/**************************************************************** * * * Copyright 2001, 2011 Fidelity Information Services, Inc * * * * This source code contains the intellectual property * * of its copyright holder(s), and is made available * * under a license. If you do not know the terms of * * the license, please stop and do not read further. * * * ****************************************************************/ #include "mdef.h" #include "gtm_unistd.h" #include "gtm_fcntl.h" #include "gtm_ipc.h" #include "gtm_stdio.h" #include "gtm_stat.h" #include "gtm_string.h" #include #ifdef __MVS__ #include "gtm_zos_io.h" #endif #include "gdsroot.h" #include "gtm_facility.h" #include "fileinfo.h" #include "gdsbt.h" #include "gdsfhead.h" #include "gdsblk.h" #include "gdscc.h" #include "gdskill.h" #include "filestruct.h" #include "cli.h" #include "error.h" #include "gtmio.h" #include "iosp.h" #include "jnl.h" #include "mupipbckup.h" #include "timersp.h" #include "gt_timer.h" #include "buddy_list.h" #include "hashtab_int4.h" /* needed for tp.h */ #include "tp.h" #include "util.h" #include "mupip_set.h" #include "mu_rndwn_file.h" #include "mupip_exit.h" #include "ipcrmid.h" #include "mu_gv_cur_reg_init.h" #include "gvcst_protos.h" /* for gvcst_init prototype */ #include "timers.h" #include "db_ipcs_reset.h" #include "wcs_flu.h" #include "gds_rundown.h" #include "change_reg.h" #include "desired_db_format_set.h" #include "gtmmsg.h" /* for gtm_putmsg prototype */ #include "gtmcrypt.h" GBLREF tp_region *grlist; GBLREF gd_region *gv_cur_region; GBLREF sgmnt_data_ptr_t cs_data; GBLREF sgmnt_addrs *cs_addrs; GBLREF bool region; GBLREF bool in_backup; LITREF char *gtm_dbversion_table[]; error_def(ERR_BADTAG); error_def(ERR_CRYPTNOMM); error_def(ERR_DBPREMATEOF); error_def(ERR_DBRDERR); error_def(ERR_DBRDONLY); error_def(ERR_INVACCMETHOD); error_def(ERR_MMNODYNDWNGRD); error_def(ERR_MUNOACTION); error_def(ERR_RBWRNNOTCHG); error_def(ERR_TEXT); error_def(ERR_WCERRNOTCHG); error_def(ERR_WCWRNNOTCHG); #define MAX_ACC_METH_LEN 2 #define MAX_DB_VER_LEN 2 #define DO_CLNUP_AND_SET_EXIT_STAT(EXIT_STAT, EXIT_WRN_ERR_MASK) \ { \ exit_stat |= EXIT_WRN_ERR_MASK; \ db_ipcs_reset(gv_cur_region); \ mu_gv_cur_reg_free(); \ } int4 mupip_set_file(int db_fn_len, char *db_fn) { bool got_standalone; boolean_t bypass_partial_recov, need_standalone = FALSE; char acc_spec[MAX_ACC_METH_LEN], ver_spec[MAX_DB_VER_LEN], exit_stat, *fn; unsigned short acc_spec_len = MAX_ACC_METH_LEN, ver_spec_len = MAX_DB_VER_LEN; int fd, fn_len; int4 status; int4 status1; int glbl_buff_status, defer_status, rsrvd_bytes_status, extn_count_status, lock_space_status, disk_wait_status; int4 new_disk_wait, new_cache_size, new_extn_count, new_lock_space, reserved_bytes, defer_time; sgmnt_data_ptr_t csd; tp_region *rptr, single; enum db_acc_method access, access_new; enum db_ver desired_dbver; gd_region *temp_cur_region; char *errptr, *command = "MUPIP SET VERSION"; int save_errno; int rc; ZOS_ONLY(int realfiletag;) exit_stat = EXIT_NRM; defer_status = cli_present("DEFER_TIME"); if (defer_status) need_standalone = TRUE; bypass_partial_recov = cli_present("PARTIAL_RECOV_BYPASS") == CLI_PRESENT; if (bypass_partial_recov) need_standalone = TRUE; if (disk_wait_status = cli_present("WAIT_DISK")) { if (cli_get_int("WAIT_DISK", &new_disk_wait)) { if (new_disk_wait < 0) { util_out_print("!UL negative, minimum WAIT_DISK allowed is 0.", TRUE, new_disk_wait); return (int4)ERR_WCWRNNOTCHG; } need_standalone = TRUE; } else { util_out_print("Error getting WAIT_DISK qualifier value", TRUE); return (int4)ERR_WCWRNNOTCHG; } } if (glbl_buff_status = cli_present("GLOBAL_BUFFERS")) { if (cli_get_int("GLOBAL_BUFFERS", &new_cache_size)) { if (new_cache_size > GTM64_ONLY(GTM64_WC_MAX_BUFFS) NON_GTM64_ONLY(WC_MAX_BUFFS)) { util_out_print("!UL too large, maximum write cache buffers allowed is !UL", TRUE, new_cache_size, GTM64_ONLY(GTM64_WC_MAX_BUFFS) NON_GTM64_ONLY(WC_MAX_BUFFS)); return (int4)ERR_WCWRNNOTCHG; } if (new_cache_size < WC_MIN_BUFFS) { util_out_print("!UL too small, minimum cache buffers allowed is !UL", TRUE, new_cache_size, WC_MIN_BUFFS); return (int4)ERR_WCWRNNOTCHG; } } else { util_out_print("Error getting GLOBAL BUFFER qualifier value", TRUE); return (int4)ERR_WCWRNNOTCHG; } need_standalone = TRUE; } /* EXTENSION_COUNT does not require standalone access and hence need_standalone will not be set to TRUE for this. */ if (extn_count_status = cli_present("EXTENSION_COUNT")) { if (cli_get_int("EXTENSION_COUNT", &new_extn_count)) { if (new_extn_count > MAX_EXTN_COUNT) { util_out_print("!UL too large, maximum extension count allowed is !UL", TRUE, new_extn_count, MAX_EXTN_COUNT); return (int4)ERR_WCWRNNOTCHG; } if (new_extn_count < MIN_EXTN_COUNT) { util_out_print("!UL too small, minimum extension count allowed is !UL", TRUE, new_extn_count, MIN_EXTN_COUNT); return (int4)ERR_WCWRNNOTCHG; } } else { util_out_print("Error getting EXTENSION COUNT qualifier value", TRUE); return (int4)ERR_WCWRNNOTCHG; } } if (lock_space_status = cli_present("LOCK_SPACE")) { if (cli_get_int("LOCK_SPACE", &new_lock_space)) { if (new_lock_space > MAX_LOCK_SPACE) { util_out_print("!UL too large, maximum lock space allowed is !UL", TRUE, new_lock_space, MAX_LOCK_SPACE); return (int4)ERR_WCWRNNOTCHG; } else if (new_lock_space < MIN_LOCK_SPACE) { util_out_print("!UL too small, minimum lock space allowed is !UL", TRUE, new_lock_space, MIN_LOCK_SPACE); return (int4)ERR_WCWRNNOTCHG; } } else { util_out_print("Error getting LOCK_SPACE qualifier value", TRUE); return (int4)ERR_WCWRNNOTCHG; } need_standalone = TRUE; } if (rsrvd_bytes_status = cli_present("RESERVED_BYTES")) { if (!cli_get_int("RESERVED_BYTES", &reserved_bytes)) { util_out_print("Error getting RESERVED BYTES qualifier value", TRUE); return (int4)ERR_RBWRNNOTCHG; } need_standalone = TRUE; } if (cli_present("ACCESS_METHOD")) { cli_get_str("ACCESS_METHOD", acc_spec, &acc_spec_len); cli_strupper(acc_spec); if (0 == memcmp(acc_spec, "MM", acc_spec_len)) access = dba_mm; else if (0 == memcmp(acc_spec, "BG", acc_spec_len)) access = dba_bg; else mupip_exit(ERR_INVACCMETHOD); need_standalone = TRUE; } else access = n_dba; /* really want to keep current method, which has not yet been read */ if (cli_present("VERSION")) { assert(!need_standalone); cli_get_str("VERSION", ver_spec, &ver_spec_len); cli_strupper(ver_spec); if (0 == memcmp(ver_spec, "V4", ver_spec_len)) desired_dbver = GDSV4; else if (0 == memcmp(ver_spec, "V5", ver_spec_len)) desired_dbver = GDSV5; else GTMASSERT; /* CLI should prevent us ever getting here */ } else desired_dbver = GDSVLAST; /* really want to keep version, which has not yet been read */ if (region) rptr = grlist; else { rptr = &single; memset(&single, 0, SIZEOF(single)); } csd = (sgmnt_data *)malloc(ROUND_UP(SIZEOF(sgmnt_data), DISK_BLOCK_SIZE)); in_backup = FALSE; /* Only want yes/no from mupfndfil, not an address */ for (; rptr != NULL; rptr = rptr->fPtr) { if (region) { if (dba_usr == rptr->reg->dyn.addr->acc_meth) { util_out_print("!/Region !AD is not a GDS access type", TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(rptr->reg)); exit_stat |= EXIT_WRN; continue; } if (!mupfndfil(rptr->reg, NULL)) continue; fn = (char *)rptr->reg->dyn.addr->fname; fn_len = rptr->reg->dyn.addr->fname_len; } else { fn = db_fn; fn_len = db_fn_len; } mu_gv_cur_reg_init(); strcpy((char *)gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->fname, fn); gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->fname_len = fn_len; if (!need_standalone) { gvcst_init(gv_cur_region); change_reg(); /* sets cs_addrs and cs_data */ if (gv_cur_region->read_only) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBRDONLY, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region)); exit_stat |= EXIT_ERR; gds_rundown(); mu_gv_cur_reg_free(); continue; } assert(!cs_addrs->hold_onto_crit); /* this ensures we can safely do unconditional grab_crit and rel_crit */ grab_crit(gv_cur_region); status = EXIT_NRM; access_new = (n_dba == access ? cs_data->acc_meth : access); /* recalculate; n_dba is a proxy for no change */ change_fhead_timer("FLUSH_TIME", cs_data->flush_time, (dba_bg == access_new ? TIM_FLU_MOD_BG : TIM_FLU_MOD_MM), FALSE); if (GDSVLAST != desired_dbver) { if ((dba_mm != access_new) || (GDSV4 != desired_dbver)) status1 = desired_db_format_set(gv_cur_region, desired_dbver, command); else { status1 = ERR_MMNODYNDWNGRD; gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) status1, 2, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region)); } if (SS_NORMAL != status1) { /* "desired_db_format_set" would have printed appropriate error messages */ if (ERR_MUNOACTION != status1) { /* real error occurred while setting the db format. skip to next region */ status = EXIT_ERR; } } } if (EXIT_NRM == status) { if (extn_count_status) cs_data->extension_size = (uint4)new_extn_count; wcs_flu(WCSFLU_FLUSH_HDR); if (extn_count_status) util_out_print("Database file !AD now has extension count !UL", TRUE, fn_len, fn, cs_data->extension_size); if (GDSVLAST != desired_dbver) util_out_print("Database file !AD now has desired DB format !AD", TRUE, fn_len, fn, LEN_AND_STR(gtm_dbversion_table[cs_data->desired_db_format])); } else exit_stat |= status; rel_crit(gv_cur_region); gds_rundown(); } else { /* Following part needs standalone access */ assert(GDSVLAST == desired_dbver); got_standalone = STANDALONE(gv_cur_region); if (FALSE == got_standalone) return (int4)ERR_WCERRNOTCHG; /* we should open it (for changing) after mu_rndwn_file, since mu_rndwn_file changes the file header too */ if (FD_INVALID == (fd = OPEN(fn, O_RDWR))) { save_errno = errno; errptr = (char *)STRERROR(save_errno); util_out_print("open : !AZ", TRUE, errptr); DO_CLNUP_AND_SET_EXIT_STAT(exit_stat, EXIT_ERR); continue; } #ifdef __MVS__ if (-1 == gtm_zos_tag_to_policy(fd, TAG_BINARY, &realfiletag)) TAG_POLICY_GTM_PUTMSG(fn, realfiletag, TAG_BINARY, errno); #endif LSEEKREAD(fd, 0, csd, SIZEOF(sgmnt_data), status); if (0 != status) { save_errno = errno; PERROR("Error reading header of file"); errptr = (char *)STRERROR(save_errno); util_out_print("read : !AZ", TRUE, errptr); util_out_print("Error reading header of file", TRUE); util_out_print("Database file !AD not changed: ", TRUE, fn_len, fn); if (-1 != status) rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBRDERR, 2, fn_len, fn); else rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBPREMATEOF, 2, fn_len, fn); } if (rsrvd_bytes_status) { if (reserved_bytes > MAX_RESERVE_B(csd)) { util_out_print("!UL too large, maximum reserved bytes allowed is !UL for database file !AD", TRUE, reserved_bytes, MAX_RESERVE_B(csd), fn_len, fn); CLOSEFILE_RESET(fd, rc); /* resets "fd" to FD_INVALID */ db_ipcs_reset(gv_cur_region); return (int4)ERR_RBWRNNOTCHG; } csd->reserved_bytes = reserved_bytes; } access_new = (n_dba == access ? csd->acc_meth : access); /* recalculate; n_dba is a proxy for no change */ change_fhead_timer("FLUSH_TIME", csd->flush_time, (dba_bg == access_new ? TIM_FLU_MOD_BG : TIM_FLU_MOD_MM), FALSE); if ((n_dba != access) && (csd->acc_meth != access)) /* n_dba is a proxy for no change */ { # ifdef GTM_CRYPT if (dba_mm == access && (csd->is_encrypted)) { gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_CRYPTNOMM, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region)); mupip_exit(ERR_RBWRNNOTCHG); } # endif if (dba_mm == access) csd->defer_time = 1; /* defer defaults to 1 */ csd->acc_meth = access; if (0 == csd->n_bts) { csd->n_bts = WC_DEF_BUFFS; csd->bt_buckets = getprime(csd->n_bts); } } if (glbl_buff_status) { csd->n_bts = BT_FACTOR(new_cache_size); csd->bt_buckets = getprime(csd->n_bts); csd->n_wrt_per_flu = 7; csd->flush_trigger = FLUSH_FACTOR(csd->n_bts); } if (disk_wait_status) csd->wait_disk_space = new_disk_wait; if (extn_count_status) csd->extension_size = (uint4)new_extn_count; if (lock_space_status) csd->lock_space_size = (uint4)new_lock_space * OS_PAGELET_SIZE; if (bypass_partial_recov) { csd->file_corrupt = FALSE; util_out_print("Database file !AD now has partial recovery flag set to !UL(FALSE) ", TRUE, fn_len, fn, csd->file_corrupt); } if (dba_mm == access_new) { if (CLI_NEGATED == defer_status) csd->defer_time = 0; else if (CLI_PRESENT == defer_status) { if (!cli_get_num("DEFER_TIME", &defer_time)) { util_out_print("Error getting DEFER_TIME qualifier value", TRUE); db_ipcs_reset(gv_cur_region); return (int4)ERR_RBWRNNOTCHG; } if (-1 > defer_time) { util_out_print("DEFER_TIME cannot take negative values less than -1", TRUE); util_out_print("Database file !AD not changed", TRUE, fn_len, fn); DO_CLNUP_AND_SET_EXIT_STAT(exit_stat, EXIT_WRN); continue; } csd->defer_time = defer_time; } if (csd->blks_to_upgrd) { util_out_print("MM access method cannot be set if there are blocks to upgrade", TRUE); util_out_print("Database file !AD not changed", TRUE, fn_len, fn); DO_CLNUP_AND_SET_EXIT_STAT(exit_stat, EXIT_WRN); continue; } if (GDSVCURR != csd->desired_db_format) { util_out_print("MM access method cannot be set in DB compatibility mode", TRUE); util_out_print("Database file !AD not changed", TRUE, fn_len, fn); DO_CLNUP_AND_SET_EXIT_STAT(exit_stat, EXIT_WRN); continue; } if (JNL_ENABLED(csd) && csd->jnl_before_image) { util_out_print("MM access method cannot be set with BEFORE image journaling", TRUE); util_out_print("Database file !AD not changed", TRUE, fn_len, fn); DO_CLNUP_AND_SET_EXIT_STAT(exit_stat, EXIT_WRN); continue; } csd->jnl_before_image = FALSE; } else { if (defer_status) { util_out_print("DEFER cannot be specified with BG access method.", TRUE); util_out_print("Database file !AD not changed", TRUE, fn_len, fn); DO_CLNUP_AND_SET_EXIT_STAT(exit_stat, EXIT_WRN); continue; } } LSEEKWRITE(fd, 0, csd, SIZEOF(sgmnt_data), status); if (0 != status) { save_errno = errno; errptr = (char *)STRERROR(save_errno); util_out_print("write : !AZ", TRUE, errptr); util_out_print("Error writing header of file", TRUE); util_out_print("Database file !AD not changed: ", TRUE, fn_len, fn); rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBRDERR, 2, fn_len, fn); } CLOSEFILE_RESET(fd, rc); /* resets "fd" to FD_INVALID */ /* --------------------- report results ------------------------- */ if (glbl_buff_status) util_out_print("Database file !AD now has !UL global buffers", TRUE, fn_len, fn, csd->n_bts); if (defer_status && (dba_mm == csd->acc_meth)) util_out_print("Database file !AD now has defer_time set to !SL", TRUE, fn_len, fn, csd->defer_time); if (rsrvd_bytes_status) util_out_print("Database file !AD now has !UL reserved bytes", TRUE, fn_len, fn, csd->reserved_bytes); if (extn_count_status) util_out_print("Database file !AD now has extension count !UL", TRUE, fn_len, fn, csd->extension_size); if (lock_space_status) util_out_print("Database file !AD now has lock space !UL pages", TRUE, fn_len, fn, csd->lock_space_size/OS_PAGELET_SIZE); if (disk_wait_status) util_out_print("Database file !AD now has wait disk set to !UL seconds", TRUE, fn_len, fn, csd->wait_disk_space); db_ipcs_reset(gv_cur_region); } /* end of else part if (!need_standalone) */ mu_gv_cur_reg_free(); } free(csd); assert(!(exit_stat & EXIT_INF)); return (exit_stat & EXIT_ERR ? (int4)ERR_WCERRNOTCHG : (exit_stat & EXIT_WRN ? (int4)ERR_WCWRNNOTCHG : SS_NORMAL)); }