/**************************************************************** * * * Copyright 2003, 2012 Fidelity Information Services, Inc * * * * This source code contains the intellectual property * * of its copyright holder(s), and is made available * * under a license. If you do not know the terms of * * the license, please stop and do not read further. * * * ****************************************************************/ #include "mdef.h" #ifdef VMS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include "gtm_unistd.h" #include "gdsroot.h" #include "gtm_facility.h" #include "fileinfo.h" #include "gdsbt.h" #include "gdsfhead.h" #include "gtm_string.h" #include "filestruct.h" #include "jnl.h" #include "buddy_list.h" #include "hashtab_int4.h" /* needed for muprec.h */ #include "hashtab_int8.h" /* needed for muprec.h */ #include "hashtab_mname.h" /* needed for muprec.h */ #include "muprec.h" #include "cli.h" #include "min_max.h" #include "util.h" #include "gtm_caseconv.h" #include "mupip_exit.h" #include "gtm_bintim.h" #include "gtmmsg.h" GBLREF mur_opt_struct mur_options; GBLREF mur_gbls_t murgbl; GBLREF jnl_gbls_t jgbl; GBLREF boolean_t mupip_jnl_recover; error_def(ERR_INVERRORLIM); error_def(ERR_INVGLOBALQUAL); error_def(ERR_INVIDQUAL); error_def(ERR_INVQUALTIME); error_def(ERR_INVREDIRQUAL); error_def(ERR_INVTRNSQUAL); error_def(ERR_MUPCLIERR); error_def(ERR_NOTPOSITIVE); error_def(ERR_RSYNCSTRMVAL); #ifdef VMS static const $DESCRIPTOR(output_qualifier, "OUTPUT"); static const $DESCRIPTOR(process_qualifier, "PROCESS"); #define EXCLUDE_CHAR '-' #define STR2PID asc_hex2i #define MAX_PID_LEN 8 /* maximum number of hexadecimal digits in the process-id */ #define REDIRECT_STR "specify as (old-file-name=new-file-name,...)" #else #define EXCLUDE_CHAR '~' #define STR2PID asc2i #define MAX_PID_LEN 10 /* maximum number of decimal digits in the process-id */ #define REDIRECT_STR "specify as \"old-file-name=new-file-name,...\"" #endif #define WILDCARD_CHAR1 '*' #define WILDCARD_CHAR2 '%' static char default_since_time[] = "0 0:0:00", default_lookback_time[] = "0 0:5:00"; static char * const extr_parms[] = { /* Must match the order of enum broken_type */ "EXTRACT", "BROKENTRANS", "LOSTTRANS" }; void mur_get_options(void) { int4 status; uint4 ustatus, state; unsigned short length; char *cptr, *ctop, *qual_buffer, inchar; char *qual_buffer_ptr, *entry, *entry_ptr; char *file_name_specified, *file_name_expanded; unsigned int file_name_specified_len, file_name_expanded_len; int extr_type, top, onln_rlbk_val; boolean_t global_exclude; long_list *ll_ptr, *ll_ptr1; redirect_list *rl_ptr, *rl_ptr1, *tmp_rl_ptr; select_list *sl_ptr, *sl_ptr1; boolean_t interactive, parse_error; # ifdef VMS int4 item_code, mode; jnl_proc_time max_time; # endif DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; SETUP_THREADGBL_ACCESS; # ifdef VMS DEBUG_ONLY( JNL_WHOLE_TIME(max_time); /* The following assert is to make sure we get some fix for the toggling of max_time's bit 55 (bit 0 lsb, 63 msb). * Bit 55 is currently 1 (it was 0 until some time in 1973) and will remain so until another 2087. Bit 55 toggles * approximately every 41700 days (114 years). We need to fix the way mupip recover operates to take care of such * transition periods. And the fix needs to be done before it is too late. Hence this assert. This assert will * fail in year 2084, approximately 980 days before the toggle time (in year 2087). */ assert(JNL_FULL_HI_TIME(max_time) < JNL_HITIME_WARN_THRESHOLD); ) # endif qual_buffer = (char *)malloc(MAX_LINE); entry = (char *)malloc(MAX_LINE); memset(&mur_options, 0, SIZEOF(mur_options)); /*----- -VERBOSE -----*/ if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("VERBOSE")) mur_options.verbose = TRUE; /*----- JOURNAL ACTION QUALIFIERS -----*/ /*----- -RECOVER -----*/ mur_options.update = cli_present("RECOVER") == CLI_PRESENT; /*----- -ROLLBACK -----*/ mur_options.rollback = cli_present("ROLLBACK") == CLI_PRESENT; UNIX_ONLY(assert(FALSE == jgbl.onlnrlbk);) if (mur_options.rollback) { mur_options.update = TRUE; UNIX_ONLY( onln_rlbk_val = cli_present("ONLINE"); jgbl.onlnrlbk = onln_rlbk_val ? (onln_rlbk_val != CLI_NEGATED) : FALSE; /* Default is -NOONLINE */ ) } TREF(skip_file_corrupt_check) = mupip_jnl_recover = mur_options.update; jgbl.mur_rollback = mur_options.rollback; /* needed to set jfh->repl_state properly for newly created jnl files */ UNIX_ONLY(murgbl.resync_strm_index = INVALID_SUPPL_STRM;) if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("RESYNC")) { status = cli_get_uint64("RESYNC", (gtm_uint64_t *)&murgbl.resync_seqno); if (!status || (0 == murgbl.resync_seqno)) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_NOTPOSITIVE, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("RESYNC")); mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } mur_options.resync_specified = TRUE; UNIX_ONLY( if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("RSYNC_STRM")) { status = cli_get_int("RSYNC_STRM", &murgbl.resync_strm_index); if (!status) mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); if ((0 > murgbl.resync_strm_index) || (MAX_SUPPL_STRMS <= murgbl.resync_strm_index)) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_RSYNCSTRMVAL); mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } } ) } if ((status = cli_present("FETCHRESYNC")) == CLI_PRESENT) { if (!cli_get_int("FETCHRESYNC", &mur_options.fetchresync_port)) mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } /*----- -[NO]VERIFY -----*/ mur_options.verify = cli_present("VERIFY") != CLI_NEGATED; /* SHOW[=(ALL|HEADER|PROCESSES|ACTIVE_PROCESSES|BROKEN_TRANSACTIONS|STATISTICS)] */ mur_options.show = SHOW_NONE; if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("SHOW")) { if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("SHOW.ACTIVE_PROCESSES")) mur_options.show |= SHOW_ACTIVE_PROCESSES; if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("SHOW.ALL")) mur_options.show |= SHOW_ALL; if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("SHOW.BROKEN_TRANSACTIONS")) mur_options.show |= SHOW_BROKEN; if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("SHOW.HEADER")) mur_options.show |= SHOW_HEADER; if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("SHOW.PROCESSES")) mur_options.show |= SHOW_ALL_PROCESSES; if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("SHOW.STATISTICS")) mur_options.show |= SHOW_STATISTICS; UNIX_ONLY(assert(SHOW_NONE != mur_options.show);) if (SHOW_NONE == mur_options.show) mur_options.show = SHOW_ALL; /* VMS CLI does not seem to recognize SHOW.ALL as default for some reason */ } else if (mur_options.update) mur_options.show = SHOW_BROKEN; mur_options.detail = cli_present("DETAIL") == CLI_PRESENT; if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("FULL")) mur_options.extract_full = TRUE; /*----- -EXTRACT[=file-name] or -LOSTTRANS= or -BROKENTRANS= -----*/ for (extr_type = 0; extr_type < TOT_EXTR_TYPES; extr_type++) { mur_options.extr[extr_type] = FALSE; if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present(extr_parms[extr_type])) { mur_options.extr[extr_type] = TRUE; length = MAX_LINE; if (cli_get_str(extr_parms[extr_type], qual_buffer, &length)) { mur_options.extr_fn_len[extr_type] = length; mur_options.extr_fn[extr_type] = (char *)malloc(mur_options.extr_fn_len[extr_type] + 1); strncpy(mur_options.extr_fn[extr_type], qual_buffer, length); mur_options.extr_fn[extr_type][length]='\0'; } } } /*----- JOURNAL DIRECTION QUALIFIERS -----*/ /*----- -FORWARD -----*/ mur_options.forward = cli_present("FORWARD") == CLI_PRESENT; /*----- -BACKWARD -----*/ assert(mur_options.forward != (cli_present("BACKWARD") == CLI_PRESENT)); DEBUG_ONLY(jgbl.mur_options_forward = mur_options.forward;) /*----- JOURNAL TIME QUALIFIERS -----*/ /*----- -AFTER=delta_or_absolute_time -----*/ if (cli_present("AFTER") == CLI_PRESENT) { length = MAX_LINE; cli_get_str("AFTER", qual_buffer, &length); status = gtm_bintim(qual_buffer, &mur_options.after_time); if (status) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_INVQUALTIME, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("AFTER")); mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } } /*----- -SINCE=delta_or_absolute_time -----*/ mur_options.since_time_specified = FALSE; if (cli_present("SINCE") == CLI_PRESENT) { length = MAX_LINE; cli_get_str("SINCE", qual_buffer, &length); status = gtm_bintim(qual_buffer, &mur_options.since_time); if (status) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_INVQUALTIME, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("SINCE")); mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } mur_options.since_time_specified = TRUE; } else if (!mur_options.forward) (void)gtm_bintim(default_since_time, &mur_options.since_time); /*----- -BEFORE=delta_or_absolute_time -----*/ mur_options.before_time_specified = FALSE; if (cli_present("BEFORE") == CLI_PRESENT) { length = MAX_LINE; cli_get_str("BEFORE", qual_buffer, &length); status = gtm_bintim(qual_buffer, &mur_options.before_time); if (status) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_INVQUALTIME, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("BEFORE")); mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } mur_options.before_time_specified = TRUE; } /* [NO]LOOKBACK_LIMIT[=("TIME=delta_or_absolute_time","OPERATIONS=integer")] */ mur_options.lookback_time_specified = FALSE; if (CLI_PRESENT == (status = cli_present("LOOKBACK_LIMIT"))) { length = MAX_LINE; CLI_GET_STR_ALL("LOOKBACK_LIMIT",qual_buffer, &length); if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("LOOKBACK_LIMIT.OPERATIONS")) { mur_options.lookback_opers_specified = TRUE; length = MAX_LINE; cli_get_str("LOOKBACK_LIMIT.OPERATIONS", qual_buffer, &length); mur_options.lookback_opers = asc2i((uchar_ptr_t)qual_buffer, (int4)length); } if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("LOOKBACK_LIMIT.TIME")) { length = MAX_LINE; cli_get_str("LOOKBACK_LIMIT.TIME", qual_buffer, &length); status = gtm_bintim(qual_buffer, &mur_options.lookback_time); if (status) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_INVQUALTIME, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("TIME")); mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } mur_options.lookback_time_specified = TRUE; } } else if (status != CLI_NEGATED && !mur_options.forward) (void)gtm_bintim(default_lookback_time, &mur_options.lookback_time); /*----- JOURNAL CONTROL QUALIFIERS -----*/ /*----- -REDIRECT=(old-file-name=new-file-name,...) -----*/ if (cli_present("REDIRECT") == CLI_PRESENT) { file_name_specified = (char *)malloc(MAX_FN_LEN + 1); file_name_expanded = (char *)malloc(MAX_FN_LEN + 1); length = MAX_LINE; if (!CLI_GET_STR_ALL("REDIRECT", qual_buffer, &length)) mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); qual_buffer_ptr = qual_buffer; for (ctop = qual_buffer + length; qual_buffer_ptr < ctop;) { if (!cli_get_str_ele(qual_buffer_ptr, entry, &length, FALSE)) mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); qual_buffer_ptr += length; assert((',' == *qual_buffer_ptr) || !(*qual_buffer_ptr)); /* either comma separator or end of option list */ if (',' == *qual_buffer_ptr) qual_buffer_ptr++; /* skip separator */ #ifdef UNIX /* parantheses are not allowed on UNIX */ if (('(' == *entry) || (')' == *(qual_buffer_ptr-1))) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_INVREDIRQUAL, 2, LEN_AND_LIT(REDIRECT_STR)); mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } #endif entry_ptr = cptr = entry; while (cptr < (entry_ptr + length) && *cptr != ',' && *cptr != '=') ++cptr; if ('=' != *cptr) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_INVREDIRQUAL, 2, LEN_AND_LIT(REDIRECT_STR)); mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } rl_ptr1 = (redirect_list *)malloc(SIZEOF(redirect_list)); rl_ptr1->next = NULL; if (mur_options.redirect == NULL) mur_options.redirect = rl_ptr1; else rl_ptr->next = rl_ptr1; rl_ptr = rl_ptr1; file_name_specified_len = (unsigned int)(cptr - entry_ptr); memcpy(file_name_specified, entry, file_name_specified_len); *(file_name_specified + file_name_specified_len)= '\0'; if (!get_full_path(file_name_specified, file_name_specified_len, file_name_expanded, &file_name_expanded_len, MAX_FN_LEN, &ustatus)) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_INVREDIRQUAL, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("Unable to find full pathname")); mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } for (tmp_rl_ptr = mur_options.redirect; tmp_rl_ptr != NULL; tmp_rl_ptr = tmp_rl_ptr->next) { if (((tmp_rl_ptr->org_name_len == file_name_expanded_len) && (0 == memcmp(tmp_rl_ptr->org_name, file_name_expanded, tmp_rl_ptr->org_name_len))) || ((tmp_rl_ptr->new_name_len == file_name_expanded_len) && (0 == memcmp(tmp_rl_ptr->new_name, file_name_expanded, tmp_rl_ptr->new_name_len)))) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_INVREDIRQUAL, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("Duplicate or invalid specification of files")); mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } } rl_ptr->org_name_len = file_name_expanded_len; rl_ptr->org_name = (char *)malloc(rl_ptr->org_name_len + 1); memcpy(rl_ptr->org_name, file_name_expanded, rl_ptr->org_name_len); rl_ptr->org_name[rl_ptr->org_name_len] = '\0'; entry_ptr = cptr + 1; /* skip the = */ file_name_specified_len = length - file_name_specified_len - 1; /* the rest of the entry);*/ memcpy(file_name_specified, entry_ptr, file_name_specified_len); *(file_name_specified + file_name_specified_len)= '\0'; if (!get_full_path(file_name_specified, file_name_specified_len, file_name_expanded, &file_name_expanded_len, MAX_FN_LEN, &ustatus)) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_INVREDIRQUAL, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("Unable to find full pathname")); mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } for (tmp_rl_ptr = mur_options.redirect; tmp_rl_ptr != NULL; tmp_rl_ptr = tmp_rl_ptr->next) { if ((tmp_rl_ptr->org_name_len == file_name_expanded_len && 0 == memcmp(tmp_rl_ptr->org_name, file_name_expanded, tmp_rl_ptr->org_name_len)) || (tmp_rl_ptr->new_name_len == file_name_expanded_len && 0 == memcmp(tmp_rl_ptr->new_name, file_name_expanded, tmp_rl_ptr->new_name_len))) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_INVREDIRQUAL, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("Duplicate or invalid specification of files")); mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } } rl_ptr->new_name_len = file_name_expanded_len; rl_ptr->new_name = (char *)malloc(rl_ptr->new_name_len + 1); memcpy(rl_ptr->new_name, file_name_expanded, rl_ptr->new_name_len); rl_ptr->new_name[rl_ptr->new_name_len] = '\0'; } free(file_name_specified); free(file_name_expanded); } /*----- -FENCES=NONE|ALWAYS|PROCESS -----*/ mur_options.fences = FENCE_PROCESS; if (cli_present("FENCES") == CLI_PRESENT) { if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("FENCES.NONE")) mur_options.fences = FENCE_NONE; else if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("FENCES.ALWAYS")) mur_options.fences = FENCE_ALWAYS; else if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("FENCES.PROCESS")) mur_options.fences = FENCE_PROCESS; /* DEFAULT */ } DEBUG_ONLY(jgbl.mur_fences_none = (FENCE_NONE == mur_options.fences);) /*----- -[NO]INTERACTIVE -----*/ #ifdef VMS item_code = JPI$_MODE; lib$getjpi(&item_code, NULL, NULL, &mode, NULL, NULL); interactive = (JPI$K_INTERACTIVE == mode); #else interactive = (boolean_t) isatty(0); #endif mur_options.interactive = interactive && (CLI_NEGATED != cli_present("INTERACTIVE")); /*----- -[NO]CHAIN -----*/ mur_options.chain = TRUE; /* By Default or specified without negation */ if ((status = cli_present("CHAIN")) == CLI_NEGATED) mur_options.chain = FALSE; /*----- -[NO]ERROR_LIMIT[=integer] -----*/ if ((status = cli_present("ERROR_LIMIT")) == CLI_PRESENT) { if (!cli_get_int("ERROR_LIMIT", &mur_options.error_limit)) mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); if (mur_options.error_limit < 0) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(2) ERR_INVERRORLIM, 0); mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } } else if (status == CLI_NEGATED) mur_options.error_limit = 1000000; #ifdef VMS /*----- -OUTPUT (VMS ONLY) -----*/ if ( CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("OUTPUT")) util_out_open(&output_qualifier); #endif /*----- -[NO]CHECKTN -----*/ mur_options.notncheck = (cli_present("CHECKTN") == CLI_NEGATED); /*----- JOURNAL SELECTION QUALIFIERS -----*/ /*----- -GLOBAL=(list of global names) -----*/ if (cli_present("GLOBAL") == CLI_PRESENT) { length = MAX_LINE; if (!CLI_GET_STR_ALL("GLOBAL", qual_buffer, &length)) mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); qual_buffer_ptr = qual_buffer; global_exclude = FALSE; if ('"' == *qual_buffer_ptr ) { ++qual_buffer_ptr; --length; if ('"' == qual_buffer_ptr[length-1]) qual_buffer_ptr[--length] = '\0'; } if (EXCLUDE_CHAR == *qual_buffer_ptr) { global_exclude = TRUE; ++qual_buffer_ptr; --length; } if ('(' == *qual_buffer_ptr ) { ++qual_buffer_ptr; --length; if (')' == qual_buffer_ptr[length-1]) qual_buffer_ptr[--length] = '\0'; } else if (global_exclude) { --qual_buffer_ptr; ++length; global_exclude = FALSE; } for (ctop = qual_buffer_ptr + length; qual_buffer_ptr < ctop;) { entry_ptr = entry; /* this is a simplistic state machine that does not allow for more than 30 nestings of '(' and '"'*/ state = 0x1; parse_error = FALSE; for (length = 0; (inchar = *qual_buffer_ptr); length++) { switch (inchar) { case '(': if (state >> 31) parse_error = TRUE; else state = (state << 1) | 1; break; case ')': if ((state > 1) && (state & 1)) state = (state >> 1); else if (1 == state) parse_error = TRUE; break; case '"': if ((state > 1) && !(state & 1)) state = (state >> 1); else if (state >> 31) parse_error = TRUE; else if ('"' == *(qual_buffer_ptr + 1)) qual_buffer_ptr++; /* two consecutive double-quote is treated as one */ else state = (state << 1) | 0; break; } if ((',' == inchar) && (1 == state)) { assert(FALSE == parse_error); break; } *entry_ptr++ = *qual_buffer_ptr++; if (parse_error || ((qual_buffer_ptr == ctop) && (state > 1))) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_INVGLOBALQUAL, 3, qual_buffer_ptr - &qual_buffer[0], ctop - &qual_buffer[0], qual_buffer); mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } } *entry_ptr = '\0'; assert((',' == *qual_buffer_ptr) || !(*qual_buffer_ptr)); /* either comma separator or end of option list */ if (',' == *qual_buffer_ptr) qual_buffer_ptr++; /* skip separator */ entry_ptr = entry; sl_ptr1 = (select_list *)malloc(SIZEOF(select_list)); sl_ptr1->next = NULL; if (NULL == mur_options.global) mur_options.global = sl_ptr1; else sl_ptr->next = sl_ptr1; sl_ptr = sl_ptr1; if ('"' == entry_ptr[length - 1]) --length; if ('"' == *entry_ptr) { entry_ptr++; length--; } if (EXCLUDE_CHAR == *entry_ptr) { ++entry_ptr; length--; sl_ptr->exclude = TRUE; } else sl_ptr->exclude = FALSE; if (global_exclude) sl_ptr->exclude = !sl_ptr->exclude; sl_ptr->len = length; sl_ptr->buff = (char *)malloc(sl_ptr->len); memcpy(sl_ptr->buff, entry_ptr, length); sl_ptr->has_wildcard = FALSE; sl_ptr->has_wildcard += ((NULL == memchr(sl_ptr->buff, WILDCARD_CHAR1, length)) ? FALSE : TRUE); sl_ptr->has_wildcard += ((NULL == memchr(sl_ptr->buff, WILDCARD_CHAR2, length)) ? FALSE : TRUE); } mur_options.selection = TRUE; } /*----- -USER=(list of user names) -----*/ if (cli_present("USER") == CLI_PRESENT) { length = MAX_LINE; if (!CLI_GET_STR_ALL("USER", qual_buffer, &length)) mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); qual_buffer_ptr = qual_buffer; global_exclude = FALSE; if ('"' == *qual_buffer_ptr ) { ++qual_buffer_ptr; --length; if ('"' == qual_buffer_ptr[length - 1]) qual_buffer_ptr[--length] = '\0'; } if (EXCLUDE_CHAR == *qual_buffer_ptr) { global_exclude = TRUE; ++qual_buffer_ptr; --length; } if ('(' == *qual_buffer_ptr ) { ++qual_buffer_ptr; --length; } else if (global_exclude) { --qual_buffer_ptr; ++length; global_exclude = FALSE; } if (')' == qual_buffer_ptr[length-1]) qual_buffer_ptr[--length] = '\0'; for (ctop = qual_buffer_ptr + length; qual_buffer_ptr < ctop;) { if (!cli_get_str_ele(qual_buffer_ptr, entry, &length, UNIX_ONLY(FALSE) VMS_ONLY(TRUE))) mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); qual_buffer_ptr += length; assert(',' == *qual_buffer_ptr || !(*qual_buffer_ptr)); /* either comma separator or end of option list */ if (',' == *qual_buffer_ptr) qual_buffer_ptr++; /* skip separator */ entry_ptr = entry; sl_ptr1 = (select_list *)malloc(SIZEOF(select_list)); sl_ptr1->next = NULL; if (NULL == mur_options.user) mur_options.user = sl_ptr1; else sl_ptr->next = sl_ptr1; sl_ptr = sl_ptr1; if ('"' == entry_ptr[length - 1]) --length; if ('"' == *entry_ptr) { entry_ptr++; length--; } if (EXCLUDE_CHAR == *entry_ptr) { ++entry_ptr; length--; sl_ptr->exclude = TRUE; } else sl_ptr->exclude = FALSE; if (global_exclude) sl_ptr->exclude = !sl_ptr->exclude; sl_ptr->len = length; sl_ptr->buff = (char *)malloc(sl_ptr->len); memcpy(sl_ptr->buff, entry_ptr, length); sl_ptr->has_wildcard = FALSE; sl_ptr->has_wildcard += ((NULL == memchr(sl_ptr->buff, WILDCARD_CHAR1, length)) ? FALSE : TRUE); sl_ptr->has_wildcard += ((NULL == memchr(sl_ptr->buff, WILDCARD_CHAR2, length)) ? FALSE : TRUE); } mur_options.selection = TRUE; } /*----- -ID=(list of user process id's) -----*/ if (cli_present("ID") == CLI_PRESENT) { length = MAX_LINE; if (!CLI_GET_STR_ALL("ID", qual_buffer, &length)) mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); qual_buffer_ptr = qual_buffer; global_exclude = FALSE; if ('"' == *qual_buffer_ptr ) { ++qual_buffer_ptr; --length; if ('"' == qual_buffer_ptr[length-1]) qual_buffer_ptr[--length] = '\0'; } if (EXCLUDE_CHAR == *qual_buffer_ptr) { global_exclude = TRUE; ++qual_buffer_ptr; --length; } if ('(' == *qual_buffer_ptr ) { ++qual_buffer_ptr; --length; } else if (global_exclude) { --qual_buffer_ptr; ++length; global_exclude = FALSE; } if (')' == qual_buffer_ptr[length-1]) qual_buffer_ptr[--length] = '\0'; for (ctop = qual_buffer_ptr + length; qual_buffer_ptr < ctop;) { if (!cli_get_str_ele(qual_buffer_ptr, entry, &length, UNIX_ONLY(FALSE) VMS_ONLY(TRUE))) mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); qual_buffer_ptr += length; assert(',' == *qual_buffer_ptr || !(*qual_buffer_ptr)); /* either comma separator or end of option list */ if (',' == *qual_buffer_ptr) qual_buffer_ptr++; /* skip separator */ entry_ptr = entry; ll_ptr1 = (long_list *)malloc(SIZEOF(long_list)); ll_ptr1->next = NULL; if (NULL == mur_options.id) mur_options.id = ll_ptr1; else ll_ptr->next = ll_ptr1; ll_ptr = ll_ptr1; if ('"' == entry_ptr[length - 1]) --length; if ('"' == *entry_ptr) { entry_ptr++; length--; } if (EXCLUDE_CHAR == *entry_ptr) { ++entry_ptr; length--; ll_ptr->exclude = TRUE; } else ll_ptr->exclude = FALSE; if (global_exclude) ll_ptr->exclude = !ll_ptr->exclude; if ((MAX_PID_LEN < length) || ((ll_ptr->num = STR2PID((uchar_ptr_t)entry_ptr, length)) == (unsigned int) - 1)) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_INVIDQUAL, 2, length, entry_ptr); mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } } mur_options.selection = TRUE; } /*----- -TRANSACTION=[NO]SET|KILL -----*/ if (cli_present("TRANSACTION") == CLI_PRESENT) { status = cli_present("TRANSACTION.KILL"); if (CLI_PRESENT == status) mur_options.transaction |= TRANS_KILLS; else if (CLI_NEGATED == status) mur_options.transaction |= TRANS_SETS; status = cli_present("TRANSACTION.SET"); if (CLI_PRESENT == status) mur_options.transaction |= TRANS_SETS; else if (CLI_NEGATED == status) mur_options.transaction |= TRANS_KILLS; if ((TRANS_KILLS != mur_options.transaction) && (TRANS_SETS != mur_options.transaction)) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(2) ERR_INVTRNSQUAL, 0); mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); } mur_options.selection = TRUE; } #ifdef VMS /*----- /PROCESS=(list of user process names) -----*/ if (cli_present("PROCESS") == CLI_PRESENT) { /* this is VMS only */ length = MAX_LINE; if (!CLI_GET_STR_ALL("PROCESS", qual_buffer, &length)) mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); qual_buffer_ptr = qual_buffer; global_exclude = FALSE; if ('"' == *qual_buffer_ptr ) { ++qual_buffer_ptr; --length; if ('"' == qual_buffer_ptr[length-1]) qual_buffer_ptr[--length] = '\0'; } if (EXCLUDE_CHAR == *qual_buffer_ptr) { global_exclude = TRUE; ++qual_buffer_ptr; --length; } if ('(' == *qual_buffer_ptr ) { ++qual_buffer_ptr; --length; } else if (global_exclude) { --qual_buffer_ptr; ++length; global_exclude = FALSE; } if (')' == qual_buffer_ptr[length-1]) qual_buffer_ptr[--length] = '\0'; for (ctop = qual_buffer_ptr + length; qual_buffer_ptr < ctop;) { if (!cli_get_str_ele(qual_buffer_ptr, entry, &length, FALSE)) mupip_exit(ERR_MUPCLIERR); qual_buffer_ptr += length; assert((',' == *qual_buffer_ptr) || !(*qual_buffer_ptr)); /* either comma separator or end of option list */ if (',' == *qual_buffer_ptr) qual_buffer_ptr++; /* skip separator */ entry_ptr = entry; sl_ptr1 = (select_list *)malloc(SIZEOF(select_list)); sl_ptr1->next = NULL; if (mur_options.process == NULL) mur_options.process = sl_ptr1; else sl_ptr->next = sl_ptr1; sl_ptr = sl_ptr1; if ('"' == entry_ptr[length - 1]) --length; if ('"' == *entry_ptr) { entry_ptr++; length--; } if (EXCLUDE_CHAR == *entry_ptr) { ++entry_ptr; --length; sl_ptr->exclude = TRUE; } else sl_ptr->exclude = FALSE; if (global_exclude) sl_ptr->exclude = !sl_ptr->exclude; sl_ptr->len = length; sl_ptr->buff = (char *)malloc(length); memcpy(sl_ptr->buff, entry_ptr, length); sl_ptr->has_wildcard = FALSE; sl_ptr->has_wildcard += ((NULL == memchr(sl_ptr->buff, WILDCARD_CHAR1, length)) ? FALSE : TRUE); sl_ptr->has_wildcard += ((NULL == memchr(sl_ptr->buff, WILDCARD_CHAR2, length)) ? FALSE : TRUE); } mur_options.selection = TRUE; } #endif /* by default after_images are applied during backward recovery. the APPLY_AFTER_IMAGE option can override that behaviour */ mur_options.apply_after_image = !mur_options.forward; if (CLI_PRESENT == (status = cli_present("APPLY_AFTER_IMAGE"))) mur_options.apply_after_image = TRUE; else if (CLI_NEGATED == status) mur_options.apply_after_image = FALSE; /* if the only request is -SHOW=HEAD, set show_head_only */ if ((SHOW_HEADER == mur_options.show) && !mur_options.update && !mur_options.verify && (CLI_PRESENT != cli_present("EXTRACT"))) mur_options.show_head_only = TRUE; free(entry); free(qual_buffer); }