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* *
* Copyright 2012 Fidelity Information Services, Inc *
* *
* This source code contains the intellectual property *
* of its copyright holder(s), and is made available *
* under a license. If you do not know the terms of *
* the license, please stop and do not read further. *
* *
#include "mdef.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "gtm_stdio.h"
#include "min_max.h"
#include "lv_val.h"
#include "rtnhdr.h"
#include "mv_stent.h"
#include "compiler.h"
#include "gdsroot.h"
#include "gtm_facility.h"
#include "fileinfo.h"
#include "gdsbt.h"
#include "gdsfhead.h"
#include "alias.h"
#include "stack_frame.h"
#include "parm_pool.h"
GBLREF stack_frame *frame_pointer;
GBLREF mv_stent *mv_chain;
GBLREF unsigned char *msp, *stackbase, *stackwarn, *stacktop;
GBLREF symval *curr_symval;
* The structure of the parameter pool looks like this:
* 64-bit platforms:
* _____________________________|_________________|_______________________|_____
* | | | | | | | | | | | | |
* | p | p | p | f | m/c | p | f | m/c | p | p | f | m/c | ...
* |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____
* 0 1 2 3 4 | 5 6 7 | 8 9 10 11 |
* 32-bit platforms:
* _________________|___________|_________________|_____
* | | | | | | | | |
* | p/p | p/f | m/c | p/f | m/c | p/p | f/- | m/c | ...
* |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____
* 0 1 2 | 3 4 | 5 6 7 |
* In this example we store three sets of parameters, first having three, second having one, and
* third having two parameters. In addition to that, each set also includes a frame field that
* contains a pointer to the stack frame that the parameter set corresponds to, and mask_and_cnt
* structure that holds the mask and count values for the parameters stored in the set (refer to
* parm_pool.h). To always be able to properly populate this pool, we are maintaining a special
* integer variable, start_idx, which indicates the offset past the mask_and_cnt slot of the
* current parameter set.
* Because of alignment issues, on 32-bit platforms we will store two parameter pointers per slot;
* the slot containing the last parameter will also store the frame field in case the number of
* parameters is odd; the frame field is stored in an individual parameter otherwise. So, 4 bytes of
* space are wasted (indicated by '-' in the illustration) on 32-bit platforms when the number of
* parameters is even.
* If for some reason a stored parameter set is not read before a new set is stored (due to
* out-of-band, error, or some other condition), then we can start recording new parameters at
* start_idx because it already points to the first vacant slot. To guarantee that we will not
* endlessly keep storing new parameters in the pool, we get rid of the last parameter set on a
* stack frame unwind if that frame's address corresponds to the frame field of the parameter set.
* This is achieved via PARM_ACT_UNSTACK_IF_NEEDED macro.
* For situations when the parameters are stored and subsequently read prior to unwinding the
* respective stack frame, we increase the value of the set's actualcnt by SAFE_TO_OVWRT value,
* which is a special *even* value that is guaranteed to be greater than MAX_ACTUALS, the maximum
* number of parameters allowed to be passed to a label. Adding SAFE_TO_OVWRT, rather than
* overwriting, accomplishes two purposes in our design: (1) the set is clearly marked to have been
* used and thus disposable; (2) we can find out how many parameters the set had by subtracting
* SAFE_TO_OVWRT from actualcnt. So, if we detect that the last parameter set stored in the pool has
* already been used, we rewind start_idx by the number of slots occupied by that set (including
* the ones alloted to frame and mask_and_cnt structures). Please note that the "rewind number" is
* calculated differently on 64- and 32-bit architecture machines. Once we store a new set of
* parameters, we advance start_idx by however many slots the new set occuppied, to point to the
* next vacant slot.
* Although we do not expect a lot of parameters in the pool at the same time, we have a mechanism
* of expanding the allocated storage. The initial allocation happens when the first set of
* parameters is passed in the program. Subsequent allocations occur on if-needed basis, as decided
* in push_parm().
/* Preallocate space for at least init_capacity parameters. */
STATICFNDEF void parm_pool_init(unsigned int init_capacity)
int capacity = 2;
init_capacity = MAX(init_capacity, PARM_POOL_INIT_CAP); /* Update the minimum initial capacity if needed. */
CAPACITY_ROUND_UP2(capacity, init_capacity); /* Bump up the initial capacity to the first larger power of two. */
TREF(parm_pool_ptr) = (parm_pool *)malloc(SIZEOF(parm_pool) + (SIZEOF(lv_val *) * (capacity - 1) * LV_VALS_PER_SLOT));
(TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->capacity = capacity;
(TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->start_idx = 0;
(*(TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->parms).mask_and_cnt.actualcnt = SAFE_TO_OVWRT;
/* Push lv_val parameters into our pool, taking proper care of unread parameters. An important note is that
* op_bindparm() should increase actualcnt of the read set of parameters by a value of SAFE_TO_OVWRT, to
* indicate that it is OK to overwrite those parameters, since they have already been read and bound.
void push_parm(UNIX_ONLY_COMMA(unsigned int totalcnt) int truth_value, ...)
va_list var;
mval *ret_value, *actpmv;
int mask, i, slots_needed;
VMS_ONLY(unsigned int totalcnt;)
unsigned int actualcnt, prev_count;
lv_val *actp;
lv_val **act_list_ptr;
stack_frame *save_frame;
parm_slot *curr_slot;
VAR_START(var, truth_value);
assert(4 <= totalcnt);
ret_value = va_arg(var, mval *);
mask = va_arg(var, int);
actualcnt = va_arg(var, unsigned int);
assert(4 + actualcnt == totalcnt);
assert(MAX_ACTUALS >= actualcnt);
if (!TREF(parm_pool_ptr))
parm_pool_init(SLOTS_NEEDED_FOR_SET(actualcnt)); /* Allocate pool memory for actualcnt params
* plus the frame and mask_and_cnt slots. */
act_list_ptr = &((*(TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->parms).actuallist); /* Save a reference to the first vacant slot. */
} else
{ /* If some parameters have been saved, it is only safe to overwrite them if they have been marked read;
* in such case back off start_idx to the beginning of that set to reutilize the space.
prev_count = (*(((TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->parms + (TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->start_idx) - 1)).mask_and_cnt.actualcnt;
if ((0 != (TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->start_idx) && (MAX_ACTUALS < prev_count))
(TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->start_idx -= (SLOTS_NEEDED_FOR_SET((prev_count - SAFE_TO_OVWRT)));
assert(MAX_TOTAL_SLOTS > (TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->start_idx); /* In debug, ensure we are not growing endlessly. */
slots_needed = (TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->start_idx + SLOTS_NEEDED_FOR_SET(actualcnt);
if (slots_needed > (TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->capacity) /* If we have less than needed, expand the pool. */
parm_pool_expand(slots_needed, (TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->start_idx);
/* Save a reference to the first vacant slot. */
act_list_ptr = &((*((TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->parms + (TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->start_idx)).actuallist);
save_frame = NULL;
if (frame_pointer->old_frame_pointer)
{ /* Temporarily rewind frame_pointer if the parent is not a base frame. */
save_frame = frame_pointer;
frame_pointer = frame_pointer->old_frame_pointer;
for (i = 0; i < actualcnt; i++, act_list_ptr++) /* Save parameters in the following empty slots. */
actp = va_arg(var, lv_val *);
if (!(mask & 1 << i))
{ /* Not a dotted pass-by-reference parm. */
actpmv = &actp->v;
if ((!MV_DEFINED(actpmv)) && (actpmv->str.addr != (char *)&actp->v))
actpmv = underr(actpmv);
mv_chain->mv_st_cont.mvs_pval.mvs_val = lv_getslot(curr_symval);
LVVAL_INIT(mv_chain->mv_st_cont.mvs_pval.mvs_val, curr_symval);
mv_chain->mv_st_cont.mvs_pval.mvs_val->v = *actpmv; /* Copy mval input. */
mv_chain->mv_st_cont.mvs_pval.mvs_ptab.save_value = NULL; /* Filled in by op_bindparm. */
mv_chain->mv_st_cont.mvs_pval.mvs_ptab.hte_addr = NULL;
DEBUG_ONLY(mv_chain->mv_st_cont.mvs_pval.mvs_ptab.nam_addr = NULL);
*act_list_ptr = (lv_val *)&mv_chain->mv_st_cont.mvs_pval;
} else
/* Dotted pass-by-reference parm. No save of previous value, just pass lvval. */
*act_list_ptr = actp;
if (save_frame) /* Restore frame_pointer if previously saved. */
frame_pointer = save_frame;
frame_pointer->ret_value = ret_value; /* Save the return value in the stack frame. */
if (ret_value) /* Save $test value in the stack frame. */
frame_pointer->dollar_test = truth_value;
(TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->start_idx += SLOTS_NEEDED_FOR_SET(actualcnt); /* Update start_idx for the future parameter set. */
curr_slot = PARM_CURR_SLOT;
(*(curr_slot - 1)).mask_and_cnt.mask = mask; /* Save parameter mask. */
(*(curr_slot - 1)).mask_and_cnt.actualcnt = actualcnt; /* Save parameter count. */
PARM_ACT_FRAME(curr_slot, actualcnt) = frame_pointer; /* Save frame pointer. */
assert(frame_pointer && (frame_pointer->type & SFT_COUNT)); /* Ensure we are dealing with a counted frame. */
/* Expand the allocation for the parameter pool. */
STATICFNDEF void parm_pool_expand(int slots_needed, int slots_copied)
parm_pool *pool_ptr;
uint4 pool_capacity;
assert((slots_copied < slots_needed) && (0 < slots_needed));
pool_capacity = (TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->capacity;
CAPACITY_ROUND_UP2(pool_capacity, slots_needed); /* Calculate the new capacity. */
assert(MAX_TOTAL_SLOTS > pool_capacity); /* In debug, ensure we are not growing endlessly. */
pool_ptr = (parm_pool *)malloc(SIZEOF(parm_pool) + SIZEOF(lv_val *) * (pool_capacity - 1) * LV_VALS_PER_SLOT);
if (0 != slots_copied) /* Copy only previously saved parameters. */
memcpy(pool_ptr->parms, (TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->parms, SIZEOF(lv_val *) * slots_copied * LV_VALS_PER_SLOT);
pool_ptr->start_idx = (TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->start_idx; /* Restore start_idx. */
pool_ptr->capacity = pool_capacity; /* Update the capacity. */
TREF(parm_pool_ptr) = pool_ptr; /* Update the global reference. */
assert(MAX_TOTAL_SLOTS > (*((TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->parms + (TREF(parm_pool_ptr))->start_idx - 1)).mask_and_cnt.actualcnt);