################################################################# # # # Copyright 2001, 2012 Fidelity Information Services, Inc # # # # This source code contains the intellectual property # # of its copyright holder(s), and is made available # # under a license. If you do not know the terms of # # the license, please stop and do not read further. # # # ################################################################# # Commands to build GT.M downloaded from SourceForge # 1. 'cd' to the GT.M directory where sr_* directories are copied to. # 2. Define an environment variable gtm_curpro to point to the full # path of the prior GT.M installation. # (download and install GT.M binary distribution from SourceForge # if you do not have GT.M installed already). # 3. To build debug version with no compiler optimzations - # gmake -f sr_unix/comlist.mk -I./sr_unix -I./sr_linux buildtypes=dbg gtm_ver=$PWD # To build a version enabling optimizations - # gmake -f sr_unix/comlist.mk -I./sr_unix -I./sr_linux buildtypes=pro gtm_ver=$PWD # # By default the build procedure will build 64 bit version of GT.M # on a x86_64 machine. # If you intend to build 32 bit version of GT.M on a x86_64 bit machine you # have to explicitly set the environment variable 'OBJECT_MODE' to '32' # Example: # OBJECT_MODE=32; export OBJECT_MODE #bourne shell # export OBJECT_MODE=32 #bash shell # setenv OBJECT_MODE 32 #tcsh shell # # This procedure requires the tcsh shell to be installed. # get_lib_dirs.mk must be in the same directory as this makefile gt_machine_type=$(shell uname -m) gt_os_type=$(shell uname -s) verbose ?= 0 # get_lib_dirs.mk defines library directories # gt_build_type # use_nsb # gt_build_xfer_desc # it also santizes the CYGWIN gt_os_type include get_lib_dirs.mk CURDIR=$(shell pwd) ifeq ($(MAKELEVEL),0) # the first-level make invocation - rules to create & clean directories # and build utilities selectively. ifndef buildtypes buildtypes=pro endif ifndef gtm_ver gtm_ver=$(CURDIR) endif ifndef crypttype crypttype=gcrypt endif ifeq ($(buildtypes),dbg) cryptbuildtype=d else cryptbuildtype=p endif gt_ar_archiver=ar gt_ar_options=rv # top level make - builds directory structure, calls make for each build type, # and creates package VPATH=$(addprefix $(gtm_ver)/, $(gt_src_list)) exe_list=mumps dse geteuid lke mupip gtcm_server gtcm_gnp_server gtcm_play gtcm_pkdisp gtcm_shmclean semstat2 ftok dbcertify gtmsecshrdir/gtmsecshr make_i_flags=$(addprefix -I$(gtm_ver)/, $(gt_src_list)) export #export all variables defined here to sub-make # Build the complete suit for packaging - all executables, % utilities, # help files etc. all: dirs xfer_build gtm_threadgbl_deftypes $(addsuffix _all, $(buildtypes)) ; # Build xfer_desc.i for ia64 || linux x86_64 # set in get_lib_dirs.mk xfer_build: ifeq ($(gt_build_xfer_desc),1) tcsh -f $(gtm_ver)/sr_unix/gen_xfer_desc.csh $(gt_src_list) endif gtm_threadgbl_deftypes: tcsh -f $(gtm_ver)/sr_unix/gen_gtm_threadgbl_deftypes.csh $(gtm_ver) sr_port $(buildtypes)/obj $(gt_src_list) dirs: $(addprefix $(gtm_ver)/, $(addsuffix /obj, $(buildtypes))) \ $(addprefix $(gtm_ver)/, $(addsuffix /map, $(buildtypes))) \ $(addprefix $(gtm_ver)/, $(addsuffix /plugin, $(buildtypes))) ; # Compile and archive all modules and stop. compile: dirs $(addsuffix _compile, $(buildtypes)) ; # Build all executables and stop. links: dirs $(addsuffix _links, $(buildtypes)) ; # Rules to make executables selectively (eg. make mumps, make dse etc..) $(exe_list):%: dirs $(addsuffix _%, $(buildtypes)) ; setperms: ifeq ($(shell id -u),0) @chown root:bin ${buildtypes}/gtmsecshr ${buildtypes}/gtmsecshrdir/gtmsecshr @chmod 4750 ${buildtypes}/gtmsecshr ${buildtypes}/gtmsecshrdir/gtmsecshr else @echo "Operation requires super user capabilities" endif clean: $(addsuffix _clean, $(buildtypes)) rm -f idtemp ostemp # Package GT.M installation kit. package: $(addsuffix _tar, $(buildtypes)) %_tar: release_name.h @echo "packaging GT.M..." grep RELEASE_NAME $< | awk '{print $$4}' | sed 's/[\.]//' | sed 's/-//' > idtemp ifeq ($(MACHTYPE),x86_64) # On a 64 bit machine switch between 64 bit and 32 bit depending upon # the OBJECT_MODE environment variable ifeq ($(gt_build_type),64) @tar -zcvf gtm_`head -n 1 idtemp`_$(OSTYPE)_$(MACHTYPE)_$*.tar.gz -C $* $(filter-out obj map, $(notdir $(wildcard $*/*))) else @tar -zcvf gtm_`head -n 1 idtemp`_$(OSTYPE)_i686_$*.tar.gz -C $* $(filter-out obj map, $(notdir $(wildcard $*/*))) endif else ifeq ($(OSTYPE),hpux) # IA64 HP-UX has MACHTYPE set to unknown; so use uname -m # tar doesnt support "z" (to zip) option; so needs a separate gzip command ifeq ($(gt_machine_type), ia64) @tar -cvf gtm_`head -n 1 idtemp`_$(OSTYPE)_$(gt_machine_type)_$*.tar -C $* $(filter-out obj map, $(notdir $(wildcard $*/*))) @gzip gtm_`head -n 1 idtemp`_$(OSTYPE)_$(gt_machine_type)_$*.tar else @tar -cvf gtm_`head -n 1 idtemp`_$(OSTYPE)_`echo $(MACHTYPE) | sed 's/_//1'`_$*.tar -C $* $(filter-out obj map, $(notdir $(wildcard $*/*))) @gzip gtm_`head -n 1 idtemp`_$(OSTYPE)_`echo $(MACHTYPE) | sed 's/_//1'`_$*.tar endif else @tar -zcvf gtm_`head -n 1 idtemp`_$(OSTYPE)_$(MACHTYPE)_$*.tar.gz -C $* $(filter-out obj map, $(notdir $(wildcard $*/*))) endif endif rm -f idtemp %_clean: rm -rf $(gtm_ver)/$* rm -f $(gtm_ver)/*$*.tar.gz %/obj: mkdir -p $@ %/map: mkdir -p $@ %/plugin: mkdir -p $@/gtmcrypt dbg_%:comlist.mk $(MAKE) -C $(gtm_ver)/dbg/obj -I$(gtm_ver)/dbg/obj $(make_i_flags) -f $< CURRENT_BUILDTYPE=dbg $* pro_%:comlist.mk $(MAKE) -C $(gtm_ver)/pro/obj -I$(gtm_ver)/pro/obj $(make_i_flags) -f $< CURRENT_BUILDTYPE=pro $* bta_%:comlist.mk $(MAKE) -C $(gtm_ver)/bta/obj -I$(gtm_ver)/bta/obj $(make_i_flags) -f $< CURRENT_BUILDTYPE=bta $* else # Second-level make invocation: compute dependencies, compile, archive, # link and test. # gt_src_list is the list of all source (sr_*) directories. allfiles_list # is the superset of all GT.M files (.c, .s, .m, .list, etc. etc.) present # in all sr_* directories. ttt.c is generated from ttt.txt allfiles_list:=$(sort $(notdir $(foreach d,$(gt_src_list),$(wildcard $(gtm_ver)/$(d)/*))) ttt.c) # allfiles_list computation should precede this include, since # os390:gtm_env_sp.mk requires $(allfiles_list) include gtm_env_sp.mk # the list of all GT.M executables exe_list:=libgtmshr$(gt_ld_shl_suffix) $(exe_list) $(gt_svc_exe) # In the following code, various categories of source files are filtered # from allfiles_list into separate variables based on the file extention. # m file stuff. These list builds go to great pain to insure that either # post cms_load forms and pre-cms load forms work. plugin_cfiles:= gtmcrypt_ref.c gtmcrypt_pk_ref.c gtmcrypt_dbk_ref.c maskpass.c plugin_hfiles:= gtmcrypt_ref.h gtmcrypt_pk_ref.h gtmcrypt_dbk_ref.h gtmcrypt_sym_ref.h gtmcrypt_interface.h gtmxc_types.h main_pragma.h plugin_sh_file:= build.sh install.sh plugin_mfile:=getpass.m mfile_list:=$(filter-out _%.m, $(filter %.m, $(allfiles_list))) mptfile_list:=$(sort $(basename $(filter %.mpt, $(allfiles_list))) $(basename $(patsubst _%.m, %, $(filter _%.m, $(allfiles_list))))) mfile_targets:=$(addsuffix .m,$(foreach f,$(basename $(mfile_list)), $(shell echo $(f) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'))) mptfile_targets:=$(addprefix _,$(addsuffix .m, $(foreach f,$(mptfile_list), $(shell echo $(f) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')))) cfile_list:=$(filter-out $(plugin_cfiles), $(filter %.c, $(allfiles_list))) ifdef gt_as_src_from_suffix # # DUX requires .m64 to be gawk'ed and assembled as well # sfile_list:=$(filter %$(gt_as_src_suffix) %$(gt_as_src_from_suffix), $(allfiles_list)) else sfile_list:=$(filter %$(gt_as_src_suffix), $(allfiles_list)) endif helpfile_list:=$(filter %.hlp, $(allfiles_list)) sh_list:=$(filter %.sh, $(allfiles_list)) gtc_list:=$(filter %.gtc, $(allfiles_list)) list_files:=$(filter %.list, $(allfiles_list)) msgfile_list:=$(filter %.msg, $(allfiles_list)) plugin_ksh_file:=$(filter %.ksh, $(allfiles_list)) hfile_list := gtm_stdio.h gtm_stdlib.h gtm_string.h gtm_strings.h gtmxc_types.h gtm_limits.h main_pragma.h $(hfile_list_sp) sh_targets:=$(basename $(sh_list)) msgcfile_list=$(addsuffix _ctl.c,$(basename $(msgfile_list))) msgofile_list=$(addsuffix .o,$(basename $(msgcfile_list))) list_file_libs=$(addsuffix .a,$(basename $(list_files))) # object files # NOTE: sort/basename weeds out .s, .c duplication and # rules giving %.s priority over %.c cause the %.s # version to always be used ofile_list:=$(addsuffix .o,$(sort $(basename $(cfile_list)) $(basename $(sfile_list)))) # # dynamic depend list - weed out .s based .o's # dep_list:=$(addsuffix .d,$(filter-out $(basename $(sfile_list)),$(basename $(cfile_list)))) # objects on link command lines mumps_obj=gtm.o gtmshr_obj=gtm_main.o lke_obj=lke.o lke_cmd.o dse_obj=dse.o dse_cmd.o mupip_obj=mupip.o mupip_cmd.o dbcertify_obj=dbcertify.o dbcertify_cmd.o gtmsecshr_obj=gtmsecshr.o gtmsecshr_wrapper_obj=gtmsecshr_wrapper.o geteuid_obj=geteuid.o semstat2_obj=semstat2.o ftok_obj=ftok.o gtcm_server_obj=gtcm_main.o omi_srvc_xct.o gtcm_gnp_server_obj=gtcm_gnp_server.o gtcm_play_obj=gtcm_play.o omi_sx_play.o gtcm_pkdisp_obj=gtcm_pkdisp.o gtcm_shmclean_obj=gtcm_shmclean.o dtgbldir_obj=dtgbldir.o dummy_gtmci_obj=dummy_gtmci.o # exclude .o's in .list files, .o's used in ld's below, plus dtgbldir.o # (which doesn't appear to be used anywhere! non_mumps_objs:=$(addsuffix .o,$(shell cat $(foreach d,$(gt_src_list),$(wildcard $(gtm_ver)/$(d)/*.list)))) exclude_list:= \ $(non_mumps_objs) \ $(mumps_obj) \ $(gtmshr_obj) \ $(gtm_svc_obj) \ $(lke_obj) \ $(dse_obj) \ $(mupip_obj) \ $(dbcertify_obj) \ $(gtmsecshr_obj) \ $(gtmsecshr_wrapper_obj) \ $(geteuid_obj) \ $(semstat2_obj) \ $(ftok_obj) \ $(gtcm_server_obj) \ $(gtcm_gnp_server_obj) \ $(gtcm_play_obj) \ $(gtcm_pkdisp_obj) \ $(gtcm_shmclean_obj) \ $(dtgbldir_obj) \ $(dummy_gtmci_obj) # retain_list contains the modules listed in a .list file that also need to be # included in libmumps.a (eg. getmaxfds, sleep in sr_sun:libgtmrpc.list) libmumps_obj:=$(sort $(filter-out $(exclude_list),$(ofile_list)) $(msgofile_list) $(retain_list)) # rules, lists, variables specific to each type of build #ifndef gtm_dist gtm_dist=$(gtm_ver)/$(CURRENT_BUILDTYPE) #endif gt_cc_option_I:=$(gt_cc_option_I) $(addprefix -I$(gtm_ver)/, $(gt_src_list)) -I$(CURDIR) gt_cc_option_DDEBUG=-DDEBUG ifeq ($(CURRENT_BUILDTYPE), pro) gt_cc_options=$(gt_cc_option_optimize) $(gt_cc_options_common) gt_as_options=$(gt_as_option_optimize) $(gt_as_options_common) gt_ld_options_buildsp=$(gt_ld_options_pro) endif ifeq ($(CURRENT_BUILDTYPE), bta) gt_cc_options=$(gt_cc_option_DDEBUG) $(gt_cc_option_optimize) $(gt_cc_options_common) gt_as_options=$(gt_as_option_DDEBUG) $(gt_as_option_optimize) $(gt_as_options_common) gt_ld_options_buildsp=$(gt_ld_options_bta) endif ifeq ($(CURRENT_BUILDTYPE), dbg) gt_cc_options=$(gt_cc_option_DDEBUG) $(gt_cc_option_debug) $(gt_cc_options_common) gt_as_options=$(gt_as_option_DDEBUG) $(gt_as_option_debug) $(gt_as_options_common) gt_ld_options_buildsp=$(gt_ld_options_dbg) endif gt_cc_options += $(gt_cc_option_I) gt_as_options += $(gt_cc_option_I) # gt_ld_options should be set with '=' to allow lazy evaluation of # gt_ld_options_loadmap gt_ld_options=$(gt_ld_options_common) $(gt_ld_options_buildsp) $(gt_ld_options_loadmap) -L$(CURDIR) gt_cpus ?= 2 ifdef gt_ar_gtmrpc_name gt_ar_gtmrpc_name_target=../lib$(gt_ar_gtmrpc_name).a endif postbuild=$(gt_ar_gtmrpc_name_target) dotsh helpfiles hfiles gtcmconfig cpplugin_scripts cpplugin_file cpplugin_mfile\ ../mumps.gld ../gtmhelp.dat ../gdehelp.dat build_plugin_lib all: links mfiles mcompiles testit $(postbuild) compile:libmumps.a $(list_file_libs) $(filter-out $(non_mumps_objs), $(exclude_list)) %.export:%.exp $(gt-export) testit: echo $(postbuild) links: $(exe_list) $(exe_list):%: $(prebuild) ../% ; vars: echo MAKECMDGOALS $(MAKECMDGOALS) ../mumps.gld: cd ..;gtm_dist=$(gtm_dist);export gtm_dist;gtmgbldir=./$(notdir $@);export gtmgbldir;\ echo exit | ./mumps -run GDE define compile-help cd ..;gtm_dist=$(gtm_dist);export gtm_dist;gtmgbldir=$(gtm_dist)/$(notdir $(basename $@));export gtmgbldir; \ echo Change -segment DEFAULT -block=2048 -file=$(gtm_dist)/$(notdir $@) > hctemp; \ echo Change -region DEFAULT -record=1020 -key=255 >> hctemp; \ echo exit >> hctemp; \ cat hctemp | ./mumps -run GDE; \ ./mupip create; \ echo "Do ^GTMHLPLD" > hctemp; \ echo $(gtm_dist)/$(notdir $^) >> hctemp; \ echo Halt >> hctemp; \ cat hctemp | ./mumps -direct; \ rm -f hctemp endef ../gtmhelp.dat: ../mumps.hlp $(compile-help) ../gdehelp.dat: ../gde.hlp $(compile-help) mcompiles: cd ..;gtm_dist=$(dir $(CURDIR));export gtm_dist;gtmgbldir=$(notdir $@);export gtmgbldir; LC_CTYPE=C; export LC_CTYPE; gtm_chset=M; export gtm_chset; ./mumps *.m ; tcsh -f ../sr_unix/mkutf8dir.csh pluginbuild: mkdir -p plugin/gtmcrypt; cp ../sr_unix/gtmcrypt_ref.h plugin/gtmcrypt/; cp ../sr_unix/gtmcrypt_ref.c plugin/gtmcrypt/; dotsh: $(sh_targets) cp -f $^ .. helpfiles: $(helpfile_list) cp -pf $^ .. hfiles: $(hfile_list) cp -f $^ .. ifeq ($(gt_os_type), OSF1) cpplugin_scripts: $(plugin_ksh_file) $(plugin_sh_file) cpplugin_file: $(plugin_cfiles) $(plugin_hfiles) cpplugin_mfile: $(plugin_mfile) build_plugin_lib: else cpplugin_scripts: $(plugin_ksh_file) $(plugin_sh_file) cp -f $^ ../plugin/gtmcrypt cpplugin_file: $(plugin_cfiles) $(plugin_hfiles) cp -f $^ ../plugin/gtmcrypt cpplugin_mfile: $(plugin_mfile) cp -f $^ ../plugin/gtmcrypt/GETPASS.m build_plugin_lib: gtm_dist=$(dir $(CURDIR));export gtm_dist;cd $(gtm_dist)/plugin/gtmcrypt;sh -f build.sh $(crypttype) $(cryptbuildtype); sh -f install.sh endif mfiles: $(addprefix ../, $(mfile_targets) $(mptfile_targets)) $(list_file_libs): $(list_files) ifdef gt_ar_gtmrpc_name_target $(gt_ar_gtmrpc_name_target): lib$(gt_ar_gtmrpc_name).a cp $< $@ endif # executables define gt-ld rm -f $@ @echo "linking $(notdir $@)..." @echo $(gt_ld_linker) $(gt_ld_options) -o $@ $(gt_ld_sysrtns) $+ $(gt_ld_syslibs) $(gt_ld_extra_libs) > ../map/$(notdir $@).map 2>&1 @$(gt_ld_linker) $(gt_ld_options) -o $@ $(gt_ld_sysrtns) $+ $(gt_ld_syslibs) $(gt_ld_extra_libs) >> ../map/$(notdir $@).map 2>&1 endef define gt-ld_with_export rm -f $@ @echo "linking $(notdir $@)..." @echo $(gt_ld_linker) $(gt_ld_options) -o $@ $(gt_ld_sysrtns) $(gt_ld_options_all_exe) $+ $(gt_ld_syslibs) $(gt_ld_extra_libs) > ../map/$(notdir $@).map 2>&1 @$(gt_ld_linker) $(gt_ld_options) -o $@ $(gt_ld_sysrtns) $(gt_ld_options_all_exe) $+ $(gt_ld_syslibs) $(gt_ld_extra_libs) >> ../map/$(notdir $@).map 2>&1 endef ifdef gt_svc_exe # Note: gtm_svc should link with gtm_dal_svc.o before # gtm_mumps_call_clnt.o(libgtmrpc.a) to resolve conflicting symbols # (gtm_init_1, gtm_halt_1 etc..) appropriately. ../$(gt_svc_exe): $(gtm_svc_obj) libmumps.a libgnpclient.a libcmisockettcp.a $(gt_ld_gtmrpc_library_option) $(gt-ld) endif ../mumps: $(mumps_obj) $(gt-ld) ../dse: $(dse_obj) libdse.a libmumps.a libstub.a $(gt-ld_with_export) ../geteuid: $(geteuid_obj) libmumps.a $(gt-ld) ../gtmsecshrdir/gtmsecshr: ../gtmsecshr_real ../gtmsecshr_wrapper @rm -rf ../gtmsecshrdir gtmsecshr && mkdir ../gtmsecshrdir @mv ../gtmsecshr_real ../gtmsecshrdir/gtmsecshr @mv ../gtmsecshr_wrapper ../gtmsecshr ../gtmsecshr_real: $(gtmsecshr_obj) libmumps.a $(gt-ld) ../gtmsecshr_wrapper: $(gtmsecshr_wrapper_obj) libmumps.a $(gt-ld) ../lke: $(lke_obj) liblke.a libmumps.a libgnpclient.a libmumps.a libgnpclient.a libcmisockettcp.a $(gt-ld) ../mupip: $(mupip_obj) libmupip.a libmumps.a libstub.a $(gt_ld_aio_syslib) $(gt-ld_with_export) ../dbcertify: $(dbcertify_obj) libdbcertify.a libmupip.a libmumps.a libstub.a $(gt_ld_aio_syslib) $(gt-ld) ../gtcm_server: $(gtcm_server_obj) libgtcm.a libmumps.a libstub.a $(gt-ld) ../gtcm_gnp_server: $(gtcm_gnp_server_obj) libgnpserver.a liblke.a libmumps.a libcmisockettcp.a libstub.a $(gt-ld) ../gtcm_play: $(gtcm_play_obj) libgtcm.a libmumps.a libstub.a $(gt-ld) ../gtcm_pkdisp: $(gtcm_pkdisp_obj) libgtcm.a libmumps.a libstub.a $(gt-ld) ../gtcm_shmclean: $(gtcm_shmclean_obj) libgtcm.a libmumps.a libstub.a $(gt-ld) ../semstat2: $(semstat2_obj) $(gt-ld) ../ftok: $(ftok_obj) libmumps.a $(gt-ld) # build GT.M shared library(libgtmshr) from PIC-compiled .o files # chcon is for SELinux - see comment in buildshr.csh ../libgtmshr$(gt_ld_shl_suffix): gtmshr_symbols.export gtmexe_symbols.export $(gtmshr_obj) libmumps.a libgnpclient.a libcmisockettcp.a rm -f $@ @echo "linking $(notdir $@)..." @echo $(gt_ld_linker) $(gt_ld_options) $(gt_ld_shl_options) $(gt_ld_options_gtmshr) -o $@ $(gtmshr_obj) -lmumps -lgnpclient -lcmisockettcp $(gt_ld_syslibs) > ../map/$(notdir $@).map 2>&1 @$(gt_ld_linker) $(gt_ld_options) $(gt_ld_shl_options) $(gt_ld_options_gtmshr) -o $@ $(gtmshr_obj) -lmumps -lgnpclient -lcmisockettcp $(gt_ld_syslibs) >> ../map/$(notdir $@).map 2>&1 ifeq ($(gt_os_type),Linux) @-[ -x /usr/bin/chcon ] && chcon -t texrel_shlib_t $@ endif gtcmconfig: $(gtc_list) cp -f $^ .. cd ..;chmod a-wx $(notdir $^);mv -f configure.gtc configure cd ..;touch gtmhelp.dmp;chmod a+rw gtmhelp.dmp test_type: ifndef gt_cc_options $(error CURRENT_BUILDTYPE not properly defined) endif # no need to keep the archived object files .INTERMEDIATE: $(libmumps_obj) $(non_mumps_objs) # # autodepend files for C files # -include $(dep_list) # # autodepend files for M files # -include $(mfile_list:.m=.mdep) # # autodepend files for mpt files # -include $(mptfile_list:=.mptdep) # # autodepend files for .a files # -include $(list_files:.list=.ldep) # Overriding the implicit archive rule a(m):m to accumulate all changed .o # files in a temporary dependency (.ardep) file that will be used by ar to # archive all files in a single command. # This enhancement [of accumulating in a temporary .ardep file instead of # updating the library rightaway] improves the full building time. However # for incremental builds the object file is updated into the archive # immediately. (%):% ifeq ($(incremental),1) @$(gt_ar_archiver) $(gt_ar_options) $@ $< else @echo $< >> $(basename $@).ardep endif # Since ecode_set.c includes merrors_ansi.h, merrors.msg should be precompiled. ecode_set.d:merrors_ctl.c %.d:%.c ifeq ($(verbose),1) @echo generating $@... endif $(gt-dep) ifeq ($(incremental),1) %.ldep:%.list @echo $*.a\:$*.a\($$\(addsuffix .o,$$\(shell cat $<\)\)\) > $@ @$(gt_echoe) "\t@ranlib "$$\@ >> $@ else %.ldep:%.list @echo $*.a\:$*.a\($$\(addsuffix .o,$$\(shell cat $<\)\)\) $*.ardep > $@ @$(gt_echoe) "\t@echo Processing "$$\@ "; cp -f $*.ardep _$*.ardep; echo >$*.ardep" >> $@ @$(gt_echoe) "\t@cat _$*.ardep | xargs $(gt_ar_archiver) $(gt_ar_options) "$$\@ >>$@ @$(gt_echoe) "\t@rm -f _$*.ardep" >> $@ endif %.mdep:%.m @echo ../$(shell echo $* | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]').m: $< > $@ @$(gt_echoe) "\t"cp -f $$\< $$\@ >> $@ %.mptdep:_%.m @echo ../_$(shell echo $* | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]').m: $< > $@ @$(gt_echoe) "\t"cp -f $$\< $$\@ >> $@ %.mptdep:%.mpt @echo ../_$(shell echo $* | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]').m: $< > $@ @$(gt_echoe) "\t"cp -f $$\< $$\@ >> $@ # By setting gtm_curpro to point to a prior installed GT.M directory (if # available), the following rules automatically generates *_ctl.c from *.msg # and ttt.c from ttt.txt. ifdef gtm_curpro %_ctl.c:%.msg msg.m gtm_dist=$(gtm_curpro);export gtm_dist;\ $(gtm_curpro)/mumps $(filter-out $<, $^);\ $(gtm_curpro)/mumps -run msg $< unix @rm -f msg.o ttt.c:ttt.txt opcode_def.h vxi.h tttgen.m tttscan.m chk2lev.m chkop.m gendash.m genout.m loadop.m loadvx.m gtm_dist=$(gtm_curpro);export gtm_dist;\ $(gtm_curpro)/mumps $(filter-out %.h, $(filter-out $<, $^));\ $(gtm_curpro)/mumps -run tttgen $< $(filter %.h, $^) @rm -f tttgen.o tttscan.o chk2lev.o chkop.o gendash.o genout.o loadop.o loadvx.o endif # By default [since the rule %.o:%.s precedes %.o:%.c], the .s files take # precedence over .c files if both versions exist for a module. The # following rule allows us to reverse this behavior for a special set of # modules (eg. compswap for sparcv8 etc.) by assigning them to a variable # gt_cc_before_as [in gtm_env_sp.mk]. # gt_cc_before_as should be defined to the list of .o files for which both # .c and .s exist but need to be compiled from .c instead of from .s files. ifdef gt_cc_before_as $(gt_cc_before_as):%.o:%.c #override rules for gt_cc_before_as modules ONLY ifeq ($(verbose),1) $(gt_cc_compiler) -c $(gt_cc_options) -o $@ $< else @echo "$< ----> $(CURDIR)/$@" @$(gt_cc_compiler) -c $(gt_cc_options) -o $@ $< endif endif ifdef gt_as_src_from_suffix %.o:%$(gt_as_src_from_suffix) ifeq ($(verbose),1) $(gt-as-convert) else @echo "$< ----> $(CURDIR)/$@" @$(gt-as-convert) endif endif %.o:%$(gt_as_src_suffix) ifneq ($(verbose),1) @echo "$< ----> $(CURDIR)/$@" endif ifeq ($(gt_os_type), Linux) ifeq ($(gt_machine_type), ia64) @$(gt_cpp) @$(gt-as_cpp) @rm $<_cpp.s else @$(gt-as) endif else ifeq ($(gt_os_type)), CYGWIN) @$(gt-as) objcopy --prefix-symbols="_" $@ else @$(gt-as) endif endif %.o:%.c ifeq ($(verbose),1) $(gt_cc_compiler) -c $(gt_cc_options) -o $@ $< else @echo "$< ----> $(CURDIR)/$@" @$(gt_cc_compiler) -c $(gt_cc_options) -o $@ $< endif omi_sx_play.c: omi_srvc_xct.c @cp $< $@ ifeq ($(incremental),1) libmumps.a: libmumps.a($(msgofile_list) $(libmumps_obj)) @ranlib $@ else libmumps.a: libmumps.a($(msgofile_list) $(libmumps_obj)) libmumps.ardep @echo Processing $@ ;cp -f libmumps.ardep _libmumps.ardep; echo "">libmumps.ardep @cat _libmumps.ardep | xargs $(gt_ar_archiver) $(gt_ar_options) $@ @rm -f _libmumps.ardep endif endif #second-level make invocation