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; ;
; Copyright 2001, 2007 Fidelity Information Services, Inc ;
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; This source code contains the intellectual property ;
; of its copyright holder(s), and is made available ;
; under a license. If you do not know the terms of ;
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; ;
tttscan ;parse ttt.txt
n (work,infile,opc,opx,vxi,vxx,ttt,opcdcnt)
k work,ttt
s ttt=opcdcnt
s eof=0,eofcd=$c(26),eol=$c(13)
s linnum=0,instr="",ptr=1,dir="" d scan,scan
d proc
c infile
proc d block q:tok=eofcd
g proc:'z
proc1 i tok'?1"OC_"1.AN q:tok=eofcd d scan g proc1
g proc
block i tok=eol d scan g block
d head q:z
s work(indx)=ttt
d body i z s em="invalid template body" d err
s ttt(ttt)="VXT_END",ttt=ttt+1
head i tok'?1"OC_"1.AN.1"_".AN s z=1,em="invalid opcode name" d err,scan q
i '$d(opc(tok)) s em="triple op code not defined in opcode.h",z=1 d err,scan q
s indx=opc(tok)
s opcode=tok,case=""
d scan
i tok=":" d scan s z=0 q
i tok'="-" s em="dash or colon expected here" d err s z=1 q
d scan
i tok="BYTE" s indx=indx+.1
e i tok="WORD" s indx=indx+.2
e i tok="LONG" s indx=indx+.3
e i tok="MVAL" s indx=indx+.1
e i tok="MSTR" s indx=indx+.2
e i tok="MFLT" s indx=indx+.3
e i tok="MINT" s indx=indx+.4
e i tok="BOOL" s indx=indx+.5
e i tok="MVADDR" s indx=indx+.6
e s em="byte, word or long expected here" s z=1 d err q
d scan
i tok'=":" s em="colon expected here" d err s z=1 q
d scan
s z=0
body i dir=":"!((dir="-")&(tok?1"OC_"1.AN)) s z=0 q
i $d(vxi(tok)) s ttt(ttt)=vxi(tok,1),ttt=ttt+1
e i tok="irepab" s ttt(ttt)="VXT_IREPAB",ttt=ttt+1
e i tok="irepl" s ttt(ttt)="VXT_IREPL",ttt=ttt+1
e i $c(26)=tok&(tok=dir) s z=0 q
e s em="vax opcode not defined" d err s z=1 q
d scan
bod1 d arg i tok="," d scan g bod1
i tok=eol!(tok=eofcd) d scan g body
s em="comma or end of line expected" d err s z=1
arg i tok="val" s x="VAL" g argval
i tok="addr" s x="ADDR" g argval
i tok="vnum" s x="VNUM" g argval
i tok="jmp" s x="JMP" g argval
i tok="#" g arglit
i tok="xfer" g argxfer
i tok="G",dir="^" d scan,scan s x="GREF" g argval
i tok'="@" s gotat=0
e s gotat=1 d scan
s displ=""
i tok="(" g argpara
i tok="-" g argpush
i dir="(" s displ=tok d scan g argpara
d argreg i z q
i gotat s mode=6
e s mode=5
d argstsh
s z=0
argval d scan i tok'="." s em="period (.) expected" d err s z=1 q
s ttt(ttt)="VXT_"_x,ttt=ttt+1 d scan s ttt(ttt)=tok,ttt=ttt+1
d scan
s z=0
arglit s ttt(ttt)="VXT_LIT",ttt=ttt+1 d scan s ttt(ttt)=tok,ttt=ttt+1
d scan
s z=0
argxfer d scan i tok'="." s em="period (.) expected" d err s z=1 q
s ttt(ttt)="VXT_XFER",ttt=ttt+1 d scan s ttt(ttt)="SIZEOF(char *) * (short int)"_tok,ttt=ttt+1
d scan
s z=0
argpara d scan,argreg i z s em="register expected" d err q
i tok'=")" s em="right paranthesis expected" d err s z=1 q
d scan
i tok'="+" s mode=$s(gotat:11,1:6)
e d scan s mode=$s(gotat:9,1:8)
i displ'="" s mode=$s(mode=6:10,1:11)
i mode=11,displ="" s displ=0
d argstsh
i displ'="" s ttt(ttt)="VXT_DISP",ttt=ttt+1,ttt(ttt)=displ,ttt=ttt+1
s z=0
argpush d scan i tok'="(" s em="left paranthesis expected" d err s z=1 q
i gotat s em="illegal addressing mode" d err s z=1 q
d scan,argreg i z s em="register expected" d err s z=1 q
i tok'=")" s em="right paranthesis expected" d err s z=1 q
d scan
s mode=7
d argstsh
s z=0
argreg n x
i tok?1"r"1.2n s x=+$e(tok,2,3) g argreg1:x<16 s z=1 q
i tok="pc" s x=15
e i tok="sp" s x=14
e i tok="fp" s x=13
e i tok="ap" s x=12
e s z=1 q
argreg1 d scan s z=0,regnum=x
argstsh s ttt(ttt)="VXT_REG",ttt=ttt+1
s ttt(ttt)="0x"_$s(mode>9:$c(mode+55),1:mode)_$s(regnum>9:$c(regnum+55),1:regnum)
s ttt=ttt+1
err i erflag q
u "" w "%TTTGEN-F ",em," at line ",oldlin," character ",oldptr,!
s erflag=1
scan i eof g sceof
s oldlin=linnum,oldptr=ptr
i $e(instr,ptr)'="" g sc1
u infile r instr g sceof:$zeof s erflag=0,linnum=linnum+1,ptr=1,t=eol u "" w $j(linnum,6)," ",instr,! g scfin
sc1 i $c(9)_" "[$e(instr,ptr) s ptr=ptr+1 g scan
i $e(instr,ptr)?1P s t=$e(instr,ptr),ptr=ptr+1 g scfin:t'=";" s ptr=9999 g scan
i $e(instr,ptr)'?1AN&($e(instr,ptr)'="_")&($e(instr,ptr)'="$") g scerr
n x s x=ptr f ptr=ptr+1:1 q:$e(instr,ptr)'?1AN&($e(instr,ptr)'="_")&($e(instr,ptr)'="$")
s t=$e(instr,x,ptr-1)
scfin s tok=dir,dir=t
scerr b
sceof s eof=1,t=eofcd
g scfin