !AD in (VMS) logical name or (UNIX) environment variable !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
DBMAXNRSUBS <!AD Maximum number of subscripts exceeded>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRSCKSEL <gtmsecshr select on socket failed>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRTMOUT <gtmsecshr exiting due to idle timeout>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRRECVF <gtmsecshr receive on server socket failed>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRSENDF <gtmsecshr send on server socket failed>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
SIZENOTVALID8 <Size (in bytes) must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHROPCMP <gtmsecshr operation may be compromised>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRSUIDF <gtmsecshr server setuid to root failed>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRSGIDF <gtmsecshr server setgid to root failed>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRSSIDF <gtmsecshr server setsid failed>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRFORKF <gtmsecshr server unable to fork off a child process>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBFSYNCERR <Error synchronizing database file !AD to disk>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
SECONDAHEAD <Secondary ahead of primary. !/ Secondary database possibly updated by process other than the update process. First perform rollback.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
SCNDDBNOUPD <Database Updates not allowed on the secondary>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUINFOUINT4 <!AD : !UL [0x!XL]>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
NLMISMATCHCALC <Location of !AD expected at 0x!XL, but found at 0x!XL>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
UNUSEDMSG898 <GTMSECSHRLOGSWH last used in V5.5-000>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
UNUSEDMSG899 <GTMSECSHRDEFLOG last used in V5.5-000>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBBADNSUB <!AD Bad numeric subscript>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBADKYNM <!AD Bad key name>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBADPNTR <!AD Bad pointer value in directory>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBNPNTR <!AD Bit map block number as pointer>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBINCLVL <!AD Block at incorrect level>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBFSTAT <!AD Block busy/free status unknown (local bitmap corrupted)>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBDBALLOC <!AD Block doubly allocated>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBMRKFREE <!AD Block incorrectly marked free>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBMRKBUSY <!AD Block incorrectly marked busy>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBSIZZRO <!AD Block size equals zero>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBSZGT64K <!AD Block size is greater than 64K>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBNOTMLTP <!AD Block size not a multiple of 512 bytes>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBTNTOOLG <!AD Block transaction number too large>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBPLMLT512 <!AD Blocks per local map is less than 512>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBPLMGT2K <!AD Blocks per local map is greater than 2K>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUINFOUINT8 <!AD : !@ZQ [0x!16@XQ]>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
DBBPLNOT512 <!AD Blocks per local map is not 512>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUINFOSTR <!AD : !AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
DBUNDACCMT <!AD Cannot determine access method; trying with BG>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBTNNEQ <!AD Current tn and early tn are not equal>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUPGRDSUCC <Database file !AD successfully !AD to !AD>/success/fao=6!/ansi=0
DBDSRDFMTCHNG <Database file !AD, Desired DB Format set to !AD by !AD with pid !UL [0x!XL] at transaction number [0x!16@XQ]>/info/fao=9!/ansi=0
DBFGTBC <!AD File size larger than block count would indicate>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBFSTBC <!AD File size smaller than block count would indicate>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBFSTHEAD <!AD File smaller than database header>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBCREINCOMP <!AD Header indicates database file creation was interrupted before completion>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBFLCORRP <!AD Header indicates database file is corrupt>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBHEADINV <!AD Header size not valid for database>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBINCRVER <!AD Incorrect version of GT.M database>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBINVGBL <!AD Invalid mixing of global names>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBKEYGTIND <!AD Key greater than index key>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBGTDBMAX <!AD Key larger than database maximum>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBKGTALLW <!AD Key larger than maximum allowed length>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBLTSIBL <!AD Keys less than sibling's index key>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBLRCINVSZ <!AD Last record of block has invalid size>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUREUPDWNGRDEND <Region !AD : MUPIP REORG UPGRADE/DOWNGRADE finished by pid !UL [0x!XL] at transaction number [0x!16@XQ]>/info/fao=5!/ansi=0
DBLOCMBINC <!AD Local bit map incorrect>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBLVLINC <!AD Local bitmap block level incorrect>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBMBSIZMX <!AD Map block too large>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBMBSIZMN <!AD Map block too small>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBMBTNSIZMX <!AD Map block transaction number too large>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBMBMINCFRE <!AD Master bit map incorrectly asserts this local map has free space>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBMBPINCFL <!AD Master bit map incorrectly marks this local map full>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBMBPFLDLBM <!AD Master bit map shows this map full, agreeing with disk local map>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBMBPFLINT <!AD Master bit map shows this map full, agreeing with MUPIP INTEG>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBMBPFLDIS <!AD Master bit map shows this map full, in disagreement with both disk and INTEG result>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBMBPFRDLBM <!AD Master bit map shows this map has space, agreeing with disk local map>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBMBPFRINT <!AD Master bit map shows this map has space, agreeing with MUPIP INTEG>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBMAXKEYEXC <!AD Maximum key size for database exceeds design maximum>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBMXRSEXCMIN <!AD Maximum record size for database is less than the design minimum>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBMAXRSEXBL <!AD Maximum record size for database exceeds what the block size can support>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBREADBM <!AD Read error on bitmap>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBCOMPTOOLRG <!AD Record has too large compression count>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBVERPERFWARN2 <Peformance warning: Database !AD is not fully upgraded. Run MUPIP REORG UPGRADE for best overall performance>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBRBNTOOLRG <!AD Root block number greater than last block number in file>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBRBNLBMN <!AD Root block number is a local bit map number>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBRBNNEG <!AD Root block number negative>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBRLEVTOOHI <!AD Root level higher than maximum>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBRLEVLTONE <!AD Root level less than one>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBSVBNMIN <!AD Start VBN smaller than possible>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBTTLBLK0 <!AD Total blocks equal zero>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBNOTDB <!AD File does not have a valid GDS file header>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBTOTBLK <Total blocks should be 0x!XL, is 0x!XL>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBTN <Block TN is 0x!16@XQ>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
DBNOREGION <None of the database regions accessible>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBTNRESETINC <WARNING: tn_reset for database is incomplete due to integrity errors>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBTNLTCTN <Transaction numbers greater than the current transaction were found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBTNRESET <Cannot reset transaction number for this region>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUTEXRSRCCLNUP <Mutex subsystem leftover resource !AD removed>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
SEMWT2LONG <Process !UL waited !UL second(s) for the !AD lock for region !AD, lock held by pid !UL>/error/fao=7!/ansi=0
REPLINSTOPEN <Error opening replication instance file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLINSTCLOSE <Error closing replication instance file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLNOTFOUND <File !AD does not exist -- possibly moved or deleted> /info /fao=2!/ansi=0
DBCRERR8 <Database file !AD, cr location 0x!XJ blk = 0x!XL error: !AD was 0x!16@XQ, expecting 0x!16@XQ -- called from module !AD at line !UL> /info /fao=11!/ansi=0
NUMPROCESSORS <Could not determine number of processors>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBADDRANGE8 <Database file !AD, element location 0x!XJ: blk = 0x!XL: control 0x!16@XQ was outside !AD range 0x!16@XQ to 0x!16@XQ> /info /fao=9!/ansi=0
RNDWNSEMFAIL <Attempting to acquire gds_rundown semaphore when it is already owned>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRSHUTDN <gtmsecshr process has received a shutdown request -- shutting down>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
NOSPACECRE <Not enough space to create database file !AD. !@ZQ blocks are needed, only !@ZQ available.>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
LOWSPACECRE <Disk space for database file !AD is not enough for !UL future extensions. !@ZQ !UL-byte blocks are needed, only !@ZQ available.>/warning/fao=6!/ansi=0
WAITDSKSPACE <Process 0x!XL will wait !UL seconds for necessary disk space to become available for !AD >/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
OUTOFSPACE <Database file !AD ran out of disk space. Detected by process !UL. !/Exit without clearing shared memory due to the disk space constraints. !/Make space and then perform mupip rundown to ensure database integrity.>/fatal/fao=3!/ansi=0
JNLPVTINFO <Pid 0x!XL!/ cycle 0x!XL fd_mismatch 0x!XL channel 0x!XL sync_io 0x!XL!/ pini_addr 0x!XL qio_active 0x!XL old_channel 0x!XL>/info/fao=8!/ansi=0
NOSPACEEXT <Not enough disk space for file !AD to extend. !UL blocks needed. !UL blocks available.>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
WCBLOCKED <Field !AD is set by process !UL at transaction number 0x!16@XQ for database file !AD>/warning/fao=6!/ansi=0
REPLJNLCLOSED <Replication in jeopardy as journaling got closed for database file !AD. Current region seqno is !@ZQ [0x!16@XQ] and system seqno is !@ZQ [0x!16@XQ]>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
RENAMEFAIL <Rename of file !AD to !AD failed>/warning/fao=4!/ansi=0
FILERENAME <File !AD is renamed to !AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
JNLBUFINFO <Pid 0x!XL!/ dsk 0x!XL free 0x!XL bytcnt 0x!XL io_in_prog 0x!XL fsync_in_prog 0x!XL!/ dskaddr 0x!XL freeaddr 0x!XL qiocnt 0x!XL now_writer 0x!XL fsync_pid 0x!XL!/filesize 0x!XL cycle 0x!XL errcnt 0x!XL wrtsize 0x!XL fsync_dskaddr 0x!XL>/info/fao=16!/ansi=0
JNLQIOLOCKED <Error obtaining io_in_prog lock on jnl-file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLEOFPREZERO <Error while zeroing jnl-file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
TPNOTACID <!AD at !AD in a final TP retry violates ACID properties of a TRANSACTION; indefinite RESTARTs may occur !AD !AD>/info/fao=8!/ansi=0
JNLSETDATA2LONG <SET journal record has data of length !UL. Target system cannot handle data more than !UL bytes.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLNEWREC <Target system cannot recognize journal record of type !UL, last recognized type is !UL>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLFTOKSEM <Error with replication semaphores for instance file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
GETCWD <Error getting current working directory for file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
EXTRIOERR <Error writing extract file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
EXTRCLOSEERR <Error closing extract file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
TRUNCATE <Error while truncating jnl-file !AD to length !UL>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
REPLEXITERR <Replication process encountered an error while exiting>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUDESTROYSUC <Global section (!AD) corresponding to file !AD successfully destroyed>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
DBRNDWN <Error during global database rundown for region !AD.!/Notify those responsible for proper database operation.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUDESTROYFAIL <Global section (!AD) corresponding to file !AD failed to be destroyed>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
NOTALLDBOPN <Not all required database files were opened>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUSELFBKUP <Database file !AD can not be backed upon itself>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBDANGER <Process !UL [0x!XL] killed while committing update for database file !AD. Possibility of damage to block 0x!XL.>/warning/fao=5!/ansi=0
TRUNCATEFAIL <Truncating !AD from 0x!XL VMS blocks to 0x!XL blocks failed>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
TCGETATTR <Error while getting terminal attributes on file descriptor !UL>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
TCSETATTR <Error while setting terminal attributes on file descriptor !UL>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
IOWRITERR <IO Write by pid 0x!XL to blk 0x!XL of database file !AD failed. Pid 0x!XL retrying the IO.>/error/fao=5!/ansi=0
REPLINSTWRITE <Error writing [0x!XL] bytes at offset [0x!16@XQ] in replication instance file !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
DBBADFREEBLKCTR <Database !AD free blocks counter in file header: 0x!XL is incorrect, should be 0x!XL. Auto-corrected.>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
REQ2RESUME <Request to resume suspended processing received from process !UL owned by userid !UL>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
TIMERHANDLER <Incorrect SIGALRM handler (0x!XJ) found by !AD>/warning/fao=3!/ansi=0
FREEMEMORY <Error occurred freeing memory from 0x!XJ>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
MUREPLSECDEL <Replication section !AD deleted>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUREPLSECNOTDEL <Replication section !AD not deleted>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUJPOOLRNDWNSUC <Jnlpool section (id = !AD) belonging to the replication instance !AD successfully rundown>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
MURPOOLRNDWNSUC <Recvpool section (id = !AD) belonging to the replication instance !AD successfully rundown>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
MUJPOOLRNDWNFL <Jnlpool section (id = !AD) belonging to the replication instance !AD rundown failed>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
MURPOOLRNDWNFL <Recvpool section (id = !AD) belonging to the replication instance !AD rundown failed>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
MUREPLPOOL <Error with replpool section !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLACCSEM <Error with replication access semaphore (id = !UL) for instance file !AD>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
JNLFLUSHNOPROG <No progress while attempting to flush journal file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLINSTCREATE <Error creating replication instance file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
SUSPENDING <Suspending processing on user request or attempt to do terminal I/O while running in the background>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
SOCKBFNOTEMPTY <Socket buffer size cannot be set to 0x!XL due to 0x!XL bytes of buffered data. Read first.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ILLESOCKBFSIZE <The specified socket buffer size is 0x!XL, which is either 0 or too big>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
NOSOCKETINDEV <There is no socket in the current socket device>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
SETSOCKOPTERR <Setting the socket attribute !AD failed: (errno == !UL) !AD>/error/fao=5!/ansi=0
GETSOCKOPTERR <Getting the socket attribute !AD failed: (errno == !UL) !AD>/error/fao=5!/ansi=0
NOSUCHPROC <Process !UL does not exist - no need to !AD it>/info/fao=3!/ansi=0
DSENOFINISH <DSE unable to finish all requested actions>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
LKENOFINISH <LKE unable to finish all requested actions>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
NOCHLEFT <Unhandled condition exception (all handlers exhausted) - process terminating>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
MULOGNAMEDEF <Logical name !AD, needed to start replication server is already defined for this job. !/Check for an existing or improperly terminated server.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
BUFOWNERSTUCK <Pid !UL waiting for Pid !UL to finish disk-read of block !UL [0x!XL].!/Been waiting for !UL minutes. read_in_progress=!UL : rip_latch = !UL.>/error/fao=7!/ansi=0
ACTIVATEFAIL <Failed to activate passive source server for secondary instance !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBRNDWNWRN <Global section of database file !AD not rundown successfully by pid !UL [0x!XL]. Global section was not removed.>/warning/fao=4!/ansi=0
DLLNOOPEN <Failed to load external dynamic library !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DLLNORTN <Failed to look up the location of the symbol !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DLLNOCLOSE <Failed to unload external dynamic library>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
FILTERNOTALIVE <Replication server detected that the filter is not alive while attempting to send seqno !16@XQ>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
FILTERCOMM <Error communicating seqno !16@XQ with the filter>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
FILTERBADCONV <Bad conversion of seqno !16@XQ by filter>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
PRIMARYISROOT <Attempted operation not valid on root primary instance !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
GVQUERYGETFAIL <Global variable QUERY and GET failed. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBCREC2BIGINBLK <A Record in block 0x!XL has a length greater than the maximum (!UL) in database !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
MERGEDESC <Merge operation not possible. !AD is descendent of !AD.>/error/fao=4!/ansi=19
MERGEINCOMPL <Error encountered during MERGE; operation may be incomplete>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBNAMEMISMATCH <Database file !AD points to shared memory (id = !UL) which in turn points to an inaccessible database file !AZ>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
DBIDMISMATCH <Database file !AZ (region !AD) id does not match file id in shared memory (id = !UL).>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
DEVOPENFAIL <Error opening !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
IPCNOTDEL <!AD : !AD did not delete IPC resources for region !AD>/info/fao=6!/ansi=0
XCVOIDRET <Attempt to return a value from function !AD, which is declared void in external call table !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
MURAIMGFAIL <Mupip recover or rollback failed while processing an after-image journal record. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLINSTUNDEF <Replication instance environment variable $gtm_repl_instance is undefined>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
REPLINSTACC <Error accessing replication instance file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
NOJNLPOOL <No journal pool info found in the replication instance of !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
NORECVPOOL <No receiver pool info found in the replication instance of !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
FTOKERR <Error getting ftok of the file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLREQRUNDOWN <Error accessing replication instance !AD. Must be rundown on cluster node !AD.>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
BLKCNTEDITFAIL <Mupip recover or rollback failed to correct the block count field in the file header for file !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
SEMREMOVED <Semaphore id !UL removed from the system>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
REPLINSTFMT <Format error encountered while reading replication instance file !AD. Expected !AD. Found !AD.>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
SEMKEYINUSE <Semaphore key 0x!XL is already in use (possibly by an older version)>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
XTRNTRANSERR <Error attempting to generate an environment using an external algorithm>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
XTRNTRANSDLL <Error during extended reference environment translation. Check the above message.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
XTRNRETVAL <Length of return value (!SL) from extended reference translation algorithm is not in the range [0,!UL]>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
XTRNRETSTR <Return string from extended reference translation algorithm is NULL>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INVECODEVAL <Invalid value for $ECODE (!AD)>/error/fao=2!/ansi=101
SETECODE <Non-empty value assigned to $ECODE (user-defined error trap)>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INVSTACODE <Invalid value for second parameter of $STACK (!AD)>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPEATERROR <Repeat previous error>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
NOCANONICNAME <Value is not a canonic name (!AD)>/error/fao=2!/ansi=90
NOSUBSCRIPT <No such subscript found (!SL)>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
SYSTEMVALUE <Invalid value for $SYSTEM (!AD)>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
SIZENOTVALID4 <Size (in bytes) must be either 1, 2, or 4>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
STRNOTVALID <Error: cannot convert !AD value to valid value>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
RECNOCREJNL <Recover could not create new journal file !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
ERRWETRAP <Error while processing $ETRAP>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
TRACINGON <Tracing already turned on>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
CITABENV <Environment variable for call-in table !AD not set>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CITABOPN <Unable to open call-in table: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CIENTNAME <No label reference found for this entry in call-in table>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CIRTNTYP <Invalid return type>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CIRCALLNAME <Call-in routine name expected but not found>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CIRPARMNAME <Invalid parameter specification for call-in table>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CIDIRECTIVE <Invalid directive parameter passing. Expected I, O or IO.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CIPARTYPE <Invalid type specification for O/IO directive - expected pointer type>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CIUNTYPE <Unknown parameter type encountered>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CINOENTRY <No entry specified for !AD in the call-in table>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLINVSWITCHLMT <Journal AUTOSWITCHLIMIT [!UL] falls outside of allowed limits [!UL] and [!UL]>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
SETZDIR <Cannot change working directory to !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JOBACTREF <Actual parameter in job command passed by reference>/error/fao=0!/ansi=40
ECLOSTMID <$ECODE overflow, the first and last ecodes are retained, but some intervening ecodes have been lost>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZFF2MANY <Number of characters specified for ZFF deviceparameter (!UL) is more than the maximum allowed (!UL)>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLFSYNCLSTCK <Journaling fsync lock is stuck in journal file !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
DELIMWIDTH <Delimiter length !UL exceeds device width !UL>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBMLCORRUPT <Database !AD : Bitmap blk [0x!XL] is corrupt (size = [0x!XL], levl = [0x!XL], tn = [0x!16@XQ]) : Dbtn = [0x!16@XQ] : Database integrity errors likely>/error/fao=7!/ansi=0
DLCKAVOIDANCE <Possible deadlock detected: Database !AD : Dbtn [0x!16@XQ] : t_tries [0x!XL] : dollar_trestart [0x!XL] : now_crit [0x!XL] : TP transaction restarted>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
WRITERSTUCK <Buffer flush stuck waiting for [0x!XL] concurrent writers to finish writing to database file !AD>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
PATNOTFOUND <Current pattern table has no characters with pattern code !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
INVZDIRFORM <Invalid value (!UL) specified for ZDIR_FORM>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
ZDIROUTOFSYNC <$ZDIRECTORY !AD is not the same as its cached value !AD>/warning/fao=4!/ansi=0
GBLNOEXIST <Global !AD no longer exists>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
MAXBTLEVEL <Global !AD reached maximum level>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLSTRESTFL <Failed to restore journaling state for database !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLALIGNSZCHG <Journal ALIGNSIZE is rounded up to !UL blocks (closest next higher power of two)>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
MAXTRACELEVEL <The maximum traceable level of !UL has been exceeded. The frame information will not be maintained.>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
GVFAILCORE <A core file is being created for later analysis if necessary>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBCDBNOCERTIFY <Database !AD HAS NOT been certified due to the preceding errors - rerun DBCERTIFY SCAN>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBFRZRESETSUC <Freeze released successfully on database file !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLFILEXTERR <Error during extension of journal file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JOBEXAMDONE <GT.M process !UL completed job examine to !AD>/info/fao=3!/ansi=0
JOBEXAMFAIL <GT.M process !UL executing $ZJOBEXAM function failed with the preceding error message>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
JOBINTRRQST <Job interrupt requested>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ERRWZINTR <Error while processing $ZINTERRUPT>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CLIERR <!AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLNOBEFORE <NOBEFORE option cannot be used when the current replication state is ON for database file !AD>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLJNLCNFLCT <Journaling cannot be turned !AD on database file !AD as the replication state is !AD and must also be turned !AD in the same command>/warning/fao=8!/ansi=0
JNLDISABLE <Specified journal option(s) cannot take effect as journaling is DISABLED on database file !AD>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
FILEEXISTS <File !AD already exists>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLSTATE <Journaling state for !AD !AD is now !AD>/info/fao=6!/ansi=0
REPLSTATE <Replication state for !AD !AD is now !AD>/info/fao=6!/ansi=0
JNLCREATE <Journal file !AD created for !AD !AD with !AD>/info/fao=8!/ansi=0
JNLNOCREATE <Journal file !AD not created>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLFNF <Journal file !AD not found>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
PREVJNLLINKCUT <Previous journal file name link set to NULL in new journal file !AD created for database file !AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
PREVJNLLINKSET <Previous generation journal file name is changed from !AD to !AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
FILENAMETOOLONG <File name too long>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
REQRECOV <Error accessing database !AD. Must be recovered on cluster node !AD.>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
JNLTRANS2BIG <Transaction needs an estimated [!UL blocks] in journal file !AD which exceeds the AUTOSWITCHLIMIT of !UL blocks>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
JNLSWITCHTOOSM <Journal AUTOSWITCHLIMIT [!UL blocks] is less than Journal ALLOCATION [!UL blocks] for database file !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
JNLSWITCHSZCHG <Journal AUTOSWITCHLIMIT [!UL blocks] is rounded down to [!UL blocks] to equal the sum of Journal ALLOCATION [!UL blocks] and a multiple of Journal EXTENSION [!UL blocks] for database file !AD>/info/fao=6!/ansi=0
NOTRNDMACC <Only random access files are supported as backup files for non-incremental backup>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
TMPFILENOCRE <Error in MUPIP BACKUP while trying to create temporary file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
SHRMEMEXHAUSTED <Attempt by process to use more shared memory than currently permitted by VMS>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLSENDOPER <pid = 0x!XL : status = 0x!XL : jpc_status = 0x!XL : jpc_status2 = 0x!XL : iosb.cond = 0x!XW>/info/fao=5!/ansi=0
DDPSUBSNUL <NUL characters in subscripts are not supported by DDP>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DDPNOCONNECT <Named volume set, !AD, is not connected>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DDPCONGEST <Agent congestion>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DDPSHUTDOWN <Server has shut down>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DDPTOOMANYPROCS <Maximum process limit of !UL exceeded>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
DDPBADRESPONSE <DDP invalid response code: !XB; message text follows>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
DDPINVCKT <Invalid format for CIRCUIT>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DDPVOLSETCONFIG <Volume Set Configuration file error>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DDPCONFGOOD <Volume Set Configuration entry accepted>/success/fao=0!/ansi=0
DDPCONFIGNORE <Volume Set Configuration line ignored>/success/fao=0!/ansi=0
DDPCONFINCOMPL <Volume Set Configuration entry incomplete>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
DDPCONFBADVOL <Volume Set Configuration entry : invalid volume>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DDPCONFBADUCI <Volume Set Configuration entry : invalid uci>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DDPCONFBADGLD <Volume Set Configuration entry : invalid global directory>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DDPRECSIZNOTNUM <Maximum record size is not numeric>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DDPOUTMSG2BIG <DDP message too big to be accommodated in outbound buffer>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DDPNOSERVER <DDP Server not running on local node>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUTEXRELEASED <Process !UL [0x!XL] has released the critical section for database !AD to avoid deadlock. $TLEVEL: !UL t_tries: !UL>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
JNLCRESTATUS <!AD at line !UL for journal file !AD, database file !AD encountered error>/warning/fao=7!/ansi=0
ZBREAKFAIL <Could not set breakpoint at !AD due to insufficient memory>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
DLLVERSION <Routine !AD in library !AD was compiled with an incompatible version of GT.M. Recompile with the current version and re-link.>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
INVZROENT <!AD is neither a directory nor an object library(DLL)>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DDPLOGERR <!AD: !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
GETSOCKNAMERR <Getting the socket name failed from getsockname(): (errno==!UL) !AD>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
INVGTMEXIT <Inappropriate invocation of gtm_exit. gtm_exit cannot be invoked from external calls.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CIMAXPARAM <Exceeded maximum number of parameters in the call-in table entry. An M routine cannot accept more than 32 parameters.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CITPNESTED <Call-ins can not be used inside a TP transaction>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
CIMAXLEVELS <Too many nested Call-ins. Nested resources exhausted at level !UL.>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
JOBINTRRETHROW <Job interrupt redelivered>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
STARFILE <Star(*) argument cannot be specified with !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
NOSTARFILE <Only star(*) argument can be specified with !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUJNLSTAT <!AD at !AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
JNLTPNEST <Mupip journal command found nested TP transactions for journal file !AD at offset 0x!XL at transaction number 0x!16@XQ>/warning/fao=4!/ansi=0
REPLOFFJNLON <Replication state for database file !AD is OFF but journaling state is enabled>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
FILEDELFAIL <Deletion of file !AD failed>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
INVQUALTIME <Invalid time qualifier value. Specify as !AD=delta_or_absolute_time.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
NOTPOSITIVE <!AD qualifier must be given a value greater than zero>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
INVREDIRQUAL <Invalid REDIRECT qualifier value. !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
INVERRORLIM <Invalid ERROR_LIMIT qualifier value. Must be at least zero>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INVIDQUAL <Invalid ID qualifier value !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
INVTRNSQUAL <Invalid TRANSACTION qualifier. Specify only one of TRANSACTION=[NO]SET or TRANSACTION=[NO]KILL.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLNOBIJBACK <MUPIP JOURNAL BACKWARD cannot continue as journal file !AD does not have before image journaling>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
SETREG2RESYNC <Setting resync sequence number 0x!16@XQ to region sequence number 0x!16@XQ for database !AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
JNLALIGNTOOSM <Alignsize !UL (bytes) is too small for a block size of !UL (bytes) for !AD !AD. Using alignsize of !UL (bytes) instead.>/warning/fao=7!/ansi=0
JNLFILEOPNERR <Error opening journal file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLFILECLOSERR <Error closing journal file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLSTATEOFF <ROLLBACK cannot proceed as database !AD does not have replication ON>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUJNLPREVGEN <Previous generation journal file !AD included for database file !AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
MUPJNLINTERRUPT <Database file !AD indicates interrupted MUPIP JOURNAL command. Restore from backup for forward recovery.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ROLLBKINTERRUPT <Database file !AD indicates interrupted ROLLBACK. Reissue the MUPIP JOURNAL ROLLBACK command.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
RLBKJNSEQ <Journal seqno of the instance after rollback is !@ZQ [0x!16@XQ]>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLRECFMT <Replication journal record format error encountered>/fatal/fao=0!/ansi=0
PRIMARYNOTROOT <Attempted operation not valid on non-root primary instance !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBFRZRESETFL <Freeze release failed on database file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLCYCLE <Journal file !AD causes cycle in the journal file generations of database file !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
JNLPREVRECOV <Journal file has nonzero value in prev_recov_end_of_data field>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
RESOLVESEQNO <Resolving until sequence number !@ZQ [0x!16@XQ]>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
BOVTNGTEOVTN <Journal file !AD has beginning transaction [0x!16@XQ] which is greater than end transaction [0x!16@XQ]>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
BOVTMGTEOVTM <Journal file !AD has beginning timestamp [0x!16@XQ] greater than end timestamp [0x!16@XQ]>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
BEGSEQGTENDSEQ <Journal file !AD has beginning sequence number [0x!16@XQ] greater than end sequence number [0x!16@XQ]>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
DBADDRALIGN <Database file !AD, element location 0x!XJ: blk = 0x!XL: [!AD] control 0x!XJ was unaligned relative to base 0x!XJ and element size 0x!XL>/info/fao=9!/ansi=0
DBWCVERIFYSTART <Database file !AD, write cache verification started by pid !UL [0x!XL] at transaction number 0x!16@XQ>/info/fao=5!/ansi=0
DBWCVERIFYEND <Database file !AD, write cache verification finished by pid !UL [0x!XL] at transaction number 0x!16@XQ>/info/fao=5!/ansi=0
MUPIPSIG <!AD (signal !UL) issued from process !UL [0x!XL] to process !UL [0x!XL]>/info/fao=7!/ansi=0
HTSHRINKFAIL <Hash table compaction failed to allocate new smaller table due to lack of memory>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
STPEXPFAIL <Stringpool expansion failed. It could not expand to !UL bytes.>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
DBBTUWRNG <The blocks-to-upgrade file-header field is incorrect. Expected 0x!XL, found 0x!XL>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBBTUFIXED <The blocks-to-upgrade file-header field has been changed to the correct value>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBMAXREC2BIG <Maximum record size (!UL) is too large for this block size (!UL) - Maximum is !UL>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
DBCSCNNOTCMPLT <Specified DBCERTIFY SCAN output file is not complete - Rerun scan>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBCBADFILE <Source file !AD does not appear to have been generated by DBCERTIFY SCAN - rerun SCAN or specify correct file>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBCNOEXTND <Unable to extend database !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBCINTEGERR <Encountered integrity error in database !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBMINRESBYTES <Minimum RESERVED BYTES value required for certification/upgrade is !UL - Currently is !UL>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBCNOTSAMEDB <Database has been moved or restored since DBCERTIFY SCAN - Rerun scan>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBCDBCERTIFIED <Database !AD has been certified for use with !AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
DBCMODBLK2BIG <Block 0x!XL has been modified since DBCERTIFY SCAN but is still too large or now has an earlier TN than in the scan phase - Rerun scan phase>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
DBCREC2BIG <Record with key !AD is length !UL in block 0x!XL which is greater than the maximum length !UL in database !AD>/error/fao=7!/ansi=0
DBCCMDFAIL <Executed command failed with return code !SL: !AD which executed !AD !AD>/error/fao=7!/ansi=0
DBCKILLIP <Cannot proceed with kill in progress indicator set for database !AD -- Run MUPIP INTEG first>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBCNOFINISH <DBCERTIFY unable to finish all requested actions>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DYNUPGRDFAIL <Unable to dynamically upgrade block 0x!XL in database !AD due to lack of free space in block>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
MMNODYNDWNGRD <Unable to use dynamic downgrade with MM access method for region !AD. Use BG access method for downgrade>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MMNODYNUPGRD <Unable to use MM access method for region !AD until all database blocks are upgraded>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUDWNGRDNRDY <Database !AD is not ready to downgrade - still !UL database blocks to downgrade>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
MUDWNGRDTN <Transaction number 0x!16@XQ in database !AD is too big for MUPIP [REORG] DOWNGRADE. Renew database with MUPIP INTEG TN_RESET>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
MUDWNGRDNOTPOS <Start VBN value is [!UL] while downgraded GT.M version can support only [!UL]. Downgrade not possible>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUUPGRDNRDY <Database !AD has not been certified as being ready to upgrade to !AD format>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
TNWARN <Database file !AD has 0x!16@XQ more transactions to go before reaching the transaction number limit (0x!16@XQ). Renew database with MUPIP INTEG TN_RESET>/warning/fao=4!/ansi=0
TNTOOLARGE <Database file !AD has reached the transaction number limit (0x!16@XQ). Renew database with MUPIP INTEG TN_RESET>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
SHMPLRECOV <Shared memory pool block recovery invoked for region !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUNOSTRMBKUP <Database !AD has a block size larger than !UL and thus cannot use stream (incremental) backup>/warning/fao=3!/ansi=0
EPOCHTNHI <At the EPOCH record at offset !UL of !AD transaction number [0x!16@XQ] is higher than database transaction number [0x!16@XQ]>/error/fao=5!/ansi=0
CHNGTPRSLVTM <Mupip will change tp_resolve_time from !UL to !UL because expected EPOCH or EOF record was not found in Journal File !AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
JNLUNXPCTERR <Unexpected error encountered for Journal !AD at disk address 0x!XL>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
OMISERVHANG <GTCM OMI server is hung>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
RSVDBYTE2HIGH <Record size (!UL) is greater than the maximum allowed for region !AD with Block size (!UL) and Reserved bytes (!UL)>/error/fao=5!/ansi=0
BKUPTMPFILOPEN <Open of backup temporary file !AD failed>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
BKUPTMPFILWRITE <Write to backup temporary file !AD failed>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
VMSMEMORY2 <Central storage exhausted during allocation of dynamic file descriptor with !UL bytes - check page file quota and page file size>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
LOADBGSZ2 <Load error: BEGIN too large. No records loaded.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
LOADEDSZ2 <Load error: END too large. No records loaded.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
REPLINSTMISMTCH <Process has replication instance file !AD (jnlpool shmid = !UL) open but database !AD is bound to instance file !AD (jnlpool shmid = !UL)>/error/fao=8!/ansi=0
REPLINSTREAD <Error reading [0x!XL] bytes at offset [0x!16@XQ] from replication instance file !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
REPLINSTDBMATCH <Replication instance file !AD has seqno [0x!16@XQ] while database has a different seqno [0x!16@XQ]>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
REPLINSTNMSAME <Primary and Secondary instances have the same replication instance name !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLINSTNMUNDEF <Replication instance name not defined>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
REPLINSTNMLEN <Replication instance name !AD should be 1 to 15 characters long>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLINSTNOHIST <History information for !AD not found in replication instance file !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
REPLINSTSECLEN <Secondary replication instance name !AD should be 1 to 15 characters long>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLINSTSECMTCH <Secondary replication instance name !AD sent by receiver does not match !AD specified at source server startup>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
REPLINSTSECNONE <No information found for secondary instance !AD in instance file !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
REPLINSTSECUNDF <Secondary replication instance name not defined>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
REPLINSTSEQORD <!AD has seqno [0x!16@XQ] which is less than last record seqno [0x!16@XQ] in replication instance file !AD>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
REPLINSTSTNDALN <Could not get exclusive access to replication instance file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
REPLREQROLLBACK <Replication instance file !AD indicates abnormal shutdown or an incomplete ROLLBACK. Run MUPIP JOURNAL ROLLBACK first>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
REQROLLBACK <Error accessing database !AD. Run MUPIP JOURNAL ROLLBACK on cluster node !AD.>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
UNUSEDMSG1256 <REPLUPGRADESEC : Last used in V5.4-002B>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
SRCSRVEXISTS <Source server for secondary instance !AD is already running with pid !UL>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
SRCSRVNOTEXIST <Source server for secondary instance !AD is not alive>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
SRCSRVTOOMANY <Cannot start more than !UL source servers in replication instance !AD>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
JNLPOOLBADSLOT <Source server slot for secondary instance !AD is in an inconsistent state. Pid = [!UL], State = [!UL], SlotIndex = [!UL]>/warning/fao=5!/ansi=0
NOENDIANCVT <Unable to convert the endian format of file !AD due to !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
ENDIANCVT <Converted database file !AD from !AZ endian to !AZ endian on a !AZ endian system>/info/fao=5!/ansi=0
DBENDIAN <Database file !AD is !AZ endian on a !AZ endian system>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
BADCHSET <!AD is not a valid character mapping in this context>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
BADCASECODE <!AD is not a valid case conversion code>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
BADCHAR <$ZCHAR(!AD) is not a valid character in the !AD encoding form>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
DLRCILLEGAL <!_!AD!/!_!_!_Illegal $CHAR() value !UL>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
NONUTF8LOCALE <Locale has character encoding (!AD) which is not compatible with UTF-8 character set>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
INVDLRCVAL <Invalid $CHAR() value !UL>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
DBMISALIGN <Database file !AD has !UL blocks which does not match alignment rules. Reconstruct the database from a backup or extend it by at least !UL blocks.>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
LOADINVCHSET <Extract file CHSET (!AD) is incompatible with gtm_chset>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DLLCHSETM <Routine !AD in library !AD was compiled with CHSET=M which is different from $ZCHSET. Recompile with CHSET=UTF-8 and re-link.>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
DLLCHSETUTF8 <Routine !AD in library !AD was compiled with CHSET=UTF-8 which is different from $ZCHSET. Recompile with CHSET=M and re-link.>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
BOMMISMATCH <!AD Byte Order Marker found when !AD character set specified>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
WIDTHTOOSMALL <WIDTH should be at least 2 when device ICHSET or OCHSET is UTF-8 or UTF-16>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
SOCKMAX <Attempt to exceed maximum sockets (!UL) for the SOCKET device>/error/fao=1!/ansi=80
PADCHARINVALID <PAD deviceparameter cannot be greater than 127>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCNOPREALLOUTPAR <Parameter !UL in external call !AD.!AD is an output only parameter requiring pre-allocation>/error/fao=5!/ansi=0
SVNEXPECTED <Special variable expected in this context>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
SVNONEW <Cannot NEW this special variable>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZINTDIRECT <Attempt to enter direct mode from $ZINTERRUPT>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZINTRECURSEIO <Attempt to do IO to the active device in $ZINTERRUPT>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MRTMAXEXCEEDED <Maximum value of !UL for SOCKET device parameter MOREREADTIME exceeded>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
JNLCLOSED <Journaling closed for database file !AD at transaction number 0x!16@XQ>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
RLBKNOBIMG <ROLLBACK cannot proceed as database !AD has NOBEFORE_IMAGE journaling>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
RLBKJNLNOBIMG <Journal file !AD has NOBEFORE_IMAGE journaling>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
RLBKLOSTTNONLY <ROLLBACK will only create a lost transaction file (database and journal files will not be modified)>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
KILLBYSIGSINFO3 <!AD process !UL has been killed by a signal !UL accessing vaddress 0x!XJ>/fatal/fao=5!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRTMPPATH <gtmsecshr path is !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
GTMERREXIT <GTM image has exited with errors>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
INVMEMRESRV <Could not allocate GT.M memory reserve (!AD)>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
OPCOMMISSED <!UL errors and !UL MBFULLs sending prior operator messages>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
COMMITWAITSTUCK <Pid !UL timed out after waiting !UL minute(s) for !UL concurrent GT.M process(es) to finish commits in database file !AD>/error/fao=5!/ansi=0
COMMITWAITPID <Pid !UL waited !UL minute(s) for pid !UL to finish commits to block 0x!XL in database file !AD>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
UPDREPLSTATEOFF <Error replicating global ^!AD as it maps to database !AD which has replication turned OFF>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
LITNONGRAPH <M standard requires graphics in string literals>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBFHEADERR8 <Database file !AD: control problem: !AD was 0x!16@XQ expecting 0x!16@XQ> /info /fao=6!/ansi=0
MMBEFOREJNL <BEFORE image journaling cannot be set with MM access method in database file !AD>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
MMNOBFORRPL <Replication cannot be used in database file !AD which uses MM access method and NOBEFORE image journaling>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
KILLABANDONED <Abandoned kills counter is greater than zero for file !AD, !AD>/warning/fao=4!/ansi=0
BACKUPKILLIP <Kill in progress indicator is set for file !AD, backup database could have incorrectly marked busy integrity errors>/warning/fao=2!/ansi=0
LOGTOOLONG <Environment variable !AD is too long. Maximum length allowed is !UL bytes.>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
NOALIASLIST <Parenthetical lists of multiple arguments cannot have a preceding alias introducer or include alias (*) forms>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ALIASEXPECTED <Alias or alias container variable expected in this context>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
VIEWLVN <Invalid local variable name used with VIEW/$VIEW(): !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DZWRNOPAREN <$ZWRTACxxx is not allowed inside a parenthesized SET target>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DZWRNOALIAS <$ZWRTAC cannot be aliased>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
FREEZEERR <Error while trying to !AD region !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
CLOSEFAIL <Error while closing file descriptor !SL>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
CRYPTINIT <Error initializing encryption library. !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CRYPTOPFAILED <Encrypt/Decrypt operation failed. !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CRYPTDLNOOPEN <Error loading encryption library. !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CRYPTNOV4 <!AD is an encrypted database. Cannot downgrade(to V4) with Encryption option enabled.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CRYPTNOMM <!AD is an encrypted database. Cannot support MM access method.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CRYPTJNLWRONGHASH <Encryption key hash mismatch between journal file !AD and corresponding database file !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
CRYPTKEYFETCHFAILED <Cannot obtain encryption key for !AD. !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
CRYPTKEYFETCHFAILEDNF <Cannot obtain encryption key. !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CRYPTHASHGENFAILED <Error generating encryption hash. !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CRYPTNOPSWDINTP <Cannot prompt for password inside a TP transaction.>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
BADTAG <Unable to use file !AD (CCSID !UL) with CCSID !UL>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
ICUVERLT36 <!AD !UL.!UL. ICU version greater than or equal to 3.6 should be used>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
ICUSYMNOTFOUND <Symbol !AD not found in the ICU libraries. ICU needs to be built with symbol-renaming disabled or gtm_icu_version environment variable needs to be properly specified>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
STUCKACT <Process stuck script invoked: !AD : !AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
CALLINAFTERXIT <After a gtm_exit, a process can never create a valid GT.M context>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
LOCKSPACEFULL <No more room for LOCK slots on database file !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
IOERROR <Error occured while doing !AD in !AD operation -- called from module !AD at line !UL>/error/fao=7!/ansi=0
MAXSSREACHED <Maximum snapshots - !UL - for region !AD reached. Please wait for the existing snapshots to complete before starting a new one.>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
SNAPSHOTNOV4 <Cannot downgrade (to V4) while snapshots are in progress. Currently !UL snapshots are in progress for region !AD.>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
SSV4NOALLOW <Database snapshots are supported only on fully upgraded V5 databases. !AD has V4 format blocks.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
SSTMPDIRSTAT <Cannot access temporary directory !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
SSTMPCREATE <Cannot create the temporary file in directory !AD for the requested snapshot>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLFILEDUP <Journal files !AD and !AD are the same>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
SSPREMATEOF <Premature end of file while reading block !UL of size: !UL bytes at offset: !UL from !AD>/error/fao=5!/ansi=0
SSFILOPERR <Error while doing !AD operation on file !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
REGSSFAIL <Process !UL encountered error contributing to the snapshot for region !AD - the snapshot is no longer valid>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
SSSHMCLNUPFAIL <Error while doing snapshot shared memory cleanup. Operation -- !AD. Identifier -- !UL>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
SSFILCLNUPFAIL <Error while unlinking snapshot file -- !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
SETINTRIGONLY <ISV !AD cannot be modified outside of the trigger environment>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MAXTRIGNEST <Maximum trigger nesting level (!UL) exceeded>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
TRIGCOMPFAIL <Compilation of database trigger named !AD failed>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
NOZTRAPINTRIG <Use of $ZTRAP in a database trigger environment ($ZTLEVEL greater than 0) is not supported>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZTWORMHOLE2BIG <String length of !UL bytes exceeds maximum length of !UL bytes for $ZTWORMHOLE>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLENDIANLITTLE <Journal file !AD is LITTLE endian on a BIG endian system>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
JNLENDIANBIG <Journal file !AD is BIG endian on a LITTLE endian system>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
TRIGINVCHSET <Trigger !AD for global ^!AD was created with CHSET=!AD which is different from the current $ZCHSET of this process>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
TRIGREPLSTATE <Trigger cannot update replicated database file !AD since triggering update was not replicated>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
GVDATAGETFAIL <Global variable DATAGET sub-operation (in KILL function) failed. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
TRIG2NOTRIG <Sending transaction sequence number 0x!16@XQ which used triggers to a replicator that does not support triggers>/warning/fao=1!/ansi=0
ZGOTOINVLVL <ZGOTO in a trigger running in !AD cannot ZGOTO level !UL>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
TRIGTCOMMIT <TCOMMIT at $ZTLEVEL=!UL not allowed as corresponding TSTART was done at lower $ZTLEVEL=!UL>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
TRIGTLVLCHNG <Detected a net transaction level ($TLEVEL) change during trigger !AD. Transaction level must be the same at exit as when the trigger started>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
TRIGNAMEUNIQ <Unable to make trigger name !AD unique beyond !UL versions already loaded>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
ZTRIGINVACT <Missing or invalid parameter in position !UL given to $ZTRIGGER()>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
UNUSEDMSG1354 <ZTRIGNOTP : Last used in V5.4-001>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
QUITALSINV <QUIT * return when the extrinsic was not invoked with SET *>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
PROCTERM <!AD process termination due to !AD (return code !UL) from !AD>/warning/fao=7!/ansi=0
SRCLNNTDSP <Source lines exceeding !UL character width are not displayed>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
ARROWNTDSP <Unable to display ^----- due to length of source line>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
TRIGDEFBAD <Trigger initialization failed for global ^!AD. Error while processing ^#t("!AD",!AD)>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
TRIGSUBSCRANGE <Trigger definition for global ^!AD has one or more invalid subscript range(s) : !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
TRIGDATAIGNORE <Ignoring trigger data !AD. Use MUPIP TRIGGER to load trigger definitions>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
TRIGIS <!_!_Trigger name: !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
TCOMMITDISALLOW <TROLLBACK required after an unhandled error in trigger context>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
SSATTACHSHM <Error while attaching to shared memory identifier !UL>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
TRIGDEFNOSYNC <Global ^!AD has triggers defined on the !AD instance but none on the !AD instance. Current journal sequence number is 0x!16@XQ>/warning/fao=7!/ansi=0
TRESTMAX <TRESTART not allowed in a final TP retry more than once>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
TPLOCKRESTMAX <Transaction restarts due to unavailability of locks not allowed in a final TP retry more than !UL times>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
GBLEXPECTED <Global variable reference expected in this context>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
GVZTRIGFAIL <ZTRIGGER of a global variable failed. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
UNUSEDMSG1370 <ONLYLDTRIG: Last used in V5.4-001>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
SETINSETTRIGONLY <ISV !AD can only be modified in a 'SET' type trigger>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DZTRIGINTRIG <$ZTRIGGER() is not allowed inside trigger context. Trigger name: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
SECNODZTRIGINTP <Sequence number 0x!16@XQ contains $ZTRIGGER() updates made inside a transaction which the current replicating instance does not support. The replicating instance must be upgraded to at least V5.4-002 to support this type of transaction. Cannot continue>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
BOOLSIDEFFECT <Extrinsic ($$), External call ($&) or $INCREMENT() with potential side effects in Boolean expression>/warning/fao=0!/ansi=0
DBBADUPGRDSTATE <Correcting conflicting values for fields describing database version upgrade state in the file header for region !AD (!AD) - make fresh backups with new journal files immediately.>/warning/fao=4!/ansi=0
WRITEWAITPID <PID !UL waited !UL minute(s) for PID !UL to finish writing block 0x!XL in database file !AD>/error/fao=6!/ansi=0
ZGOCALLOUTIN <ZGOTO level 0 with entry ref not valid when using call-ins>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
REPLNOXENDIAN <!AD side is running on a GT.M version that does not support cross-endian replication. Upgrade the !AD side to at least V5.3-003 to support cross-endian replication. Cannot continue>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
REPLXENDIANFAIL <!AD side encountered error while doing endian conversion at journal sequence number 0x!16@XQ>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
ZGOTOINVLVL2 <ZGOTO 0:entryref is not valid on VMS (UNLINK is a UNIX only feature)>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRCHDIRF <gtmsecshr unable to chdir to its temporary directory (!AD)>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
UNUSEDMSG1382 <FORCTRLINDX: Only used in V5.4-002>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCCLNUPRTNMISNG <External call: Cleanup routine name missing. Cannot continue>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ZCINVALIDKEYWORD <External call: Invalid keyword found. Cannot continue>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
REPLNOMULTILINETRG <Sequence number 0x!16@XQ contains a trigger definition too large for transmission to the current replicating instance, which does not support multi-line triggers - stopping replication>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
DBSHMNAMEDIFF <Database file !AD points to shared memory (id = !UL) which points to a different database file !AZ>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
SHMREMOVED <Removed Shared Memory id !UL corresponding to file !AD>/info/fao=3!/ansi=0
DEVICEWRITEONLY <Cannot read from a write-only device>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ICUERROR <ICU returned status !UL which is either unrecognized or inconsistent with the operating context>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
ZDATEBADDATE <$ZDATE() date argument !AD is less than -365 (the $HOROLOG value for 01-JAN-1840) or greater than 364570088 (the $HOROLOG value for 31-DEC-999999)>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
ZDATEBADTIME <$ZDATE() time argument !AD is less than 0 or greater than 86399 (the $HOROLOG value for a second before midnight)>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
COREINPROGRESS <Previous core attempt failed; core generation bypassed>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MAXSEMGETRETRY <Failed to get ftok semaphore after !UL tries because it is being continually deleted>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
JNLNOREPL <Replication not enabled for journal file !AD (database file !AD)>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
JNLRECINCMPL <Incomplete journal record at disk address 0x!XL for file !AD while attempting to read seqno 0x!16@XQ>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
JNLALLOCGROW <Increased Journal ALLOCATION from [!UL blocks] to [!UL blocks] to match AUTOSWITCHLIMIT for !AZ !AD>/info/fao=5!/ansi=0
INVTRCGRP <Invalid trace group specified in $gtm_trace_groups: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUINFOUINT6 <!AD : !UL [0x!XL] ; $H=!UL,!UL>/info/fao=6!/ansi=0
NOLOCKMATCH <No matching locks were found in !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
BADREGION <Region is not BG, MM, or CM>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
LOCKSPACEUSE <Estimated free lock space: !UL% of !UL pages>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
JIUNHNDINT <An error during $ZINTERRUPT processing was not handled: !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
GTMASSERT2 <!AD - Assert failed !AD line !UL for expression (!AD)>/fatal/fao=7!/ansi=0
ZTRIGNOTRW <ZTRIGGER cannot operate on read-only region !AD>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
TRIGMODREGNOTRW <Trigger(s) cannot be added/changed/deleted because region !AD is read-only>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
INSNOTJOINED <Replicating Instance !AD is not a member of the same Group as Instance !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
INSROLECHANGE <Supplementary Instance !AD and non-Supplementary Instance !AD belong to the same Group>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
INSUNKNOWN <Supplementary Instance !AD has no instance definition for non-Supplementary Instance !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
NORESYNCSUPPLONLY <NORESYNC only supported for Supplementary Instances>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
NORESYNCUPDATERONLY <NORESYNC qualifier only allowed on a Supplementary Instance which allows local updates>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
NOSUPPLSUPPL <Instance !AD is configured to perform local updates so it cannot receive from Supplementary Instance !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
REPL2OLD <Instance !AD uses a GT.M version that does not support connection with the current version on instance !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
UNUSEDMSG1413 <RCVR2MANY: Never used before so slot free for reuse>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
UNUSEDMSG1414 <RLBKCONFIGBNDRY: Never used before so slot free for reuse>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
SECNOTSUPPLEMENTARY <!AD is a Supplementary Instance and so cannot act as a source to non-Supplementary Instance !AD >/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
SUPRCVRNEEDSSUPSRC <Instance !AD is not configured to perform local updates so it cannot act as a receiver for non-Supplementary Instance !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
UNUSEDMSG1417 <SYNCTOSAMETYPE: Never used before so slot free for reuse>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
UNUSEDMSG1418 <TARGINSRUNNING: Never used before so slot free for reuse>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
UPDSYNC2MTINS <Can only UPDATERESYNC with an empty instance file>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
UPDSYNCINSTFILE <Error with instance file name specified in UPDATERESYNC qualifier>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
REUSEINSTNAME <Error with instance name specified in REUSE qualifier>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
RCVRMANYSTRMS <Receiver server now connecting to source stream [!2UL] but had previously connected to a different stream [!2UL]>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
RSYNCSTRMVAL <RSYNC_STRM qualifier can only take on a value from 0 to 15>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
RLBKSTRMSEQ <Stream journal seqno of the instance after rollback is Stream !2UL : Seqno !@ZQ [0x!16@XQ]>/info/fao=3!/ansi=0
RESOLVESEQSTRM <Resolving until stream sequence number Stream !2UL : Seqno !@ZQ [0x!16@XQ]>/info/fao=3!/ansi=0
REPLINSTDBSTRM <Replication instance file !AD has seqno [0x!16@XQ] for Stream !2UL while database has a different seqno [0x!16@XQ]>/error/fao=5!/ansi=0
RESUMESTRMNUM <Error with stream number specified in RESUME qualifier>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
ORLBKSTART <ONLINE ROLLBACK started on instance !AD corresponding to !AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
ORLBKTERMNTD <ONLINE ROLLBACK terminated on instance !AD corresponding to !AD with the above errors>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
ORLBKCMPLT <ONLINE ROLLBACK completed successfully on instance !AD corresponding to !AD>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
ORLBKNOSTP <ONLINE ROLLBACK proceeding with database updates. MUPIP STOP will no longer be allowed>/info/fao=0!/ansi=0
ORLBKFRZPROG <!AD : waiting for FREEZE on region !AD (!AD) to clear>/info/fao=6!/ansi=0
ORLBKFRZOVER <!AD : FREEZE on region !AD (!AD) cleared>/info/fao=6!/ansi=0
ORLBKNOV4BLK <Region !AD (!AD) has V4 format blocks. Database upgrade required. ONLINE ROLLBACK cannot continue>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
DBROLLEDBACK <Concurrent ONLINE ROLLBACK detected on one or more regions. The current operation is no longer valid>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
DSEWCREINIT <Database cache reinitialized by DSE for region !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
UNUSEDMSG1437 <A total of !UL process(es) skipped database rundown due to a concurrent ONLINE ROLLBACK>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
! The following error message is NOT issued to the user and is only internal to GT.M
REPLONLNRLBK <ONLINE ROLLBACK detected. Starting afresh>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
SRVLCKWT2LNG <PID !UL is holding the source server lock. Waited for !UL minute(s). Now exiting>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
IGNBMPMRKFREE <Ignoring bitmap free-up operation for region !AD (!AD) due to concurrent ONLINE ROLLBACK>/info/fao=4!/ansi=0
PERMGENFAIL <Failed to determine access permissions to use for creation of !AD for file !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
PERMGENDIAG <Permissions: Proc(uid:!UL,gid:!UL), DB File(uid:!UL,gid:!UL,perm:!AD), Lib File(gid:!UL,perm:!AD), Group Mem(opener:!UL,owner:!UL)>/info/fao=11!/ansi=0
MUTRUNC1ATIME <Process with PID !UL already performing truncate in region !AD>/info/fao=3!/ansi=0
MUTRUNCBACKINPROG <Truncate detected concurrent backup in progress for region !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUTRUNCERROR <Truncate of region !AD encountered service error !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
MUTRUNCFAIL <Truncate failed after reorg>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUTRUNCNOSPACE <Region !AD has insufficient space to meet truncate target percentage of !UL>/info/fao=3!/ansi=0
MUTRUNCNOTBG <Region !AD does not have access method BG >/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUTRUNCNOV4 <Region !AD is not fully upgraded from V4 format.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUTRUNCPERCENT <Truncate threshold percentage should be from 0 to 99>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUTRUNCSSINPROG <Truncate detected concurrent snapshot in progress for region !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
MUTRUNCSUCCESS <Database file !AD truncated from 0x!XL blocks to 0x!XL at transaction 0x!16@XQ>/info/fao=5!/ansi=0
RSYNCSTRMSUPPLONLY <RSYNC_STRM qualifier only supported for Supplementary Instances>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
STRMNUMIS <Stream # is !2UL>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
STRMNUMMISMTCH1 <Stream !2UL exists on the receiver instance file but is unknown on the source instance>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
STRMNUMMISMTCH2 <Stream !2UL exists on the source instance file but is unknown on the receiver instance>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
STRMSEQMISMTCH <Unable to play update on Stream !2UL with seqno [0x!16@XQ] as receiving instance has a different stream seqno [0x!16@XQ]>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
LOCKSPACEINFO <Region: !AD: processes on queue: !UL/!UL; LOCK slots in use: !UL/!UL; name space!ADfull>/info/fao=8!/ansi=0
JRTNULLFAIL <Applying NULL journal record failed. Failure code: !AD.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
LOCKSUB2LONG <Following subscript is !UL bytes long which exceeds 255 byte limit.>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
RESRCWAIT <Waiting briefly for the !AD semaphore for region !AD (!AD) was held by PID !UL (Sem. ID: !UL).>/info/fao=8!/ansi=0
RESRCINTRLCKBYPAS <!AD with PID !UL bypassing the !AD semaphore for region !AD (!AD) was held by PID !UL.>/info/fao=10!/ansi=0
DBFHEADERRANY <Database file !AD: control problem: !AD was 0x!XJ expecting 0x!XJ> /info /fao=6!/ansi=0
REPLINSTFROZEN <Instance !AZ is now Frozen>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
REPLINSTFREEZECOMMENT <Freeze Comment: !AZ>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
REPLINSTUNFROZEN <Instance !AZ is now Unfrozen>/info/fao=1!/ansi=0
DSKNOSPCAVAIL <Attempted write to file !AD failed due to lack of disk space. Retrying indefinitely.>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
DSKNOSPCBLOCKED <Retry of write to file !AD suspended due to new instance freeze. Waiting for instance to be unfrozen.>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DSKSPCAVAILABLE <Write to file !AD succeeded after out-of-space condition cleared>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
ENOSPCQIODEFER <Write to file !AD deferred due to lack of disk space>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
CUSTOMFILOPERR <Error while doing !AD operation on file !AD>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
CUSTERRNOTFND <Error mnemonic !AD specified in custom errors file is not valid for this version of GT.M>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
CUSTERRSYNTAX <Syntax error in file !AD at line number !UL>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
ORLBKINPROG <Online ROLLBACK in progress by PID !UL in region !AD>/info/fao=3!/ansi=0
DBSPANGLOINCMP <!AD Spanning node is missing. Block no !UL of spanning node is missing>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
DBSPANCHUNKORD <!AD Chunk of !UL blocks is out of order>/error/fao=3!/ansi=0
DBDATAMX <!AD Record too large>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
DBIOERR <Error while doing write operation on region !AD (!AD)>/error/fao=4!/ansi=0
INITORRESUME <UPDATERESYNC on a Supplementary Instance must additionally specify INITIALIZE or RESUME>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRNOARG0 <gtmsecshr cannot identify its origin - argv[0] is null>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRISNOT <gtmsecshr is not running as gtmsecshr but !AD - must be gtmsecshr>/error/fao=2!/ansi=0
GTMSECSHRBADDIR <gtmsecshr is not running from $gtm_dist/gtmsecshrdir or $gtm_dist cannot be determined>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
JNLBUFFREGUPD <Journal file buffer size for region !AD has been adjusted from !UL to !UL.>/warning/fao=4!/ansi=0
JNLBUFFDBUPD <Journal file buffer size for database file !AD has been adjusted from !UL to !UL.>/warning/fao=4!/ansi=0
LOCKINCR2HIGH <Attempt to increment a LOCK more than !UL times>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0
LOCKIS <!_!_Resource name: !AD>/info/fao=2!/ansi=0
LDSPANGLOINCMP <Incomplete spanning node found during load>/error/fao=0!/ansi=0
MUFILRNDWNFL2 <Database section (id = !UL) belonging to database file !AD rundown failed>/info/fao=3!/ansi=0
MUINSTFROZEN <!AD : Instance !AZ is frozen. Waiting for instance to be unfrozen before proceeding with writes to database file !AD>/info/fao=5!/ansi=0
MUINSTUNFROZEN <!AD : Instance !AZ is now Unfrozen. Continuing with writes to database file !AD>/info/fao=5!/ansi=0
! If there are UNUSEDMSG* lines unused for more than one year and at least two non-patch releases, use them before adding new lines.