/**************************************************************** * * * Copyright 2001, 2012 Fidelity Information Services, Inc * * * * This source code contains the intellectual property * * of its copyright holder(s), and is made available * * under a license. If you do not know the terms of * * the license, please stop and do not read further. * * * ****************************************************************/ #include "mdef.h" #include #include "gtm_string.h" #include "gdsroot.h" #include "gdskill.h" #include "gdsblk.h" #include "gtm_facility.h" #include "fileinfo.h" #include "gdsbt.h" #include "gdsfhead.h" #include "filestruct.h" #include "gdscc.h" #include "copy.h" #include "jnl.h" #include "hashtab_int4.h" /* needed for tp.h */ #include "buddy_list.h" /* needed for tp.h */ #include "tp.h" #include "rtnhdr.h" #include "mv_stent.h" /* for COPY_SUBS_TO_GVCURRKEY macro */ #include "subscript.h" #include "op.h" #include "gvcst_protos.h" /* for gvcst_root_search prototype */ #include "format_targ_key.h" #include "gvsub2str.h" #include "sgnl.h" #include "mvalconv.h" #include "tp_set_sgm.h" GBLREF uint4 dollar_tlevel; GBLREF gd_addr *gd_header; GBLREF gv_key *gv_currkey; GBLREF gv_namehead *gv_target; GBLREF sgmnt_addrs *cs_addrs; GBLREF gd_region *gv_cur_region; GBLREF sgm_info *first_sgm_info; GBLREF mstr extnam_str; error_def(ERR_GVNAKED); error_def(ERR_MAXNRSUBSCRIPTS); void op_gvnaked(UNIX_ONLY_COMMA(int count_arg) mval *val_arg, ...) { va_list var; int count; bool was_null, is_null, sbs_cnt; mval *val; short max_key; unsigned char *ptr, *end_ptr; DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; SETUP_THREADGBL_ACCESS; extnam_str.len = 0; if (!gv_currkey || (0 == gv_currkey->prev) || (0 == gv_currkey->end)) rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_GVNAKED); if ((dba_bg == gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->acc_meth) || (dba_mm == gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->acc_meth)) { assert(INVALID_GV_TARGET != gv_target); if (dollar_tlevel) tp_set_sgm(); GVCST_ROOT_SEARCH; assert(gv_target->gd_csa == cs_addrs); } VMS_ONLY(va_count(count)); UNIX_ONLY(count = count_arg;) /* i386 assembler modules may depend on unchanged count */ if (0 >= count) GTMASSERT; gv_currkey->end = gv_currkey->prev; is_null = FALSE; assert(gv_currkey->end); was_null = TREF(gv_some_subsc_null); sbs_cnt = 0; if (1 < count) { /* Use of naked reference can cause increase in number of subscripts. So count the subscripts */ ptr = gv_currkey->base; end_ptr = ptr + gv_currkey->end; while (ptr < end_ptr) if (KEY_DELIMITER == *ptr++) sbs_cnt++; if (MAX_GVSUBSCRIPTS < count + sbs_cnt) rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_MAXNRSUBSCRIPTS); } /* else naked reference will not increase number of subscripts, so do not worry about exceeding the limit */ VAR_START(var, val_arg); val = val_arg; max_key = gv_cur_region->max_key_size; for ( ; ; ) { COPY_SUBS_TO_GVCURRKEY(val, max_key, gv_currkey, was_null, is_null); /* updates gv_currkey, was_null, is_null */ if (0 < --count) val = va_arg(var, mval *); else break; } va_end(var); TREF(gv_some_subsc_null) = was_null; /* if true, it indicates there is a null subscript (other than the last subscript) in current key */ TREF(gv_last_subsc_null) = is_null; /* if true, it indicates that last subscript in current key is null */ if (was_null && (NEVER == gv_cur_region->null_subs)) sgnl_gvnulsubsc(); return; }