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# #
# Copyright 2001, 2011 Fidelity Information Services, Inc #
# #
# This source code contains the intellectual property #
# of its copyright holder(s), and is made available #
# under a license. If you do not know the terms of #
# the license, please stop and do not read further. #
# #
# gtmdef.csh - set up initial GT.M environment variables
# This shell script corresponds to the VMS script
# which defines all of the system globals for
# the Greystone GT.M development environment. I.e.,
# each of the following 'setenv' commands is intended to
# be roughly equivalent to the VMS 'define/system'
# command.
# To duplicate this effect as much as possible, this
# script should be invoked as soon as possible after
# shell startup (see gtm_cshrc.csh).
if ("OS/390" != `uname -s`) then
setenv gtm_gtmdev "/usr" # List of directories containing subdirectories named gtm_topdir which
setenv gtm_gtmdev "/gtm" # List of directories containing subdirectories named gtm_topdir which
# may contain GT.M releases. "NULL" => subdirectory is home of library
set gtm_gtmdev_lcl = ( $gtm_gtmdev ) # Note: this must be a shell variable in order to use subscripts
# (see below).
setenv gtm_topdir library # name of top subdirectory that may contain release subdirectories
setenv gtm_root $gtm_gtmdev_lcl[1]/$gtm_topdir # location of development directory tree
setenv gtm_com $gtm_root/com # location of GT.M csh scripts
source $gtm_com/versions.csh # establish the environment variables:
# gtm_curpro (current production release name)
# gtm_verno (current active release name)
set vernam=$gtm_gtmdev_lcl[1]/$gtm_topdir/$gtm_verno
# Note that gtm_ver and gtm_vrt have identical values on Unix.
# On VMS one is a "normal" logical value and the other is "concealed".
setenv gtm_ver $vernam
setenv gtm_vrt $vernam # /translate=(concealed) on VMS
setenv gtm_tools $gtm_vrt/tools
setenv gtm_inc $gtm_vrt/inc
source $gtm_tools/synch_env_version.csh # set up dependent environment variables
setenv gtm_exe $gtm_dbg # the active version (initially debug)
setenv gtmsrc_last_exe $gtm_exe # initial value for use by gtmsrc.csh
# establish default gtmroutines
setenv gtmroutines ". $gtm_exe"