/**************************************************************** * * * Copyright 2010, 2012 Fidelity Information Services, Inc * * * * This source code contains the intellectual property * * of its copyright holder(s), and is made available * * under a license. If you do not know the terms of * * the license, please stop and do not read further. * * * ****************************************************************/ #include "mdef.h" #include "gtm_string.h" #include "gdsroot.h" #include "gdsbt.h" #include "gtm_facility.h" #include "fileinfo.h" #include "gdsfhead.h" #include /* for rtn_tabent in gv_trigger.h */ #include "gv_trigger.h" #include "gtm_trigger.h" #include "error.h" #include "filestruct.h" #include "gdscc.h" #include "gdskill.h" #include "jnl.h" #include "buddy_list.h" /* needed for tp.h */ #include "hashtab_int4.h" /* needed for tp.h */ #include "tp.h" #include "targ_alloc.h" #include "hashtab_mname.h" /* for COMPUTE_HASH_MNAME */ #include "tp_set_sgm.h" #include "t_begin.h" #include "t_retry.h" #include "tp_restart.h" #include "gvcst_protos.h" #include "mv_stent.h" /* for COPY_SUBS_TO_GVCURRKEY macro & PUSH_MV_STENT macros */ #include "gvsub2str.h" /* for COPY_SUBS_TO_GVCURRKEY macro (gvsub2str prototype) */ #include "format_targ_key.h" /* for COPY_SUBS_TO_GVCURRKEY macro (format_targ_key prototype) */ #include "mvalconv.h" /* for mval2i */ #include "op.h" /* for op_tstart */ #include "toktyp.h" #include "patcode.h" #include "compiler.h" /* for MAX_SRCLINE */ #include "min_max.h" #include "stringpool.h" #include "subscript.h" #include "op_tcommit.h" /* for op_tcommit prototype */ #include "cdb_sc.h" #include "gv_trigger_protos.h" #include "trigger_fill_xecute_buffer.h" #include "strpiecediff.h" #include "gtm_utf8.h" /* for CHSET_M_STR and CHSET_UTF8_STR */ #include "trigger.h" /* for MAX_TRIGNAME_LEN */ #include "wbox_test_init.h" #include "have_crit.h" #ifdef GTM_TRIGGER GBLREF boolean_t is_dollar_incr; GBLREF boolean_t skip_dbtriggers; /* see gbldefs.c for description of this global */ GBLREF gd_region *gv_cur_region; GBLREF gv_key *gv_altkey; GBLREF gv_key *gv_currkey; GBLREF gv_namehead *gv_target; GBLREF gv_namehead *reset_gv_target; GBLREF int4 gtm_trigger_depth; GBLREF int4 tstart_trigger_depth; GBLREF uint4 update_trans; GBLREF sgm_info *first_sgm_info; GBLREF sgm_info *sgm_info_ptr; GBLREF sgmnt_addrs *cs_addrs; GBLREF sgmnt_data_ptr_t cs_data; GBLREF uint4 dollar_tlevel; GBLREF uint4 t_err; GBLREF int tprestart_state; GBLREF unsigned int t_tries; GBLREF unsigned char t_fail_hist[CDB_MAX_TRIES]; GBLREF pid_t process_id; #ifdef DEBUG GBLREF uint4 dollar_trestart; GBLREF boolean_t donot_INVOKE_MUMTSTART; #endif error_def(ERR_DBROLLEDBACK); error_def(ERR_GVKILLFAIL); error_def(ERR_GVPUTFAIL); error_def(ERR_GVZTRIGFAIL); error_def(ERR_INDRMAXLEN); error_def(ERR_PATMAXLEN); error_def(ERR_TEXT); error_def(ERR_TPRETRY); error_def(ERR_TRIGDEFBAD); error_def(ERR_TRIGINVCHSET); error_def(ERR_TRIGIS); error_def(ERR_TRIGSUBSCRANGE); LITREF char ctypetab[NUM_CHARS]; LITREF int4 gvtr_cmd_mask[GVTR_CMDTYPES]; LITREF mval gvtr_cmd_mval[GVTR_CMDTYPES]; LITREF mval literal_cmd; LITREF mval literal_delim; LITREF mval literal_gvsubs; LITREF mval literal_hashcount; LITREF mval literal_hashcycle; LITREF mval literal_hashlabel; LITREF mval literal_hasht; LITREF mval literal_options; LITREF mval literal_pieces; LITREF mval literal_xecute; LITREF mval literal_trigname; LITREF mval literal_chset; LITREF mval literal_zdelim; LITREF mval literal_zero; #define GVTR_PARSE_POINT 1 #define GVTR_PARSE_LEFT 2 #define GVTR_PARSE_RIGHT 3 #define SAVE_RTN_NAME(SAVE_RTN_NAME, SAVE_RTN_NAME_LEN, TRIGDSC) \ { \ SAVE_RTN_NAME_LEN = MIN(MAX_TRIGNAME_LEN, TRIGDSC->rtn_desc.rt_name.len); \ assert(SAVE_RTN_NAME_LEN <= SIZEOF(SAVE_RTN_NAME)); \ memcpy(SAVE_RTN_NAME, TRIGDSC->rtn_desc.rt_name.addr, SAVE_RTN_NAME_LEN); \ } #define SAVE_VAR_NAME(SAVE_VAR_NAME, SAVE_VAR_NAME_LEN, GVT) \ { \ SAVE_VAR_NAME_LEN = MIN(MAX_MIDENT_LEN, GVT->gvname.var_name.len); \ assert(SAVE_VAR_NAME_LEN <= SIZEOF(SAVE_VAR_NAME)); \ memcpy(SAVE_VAR_NAME, GVT->gvname.var_name.addr, SAVE_VAR_NAME_LEN); \ } #define GVTR_HASHTGBL_READ_CLEANUP(do_gvtr_cleanup) \ { \ /* Restore gv_target, gv_currkey & gv_altkey */ \ gv_target = save_gvtarget; \ if (do_gvtr_cleanup) \ gvtr_free(gv_target); \ /* check no keysize expansion occurred inside gvcst_root_search */ \ assert(gv_currkey->top == save_gv_currkey->top); \ memcpy(gv_currkey, save_gv_currkey, SIZEOF(gv_key) + save_gv_currkey->end); \ /* check no keysize expansion occurred inside gvcst_root_search */ \ assert(gv_altkey->top == save_gv_altkey->top); \ memcpy(gv_altkey, save_gv_altkey, SIZEOF(gv_key) + save_gv_altkey->end); \ TREF(gv_last_subsc_null) = save_gv_last_subsc_null; \ TREF(gv_some_subsc_null) = save_gv_some_subsc_null; \ } #define GVTR_POOL2BUDDYLIST(GVT_TRIGGER, DST_MSTR) \ { \ int4 len; \ char *addr; \ mstr *dst_mstr; \ \ dst_mstr = DST_MSTR; \ addr = dst_mstr->addr; \ len = dst_mstr->len; \ dst_mstr->addr = (char *)get_new_element(GVT_TRIGGER->gv_trig_list, DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(len, GVTR_LIST_ELE_SIZE)); \ memcpy(dst_mstr->addr, addr, len); \ } #define GVTR_PROCESS_GVSUBS(PTR, END, SUBSDSC, COLON_IMBALANCE, GVT, SUBSCSTRLEN, SUBSCSTR) \ { \ uint4 status, rt_name_len, save_var_name_len; \ gv_trigger_t *lcl_trigdsc; \ char rt_name[MAX_TRIGNAME_LEN], save_var_name[MAX_MIDENT_LEN]; \ \ status = gvtr_process_gvsubs(PTR, END, SUBSDSC, COLON_IMBALANCE, GVT); \ if (status) \ { \ lcl_trigdsc = GVT->gvt_trigger->gv_trig_array; \ assert(NULL != lcl_trigdsc); \ assert((NULL != lcl_trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_name.addr) \ && (0 != lcl_trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_name.len)); \ SAVE_VAR_NAME(save_var_name, save_var_name_len, GVT); \ SAVE_RTN_NAME(rt_name, rt_name_len, lcl_trigdsc); \ GVTR_HASHTGBL_READ_CLEANUP(TRUE); \ if (ERR_PATMAXLEN == status) \ rts_error(VARLSTCNT(6) status, 0, ERR_TRIGIS, 2, rt_name_len, rt_name); \ else if (ERR_TRIGSUBSCRANGE == status) \ rts_error(VARLSTCNT(10) status, 4, save_var_name_len, save_var_name, SUBSCSTRLEN, \ SUBSCSTR, ERR_TRIGIS, 2, rt_name_len, rt_name); \ else /* error return from patstr */ \ rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) status); \ } \ /* End of a range (in a set of ranges) or a subscript itself. \ * Either case, colon_imbalance can be safely reset. \ */ \ COLON_IMBALANCE = FALSE; \ } #define KEYSUB_S2POOL_IF_NEEDED(KEYSUB_MVAL, KEYSUB, THISSUB) \ { \ unsigned char str_buff[MAX_ZWR_KEY_SZ], *str_end; \ \ KEYSUB_MVAL = lvvalarray[KEYSUB]; \ if (NULL == KEYSUB_MVAL) \ { \ PUSH_MV_STENT(MVST_MVAL); \ KEYSUB_MVAL = &mv_chain->mv_st_cont.mvs_mval; \ KEYSUB_MVAL->mvtype = 0; \ lvvalarray[KEYSUB] = KEYSUB_MVAL; \ THISSUB = keysub_start[KEYSUB]; \ str_end = gvsub2str((unsigned char *)THISSUB, str_buff, FALSE); \ KEYSUB_MVAL->str.addr = (char *)str_buff; \ KEYSUB_MVAL->str.len = INTCAST(str_end - str_buff); \ KEYSUB_MVAL->mvtype = MV_STR; \ s2pool(&KEYSUB_MVAL->str); \ } \ } #define PUT_TRIGGER_ON_CMD_TYPE_QUEUE(trigdsc, gvt_trigger, type) \ { /* Add to type queue in gvt_trigger */ \ if (NULL == (gvt_trigger)->type##_triglist) \ { /* Initialize circular list of one element */ \ (gvt_trigger)->type##_triglist = (trigdsc); \ (trigdsc)->next_##type = trigdsc; \ } else \ { /* Add element to list - Note this is a simplistic add algorithm that doesn't make \ * any attempt to keep elements sorted. Since triggers are supposed to fire in random \ * order, that's a good thing. Adding elements A,B,C will end up with order A,C,B. \ */ \ (trigdsc)->next_##type = (gvt_trigger)->type##_triglist->next_##type; \ (gvt_trigger)->type##_triglist->next_##type = (trigdsc); \ } \ } #define SELECT_AND_RANDOMIZE_TRIGGER_CHAIN(gvt_trigger, trigstart, trig_list_offset, type) \ { \ trigstart = (gvt_trigger)->type##_triglist; \ if (NULL != trigstart) \ { /* Use arbitrary bit from sum of hodgepodge fields that change over time to see if should \ * rotate the trigger chain by 1 or 2 entries to increase pseudo-randomization. \ */ \ gvt_trigger->type##_triglist = trigstart = trigstart->next_##type; \ if (0 != (0x10 & (process_id + (INTPTR_T)stringpool.free + (INTPTR_T)&trigstart))) /* BYPASSOK */ \ /* Do a 2nd rotation.. */ \ gvt_trigger->type##_triglist = trigstart = trigstart->next_##type; \ } \ trig_list_offset = OFFSETOF(gv_trigger_t, next_##type); \ } /* This error macro is used for all definition errors where the target is ^#t(GVN,,) */ #define HASHT_GVN_DEFINITION_RETRY_OR_ERROR(INDEX,SUBSCRIPT) \ { \ if (CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries) \ { \ GVTR_HASHTGBL_READ_CLEANUP(TRUE); \ t_retry(cdb_sc_triggermod); \ } else \ { \ assert(WBTEST_HELPOUT_TRIGDEFBAD == gtm_white_box_test_case_number); \ SAVE_VAR_NAME(save_var_name, save_var_name_len, gvt); \ GVTR_HASHTGBL_READ_CLEANUP(TRUE); \ /* format "INDEX,SUBSCRIPT" of ^#t(GVN,INDEX,SUBSCRIPT) in the error message */ \ SET_PARAM_STRING(util_buff, util_len, INDEX, SUBSCRIPT); \ rts_error(VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_TRIGDEFBAD, 6, save_var_name_len, save_var_name, \ save_var_name_len, save_var_name, util_len, util_buff); \ } \ } /* This error macro is used for all definition errors where the target is ^#t(GVN,<#COUNT|#CYCLE>) */ #define HASHT_DEFINITION_RETRY_OR_ERROR(SUBSCRIPT,MOREINFO) \ { \ if (CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries) \ { \ GVTR_HASHTGBL_READ_CLEANUP(TRUE); \ t_retry(cdb_sc_triggermod); \ } else \ { \ HASHT_DEFINITION_ERROR(SUBSCRIPT,MOREINFO); \ } \ } #define HASHT_DEFINITION_ERROR(SUBSCRIPT,MOREINFO) \ { \ assert(WBTEST_HELPOUT_TRIGDEFBAD == gtm_white_box_test_case_number); \ SAVE_VAR_NAME(save_var_name, save_var_name_len, gvt); \ GVTR_HASHTGBL_READ_CLEANUP(TRUE); \ rts_error(VARLSTCNT(12) ERR_TRIGDEFBAD, 6, save_var_name_len, save_var_name, \ save_var_name_len, save_var_name, LEN_AND_LIT(SUBSCRIPT), \ ERR_TEXT, 2, RTS_ERROR_TEXT(MOREINFO)); \ } /* This code is modeled around "updproc_ch" in updproc.c */ CONDITION_HANDLER(gvtr_tpwrap_ch) { int rc; START_CH; if ((int)ERR_TPRETRY == SIGNAL) { assert(TPRESTART_STATE_NORMAL == tprestart_state); tprestart_state = TPRESTART_STATE_NORMAL; assert(NULL != first_sgm_info); /* This only happens at the outer-most layer so state should be normal now */ rc = tp_restart(1, !TP_RESTART_HANDLES_ERRORS); assert(0 == rc); assert(TPRESTART_STATE_NORMAL == tprestart_state); /* No rethrows possible */ /* gvtr* code could be called by gvcst_put which plays with "reset_gv_target". But the only gvcst* functions * called by the gvtr* code is "gvcst_get" which is guaranteed not to play with it. Therefore we should NOT * be tampering with it (i.e. trying to reset it like what "trigger_item_tpwrap_ch" does) as the caller expects * it to be untouched throughout the gvtr* activity. */ UNWIND(NULL, NULL); } NEXTCH; } STATICFNDEF void gvtr_db_tpwrap_helper(sgmnt_addrs *csa, int err_code, boolean_t root_srch_needed) { enum cdb_sc status, failure; # ifdef DEBUG gv_namehead *save_gv_target; # endif ESTABLISH(gvtr_tpwrap_ch); assert(dollar_tlevel); assert(gv_target != csa->hasht_tree); assert((ERR_GVPUTFAIL == err_code) || (ERR_GVKILLFAIL == err_code) || (ERR_GVZTRIGFAIL == err_code)); if (root_srch_needed) { assert(0 < t_tries); assert(ERR_GVPUTFAIL != err_code); /* for SET, gvcst_put does the root search anyways. So, don't do it here */ ASSERT_BEGIN_OF_FRESH_TP_TRANS; /* ensures gvcst_root_search is the first thing done in the restarted transaction */ GVCST_ROOT_SEARCH; /* any t_retry from gvcst_root_search will transfer control back to gvtr_tpwrap_ch */ root_srch_needed = FALSE; /* just to be safe */ } gvtr_db_read_hasht(csa); DEBUG_ONLY(save_gv_target = gv_target;) assert(save_gv_target == gv_target); /* ensure gv_target was not inadvertently modified by gvtr_db_read_hasht */ /* If no triggers are defined for this global and we came in as non-TP and did op_tstart in GVTR_INIT_AND_TPWRAP_IF_NEEDED * do the op_tcommit. However, do it only for t_tries = 0 for two reasons: * * (a) If in final retry of a non-TP set, we will be holding crit. op_tcommit releases crit which is an out-of-design * situation as that could cause restarts in final retry of the non-TP set. So, complete the non-TP update as a TP update * by deferring the op_tcommit until we reach GVTR_OP_TCOMMIT in gvcst_put/gvcst_kill. * * (b) Assume t_tries = 1 or 2 and we came in as non-TP. If we found no triggers defined and invoked op_tcommit, to resume * the non-TP set, we will invoke t_begin to reset global variables which also resets t_tries. Now, with t_tries = 0, * if a restart happens and we come back here (due to concurrent $ZTRIGGER and MUPIP TRIGGER) and find no triggers defined * for this global, we will again invoke op_tcommit. This can happen in a spinlock thereby not letting the final retry * optimistic -> pessimistic concurrency scheme kick in at all. One workaround would be to not call t_begin * after doing an op_tcommit. But, this would mean examining the various global variables that t_begin resets and * making sure it's okay NOT to do the t_begin. Instead, complete the non-TP update as a TP update by deferring the * op_tcommit until we reach GVTR_OP_TCOMMIT in gvcst_put/gvcst_kill. * * Note: Not doing op_tcommit will cause this non-TP SET to be completed as a TP SET even though no triggers were defined. * This would mean, a non-TP set (in a concurrent environment with trigger loads happening frequently) could end up * writing a TSET record in the corresponding regions' journal file. In a non-trigger environment, this will NOT * be an issue since we come here only if process' trigger cycle is different from database trigger cycle. * * The exception to the above case is when we are processing a ZTRIGGER command (denoted by the err_code passed * in being set to ERR_GVTRIGFAIL). In that case, we will be journaling a TZTRIG record of some form and is ok * even if the global does not exist. So we don't want to prematurely terminate the transaction in that case. */ if ((NULL == gv_target->gvt_trigger) && (0 == t_tries) && (ERR_GVZTRIGFAIL != err_code)) { /* No triggers exist for this global. TP wrap not needed any more for this transaction */ status = op_tcommit(); assert(cdb_sc_normal == status); /* if retry, an rts_error should have been issued and we should not reach here */ } REVERT; } /* Helper function used by "gvtr_db_read_hasht" function */ STATICFNDEF boolean_t gvtr_get_hasht_gblsubs(mval *subs_mval, mval *ret_mval) { uint4 curend; boolean_t was_null = FALSE, is_null = FALSE, is_defined; short int max_key; DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; SETUP_THREADGBL_ACCESS; is_defined = FALSE; curend = gv_currkey->end; /* note down gv_currkey->end before changing it so we can restore it before function returns */ assert(KEY_DELIMITER == gv_currkey->base[curend]); assert(gv_target->gd_csa == cs_addrs); max_key = gv_cur_region->max_key_size; COPY_SUBS_TO_GVCURRKEY(subs_mval, max_key, gv_currkey, was_null, is_null); /* updates gv_currkey */ is_defined = gvcst_get(ret_mval); assert(!is_defined || (MV_STR & ret_mval->mvtype)); /* assert that gvcst_get() sets type of mval to MV_STR */ gv_currkey->end = curend; /* reset gv_currkey->end to what it was at function entry */ gv_currkey->base[curend] = KEY_DELIMITER; /* restore terminator for entire key so key is well-formed */ return is_defined; } STATICFNDEF boolean_t gvtr_get_hasht_gblsubs_and_index(mval *subs_mval, mval *index, mval *ret_mval) { uint4 curend; boolean_t was_null = FALSE, is_null = FALSE, is_defined; short int max_key; DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; SETUP_THREADGBL_ACCESS; is_defined = FALSE; curend = gv_currkey->end; /* note down gv_currkey->end before changing it so we can restore it before function returns */ assert(KEY_DELIMITER == gv_currkey->base[curend]); assert(gv_target->gd_csa == cs_addrs); max_key = gv_cur_region->max_key_size; COPY_SUBS_TO_GVCURRKEY(subs_mval, max_key, gv_currkey, was_null, is_null); /* updates gv_currkey */ COPY_SUBS_TO_GVCURRKEY(index, max_key, gv_currkey, was_null, is_null); /* updates gv_currkey */ is_defined = gvcst_get(ret_mval); assert(!is_defined || (MV_STR & ret_mval->mvtype)); /* assert that gvcst_get() sets type of mval to MV_STR */ gv_currkey->end = curend; /* reset gv_currkey->end to what it was at function entry */ gv_currkey->base[curend] = KEY_DELIMITER; /* restore terminator for entire key so key is well-formed */ return is_defined; } STATICFNDEF uint4 gvtr_process_range(gv_namehead *gvt, gvtr_subs_t *subsdsc, int type, char *start, char *end) { mval tmpmval; gv_namehead *save_gvt; char keybuff[SIZEOF(gv_key) + DBKEYSIZE(MAX_KEY_SZ)]; gv_key *out_key; uint4 len, len1, min, nelems; gvt_trigger_t *gvt_trigger; char *dststart, *dstptr, *srcptr, ch; boolean_t ret; int cmpres; /* This function has its input string pointing to the stringpool. It does some processing (mval2subsc etc.) * and expects the input string to be untouched during all of this so it sets the global to TRUE * to ensure no one else touches the stringpool in the meantime. */ DEBUG_ONLY(len = (uint4)(end - start)); assert(IS_IN_STRINGPOOL(start, len)); DBG_MARK_STRINGPOOL_UNUSABLE; if ('"' == *start) { /* Remove surrounding double-quotes as well as transform TWO CONSECUTIVE intermediate double-quotes into ONE. * We need to construct the transformed string. Since we cannot modify the input string and yet want to avoid * malloc/frees within this routine, we use the buddy_list allocate/free functions for this purpose. */ assert('"' == *(end - 1)); start++; end--; } len = UINTCAST(end - start); if (len) { gvt_trigger = gvt->gvt_trigger; nelems = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(len, GVTR_LIST_ELE_SIZE); dststart = (char *)get_new_element(gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list, nelems); dstptr = dststart; for (srcptr = start; srcptr < end; srcptr++) { ch = *srcptr; if ('"' == ch) { /* A double-quote in the middle of the string better be TWO consecutive double-quotes */ assert(((srcptr + 1) < end) && ('"' == srcptr[1])); srcptr++; } *dstptr++ = ch; } assert((dstptr - dststart) <= len); tmpmval.mvtype = MV_STR; tmpmval.str.addr = dststart; tmpmval.str.len = INTCAST(dstptr - dststart); /* switch gv_target for mval2subsc */ save_gvt = gv_target; gv_target = gvt; out_key = (gv_key *)keybuff; out_key->end = 0; out_key->top = DBKEYSIZE(MAX_KEY_SZ); mval2subsc(&tmpmval, out_key); gv_target = save_gvt; /* Now that mval2subsc is done, free up the allocated dststart buffer */ ret = free_last_n_elements(gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list, nelems); assert(ret); } /* else len == 0 means an open range (where left or right side of range is unspecified) */ switch(type) { case GVTR_PARSE_POINT: assert(len); assert(&subsdsc->gvtr_subs_type == &subsdsc->gvtr_subs_point.gvtr_subs_type); len = out_key->end; /* keep trailing 0 */ subsdsc->gvtr_subs_point.len = len; dststart = (char *)get_new_element(gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list, DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(len, GVTR_LIST_ELE_SIZE)); memcpy(dststart, out_key->base, len); subsdsc->gvtr_subs_point.subs_key = dststart; subsdsc->gvtr_subs_point.next_range = NULL; subsdsc->gvtr_subs_type = GVTR_SUBS_POINT; break; case GVTR_PARSE_LEFT: assert(&subsdsc->gvtr_subs_type == &subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.gvtr_subs_type); if (len) { len = out_key->end; /* keep trailing 0 */ assert(len); dststart = (char *)get_new_element(gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list, DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(len, GVTR_LIST_ELE_SIZE)); memcpy(dststart, out_key->base, len); subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.subs_key1 = dststart; subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.len1 = len; } else subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.len1 = GVTR_RANGE_OPEN_LEN; subsdsc->gvtr_subs_type = GVTR_SUBS_RANGE; break; case GVTR_PARSE_RIGHT: assert(&subsdsc->gvtr_subs_type == &subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.gvtr_subs_type); assert(GVTR_SUBS_RANGE == subsdsc->gvtr_subs_type); if (len) { len = out_key->end; /* keep trailing 0 */ assert(len); dststart = (char *)get_new_element(gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list, DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(len, GVTR_LIST_ELE_SIZE)); memcpy(dststart, out_key->base, len); subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.subs_key2 = dststart; subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.len2 = len; len1 = subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.len1; if (GVTR_RANGE_OPEN_LEN != len1) { /* Since both ends of the range are not open, do range check of post-collated subscripts */ min = MIN(len1, len); cmpres = memcmp(subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.subs_key1, subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.subs_key2, min); if ((0 < cmpres) || (0 == cmpres) && (len1 > len)) { /* Invalid range. Issue error */ DBG_MARK_STRINGPOOL_USABLE; return ERR_TRIGSUBSCRANGE; } } } else { /* right side of the range is open, check if left side is open too, if so reduce it to a "*" */ if (GVTR_RANGE_OPEN_LEN == subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.len1) subsdsc->gvtr_subs_type = GVTR_SUBS_STAR; else subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.len2 = GVTR_RANGE_OPEN_LEN; } break; default: assert(FALSE); break; } assert(&subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.next_range == &subsdsc->gvtr_subs_point.next_range); subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.next_range = NULL; DBG_MARK_STRINGPOOL_USABLE; return 0; } STATICFNDEF uint4 gvtr_process_pattern(char *ptr, uint4 len, gvtr_subs_t *subsdsc, gvt_trigger_t *gvt_trigger) { /* subscript is a pattern */ char source_buffer[MAX_SRCLINE]; mstr instr; ptstr pat_ptstr; uint4 status; assert('?' == *ptr); ptr++; len--; assert(0 < len); if (ARRAYSIZE(source_buffer) <= len) { assert(FALSE); return ERR_PATMAXLEN; } memcpy(source_buffer, ptr, len); instr.addr = source_buffer; instr.len = len; if (status = patstr(&instr, &pat_ptstr, NULL)) return status; assert(pat_ptstr.len <= MAX_PATOBJ_LENGTH); len = pat_ptstr.len * SIZEOF(uint4); ptr = (char *)get_new_element(gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list, DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(len, GVTR_LIST_ELE_SIZE)); memcpy(ptr, pat_ptstr.buff, len); assert(&subsdsc->gvtr_subs_type == &subsdsc->gvtr_subs_pattern.gvtr_subs_type); subsdsc->gvtr_subs_type = GVTR_SUBS_PATTERN; subsdsc->gvtr_subs_pattern.pat_mval.mvtype = MV_STR; subsdsc->gvtr_subs_pattern.pat_mval.str.addr = ptr; subsdsc->gvtr_subs_pattern.pat_mval.str.len = len; subsdsc->gvtr_subs_pattern.next_range = NULL; return 0; } STATICFNDEF uint4 gvtr_process_gvsubs(char *start, char *end, gvtr_subs_t *subsdsc, boolean_t colon_imbalance, gv_namehead *gvt) { uint4 status; if ('?' == start[0]) { assert(!colon_imbalance); if (status = gvtr_process_pattern(start, UINTCAST(end - start), subsdsc, gvt->gvt_trigger)) return status; } else if ('*' == start[0]) { /* subscript is a "*" */ assert(end == start + 1); assert(&subsdsc->gvtr_subs_type == &subsdsc->gvtr_subs_star.gvtr_subs_type); subsdsc->gvtr_subs_type = GVTR_SUBS_STAR; /* allow ANY value for this subscript */ subsdsc->gvtr_subs_star.next_range = NULL; } else { if (status = gvtr_process_range(gvt, subsdsc, colon_imbalance ? GVTR_PARSE_RIGHT : GVTR_PARSE_POINT, start, end)) { /* As of now we expect only ERR_TRIGSUBSCRANGE (which is triggered only for GVTR_PARSE_RIGHT) */ assert((ERR_TRIGSUBSCRANGE == status) && colon_imbalance); return status; } } return 0; } void gvtr_db_read_hasht(sgmnt_addrs *csa) { gv_namehead *hasht_tree, *save_gvtarget, *gvt; mname_entry gvent; char save_currkey[SIZEOF(gv_key) + DBKEYSIZE(MAX_KEY_SZ)]; char save_altkey[SIZEOF(gv_key) + DBKEYSIZE(MAX_KEY_SZ)]; unsigned char util_buff[MAX_TRIG_UTIL_LEN]; gv_key *save_gv_currkey; gv_key *save_gv_altkey; mval tmpmval, *ret_mval; boolean_t is_defined, was_null = FALSE, is_null = FALSE, zdelim_defined, delim_defined; boolean_t save_gv_last_subsc_null, save_gv_some_subsc_null; short int max_key; int4 tmpint4, util_len; gvt_trigger_t *gvt_trigger; uint4 trigidx, num_gv_triggers, num_pieces, len, cmdtype, index, minpiece, maxpiece; gv_trigger_t *gv_trig_array, *trigdsc, *trigtop; uint4 currkey_end, cycle, numsubs, cursub, numlvsubs, curlvsub; char ch, *ptr, *ptr_top, *ptr_start; boolean_t quote_imbalance, colon_imbalance, end_of_subscript; uint4 paren_imbalance; gvtr_subs_t *subsdsc; mname_entry *lvnamedsc; uint4 *lvindexdsc, status; int ctype; char save_rtn_name[MAX_TRIGNAME_LEN], save_var_name[MAX_MIDENT_LEN]; uint4 save_rtn_name_len, save_var_name_len; # ifdef DEBUG int cntset, icntset, cntkill, icntkill, cntztrig, icntztrig; gv_trigger_t *trigstart; # endif DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; SETUP_THREADGBL_ACCESS; save_gvtarget = gv_target; SETUP_TRIGGER_GLOBAL; /* Save gv_currkey and gv_altkey */ assert(NULL != gv_currkey); assert((SIZEOF(gv_key) + gv_currkey->end) <= SIZEOF(save_currkey)); save_gv_currkey = (gv_key *)save_currkey; memcpy(save_gv_currkey, gv_currkey, SIZEOF(gv_key) + gv_currkey->end); assert(NULL != gv_altkey); assert((SIZEOF(gv_key) + gv_altkey->end) <= SIZEOF(save_altkey)); save_gv_altkey = (gv_key *)save_altkey; memcpy(save_gv_altkey, gv_altkey, SIZEOF(gv_key) + gv_altkey->end); save_gv_last_subsc_null = TREF(gv_last_subsc_null); save_gv_some_subsc_null = TREF(gv_some_subsc_null); DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gvtr_db_read_hasht: begin\n")); INITIAL_HASHT_ROOT_SEARCH_IF_NEEDED; gv_currkey->prev = 0; if (0 == gv_target->root) { /* ^#t global does not exist. Return right away. */ DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gvtr_db_read_hasht: no triggers\n")); GVTR_HASHTGBL_READ_CLEANUP(TRUE); return; } /* ^#t global exists. * Initialize gv_target->gvt_trigger from ^#t(,...) where is the global corresponding to save_gvtarget. * * In order to follow the code below, it would help to have the following ^#t global layout as an example. * The following example assumes the following ^#t global layout corresponding to triggers for the ^GBL global * In the following code, wherever "GBL" is mentioned in the comment, is meant for the general case. * * Input file * ----------- * ^GBL(acn=:,1) -zdelim="|" -pieces="2:5;4:6;8" -commands=Set,Kill,ZTKill -xecute="do ^XNAMEinGBL" -options=NOI,NOC * * ^#t global structure created by MUPIP TRIGGER * ---------------------------------------------- * ^#t("GBL","#LABEL")="1" # Format of the ^#t global for GBL. Currently set to 1. * # Will get bumped up in the future when the ^#t global format changes. * ^#t("GBL","#CYCLE")=<32-bit-decimal-number> # incremented every time any trigger changes happen in ^GBL global * ^#t("GBL","#COUNT")=1 # indicating there is 1 trigger currently defined for ^GBL global * ^#t("GBL",1,"CMD")="S,K,ZTK" * ^#t("GBL",1,"GVSUBS")="acn=:,1" * ^#t("GBL",1,"OPTIONS")="NOI,NOC" * ^#t("GBL",1,"DELIM")= # undefined in this case because -zdelim was specified * ^#t("GBL",1,"ZDELIM")="|" # would have been undefined in case -delim was specified * ^#t("GBL",1,"PIECES")="2:6;8" * ^#t("GBL",1,"TRIGNAME")="GBL#1" # routine name trigger will have * ^#t("GBL",1,"XECUTE")="do ^XNAMEinGBL" * ^#t("GBL",1,"CHSET")="UTF-8" # assuming the MUPIP TRIGGER was done with $ZCHSET of "UTF-8" */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Read ^#t("GBL","#LABEL") * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check value of ^#t("GBL","#LABEL"). We expect it to be 1 indicating the format of the ^#t global. * If not, it is an integ error in the ^#t global so issue an appropriate error. */ gvt = save_gvtarget; /* use smaller variable name as it is going to be used in lots of places below */ /* First add "GBL" subscript to gv_currkey i.e. ^#t("GBL") */ tmpmval.mvtype = MV_STR; tmpmval.str = gvt->gvname.var_name; /* copy gvname from gvt */ ret_mval = &tmpmval; max_key = gv_cur_region->max_key_size; COPY_SUBS_TO_GVCURRKEY(ret_mval, max_key, gv_currkey, was_null, is_null); /* updates gv_currkey */ /* At this point, gv_currkey points to ^#t("GBL") */ /* Now check for ^#t("CIF","#LABEL") to determine what format ^#t("GBL") is stored in (if at all it exists) */ is_defined = gvtr_get_hasht_gblsubs((mval *)&literal_hashlabel, ret_mval); if (!is_defined) /* No triggers exist for "^GBL". Return */ { DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gvtr_db_read_hasht: no triggers for ^GBL\n")); GVTR_HASHTGBL_READ_CLEANUP(TRUE); return; } if ((STR_LIT_LEN(HASHT_GBL_CURLABEL) != ret_mval->str.len) || MEMCMP_LIT(ret_mval->str.addr, HASHT_GBL_CURLABEL)) HASHT_DEFINITION_RETRY_OR_ERROR("\"#LABEL\"","#LABEL field is not " HASHT_GBL_CURLABEL); /* So we can go ahead and read other ^#t("GBL") records */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Now read ^#t("GBL","#CYCLE") * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ is_defined = gvtr_get_hasht_gblsubs((mval *)&literal_hashcycle, ret_mval); if (!is_defined) HASHT_DEFINITION_RETRY_OR_ERROR("\"#CYCLE\"","#CYCLE field is missing"); tmpint4 = mval2i(ret_mval); /* decimal values are truncated by mval2i so we will accept a #CYCLE of 1.5 as 1 */ if (0 >= tmpint4) /* ^#t("GBL","#CYCLE") is not a positive integer. Error out */ HASHT_DEFINITION_ERROR("\"#CYCLE\"","#CYCLE field is negative"); cycle = (uint4)tmpint4; /* Check if ^#t("GBL") has previously been read from the db. If so, check if cycle is same as ^#t("GBL","#CYCLE"). */ gvt_trigger = gvt->gvt_trigger; if (NULL != gvt_trigger) { DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gvtr_db_read_hasht: gvt_trigger->gv_trigger_cycle = %d \n",gvt_trigger->gv_trigger_cycle)); if (gvt_trigger->gv_trigger_cycle == cycle) { /* Since cycle is same, no need to reinitialize any triggers for "GBL". Can return safely. * Pass "FALSE" to GVTR_HASHTGBL_READ_CLEANUP macro to ensure gvt->gvt_trigger is NOT freed. */ DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gvtr_db_read_hasht: trigger has been read before\n")); GVTR_HASHTGBL_READ_CLEANUP(FALSE); return; } DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gvtr_db_read_hasht: cycle mismatch, re-initialize triggers\n")); /* Now that we have to reinitialize triggers for "GBL", free up previously allocated structure first */ gvtr_free(gvt); assert(NULL == gvt->gvt_trigger); } gvt_trigger = (gvt_trigger_t *)malloc(SIZEOF(gvt_trigger_t)); gvt_trigger->gv_trig_array = NULL; gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list = NULL; /* Set gvt->gvt_trigger to this malloced memory (after gv_trig_array has been initialized to NULL to avoid garbage * values). If we encounter an error below, we will remember to free this up the next time we are in this function */ gvt->gvt_trigger = gvt_trigger; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Now read ^#t("GBL","#COUNT") * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ is_defined = gvtr_get_hasht_gblsubs((mval *)&literal_hashcount, ret_mval); if (!is_defined) HASHT_DEFINITION_RETRY_OR_ERROR("\"#COUNT\"","#COUNT field is missing"); tmpint4 = mval2i(ret_mval); /* decimal values are truncated by mval2i so we will accept a #COUNT of 1.5 as 1 */ if (0 >= tmpint4) /* ^#t("GBL","#COUNT") is not a positive integer. Error out */ HASHT_DEFINITION_ERROR("\"#COUNT\"","#COUNT field is negative"); num_gv_triggers = (uint4)tmpint4; gvt_trigger->num_gv_triggers = num_gv_triggers; /* We want a memory store for all the values that are going to be read in from the database. We dont know upfront * how much memory is needed so we use a buddy list (that expands to fit the needed memory). We need to create a * buddy_list with element size of 1 byte and ask for n-elements if we want n-bytes of contiguous memory. * Minimum value of elemSize for buddy_list is 8 due to alignment requirements of the returned memory location. * Therefore, we set elemSize to 8 bytes instead and will convert as much bytes as we need into as many * 8-byte multiple segments below. We anticipate 256 bytes for each trigger so we allocate space for "num_gv_triggers" * as the start of the buddy_list (to avoid repeated expansions of the buddy list in most cases). */ gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list = (buddy_list *)malloc(SIZEOF(buddy_list)); initialize_list(gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list, GVTR_LIST_ELE_SIZE, DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(GV_TRIG_LIST_INIT_ALLOC * num_gv_triggers, GVTR_LIST_ELE_SIZE)); trigdsc = (gv_trigger_t *)malloc(num_gv_triggers * SIZEOF(gv_trigger_t)); memset(trigdsc, 0, num_gv_triggers * SIZEOF(gv_trigger_t)); gvt_trigger->gv_trig_array = trigdsc; /* Now that everything is null-initialized, set gvt_trigger->gv_trig_array */ gvt_trigger->gv_target = gvt; /* From this point onwards, we assume the integrity of the ^#t global i.e. MUPIP TRIGGER would have * set ^#t fields to their appropriate value. So we dont do any more checks in case taking the wrong path. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Now read ^#t("GBL",,...) for going from 1 to num_gv_triggers * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ currkey_end = gv_currkey->end; /* note down gv_currkey->end before changing it so we can restore it before next iteration */ assert(KEY_DELIMITER == gv_currkey->base[currkey_end]); for (trigidx = 1; trigidx <= num_gv_triggers; trigidx++, trigdsc++) { /* All records to be read in this loop are of the form ^#t("GBL",1,...) so add "1" as a subscript to gv_currkey */ i2mval(&tmpmval, trigidx); assert(ret_mval == &tmpmval); COPY_SUBS_TO_GVCURRKEY(ret_mval, max_key, gv_currkey, was_null, is_null); /* updates gv_currkey */ /* Read in ^#t("GBL",1,"TRIGNAME")="GBL#1" */ is_defined = gvtr_get_hasht_gblsubs((mval *)&literal_trigname, ret_mval); if (!is_defined) HASHT_GVN_DEFINITION_RETRY_OR_ERROR(trigidx,",\"TRIGNAME\""); trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_name = ret_mval->str; /* Copy trigger name mident */ trigdsc->gvt_trigger = gvt_trigger; /* Save ptr to our main gvt_trigger struct for this trigger. With * this and given a gv_trigger_t, we can get to the gvt_trigger_t * block containing the gv_target pointer and thus get the trigger * csa, region and index for loading trigger source later without * having to look anything up again. */ /* Reserve extra space when triggername is placed in buddy list. This space is used by gtm_trigger() if * the trigger name is not unique within the process. One or two of the chars are appended to the trigger * name until an unused name is found. */ trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_name.len += TRIGGER_NAME_RESERVED_SPACE; GVTR_POOL2BUDDYLIST(gvt_trigger, &trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_name); trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_name.len -= TRIGGER_NAME_RESERVED_SPACE; /* Not using the space yet */ /* Read in ^#t("GBL",1,"CMD")="S,K,ZK,ZTK,ZTR" */ is_defined = gvtr_get_hasht_gblsubs((mval *)&literal_cmd, ret_mval); if (!is_defined) HASHT_GVN_DEFINITION_RETRY_OR_ERROR(trigidx,",\"CMD\""); /* Initialize trigdsc->cmdmask */ ptr = ret_mval->str.addr; ptr_top = ptr + ret_mval->str.len; assert(0 == trigdsc->cmdmask); for (ptr_start = ptr; ptr <= ptr_top; ptr++) { if ((ptr == ptr_top) || (',' == *ptr)) { len = UINTCAST(ptr - ptr_start); for (cmdtype = 0; cmdtype < GVTR_CMDTYPES; cmdtype++) { if ((len == gvtr_cmd_mval[cmdtype].str.len) && (0 ==memcmp(ptr_start, gvtr_cmd_mval[cmdtype].str.addr, len))) { trigdsc->cmdmask |= gvtr_cmd_mask[cmdtype]; break; } } assert(GVTR_CMDTYPES > cmdtype); ptr_start = ptr + 1; } } assert(0 != trigdsc->cmdmask); /* Read in ^#t("GBL",1,"GVSUBS")="acn=:,1" */ is_defined = gvtr_get_hasht_gblsubs((mval *)&literal_gvsubs, ret_mval); if (is_defined) { /* At this point, we expect MUPIP TRIGGER to have ensured ret_mval is NOT the empty string "" */ numsubs = 0; numlvsubs = 0; ptr_start = ret_mval->str.addr; ptr_top = ptr_start + ret_mval->str.len; quote_imbalance = FALSE; paren_imbalance = 0; end_of_subscript = FALSE; for (ptr = ptr_start; ptr <= ptr_top; ptr++) { if (ptr == ptr_top) end_of_subscript = TRUE; else if ('"' == (ch = *ptr)) { if (!quote_imbalance) quote_imbalance = TRUE; /* start of double-quoted string */ else if (((ptr + 1) == ptr_top) || ('"' != ptr[1])) quote_imbalance = FALSE; else ptr++; /* skip past nested double-quote (TWO consecutive double-quotes) */ } else if (quote_imbalance) continue; else if ('(' == ch) paren_imbalance++; /* parens can be inside pattern match alternation expressions */ else if (')' == ch) { assert(paren_imbalance); /* should never go negative */ paren_imbalance--; } else if (paren_imbalance) continue; else if (',' == ch) end_of_subscript = TRUE; else if ('=' == ch) numlvsubs++; if (end_of_subscript) { /* End of current subscript */ assert(!quote_imbalance); assert(!paren_imbalance); numsubs++; end_of_subscript = FALSE; } } /* Initialize trigdsc->numsubs */ assert(numsubs); assert(MAX_GVSUBSCRIPTS > numsubs); trigdsc->numsubs = numsubs; /* Allocate trigdsc->subsarray */ trigdsc->subsarray = (gvtr_subs_t *)get_new_element(gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list, DIVIDE_ROUND_UP((numsubs * SIZEOF(gvtr_subs_t)), GVTR_LIST_ELE_SIZE)); cursub = 0; subsdsc = trigdsc->subsarray; /* Initialize trigdsc->numlvsubs */ assert(numlvsubs <= numsubs); trigdsc->numlvsubs = numlvsubs; if (numlvsubs) { curlvsub = 0; /* Allocate trigdsc->lvnamearray */ trigdsc->lvnamearray = (mname_entry *)get_new_element(gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list, DIVIDE_ROUND_UP((numlvsubs * SIZEOF(mname_entry)), GVTR_LIST_ELE_SIZE)); lvnamedsc = trigdsc->lvnamearray; /* Allocate trigdsc->lvindexarray */ trigdsc->lvindexarray = (uint4 *)get_new_element(gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list, DIVIDE_ROUND_UP((numlvsubs * SIZEOF(uint4)), GVTR_LIST_ELE_SIZE)); lvindexdsc = trigdsc->lvindexarray; } /* Initialize trigdsc->subsarray, trigdsc->lvindexarray & trigdsc->lvnamearray */ quote_imbalance = FALSE; colon_imbalance = FALSE; paren_imbalance = 0; end_of_subscript = FALSE; for (ptr = ptr_start; ptr <= ptr_top; ptr++) { assert(ptr_start <= ptr); if (ptr == ptr_top) end_of_subscript = TRUE; else if ('"' == (ch = *ptr)) { if (!quote_imbalance) quote_imbalance = TRUE; /* start of double-quoted string */ else if (((ptr + 1) == ptr_top) || ('"' != ptr[1])) quote_imbalance = FALSE; else ptr++; /* skip past nested double-quote (TWO consecutive double-quotes) */ } else if (quote_imbalance) continue; else if ('(' == ch) paren_imbalance++; /* parens can be inside pattern match alternation expressions */ else if (')' == ch) { assert(paren_imbalance); /* should never go negative */ paren_imbalance--; } else if (paren_imbalance) continue; else if (',' == ch) end_of_subscript = TRUE; else if ('=' == ch) { /* a local variable name has been specified for a subscript */ assert(curlvsub < numlvsubs); *lvindexdsc++ = cursub; len = UINTCAST(ptr - ptr_start); assert(len); # ifdef DEBUG /* Check validity of lvname */ ctype = ctypetab[ptr_start[0]]; assert((TK_PERCENT == ctype) || (TK_LOWER == ctype) || (TK_UPPER == ctype)); for (index = 1; index < len; index++) { ctype = ctypetab[ptr_start[index]]; assert((TK_LOWER == ctype) || (TK_UPPER == ctype) || (TK_DIGIT == ctype)); } # endif lvnamedsc->var_name.len = len; lvnamedsc->var_name.addr = (char *)get_new_element(gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list, DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(len, GVTR_LIST_ELE_SIZE)); memcpy(lvnamedsc->var_name.addr, ptr_start, len); lvnamedsc->marked = FALSE; COMPUTE_HASH_MNAME(lvnamedsc); lvnamedsc++; curlvsub++; assert(lvnamedsc == &trigdsc->lvnamearray[curlvsub]); assert(lvindexdsc == &trigdsc->lvindexarray[curlvsub]); ptr_start = &ptr[1]; } else if (';' == ch) { /* End of current range and beginning of new range within same subscript */ GVTR_PROCESS_GVSUBS(ptr_start, ptr, subsdsc, colon_imbalance, gvt, ret_mval->str.len, ret_mval->str.addr); /* Assert that irrespective of the type of the subscript, all of them have the * "next_range" member at the same offset so it is safe for us to use any one below. */ assert(&subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.next_range == &subsdsc->gvtr_subs_point.next_range); assert(&subsdsc->gvtr_subs_pattern.next_range == &subsdsc->gvtr_subs_point.next_range); assert(&subsdsc->gvtr_subs_star.next_range == &subsdsc->gvtr_subs_point.next_range); subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.next_range = (gvtr_subs_t *)get_new_element(gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list, DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(SIZEOF(gvtr_subs_t), GVTR_LIST_ELE_SIZE)); subsdsc = subsdsc->gvtr_subs_range.next_range; ptr_start = &ptr[1]; } else if (':' == ch) { /* Left side of range */ status = gvtr_process_range(gvt, subsdsc, GVTR_PARSE_LEFT, ptr_start, ptr); assert(0 == status); /* ERR_TRIGSUBSCRANGE is issued only in case of GVTR_PARSE_RIGHT */ assert(!colon_imbalance); colon_imbalance = TRUE; ptr_start = &ptr[1]; } if (end_of_subscript) { assert(!quote_imbalance); assert(!paren_imbalance); GVTR_PROCESS_GVSUBS(ptr_start, ptr, subsdsc, colon_imbalance, gvt, ret_mval->str.len, ret_mval->str.addr); cursub++; /* We cannot do subsdsc++ because subsdsc could at this point have followed a chain of * "next_range" pointers so could be different from what we had at the start of the loop. */ subsdsc = &trigdsc->subsarray[cursub]; assert(subsdsc == &trigdsc->subsarray[cursub]); ptr_start = &ptr[1]; end_of_subscript = FALSE; } } assert(cursub == numsubs); assert(!numlvsubs || (curlvsub == numlvsubs)); } /* Else ^#t("GBL","#COUNT") is set to 1 but ^#t("GBL",1,"GVSUBS") is undefined. * Possible if the trigger is defined for the entire ^GBL (i.e. NO subscripts) * All related 5 trigdsc fields are already initialized to either 0 or NULL (by the memset above). */ /* Read in ^#t("GBL",1,"OPTIONS")="NOI,NOC" */ is_defined = gvtr_get_hasht_gblsubs((mval *)&literal_options, ret_mval); if (is_defined) { trigdsc->options = ret_mval->str; GVTR_POOL2BUDDYLIST(gvt_trigger, &trigdsc->options); } /* Read in ^#t("GBL",1,"DELIM")= */ delim_defined = gvtr_get_hasht_gblsubs((mval *)&literal_delim, ret_mval); if (delim_defined) trigdsc->is_zdelim = FALSE; else { /* Read in ^#t("GBL",1,"ZDELIM")="|" */ zdelim_defined = gvtr_get_hasht_gblsubs((mval *)&literal_zdelim, ret_mval); if (zdelim_defined) { assert(!delim_defined); /* DELIM and ZDELIM should NOT have been specified at same time */ trigdsc->is_zdelim = TRUE; /* Initialize trigdsc->delimiter */ trigdsc->delimiter = ret_mval->str; } } if (delim_defined || zdelim_defined) /* order of || is important since latter is set only if former is FALSE */ { trigdsc->delimiter = ret_mval->str; GVTR_POOL2BUDDYLIST(gvt_trigger, &trigdsc->delimiter); } /* Read in ^#t("GBL",1,"PIECES")="2:6;8" */ is_defined = gvtr_get_hasht_gblsubs((mval *)&literal_pieces, ret_mval); if (is_defined) { /* First determine # of ';' separated piece-ranges */ num_pieces = 1; /* for last piece that does NOT have a ';' */ ptr_start = ret_mval->str.addr; ptr_top = ptr_start + ret_mval->str.len; for (ptr = ptr_start; ptr < ptr_top; ptr++) { if (';' == *ptr) num_pieces++; } trigdsc->numpieces = num_pieces; trigdsc->piecearray = (gvtr_piece_t *)get_new_element(gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list, DIVIDE_ROUND_UP((num_pieces * SIZEOF(gvtr_piece_t)), GVTR_LIST_ELE_SIZE)); index = 0; minpiece = 0; for (ptr = ptr_start; ptr <= ptr_top; ptr++) { if ((ptr == ptr_top) || (';' == *ptr)) { maxpiece = (uint4)asc2i((uchar_ptr_t)ptr_start, INTCAST(ptr - ptr_start)); if (!minpiece) minpiece = maxpiece; ptr_start = ptr + 1; trigdsc->piecearray[index].min = minpiece; trigdsc->piecearray[index].max = maxpiece; minpiece = 0; index++; } else if (':' == *ptr) { minpiece = (uint4)asc2i((uchar_ptr_t)ptr_start, INTCAST(ptr - ptr_start)); ptr_start = ptr + 1; } } assert(index == num_pieces); } /* Read in ^#t("GBL",1,"CHSET")="UTF-8". If CHSET does not match gtm_chset issue error. */ is_defined = gvtr_get_hasht_gblsubs((mval *)&literal_chset, ret_mval); if (!is_defined) HASHT_GVN_DEFINITION_RETRY_OR_ERROR(trigidx,",\"CHSET\""); if ((!gtm_utf8_mode && ((STR_LIT_LEN(CHSET_M_STR) != ret_mval->str.len) || memcmp(ret_mval->str.addr, CHSET_M_STR, STR_LIT_LEN(CHSET_M_STR)))) || (gtm_utf8_mode && ((STR_LIT_LEN(CHSET_UTF8_STR) != ret_mval->str.len) || memcmp(ret_mval->str.addr, CHSET_UTF8_STR, STR_LIT_LEN(CHSET_UTF8_STR))))) { /* CHSET mismatch */ SAVE_VAR_NAME(save_var_name, save_var_name_len, gvt); SAVE_RTN_NAME(save_rtn_name, save_rtn_name_len, trigdsc); GVTR_HASHTGBL_READ_CLEANUP(TRUE); rts_error(VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_TRIGINVCHSET, 6, save_rtn_name_len, save_rtn_name, save_var_name_len, save_var_name, ret_mval->str.len, ret_mval->str.addr); } /* Defer loading xecute string until time to compile it */ /* trigdsc->rtn_desc is already NULL-initialized as part of the memset above */ gv_currkey->end = currkey_end; /* remove the current and make way for the next in gv_currkey */ gv_currkey->base[currkey_end] = KEY_DELIMITER; /* restore terminator for entire key */ } /* Now that ALL triggers for this global have been read, separate the triggers into types. There is a link for each command * type in each trigger and an anchor for the list in gvt_trigger. Each list is circular for that type. Since triggers can * be for more than one command type (e.g. SET, KILL, etc), each trigger can be on more than one queue. Later when we need * to run the triggers of a given type, we can just pick the queue and run it. */ gv_trig_array = gvt_trigger->gv_trig_array; assert(NULL != gv_trig_array); gvt_trigger->set_triglist = gvt_trigger->kill_triglist = gvt_trigger->ztrig_triglist = NULL; DEBUG_ONLY(icntset = icntkill = icntztrig = 0); for (trigdsc = gv_trig_array, trigtop = trigdsc + num_gv_triggers; trigdsc < trigtop; trigdsc++) { if (0 != (trigdsc->cmdmask & gvtr_cmd_mask[GVTR_CMDTYPE_SET])) { PUT_TRIGGER_ON_CMD_TYPE_QUEUE(trigdsc, gvt_trigger, set); DEBUG_ONLY(++icntset); } if ((0 != (trigdsc->cmdmask & gvtr_cmd_mask[GVTR_CMDTYPE_KILL])) || (0 != (trigdsc->cmdmask & gvtr_cmd_mask[GVTR_CMDTYPE_ZKILL])) || (0 != (trigdsc->cmdmask & gvtr_cmd_mask[GVTR_CMDTYPE_ZTKILL]))) { PUT_TRIGGER_ON_CMD_TYPE_QUEUE(trigdsc, gvt_trigger, kill); DEBUG_ONLY(++icntkill); } if (0 != (trigdsc->cmdmask & gvtr_cmd_mask[GVTR_CMDTYPE_ZTRIGGER])) { PUT_TRIGGER_ON_CMD_TYPE_QUEUE(trigdsc, gvt_trigger, ztrig); DEBUG_ONLY(++icntztrig); } } gvt_trigger->gv_trig_top = trigdsc; /* Very top of the array */ # ifdef DEBUG /* Verify that the queues are well built */ { cntset = cntkill = cntztrig = 0; trigstart = gvt_trigger->set_triglist; trigtop = NULL; for (trigdsc = trigstart; (NULL != trigdsc) && (trigdsc != trigtop); trigdsc = trigdsc->next_set) { trigtop = trigstart; /* Stop when we get back here */ cntset++; } trigstart = gvt_trigger->kill_triglist; trigtop = NULL; for (trigdsc = trigstart; (NULL != trigdsc) && (trigdsc != trigtop); trigdsc = trigdsc->next_kill) { trigtop = trigstart; /* Stop when we get back here */ cntkill++; } trigstart = gvt_trigger->ztrig_triglist; trigtop = NULL; for (trigdsc = trigstart; (NULL != trigdsc) && (trigdsc != trigtop); trigdsc = trigdsc->next_ztrig) { trigtop = trigstart; /* Stop when we get back here */ cntztrig++; } assert(cntset == icntset); assert(cntkill == icntkill); assert(cntztrig == cntztrig); } # endif GVTR_HASHTGBL_READ_CLEANUP(FALSE); /* do NOT free gvt->gvt_trigger so pass FALSE */ DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gvtr_db_read_hasht: gvt_trigger->gv_trigger_cycle = cycle\n")); gvt_trigger->gv_trigger_cycle = cycle; /* Now that ^#t has been read, we can safely update "cycle" to the higher value */ return; } /* Determine if a given trigger matches the input key. * Expects key to be parsed into an array of pointers to the individual subscripts. * Also expects caller to invoke this function only if the # of subscripts in key is equal to that in the trigger. * Uses the function "gvsub2str" (in some cases) which in turn expects gv_target to be set appropriately. */ STATICFNDEF boolean_t gvtr_is_key_a_match(char *keysub_start[], gv_trigger_t *trigdsc, mval *lvvalarray[]) { uint4 numsubs, keysub; gvtr_subs_t *subsdsc, *substop, *subsdsc1; uint4 subs_type; char *thissub; mval *keysub_mval; uint4 thissublen, len1, len2, min; boolean_t thissub_matched, left_side_matched, right_side_matched; int cmpres; numsubs = trigdsc->numsubs; assert(numsubs); subsdsc = trigdsc->subsarray; for (keysub = 0; keysub < numsubs; keysub++, subsdsc++) { thissub_matched = FALSE; /* For each key subscript, check against the trigger subscript (or chain of subscripts in case of SETs of ranges) */ subsdsc1 = subsdsc; /* note down separately since we might need to follow chain of "next_range" within this subsc */ do { subs_type = subsdsc1->gvtr_subs_type; switch(subs_type) { case GVTR_SUBS_STAR: /* easiest case, * matches any subscript so skip to the next subscript */ thissub_matched = TRUE; break; case GVTR_SUBS_PATTERN: /* Determine match by reverse transforming subscript to string format and invoking * do_pattern. Before that check if transformation has already been done. If so use * that instead of redoing it. If not, do transformation and store it in M-stack * (to protect it from garbage collection) and also update lvvalarray to help with * preventing future recomputations of the same. */ KEYSUB_S2POOL_IF_NEEDED(keysub_mval, keysub, thissub); if (do_pattern(keysub_mval, &subsdsc1->gvtr_subs_pattern.pat_mval)) thissub_matched = TRUE; break; case GVTR_SUBS_POINT: thissub = keysub_start[keysub]; thissublen = UINTCAST(keysub_start[keysub + 1] - thissub); assert(0 < (int4)thissublen); /* ensure it is not negative (i.e. huge positive value) */ if ((thissublen == subsdsc1->gvtr_subs_point.len) && (0 == memcmp(subsdsc1->gvtr_subs_point.subs_key, thissub, thissublen))) thissub_matched = TRUE; break; case GVTR_SUBS_RANGE: thissub = keysub_start[keysub]; thissublen = UINTCAST(keysub_start[keysub + 1] - thissub); assert(0 < (int4)thissublen); /* ensure it is not negative (i.e. huge positive value) */ /* Check left side of range */ len1 = subsdsc1->gvtr_subs_range.len1; left_side_matched = TRUE; if (GVTR_RANGE_OPEN_LEN != len1) { min = MIN(len1, thissublen); cmpres = memcmp(subsdsc1->gvtr_subs_range.subs_key1, thissub, min); if ((0 < cmpres) || (0 == cmpres) && (thissublen < len1)) left_side_matched = FALSE; } /* Check right side of range */ len2 = subsdsc1->gvtr_subs_range.len2; if (left_side_matched) { right_side_matched = TRUE; if (GVTR_RANGE_OPEN_LEN != len2) { min = MIN(len2, thissublen); cmpres = memcmp(subsdsc1->gvtr_subs_range.subs_key2, thissub, min); if ((0 > cmpres) || (0 == cmpres) && (thissublen > len2)) right_side_matched = FALSE; } if (right_side_matched) thissub_matched = TRUE; } break; default: assert(FALSE); break; } if (thissub_matched) break; assert(&subsdsc1->gvtr_subs_range.next_range == &subsdsc1->gvtr_subs_point.next_range); assert(&subsdsc1->gvtr_subs_range.next_range == &subsdsc1->gvtr_subs_pattern.next_range); assert(&subsdsc1->gvtr_subs_range.next_range == &subsdsc1->gvtr_subs_star.next_range); subsdsc1 = subsdsc1->gvtr_subs_range.next_range; if (NULL == subsdsc1) /* this key subscript did NOT match with trigger */ return FALSE; } while (TRUE); } return TRUE; } void gvtr_free(gv_namehead *gvt) { gvt_trigger_t *gvt_trigger; gv_trigger_t *gv_trig_array, *trigdsc, *trigtop; buddy_list *gv_trig_list; uint4 num_gv_triggers; gvt_trigger = gvt->gvt_trigger; if (NULL == gvt_trigger) return; gv_trig_array = gvt_trigger->gv_trig_array; if (NULL != gv_trig_array) { num_gv_triggers = gvt_trigger->num_gv_triggers; assert(0 < num_gv_triggers); for (trigdsc = gv_trig_array, trigtop = trigdsc + num_gv_triggers; trigdsc < trigtop; trigdsc++) { if (NULL != trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_adr) gtm_trigger_cleanup(trigdsc); } free(gv_trig_array); gvt_trigger->gv_trig_array = NULL; } gv_trig_list = gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list; if (NULL != gv_trig_list) /* free up intermediate mallocs */ { cleanup_list(gv_trig_list); free(gv_trig_list); gvt_trigger->gv_trig_list = NULL; } free(gvt_trigger); gvt->gvt_trigger = NULL; gvt->db_trigger_cycle = 0; /* Force triggers to be reloaded implicitly if not explicitly done by caller */ } /* Initializes triggers for global variable "gvt" from ^#t global. */ void gvtr_init(gv_namehead *gvt, uint4 cycle, boolean_t tp_is_implicit, int err_code) { sgmnt_addrs *csa; sgmnt_data_ptr_t csd; gv_namehead *dir_tree; uint4 lcl_t_tries, save_t_tries, loopcnt; uint4 cycle_start; boolean_t root_srch_needed; enum cdb_sc failure; DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; SETUP_THREADGBL_ACCESS; assert(dollar_tlevel); /* A TP wrap should have been done by the caller if needed */ assert(!skip_dbtriggers); /* should not come here if triggers are not supposed to be invoked */ assert(gv_target == gvt); save_t_tries = t_tries; /* note down the value of t_tries at the entry to this function */ csa = gvt->gd_csa; assert(NULL != csa); /* database for this gvt better be opened at this point */ dir_tree = csa->dir_tree; if (gvt == dir_tree) return; /* trigger initialization should return for directory tree (e.g. set^%GBLDEF is caller) */ csd = csa->hdr; assert((gvt->db_trigger_cycle != cycle) || (gvt->db_dztrigger_cycle < csa->db_dztrigger_cycle)); root_srch_needed = FALSE; /* Check if TP was in turn an implicit TP (e.g. created by the GVTR_INIT_AND_TPWRAP_IF_NEEDED macro). */ if (tp_is_implicit) { /* If implicit TP, we need to go through gvtr_db_tpwrap_helper since we don't want any t_retry calls to end up * invoking MUM_TSTART. This way any restarts signaled during ^#t global reads will be handled internally in * gvtr_init without disturbing the caller gvcst_put/gvcst_kill in any manner. But this assumes that the ^#t * global is the FIRST global reference in this TP transaction. Otherwise the TP restart would have to transfer * control back to wherever that global reference occurred instead of this ^#t global read. Assert that below. */ cycle_start = csa->db_trigger_cycle; assert(NULL != first_sgm_info); /* The region corresponding to ^#t should be the only one in this TP so far */ assert(NULL == first_sgm_info->next_sgm_info); assert(!first_sgm_info->num_of_blks); /* This region should not have had ANY other reads until now */ lcl_t_tries = t_tries; t_fail_hist[lcl_t_tries] = cdb_sc_normal; assert(donot_INVOKE_MUMTSTART); for (loopcnt = 0; ; loopcnt++) { /* In case of restart in gvtr_db_read_hasht (handled by gvtr_tpwrap_ch), tp_restart will call tp_clean_up * which will reset sgm_info_ptr to NULL and csa->sgm_info_ptr->tp_set_sgm_done to FALSE. Call tp_set_sgm * to set sgm_info_ptr and first_sgm_info as gvcst_get relies on this being set. Also re-inits * csa->db_trigger_cycle to the latest copy from csd->db_trigger_cycle which is important to detect if * triggers have changed. */ tp_set_sgm(); gvtr_db_tpwrap_helper(csa, err_code, root_srch_needed); root_srch_needed = FALSE; assert(t_tries >= lcl_t_tries); if (!dollar_tlevel) { /* Came in as non-tp. Did op_tstart in the caller (GVTR_INIT_AND_TPWRAP_IF_NEEDED). * op_tcommit was completed by gvtr_db_tpwrap_helper as no triggers were defined. * Can break out of the loop. */ assert(ERR_GVZTRIGFAIL != err_code); assert((0 == t_tries) && (NULL == gvt->gvt_trigger)); break; } else { failure = t_fail_hist[lcl_t_tries]; if ((lcl_t_tries == t_tries) && (cdb_sc_normal == failure)) { /* Read of ^#t completed successfully as there is no change in t_tries. * Safe to break out of the loop. */ break; } /* else we encountered a TP restart (which would have triggered a call to t_retry * which in turn would have done a rts_error(TPRETRY) which would have been caught * by gvtr_tpwrap_ch which would in turn have unwound the C-stack upto the point * where the ESTABLISH is done in gvtr_tpwrap_helper and then returned from there). * In this case we have to keep retrying the read until there are no tp restarts or * an op_tcommit is done by gvtr_db_tpwrap_helper (in the event that no triggers * are defined). */ assert(dollar_trestart); /* Before restarting, check if the restart is due to online rollback. If so, based on whether the * rollback took the database back to a different logical state or not, we need to either issue * an error OR redo the root search of the original global as online rollback related restart * resets root block of all gv_targets to zero. */ assert(((cdb_sc_onln_rlbk1 != failure) && (cdb_sc_onln_rlbk2 != failure)) || (TREF(dollar_zonlnrlbk) && !gv_target->root)); if (cdb_sc_onln_rlbk1 == failure) { root_srch_needed = (ERR_GVPUTFAIL != err_code); } else if (cdb_sc_onln_rlbk2 == failure) { assert(tstart_trigger_depth == gtm_trigger_depth); rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_DBROLLEDBACK); } /* update lcl_t_tries to reflect the fact that a restart happened */ lcl_t_tries = t_tries; t_fail_hist[lcl_t_tries] = cdb_sc_normal; } /* We expect the above function to return with either op_tcommit or a tp_restart invoked. * In the case of op_tcommit, we expect dollar_tlevel to be 0 and if so we break out of the loop. * In the tp_restart case, we expect a maximum of 4 tries/retries and much lesser usually. * Additionally we also want to avoid an infinite loop so limit the loop to what is considered * a huge iteration count and GTMASSERT if that is reached as it suggests an out-of-design situation. */ if (TPWRAP_HELPER_MAX_ATTEMPTS < loopcnt) GTMASSERT; } /* It is possible we have restarted one or more times. If so, it is possible for csa->db_trigger_cycle * to have also been updated one or more times by t_retry() or tp_set_sgm but "cycle" would not have been * refreshed. Since we snapshoted cycle into start_cycle, we can check if csa->db_trigger_cycle has changed. * If it has, we update "cycle" so the correct value gets set into gvt->db_trigger_cycle below. */ if (cycle_start != csa->db_trigger_cycle) cycle = csa->db_trigger_cycle; } else gvtr_db_read_hasht(csa); /* Note that only gvt->db_trigger_cycle (and not CSA->db_trigger_cycle) should be touched here. * CSA->db_trigger_cycle should be left untouched and updated only in t_end/tp_tend in crit. * This way we are protected from the following situation which would arise if we incremented CSA here. * Let us say a TP transaction does TWO updates SET ^X=1,^Y=1 and then goes to commit. Let us say * before the ^X=1 set, csd had a cycle of 10 so that would have been copied over to X's gvt and to * csa. Let us say just before the ^Y=1 set, csd cycle got incremented to 11 (due to a concurrent MUPIP * TRIGGER which reloaded triggers for both ^X and ^Y). Now ^Y's gvt, csa and csd would all have a * cycle of 11. At commit time, we would check if csa and csd have the same cycle and they do so we * will assume no restart needed when actually a restart is needed because our view of ^X's triggers * is stale even though our view of ^Y's triggers is uptodate. Not touching csa's cycle here saves us * from this situation as csa's cycle will be 10 at commit time which will be different from csd's * cycle of 11 and in turn would cause a restart. This avoids us from otherwise having to go through * all the gvts that participated in this transaction and comparing their cycle with csd. */ gvt->db_trigger_cycle = cycle; gvt->db_dztrigger_cycle = csa->db_dztrigger_cycle; /* No more trigger reads for this global until next $ZTRIGGER() */ } /* Determines matching triggers for a given gv_currkey and uses "gtm_trigger" to invokes them with appropriate parameters. * Returns 0 for success and ERR_TPRETRY in case a retry is detected. */ int gvtr_match_n_invoke(gtm_trigger_parms *trigparms, gvtr_invoke_parms_t *gvtr_parms) { mident gbl; gvtr_cmd_type_t gvtr_cmd; gvt_trigger_t *gvt_trigger; boolean_t is_set_trigger, is_ztrig_trigger, ok_to_invoke_trigger; char *key_ptr, *key_start, *key_end; char *keysub_start[MAX_KEY_SZ + 1]; gv_key *save_gv_currkey; char save_currkey[SIZEOF(short) + SIZEOF(gv_key) + DBKEYSIZE(MAX_KEY_SZ)]; gv_trigger_t *trigdsc, *trigstop, *trigstart; int gtm_trig_status, tfxb_status, num_triggers_invoked, trigmax, trig_list_offset; mstr *ztupd_mstr; mval *keysub_mval; mval *lvvalarray[MAX_GVSUBSCRIPTS + 1]; mval *ztupd_mval, dummy_mval; uint4 *lvindexarray; uint4 keysubs, keylen, numlvsubs, curlvsub, lvvalindex, cursub; char *thissub; mval *ret_mval; mval tmpmval; unsigned char util_buff[MAX_TRIG_UTIL_LEN]; int4 util_len; # ifdef DEBUG sgmnt_addrs *csa; sgmnt_data_ptr_t csd; sgm_info *si; gv_namehead *save_targ; int lcl_gtm_trigger_depth; # endif DEBUG_ONLY(csa = cs_addrs); DEBUG_ONLY(csd = cs_data); DEBUG_ONLY(si = sgm_info_ptr); DEBUG_ONLY(save_targ = gv_target); assert(gv_target != csa->dir_tree); assert(dollar_tlevel); /* Initialize trigger parms that dont depend on the context of the matching trigger */ gvtr_cmd = gvtr_parms->gvtr_cmd; gvt_trigger = gvtr_parms->gvt_trigger; trigparms->ztriggerop_new = &gvtr_cmd_mval[gvtr_cmd]; is_set_trigger = (GVTR_CMDTYPE_SET == gvtr_cmd); is_ztrig_trigger = (GVTR_CMDTYPE_ZTRIGGER == gvtr_cmd); if (is_set_trigger) { /* Check that minimal pre-filling of trigparms has already occurred in the caller */ assert(NULL != trigparms->ztoldval_new); assert(NULL != trigparms->ztvalue_new); assert(NULL != trigparms->ztdata_new); PUSH_MV_STENT(MVST_MVAL); /* protect $ztupdate from stp_gcol */ ztupd_mval = &mv_chain->mv_st_cont.mvs_mval; ztupd_mval->str.len = 0; ztupd_mval->mvtype = 0; /* keep mvtype set to 0 until mval is fully initialized (later below) */ ztupd_mstr = &ztupd_mval->str; trigparms->ztupdate_new = ztupd_mval; } else { /* KILL or ZTRIGGER type command */ ztupd_mval = &dummy_mval; trigparms->ztupdate_new = (mval *)&literal_zero; } trigparms->lvvalarray = lvvalarray; trigparms->ztvalue_changed = FALSE; /* Parse gv_currkey into array of subscripts to facilitate trigger matching. * Save contents of gv_currkey into local array as the global variable gv_currkey could change * in between invocations of the "gtm_trigger" function in the for loop below. Not just that, * gv_currkey could be even freed and remalloced as a bigger array (if a db with a bigger keysize * gets opened) inside any of the "gtm_trigger" invocations. So we should maintain pointers only * to the local copy (not the global gv_currkey) for use inside all iterations of the for loop. */ save_gv_currkey = (gv_key *)ROUND_UP2((INTPTR_T)save_currkey, SIZEOF(gv_currkey->end)); assert(((char *)save_gv_currkey + SIZEOF(gv_key) + gv_currkey->end) < ARRAYTOP(save_currkey)); memcpy(save_gv_currkey, gv_currkey, OFFSETOF(gv_key, base[0]) + gv_currkey->end + 1); /* + 1 for second null terminator */ key_ptr = (char *)save_gv_currkey->base; DEBUG_ONLY(key_start = key_ptr;) key_end = key_ptr + save_gv_currkey->end; assert(KEY_DELIMITER == *key_end); assert(KEY_DELIMITER == *(key_end - 1)); keysubs = 0; keysub_start[0] = key_ptr; for ( ; key_ptr < key_end; key_ptr++) { if (KEY_DELIMITER == *key_ptr) { assert(ARRAYSIZE(keysub_start) > keysubs); assert(keysubs < ARRAYSIZE(lvvalarray)); lvvalarray[keysubs] = NULL; keysub_start[keysubs++] = key_ptr + 1; } } assert(keysubs); keysubs--; /* do not count global name as subscript */ assert(keysub_start[keysubs] == key_end); assert(NULL == lvvalarray[keysubs]); DEBUG_ONLY(keylen = INTCAST(key_end - key_start)); assert(!keysubs || keylen); /* Match & Invoke triggers. Take care to ensure they are invoked in an UNPREDICTABLE order. * Current implementation is to invoke triggers in a rotating order. For example, each command * type is in a circular queue - say A, B, C. Each time we come here to drive triggers for this * node, bump the gvt_trigger list pointer to the next element in the queue we are processing. So * if triggers A, B, C are on the SET queue, first time we will process A,B,C, next time B,C,A, * and the third, C,A,B. */ num_triggers_invoked = 0; if (is_set_trigger) { /* Chose the set command list to process */ SELECT_AND_RANDOMIZE_TRIGGER_CHAIN(gvt_trigger, trigstart, trig_list_offset, set); } else if (is_ztrig_trigger) { /* Chose the ztrig command list to process */ SELECT_AND_RANDOMIZE_TRIGGER_CHAIN(gvt_trigger, trigstart, trig_list_offset, ztrig); } else { /* Chose the kill command list to process */ SELECT_AND_RANDOMIZE_TRIGGER_CHAIN(gvt_trigger, trigstart, trig_list_offset, kill); } trigmax = gvt_trigger->num_gv_triggers; trigstop = NULL; /* So we can get through the first iteration */ for (trigdsc = trigstart; (NULL != trigdsc) && (trigdsc != trigstop); --trigmax, trigdsc = *(gv_trigger_t **)((char *)trigdsc + trig_list_offset)) /* Follow the designated list */ { DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gvtr_match_n_invoke: top of trigr scan loop\n")); trigstop = trigstart; /* Stop when we get back to where we started */ if (0 > trigmax) GTMASSERT; /* Loop ender "just in case" */ assert(trigdsc >= gvt_trigger->gv_trig_array); assert(trigdsc < gvt_trigger->gv_trig_top); assert((trigdsc->cmdmask & gvtr_cmd_mask[gvtr_cmd]) || !is_set_trigger); if (!is_set_trigger && !is_ztrig_trigger && !(trigdsc->cmdmask & gvtr_cmd_mask[gvtr_cmd])) continue; /* Trigger is for different command. Currently only possible for KILL/ZKILL (asserted above) */ /* Check that global variables which could have been modified inside gvcst_put/gvcst_kill have been * reset to their default values before going into trigger code as that could cause a nested call to * gvcst_put/gvcst_kill and we dont want any non-default value of this global variable from the parent * gvcst_put/gvcst_kill to be reset by the nested invocation. */ assert(INVALID_GV_TARGET == reset_gv_target); if ((keysubs == trigdsc->numsubs) && (!keysubs || gvtr_is_key_a_match(keysub_start, trigdsc, lvvalarray))) { /* Note: lvvalarray could be updated above in case any trigger patterns * needed to have been checked for a key-match. Before invoking the trigger, * check if it specified any local variables for subscripts. If so, * initialize any that are not yet already done. */ numlvsubs = trigdsc->numlvsubs; if (numlvsubs) { lvindexarray = trigdsc->lvindexarray; for (curlvsub = 0; curlvsub < numlvsubs; curlvsub++) { lvvalindex = lvindexarray[curlvsub]; assert(lvvalindex < keysubs); /* lvval not already computed. Do so by reverse transforming subscript to * string format. Store mval containing string in M-stack (to protect it * from garbage collection). Also update lvvalarray to prevent future * recomputations of the same across the many triggers to be checked for * the given key. */ keysub_mval = lvvalarray[lvvalindex]; KEYSUB_S2POOL_IF_NEEDED(keysub_mval, lvvalindex, thissub); } } /* Check if trigger specifies a piece delimiter and pieces of interest. * If so, check if any of those pieces are different. If not, trigger should NOT be invoked. */ ok_to_invoke_trigger = TRUE; if (is_set_trigger) { assert(0 == ztupd_mval->mvtype); if (trigdsc->delimiter.len) { strpiecediff(&trigparms->ztoldval_new->str, &trigparms->ztvalue_new->str, &trigdsc->delimiter, trigdsc->numpieces, trigdsc->piecearray, !trigdsc->is_zdelim && gtm_utf8_mode, ztupd_mstr); if (!ztupd_mstr->len) { /* No pieces of interest changed. So dont invoke trigger. */ DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gvtr_match_n_invoke: Turning off ok_to_invoke_trigger #1\n")); ok_to_invoke_trigger = FALSE; } else { /* The string containing list of updated pieces is pointing * to a buffer allocated inside "strpiecediff". Since this * function could be called again by a nested trigger, move * this buffer to the stringpool. */ s2pool(ztupd_mstr); ztupd_mval->mvtype = MV_STR; /* now ztupd_mval->str is protected from stp_gcol */ } } } if (ok_to_invoke_trigger) { DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gvtr_match_n_invoke: Inside trigger drive block\n")); DEBUG_ONLY(lcl_gtm_trigger_depth = gtm_trigger_depth); /* To exercise the trigger load code, for a debug build, we often load the trigger source code even * when not needed (based on whether a random bit in an address is on or not). Trigger code is only * needed when the trigger has not yet been compiled (the routine address is NULL). For a pro * build, trigger source is only loaded when needed. Usually there will be no source here unless a * given trigger is nesting unpleasantly so is still loaded from an ealier invocation on the * stack. It's not strictly illegal but probably leads to a trigger depth error later. */ if ((0 == trigdsc->xecute_str.str.len) && ((NULL == trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_adr) DEBUG_ONLY(|| (0 != ((INTPTR_T)trigdsc & 0x100))))) { /* Trigger xecute string not compiled yet, so load it */ /* Read in ^#t("GBL",1,"XECUTE")="do ^XNAMEinGBL" */ DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gvtr_match_n_invoke: Fetching trigger source\n")); tfxb_status = trigger_fill_xecute_buffer(trigdsc); if (0 != tfxb_status) { assert(ERR_TPRETRY == tfxb_status); ztupd_mval->mvtype = 0; /* so stp_gcol - if invoked somehow - can free up any space * currently occupied by this no-longer-necessary mval */ gvtr_parms->num_triggers_invoked = num_triggers_invoked; return tfxb_status; } assert(NULL != trigdsc->xecute_str.str.addr); if (MAX_XECUTE_LEN <= trigdsc->xecute_str.str.len) { assert(FALSE); rts_error(VARLSTCNT(3) ERR_INDRMAXLEN, 1, MAX_XECUTE_LEN); } } gtm_trig_status = gtm_trigger(trigdsc, trigparms); /* note: the above call may update trigparms->ztvalue_new for SET type triggers */ if (NULL != trigdsc->xecute_str.str.addr) { /* Now that gtm_trigger() has compiled the xecute string, the source can be freed * if it still allocated. Note a $TEXT() call or other source reference could have * stolen the buffer so it may no longer be here for us to free. */ if (0 < trigdsc->xecute_str.str.len) { free(trigdsc->xecute_str.str.addr); trigdsc->xecute_str.str.addr = NULL; trigdsc->xecute_str.str.len = 0; } } assert(lcl_gtm_trigger_depth == gtm_trigger_depth); num_triggers_invoked++; ztupd_mval->mvtype = 0; /* so stp_gcol -if invoked somehow - can free up any space * currently occupied by this no-longer-necessary mval */ assert((0 == gtm_trig_status) || (ERR_TPRETRY == gtm_trig_status)); if (0 != gtm_trig_status) { gvtr_parms->num_triggers_invoked = num_triggers_invoked; return gtm_trig_status; } } /* At this time, gv_cur_region, cs_addrs, gv_target, gv_currkey could all be * different from whatever they were JUST before the gtm_trigger() call. All * of them would be restored to what they were after the gtm_trigger_fini call. * It is ok to be in this out-of-sync situation since we dont rely on these * global variables until the "gtm_trigger_fini" call. Any interrupt that * happens before then will anyways know to save/restore those variables in * this that are pertinent in its processing. */ } } assert(INVALID_GV_TARGET == reset_gv_target); assert(0 <= num_triggers_invoked); if (num_triggers_invoked) gtm_trigger_fini(FALSE, FALSE); /* Verify that gtm_trigger_fini restored gv_cur_region/cs_addrs/cs_data/gv_target/gv_currkey * properly (gtm_trigger could have changed these values depending on the M code that was invoked). */ assert(csa == cs_addrs); assert(csd == cs_data); assert(si == sgm_info_ptr); assert(gv_target == save_targ); assert(0 == memcmp(save_gv_currkey, gv_currkey, OFFSETOF(gv_key, base[0]) + gv_currkey->end)); DBG_CHECK_GVTARGET_CSADDRS_IN_SYNC; DBG_CHECK_GVTARGET_GVCURRKEY_IN_SYNC; gvtr_parms->num_triggers_invoked = num_triggers_invoked; return 0; } #endif /* GTM_TRIGGER */