/**************************************************************** * * * Copyright 2001, 2010 Fidelity Information Services, Inc * * * * This source code contains the intellectual property * * of its copyright holder(s), and is made available * * under a license. If you do not know the terms of * * the license, please stop and do not read further. * * * ****************************************************************/ #include "mdef.h" #include "gtm_string.h" #include "gtm_stdio.h" #include "util.h" #include "cli.h" #include "gdsroot.h" #include "gt_timer.h" #include "gtmmsg.h" #if defined(UNIX) #define GET_CONFIRM(X,Y) {PRINTF("CONFIRMATION: ");FGETS((X), (Y), stdin, fgets_res);Y = strlen(X);} #include "gtm_ipc.h" GBLREF uint4 user_id; #elif defined(VMS) #define GET_CONFIRM(X,Y) {if(!cli_get_str("CONFIRMATION",(X),&(Y))) {rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_DSEWCINITCON); \ return;}} #else #error UNSUPPORTED PLATFORM #endif #include "gdsblk.h" #include "gtm_facility.h" #include "fileinfo.h" #include "gdsbt.h" #include "gdsfhead.h" #include "filestruct.h" #include "jnl.h" #include "gdskill.h" #include "gdscc.h" #include "buddy_list.h" /* needed for tp.h */ #include "hashtab_int4.h" /* needed for tp.h */ #include "tp.h" #include "min_max.h" /* needed for init_root_gv.h */ #include "init_root_gv.h" #include "dse.h" #ifdef UNIX #include "mutex.h" #endif #include "wcs_flu.h" #include /* for VSIG_ATOMIC_T */ GBLREF VSIG_ATOMIC_T util_interrupt; GBLREF block_id patch_curr_blk; GBLREF gd_addr *gd_header; GBLREF gd_region *gv_cur_region; GBLREF sgmnt_addrs *cs_addrs; GBLREF short crash_count; GBLREF uint4 process_id; GBLREF gd_addr *original_header; GBLREF boolean_t dse_all_dump; /* TRUE if DSE ALL -DUMP is specified */ void dse_all(void) { gd_region *ptr; tp_region *region_list, *rg, *rg_last, *rg_new; /* A handy structure for maintaining a list of regions */ int i, j; sgmnt_addrs *old_addrs, *csa; gd_region *old_region; block_id old_block; int4 stat; char confirm[256]; unsigned short len; boolean_t ref = FALSE; boolean_t crit = FALSE; boolean_t wc = FALSE; boolean_t flush = FALSE; boolean_t freeze = FALSE; boolean_t nofreeze = FALSE; boolean_t seize = FALSE; boolean_t release = FALSE; boolean_t dump = FALSE; boolean_t override = FALSE; boolean_t was_crit; gd_addr *temp_gdaddr; gd_binding *map; #ifdef UNIX char *fgets_res; #endif error_def(ERR_DSEWCINITCON); error_def(ERR_FREEZE); error_def(ERR_DBRDONLY); error_def(ERR_FREEZECTRL); old_addrs = cs_addrs; old_region = gv_cur_region; old_block = patch_curr_blk; temp_gdaddr = gd_header; gd_header = original_header; if (cli_present("RENEW") == CLI_PRESENT) { crit = ref = wc = nofreeze = TRUE; len = SIZEOF(confirm); GET_CONFIRM(confirm,len); if (confirm[0] != 'Y' && confirm[0] != 'y') { rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_DSEWCINITCON); return; } } else { if (cli_present("CRITINIT") == CLI_PRESENT) crit = TRUE; if (cli_present("REFERENCE") == CLI_PRESENT) ref = TRUE; if (cli_present("WCINIT") == CLI_PRESENT) { wc = TRUE; len = SIZEOF(confirm); GET_CONFIRM(confirm,len); if (confirm[0] != 'Y' && confirm[0] != 'y') { rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_DSEWCINITCON); return; } } if (cli_present("BUFFER_FLUSH") == CLI_PRESENT) flush = TRUE; if (cli_present("SEIZE") == CLI_PRESENT) seize = TRUE; if (cli_present("RELEASE") == CLI_PRESENT) release = TRUE; stat = cli_present("FREEZE"); if (stat == CLI_NEGATED) nofreeze = TRUE; else if (stat == CLI_PRESENT) { freeze = TRUE; nofreeze = FALSE; } if (cli_present("OVERRIDE") == CLI_PRESENT) override = TRUE; if (cli_present("DUMP") == CLI_PRESENT) dump = TRUE; } if (!dump && gv_cur_region->read_only) rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBRDONLY, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region)); region_list = NULL; for (i = 0, ptr = gd_header->regions; i < gd_header->n_regions; i++, ptr++) { if (ptr->dyn.addr->acc_meth != dba_bg && ptr->dyn.addr->acc_meth != dba_mm) { util_out_print("Skipping region !AD: not BG or MM access",TRUE,ptr->rname_len,&ptr->rname[0]); continue; } if (!ptr->open) { util_out_print("Skipping region !AD as it is not bound to any namespace.", TRUE, ptr->rname_len, &ptr->rname[0]); continue; } if (dump) { gv_cur_region = ptr; cs_addrs = &FILE_INFO(gv_cur_region)->s_addrs; dse_all_dump = TRUE; dse_dmp_fhead(); assert(!dse_all_dump); /* should have been reset by "dse_dmp_fhead" */ } else { /* put on region list in order of ftok value so processed in same order that crits are obtained */ csa = &FILE_INFO(ptr)->s_addrs; insert_region(ptr, &(region_list), NULL, SIZEOF(tp_region)); } } if (!dump) { /* Now run the list of regions in the sorted ftok order to execute the desired commands */ for (rg = region_list; NULL != rg; rg = rg->fPtr) { gv_cur_region = rg->reg; switch(gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->acc_meth) { case dba_mm: case dba_bg: cs_addrs = &FILE_INFO(gv_cur_region)->s_addrs; break; default: GTMASSERT; } patch_curr_blk = get_dir_root(); if (crit) { UNIX_ONLY(gtm_mutex_init(gv_cur_region, NUM_CRIT_ENTRY, TRUE);) VMS_ONLY(mutex_init(cs_addrs->critical, NUM_CRIT_ENTRY, TRUE);) cs_addrs->nl->in_crit = 0; cs_addrs->hold_onto_crit = FALSE; /* reset this just before cs_addrs->now_crit is reset */ cs_addrs->now_crit = FALSE; } if (cs_addrs->critical) crash_count = cs_addrs->critical->crashcnt; if (freeze) { while (REG_ALREADY_FROZEN == region_freeze(gv_cur_region, TRUE, override, FALSE)) { hiber_start(1000); if (util_interrupt) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_FREEZECTRL); break; } } if (freeze != !(cs_addrs->hdr->freeze)) util_out_print("Region !AD is now FROZEN", TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region)); } was_crit = cs_addrs->now_crit; if (seize) { if (!was_crit) grab_crit(gv_cur_region); /* no point seizing crit if WE already have it held */ cs_addrs->hold_onto_crit = TRUE; /* need to do this AFTER grab_crit */ } if (wc) { if (!was_crit && !seize) grab_crit(gv_cur_region); bt_init(cs_addrs); if (cs_addrs->hdr->acc_meth == dba_bg) { bt_refresh(cs_addrs); db_csh_ini(cs_addrs); db_csh_ref(cs_addrs); } if (!was_crit && (!seize || release)) rel_crit(gv_cur_region); } if (flush) wcs_flu(WCSFLU_FLUSH_HDR | WCSFLU_WRITE_EPOCH | WCSFLU_SYNC_EPOCH); if (release) { /* user wants crit to be released unconditionally so "was_crit" not checked like everywhere else */ cs_addrs->hold_onto_crit = FALSE; /* need to do this BEFORE rel_crit */ if (cs_addrs->now_crit) rel_crit(gv_cur_region); else util_out_print("Current process does not own the Region: !AD.", TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region)); } if (nofreeze) { if (REG_ALREADY_FROZEN == region_freeze(gv_cur_region,FALSE, override, FALSE)) util_out_print("Region: !AD is frozen by another user, not releasing freeze",TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region)); else util_out_print("Region !AD is now UNFROZEN", TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region)); } if (ref) cs_addrs->nl->ref_cnt = 1; } } cs_addrs = old_addrs; gv_cur_region = old_region; patch_curr_blk = old_block; GET_SAVED_GDADDR(gd_header, temp_gdaddr, map, gv_cur_region); return; }