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2024-07-19 11:44:10 -04:00
* *
* Copyright 2012, 2013 Fidelity Information Services, Inc *
* *
* This source code contains the intellectual property *
* of its copyright holder(s), and is made available *
* under a license. If you do not know the terms of *
* the license, please stop and do not read further. *
* *
#include "mdef.h"
#include "gtm_string.h"
#include "cdb_sc.h"
#include "gdsroot.h"
#include "gdsblk.h"
#include "gtm_facility.h"
#include "fileinfo.h"
#include "gdsbt.h"
#include "gdsfhead.h"
#include "filestruct.h"
#include "jnl.h"
#include "gdsblkops.h"
#include "gdskill.h"
#include "gdscc.h"
#include "copy.h"
#include "interlock.h"
#include "muextr.h"
/* Include prototypes */
#include "t_end.h"
#include "t_retry.h"
#include "mupip_size.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "t_begin.h"
#include "op.h"
#include "gvcst_protos.h" /* for gvcst_rtsib,gvcst_search prototype */
#include "gvcst_bmp_mark_free.h"
#include "gvcst_kill_sort.h"
#include "gtmmsg.h"
#include "add_inter.h"
#include "t_abort.h"
#include "sleep_cnt.h"
#include "wcs_sleep.h"
#include "memcoherency.h"
#include "gtm_time.h"
#include "mvalconv.h"
#include "t_qread.h"
#include "longset.h" /* needed for cws_insert.h */
#include "hashtab_int4.h"
#include "cws_insert.h"
#include "min_max.h"
#include <math.h>
GBLREF bool mu_ctrlc_occurred;
GBLREF bool mu_ctrly_occurred;
GBLREF sgmnt_addrs *cs_addrs;
GBLREF sgmnt_data_ptr_t cs_data;
GBLREF gv_namehead *gv_target;
GBLREF unsigned int t_tries;
GBLREF int4 process_id;
GBLREF inctn_opcode_t inctn_opcode;
GBLREF unsigned char rdfail_detail;
GBLDEF uint4 total_recs;
GBLDEF uint4 total_scans;
GBLDEF int targ_levl;
#define ANY_ROOT_LEVL (MAX_BT_DEPTH + 5) /* overload invalid level value */
#define MAX_RECS_PER_BLK 65535
#define MAX_SCANS 200000000 /* catch infinite loops */
#define GET_AND_CHECK_RECLEN(status, nRecLen, pRec, pTop) \
{ \
status = cdb_sc_normal; \
GET_USHORT(nRecLen, &((rec_hdr_ptr_t)pRec)->rsiz); \
if (nRecLen == 0) \
status = cdb_sc_badoffset; \
else if (pRec + nRecLen > pTop) \
status = cdb_sc_blklenerr; \
#define GET_AND_CHECK_LEVL(status, nLevl, desired_levl, pBlkBase) \
{ \
status = cdb_sc_normal; \
nLevl = ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)pBlkBase)->levl; \
if (MAX_BT_DEPTH < (int)nLevl) \
status = cdb_sc_maxlvl; \
else if (ANY_ROOT_LEVL == desired_levl) \
{ \
if (0 == (int)nLevl) \
status = cdb_sc_badlvl; \
} else if (desired_levl !=(int)nLevl) \
status = cdb_sc_badlvl; \
#define BLK_LOOP(i, pRec, pBlkBase, pTop, nRecLen) for (pTop = pBlkBase + ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)pBlkBase)->bsiz, \
pRec = pBlkBase + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), i = 0; \
i < MAX_RECS_PER_BLK && (pRec != pTop); i++, pRec += nRecLen)
enum cdb_sc dfs(int lvl, sm_uc_ptr_t pBlkBase, boolean_t endtree, boolean_t skiprecs);
enum cdb_sc read_block(block_id nBlkId, sm_uc_ptr_t *pBlkBase_ptr, int *nLevl_ptr, int desired_levl);
int4 mu_size_scan(mval *gn, int4 level)
enum cdb_sc status;
trans_num ret_tn;
int k, h;
boolean_t verify_reads;
boolean_t tn_aborted;
boolean_t equal;
unsigned int lcl_t_tries;
block_id nBlkId;
int4 nLevl;
sm_uc_ptr_t pBlkBase;
int i;
inctn_opcode = inctn_invalid_op;
op_gvname(VARLSTCNT(1) gn);
if (0 == gv_target->root)
{ /* Global does not exist (online rollback). Not an error. */
gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_GBLNOEXIST, 2, gn->str.len, gn->str.addr);
return EXIT_NRM;
gv_target->alt_hist->depth = MAX_BT_DEPTH; /* initialize: don't copy to saveoff if restart before a single success */
total_recs = total_scans = 0;
for (k = 0; k <= MAX_BT_DEPTH; k++)
saveoff[k] = 0;
gv_target->hist.h[k].cr = NULL; /* initialize for optimization in read_block which bumps cr refer bits */
targ_levl = 0;
/* Read the root block and convert negative levels to positive. Negative levels are defined to be counted from root with
* -1 being children of root */
t_begin(ERR_MUSIZEFAIL, 0);
{ /* retry loop */
status = read_block(gv_target->root, &pBlkBase, &nLevl, ANY_ROOT_LEVL);
if (cdb_sc_normal != status)
assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
memcpy(&gv_target->hist.h[0], &gv_target->hist.h[nLevl], SIZEOF(srch_blk_status));
gv_target->hist.h[1].blk_num = 0;
if ((trans_num)0 == t_end(&gv_target->hist, NULL, TN_NOT_SPECIFIED)){
lcl_t_tries = TREF(prev_t_tries);
ABORT_TRANS_IF_GBL_EXIST_NOMORE(lcl_t_tries, tn_aborted);
if (tn_aborted)
{ /* Global does not exist (online rollback). Not an error. */
gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_GBLNOEXIST, 2, gn->str.len, gn->str.addr);
return EXIT_NRM;
if (level < 0)
level += nLevl;
if (level < 0 || nLevl < level)
return EXIT_ERR;
targ_levl = level;
/* Run the dfs down to targ_levl to count records and blocks. Validate every path from root to blocks at targ_levl */
t_begin(ERR_MUSIZEFAIL, 0);
for (;;)
{ /* retry loop. note that multiple successful read transactions can occur within a single iteration */
nBlkId = gv_target->root;
status = read_block(nBlkId, &pBlkBase, &nLevl, ANY_ROOT_LEVL);
if (cdb_sc_normal == status)
status = dfs(nLevl, pBlkBase, TRUE, TRUE);
if (cdb_sc_endtree != status)
assert(cdb_sc_normal != status); /* should have continued recursive search */
if (cdb_sc_restarted != status)
lcl_t_tries = TREF(prev_t_tries);
ABORT_TRANS_IF_GBL_EXIST_NOMORE(lcl_t_tries, tn_aborted);
if (tn_aborted)
{ /* Global does not exist (online rollback). Not an error. */
gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_GBLNOEXIST, 2, gn->str.len, gn->str.addr);
return EXIT_NRM;
/* update saveoff */
if (gv_target->alt_hist->depth < MAX_BT_DEPTH)
for (i = targ_levl; i <= gv_target->alt_hist->depth; i++)
saveoff[i] = gv_target->alt_hist->h[i - targ_levl].curr_rec.offset;
util_out_print("Level Blocks Records", FLUSH);
util_out_print("!5UL !15UL !16UL", FLUSH, level, total_scans, total_recs);
if (mu_ctrlc_occurred || mu_ctrly_occurred)
return EXIT_ERR;
return EXIT_NRM;
enum cdb_sc dfs(int lvl, sm_uc_ptr_t pBlkBase, boolean_t endtree, boolean_t skiprecs)
int incr_recs = 0, incr_scans = 0;
boolean_t first_iter, last_rec, next_endtree, next_skiprecs;
trans_num ret_tn;
sm_uc_ptr_t pVal, pTop, pRec, child_pBlkBase;
int4 child_nLevl;
unsigned short nRecLen;
int4 i;
enum cdb_sc status;
block_id nBlkId;
int curroff;
cache_rec_ptr_t cr;
srch_hist sibhist;
assert(total_scans < MAX_SCANS);
if (lvl == targ_levl)
{ /* reached the bottom. count records in this block and validate */
BLK_LOOP(i, pRec, pBlkBase, pTop, nRecLen)
GET_AND_CHECK_RECLEN(status, nRecLen, pRec, pTop);
if (cdb_sc_normal != status)
assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
return status;
incr_recs = i;
incr_scans = 1;
} else if (lvl > targ_levl)
{ /* visit each child */
first_iter = TRUE;
gv_target->hist.h[lvl - targ_levl].curr_rec.offset = saveoff[lvl];
BLK_LOOP(i, pRec, pBlkBase, pTop, nRecLen)
GET_AND_CHECK_RECLEN(status, nRecLen, pRec, pTop);
if (cdb_sc_normal != status)
assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
return status;
curroff = (INTPTR_T)(pRec - pBlkBase);
gv_target->hist.h[lvl - targ_levl].curr_rec.offset = curroff;
if (skiprecs && (curroff < saveoff[lvl]))
continue; /* skip these guys, we've already counted over there */
pVal = pRec + nRecLen - SIZEOF(block_id);
GET_LONG(nBlkId, pVal);
status = read_block(nBlkId, &child_pBlkBase, &child_nLevl, lvl - 1);
if (status != cdb_sc_normal)
assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
return status;
last_rec = ((pRec + nRecLen) == pTop);
first_iter = (curroff == saveoff[lvl]);
next_endtree = endtree && last_rec;
next_skiprecs = skiprecs && first_iter;
status = dfs(lvl - 1, child_pBlkBase, next_endtree, next_skiprecs);
if (status != cdb_sc_normal)
return status;
first_iter = FALSE;
/* make sure we can really move on from this block to the next: validate all blocks down to here */
memcpy(&sibhist.h[0], &gv_target->hist.h[lvl], SIZEOF(srch_blk_status) * (gv_target->hist.depth - lvl + 2));
if ((trans_num)0 == (ret_tn = t_end(&sibhist, NULL, TN_NOT_SPECIFIED)))
return cdb_sc_restarted;
total_recs += incr_recs;
total_scans += incr_scans;
if (endtree || mu_ctrlc_occurred || mu_ctrly_occurred)
return cdb_sc_endtree; /* note: usage slightly different from elsewhere, since we've already done validation */
assert(lvl >= targ_levl);
memcpy(gv_target->alt_hist, &gv_target->hist, SIZEOF(srch_hist)); /* take a copy of most recently validated history */
gv_target->alt_hist->h[lvl - targ_levl + 1].curr_rec.offset++; /* don't recount the previously validated/counted path */
for (i = 0; i <= (lvl - targ_levl); i++)
gv_target->alt_hist->h[i].curr_rec.offset = 0;
/* Free up the cache record for the block we're done with. I.e. mark it available to whoever makes the next pass through
* db_csh_getn.
cr = gv_target->alt_hist->h[lvl - targ_levl].cr;
assert((NULL != cr) || (dba_mm == cs_data->acc_meth));
if (NULL != cr)
cr->refer = FALSE;
gv_target->clue.end = 1; /* to set start_tn to earliest tn in history */
t_begin(ERR_MUSIZEFAIL, 0); /* start a new transaction and continue recursive search */
gv_target->clue.end = 0;
return cdb_sc_normal;
enum cdb_sc read_block(block_id nBlkId, sm_uc_ptr_t *pBlkBase_ptr, int *nLevl_ptr, int desired_levl)
sm_uc_ptr_t pBlkBase;
register srch_blk_status *pCurr;
register srch_hist *pTargHist;
unsigned char nLevl;
cache_rec_ptr_t cr;
int cycle;
trans_num tn;
enum cdb_sc status;
int i;
pTargHist = &gv_target->hist;
tn = cs_addrs->ti->curr_tn;
if ((dba_mm != cs_data->acc_meth) && (ANY_ROOT_LEVL != desired_levl))
{ /* avoid reading into a cache record we're already using in this transaction. prevents self-induced restarts. */
for (i = 0; i <= MAX_BT_DEPTH; i++)
if (pTargHist->h[i].blk_num && (NULL != (cr = pTargHist->h[i].cr))) /* note: assignment */
cr->refer = TRUE;
# ifdef DEBUG
/* restart occasionally */
if ((nBlkId % ((process_id % 25) + 25) == 0) && (t_tries == 0))
return cdb_sc_blkmod;
# endif
if (NULL == (pBlkBase = t_qread(nBlkId, (sm_int_ptr_t)&cycle, &cr)))
return (enum cdb_sc)rdfail_detail;
GET_AND_CHECK_LEVL(status, nLevl, desired_levl, pBlkBase);
if (cdb_sc_normal != status)
assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
return status;
pCurr = &pTargHist->h[nLevl - targ_levl]; /* No blocks to read beneath input level */
if (ANY_ROOT_LEVL == desired_levl)
if (nLevl < targ_levl)
pCurr = &pTargHist->h[0];
(pCurr + 1)->blk_num = 0;
pTargHist->depth = (int)nLevl;
pCurr->cse = NULL;
pCurr->blk_num = nBlkId;
pCurr->buffaddr = pBlkBase;
pCurr->tn = tn;
pCurr->cycle = cycle;
pCurr->cr = cr;
*nLevl_ptr = nLevl;
*pBlkBase_ptr = pBlkBase;
return cdb_sc_normal;