
334 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* *
* Copyright 2001, 2011 Fidelity Information Services, Inc *
* *
* This source code contains the intellectual property *
* of its copyright holder(s), and is made available *
* under a license. If you do not know the terms of *
* the license, please stop and do not read further. *
* *
#include "mdef.h"
#include "compiler.h"
#include "mdq.h"
#include "opcode.h"
#include "toktyp.h"
#include "mmemory.h"
#include "advancewindow.h"
#include "cmd.h"
#include "lv_val.h"
GBLREF char window_token;
GBLREF triple *curtchain;
/* The following macro checks to see if the evaluation of control variable components has done
* anything that might have expose us to a messed up the control variable context. We only
* have a problem when the control variable is subscripted, because if an extrinsic rearranges
* the array - a KILL will do it - the op_putindx we did initially might be pointing into
* never-neverland and slamming a value into it would definately not be a healthly thing.
* Without indirection we know at compile time whether or not the control variable is subscripted
* but with indirection we only know at run-time; we tried some contortions to skip the refresh if
* it's not needed but lost the battle with the compiler's tendency to lose reference with a scope
* that's not short - OC_PASSTHRU is suppose to give it a clue but having two of those in a row
* seems not to work.
{ \
triple *Ref; \
if ((TRUE_WITH_INDX == TAREF1(for_temps, for_stack_level))) \
{ \
Ref = newtriple(OC_RFRSHINDX); \
Ref->operand[0] = put_ilit(LVL); \
Ref->operand[1] = put_ilit(1); \
CNTL_VAR = put_tref(Ref); \
newtriple(OC_PASSTHRU)->operand[0] = CNTL_VAR; /* warn off optimizer */ \
} \
Ref = newtriple(OC_STO); \
Ref->operand[0] = CNTL_VAR; \
Ref->operand[1] = VAL; \
/* the macro below pushes the compiler FOR stack - the FOR_POP is in compiler.h 'cause stx_error uses it
* there are actually two stacks - one for code references and one for temps flags; the code reference
* one, for_stack, uses for_stack_ptr; the for_temps doesn't have its own global index, but instead uses
* a local variable calculated from the relationship between the for_stack and for_stack_ptr
#define FOR_PUSH() \
{ \
int Level; \
Level = ((++(TREF(for_stack_ptr))) - (oprtype **)TADR(for_stack)); \
if (MAX_FOR_STACK > Level) \
{ \
assert(TREF(for_stack_ptr) > (oprtype **)TADR(for_stack)); \
*(TREF(for_stack_ptr)) = NULL; \
TAREF1(for_temps, Level) = TAREF1(for_temps, Level - 1) ? TRUE : FALSE; \
} else \
{ \
--(TREF(for_stack_ptr)); \
stx_error(ERR_FOROFLOW, 1, (MAX_FOR_STACK - 1)); \
return FALSE; \
} \
/* the macro below tucks a code reference into the for_stack so a FOR that's done can move on correctly when skipped */
#define SAVE_FOR_OVER_ADDR() \
{ \
assert(TREF(for_stack_ptr) >= (oprtype **)TADR(for_stack)); \
assert(TREF(for_stack_ptr) < (oprtype **)(TADR(for_stack) + (MAX_FOR_STACK * SIZEOF(oprtype **)))); \
if (NULL == *(TREF(for_stack_ptr))) \
*(TREF(for_stack_ptr)) = (oprtype *)mcalloc(SIZEOF(oprtype)); \
tnxtarg(*(TREF(for_stack_ptr))); \
int m_for(void)
unsigned int arg_cnt, arg_index, for_stack_level;
oprtype arg_eval_addr[MAX_FORARGS], increment[MAX_FORARGS], terminate[MAX_FORARGS],
arg_next_addr, arg_value, dummy, *body, control_variable,
*iteration_start_addr, iteration_start_addr_indr, *not_even_once_addr;
triple *eval_next_addr[MAX_FORARGS], *control_ref,
*forchk1opc, forpos_in_chain, *init_ref, *ref, *step_ref, *term_ref;
forpos_in_chain = TREF(pos_in_chain);
if (TK_SPACE == window_token)
{ /* "argumentless" form */
FOR_END_OF_SCOPE(1, dummy);
ref = newtriple(OC_FORCHK1);
if (!linetail())
TREF(pos_in_chain) = forpos_in_chain;
return FALSE;
SAVE_FOR_OVER_ADDR(); /* stash address of next op in the for_stack array */
newtriple(OC_JMP)->operand[0] = put_tjmp(ref); /* transfer back to just before the begining of the body */
FOR_POP(GOOD_FOR); /* and pop the array */
return TRUE;
for_stack_level = (TREF(for_stack_ptr) - TADR(for_stack));
init_ref = newtriple(OC_FORNESTLVL);
init_ref->operand[0] = put_ilit(for_stack_level);
if (TK_ATSIGN == window_token)
if (!indirection(&control_variable))
return FALSE;
ref = newtriple(OC_INDLVADR);
ref->operand[0] = control_variable;
control_variable = put_tref(ref);
control_ref = NULL;
} else
/* The following relies on the fact that lvn() always generates an OC_VAR triple first */
control_ref = curtchain->;
if (!lvn(&control_variable, OC_SAVPUTINDX, NULL))
return FALSE;
assert(OC_VAR == control_ref->exorder.fl->opcode);
assert(MVAR_REF == control_ref->exorder.fl->operand[0].oprclass);
if (TK_EQUAL != window_token)
return FALSE;
newtriple(OC_PASSTHRU)->operand[0] = control_variable; /* make sure optimizer doesn't ditch control_variable */
FOR_END_OF_SCOPE(1, dummy);
assert((0 < for_stack_level) && (MAX_FOR_STACK >= for_stack_level));
if ((OC_SAVPUTINDX == control_variable.oprval.tref->opcode) || (OC_INDLVADR == control_variable.oprval.tref->opcode))
TAREF1(for_temps, for_stack_level) = TRUE_WITH_INDX; /* most uses treat this as a boolean, but some need more */
init_ref->opcode = OC_NOOP;
iteration_start_addr = (oprtype *)mcalloc(SIZEOF(oprtype));
iteration_start_addr_indr = put_indr(iteration_start_addr);
arg_next_addr.oprclass = NOCLASS;
not_even_once_addr = NULL; /* used to skip processing where the initial control exceeds the termination */
for (arg_cnt = 0; ; ++arg_cnt)
if (MAX_FORARGS <= arg_cnt)
return FALSE;
assert((TK_COMMA == window_token) || (TK_EQUAL == window_token));
tnxtarg(&arg_eval_addr[arg_cnt]); /* put location of this arg eval in arg_eval_addr array */
if (NULL != not_even_once_addr)
*not_even_once_addr = arg_eval_addr[arg_cnt];
not_even_once_addr = NULL;
if (EXPR_FAIL == expr(&arg_value)) /* starting (possibly only) value */
return FALSE;
assert(TRIP_REF == arg_value.oprclass);
if (TK_COLON != window_token)
{ /* list point value? */
increment[arg_cnt].oprclass = terminate[arg_cnt].oprclass = 0;
DEAL_WITH_DANGER(for_stack_level, control_variable, arg_value);
} else
{ /* stepping value */
init_ref = newtriple(OC_STOTEMP); /* tuck it in a temp undisturbed by coming evals */
init_ref->operand[0] = arg_value;
newtriple(OC_CONUM)->operand[0] = put_tref(init_ref); /* make start numeric */
advancewindow(); /* past the first colon */
if (EXPR_FAIL == expr(&increment[arg_cnt])) /* pick up step */
return FALSE;
assert(TRIP_REF == increment[arg_cnt].oprclass);
ref = increment[arg_cnt].oprval.tref;
if (OC_LIT != ref->opcode)
if (!TAREF1(for_temps, for_stack_level))
TAREF1(for_temps, for_stack_level) = TRUE;
if (OC_VAR == ref->opcode)
step_ref = newtriple(OC_STOTEMP);
step_ref->operand[0] = put_tref(ref);
increment[arg_cnt] = put_tref(step_ref);
if (TK_COLON != window_token)
DEAL_WITH_DANGER(for_stack_level, control_variable, put_tref(init_ref));
terminate[arg_cnt].oprclass = 0; /* no termination on iteration for this arg */
} else
advancewindow(); /* past the second colon */
if (EXPR_FAIL == expr(&terminate[arg_cnt])) /* termination control value */
return FALSE;
assert(TRIP_REF == terminate[arg_cnt].oprclass);
ref = terminate[arg_cnt].oprval.tref;
if (OC_LIT != ref->opcode)
if (!TAREF1(for_temps, for_stack_level))
TAREF1(for_temps, for_stack_level) = TRUE;
if (OC_VAR == ref->opcode)
term_ref = newtriple(OC_STOTEMP);
term_ref->operand[0] = put_tref(ref);
terminate[arg_cnt] = put_tref(term_ref);
DEAL_WITH_DANGER(for_stack_level, control_variable, put_tref(init_ref));
term_ref = newtriple(OC_PARAMETER);
term_ref->operand[0] = terminate[arg_cnt];
step_ref = newtriple(OC_PARAMETER);
step_ref->operand[0] = increment[arg_cnt];
step_ref->operand[1] = put_tref(term_ref);
ref = newtriple(OC_FORINIT);
ref->operand[0] = control_variable;
ref->operand[1] = put_tref(step_ref);
not_even_once_addr = newtriple(OC_JMPGTR)->operand;
if ((0 < arg_cnt) || (TK_COMMA == window_token))
if (!TAREF1(for_temps, for_stack_level))
TAREF1(for_temps, for_stack_level) = TRUE;
if (NOCLASS == arg_next_addr.oprclass)
arg_next_addr = put_tref(newtriple(OC_CDADDR));
(eval_next_addr[arg_cnt] = newtriple(OC_LDADDR))->destination = arg_next_addr;
if (TK_COMMA != window_token)
newtriple(OC_JMP)->operand[0] = iteration_start_addr_indr;
if (not_even_once_addr)
FOR_END_OF_SCOPE(1, *not_even_once_addr); /* 1 means down a level */
forchk1opc = newtriple(OC_FORCHK1); /* FORCHK1 is a do-nothing routine used by the out-of-band mechanism */
*iteration_start_addr = put_tjmp(forchk1opc);
body = (oprtype *)mcalloc(SIZEOF(oprtype));
if ((TK_EOL != window_token) && (TK_SPACE != window_token))
return FALSE;
if (!linetail())
TREF(pos_in_chain) = forpos_in_chain;
return FALSE;
SAVE_FOR_OVER_ADDR(); /* stash address of next op in the for_stack array */
if (0 < arg_cnt)
newtriple(OC_JMPAT)->operand[0] = put_tref(eval_next_addr[0]);
for (arg_index = 0; arg_index <= arg_cnt; ++arg_index)
if (0 < arg_cnt)
if (TRUE_WITH_INDX == TAREF1(for_temps, for_stack_level))
{ /* since it might have moved, before touching the control variable get a fix on it */
ref = newtriple(OC_RFRSHINDX);
ref->operand[0] = put_ilit(for_stack_level);
ref->operand[1] = put_ilit((increment[arg_index].oprclass || terminate[arg_index].oprclass)
? FALSE : TRUE); /* if increment rather than new value, rfrsh w/ srchindx else putindx */
control_variable = put_tref(ref);
} else
control_variable = put_mvar(&control_ref->exorder.fl->operand[0].oprval.vref->mvname);
newtriple(OC_PASSTHRU)->operand[0] = control_variable; /* warn off optimizer */
if (terminate[arg_index].oprclass)
term_ref = newtriple(OC_PARAMETER);
term_ref->operand[0] = terminate[arg_index];
step_ref = newtriple(OC_PARAMETER);
step_ref->operand[0] = increment[arg_index];
step_ref->operand[1] = put_tref(term_ref);
init_ref = newtriple(OC_PARAMETER);
init_ref->operand[0] = control_variable;
init_ref->operand[1] = put_tref(step_ref);
ref = newtriple(OC_FORLOOP);
/* redirects back to forchk1, which is at the beginning of new iteration */
ref->operand[0] = *iteration_start_addr;
ref->operand[1] = put_tref(init_ref);
} else if (increment[arg_index].oprclass)
step_ref = newtriple(OC_ADD);
step_ref->operand[0] = control_variable;
step_ref->operand[1] = increment[arg_index];
ref = newtriple(OC_STO);
ref->operand[0] = control_variable;
ref->operand[1] = put_tref(step_ref);
newtriple(OC_JMP)->operand[0] = *iteration_start_addr;
if (arg_index < arg_cnt) /* go back and evaluate the next argument */
newtriple(OC_JMP)->operand[0] = arg_eval_addr[arg_index + 1];
return TRUE;