/**************************************************************** * * * Copyright 2001,2012 Fidelity Information Services, Inc * * * * This source code contains the intellectual property * * of its copyright holder(s), and is made available * * under a license. If you do not know the terms of * * the license, please stop and do not read further. * * * ****************************************************************/ #include "mdef.h" #include "error.h" LITDEF err_msg merrors[] = { "ACK", "", 0, "BREAKZST", "Break instruction encountered during ZSTEP action", 0, "BADACCMTHD", "Invalid access method was specified, file not created", 0, "BADJPIPARAM", "!AD is not a legal parameter for $ZGETJPI()", 2, "BADSYIPARAM", "!AD is not a legal parameter for $ZGETSYI()", 2, "BITMAPSBAD", "Database bit maps are incorrect", 0, "BREAK", "Break instruction encountered", 0, "BREAKDEA", "Break instruction encountered during Device error action", 0, "BREAKZBA", "Break instruction encountered during ZBREAK action", 0, "STATCNT", "!AD:!_ Key cnt: !UL max subsc len: !UL max data len: !UL", 5, "BTFAIL", "The database block table is corrupt; error type !UL", 1, "MUPRECFLLCK", "Database file !AD is locked by MUPIP RECOVER. Could not secure access.", 2, "CMD", "Command expected but not found", 0, "COLON", "Colon (:) expected in this context", 0, "COMMA", "Comma expected in this context", 0, "COMMAORRPAREXP", "Comma or right parenthesis expected but not found", 0, "COMMENT", "Comment line. Placed zbreak at next executable line.", 0, "CTRAP", "Character trap $C(!UL) encountered", 1, "CTRLC", "CTRL_C encountered", 0, "CTRLY", "User interrupt encountered", 0, "DBCCERR", "Interlock instruction failure in critical mechanism for region !AD", 2, "DUPTOKEN", "Token 0x!16@XQ is duplicate in the journal file !AD for database !AD", 5, "DBJNLNOTMATCH", "Database !AD points to journal file name !AD but the journal file points to database file !AD", 6, "DBFILERR", "Error with database file !AD", 2, "DBNOTGDS", "!AD - Unrecognized database file format", 2, "DBOPNERR", "Error opening database file !AD", 2, "DBRDERR", "Cannot read database file !AD after opening", 2, "CCEDUMPNOW", "", 0, "DEVPARINAP", "Device parameter inappropriate to this command", 0, "RECORDSTAT", "!AD:!_ Key cnt: !UL max subsc len: !UL max data len: !UL max rec len: !UL", 6, "NOTGBL", "!_!AD!/!_!_!_\"^\" Expected", 2, "DEVPARPROT", "The protection specification is invalid", 0, "PREMATEOF", "Premature end of file detected", 0, "GVINVALID", "!_!AD!/!_!_!_Invalid global name", 2, "DEVPARTOOBIG", "String deviceparameter exceeds 255 character limit", 0, "DEVPARUNK", "Deviceparameter unknown", 0, "DEVPARVALREQ", "A value is required for this device parameter", 0, "DEVPARMNEG", "Deviceparameter must be a positive value", 0, "DSEBLKRDFAIL", "Failed attempt to read block", 0, "DSEFAIL", "DSE failed. Failure code: !AD.", 2, "NOTALLREPLON", "Replication state is not on for all regions", 0, "BADLKIPARAM", "!AD is not a legal parameter for $ZGETLKI()", 2, "JNLREADBOF", "Beginning of journal file encountered for !AD", 2, "DVIKEYBAD", "$ZGETDVI(\"!AD\",\"!AD\") contains an illegal keyword", 4, "ENQ", "", 0, "EQUAL", "Equal sign expected but not found", 0, "ERRORSUMMARY", "Errors occurred during compilation", 0, "ERRWEXC", "Error while processing exception string", 0, "ERRWIOEXC", "Error while processing I/O exception string", 0, "ERRWZBRK", "Error while processing ZBREAK action string", 0, "ERRWZTRAP", "Error while processing $ZTRAP", 0, "NUMUNXEOR", "!_!AD!/!_!_!_unexpected end of record in numeric subscript", 2, "EXPR", "Expression expected but not found", 0, "STRUNXEOR", "!_!AD!/!_!_!_unexpected end of record in string subscript", 2, "JNLEXTEND", "Journal file extension error. Journal file !AD closed.", 2, "FCHARMAXARGS", "Argument count of $CHAR function exceeded the maximum of 255", 0, "FCNSVNEXPECTED", "Function or special variable expected in this context", 0, "FNARGINC", "Format specifiers to $FNUMBER are incompatible: \"!AD\"", 2, "JNLACCESS", "Error accessing journal file !AD", 2, "TRANSNOSTART", "ZTCOMMIT(s) issued without corresponding ZTSTART(s)", 0, "FNUMARG", "$FNUMBER format specifier \"!AD\" contains an illegal character: \"!AD\"", 4, "FOROFLOW", "FOR commands nested more than !UL deep on a line", 1, "YDIRTSZ", "Size of YDIRT data too large", 0, "JNLSUCCESS", "!AD successful", 2, "GBLNAME", "Either an identifier or a left parenthesis is expected after a ^ in this context", 0, "GBLOFLOW", "Database segment is full", 0, "CORRUPT", "Corrupt input in Blk # !UL, Key #!UL; resuming with next global block", 2, "GTMCHECK", "Internal GT.M error--Report to your GT.M Support Channel", 0, "GVDATAFAIL", "Global variable $DATA function failed. Failure code: !AD.", 2, "EORNOTFND", "!_!AD!/!_!_!_End of record not found", 2, "GVGETFAIL", "Global variable retrieval failed. Failure code: !AD.", 2, "GVIS", "!_!_Global variable: !AD", 2, "GVKILLFAIL", "Global variable kill failed. Failure code: !AD.", 2, "GVNAKED", "Illegal naked global reference", 0, "GVNEXTARG", "Argument to global variable $NEXT must be subscripted", 0, "GVORDERFAIL", "Global variable $ORDER or $NEXT function failed. Failure code: !AD.", 2, "GVPUTFAIL", "Global variable put failed. Failure code: !AD.", 2, "PATTABSYNTAX", "Error in !AD at line !UL", 3, "GVSUBOFLOW", "Maximum combined length of subscripts exceeded", 0, "GVUNDEF", "Global variable undefined: !AD", 2, "TRANSNEST", "Maximum transaction nesting levels exceeded", 0, "INDEXTRACHARS", "Indirection string contains extra trailing characters", 0, "INDMAXNEST", "Maximum nesting of indirection expressions exceeded", 0, "INDRMAXLEN", "Maximum length !UL of an indirection argument was exceeded", 1, "INSFFBCNT", "Insufficient byte count quota left for requested operation", 0, "INTEGERRS", "Database integrity errors", 0, "INVCMD", "Invalid command keyword encountered", 0, "INVFCN", "Invalid function name", 0, "INVOBJ", "Cannot ZLINK object file due to unexpected format", 0, "INVSVN", "Invalid special variable name", 0, "IOEOF", "Attempt to read past an end-of-file", 0, "IONOTOPEN", "Attempt to USE an I/O device which has not been opened", 0, "MUPIPINFO", "!AD", 2, "IVTIME", "Invalid time specification: !AD", 2, "JOBFAIL", "JOB command failure", 0, "JOBLABOFF", "Label and offset not found in created process", 0, "JOBPARNOVAL", "This job parameter cannot take a value", 0, "JOBPARNUM", "The value of this job parameter must be an integer", 0, "JOBPARSTR", "The value of this job parameter must be a string", 0, "JOBPARUNK", "Job parameter unknown", 0, "JOBPARVALREQ", "A value is required for this job parameter", 0, "JUSTFRACT", "Fraction specifier to $JUSTIFY cannot be negative", 0, "KEY2BIG", "Key size (!UL) is greater than maximum (!UL) for region: !AD", 4, "LABELEXPECTED", "Label expected in this context", 0, "LABELMISSING", "Label referenced but not defined: !AD", 2, "LABELUNKNOWN", "Label referenced but not defined", 0, "DIVZERO", "Attempt to divide by zero", 0, "LKNAMEXPECTED", "An identifier is expected after a ^ in this context", 0, "JNLRDERR", "Error reading journal file !AD. Unable to initialize.", 2, "LOADRUNNING", "Cannot ZLINK an active routine !AD", 2, "LPARENMISSING", "Left parenthesis expected", 0, "LSEXPECTED", "A line separator is expected here", 0, "LVORDERARG", "Argument to local variable $NEXT must be subscripted", 0, "MAXFORARGS", "Maximum number of arguments to a single FOR command exceeded", 0, "TRANSMINUS", "Negative numbers not allowed with ZTCOMMIT", 0, "MAXNRSUBSCRIPTS", "Maximum number of subscripts exceeded", 0, "MAXSTRLEN", "Maximum string length exceeded", 0, "JNLDBERR", "Journal file !AD does not correspond to database file !AD", 4, "JNLFILOPN", "Error opening journal file !AD for database file !AD", 4, "MBXRDONLY", "Mailbox is read only, cannot write to it", 0, "JNLINVALID", "!AD is not a valid journal file !/ for database file: !AD", 4, "MBXWRTONLY", "Mailbox is write only, cannot read from it", 0, "MEMORY", "Central memory exhausted during request for !UJ bytes from 0x!XJ", 2, "MTBLKTOOBIG", "Magtape BLOCK_SIZE exceeds maximum size allowed", 0, "MTBLKTOOSM", "Magtape BLOCK_SIZE is less than !UL bytes", 1, "MTFIXRECSZ", "BLOCK_SIZE !UL must be multiple of fixed record size !UL", 2, "MTIS", "Magnetic tape: !AD", 2, "MTRDBADBLK", "Block read too small, contained only !UL bytes, block size = !UL", 2, "MTRDONLY", "Cannot write to a READONLY magtape", 0, "MTRDTHENWRT", "Attempt to read after a write to a magtape", 0, "MTRECGTRBLK", "Magtape record size cannot exceed block size", 0, "MTRECTOOBIG", "Magtape record size exceeds maximum allowed", 0, "MTRECTOOSM", "Magtape record size is too small for record type", 0, "JNLTMQUAL3", "Time qualifier BEFORE_TIME=\"!AZ\" is less than the journal file(s) minimum timestamp=\"!AZ\"", 2, "MULTLAB", "This label has been previously defined", 0, "BLKCNT", "Last LOAD Block/RMS Record number: !UL", 1, "CCEDUMPOFF", "", 0, "NOPLACE", "Line specified in a ZBREAK cannot be found", 0, "JNLCLOSE", "Error closing journal file !AD", 2, "NOTPRINCIO", "Output currently directed to device !AD", 2, "NOTTOEOFONPUT", "Not positioned to EOF on write (sequential organization only)", 0, "NOZBRK", "No zbreak at that location", 0, "NULSUBSC", "Null subscripts are not allowed for region: !AD", 2, "NUMOFLOW", "Numeric overflow", 0, "PARFILSPC", "Parameter: !AD file specification: !AD", 4, "PATCLASS", "Illegal character class for pattern code", 0, "PATCODE", "Illegal syntax for pattern", 0, "PATLIT", "Illegal character or unbalanced quotes for pattern literal", 0, "PATMAXLEN", "Pattern code exceeds maximum length", 0, "LPARENREQD", "!_!AD!/!_!_!_Left parenthesis expected", 2, "PATUPPERLIM", "Pattern code upper limit is less than lower limit", 0, "PCONDEXPECTED", "Post-conditional expression expected but not found", 0, "PRCNAMLEN", "Process name !AD length is greater than !SL", 3, "RANDARGNEG", "Random number generator argument must be greater than or equal to one", 0, "DBPRIVERR", "No privilege for attempted update operation for file: !AD", 2, "REC2BIG", "Record size (!UL) is greater than maximum (!UL) for region: !AD", 4, "RHMISSING", "Right-hand side of expression expected", 0, "DEVICEREADONLY", "Cannot write to read-only device", 0, "COLLDATAEXISTS", "Collation type cannot be changed while data exists", 0, "ROUTINEUNKNOWN", "Routine could not be found", 0, "RPARENMISSING", "Right parenthesis expected", 0, "RTNNAME", "Routine name expected here", 0, "VIEWGVN", "Invalid global key name used with VIEW/$VIEW(): !AD", 2, "RTSLOC", "!_!_At M source location !AD", 2, "RWARG", "This is not a legal argument for a READ command", 0, "RWFORMAT", "A valid format expression (!!, #, or ?expr) expected here", 0, "JNLWRTDEFER", "Journal write start deferred", 0, "SELECTFALSE", "No argument to $SELECT was true", 0, "SPOREOL", "Either a space or an end-of-line was expected but not found", 0, "SRCLIN", "!_!AD!/!_!AD", 4, "SRCLOC", "!_!_At column !UL, line !UL, source module !AD", 4, "SRCLOCUNKNOWN", "!_!_M source location unknown", 0, "STACKCRIT", "Stack space critical", 0, "STACKOFLOW", "Stack overflow", 0, "STACKUNDERFLO", "Stack underflow", 0, "STRINGOFLOW", "String pool overflow", 0, "SVNOSET", "Cannot SET this special variable", 0, "VIEWFN", "View parameter is not valid with $VIEW()", 0, "TERMASTQUOTA", "Process AST quota exceeded, cannot open terminal", 0, "TEXTARG", "Invalid argument to $TEXT function", 0, "TMPSTOREMAX", "Maximum space for temporary values exceeded", 0, "VIEWCMD", "View parameter is not valid with VIEW command", 0, "TXTNEGLIN", "A line prior to line number zero was referenced in $TEXT", 0, "TXTSRCFMT", "$TEXT encountered an invalid source program file format", 0, "UIDMSG", "Unidentified message received", 0, "UIDSND", "Unidentified sender PID", 0, "UNDEF", "Undefined local variable: !AD", 2, "UNIMPLOP", "Unimplemented construct encountered", 0, "VAREXPECTED", "Variable expected in this context", 0, "VARRECBLKSZ", "Blocksize must be at least record size + 4 bytes", 0, "MAXARGCNT", "Maximum number of arguments !UL exceeded", 1, "WCFAIL", "The database cache is corrupt", 0, "VIEWARGCNT", "View parameter !AD has inappropriate number of subparameters", 2, "XKILLCNTEXC", "Maximum number of arguments (!UL) to exclusive kill exceeded", 1, "ZATTACHERR", "Error attaching to \"!AD\"", 2, "ZDATEFMT", "$ZDATE format string contains invalid character", 0, "ZEDFILSPEC", "Illegal ZEDIT file specification: !AD", 2, "ZFILENMTOOLONG", "!AD is longer than 255 characters", 2, "ZFILKEYBAD", "!AD is not a legal keyword for $ZFILE()", 2, "ZFILNMBAD", "!AD is not a legal file name", 2, "ZGOTOLTZERO", "Cannot ZGOTO a level less than zero", 0, "ZGOTOTOOBIG", "Cannot ZGOTO a level greater than present level", 0, "ZLINKFILE", "Error while zlinking \"!AD\"", 2, "ZPARSETYPE", "Illegal TYPE argument to $ZPARSE(): !AD", 2, "ZPARSFLDBAD", "Illegal $ZPARSE() field parameter: !AD", 2, "ZPIDBADARG", "The tvexpr must be FALSE if last $ZPID() not found", 0, "ZPRIVARGBAD", "!AD is not a legal privilege for $ZPRIV()", 2, "ZPRIVSYNTAXERR", "Privilege string cannot end with a comma", 0, "ZPRTLABNOTFND", "Label not found in routine", 0, "VIEWAMBIG", "View parameter !AD is ambiguous", 2, "VIEWNOTFOUND", "View parameter !AD not valid", 2, "ZSETPRVARGBAD", "!AD is not a legal privilege for $ZSETPRIV()", 2, "INVSPECREC", "Invalid global modifier record", 0, "ZSETPRVSYNTAX", "$ZSETPRIV() privileges string cannot end with a comma", 0, "ZSRCHSTRMCT", "Search stream identifier out of range", 0, "VERSION", "Version mismatch - This program must be recompiled", 0, "MUNOTALLSEC", "WARNING: not all global sections accessed were successfully rundown", 0, "MUSECDEL", "Section !AD deleted", 2, "MUSECNOTDEL", "Section !AD not deleted", 2, "RPARENREQD", "!_!AD!/!_!_!_Right parenthesis expected", 2, "ZGBLDIRACC", "Cannot access global directory !AD!AD!AD.", 6, "GVNAKEDEXTNM", "Cannot reference different global directory in a naked reference", 0, "EXTGBLDEL", "Invalid delimiter for extended global syntax", 0, "DSEWCINITCON", "No action taken, enter YES at CONFIRMATION prompt to initialize global buffers", 0, "LASTFILCMPLD", "The file currently being compiled is !AD", 2, "NOEXCNOZTRAP", "Neither an exception nor a Ztrap is specified", 0, "UNSDCLASS", "Unsupported descriptor class", 0, "UNSDDTYPE", "Unsupported descriptor data type", 0, "ZCUNKTYPE", "External call: Unknown argument type", 0, "ZCUNKMECH", "External call: Unknown parameter-passing mechanism", 0, "ZCUNKQUAL", "External call: Unknown input qualifier", 0, "JNLDBTNNOMATCH", "Journal file !AD has !AD transaction number [0x!16@XQ], but database !AD has current transaction number [0x!16@XQ] and journal end transaction number [0x!16@XQ]", 9, "ZCALLTABLE", "External call Table format error", 0, "ZCARGMSMTCH", "External call: Actual argument count, !UL, is greater than formal argument count, !UL", 2, "ZCCONMSMTCH", "External call: Too many input arguments", 0, "ZCOPT0", "External call: Qualifier OPTIONAL_0 can be used only with mechanisms REFERENCE or DESCRIPTOR", 0, "ZCSTATUS", "External call: Unsuccessful return status", 0, "ZCUSRRTN", "External call: Run-time error in user routine", 0, "ZCPOSOVR", "External call: Invalid overlapping of arguments in table position !UL", 1, "ZCINPUTREQ", "External call: Required input argument missing", 0, "JNLTNOUTOFSEQ", "End transaction [0x!16@XQ] of journal !AD different from Begin transaction [0x!16@XQ] of next generation journal !AD", 6, "ACTRANGE", "Alternate Collating Type !UL is out of range", 1, "ZCCONVERT", "External call: error converting output argument", 0, "ZCRTENOTF", "External call routine !AD not found", 2, "GVRUNDOWN", "Error during global database rundown", 0, "LKRUNDOWN", "Error during lock database rundown", 0, "IORUNDOWN", "Error during image rundown", 0, "FILENOTFND", "File !AD not found", 2, "MUFILRNDWNFL", "File !AD rundown failed", 2, "JNLTMQUAL1", "Time qualifier BEFORE_TIME=\"!AZ\" is less than SINCE_TIME=\"!AZ\"", 2, "FORCEDHALT", "Image HALTed by MUPIP STOP", 0, "LOADEOF", "Load error: EOF reached prior to BEGIN record !UL. No records loaded.", 1, "WILLEXPIRE", "This copy of GT.M will expire within one week", 0, "LOADEDBG", "Load error: END smaller than BEGIN. No records loaded.", 0, "LABELONLY", "Routine !AD was compiled for label-only entry", 2, "MUREORGFAIL", "MUPIP REORG failed. Failure code: !AD.", 2, "GVZPREVFAIL", "Global variable $ZPREVIOUS function failed. Failure code: !AD.", 2, "MULTFORMPARM", "This formal parameter is multiply defined", 0, "QUITARGUSE", "Quit cannot take an argument in this context", 0, "NAMEEXPECTED", "A local variable name is expected in this context", 0, "UNUSEDMSG438", "ACTLSTEXP: Last used in V5.4-002B", 0, "NOTEXTRINSIC", "Quit does not return to an extrinsic function: argument not allowed", 0, "UNUSEDMSG440", "FMLLSTPRESENT: Last used in V5.4-002B", 0, "FMLLSTMISSING", "The formal list is absent from a label called with an actual list: !AD", 2, "ACTLSTTOOLONG", "More actual parameters than formal parameters: !AD", 2, "ACTOFFSET", "Actuallist not allowed with offset", 0, "MAXACTARG", "Maximum number of actual arguments exceeded", 0, "GTMDUMPFAIL", "Could not create DUMP FILE", 0, "JNLTMQUAL2", "Time qualifier LOOKBACK_TIME=\"!AZ\" is later than SINCE_TIME=\"!AZ\"", 2, "GDINVALID", "Unrecognized Global Directory file format: !AD, expected label: !AD, found: !AD", 6, "ASSERT", "Assert failed in !AD line !UL for expression (!AD)", 5, "MUFILRNDWNSUC", "File !AD successfully rundown", 2, "LOADEDSZ", "Load error: END too small. No records loaded.", 0, "QUITARGLST", "Quit cannot take a list of arguments", 0, "QUITARGREQD", "Quit from an extrinsic must have an argument", 0, "CRITRESET", "The critical section crash count for region !AD has been incremented", 2, "UNKNOWNFOREX", "Process halted by a forced exit from a source other than MUPIP", 0, "FSEXP", "File specification expected but not found", 0, "WILDCARD", "Wild cards are prohibited: !AD", 2, "DIRONLY", "Directories only are allowed in file specs: !AD", 2, "FILEPARSE", "Error parsing file specification: !AD", 2, "QUALEXP", "Qualifier expected but not found", 0, "BADQUAL", "Unrecognized qualifier: !AD", 2, "QUALVAL", "Qualifier value required but not found", 0, "ZROSYNTAX", "$ZROUTINES syntax error: !AD", 2, "COMPILEQUALS", "Error in compiler qualifiers: !AD", 2, "ZLNOOBJECT", "No object module was produced", 0, "ZLMODULE", "Object file name does not match module name: !AD", 2, "DBBLEVMX", "!AD Block level higher than maximum", 2, "DBBLEVMN", "!AD Block level less than zero", 2, "DBBSIZMN", "!AD Block too small", 2, "DBBSIZMX", "!AD Block larger than file block size", 2, "DBRSIZMN", "!AD Record too small", 2, "DBRSIZMX", "!AD Record too large", 2, "DBCMPNZRO", "!AD First record of block has nonzero compression count", 2, "DBSTARSIZ", "!AD Star record has wrong size", 2, "DBSTARCMP", "!AD Star record has nonzero compression count", 2, "DBCMPMX", "!AD Record compression count is too large", 2, "DBKEYMX", "!AD Key too long", 2, "DBKEYMN", "!AD Key too short", 2, "DBCMPBAD", "!AD Compression count not maximal", 2, "DBKEYORD", "!AD Keys out of order", 2, "DBPTRNOTPOS", "!AD Block pointer negative", 2, "DBPTRMX", "!AD Block pointer larger than file maximum", 2, "DBPTRMAP", "!AD Block pointer is a bit map block number", 2, "IFBADPARM", "External Interface Bad Parameter", 0, "IFNOTINIT", "External Interface must first call GTM$INIT or M routine", 0, "GTMSECSHRSOCKET", "!AD - !UL : Error initializing gtmsecshr socket", 3, "LOADBGSZ", "Load error: BEGIN too small. No records loaded.", 0, "LOADFMT", "Load error: invalid format type. Must be ZWR, GO, BINARY, or GOQ.", 0, "LOADFILERR", "Error with load file !AD", 2, "NOREGION", "REGION not found: !AD", 2, "PATLOAD", "Error loading pattern file !AD", 2, "EXTRACTFILERR", "Error with extract file !AD", 2, "FREEZE", "Region: !AD is already frozen", 2, "NOSELECT", "None of the selected variables exist -- halting", 0, "EXTRFAIL", "Extract failed for the global ^!AD. MUPIP INTEG should be run.", 2, "LDBINFMT", "Corrupt binary format header information", 0, "NOPREVLINK", "Journal file !AD has a null previous link", 2, "CCEDUMPON", "", 0, "CCEDMPQUALREQ", "A qualifier (DB,[NO]ON, or NOW) is required with the DUMP command", 0, "CCEDBDUMP", "Section !AD dumped", 2, "CCEDBNODUMP", "Section !AD not dumped; status = ", 2, "CCPMBX", "Error accessing Cluster Control Program Mailbox", 0, "REQRUNDOWN", "Error accessing database !AD. Must be rundown on cluster node !AD.", 4, "CCPINTQUE", "Interlock failure accessing Cluster Control Program queue", 0, "CCPBADMSG", "Invalid message code received by Cluster Control Program", 0, "CNOTONSYS", "Command is not supported by this operating system", 0, "CCPNAME", "Error setting the Cluster Control Program process name", 0, "CCPNOTFND", "The Cluster Control Program is not responding", 0, "OPRCCPSTOP", "The Cluster Control Program has been halted by an operator stop request", 0, "SELECTSYNTAX", "Argument to !AD clause is not valid", 2, "LOADABORT", "Aborting load at record !UL", 1, "FNOTONSYS", "Function or special variable is not supported by this operating system", 0, "AMBISYIPARAM", "Parameter !AD is ambiguous to $ZGETSYI()", 2, "PREVJNLNOEOF", "A previous generation journal file !AD does not have valid EOF", 2, "LKSECINIT", "Error creating lock section for database !AD", 2, "MTDOSLAB", "Tape label is not in valid DOS-11 format", 0, "MTDOSFOR", "Use of DOS-11 labels requires stream format", 0, "MTINVLAB", "Invalid label type specified in magtape OPEN", 0, "TXTSRCMAT", "M object module and source file do not match", 0, "CCENOGROUP", "CCE does not have GROUP privilege. Information may be incomplete.", 0, "BADDBVER", "Incorrect database version: !AD", 2, "LINKVERSION", "This image must be relinked with the current version of GT.M", 0, "TOTALBLKMAX", "Extension exceeds maximum total blocks. Not extending.", 0, "LOADCTRLY", "User interrupt encountered during load. Load halting.", 0, "CLSTCONFLICT", "Cluster conflict opening database file !AD; could not secure access. Already open on node !AD.", 4, "SRCNAM", "in source module !AD", 2, "LCKGONE", "Lock removed: !AD", 2, "SUB2LONG", "Subscript invalid, too long", 0, "EXTRACTCTRLY", "User interrupt encountered during extract -- halting", 0, "CCENOWORLD", "CCE does not have WORLD privilege. Information may be incomplete.", 0, "GVQUERYFAIL", "Global variable $QUERY function failed. Failure code: !AD.", 2, "LCKSCANCELLED", "Error on remote node holding locks or zallocates. All locks and zallocates cancelled.", 0, "INVNETFILNM", "Invalid file name following node designation in global directory", 0, "NETDBOPNERR", "Error while attempting to open database across net", 0, "BADSRVRNETMSG", "Invalid message received from GT.CM server", 0, "BADGTMNETMSG", "Invalid message sent to GT.CM server, type: 0x!XL", 1, "SERVERERR", "Severe error on server: !AD", 2, "NETFAIL", "Failure of Net operation", 0, "NETLCKFAIL", "Lock operation across Net failed", 0, "TTINVFILTER", "Invalid FILTER argument", 0, "MTANSILAB", "Tape label is not in valid ANSI format", 0, "MTANSIFOR", "Use of ANSI labels does not allow stream format", 0, "BADTRNPARAM", "!AD is not a legal parameter to $ZTRNLNM", 2, "DSEONLYBGMM", "!AD is supported only for BG/MM access methods", 2, "DSEINVLCLUSFN", "Specified function is invalid for clustered databases", 0, "RDFLTOOSHORT", "Length specified for fixed length read less than or equal to zero", 0, "TIMRBADVAL", "Bad value specified. Timer not changed.", 0, "CCENOSYSLCK", "CCE does not have SYSLCK privilege. Information may be incomplete.", 0, "CCPGRP", "Error with the Cluster Control Program's group number", 0, "UNSOLCNTERR", "An unsolicited error message has been received from the network", 0, "BACKUPCTRL", "Control Y or control C encountered during backup, aborting backup", 0, "NOCCPPID", "Cannot find CCP process id", 0, "CCPJNLOPNERR", "Error opening journal file. Database not opened.", 0, "LCKSGONE", "Locks selected for deletion removed", 0, "ZLKIDBADARG", "The tvexpr must be FALSE if last ZLKID not found", 0, "DBFILOPERR", "Error doing database I/O to region !AD", 2, "CCERDERR", "Error reading from database file !AD", 2, "CCEDBCL", "Database file !AD is clustered", 2, "CCEDBNTCL", "Database file !AD is not clustered", 2, "CCEWRTERR", "Error writing to database file !AD", 2, "CCEBADFN", "Filename error", 0, "CCERDTIMOUT", "Read timeout, CCP has not responded to request", 0, "CCPSIGCONT", "CCP non fatal error at pc 0x!XJ. Continuing operation.", 1, "CCEBGONLY", "Only BG databases can be clustered", 0, "CCENOCCP", "The cluster control program is not running on this node", 0, "CCECCPPID", "The cluster control program has PID 0x!XL", 1, "CCECLSTPRCS", "!UL processes are accessing clustered database files", 1, "ZSHOWBADFUNC", "An illegal function was specified for ZSHOW", 0, "NOTALLJNLEN", "Journaling not enabled and on for all regions", 0, "ZSHOWGLOSMALL", "Global output variable is too small for ZSHOW output", 0, "NOLBRSRC", "Object libraries cannot have SRC paths associated", 0, "INVZSTEP", "Invalid ZSTEP qualifier", 0, "ZSTEPARG", "ZSTEP argument expected", 0, "INVSTRLEN", "Invalid string length !UL: max !UL", 2, "RECCNT", "Last LOAD record number: !UL", 1, "TEXT", "!AD", 2, "ZWRSPONE", "Subscript patterns in ZWRITE are atomic; Invalid delimiter", 0, "FILEDEL", "File !AD successfully deleted", 2, "JNLBADLABEL", "Journal file !AD does not have a GT.M Journal File Label", 2, "JNLREADEOF", "End of journal file encountered for !AD", 2, "JNLRECFMT", "Journal file record format error encountered", 0, "BLKTOODEEP", "Block level too deep", 0, "NESTFORMP", "Formal parameter list cannot be combined with nested line", 0, "BINHDR", "!AD!/!/Date: !AD!/Time: !AD!/Extract Region Characteristics!/!_Blk Size: !AD!/!_Rec Size: !AD!/!_Key Size: !AD!/!_Std Null Coll: !AD!/!AD!/", 16, "GOQPREC", "Numeric precision in key error: Blk #!UL, Key #!UL. Record not loaded.", 2, "LDGOQFMT", "Corrupt GOQ format header information!/", 0, "BEGINST", "Beginning LOAD at record number: !UL", 1, "INVMVXSZ", "Invalid block size for GOQ load format", 0, "JNLWRTNOWWRTR", "Journal writer attempting another write", 0, "MUPGDERR", "Command aborted due to global directory errors", 0, "JNLINVALLOC", "Journal file allocation !UL is not within the valid range of !UL to !UL. Journal file not created.", 3, "JNLINVEXT", "Journal file extension !UL is greater than the maximum allowed size of !UL. Journal file not created.", 2, "MUPCLIERR", "Action not taken due to CLI errors", 0, "JNLTMQUAL4", "Time qualifier BEFORE_TIME=\"!AZ\" is less than AFTER_TIME=\"!AZ\"", 2, "JNLBUFFTOOLG", "Journal file buffer !UL is greater than the maximum allowed size of !UL. Journal file not created.", 2, "JNLBUFFTOOSM", "Journal file buffer !UL is less than minimum of database block size in 512 byte pages + 1 (!UL)", 2, "MUNODBNAME", "A database name or the region qualifier must be specified", 0, "FILECREATE", "!AD file !AD created", 4, "FILENOTCREATE", "!AD file !AD not created", 4, "JNLPROCSTUCK", "Journal file writes blocked by process !UL", 1, "INVGLOBALQUAL", "Error in GLOBAL qualifier : Parse error at offset !UL in !AD", 3, "COLLARGLONG", "Collation sequence !UL does not contain routines for long strings", 1, "NOPINI", "PINI journal record expected but not found in journal file !AD at offset [0x!XL]", 3, "DBNOCRE", "Not all specified database files, or their associated journal files were created", 0, "JNLSPACELOW", "Journal file !AD nearing maximum size, !UL blocks to go", 3, "DBCOMMITCLNUP", "Pid !UL [0x!XL] handled error (code = !UL) during commit of !AZ transaction in database file !AD", 6, "BFRQUALREQ", "The [NO]BEFORE qualifier is required for this command", 0, "REQDVIEWPARM", "Required View parameter is missing", 0, "COLLFNMISSING", "Routine !AD is not found for collation sequence !UL", 3, "JNLACTINCMPLT", "Mupip journal action might be incomplete", 0, "NCTCOLLDIFF", "Source and destination for MERGE cannot have different numerical collation type", 0, "DLRCUNXEOR", "!_!AD!/!_!_!_unexpected end of record in $CHAR()/$ZCHAR() subscript", 2, "DLRCTOOBIG", "!_!AD!/!_!_!_!AD value cannot be greater than 255", 4, "WCERRNOTCHG", "Not all specified database files were changed", 0, "WCWRNNOTCHG", "Not all specified database files were changed", 0, "ZCWRONGDESC", "A string longer than 65535 is passed via 32-bit descriptor", 0, "MUTNWARN", "Database file !AD has 0x!16@XQ more transactions to go before reaching the transaction number limit (0x!16@XQ). Renew database with MUPIP INTEG TN_RESET", 4, "JNLNAMLEN", "Journal file name !AD: for database file !AD exceeds maximum length of !UL", 5, "LCKSTIMOUT", "DAL timed lock request expired", 0, "CTLMNEMAXLEN", "The maximum length of a control mnemonic has been exceeded", 0, "CTLMNEXPECTED", "Control mnemonic is expected in this context", 0, "USRIOINIT", "User-defined device driver not successfully initialized", 0, "CRITSEMFAIL", "Error with semaphores for region !AD", 2, "TERMWRITE", "Error writing to terminal", 0, "COLLTYPVERSION", "Collation type !UL, version !UL mismatch", 2, "LVNULLSUBS", "Null subscripts not allowed in local variables", 0, "GVREPLERR", "Error replicating global in region !AD", 2, "MTIOERR", "I/O Error with magnetic tape device !AD", 2, "RMWIDTHPOS", "File record size or width must be greater than zero", 0, "OFFSETINV", "Entry point !AD+!SL not valid", 3, "JOBPARTOOLONG", "Total parameter length is too long for job command", 0, "JOBARGMISSING", "Missing job argument !UL - can't skip non-trailing arguments to a JOB command in OpenVMS editions", 1, "RUNPARAMERR", "Error accessing parameter for run command", 0, "FNNAMENEG", "Depth argument to $NAME cannot be negative", 0, "ORDER2", "Invalid second argument to $ORDER. Must be -1 or 1.", 0, "MUNOUPGRD", "Database not upgraded because of preceding errors", 0, "REORGCTRLY", "User interrupt encountered during database reorg -- halting", 0, "TSTRTPARM", "Error parsing TSTART qualifier", 0, "TRIGNAMENF", "Trigger name !AD not found with the current default global directory", 2, "TRIGZBREAKREM", "ZBREAK in trigger !AD removed due to trigger being reloaded", 2, "TLVLZERO", "Transaction is not in progress", 0, "TRESTNOT", "Cannot TRESTART, transaction is not restartable", 0, "TPLOCK", "Cannot release lock(s) held prior to current TSTART", 0, "TPQUIT", "Cannot QUIT out of a routine with an active transaction", 0, "TPFAIL", "Transaction COMMIT failed. Failure code: !AD.", 2, "TPRETRY", "Restart transaction from non-concurrency DB failure", 0, "TPTOODEEP", "$TLEVEL cannot exceed 127", 0, "ZDEFACTIVE", "ZDEFER already active", 0, "ZDEFOFLOW", "ZDEFER Buffer overflow to node !AD", 2, "MUPRESTERR", "MUPIP restore aborted due to preceding errors", 0, "MUBCKNODIR", "MUPIP backup aborted due to error in output directory", 0, "TRANS2BIG", "Transaction exceeded available buffer space for region !AD", 2, "INVBITLEN", "Invalid size of the bit string", 0, "INVBITSTR", "Invalid bit string", 0, "INVBITPOS", "Invalid position in the bit string", 0, "PARNORMAL", "Parse successful", 0, "PARBUFSM", "Parse buffer too small", 0, "RMWIDTHTOOBIG", "File record size or width too big", 0, "PATTABNOTFND", "Pattern table !AD not found", 2, "OBJFILERR", "Error with object file I/O on file !AD", 2, "SRCFILERR", "Error with source file I/O on file !AD", 2, "NEGFRACPWR", "Invalid operation: fractional power of negative number", 0, "MTNOSKIP", "SKIP operation not supported on this device", 0, "CETOOMANY", "Too many compiler escape substitutions in a single statement", 0, "CEUSRERROR", "Compiler escape user routine returned error code !UL", 1, "CEBIGSKIP", "Compiler escape user routine skip count is too large", 0, "CETOOLONG", "Compiler escape substitution exceeds maximum line size", 0, "CENOINDIR", "Indirection type information not available for compiler escape feature", 0, "COLLATIONUNDEF", "Collation type !UL is not defined", 1, "RBWRNNOTCHG", "Not all specified database files were changed", 0, "GTMSECSHRSRVF", "!AD - !UL : Attempt to service request failed", 3, "FREEZECTRL", "Control Y or control C encountered during attempt to freeze the database. Aborting freeze.", 0, "JNLFLUSH", "Error flushing journal buffers to journal file !AD", 2, "CCPSIGDMP", "CCP non fatal dump, continuing operation. Report to your GT.M Support Channel.", 0, "NOPRINCIO", "Unable to write to principal device", 0, "INVPORTSPEC", "Invalid port specification", 0, "INVADDRSPEC", "Invalid IP address specification", 0, "SOCKPARMREQ", "Socket device parameter is required for TCP open", 0, "IPADDRREQ", "Active connection requires IP address", 0, "SOCKWAIT", "Error waiting for socket connection", 0, "SOCKACPT", "Error accepting socket connection", 0, "SOCKINIT", "Error initializing TCP socket: (errno == !UL) !AD", 3, "OPENCONN", "Error opening TCP connection", 0, "DEVNOTIMP", "!AD device not implemented on in this environment", 2, "JNLEXTR", "Error writing journal extract file: !AD", 2, "DBREMOTE", "Database region !AD is remote; perform maintenance on the server node", 2, "JNLREQUIRED", "Journaling is required for clustered operation with file !AD", 2, "TPMIXUP", "!AZ transaction cannot be started within !AZ transaction", 2, "HTOFLOW", "Hash table overflow: Failed to allocate !UL elements", 1, "RMNOBIGRECORD", "File record size requires BIGRECORD parameter", 0, "DBBMSIZE", "!AD Bit map has incorrect size", 2, "DBBMBARE", "!AD Bit map does not protect itself", 2, "DBBMINV", "!AD Bit map contains an invalid pattern", 2, "DBBMMSTR", "!AD Bit map does not match master map", 2, "DBROOTBURN", "!AD Root block has data level", 2, "REPLSTATEERR", "Replication state cannot be changed to the specified value for database file !AD", 2, "VMSMEMORY", "Central memory exhausted during request for !UL bytes from 0x!XJ - check page file quota and page file size", 2, "DBDIRTSUBSC", "!AD Directory tree block contains non name-level entries", 2, "TIMEROVFL", "Timer overflow; interval probably too large", 0, "GTMASSERT", "!AD - Assert failed !AD line !UL", 5, "DBFHEADERR4", "Database file !AD: control problem: !AD was 0x!XL expecting 0x!XL", 6, "DBADDRANGE", "Database file !AD, element location 0x!XJ: blk = 0x!XL: control 0x!XJ was outside !AD range 0x!XJ to 0x!XJ", 9, "DBQUELINK", "Database file !AD, element location 0x!XJ: blk = 0x!XL: control !AD queue problem: was 0x!XJ, expecting 0x!XJ", 8, "DBCRERR", "Database file !AD, cr location 0x!XJ blk = 0x!XL error: !AD was 0x!XL, expecting 0x!XL -- called from module !AD at line !UL", 11, "MUSTANDALONE", "Could not get exclusive access to !AD", 2, "MUNOACTION", "MUPIP unable to perform requested action", 0, "RMBIGSHARE", "File with BIGRECORD specified may only be shared if READONLY", 0, "TPRESTART", "Database !AD; code: !AD; blk: 0x!XL in glbl: ^!AD; pvtmods: !UL, blkmods: !UL, blklvl: !UL, type: !UL, readset: !UL, writeset: !UL, local_tn: !16@XQ", 14, "SOCKWRITE", "Write to a TCP/IP socket failed", 0, "DBCNTRLERR", "Database file !AD: control error suspected but not found", 2, "NOTERMENV", "Environment variable TERM not set. Assuming \"unknown.\"", 0, "NOTERMENTRY", "TERM = \"!AD\" has no \"terminfo\" entry. Possible terminal handling problems.", 2, "NOTERMINFODB", "No \"terminfo\" database. Terminal handling problems likely.", 0, "INVACCMETHOD", "Invalid access method", 0, "JNLOPNERR", "Error opening journal file !AD!/ for database !AD", 4, "JNLRECTYPE", "Journal record type does not match expected type", 0, "JNLTRANSGTR", "Transaction number in journal is greater than in database", 0, "JNLTRANSLSS", "Transaction number in journal is less than in database", 0, "JNLWRERR", "Error writing journal file !AD. Unable to update header.", 2, "FILEIDMATCH", "Saved File ID does not match the current ID - the file appears to have been moved", 0, "EXTSRCLIN", "!_!AD!/!_!AD", 4, "EXTSRCLOC", "!_!_At column !UL, line !UL, source module !AD", 4, "BIGNOACL", "Existing file found when BIGRECORD specified with UDF format but no GT.M ACE, perhaps lost during COPY", 0, "ERRCALL", "Error called from !AD line !UL", 3, "ZCCTENV", "Environmental variable for external package !AD not set", 2, "ZCCTOPN", "Unable to open external call table: !AD", 2, "ZCCTNULLF", "External call table contains no records: !AD", 2, "ZCUNAVAIL", "Package, !AD unavailable", 2, "ZCENTNAME", "No entry name found in external call table", 0, "ZCCOLON", "Colon expected but not found", 0, "ZCRTNTYP", "Unknown return type", 0, "ZCRCALLNAME", "Routine name expected but not found", 0, "ZCRPARMNAME", "Parameter name expected but not found", 0, "ZCUNTYPE", "Unknown type encountered", 0, "ZCMLTSTATUS", "Multiple entries of xc_status in a single entry in external call table", 0, "ZCSTATUSRET", "External call returned error status", 0, "ZCMAXPARAM", "Exceeded maximum number of external call parameters", 0, "ZCCSQRBR", "Closing Square bracket expected", 0, "ZCPREALLNUMEX", "Pre-allocation value should be a decimal number", 0, "ZCPREALLVALPAR", "Pre-allocation allowed only for variables passed by reference", 0, "VERMISMATCH", "Attempt to access !AD with version !AD, while already using !AD", 6, "JNLCNTRL", "Journal control unsynchronized. Journaling closed for !AD.", 2, "TRIGNAMBAD", "Trigger initialization failed. Error while processing ^#t(\"!AD\",!AD)", 4, "BUFRDTIMEOUT", "Pid [0x!XL] timed out waiting for buffered read of blk [0x!XL] into cr [0x!XL] by process [0x!XL] to complete in database file !AD", 6, "INVALIDRIP", "Invalid read-in-progress field in Cache Record. Resetting and continuing. Region: !AD.", 2, "BLKSIZ512", "Block size !UL rounds to !UL", 2, "MUTEXERR", "Mutual Exclusion subsystem failure", 0, "JNLVSIZE", "Journal File !AD has incorrect virtual_filesize !UL. Allocation : !UL, Extension : !UL, Filesize : !UL, File system block size : !UL", 7, "MUTEXLCKALERT", "Mutual Exclusion subsystem ALERT - lock attempt threshold crossed for region !AD. Process !UL is in crit.", 3, "MUTEXFRCDTERM", "Mutual Exclusion subsystem detected forced termination of process !UL. Crit salvaged from region !AD.", 3, "GTMSECSHR", "!UL : Error during gtmsecshr operation", 1, "GTMSECSHRSRVFID", "!AD: !UL - Attempt to service request failed.!/ client id: !UL, mesg type: !UL, mesg data: !UL.", 6, "GTMSECSHRSRVFIL", "!AD: !UL - Attempt to service request failed.!/ client id: !UL, mesg type: !UL!/file: !AD.", 7, "SOCKACTNA", "Action not appropriate for current socket", 0, "PROTNOTSUP", "Protocol !AD not supported", 2, "DELIMSIZNA", "Delimiter size is not appropriate", 0, "INVCTLMNE", "Invalid control mnemonics", 0, "SOCKLISTEN", "Error listening on a socket", 0, "LQLENGTHNA", "Listening queue length !UL not appropriate. Must be between 1 and 5.", 1, "ADDRTOOLONG", "Socket address !AD of length !UL is longer than the maximum permissible length !UL", 4, "UNUSEDMSG760", "LSNCONNOTCMP Last used in V5.4-002A", 0, "CPBEYALLOC", "Attempt to copy beyond the allocated buffer", 0, "DBRDONLY", "Database file !AD read only", 2, "DUPTN", "Duplicate transaction found [TN = 0x!16@XQ] at offset 0x!XL in journal file !AD", 4, "TRESTLOC", "Transaction start: !AD, Transaction failure: !AD", 4, "REPLPOOLINST", "Error with replication pool (id = !UL) for instance file !AD", 3, "ZCVECTORINDX", "Invalid Vector Index !UL", 1, "REPLNOTON", "Replication is not on for journal file !AD, rollback will not continue", 2, "JNLMOVED", "Journal file appears to have been moved. Journaling activity will not be done.", 0, "EXTRFMT", "Extract error: invalid format type. Must be ZWR, GO, or BINARY.", 0, "CALLERID", "Routine !AD called from 0x!XJ", 3, "KRNLKILL", "Process was terminated by SIGDANGER signal from the system -- System swap space is too low -- Report to System Administrator", 0, "MEMORYRECURSIVE", "Memory Subsystem called recursively", 0, "FREEZEID", "Cache !AD on !AD by freeze id 0x!XL with match 0x!XL from 0x!XJ", 7, "BLKWRITERR", "Unable to queue disk write for block 0x!XL. Will keep trying.", 1, "STOPTIMEOUT", "Waited too long for stopped process to release. Region: !AD.", 2, "TRIGMODINTP", "Triggers for a given global cannot be both used and modified or removed in the same transaction", 0, "BCKUPBUFLUSH", "Unable to flush buffer for online backup", 0, "NOFORKCORE", "Unable to fork off process to create core. Core creation postponed.", 0, "JNLREAD", "Error reading from journal file !AD at offset [0x!XL]", 3, "JNLMINALIGN", "Journal Record Alignment !UL is less than the minimum value of !UL", 2, "JNLDSKALIGN", "Journal Record Alignment !UL is not a multiple of 512", 1, "JNLPOOLSETUP", "Journal Pool setup error", 0, "JNLSTATEOFF", "ROLLBACK or RECOVER BACKWARD cannot proceed as database file !AD does not have journaling ENABLED and ON", 2, "RECVPOOLSETUP", "Receive Pool setup error", 0, "REPLCOMM", "Replication subsystem communication failure", 0, "NOREPLCTDREG", "Replication subsystem found no region replicated for !AD !AZ", 3, "REPLINFO", "!AD", 2, "REPLWARN", "!AD", 2, "REPLERR", "!AD", 2, "JNLNMBKNOTPRCD", "Journal file !AD does not match the current journal file !AD of database file !AD", 6, "REPLFILIOERR", "Replication subsystem file I/O error !AD", 2, "REPLBRKNTRANS", "Replication subsystem found seqno !16@XQ broken or missing in the journal files", 1, "TTWIDTHTOOBIG", "Terminal WIDTH exceeds the maximum allowed limit", 0, "REPLLOGOPN", "Replication subsystem could not open log file !AD: !AD. Logging done to !AD.", 6, "REPLFILTER", "Replication filter subsystem failure", 0, "GBLMODFAIL", "Global variable Conflict Test failed. Failure code: !AD.", 2, "TTLENGTHTOOBIG", "Terminal LENGTH exceeds the maximum allowed limit", 0, "TPTIMEOUT", "Transaction timeout", 0, "DEFEREVENT", "Transfer table reset for event type !UL when set for type !UL", 2, "JNLFILNOTCHG", "Journal file not changed", 0, "EVENTLOGERR", "Error in event logging subsystem", 0, "UPDATEFILEOPEN", "Update file open error", 0, "JNLBADRECFMT", "Journal File Record Format Error encountered for file !AD at disk address 0x!XL", 3, "NULLCOLLDIFF", "Null collation order must be the same for all regions", 0, "MUKILLIP", "Kill in progress indicator is set for file !AD - this !AD operation is likely to result in incorrectly marked busy errors", 4, "JNLRDONLY", "Journal file !AD read only", 2, "ANCOMPTINC", "Deviceparameter !AD is not compatible with any other deviceparameters in the !AD command", 4, "ABNCOMPTINC", "Deviceparameter !AD and deviceparameter !AD are not compatible in the !AD command", 6, "GTMSECSHRLOGF", "!AD - !UL : Error while creating gtmsecshr log file", 3, "SOCKNOTFND", "Socket !AD not found", 2, "CURRSOCKOFR", "Current socket of index !UL is out of range. There are only !UL sockets.", 2, "SOCKETEXIST", "Socket !AD already exists", 2, "LISTENPASSBND", "Controlmnemonic LISTEN can be applied to PASSIVE socket in the state BOUND only", 0, "DBCLNUPINFO", "Database file !AD !/!AD", 4, "MUNODWNGRD", "Database not downgraded because of preceding errors", 0, "REPLTRANS2BIG", "Transaction !16@XQ of size !UL (pre-filter size !UL) too large to be accommodated in the !AD pool", 5, "RDFLTOOLONG", "Length specified for fixed length read exceeds the maximum string size", 0, "MUNOFINISH", "MUPIP unable to finish all requested actions", 0, "DBFILEXT", "Database file !AD extended from 0x!XL blocks to 0x!XL at transaction 0x!16@XQ", 5, "JNLFSYNCERR", "Error synchronizing journal file !AD to disk", 2, "FSYNCTIMOUT", "Timed out on fsync for journal file !AD", 2, "ZCPREALLVALINV", "The pre-allocation value exceeded the maximum string length", 0, "NEWJNLFILECREAT", "Journal file !AD nearing maximum size. New journal file created.", 2, "DSKSPACEFLOW", "Disk Space for file !AD nearing maximum size. !UL blocks available.", 3, "GVINCRFAIL", "Global variable $INCR failed. Failure code: !AD.", 2, "ISOLATIONSTSCHN", "Error changing NOISOLATION status for global ^!AD within a TP transaction from !UL to !UL", 4, "REPLGBL2LONG", "Global names longer than 8 characters cannot be handled at the secondary", 0, "TRACEON", "Missing global name (with optional subscripts) for recording M-tracing information", 0, "TOOMANYCLIENTS", "GT.CM is serving the maximum number of clients. Try again later.", 0, "NOEXCLUDE", "None of the excluded variables exist", 0, "GVINCRISOLATION", "$INCREMENT cannot be performed on global ^!AD as it has NOISOLATION turned ON", 2, "EXCLUDEREORG", "Global: !AD is present in the EXCLUDE option. REORG will skip the global.", 2, "REORGINC", "Reorg was incomplete. Not all globals were reorged.", 0, "ASC2EBCDICCONV", "ASCII/EBCDIC conversion failed when calling !AD", 2, "GTMSECSHRSTART", "!AD - !UL : gtmsecshr failed to startup", 3, "DBVERPERFWARN1", "Performance warning: Database !AD is running in compatibility mode which degrades performance. Run MUPIP REORG UPGRADE for best overall performance", 2, "FILEIDGBLSEC", "File ID in global section does not match with the database file !AD", 2, "GBLSECNOTGDS", "Global Section !AD is not a GT.M global section", 2, "BADGBLSECVER", "Global Section !AD does not match the current database version", 2, "RECSIZENOTEVEN", "RECORDSIZE [!UL] needs to be a multiple of 2 if ICHSET or OCHSET is UTF-16, UTF-16LE or UTF-16BE", 1, "BUFFLUFAILED", "Error flushing buffers from !AD for database file !AD", 4, "MUQUALINCOMP", "Incompatible qualifiers - FILE and REGION", 0, "DISTPATHMAX", "$gtm_dist path is greater than maximum (!UL)", 1, "MAXTRACEHEIGHT", "The maximum trace tree height (!UL) has been exceeded. The trace information will be incomplete.", 1, "IMAGENAME", "The executing module name should be !AD instead of !AD", 4, "GTMSECSHRPERM", "The gtmsecshr module in $gtm_dist does not have the correct permission and uid", 0, "GTMDISTUNDEF", "Environment variable $gtm_dist is not defined", 0, "SYSCALL", "Error received from system call !AD -- called from module !AD at line !UL", 5, "MAXGTMPATH", "The executing module path is greater than the maximum !UL", 1, "TROLLBK2DEEP", "Intended rollback(!SL) deeper than the current $tlevel(!UL)", 2, "INVROLLBKLVL", "Rollback level (!UL) not less than current $TLEVEL(!UL). Can't rollback.", 2, "OLDBINEXTRACT", "Loading an older version(!UL) of binary extract. !/Database or global collation changes since the extract, if any, will result in database corruption.", 1, "ACOMPTBINC", "Deviceparameter !AD is compatible with only !AD in the command !AD", 6, "NOTREPLICATED", "Transaction number !16@XQ generated by the !AD process (PID = !UL) is not replicated to the secondary", 4, "DBPREMATEOF", "Premature end of file with database file !AD", 2, "KILLBYSIG", "!AD process !UL has been killed by a signal !UL", 4, "KILLBYSIGUINFO", "!AD process !UL has been killed by a signal !UL from process !UL with userid number !UL", 6, "KILLBYSIGSINFO1", "!AD process !UL has been killed by a signal !UL at address 0x!XJ (vaddr 0x!XJ)", 6, "KILLBYSIGSINFO2", "!AD process !UL has been killed by a signal !UL at address 0x!XJ", 5, "SIGILLOPC", "Signal was caused by an illegal opcode", 0, "SIGILLOPN", "Signal was caused by an illegal operand", 0, "SIGILLADR", "Signal was caused by illegal addressing mode", 0, "SIGILLTRP", "Signal was caused by an illegal trap", 0, "SIGPRVOPC", "Signal was caused by a privileged opcode", 0, "SIGPRVREG", "Signal was caused by a privileged register", 0, "SIGCOPROC", "Signal was caused by a coprocessor error", 0, "SIGBADSTK", "Signal was caused by an internal stack error", 0, "SIGADRALN", "Signal was caused by invalid address alignment", 0, "SIGADRERR", "Signal was caused by a non-existent physical address", 0, "SIGOBJERR", "Signal was caused by an object specific hardware error", 0, "SIGINTDIV", "Signal was caused by an integer divided by zero", 0, "SIGINTOVF", "Signal was caused by an integer overflow", 0, "SIGFLTDIV", "Signal was caused by a floating point divide by zero", 0, "SIGFLTOVF", "Signal was caused by a floating point overflow", 0, "SIGFLTUND", "Signal was caused by a floating point underflow", 0, "SIGFLTRES", "Signal was caused by a floating point inexact result", 0, "SIGFLTINV", "Signal was caused by an invalid floating point operation", 0, "SIGMAPERR", "Signal was caused by an address not mapped to an object", 0, "SIGACCERR", "Signal was caused by invalid permissions for mapped object", 0, "TRNLOGFAIL", "Translation of (VMS) logical name or (UNIX) environment variable !AD failed", 2, "INVDBGLVL", "Invalid non-numeric debug level specified !AD in (VMS) logical name or (UNIX) environment variable !AD", 4, "DBMAXNRSUBS", "!AD Maximum number of subscripts exceeded", 2, "GTMSECSHRSCKSEL", "gtmsecshr select on socket failed", 0, "GTMSECSHRTMOUT", "gtmsecshr exiting due to idle timeout", 0, "GTMSECSHRRECVF", "gtmsecshr receive on server socket failed", 0, "GTMSECSHRSENDF", "gtmsecshr send on server socket failed", 0, "SIZENOTVALID8", "Size (in bytes) must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8", 0, "GTMSECSHROPCMP", "gtmsecshr operation may be compromised", 0, "GTMSECSHRSUIDF", "gtmsecshr server setuid to root failed", 0, "GTMSECSHRSGIDF", "gtmsecshr server setgid to root failed", 0, "GTMSECSHRSSIDF", "gtmsecshr server setsid failed", 0, "GTMSECSHRFORKF", "gtmsecshr server unable to fork off a child process", 0, "DBFSYNCERR", "Error synchronizing database file !AD to disk", 2, "SECONDAHEAD", "Secondary ahead of primary. !/ Secondary database possibly updated by process other than the update process. First perform rollback.", 0, "SCNDDBNOUPD", "Database Updates not allowed on the secondary", 0, "MUINFOUINT4", "!AD : !UL [0x!XL]", 4, "NLMISMATCHCALC", "Location of !AD expected at 0x!XL, but found at 0x!XL", 4, "GTMSECSHRLOGSWH", "Error switching gtmsecshr log file gtmsecshr log -- !AD original log -- !AD error phase -- !AD process id -- !UL", 7, "GTMSECSHRDEFLOG", "$gtm_log is either undefined or not defined to an absolute path, thus gtm_log is set to its default !AD", 2, "DBBADNSUB", "!AD Bad numeric subscript", 2, "DBBADKYNM", "!AD Bad key name", 2, "DBBADPNTR", "!AD Bad pointer value in directory", 2, "DBBNPNTR", "!AD Bit map block number as pointer", 2, "DBINCLVL", "!AD Block at incorrect level", 2, "DBBFSTAT", "!AD Block busy/free status unknown (local bitmap corrupted)", 2, "DBBDBALLOC", "!AD Block doubly allocated", 2, "DBMRKFREE", "!AD Block incorrectly marked free", 2, "DBMRKBUSY", "!AD Block incorrectly marked busy", 2, "DBBSIZZRO", "!AD Block size equals zero", 2, "DBSZGT64K", "!AD Block size is greater than 64K", 2, "DBNOTMLTP", "!AD Block size not a multiple of 512 bytes", 2, "DBTNTOOLG", "!AD Block transaction number too large", 2, "DBBPLMLT512", "!AD Blocks per local map is less than 512", 2, "DBBPLMGT2K", "!AD Blocks per local map is greater than 2K", 2, "MUINFOUINT8", "!AD : !@ZQ [0x!16@XQ]", 4, "DBBPLNOT512", "!AD Blocks per local map is not 512", 2, "MUINFOSTR", "!AD : !AD", 4, "DBUNDACCMT", "!AD Cannot determine access method; trying with BG", 2, "DBTNNEQ", "!AD Current tn and early tn are not equal", 2, "MUPGRDSUCC", "Database file !AD successfully !AD to !AD", 6, "DBDSRDFMTCHNG", "Database file !AD, Desired DB Format set to !AD by !AD with pid !UL [0x!XL] at transaction number [0x!16@XQ]", 9, "DBFGTBC", "!AD File size larger than block count would indicate", 2, "DBFSTBC", "!AD File size smaller than block count would indicate", 2, "DBFSTHEAD", "!AD File smaller than database header", 2, "DBCREINCOMP", "!AD Header indicates database file creation was interrupted before completion", 2, "DBFLCORRP", "!AD Header indicates database file is corrupt", 2, "DBHEADINV", "!AD Header size not valid for database", 2, "DBINCRVER", "!AD Incorrect version of GT.M database", 2, "DBINVGBL", "!AD Invalid mixing of global names", 2, "DBKEYGTIND", "!AD Key greater than index key", 2, "DBGTDBMAX", "!AD Key larger than database maximum", 2, "DBKGTALLW", "!AD Key larger than maximum allowed length", 2, "DBLTSIBL", "!AD Keys less than sibling's index key", 2, "DBLRCINVSZ", "!AD Last record of block has invalid size", 2, "MUREUPDWNGRDEND", "Region !AD : MUPIP REORG UPGRADE/DOWNGRADE finished by pid !UL [0x!XL] at transaction number [0x!16@XQ]", 5, "DBLOCMBINC", "!AD Local bit map incorrect", 2, "DBLVLINC", "!AD Local bitmap block level incorrect", 2, "DBMBSIZMX", "!AD Map block too large", 2, "DBMBSIZMN", "!AD Map block too small", 2, "DBMBTNSIZMX", "!AD Map block transaction number too large", 2, "DBMBMINCFRE", "!AD Master bit map incorrectly asserts this local map has free space", 2, "DBMBPINCFL", "!AD Master bit map incorrectly marks this local map full", 2, "DBMBPFLDLBM", "!AD Master bit map shows this map full, agreeing with disk local map", 2, "DBMBPFLINT", "!AD Master bit map shows this map full, agreeing with MUPIP INTEG", 2, "DBMBPFLDIS", "!AD Master bit map shows this map full, in disagreement with both disk and INTEG result", 2, "DBMBPFRDLBM", "!AD Master bit map shows this map has space, agreeing with disk local map", 2, "DBMBPFRINT", "!AD Master bit map shows this map has space, agreeing with MUPIP INTEG", 2, "DBMAXKEYEXC", "!AD Maximum key size for database exceeds design maximum", 2, "DBMXRSEXCMIN", "!AD Maximum record size for database is less than the design minimum", 2, "DBMAXRSEXBL", "!AD Maximum record size for database exceeds what the block size can support", 2, "DBREADBM", "!AD Read error on bitmap", 2, "DBCOMPTOOLRG", "!AD Record has too large compression count", 2, "DBVERPERFWARN2", "Peformance warning: Database !AD is not fully upgraded. Run MUPIP REORG UPGRADE for best overall performance", 2, "DBRBNTOOLRG", "!AD Root block number greater than last block number in file", 2, "DBRBNLBMN", "!AD Root block number is a local bit map number", 2, "DBRBNNEG", "!AD Root block number negative", 2, "DBRLEVTOOHI", "!AD Root level higher than maximum", 2, "DBRLEVLTONE", "!AD Root level less than one", 2, "DBSVBNMIN", "!AD Start VBN smaller than possible", 2, "DBTTLBLK0", "!AD Total blocks equal zero", 2, "DBNOTDB", "!AD File does not have a valid GDS file header", 2, "DBTOTBLK", "Total blocks should be 0x!XL, is 0x!XL", 2, "DBTN", "Block TN is 0x!16@XQ", 1, "DBNOREGION", "None of the database regions accessible", 0, "DBTNRESETINC", "WARNING: tn_reset for database is incomplete due to integrity errors", 0, "DBTNLTCTN", "Transaction numbers greater than the current transaction were found", 0, "DBTNRESET", "Cannot reset transaction number for this region", 0, "MUTEXRSRCCLNUP", "Mutex subsystem leftover resource !AD removed", 2, "SEMWT2LONG", "Process !UL waited !UL second(s) for the !AD lock for region !AD, lock held by pid !UL", 7, "REPLINSTOPEN", "Error opening replication instance file !AD", 2, "REPLINSTCLOSE", "Error closing replication instance file !AD", 2, "JNLNOTFOUND", "File !AD does not exist -- possibly moved or deleted", 2, "DBCRERR8", "Database file !AD, cr location 0x!XJ blk = 0x!XL error: !AD was 0x!16@XQ, expecting 0x!16@XQ -- called from module !AD at line !UL", 11, "NUMPROCESSORS", "Could not determine number of processors", 0, "DBADDRANGE8", "Database file !AD, element location 0x!XJ: blk = 0x!XL: control 0x!16@XQ was outside !AD range 0x!16@XQ to 0x!16@XQ", 9, "RNDWNSEMFAIL", "Attempting to acquire gds_rundown semaphore when it is already owned", 0, "GTMSECSHRSHUTDN", "gtmsecshr process has received a shutdown request -- shutting down", 0, "NOSPACECRE", "Not enough space to create database file !AD. !UL blocks are needed, only !UL available.", 4, "LOWSPACECRE", "Disk space for database file !AD is not enough for !UL future extensions. !UL !UL-byte blocks are needed, only !UL available.", 6, "WAITDSKSPACE", "Process 0x!XL will wait !UL seconds for necessary disk space to become available for !AD ", 4, "OUTOFSPACE", "Database file !AD ran out of disk space. Detected by process !UL. !/Exit without clearing shared memory due to the disk space constraints. !/Make space and then perform mupip rundown to ensure database integrity.", 3, "JNLPVTINFO", "Pid 0x!XL!/ cycle 0x!XL fd_mismatch 0x!XL channel 0x!XL sync_io 0x!XL!/ pini_addr 0x!XL qio_active 0x!XL old_channel 0x!XL", 8, "NOSPACEEXT", "Not enough disk space for file !AD to extend. !UL blocks needed. !UL blocks available.", 4, "WCBLOCKED", "Field !AD is set by process !UL at transaction number 0x!16@XQ for database file !AD", 6, "REPLJNLCLOSED", "Replication in jeopardy as journaling got closed for database file !AD. Current region seqno is !@ZQ [0x!16@XQ] and system seqno is !@ZQ [0x!16@XQ]", 6, "RENAMEFAIL", "Rename of file !AD to !AD failed", 4, "FILERENAME", "File !AD is renamed to !AD", 4, "JNLBUFINFO", "Pid 0x!XL!/ dsk 0x!XL free 0x!XL bytcnt 0x!XL io_in_prog 0x!XL fsync_in_prog 0x!XL!/ dskaddr 0x!XL freeaddr 0x!XL qiocnt 0x!XL now_writer 0x!XL fsync_pid 0x!XL!/filesize 0x!XL cycle 0x!XL errcnt 0x!XL wrtsize 0x!XL fsync_dskaddr 0x!XL", 16, "JNLQIOLOCKED", "Error obtaining io_in_prog lock on jnl-file !AD", 2, "JNLEOFPREZERO", "Error while zeroing jnl-file !AD", 2, "TPNOTACID", "!AD at !AD in a final TP retry violates ACID properties of a TRANSACTION; indefinite RESTARTs may occur !AD !AD", 8, "JNLSETDATA2LONG", "SET journal record has data of length !UL. Target system cannot handle data more than !UL bytes.", 2, "JNLNEWREC", "Target system cannot recognize journal record of type !UL, last recognized type is !UL", 2, "REPLFTOKSEM", "Error with replication semaphores for instance file !AD", 2, "GETCWD", "Error getting current working directory for file !AD", 2, "EXTRIOERR", "Error writing extract file !AD", 2, "EXTRCLOSEERR", "Error closing extract file !AD", 2, "TRUNCATE", "Error while truncating jnl-file !AD to length !UL", 3, "REPLEXITERR", "Replication process encountered an error while exiting", 0, "MUDESTROYSUC", "Global section (!AD) corresponding to file !AD successfully destroyed", 4, "DBRNDWN", "Error during global database rundown for region !AD.!/Notify those responsible for proper database operation.", 2, "MUDESTROYFAIL", "Global section (!AD) corresponding to file !AD failed to be destroyed", 4, "NOTALLDBOPN", "Not all required database files were opened", 0, "MUSELFBKUP", "Database file !AD can not be backed upon itself", 2, "DBDANGER", "Process !UL [0x!XL] killed while committing update for database file !AD. Possibility of damage to block 0x!XL.", 5, "TRUNCATEFAIL", "Truncating !AD from 0x!XL VMS blocks to 0x!XL blocks failed", 4, "TCGETATTR", "Error while getting terminal attributes on file descriptor !UL", 1, "TCSETATTR", "Error while setting terminal attributes on file descriptor !UL", 1, "IOWRITERR", "IO Write by pid 0x!XL to blk 0x!XL of database file !AD failed. Pid 0x!XL retrying the IO.", 5, "REPLINSTWRITE", "Error writing [0x!XL] bytes at offset [0x!16@XQ] in replication instance file !AD", 4, "DBBADFREEBLKCTR", "Database !AD free blocks counter in file header: 0x!XL is incorrect, should be 0x!XL. Auto-corrected.", 4, "REQ2RESUME", "Request to resume suspended processing received from process !UL owned by userid !UL", 2, "TIMERHANDLER", "Incorrect SIGALRM handler (0x!XJ) found by !AD", 3, "FREEMEMORY", "Error occurred freeing memory from 0x!XJ", 1, "MUREPLSECDEL", "Replication section !AD deleted", 2, "MUREPLSECNOTDEL", "Replication section !AD not deleted", 2, "MUJPOOLRNDWNSUC", "Jnlpool section (id = !AD) belonging to the replication instance !AD successfully rundown", 4, "MURPOOLRNDWNSUC", "Recvpool section (id = !AD) belonging to the replication instance !AD successfully rundown", 4, "MUJPOOLRNDWNFL", "Jnlpool section (id = !AD) belonging to the replication instance !AD rundown failed", 4, "MURPOOLRNDWNFL", "Recvpool section (id = !AD) belonging to the replication instance !AD rundown failed", 4, "MUREPLPOOL", "Error with replpool section !AD", 2, "REPLACCSEM", "Error with replication access semaphore (id = !UL) for instance file !AD", 3, "JNLFLUSHNOPROG", "No progress while attempting to flush journal file !AD", 2, "REPLINSTCREATE", "Error creating replication instance file !AD", 2, "SUSPENDING", "Suspending processing on user request or attempt to do terminal I/O while running in the background", 0, "SOCKBFNOTEMPTY", "Socket buffer size cannot be set to 0x!XL due to 0x!XL bytes of buffered data. Read first.", 2, "ILLESOCKBFSIZE", "The specified socket buffer size is 0x!XL, which is either 0 or too big", 1, "NOSOCKETINDEV", "There is no socket in the current socket device", 0, "SETSOCKOPTERR", "Setting the socket attribute !AD failed: (errno == !UL) !AD", 5, "GETSOCKOPTERR", "Getting the socket attribute !AD failed: (errno == !UL) !AD", 5, "NOSUCHPROC", "Process !UL does not exist - no need to !AD it", 3, "DSENOFINISH", "DSE unable to finish all requested actions", 0, "LKENOFINISH", "LKE unable to finish all requested actions", 0, "NOCHLEFT", "Unhandled condition exception (all handlers exhausted) - process terminating", 0, "MULOGNAMEDEF", "Logical name !AD, needed to start replication server is already defined for this job. !/Check for an existing or improperly terminated server.", 2, "BUFOWNERSTUCK", "Pid !UL waiting for Pid !UL to finish disk-read of block !UL [0x!XL].!/Been waiting for !UL minutes. read_in_progress=!UL : rip_latch = !UL.", 7, "ACTIVATEFAIL", "Failed to activate passive source server for secondary instance !AD", 2, "DBRNDWNWRN", "Global section of database file !AD not rundown successfully by pid !UL [0x!XL]. Global section was not removed.", 4, "DLLNOOPEN", "Failed to load external dynamic library !AD", 2, "DLLNORTN", "Failed to look up the location of the symbol !AD", 2, "DLLNOCLOSE", "Failed to unload external dynamic library", 0, "FILTERNOTALIVE", "Replication server detected that the filter is not alive while attempting to send seqno !16@XQ", 1, "FILTERCOMM", "Error communicating seqno !16@XQ with the filter", 1, "FILTERBADCONV", "Bad conversion of seqno !16@XQ by filter", 1, "PRIMARYISROOT", "Attempted operation not valid on root primary instance !AD", 2, "GVQUERYGETFAIL", "Global variable QUERY and GET failed. Failure code: !AD.", 2, "DBCREC2BIGINBLK", "A Record in block 0x!XL has a length greater than the maximum (!UL) in database !AD", 4, "MERGEDESC", "Merge operation not possible. !AD is descendent of !AD.", 4, "MERGEINCOMPL", "Error encountered during MERGE; operation may be incomplete", 0, "DBNAMEMISMATCH", "Database file !AD points to shared memory (id = !UL) which in turn points to an inaccessible database file !AZ", 4, "DBIDMISMATCH", "Database file !AZ (region !AD) id does not match file id in shared memory (id = !UL).", 4, "DEVOPENFAIL", "Error opening !AD", 2, "IPCNOTDEL", "!AD : !AD did not delete IPC resources for region !AD", 6, "XCVOIDRET", "Attempt to return a value from function !AD, which is declared void in external call table !AD", 4, "MURAIMGFAIL", "Mupip recover or rollback failed while processing an after-image journal record. Failure code: !AD.", 2, "REPLINSTUNDEF", "Replication instance environment variable $gtm_repl_instance is undefined", 0, "REPLINSTACC", "Error accessing replication instance file !AD", 2, "NOJNLPOOL", "No journal pool info found in the replication instance of !AD", 2, "NORECVPOOL", "No receiver pool info found in the replication instance of !AD", 2, "FTOKERR", "Error getting ftok of the file !AD", 2, "REPLREQRUNDOWN", "Error accessing replication instance !AD. Must be rundown on cluster node !AD.", 4, "BLKCNTEDITFAIL", "Mupip recover or rollback failed to correct the block count field in the file header for file !AD", 2, "SEMREMOVED", "Semaphore id !UL removed from the system", 1, "REPLINSTFMT", "Format error encountered while reading replication instance file !AD. Expected !AD. Found !AD.", 6, "SEMKEYINUSE", "Semaphore key 0x!XL is already in use (possibly by an older version)", 1, "XTRNTRANSERR", "Error attempting to generate an environment using an external algorithm", 0, "XTRNTRANSDLL", "Error during extended reference environment translation. Check the above message.", 0, "XTRNRETVAL", "Length of return value (!SL) from extended reference translation algorithm is not in the range [0,!UL]", 2, "XTRNRETSTR", "Return string from extended reference translation algorithm is NULL", 0, "INVECODEVAL", "Invalid value for $ECODE (!AD)", 2, "SETECODE", "Non-empty value assigned to $ECODE (user-defined error trap)", 0, "INVSTACODE", "Invalid value for second parameter of $STACK (!AD)", 2, "REPEATERROR", "Repeat previous error", 0, "NOCANONICNAME", "Value is not a canonic name (!AD)", 2, "NOSUBSCRIPT", "No such subscript found (!SL)", 1, "SYSTEMVALUE", "Invalid value for $SYSTEM (!AD)", 2, "SIZENOTVALID4", "Size (in bytes) must be either 1, 2, or 4", 0, "STRNOTVALID", "Error: cannot convert !AD value to valid value", 2, "RECNOCREJNL", "Recover could not create new journal file !AD", 2, "ERRWETRAP", "Error while processing $ETRAP", 0, "TRACINGON", "Tracing already turned on", 0, "CITABENV", "Environment variable for call-in table !AD not set", 2, "CITABOPN", "Unable to open call-in table: !AD", 2, "CIENTNAME", "No label reference found for this entry in call-in table", 0, "CIRTNTYP", "Invalid return type", 0, "CIRCALLNAME", "Call-in routine name expected but not found", 0, "CIRPARMNAME", "Invalid parameter specification for call-in table", 0, "CIDIRECTIVE", "Invalid directive parameter passing. Expected I, O or IO.", 0, "CIPARTYPE", "Invalid type specification for O/IO directive - expected pointer type", 0, "CIUNTYPE", "Unknown parameter type encountered", 0, "CINOENTRY", "No entry specified for !AD in the call-in table", 2, "JNLINVSWITCHLMT", "Journal AUTOSWITCHLIMIT [!UL] falls outside of allowed limits [!UL] and [!UL]", 3, "SETZDIR", "Cannot change working directory to !AD", 2, "JOBACTREF", "Actual parameter in job command passed by reference", 0, "ECLOSTMID", "$ECODE overflow, the first and last ecodes are retained, but some intervening ecodes have been lost", 0, "ZFF2MANY", "Number of characters specified for ZFF deviceparameter (!UL) is more than the maximum allowed (!UL)", 2, "JNLFSYNCLSTCK", "Journaling fsync lock is stuck in journal file !AD", 2, "DELIMWIDTH", "Delimiter length !UL exceeds device width !UL", 2, "DBBMLCORRUPT", "Database !AD : Bitmap blk [0x!XL] is corrupt (size = [0x!XL], levl = [0x!XL], tn = [0x!16@XQ]) : Dbtn = [0x!16@XQ] : Database integrity errors likely", 7, "DLCKAVOIDANCE", "Possible deadlock detected: Database !AD : Dbtn [0x!16@XQ] : t_tries [0x!XL] : dollar_trestart [0x!XL] : now_crit [0x!XL] : TP transaction restarted", 6, "WRITERSTUCK", "Buffer flush stuck waiting for [0x!XL] concurrent writers to finish writing to database file !AD", 3, "PATNOTFOUND", "Current pattern table has no characters with pattern code !AD", 2, "INVZDIRFORM", "Invalid value (!UL) specified for ZDIR_FORM", 1, "ZDIROUTOFSYNC", "$ZDIRECTORY !AD is not the same as its cached value !AD", 4, "GBLNOEXIST", "Global !AD no longer exists", 2, "MAXBTLEVEL", "Global !AD reached maximum level", 2, "JNLSTRESTFL", "Failed to restore journaling state for database !AD", 2, "JNLALIGNSZCHG", "Journal ALIGNSIZE is rounded up to !UL blocks (closest next higher power of two)", 1, "MAXTRACELEVEL", "The maximum traceable level of !UL has been exceeded. The frame information will not be maintained.", 1, "GVFAILCORE", "A core file is being created for later analysis if necessary", 0, "DBCDBNOCERTIFY", "Database !AD HAS NOT been certified due to the preceding errors - rerun DBCERTIFY SCAN", 2, "DBFRZRESETSUC", "Freeze released successfully on database file !AD", 2, "JNLFILEXTERR", "Error during extension of journal file !AD", 2, "JOBEXAMDONE", "GT.M process !UL completed job examine to !AD", 3, "JOBEXAMFAIL", "GT.M process !UL executing $ZJOBEXAM function failed with the preceding error message", 1, "JOBINTRRQST", "Job interrupt requested", 0, "ERRWZINTR", "Error while processing $ZINTERRUPT", 0, "CLIERR", "!AD", 2, "REPLNOBEFORE", "NOBEFORE option cannot be used when the current replication state is ON for database file !AD", 2, "REPLJNLCNFLCT", "Journaling cannot be turned !AD on database file !AD as the replication state is !AD and must also be turned !AD in the same command", 8, "JNLDISABLE", "Specified journal option(s) cannot take effect as journaling is DISABLED on database file !AD", 2, "FILEEXISTS", "File !AD already exists", 2, "JNLSTATE", "Journaling state for !AD !AD is now !AD", 6, "REPLSTATE", "Replication state for !AD !AD is now !AD", 6, "JNLCREATE", "Journal file !AD created for !AD !AD with !AD", 8, "JNLNOCREATE", "Journal file !AD not created", 2, "JNLFNF", "Journal file !AD not found", 2, "PREVJNLLINKCUT", "Previous journal file name link set to NULL in new journal file !AD created for database file !AD", 4, "PREVJNLLINKSET", "Previous generation journal file name is changed from !AD to !AD", 4, "FILENAMETOOLONG", "File name too long", 0, "UNUSEDMSG1131", "JNLCREATERR Last used in V5.4-001", 0, "JNLTRANS2BIG", "Transaction needs an estimated [!UL blocks] in journal file !AD which exceeds the AUTOSWITCHLIMIT of !UL blocks", 4, "JNLSWITCHTOOSM", "Journal AUTOSWITCHLIMIT [!UL blocks] is less than Journal ALLOCATION [!UL blocks] for database file !AD", 4, "JNLSWITCHSZCHG", "Journal AUTOSWITCHLIMIT [!UL blocks] is rounded down to [!UL blocks] to equal the sum of Journal ALLOCATION [!UL blocks] and a multiple of Journal EXTENSION [!UL blocks] for database file !AD", 6, "NOTRNDMACC", "Only random access files are supported as backup files for non-incremental backup", 0, "TMPFILENOCRE", "Error in MUPIP BACKUP while trying to create temporary file !AD", 2, "SHRMEMEXHAUSTED", "Attempt by process to use more shared memory than currently permitted by VMS", 0, "JNLSENDOPER", "pid = 0x!XL : status = 0x!XL : jpc_status = 0x!XL : jpc_status2 = 0x!XL : iosb.cond = 0x!XW", 5, "DDPSUBSNUL", "NUL characters in subscripts are not supported by DDP", 0, "DDPNOCONNECT", "Named volume set, !AD, is not connected", 2, "DDPCONGEST", "Agent congestion", 0, "DDPSHUTDOWN", "Server has shut down", 0, "DDPTOOMANYPROCS", "Maximum process limit of !UL exceeded", 1, "DDPBADRESPONSE", "DDP invalid response code: !XB; message text follows", 1, "DDPINVCKT", "Invalid format for CIRCUIT", 0, "DDPVOLSETCONFIG", "Volume Set Configuration file error", 0, "DDPCONFGOOD", "Volume Set Configuration entry accepted", 0, "DDPCONFIGNORE", "Volume Set Configuration line ignored", 0, "DDPCONFINCOMPL", "Volume Set Configuration entry incomplete", 0, "DDPCONFBADVOL", "Volume Set Configuration entry : invalid volume", 0, "DDPCONFBADUCI", "Volume Set Configuration entry : invalid uci", 0, "DDPCONFBADGLD", "Volume Set Configuration entry : invalid global directory", 0, "DDPRECSIZNOTNUM", "Maximum record size is not numeric", 0, "DDPOUTMSG2BIG", "DDP message too big to be accommodated in outbound buffer", 0, "DDPNOSERVER", "DDP Server not running on local node", 0, "MUTEXRELEASED", "Process !UL [0x!XL] has released the critical section for database !AD to avoid deadlock. $TLEVEL: !UL t_tries: !UL", 6, "JNLCRESTATUS", "!AD at line !UL for journal file !AD, database file !AD encountered error", 7, "ZBREAKFAIL", "Could not set breakpoint at !AD due to insufficient memory", 2, "DLLVERSION", "Routine !AD in library !AD was compiled with an incompatible version of GT.M. Recompile with the current version and re-link.", 4, "INVZROENT", "!AD is neither a directory nor an object library(DLL)", 2, "DDPLOGERR", "!AD: !AD", 4, "GETSOCKNAMERR", "Getting the socket name failed from getsockname(): (errno==!UL) !AD", 3, "INVGTMEXIT", "Inappropriate invocation of gtm_exit. gtm_exit cannot be invoked from external calls.", 0, "CIMAXPARAM", "Exceeded maximum number of parameters in the call-in table entry. An M routine cannot accept more than 32 parameters.", 0, "CITPNESTED", "Call-ins can not be used inside a TP transaction", 0, "CIMAXLEVELS", "Too many nested Call-ins. Nested resources exhausted at level !UL.", 1, "JOBINTRRETHROW", "Job interrupt redelivered", 0, "STARFILE", "Star(*) argument cannot be specified with !AD", 2, "NOSTARFILE", "Only star(*) argument can be specified with !AD", 2, "MUJNLSTAT", "!AD at !AD", 4, "JNLTPNEST", "Mupip journal command found nested TP transactions for journal file !AD at offset 0x!XL at transaction number 0x!16@XQ", 4, "REPLOFFJNLON", "Replication state for database file !AD is OFF but journaling state is enabled", 2, "FILEDELFAIL", "Deletion of file !AD failed", 2, "INVQUALTIME", "Invalid time qualifier value. Specify as !AD=delta_or_absolute_time.", 2, "NOTPOSITIVE", "!AD qualifier must be given a value greater than zero", 2, "INVREDIRQUAL", "Invalid REDIRECT qualifier value. !AD", 2, "INVERRORLIM", "Invalid ERROR_LIMIT qualifier value. Must be at least zero", 0, "INVIDQUAL", "Invalid ID qualifier value !AD", 2, "INVTRNSQUAL", "Invalid TRANSACTION qualifier. Specify only one of TRANSACTION=[NO]SET or TRANSACTION=[NO]KILL.", 0, "JNLNOBIJBACK", "MUPIP JOURNAL BACKWARD cannot continue as journal file !AD does not have before image journaling", 2, "SETREG2RESYNC", "Setting resync sequence number 0x!16@XQ to region sequence number 0x!16@XQ for database !AD", 4, "JNLALIGNTOOSM", "Alignsize !UL (bytes) is too small for a block size of !UL (bytes) for !AD !AD. Using alignsize of !UL (bytes) instead.", 7, "JNLFILEOPNERR", "Error opening journal file !AD", 2, "JNLFILECLOSERR", "Error closing journal file !AD", 2, "REPLSTATEOFF", "ROLLBACK cannot proceed as database !AD does not have replication ON", 2, "MUJNLPREVGEN", "Previous generation journal file !AD included for database file !AD", 4, "MUPJNLINTERRUPT", "Database file !AD indicates interrupted MUPIP JOURNAL command. Restore from backup for forward recovery.", 2, "ROLLBKINTERRUPT", "Database file !AD indicates interrupted ROLLBACK. Reissue the MUPIP JOURNAL ROLLBACK command.", 2, "RLBKJNSEQ", "Journal seqno of the instance after rollback is !@ZQ [0x!16@XQ]", 2, "REPLRECFMT", "Replication journal record format error encountered", 0, "PRIMARYNOTROOT", "Attempted operation not valid on non-root primary instance !AD", 2, "DBFRZRESETFL", "Freeze release failed on database file !AD", 2, "JNLCYCLE", "Journal file !AD causes cycle in the journal file generations of database file !AD", 4, "JNLPREVRECOV", "Journal file has nonzero value in prev_recov_end_of_data field", 0, "RESOLVESEQNO", "Resolving until sequence number !@ZQ [0x!16@XQ]", 2, "BOVTNGTEOVTN", "Journal file !AD has beginning transaction [0x!16@XQ] which is greater than end transaction [0x!16@XQ]", 4, "BOVTMGTEOVTM", "Journal file !AD has beginning timestamp [0x!16@XQ] greater than end timestamp [0x!16@XQ]", 4, "BEGSEQGTENDSEQ", "Journal file !AD has beginning sequence number [0x!16@XQ] greater than end sequence number [0x!16@XQ]", 4, "DBADDRALIGN", "Database file !AD, element location 0x!XJ: blk = 0x!XL: [!AD] control 0x!XJ was unaligned relative to base 0x!XJ and element size 0x!XL", 9, "DBWCVERIFYSTART", "Database file !AD, write cache verification started by pid !UL [0x!XL] at transaction number 0x!16@XQ", 5, "DBWCVERIFYEND", "Database file !AD, write cache verification finished by pid !UL [0x!XL] at transaction number 0x!16@XQ", 5, "MUPIPSIG", "!AD (signal !UL) issued from process !UL [0x!XL] to process !UL [0x!XL]", 7, "HTSHRINKFAIL", "Hash table compaction failed to allocate new smaller table due to lack of memory", 0, "STPEXPFAIL", "Stringpool expansion failed. It could not expand to !UL bytes.", 1, "DBBTUWRNG", "The blocks-to-upgrade file-header field is incorrect. Expected 0x!XL, found 0x!XL", 2, "DBBTUFIXED", "The blocks-to-upgrade file-header field has been changed to the correct value", 0, "DBMAXREC2BIG", "Maximum record size (!UL) is too large for this block size (!UL) - Maximum is !UL", 3, "DBCSCNNOTCMPLT", "Specified DBCERTIFY SCAN output file is not complete - Rerun scan", 0, "DBCBADFILE", "Source file !AD does not appear to have been generated by DBCERTIFY SCAN - rerun SCAN or specify correct file", 2, "DBCNOEXTND", "Unable to extend database !AD", 2, "DBCINTEGERR", "Encountered integrity error in database !AD", 2, "DBMINRESBYTES", "Minimum RESERVED BYTES value required for certification/upgrade is !UL - Currently is !UL", 2, "DBCNOTSAMEDB", "Database has been moved or restored since DBCERTIFY SCAN - Rerun scan", 0, "DBCDBCERTIFIED", "Database !AD has been certified for use with !AD", 4, "DBCMODBLK2BIG", "Block 0x!XL has been modified since DBCERTIFY SCAN but is still too large or now has an earlier TN than in the scan phase - Rerun scan phase", 1, "DBCREC2BIG", "Record with key !AD is length !UL in block 0x!XL which is greater than the maximum length !UL in database !AD", 7, "DBCCMDFAIL", "Executed command failed with return code !SL: !AD which executed !AD !AD", 7, "DBCKILLIP", "Cannot proceed with kill in progress indicator set for database !AD -- Run MUPIP INTEG first", 2, "DBCNOFINISH", "DBCERTIFY unable to finish all requested actions", 0, "DYNUPGRDFAIL", "Unable to dynamically upgrade block 0x!XL in database !AD due to lack of free space in block", 3, "MMNODYNDWNGRD", "Unable to use dynamic downgrade with MM access method for region !AD. Use BG access method for downgrade", 2, "MMNODYNUPGRD", "Unable to use MM access method for region !AD until all database blocks are upgraded", 2, "MUDWNGRDNRDY", "Database !AD is not ready to downgrade - still !UL database blocks to downgrade", 3, "MUDWNGRDTN", "Transaction number 0x!16@XQ in database !AD is too big for MUPIP [REORG] DOWNGRADE. Renew database with MUPIP INTEG TN_RESET", 3, "MUDWNGRDNOTPOS", "Start VBN value is [!UL] while downgraded GT.M version can support only [!UL]. Downgrade not possible", 2, "MUUPGRDNRDY", "Database !AD has not been certified as being ready to upgrade to !AD format", 4, "TNWARN", "Database file !AD has 0x!16@XQ more transactions to go before reaching the transaction number limit (0x!16@XQ). Renew database with MUPIP INTEG TN_RESET", 4, "TNTOOLARGE", "Database file !AD has reached the transaction number limit (0x!16@XQ). Renew database with MUPIP INTEG TN_RESET", 3, "SHMPLRECOV", "Shared memory pool block recovery invoked for region !AD", 2, "MUNOSTRMBKUP", "Database !AD has a block size larger than !UL and thus cannot use stream (incremental) backup", 3, "EPOCHTNHI", "At the EPOCH record at offset !UL of !AD transaction number [0x!16@XQ] is higher than database transaction number [0x!16@XQ]", 5, "CHNGTPRSLVTM", "Mupip will change tp_resolve_time from !UL to !UL because expected EPOCH or EOF record was not found in Journal File !AD", 4, "JNLUNXPCTERR", "Unexpected error encountered for Journal !AD at disk address 0x!XL", 3, "OMISERVHANG", "GTCM OMI server is hung", 0, "RSVDBYTE2HIGH", "Record size (!UL) is greater than the maximum allowed for region !AD with Block size (!UL) and Reserved bytes (!UL)", 5, "BKUPTMPFILOPEN", "Open of backup temporary file !AD failed", 2, "BKUPTMPFILWRITE", "Write to backup temporary file !AD failed", 2, "VMSMEMORY2", "Central storage exhausted during allocation of dynamic file descriptor with !UL bytes - check page file quota and page file size", 1, "LOADBGSZ2", "Load error: BEGIN too large. No records loaded.", 0, "LOADEDSZ2", "Load error: END too large. No records loaded.", 0, "REPLINSTMISMTCH", "Process has replication instance file !AD (jnlpool shmid = !UL) open but database !AD is bound to instance file !AD (jnlpool shmid = !UL)", 8, "REPLINSTREAD", "Error reading [0x!XL] bytes at offset [0x!16@XQ] from replication instance file !AD", 4, "REPLINSTDBMATCH", "Replication instance file !AD has seqno [0x!16@XQ] while database has a different seqno [0x!16@XQ]", 4, "REPLINSTNMSAME", "Primary and Secondary instances have the same replication instance name !AD", 2, "REPLINSTNMUNDEF", "Replication instance name not defined", 0, "REPLINSTNMLEN", "Replication instance name !AD should be 1 to 15 characters long", 2, "REPLINSTNOHIST", "History information for !AD not found in replication instance file !AD", 4, "REPLINSTSECLEN", "Secondary replication instance name !AD should be 1 to 15 characters long", 2, "REPLINSTSECMTCH", "Secondary replication instance name !AD sent by receiver does not match !AD specified at source server startup", 4, "REPLINSTSECNONE", "No information found for secondary instance !AD in instance file !AD", 4, "REPLINSTSECUNDF", "Secondary replication instance name not defined", 0, "REPLINSTSEQORD", "!AD has seqno [0x!16@XQ] which is less than last record seqno [0x!16@XQ] in replication instance file !AD", 6, "REPLINSTSTNDALN", "Could not get exclusive access to replication instance file !AD", 2, "REPLREQROLLBACK", "Replication instance file !AD indicates abnormal shutdown or an incomplete ROLLBACK. Run MUPIP JOURNAL ROLLBACK first", 2, "UNUSEDMSG1255", "REPLUPGRADEPRI : Last used in V5.4-002B", 0, "UNUSEDMSG1256", "REPLUPGRADESEC : Last used in V5.4-002B", 0, "SRCSRVEXISTS", "Source server for secondary instance !AD is already running with pid !UL", 3, "SRCSRVNOTEXIST", "Source server for secondary instance !AD is not alive", 2, "SRCSRVTOOMANY", "Cannot start more than !UL source servers in replication instance !AD", 3, "JNLPOOLBADSLOT", "Source server slot for secondary instance !AD is in an inconsistent state. Pid = [!UL], State = [!UL], SlotIndex = [!UL]", 5, "NOENDIANCVT", "Unable to convert the endian format of file !AD due to !AD", 4, "ENDIANCVT", "Converted database file !AD from !AZ endian to !AZ endian on a !AZ endian system", 5, "DBENDIAN", "Database file !AD is !AZ endian on a !AZ endian system", 4, "BADCHSET", "!AD is not a valid character mapping in this context", 2, "BADCASECODE", "!AD is not a valid case conversion code", 2, "BADCHAR", "$ZCHAR(!AD) is not a valid character in the !AD encoding form", 4, "DLRCILLEGAL", "!_!AD!/!_!_!_Illegal $CHAR() value !UL", 3, "NONUTF8LOCALE", "Locale has character encoding (!AD) which is not compatible with UTF-8 character set", 2, "INVDLRCVAL", "Invalid $CHAR() value !UL", 1, "DBMISALIGN", "Database file !AD has !UL blocks which does not match alignment rules. Reconstruct the database from a backup or extend it by at least !UL blocks.", 4, "LOADINVCHSET", "Extract file CHSET (!AD) is incompatible with gtm_chset", 2, "DLLCHSETM", "Routine !AD in library !AD was compiled with CHSET=M which is different from $ZCHSET. Recompile with CHSET=UTF-8 and re-link.", 4, "DLLCHSETUTF8", "Routine !AD in library !AD was compiled with CHSET=UTF-8 which is different from $ZCHSET. Recompile with CHSET=M and re-link.", 4, "BOMMISMATCH", "!AD Byte Order Marker found when !AD character set specified", 4, "WIDTHTOOSMALL", "WIDTH should be at least 2 when device ICHSET or OCHSET is UTF-8 or UTF-16", 0, "SOCKMAX", "Attempt to exceed maximum sockets (!UL) for the SOCKET device", 1, "PADCHARINVALID", "PAD deviceparameter cannot be greater than 127", 0, "ZCNOPREALLOUTPAR", "Parameter !UL in external call !AD.!AD is an output only parameter requiring pre-allocation", 5, "SVNEXPECTED", "Special variable expected in this context", 0, "SVNONEW", "Cannot NEW this special variable", 0, "ZINTDIRECT", "Attempt to enter direct mode from $ZINTERRUPT", 0, "ZINTRECURSEIO", "Attempt to do IO to the active device in $ZINTERRUPT", 0, "MRTMAXEXCEEDED", "Maximum value of !UL for SOCKET device parameter MOREREADTIME exceeded", 1, "JNLCLOSED", "Journaling closed for database file !AD at transaction number 0x!16@XQ", 3, "RLBKNOBIMG", "ROLLBACK cannot proceed as database !AD has NOBEFORE_IMAGE journaling", 2, "RLBKJNLNOBIMG", "Journal file !AD has NOBEFORE_IMAGE journaling", 2, "RLBKLOSTTNONLY", "ROLLBACK will only create a lost transaction file (database and journal files will not be modified)", 0, "KILLBYSIGSINFO3", "!AD process !UL has been killed by a signal !UL accessing vaddress 0x!XJ", 5, "GTMSECSHRTMPPATH", "gtmsecshr path is !AD", 2, "GTMERREXIT", "GTM image has exited with errors", 0, "INVMEMRESRV", "Could not allocate GT.M memory reserve (!AD)", 2, "OPCOMMISSED", "!UL errors and !UL MBFULLs sending prior operator messages", 2, "COMMITWAITSTUCK", "Pid !UL timed out after waiting !UL minute(s) for !UL concurrent GT.M process(es) to finish commits in database file !AD", 5, "COMMITWAITPID", "Pid !UL waited !UL minute(s) for pid !UL to finish commits to block 0x!XL in database file !AD", 6, "UPDREPLSTATEOFF", "Error replicating global ^!AD as it maps to database !AD which has replication turned OFF", 4, "LITNONGRAPH", "M standard requires graphics in string literals", 0, "DBFHEADERR8", "Database file !AD: control problem: !AD was 0x!XJ expecting 0x!XJ", 6, "MMBEFOREJNL", "BEFORE image journaling cannot be set with MM access method in database file !AD", 2, "MMNOBFORRPL", "Replication cannot be used in database file !AD which uses MM access method and NOBEFORE image journaling", 2, "KILLABANDONED", "Abandoned kills counter is greater than zero for file !AD, !AD", 4, "BACKUPKILLIP", "Kill in progress indicator is set for file !AD, backup database could have incorrectly marked busy integrity errors", 2, "LOGTOOLONG", "Environment variable !AD is too long. Maximum length allowed is !UL bytes.", 3, "NOALIASLIST", "Parenthetical lists of multiple arguments cannot have a preceding alias introducer or include alias (*) forms", 0, "ALIASEXPECTED", "Alias or alias container variable expected in this context", 0, "VIEWLVN", "Invalid local variable name used with VIEW/$VIEW(): !AD", 2, "DZWRNOPAREN", "$ZWRTACxxx is not allowed inside a parenthesized SET target", 0, "DZWRNOALIAS", "$ZWRTAC cannot be aliased", 0, "FREEZEERR", "Error while trying to !AD region !AD", 4, "CLOSEFAIL", "Error while closing file descriptor !SL", 1, "CRYPTINIT", "Error initializing encryption library. !AD", 2, "CRYPTOPFAILED", "Encrypt/Decrypt operation failed. !AD", 2, "CRYPTDLNOOPEN", "Error loading encryption library. !AD", 2, "CRYPTNOV4", "!AD is an encrypted database. Cannot downgrade(to V4) with Encryption option enabled.", 2, "CRYPTNOMM", "!AD is an encrypted database. Cannot support MM access method.", 2, "CRYPTJNLWRONGHASH", "Encryption key hash mismatch between journal file !AD and corresponding database file !AD", 4, "CRYPTKEYFETCHFAILED", "Cannot obtain encryption key for !AD. !AD", 4, "CRYPTKEYFETCHFAILEDNF", "Cannot obtain encryption key. !AD", 2, "CRYPTHASHGENFAILED", "Error generating encryption hash. !AD", 2, "CRYPTNOPSWDINTP", "Cannot prompt for password inside a TP transaction.", 0, "BADTAG", "Unable to use file !AD (CCSID !UL) with CCSID !UL", 4, "ICUVERLT36", "!AD !UL.!UL. ICU version greater than or equal to 3.6 should be used", 4, "ICUSYMNOTFOUND", "Symbol !AD not found in the ICU libraries. ICU needs to be built with symbol-renaming disabled or gtm_icu_version environment variable needs to be properly specified", 2, "STUCKACT", "Process stuck script invoked: !AD : !AD", 4, "CALLINAFTERXIT", "After a gtm_exit, a process can never create a valid GT.M context", 0, "LOCKSPACEFULL", "No more room for LOCK slots on database file !AD", 2, "IOERROR", "Error occured while doing !AD in !AD operation -- called from module !AD at line !UL", 7, "MAXSSREACHED", "Maximum snapshots - !UL - for region !AD reached. Please wait for the existing snapshots to complete before starting a new one.", 3, "SNAPSHOTNOV4", "Cannot downgrade (to V4) while snapshots are in progress. Currently !UL snapshots are in progress for region !AD.", 3, "SSV4NOALLOW", "Database snapshots are supported only on fully upgraded V5 databases. !AD has V4 format blocks.", 2, "SSTMPDIRSTAT", "Cannot access temporary directory !AD", 2, "SSTMPCREATE", "Cannot create the temporary file in directory !AD for the requested snapshot", 2, "JNLFILEDUP", "Journal files !AD and !AD are the same", 4, "SSPREMATEOF", "Premature end of file while reading block !UL of size: !UL bytes at offset: !UL from !AD", 5, "SSFILOPERR", "Error while doing !AD operation on file !AD", 4, "REGSSFAIL", "Process !UL encountered error contributing to the snapshot for region !AD - the snapshot is no longer valid", 3, "SSSHMCLNUPFAIL", "Error while doing snapshot shared memory cleanup. Operation -- !AD. Identifier -- !UL", 3, "SSFILCLNUPFAIL", "Error while unlinking snapshot file -- !AD", 2, "SETINTRIGONLY", "ISV !AD cannot be modified outside of the trigger environment", 2, "MAXTRIGNEST", "Maximum trigger nesting level (!UL) exceeded", 1, "TRIGCOMPFAIL", "Compilation of database trigger named !AD failed", 2, "NOZTRAPINTRIG", "Use of $ZTRAP in a database trigger environment ($ZTLEVEL greater than 0) is not supported", 0, "ZTWORMHOLE2BIG", "String length of !UL bytes exceeds maximum length of !UL bytes for $ZTWORMHOLE", 2, "JNLENDIANLITTLE", "Journal file !AD is LITTLE endian on a BIG endian system", 2, "JNLENDIANBIG", "Journal file !AD is BIG endian on a LITTLE endian system", 2, "TRIGINVCHSET", "Trigger !AD for global ^!AD was created with CHSET=!AD which is different from the current $ZCHSET of this process", 6, "TRIGREPLSTATE", "Trigger cannot update replicated database file !AD since triggering update was not replicated", 2, "GVDATAGETFAIL", "Global variable DATAGET sub-operation (in KILL function) failed. Failure code: !AD.", 2, "TRIG2NOTRIG", "Sending transaction sequence number 0x!16@XQ which used triggers to a replicator that does not support triggers", 1, "ZGOTOINVLVL", "ZGOTO in a trigger running in !AD cannot ZGOTO level !UL", 3, "TRIGTCOMMIT", "TCOMMIT at $ZTLEVEL=!UL not allowed as corresponding TSTART was done at lower $ZTLEVEL=!UL", 2, "TRIGTLVLCHNG", "Detected a net transaction level ($TLEVEL) change during trigger !AD. Transaction level must be the same at exit as when the trigger started", 2, "TRIGNAMEUNIQ", "Unable to make trigger name !AD unique beyond !UL versions already loaded", 3, "ZTRIGINVACT", "Missing or invalid parameter in position !UL given to $ZTRIGGER()", 1, "UNUSEDMSG1354", "ZTRIGNOTP : Last used in V5.4-001", 0, "QUITALSINV", "QUIT * return when the extrinsic was not invoked with SET *", 0, "PROCTERM", "!AD process termination due to !AD (return code !UL) from !AD", 7, "SRCLNNTDSP", "Source lines exceeding !UL character width are not displayed", 1, "ARROWNTDSP", "Unable to display ^----- due to length of source line", 0, "TRIGDEFBAD", "Trigger initialization failed for global ^!AD. Error while processing ^#t(\"!AD\",!AD)", 6, "TRIGSUBSCRANGE", "Trigger definition for global ^!AD has one or more invalid subscript range(s) : !AD", 4, "TRIGDATAIGNORE", "Ignoring trigger data !AD. Use MUPIP TRIGGER to load trigger definitions", 2, "TRIGIS", "!_!_Trigger name: !AD", 2, "TCOMMITDISALLOW", "TROLLBACK required after an unhandled error in trigger context", 0, "SSATTACHSHM", "Error while attaching to shared memory identifier !UL", 1, "TRIGDEFNOSYNC", "Global ^!AD has triggers defined on the !AD instance but none on the !AD instance. Current journal sequence number is 0x!16@XQ", 7, "TRESTMAX", "TRESTART not allowed in a final TP retry more than once", 0, "TPLOCKRESTMAX", "Transaction restarts due to unavailability of locks not allowed in a final TP retry more than !UL times", 1, "GBLEXPECTED", "Global variable reference expected in this context", 0, "GVZTRIGFAIL", "ZTRIGGER of a global variable failed. Failure code: !AD.", 2, "UNUSEDMSG1370", "ONLYLDTRIG: Last used in V5.4-001", 0, "SETINSETTRIGONLY", "ISV !AD can only be modified in a 'SET' type trigger", 2, "DZTRIGINTRIG", "$ZTRIGGER() is not allowed inside trigger context. Trigger name: !AD", 2, "SECNODZTRIGINTP", "Sequence number 0x!16@XQ contains $ZTRIGGER() updates made inside a transaction which the current replicating instance does not support. The replicating instance must be upgraded to at least V5.4-002 to support this type of transaction. Cannot continue", 1, "BOOLSIDEFFECT", "Extrinsic ($$), External call ($&) or $INCREMENT() with potential side effects in Boolean expression", 0, "DBBADUPGRDSTATE", "Correcting conflicting values for fields describing database version upgrade state in the file header for region !AD (!AD) - make fresh backups with new journal files immediately.", 4, "WRITEWAITPID", "PID !UL waited !UL minute(s) for PID !UL to finish writing block 0x!XL in database file !AD", 6, "ZGOCALLOUTIN", "ZGOTO level 0 with entry ref not valid when using call-ins", 0, "REPLNOXENDIAN", "!AD side is running on a GT.M version that does not support cross-endian replication. Upgrade the !AD side to at least V5.3-003 to support cross-endian replication. Cannot continue", 4, "REPLXENDIANFAIL", "!AD side encountered error while doing endian conversion at journal sequence number 0x!16@XQ", 3, "ZGOTOINVLVL2", "ZGOTO 0:entryref is not valid on VMS (UNLINK is a UNIX only feature)", 0, "GTMSECSHRCHDIRF", "gtmsecshr unable to chdir to its temporary directory (!AD)", 2, "UNUSEDMSG1382", "FORCTRLINDX: Only used in V5.4-002", 0, "ZCCLNUPRTNMISNG", "External call: Cleanup routine name missing. Cannot continue", 0, "ZCINVALIDKEYWORD", "External call: Invalid keyword found. Cannot continue", 0, "REPLNOMULTILINETRG", "Sequence number 0x!16@XQ contains a trigger definition too large for transmission to the current replicating instance, which does not support multi-line triggers - stopping replication", 1, "DBSHMNAMEDIFF", "Database file !AD points to shared memory (id = !UL) which points to a different database file !AZ", 4, "SHMREMOVED", "Removed Shared Memory id !UL corresponding to file !AD", 3, "DEVICEWRITEONLY", "Cannot read from a write-only device", 0, "ICUERROR", "ICU returned status !UL which is either unrecognized or inconsistent with the operating context", 1, "ZDATEBADDATE", "$ZDATE() date argument !AD is less than -365 (the $HOROLOG value for 01-JAN-1840) or greater than 364570088 (the $HOROLOG value for 31-DEC-999999)", 2, "ZDATEBADTIME", "$ZDATE() time argument !AD is less than 0 or greater than 86399 (the $HOROLOG value for a second before midnight)", 2, "COREINPROGRESS", "Previous core attempt failed; core generation bypassed", 0, "MAXSEMGETRETRY", "Failed to get ftok semaphore after !UL tries because it is being continually deleted", 1, "JNLNOREPL", "Replication not enabled for journal file !AD (database file !AD)", 4, "JNLRECINCMPL", "Incomplete journal record at disk address 0x!XL for file !AD while attempting to read seqno 0x!16@XQ", 4, "JNLALLOCGROW", "Increased Journal ALLOCATION from [!UL blocks] to [!UL blocks] to match AUTOSWITCHLIMIT for !AZ !AD", 5, "INVTRCGRP", "Invalid trace group specified in $gtm_trace_groups: !AD", 2, "MUINFOUINT6", "!AD : !UL [0x!XL] ; $H=!UL,!UL", 6, "NOLOCKMATCH", "No matching locks were found in !AD", 2, "BADREGION", "Region is not BG, MM, or CM", 0, "LOCKSPACEUSE", "Estimated free lock space: !UL% of !UL pages", 2, "JIUNHNDINT", "An error during $ZINTERRUPT processing was not handled: !AD", 2, "GTMASSERT2", "!AD - Assert failed !AD line !UL for expression (!AD)", 7, "ZTRIGNOTRW", "ZTRIGGER cannot operate on read-only region !AD", 2, "TRIGMODREGNOTRW", "Trigger(s) cannot be added/changed/deleted because region !AD is read-only", 2, "INSNOTJOINED", "Replicating Instance !AD is not a member of the same Group as Instance !AD", 4, "INSROLECHANGE", "Supplementary Instance !AD and non-Supplementary Instance !AD belong to the same Group", 4, "INSUNKNOWN", "Supplementary Instance !AD has no instance definition for non-Supplementary Instance !AD", 4, "NORESYNCSUPPLONLY", "NORESYNC only supported for Supplementary Instances", 0, "NORESYNCUPDATERONLY", "NORESYNC qualifier only allowed on a Supplementary Instance which allows local updates", 0, "NOSUPPLSUPPL", "Instance !AD is configured to perform local updates so it cannot receive from Supplementary Instance !AD", 4, "REPL2OLD", "Instance !AD uses a GT.M version that does not support connection with the current version on instance !AD", 4, "RCVR2MANY", "The instance already has the maximum supportable number of receiver servers [!UL] active", 1, "RLBKCONFIGBNDRY", "Rollback encountered journal records indicating current source !AD replaced old source !AD; cannot rollback past sequence number 0x!16@XQ", 5, "SECNOTSUPPLEMENTARY", "!AD is a Supplementary Instance and so cannot act as a source to non-Supplementary Instance !AD ", 4, "SUPRCVRNEEDSSUPSRC", "Instance !AD is not configured to perform local updates so it cannot act as a receiver for non-Supplementary Instance !AD", 4, "SYNCTOSAMETYPE", "Source instance !AD and receiver instance !AD must either be both supplementary or both non-supplementary for them to synchronize their state", 4, "TARGINSRUNNING", "Cannot change the instance definition of instance !AD while it is running", 2, "UPDSYNC2MTINS", "Can only UPDATERESYNC with an empty instance file", 0, "UPDSYNCINSTFILE", "Error with instance file name specified in UPDATERESYNC qualifier", 0, "REUSEINSTNAME", "Error with instance name specified in REUSE qualifier", 0, "RCVRMANYSTRMS", "Receiver server now connecting to source stream [!2UL] but had previously connected to a different stream [!2UL]", 2, "RSYNCSTRMVAL", "RSYNC_STRM qualifier can only take on a value from 0 to 15", 0, "RLBKSTRMSEQ", "Stream journal seqno of the instance after rollback is Stream !2UL : Seqno !@ZQ [0x!16@XQ]", 3, "RESOLVESEQSTRM", "Resolving until stream sequence number Stream !2UL : Seqno !@ZQ [0x!16@XQ]", 3, "REPLINSTDBSTRM", "Replication instance file !AD has seqno [0x!16@XQ] for Stream !2UL while database has a different seqno [0x!16@XQ]", 5, "RESUMESTRMNUM", "Error with stream number specified in RESUME qualifier", 0, "ORLBKSTART", "ONLINE ROLLBACK started on instance !AD corresponding to !AD", 4, "ORLBKTERMNTD", "ONLINE ROLLBACK terminated on instance !AD corresponding to !AD with the above errors", 4, "ORLBKCMPLT", "ONLINE ROLLBACK completed successfully on instance !AD corresponding to !AD", 4, "ORLBKNOSTP", "ONLINE ROLLBACK proceeding with database updates. MUPIP STOP will no longer be allowed", 0, "ORLBKFRZPROG", "!AD : waiting for FREEZE on region !AD (!AD) to clear", 6, "ORLBKFRZOVER", "!AD : FREEZE on region !AD (!AD) cleared", 6, "ORLBKNOV4BLK", "Region !AD (!AD) has V4 format blocks. Database upgrade required. ONLINE ROLLBACK cannot continue", 4, "DBROLLEDBACK", "Concurrent ONLINE ROLLBACK detected on one or more regions. The current operation is no longer valid", 0, "DSEWCREINIT", "Database cache reinitialized by DSE for region !AD", 2, "RNDWNSKIPCNT", "A total of !UL process(es) skipped database rundown due to a concurrent ONLINE ROLLBACK", 1, "REPLONLNRLBK", "ONLINE ROLLBACK detected. Starting afresh", 0, "SRVLCKWT2LNG", "PID !UL is holding the source server lock. Waited for !UL minute(s). Now exiting", 2, "IGNBMPMRKFREE", "Ignoring bitmap free-up operation for region !AD (!AD) due to concurrent ONLINE ROLLBACK", 4, "PERMGENFAIL", "Failed to determine access permissions to use for creation of !AD for file !AD", 4, "PERMGENDIAG", "Permissions: Proc(uid:!UL,gid:!UL), DB File(uid:!UL,gid:!UL,perm:!AD), Lib File(gid:!UL,perm:!AD), Group Mem(opener:!UL,owner:!UL)", 11, "MUTRUNC1ATIME", "Process with PID !UL already performing truncate in region !AD", 3, "MUTRUNCBACKINPROG", "Truncate detected concurrent backup in progress for region !AD", 2, "MUTRUNCERROR", "Truncate of region !AD encountered service error !AD", 4, "MUTRUNCFAIL", "Truncate failed after reorg", 0, "MUTRUNCNOSPACE", "Region !AD has insufficient space to meet truncate target percentage of !UL", 3, "MUTRUNCNOTBG", "Region !AD does not have access method BG ", 2, "MUTRUNCNOV4", "Region !AD is not fully upgraded from V4 format.", 2, "MUTRUNCPERCENT", "Truncate threshold percentage should be from 0 to 99", 0, "MUTRUNCSSINPROG", "Truncate detected concurrent snapshot in progress for region !AD", 2, "MUTRUNCSUCCESS", "Database file !AD truncated from 0x!XL blocks to 0x!XL at transaction 0x!16@XQ", 5, "RSYNCSTRMSUPPLONLY", "RSYNC_STRM qualifier only supported for Supplementary Instances", 0, "STRMNUMIS", "Stream # is !2UL", 1, "STRMNUMMISMTCH1", "Stream !2UL exists on the receiver instance file but is unknown on the source instance", 1, "STRMNUMMISMTCH2", "Stream !2UL exists on the source instance file but is unknown on the receiver instance", 1, "STRMSEQMISMTCH", "Unable to play update on Stream !2UL with seqno [0x!16@XQ] as receiving instance has a different stream seqno [0x!16@XQ]", 3, "LOCKSPACEINFO", "Region: !AD: processes on queue: !UL/!UL; LOCK slots in use: !UL/!UL; name space!ADfull", 8, "JRTNULLFAIL", "Applying NULL journal record failed. Failure code: !AD.", 2, }; LITDEF int ERR_ACK = 150372361; LITDEF int ERR_BREAKZST = 150372371; LITDEF int ERR_BADACCMTHD = 150372379; LITDEF int ERR_BADJPIPARAM = 150372386; LITDEF int ERR_BADSYIPARAM = 150372394; LITDEF int ERR_BITMAPSBAD = 150372402; LITDEF int ERR_BREAK = 150372411; LITDEF int ERR_BREAKDEA = 150372419; LITDEF int ERR_BREAKZBA = 150372427; LITDEF int ERR_STATCNT = 150372435; LITDEF int ERR_BTFAIL = 150372442; LITDEF int ERR_MUPRECFLLCK = 150372450; LITDEF int ERR_CMD = 150372458; LITDEF int ERR_COLON = 150372466; LITDEF int ERR_COMMA = 150372474; LITDEF int ERR_COMMAORRPAREXP = 150372482; LITDEF int ERR_COMMENT = 150372491; LITDEF int ERR_CTRAP = 150372498; LITDEF int ERR_CTRLC = 150372507; LITDEF int ERR_CTRLY = 150372515; LITDEF int ERR_DBCCERR = 150372522; LITDEF int ERR_DUPTOKEN = 150372530; LITDEF int ERR_DBJNLNOTMATCH = 150372538; LITDEF int ERR_DBFILERR = 150372546; LITDEF int ERR_DBNOTGDS = 150372554; LITDEF int ERR_DBOPNERR = 150372562; LITDEF int ERR_DBRDERR = 150372570; LITDEF int ERR_CCEDUMPNOW = 150372580; LITDEF int ERR_DEVPARINAP = 150372586; LITDEF int ERR_RECORDSTAT = 150372595; LITDEF int ERR_NOTGBL = 150372602; LITDEF int ERR_DEVPARPROT = 150372610; LITDEF int ERR_PREMATEOF = 150372618; LITDEF int ERR_GVINVALID = 150372626; LITDEF int ERR_DEVPARTOOBIG = 150372634; LITDEF int ERR_DEVPARUNK = 150372642; LITDEF int ERR_DEVPARVALREQ = 150372650; LITDEF int ERR_DEVPARMNEG = 150372658; LITDEF int ERR_DSEBLKRDFAIL = 150372666; LITDEF int ERR_DSEFAIL = 150372674; LITDEF int ERR_NOTALLREPLON = 150372680; LITDEF int ERR_BADLKIPARAM = 150372690; LITDEF int ERR_JNLREADBOF = 150372698; LITDEF int ERR_DVIKEYBAD = 150372706; LITDEF int ERR_ENQ = 150372713; LITDEF int ERR_EQUAL = 150372722; LITDEF int ERR_ERRORSUMMARY = 150372730; LITDEF int ERR_ERRWEXC = 150372738; LITDEF int ERR_ERRWIOEXC = 150372746; LITDEF int ERR_ERRWZBRK = 150372754; LITDEF int ERR_ERRWZTRAP = 150372762; LITDEF int ERR_NUMUNXEOR = 150372770; LITDEF int ERR_EXPR = 150372778; LITDEF int ERR_STRUNXEOR = 150372786; LITDEF int ERR_JNLEXTEND = 150372794; LITDEF int ERR_FCHARMAXARGS = 150372802; LITDEF int ERR_FCNSVNEXPECTED = 150372810; LITDEF int ERR_FNARGINC = 150372818; LITDEF int ERR_JNLACCESS = 150372826; LITDEF int ERR_TRANSNOSTART = 150372834; LITDEF int ERR_FNUMARG = 150372842; LITDEF int ERR_FOROFLOW = 150372850; LITDEF int ERR_YDIRTSZ = 150372858; LITDEF int ERR_JNLSUCCESS = 150372865; LITDEF int ERR_GBLNAME = 150372874; LITDEF int ERR_GBLOFLOW = 150372882; LITDEF int ERR_CORRUPT = 150372890; LITDEF int ERR_GTMCHECK = 150372900; LITDEF int ERR_GVDATAFAIL = 150372906; LITDEF int ERR_EORNOTFND = 150372914; LITDEF int ERR_GVGETFAIL = 150372922; LITDEF int ERR_GVIS = 150372931; LITDEF int ERR_GVKILLFAIL = 150372938; LITDEF int ERR_GVNAKED = 150372946; LITDEF int ERR_GVNEXTARG = 150372954; LITDEF int ERR_GVORDERFAIL = 150372962; LITDEF int ERR_GVPUTFAIL = 150372970; LITDEF int ERR_PATTABSYNTAX = 150372978; LITDEF int ERR_GVSUBOFLOW = 150372986; LITDEF int ERR_GVUNDEF = 150372994; LITDEF int ERR_TRANSNEST = 150373002; LITDEF int ERR_INDEXTRACHARS = 150373010; LITDEF int ERR_INDMAXNEST = 150373018; LITDEF int ERR_INDRMAXLEN = 150373026; LITDEF int ERR_INSFFBCNT = 150373034; LITDEF int ERR_INTEGERRS = 150373042; LITDEF int ERR_INVCMD = 150373050; LITDEF int ERR_INVFCN = 150373058; LITDEF int ERR_INVOBJ = 150373066; LITDEF int ERR_INVSVN = 150373074; LITDEF int ERR_IOEOF = 150373082; LITDEF int ERR_IONOTOPEN = 150373090; LITDEF int ERR_MUPIPINFO = 150373099; LITDEF int ERR_IVTIME = 150373106; LITDEF int ERR_JOBFAIL = 150373114; LITDEF int ERR_JOBLABOFF = 150373122; LITDEF int ERR_JOBPARNOVAL = 150373130; LITDEF int ERR_JOBPARNUM = 150373138; LITDEF int ERR_JOBPARSTR = 150373146; LITDEF int ERR_JOBPARUNK = 150373154; LITDEF int ERR_JOBPARVALREQ = 150373162; LITDEF int ERR_JUSTFRACT = 150373170; LITDEF int ERR_KEY2BIG = 150373178; LITDEF int ERR_LABELEXPECTED = 150373186; LITDEF int ERR_LABELMISSING = 150373194; LITDEF int ERR_LABELUNKNOWN = 150373202; LITDEF int ERR_DIVZERO = 150373210; LITDEF int ERR_LKNAMEXPECTED = 150373218; LITDEF int ERR_JNLRDERR = 150373226; LITDEF int ERR_LOADRUNNING = 150373234; LITDEF int ERR_LPARENMISSING = 150373242; LITDEF int ERR_LSEXPECTED = 150373250; LITDEF int ERR_LVORDERARG = 150373258; LITDEF int ERR_MAXFORARGS = 150373266; LITDEF int ERR_TRANSMINUS = 150373274; LITDEF int ERR_MAXNRSUBSCRIPTS = 150373282; LITDEF int ERR_MAXSTRLEN = 150373290; LITDEF int ERR_JNLDBERR = 150373298; LITDEF int ERR_JNLFILOPN = 150373306; LITDEF int ERR_MBXRDONLY = 150373314; LITDEF int ERR_JNLINVALID = 150373322; LITDEF int ERR_MBXWRTONLY = 150373330; LITDEF int ERR_MEMORY = 150373340; LITDEF int ERR_MTBLKTOOBIG = 150373346; LITDEF int ERR_MTBLKTOOSM = 150373354; LITDEF int ERR_MTFIXRECSZ = 150373362; LITDEF int ERR_MTIS = 150373371; LITDEF int ERR_MTRDBADBLK = 150373378; LITDEF int ERR_MTRDONLY = 150373386; LITDEF int ERR_MTRDTHENWRT = 150373394; LITDEF int ERR_MTRECGTRBLK = 150373402; LITDEF int ERR_MTRECTOOBIG = 150373410; LITDEF int ERR_MTRECTOOSM = 150373418; LITDEF int ERR_JNLTMQUAL3 = 150373426; LITDEF int ERR_MULTLAB = 150373434; LITDEF int ERR_BLKCNT = 150373443; LITDEF int ERR_CCEDUMPOFF = 150373452; LITDEF int ERR_NOPLACE = 150373458; LITDEF int ERR_JNLCLOSE = 150373466; LITDEF int ERR_NOTPRINCIO = 150373472; LITDEF int ERR_NOTTOEOFONPUT = 150373482; LITDEF int ERR_NOZBRK = 150373491; LITDEF int ERR_NULSUBSC = 150373498; LITDEF int ERR_NUMOFLOW = 150373506; LITDEF int ERR_PARFILSPC = 150373514; LITDEF int ERR_PATCLASS = 150373522; LITDEF int ERR_PATCODE = 150373530; LITDEF int ERR_PATLIT = 150373538; LITDEF int ERR_PATMAXLEN = 150373546; LITDEF int ERR_LPARENREQD = 150373554; LITDEF int ERR_PATUPPERLIM = 150373562; LITDEF int ERR_PCONDEXPECTED = 150373570; LITDEF int ERR_PRCNAMLEN = 150373578; LITDEF int ERR_RANDARGNEG = 150373586; LITDEF int ERR_DBPRIVERR = 150373594; LITDEF int ERR_REC2BIG = 150373602; LITDEF int ERR_RHMISSING = 150373610; LITDEF int ERR_DEVICEREADONLY = 150373618; LITDEF int ERR_COLLDATAEXISTS = 150373626; LITDEF int ERR_ROUTINEUNKNOWN = 150373634; LITDEF int ERR_RPARENMISSING = 150373642; LITDEF int ERR_RTNNAME = 150373650; LITDEF int ERR_VIEWGVN = 150373658; LITDEF int ERR_RTSLOC = 150373667; LITDEF int ERR_RWARG = 150373674; LITDEF int ERR_RWFORMAT = 150373682; LITDEF int ERR_JNLWRTDEFER = 150373691; LITDEF int ERR_SELECTFALSE = 150373698; LITDEF int ERR_SPOREOL = 150373706; LITDEF int ERR_SRCLIN = 150373715; LITDEF int ERR_SRCLOC = 150373723; LITDEF int ERR_SRCLOCUNKNOWN = 150373731; LITDEF int ERR_STACKCRIT = 150373738; LITDEF int ERR_STACKOFLOW = 150373748; LITDEF int ERR_STACKUNDERFLO = 150373754; LITDEF int ERR_STRINGOFLOW = 150373762; LITDEF int ERR_SVNOSET = 150373770; LITDEF int ERR_VIEWFN = 150373778; LITDEF int ERR_TERMASTQUOTA = 150373786; LITDEF int ERR_TEXTARG = 150373794; LITDEF int ERR_TMPSTOREMAX = 150373802; LITDEF int ERR_VIEWCMD = 150373810; LITDEF int ERR_TXTNEGLIN = 150373818; LITDEF int ERR_TXTSRCFMT = 150373826; LITDEF int ERR_UIDMSG = 150373834; LITDEF int ERR_UIDSND = 150373842; LITDEF int ERR_UNDEF = 150373850; LITDEF int ERR_UNIMPLOP = 150373858; LITDEF int ERR_VAREXPECTED = 150373866; LITDEF int ERR_VARRECBLKSZ = 150373874; LITDEF int ERR_MAXARGCNT = 150373882; LITDEF int ERR_WCFAIL = 150373890; LITDEF int ERR_VIEWARGCNT = 150373898; LITDEF int ERR_XKILLCNTEXC = 150373906; LITDEF int ERR_ZATTACHERR = 150373914; LITDEF int ERR_ZDATEFMT = 150373922; LITDEF int ERR_ZEDFILSPEC = 150373930; LITDEF int ERR_ZFILENMTOOLONG = 150373938; LITDEF int ERR_ZFILKEYBAD = 150373946; LITDEF int ERR_ZFILNMBAD = 150373954; LITDEF int ERR_ZGOTOLTZERO = 150373962; LITDEF int ERR_ZGOTOTOOBIG = 150373970; LITDEF int ERR_ZLINKFILE = 150373978; LITDEF int ERR_ZPARSETYPE = 150373986; LITDEF int ERR_ZPARSFLDBAD = 150373994; LITDEF int ERR_ZPIDBADARG = 150374002; LITDEF int ERR_ZPRIVARGBAD = 150374010; LITDEF int ERR_ZPRIVSYNTAXERR = 150374018; LITDEF int ERR_ZPRTLABNOTFND = 150374026; LITDEF int ERR_VIEWAMBIG = 150374034; LITDEF int ERR_VIEWNOTFOUND = 150374042; LITDEF int ERR_ZSETPRVARGBAD = 150374050; LITDEF int ERR_INVSPECREC = 150374058; LITDEF int ERR_ZSETPRVSYNTAX = 150374066; LITDEF int ERR_ZSRCHSTRMCT = 150374074; LITDEF int ERR_VERSION = 150374082; LITDEF int ERR_MUNOTALLSEC = 150374088; LITDEF int ERR_MUSECDEL = 150374099; LITDEF int ERR_MUSECNOTDEL = 150374107; LITDEF int ERR_RPARENREQD = 150374114; LITDEF int ERR_ZGBLDIRACC = 150374122; LITDEF int ERR_GVNAKEDEXTNM = 150374130; LITDEF int ERR_EXTGBLDEL = 150374138; LITDEF int ERR_DSEWCINITCON = 150374147; LITDEF int ERR_LASTFILCMPLD = 150374155; LITDEF int ERR_NOEXCNOZTRAP = 150374163; LITDEF int ERR_UNSDCLASS = 150374170; LITDEF int ERR_UNSDDTYPE = 150374178; LITDEF int ERR_ZCUNKTYPE = 150374186; LITDEF int ERR_ZCUNKMECH = 150374194; LITDEF int ERR_ZCUNKQUAL = 150374202; LITDEF int ERR_JNLDBTNNOMATCH = 150374210; LITDEF int ERR_ZCALLTABLE = 150374218; LITDEF int ERR_ZCARGMSMTCH = 150374226; LITDEF int ERR_ZCCONMSMTCH = 150374234; LITDEF int ERR_ZCOPT0 = 150374242; LITDEF int ERR_ZCSTATUS = 150374250; LITDEF int ERR_ZCUSRRTN = 150374258; LITDEF int ERR_ZCPOSOVR = 150374266; LITDEF int ERR_ZCINPUTREQ = 150374274; LITDEF int ERR_JNLTNOUTOFSEQ = 150374282; LITDEF int ERR_ACTRANGE = 150374290; LITDEF int ERR_ZCCONVERT = 150374298; LITDEF int ERR_ZCRTENOTF = 150374306; LITDEF int ERR_GVRUNDOWN = 150374314; LITDEF int ERR_LKRUNDOWN = 150374322; LITDEF int ERR_IORUNDOWN = 150374330; LITDEF int ERR_FILENOTFND = 150374338; LITDEF int ERR_MUFILRNDWNFL = 150374347; LITDEF int ERR_JNLTMQUAL1 = 150374354; LITDEF int ERR_FORCEDHALT = 150374364; LITDEF int ERR_LOADEOF = 150374370; LITDEF int ERR_WILLEXPIRE = 150374379; LITDEF int ERR_LOADEDBG = 150374386; LITDEF int ERR_LABELONLY = 150374394; LITDEF int ERR_MUREORGFAIL = 150374402; LITDEF int ERR_GVZPREVFAIL = 150374410; LITDEF int ERR_MULTFORMPARM = 150374418; LITDEF int ERR_QUITARGUSE = 150374426; LITDEF int ERR_NAMEEXPECTED = 150374434; LITDEF int ERR_UNUSEDMSG438 = 150374442; LITDEF int ERR_NOTEXTRINSIC = 150374450; LITDEF int ERR_UNUSEDMSG440 = 150374458; LITDEF int ERR_FMLLSTMISSING = 150374466; LITDEF int ERR_ACTLSTTOOLONG = 150374474; LITDEF int ERR_ACTOFFSET = 150374482; LITDEF int ERR_MAXACTARG = 150374490; LITDEF int ERR_GTMDUMPFAIL = 150374498; LITDEF int ERR_JNLTMQUAL2 = 150374506; LITDEF int ERR_GDINVALID = 150374514; LITDEF int ERR_ASSERT = 150374524; LITDEF int ERR_MUFILRNDWNSUC = 150374531; LITDEF int ERR_LOADEDSZ = 150374538; LITDEF int ERR_QUITARGLST = 150374546; LITDEF int ERR_QUITARGREQD = 150374554; LITDEF int ERR_CRITRESET = 150374562; LITDEF int ERR_UNKNOWNFOREX = 150374572; LITDEF int ERR_FSEXP = 150374578; LITDEF int ERR_WILDCARD = 150374586; LITDEF int ERR_DIRONLY = 150374594; LITDEF int ERR_FILEPARSE = 150374602; LITDEF int ERR_QUALEXP = 150374610; LITDEF int ERR_BADQUAL = 150374618; LITDEF int ERR_QUALVAL = 150374626; LITDEF int ERR_ZROSYNTAX = 150374634; LITDEF int ERR_COMPILEQUALS = 150374642; LITDEF int ERR_ZLNOOBJECT = 150374650; LITDEF int ERR_ZLMODULE = 150374658; LITDEF int ERR_DBBLEVMX = 150374667; LITDEF int ERR_DBBLEVMN = 150374675; LITDEF int ERR_DBBSIZMN = 150374682; LITDEF int ERR_DBBSIZMX = 150374690; LITDEF int ERR_DBRSIZMN = 150374698; LITDEF int ERR_DBRSIZMX = 150374706; LITDEF int ERR_DBCMPNZRO = 150374714; LITDEF int ERR_DBSTARSIZ = 150374723; LITDEF int ERR_DBSTARCMP = 150374731; LITDEF int ERR_DBCMPMX = 150374739; LITDEF int ERR_DBKEYMX = 150374746; LITDEF int ERR_DBKEYMN = 150374754; LITDEF int ERR_DBCMPBAD = 150374760; LITDEF int ERR_DBKEYORD = 150374770; LITDEF int ERR_DBPTRNOTPOS = 150374778; LITDEF int ERR_DBPTRMX = 150374786; LITDEF int ERR_DBPTRMAP = 150374795; LITDEF int ERR_IFBADPARM = 150374802; LITDEF int ERR_IFNOTINIT = 150374810; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRSOCKET = 150374818; LITDEF int ERR_LOADBGSZ = 150374826; LITDEF int ERR_LOADFMT = 150374834; LITDEF int ERR_LOADFILERR = 150374842; LITDEF int ERR_NOREGION = 150374850; LITDEF int ERR_PATLOAD = 150374858; LITDEF int ERR_EXTRACTFILERR = 150374866; LITDEF int ERR_FREEZE = 150374875; LITDEF int ERR_NOSELECT = 150374880; LITDEF int ERR_EXTRFAIL = 150374890; LITDEF int ERR_LDBINFMT = 150374898; LITDEF int ERR_NOPREVLINK = 150374906; LITDEF int ERR_CCEDUMPON = 150374916; LITDEF int ERR_CCEDMPQUALREQ = 150374922; LITDEF int ERR_CCEDBDUMP = 150374931; LITDEF int ERR_CCEDBNODUMP = 150374939; LITDEF int ERR_CCPMBX = 150374946; LITDEF int ERR_REQRUNDOWN = 150374954; LITDEF int ERR_CCPINTQUE = 150374962; LITDEF int ERR_CCPBADMSG = 150374970; LITDEF int ERR_CNOTONSYS = 150374978; LITDEF int ERR_CCPNAME = 150374988; LITDEF int ERR_CCPNOTFND = 150374994; LITDEF int ERR_OPRCCPSTOP = 150375003; LITDEF int ERR_SELECTSYNTAX = 150375012; LITDEF int ERR_LOADABORT = 150375018; LITDEF int ERR_FNOTONSYS = 150375026; LITDEF int ERR_AMBISYIPARAM = 150375034; LITDEF int ERR_PREVJNLNOEOF = 150375042; LITDEF int ERR_LKSECINIT = 150375050; LITDEF int ERR_MTDOSLAB = 150375058; LITDEF int ERR_MTDOSFOR = 150375066; LITDEF int ERR_MTINVLAB = 150375074; LITDEF int ERR_TXTSRCMAT = 150375082; LITDEF int ERR_CCENOGROUP = 150375088; LITDEF int ERR_BADDBVER = 150375098; LITDEF int ERR_LINKVERSION = 150375108; LITDEF int ERR_TOTALBLKMAX = 150375114; LITDEF int ERR_LOADCTRLY = 150375123; LITDEF int ERR_CLSTCONFLICT = 150375130; LITDEF int ERR_SRCNAM = 150375139; LITDEF int ERR_LCKGONE = 150375145; LITDEF int ERR_SUB2LONG = 150375154; LITDEF int ERR_EXTRACTCTRLY = 150375163; LITDEF int ERR_CCENOWORLD = 150375168; LITDEF int ERR_GVQUERYFAIL = 150375178; LITDEF int ERR_LCKSCANCELLED = 150375186; LITDEF int ERR_INVNETFILNM = 150375194; LITDEF int ERR_NETDBOPNERR = 150375202; LITDEF int ERR_BADSRVRNETMSG = 150375210; LITDEF int ERR_BADGTMNETMSG = 150375218; LITDEF int ERR_SERVERERR = 150375226; LITDEF int ERR_NETFAIL = 150375234; LITDEF int ERR_NETLCKFAIL = 150375242; LITDEF int ERR_TTINVFILTER = 150375251; LITDEF int ERR_MTANSILAB = 150375258; LITDEF int ERR_MTANSIFOR = 150375266; LITDEF int ERR_BADTRNPARAM = 150375274; LITDEF int ERR_DSEONLYBGMM = 150375280; LITDEF int ERR_DSEINVLCLUSFN = 150375288; LITDEF int ERR_RDFLTOOSHORT = 150375298; LITDEF int ERR_TIMRBADVAL = 150375307; LITDEF int ERR_CCENOSYSLCK = 150375312; LITDEF int ERR_CCPGRP = 150375324; LITDEF int ERR_UNSOLCNTERR = 150375330; LITDEF int ERR_BACKUPCTRL = 150375339; LITDEF int ERR_NOCCPPID = 150375346; LITDEF int ERR_CCPJNLOPNERR = 150375354; LITDEF int ERR_LCKSGONE = 150375361; LITDEF int ERR_ZLKIDBADARG = 150375370; LITDEF int ERR_DBFILOPERR = 150375378; LITDEF int ERR_CCERDERR = 150375386; LITDEF int ERR_CCEDBCL = 150375395; LITDEF int ERR_CCEDBNTCL = 150375403; LITDEF int ERR_CCEWRTERR = 150375410; LITDEF int ERR_CCEBADFN = 150375418; LITDEF int ERR_CCERDTIMOUT = 150375426; LITDEF int ERR_CCPSIGCONT = 150375435; LITDEF int ERR_CCEBGONLY = 150375442; LITDEF int ERR_CCENOCCP = 150375451; LITDEF int ERR_CCECCPPID = 150375459; LITDEF int ERR_CCECLSTPRCS = 150375467; LITDEF int ERR_ZSHOWBADFUNC = 150375474; LITDEF int ERR_NOTALLJNLEN = 150375480; LITDEF int ERR_ZSHOWGLOSMALL = 150375490; LITDEF int ERR_NOLBRSRC = 150375498; LITDEF int ERR_INVZSTEP = 150375506; LITDEF int ERR_ZSTEPARG = 150375514; LITDEF int ERR_INVSTRLEN = 150375522; LITDEF int ERR_RECCNT = 150375531; LITDEF int ERR_TEXT = 150375539; LITDEF int ERR_ZWRSPONE = 150375546; LITDEF int ERR_FILEDEL = 150375555; LITDEF int ERR_JNLBADLABEL = 150375562; LITDEF int ERR_JNLREADEOF = 150375570; LITDEF int ERR_JNLRECFMT = 150375578; LITDEF int ERR_BLKTOODEEP = 150375586; LITDEF int ERR_NESTFORMP = 150375594; LITDEF int ERR_BINHDR = 150375603; LITDEF int ERR_GOQPREC = 150375611; LITDEF int ERR_LDGOQFMT = 150375618; LITDEF int ERR_BEGINST = 150375627; LITDEF int ERR_INVMVXSZ = 150375636; LITDEF int ERR_JNLWRTNOWWRTR = 150375642; LITDEF int ERR_MUPGDERR = 150375650; LITDEF int ERR_JNLINVALLOC = 150375656; LITDEF int ERR_JNLINVEXT = 150375664; LITDEF int ERR_MUPCLIERR = 150375674; LITDEF int ERR_JNLTMQUAL4 = 150375682; LITDEF int ERR_JNLBUFFTOOLG = 150375688; LITDEF int ERR_JNLBUFFTOOSM = 150375696; LITDEF int ERR_MUNODBNAME = 150375706; LITDEF int ERR_FILECREATE = 150375715; LITDEF int ERR_FILENOTCREATE = 150375723; LITDEF int ERR_JNLPROCSTUCK = 150375731; LITDEF int ERR_INVGLOBALQUAL = 150375738; LITDEF int ERR_COLLARGLONG = 150375746; LITDEF int ERR_NOPINI = 150375754; LITDEF int ERR_DBNOCRE = 150375762; LITDEF int ERR_JNLSPACELOW = 150375771; LITDEF int ERR_DBCOMMITCLNUP = 150375779; LITDEF int ERR_BFRQUALREQ = 150375786; LITDEF int ERR_REQDVIEWPARM = 150375794; LITDEF int ERR_COLLFNMISSING = 150375802; LITDEF int ERR_JNLACTINCMPLT = 150375808; LITDEF int ERR_NCTCOLLDIFF = 150375818; LITDEF int ERR_DLRCUNXEOR = 150375826; LITDEF int ERR_DLRCTOOBIG = 150375834; LITDEF int ERR_WCERRNOTCHG = 150375842; LITDEF int ERR_WCWRNNOTCHG = 150375848; LITDEF int ERR_ZCWRONGDESC = 150375858; LITDEF int ERR_MUTNWARN = 150375864; LITDEF int ERR_JNLNAMLEN = 150375874; LITDEF int ERR_LCKSTIMOUT = 150375880; LITDEF int ERR_CTLMNEMAXLEN = 150375890; LITDEF int ERR_CTLMNEXPECTED = 150375898; LITDEF int ERR_USRIOINIT = 150375906; LITDEF int ERR_CRITSEMFAIL = 150375914; LITDEF int ERR_TERMWRITE = 150375922; LITDEF int ERR_COLLTYPVERSION = 150375930; LITDEF int ERR_LVNULLSUBS = 150375938; LITDEF int ERR_GVREPLERR = 150375946; LITDEF int ERR_MTIOERR = 150375954; LITDEF int ERR_RMWIDTHPOS = 150375962; LITDEF int ERR_OFFSETINV = 150375970; LITDEF int ERR_JOBPARTOOLONG = 150375978; LITDEF int ERR_JOBARGMISSING = 150375986; LITDEF int ERR_RUNPARAMERR = 150375994; LITDEF int ERR_FNNAMENEG = 150376002; LITDEF int ERR_ORDER2 = 150376010; LITDEF int ERR_MUNOUPGRD = 150376018; LITDEF int ERR_REORGCTRLY = 150376027; LITDEF int ERR_TSTRTPARM = 150376034; LITDEF int ERR_TRIGNAMENF = 150376042; LITDEF int ERR_TRIGZBREAKREM = 150376048; LITDEF int ERR_TLVLZERO = 150376058; LITDEF int ERR_TRESTNOT = 150376066; LITDEF int ERR_TPLOCK = 150376074; LITDEF int ERR_TPQUIT = 150376082; LITDEF int ERR_TPFAIL = 150376090; LITDEF int ERR_TPRETRY = 150376098; LITDEF int ERR_TPTOODEEP = 150376106; LITDEF int ERR_ZDEFACTIVE = 150376114; LITDEF int ERR_ZDEFOFLOW = 150376122; LITDEF int ERR_MUPRESTERR = 150376130; LITDEF int ERR_MUBCKNODIR = 150376138; LITDEF int ERR_TRANS2BIG = 150376146; LITDEF int ERR_INVBITLEN = 150376154; LITDEF int ERR_INVBITSTR = 150376162; LITDEF int ERR_INVBITPOS = 150376170; LITDEF int ERR_PARNORMAL = 150376177; LITDEF int ERR_PARBUFSM = 150376186; LITDEF int ERR_RMWIDTHTOOBIG = 150376194; LITDEF int ERR_PATTABNOTFND = 150376202; LITDEF int ERR_OBJFILERR = 150376210; LITDEF int ERR_SRCFILERR = 150376218; LITDEF int ERR_NEGFRACPWR = 150376226; LITDEF int ERR_MTNOSKIP = 150376234; LITDEF int ERR_CETOOMANY = 150376242; LITDEF int ERR_CEUSRERROR = 150376250; LITDEF int ERR_CEBIGSKIP = 150376258; LITDEF int ERR_CETOOLONG = 150376266; LITDEF int ERR_CENOINDIR = 150376274; LITDEF int ERR_COLLATIONUNDEF = 150376282; LITDEF int ERR_RBWRNNOTCHG = 150376288; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRSRVF = 150376298; LITDEF int ERR_FREEZECTRL = 150376307; LITDEF int ERR_JNLFLUSH = 150376315; LITDEF int ERR_CCPSIGDMP = 150376323; LITDEF int ERR_NOPRINCIO = 150376332; LITDEF int ERR_INVPORTSPEC = 150376338; LITDEF int ERR_INVADDRSPEC = 150376346; LITDEF int ERR_SOCKPARMREQ = 150376354; LITDEF int ERR_IPADDRREQ = 150376362; LITDEF int ERR_SOCKWAIT = 150376370; LITDEF int ERR_SOCKACPT = 150376378; LITDEF int ERR_SOCKINIT = 150376386; LITDEF int ERR_OPENCONN = 150376394; LITDEF int ERR_DEVNOTIMP = 150376402; LITDEF int ERR_JNLEXTR = 150376410; LITDEF int ERR_DBREMOTE = 150376418; LITDEF int ERR_JNLREQUIRED = 150376426; LITDEF int ERR_TPMIXUP = 150376434; LITDEF int ERR_HTOFLOW = 150376442; LITDEF int ERR_RMNOBIGRECORD = 150376450; LITDEF int ERR_DBBMSIZE = 150376459; LITDEF int ERR_DBBMBARE = 150376467; LITDEF int ERR_DBBMINV = 150376475; LITDEF int ERR_DBBMMSTR = 150376483; LITDEF int ERR_DBROOTBURN = 150376491; LITDEF int ERR_REPLSTATEERR = 150376498; LITDEF int ERR_VMSMEMORY = 150376508; LITDEF int ERR_DBDIRTSUBSC = 150376515; LITDEF int ERR_TIMEROVFL = 150376522; LITDEF int ERR_GTMASSERT = 150376532; LITDEF int ERR_DBFHEADERR4 = 150376539; LITDEF int ERR_DBADDRANGE = 150376547; LITDEF int ERR_DBQUELINK = 150376555; LITDEF int ERR_DBCRERR = 150376563; LITDEF int ERR_MUSTANDALONE = 150376571; LITDEF int ERR_MUNOACTION = 150376578; LITDEF int ERR_RMBIGSHARE = 150376586; LITDEF int ERR_TPRESTART = 150376595; LITDEF int ERR_SOCKWRITE = 150376602; LITDEF int ERR_DBCNTRLERR = 150376611; LITDEF int ERR_NOTERMENV = 150376619; LITDEF int ERR_NOTERMENTRY = 150376627; LITDEF int ERR_NOTERMINFODB = 150376635; LITDEF int ERR_INVACCMETHOD = 150376642; LITDEF int ERR_JNLOPNERR = 150376650; LITDEF int ERR_JNLRECTYPE = 150376658; LITDEF int ERR_JNLTRANSGTR = 150376666; LITDEF int ERR_JNLTRANSLSS = 150376674; LITDEF int ERR_JNLWRERR = 150376682; LITDEF int ERR_FILEIDMATCH = 150376690; LITDEF int ERR_EXTSRCLIN = 150376699; LITDEF int ERR_EXTSRCLOC = 150376707; LITDEF int ERR_BIGNOACL = 150376714; LITDEF int ERR_ERRCALL = 150376722; LITDEF int ERR_ZCCTENV = 150376730; LITDEF int ERR_ZCCTOPN = 150376738; LITDEF int ERR_ZCCTNULLF = 150376746; LITDEF int ERR_ZCUNAVAIL = 150376754; LITDEF int ERR_ZCENTNAME = 150376762; LITDEF int ERR_ZCCOLON = 150376770; LITDEF int ERR_ZCRTNTYP = 150376778; LITDEF int ERR_ZCRCALLNAME = 150376786; LITDEF int ERR_ZCRPARMNAME = 150376794; LITDEF int ERR_ZCUNTYPE = 150376802; LITDEF int ERR_ZCMLTSTATUS = 150376810; LITDEF int ERR_ZCSTATUSRET = 150376818; LITDEF int ERR_ZCMAXPARAM = 150376826; LITDEF int ERR_ZCCSQRBR = 150376834; LITDEF int ERR_ZCPREALLNUMEX = 150376842; LITDEF int ERR_ZCPREALLVALPAR = 150376850; LITDEF int ERR_VERMISMATCH = 150376858; LITDEF int ERR_JNLCNTRL = 150376866; LITDEF int ERR_TRIGNAMBAD = 150376874; LITDEF int ERR_BUFRDTIMEOUT = 150376882; LITDEF int ERR_INVALIDRIP = 150376890; LITDEF int ERR_BLKSIZ512 = 150376899; LITDEF int ERR_MUTEXERR = 150376906; LITDEF int ERR_JNLVSIZE = 150376914; LITDEF int ERR_MUTEXLCKALERT = 150376920; LITDEF int ERR_MUTEXFRCDTERM = 150376928; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHR = 150376938; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRSRVFID = 150376944; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRSRVFIL = 150376952; LITDEF int ERR_SOCKACTNA = 150376962; LITDEF int ERR_PROTNOTSUP = 150376970; LITDEF int ERR_DELIMSIZNA = 150376978; LITDEF int ERR_INVCTLMNE = 150376986; LITDEF int ERR_SOCKLISTEN = 150376994; LITDEF int ERR_LQLENGTHNA = 150377002; LITDEF int ERR_ADDRTOOLONG = 150377010; LITDEF int ERR_UNUSEDMSG760 = 150377018; LITDEF int ERR_CPBEYALLOC = 150377026; LITDEF int ERR_DBRDONLY = 150377034; LITDEF int ERR_DUPTN = 150377040; LITDEF int ERR_TRESTLOC = 150377050; LITDEF int ERR_REPLPOOLINST = 150377058; LITDEF int ERR_ZCVECTORINDX = 150377064; LITDEF int ERR_REPLNOTON = 150377074; LITDEF int ERR_JNLMOVED = 150377082; LITDEF int ERR_EXTRFMT = 150377091; LITDEF int ERR_CALLERID = 150377099; LITDEF int ERR_KRNLKILL = 150377108; LITDEF int ERR_MEMORYRECURSIVE = 150377116; LITDEF int ERR_FREEZEID = 150377123; LITDEF int ERR_BLKWRITERR = 150377131; LITDEF int ERR_STOPTIMEOUT = 150377138; LITDEF int ERR_TRIGMODINTP = 150377146; LITDEF int ERR_BCKUPBUFLUSH = 150377154; LITDEF int ERR_NOFORKCORE = 150377160; LITDEF int ERR_JNLREAD = 150377170; LITDEF int ERR_JNLMINALIGN = 150377176; LITDEF int ERR_JNLDSKALIGN = 150377184; LITDEF int ERR_JNLPOOLSETUP = 150377194; LITDEF int ERR_JNLSTATEOFF = 150377202; LITDEF int ERR_RECVPOOLSETUP = 150377210; LITDEF int ERR_REPLCOMM = 150377218; LITDEF int ERR_NOREPLCTDREG = 150377224; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINFO = 150377235; LITDEF int ERR_REPLWARN = 150377240; LITDEF int ERR_REPLERR = 150377250; LITDEF int ERR_JNLNMBKNOTPRCD = 150377258; LITDEF int ERR_REPLFILIOERR = 150377266; LITDEF int ERR_REPLBRKNTRANS = 150377274; LITDEF int ERR_TTWIDTHTOOBIG = 150377282; LITDEF int ERR_REPLLOGOPN = 150377290; LITDEF int ERR_REPLFILTER = 150377298; LITDEF int ERR_GBLMODFAIL = 150377306; LITDEF int ERR_TTLENGTHTOOBIG = 150377314; LITDEF int ERR_TPTIMEOUT = 150377322; LITDEF int ERR_DEFEREVENT = 150377331; LITDEF int ERR_JNLFILNOTCHG = 150377338; LITDEF int ERR_EVENTLOGERR = 150377346; LITDEF int ERR_UPDATEFILEOPEN = 150377354; LITDEF int ERR_JNLBADRECFMT = 150377362; LITDEF int ERR_NULLCOLLDIFF = 150377370; LITDEF int ERR_MUKILLIP = 150377376; LITDEF int ERR_JNLRDONLY = 150377386; LITDEF int ERR_ANCOMPTINC = 150377394; LITDEF int ERR_ABNCOMPTINC = 150377402; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRLOGF = 150377410; LITDEF int ERR_SOCKNOTFND = 150377418; LITDEF int ERR_CURRSOCKOFR = 150377426; LITDEF int ERR_SOCKETEXIST = 150377434; LITDEF int ERR_LISTENPASSBND = 150377442; LITDEF int ERR_DBCLNUPINFO = 150377451; LITDEF int ERR_MUNODWNGRD = 150377458; LITDEF int ERR_REPLTRANS2BIG = 150377466; LITDEF int ERR_RDFLTOOLONG = 150377474; LITDEF int ERR_MUNOFINISH = 150377482; LITDEF int ERR_DBFILEXT = 150377491; LITDEF int ERR_JNLFSYNCERR = 150377498; LITDEF int ERR_FSYNCTIMOUT = 150377506; LITDEF int ERR_ZCPREALLVALINV = 150377514; LITDEF int ERR_NEWJNLFILECREAT = 150377523; LITDEF int ERR_DSKSPACEFLOW = 150377531; LITDEF int ERR_GVINCRFAIL = 150377538; LITDEF int ERR_ISOLATIONSTSCHN = 150377546; LITDEF int ERR_REPLGBL2LONG = 150377554; LITDEF int ERR_TRACEON = 150377562; LITDEF int ERR_TOOMANYCLIENTS = 150377570; LITDEF int ERR_NOEXCLUDE = 150377579; LITDEF int ERR_GVINCRISOLATION = 150377586; LITDEF int ERR_EXCLUDEREORG = 150377592; LITDEF int ERR_REORGINC = 150377602; LITDEF int ERR_ASC2EBCDICCONV = 150377610; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRSTART = 150377618; LITDEF int ERR_DBVERPERFWARN1 = 150377624; LITDEF int ERR_FILEIDGBLSEC = 150377634; LITDEF int ERR_GBLSECNOTGDS = 150377642; LITDEF int ERR_BADGBLSECVER = 150377650; LITDEF int ERR_RECSIZENOTEVEN = 150377658; LITDEF int ERR_BUFFLUFAILED = 150377666; LITDEF int ERR_MUQUALINCOMP = 150377674; LITDEF int ERR_DISTPATHMAX = 150377682; LITDEF int ERR_MAXTRACEHEIGHT = 150377691; LITDEF int ERR_IMAGENAME = 150377698; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRPERM = 150377706; LITDEF int ERR_GTMDISTUNDEF = 150377714; LITDEF int ERR_SYSCALL = 150377722; LITDEF int ERR_MAXGTMPATH = 150377730; LITDEF int ERR_TROLLBK2DEEP = 150377738; LITDEF int ERR_INVROLLBKLVL = 150377746; LITDEF int ERR_OLDBINEXTRACT = 150377752; LITDEF int ERR_ACOMPTBINC = 150377762; LITDEF int ERR_NOTREPLICATED = 150377768; LITDEF int ERR_DBPREMATEOF = 150377778; LITDEF int ERR_KILLBYSIG = 150377788; LITDEF int ERR_KILLBYSIGUINFO = 150377796; LITDEF int ERR_KILLBYSIGSINFO1 = 150377804; LITDEF int ERR_KILLBYSIGSINFO2 = 150377812; LITDEF int ERR_SIGILLOPC = 150377820; LITDEF int ERR_SIGILLOPN = 150377828; LITDEF int ERR_SIGILLADR = 150377836; LITDEF int ERR_SIGILLTRP = 150377844; LITDEF int ERR_SIGPRVOPC = 150377852; LITDEF int ERR_SIGPRVREG = 150377860; LITDEF int ERR_SIGCOPROC = 150377868; LITDEF int ERR_SIGBADSTK = 150377876; LITDEF int ERR_SIGADRALN = 150377884; LITDEF int ERR_SIGADRERR = 150377892; LITDEF int ERR_SIGOBJERR = 150377900; LITDEF int ERR_SIGINTDIV = 150377908; LITDEF int ERR_SIGINTOVF = 150377916; LITDEF int ERR_SIGFLTDIV = 150377924; LITDEF int ERR_SIGFLTOVF = 150377932; LITDEF int ERR_SIGFLTUND = 150377940; LITDEF int ERR_SIGFLTRES = 150377948; LITDEF int ERR_SIGFLTINV = 150377956; LITDEF int ERR_SIGMAPERR = 150377964; LITDEF int ERR_SIGACCERR = 150377972; LITDEF int ERR_TRNLOGFAIL = 150377978; LITDEF int ERR_INVDBGLVL = 150377986; LITDEF int ERR_DBMAXNRSUBS = 150377995; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRSCKSEL = 150378002; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRTMOUT = 150378011; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRRECVF = 150378018; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRSENDF = 150378026; LITDEF int ERR_SIZENOTVALID8 = 150378034; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHROPCMP = 150378040; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRSUIDF = 150378048; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRSGIDF = 150378056; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRSSIDF = 150378064; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRFORKF = 150378074; LITDEF int ERR_DBFSYNCERR = 150378082; LITDEF int ERR_SECONDAHEAD = 150378090; LITDEF int ERR_SCNDDBNOUPD = 150378098; LITDEF int ERR_MUINFOUINT4 = 150378107; LITDEF int ERR_NLMISMATCHCALC = 150378114; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRLOGSWH = 150378122; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRDEFLOG = 150378131; LITDEF int ERR_DBBADNSUB = 150378138; LITDEF int ERR_DBBADKYNM = 150378146; LITDEF int ERR_DBBADPNTR = 150378154; LITDEF int ERR_DBBNPNTR = 150378162; LITDEF int ERR_DBINCLVL = 150378170; LITDEF int ERR_DBBFSTAT = 150378178; LITDEF int ERR_DBBDBALLOC = 150378186; LITDEF int ERR_DBMRKFREE = 150378194; LITDEF int ERR_DBMRKBUSY = 150378200; LITDEF int ERR_DBBSIZZRO = 150378210; LITDEF int ERR_DBSZGT64K = 150378218; LITDEF int ERR_DBNOTMLTP = 150378226; LITDEF int ERR_DBTNTOOLG = 150378235; LITDEF int ERR_DBBPLMLT512 = 150378242; LITDEF int ERR_DBBPLMGT2K = 150378250; LITDEF int ERR_MUINFOUINT8 = 150378259; LITDEF int ERR_DBBPLNOT512 = 150378266; LITDEF int ERR_MUINFOSTR = 150378275; LITDEF int ERR_DBUNDACCMT = 150378283; LITDEF int ERR_DBTNNEQ = 150378291; LITDEF int ERR_MUPGRDSUCC = 150378297; LITDEF int ERR_DBDSRDFMTCHNG = 150378307; LITDEF int ERR_DBFGTBC = 150378312; LITDEF int ERR_DBFSTBC = 150378322; LITDEF int ERR_DBFSTHEAD = 150378330; LITDEF int ERR_DBCREINCOMP = 150378338; LITDEF int ERR_DBFLCORRP = 150378346; LITDEF int ERR_DBHEADINV = 150378354; LITDEF int ERR_DBINCRVER = 150378362; LITDEF int ERR_DBINVGBL = 150378370; LITDEF int ERR_DBKEYGTIND = 150378378; LITDEF int ERR_DBGTDBMAX = 150378386; LITDEF int ERR_DBKGTALLW = 150378394; LITDEF int ERR_DBLTSIBL = 150378402; LITDEF int ERR_DBLRCINVSZ = 150378410; LITDEF int ERR_MUREUPDWNGRDEND = 150378419; LITDEF int ERR_DBLOCMBINC = 150378424; LITDEF int ERR_DBLVLINC = 150378432; LITDEF int ERR_DBMBSIZMX = 150378440; LITDEF int ERR_DBMBSIZMN = 150378450; LITDEF int ERR_DBMBTNSIZMX = 150378459; LITDEF int ERR_DBMBMINCFRE = 150378464; LITDEF int ERR_DBMBPINCFL = 150378472; LITDEF int ERR_DBMBPFLDLBM = 150378480; LITDEF int ERR_DBMBPFLINT = 150378488; LITDEF int ERR_DBMBPFLDIS = 150378496; LITDEF int ERR_DBMBPFRDLBM = 150378504; LITDEF int ERR_DBMBPFRINT = 150378512; LITDEF int ERR_DBMAXKEYEXC = 150378522; LITDEF int ERR_DBMXRSEXCMIN = 150378530; LITDEF int ERR_DBMAXRSEXBL = 150378538; LITDEF int ERR_DBREADBM = 150378546; LITDEF int ERR_DBCOMPTOOLRG = 150378554; LITDEF int ERR_DBVERPERFWARN2 = 150378560; LITDEF int ERR_DBRBNTOOLRG = 150378570; LITDEF int ERR_DBRBNLBMN = 150378578; LITDEF int ERR_DBRBNNEG = 150378586; LITDEF int ERR_DBRLEVTOOHI = 150378594; LITDEF int ERR_DBRLEVLTONE = 150378602; LITDEF int ERR_DBSVBNMIN = 150378610; LITDEF int ERR_DBTTLBLK0 = 150378618; LITDEF int ERR_DBNOTDB = 150378626; LITDEF int ERR_DBTOTBLK = 150378634; LITDEF int ERR_DBTN = 150378643; LITDEF int ERR_DBNOREGION = 150378650; LITDEF int ERR_DBTNRESETINC = 150378656; LITDEF int ERR_DBTNLTCTN = 150378666; LITDEF int ERR_DBTNRESET = 150378674; LITDEF int ERR_MUTEXRSRCCLNUP = 150378683; LITDEF int ERR_SEMWT2LONG = 150378690; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTOPEN = 150378698; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTCLOSE = 150378706; LITDEF int ERR_JNLNOTFOUND = 150378715; LITDEF int ERR_DBCRERR8 = 150378723; LITDEF int ERR_NUMPROCESSORS = 150378728; LITDEF int ERR_DBADDRANGE8 = 150378739; LITDEF int ERR_RNDWNSEMFAIL = 150378747; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRSHUTDN = 150378755; LITDEF int ERR_NOSPACECRE = 150378762; LITDEF int ERR_LOWSPACECRE = 150378768; LITDEF int ERR_WAITDSKSPACE = 150378779; LITDEF int ERR_OUTOFSPACE = 150378788; LITDEF int ERR_JNLPVTINFO = 150378795; LITDEF int ERR_NOSPACEEXT = 150378802; LITDEF int ERR_WCBLOCKED = 150378808; LITDEF int ERR_REPLJNLCLOSED = 150378818; LITDEF int ERR_RENAMEFAIL = 150378824; LITDEF int ERR_FILERENAME = 150378835; LITDEF int ERR_JNLBUFINFO = 150378843; LITDEF int ERR_JNLQIOLOCKED = 150378850; LITDEF int ERR_JNLEOFPREZERO = 150378858; LITDEF int ERR_TPNOTACID = 150378867; LITDEF int ERR_JNLSETDATA2LONG = 150378874; LITDEF int ERR_JNLNEWREC = 150378882; LITDEF int ERR_REPLFTOKSEM = 150378890; LITDEF int ERR_GETCWD = 150378898; LITDEF int ERR_EXTRIOERR = 150378906; LITDEF int ERR_EXTRCLOSEERR = 150378914; LITDEF int ERR_TRUNCATE = 150378922; LITDEF int ERR_REPLEXITERR = 150378930; LITDEF int ERR_MUDESTROYSUC = 150378939; LITDEF int ERR_DBRNDWN = 150378946; LITDEF int ERR_MUDESTROYFAIL = 150378955; LITDEF int ERR_NOTALLDBOPN = 150378964; LITDEF int ERR_MUSELFBKUP = 150378970; LITDEF int ERR_DBDANGER = 150378976; LITDEF int ERR_TRUNCATEFAIL = 150378986; LITDEF int ERR_TCGETATTR = 150378994; LITDEF int ERR_TCSETATTR = 150379002; LITDEF int ERR_IOWRITERR = 150379010; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTWRITE = 150379018; LITDEF int ERR_DBBADFREEBLKCTR = 150379027; LITDEF int ERR_REQ2RESUME = 150379035; LITDEF int ERR_TIMERHANDLER = 150379040; LITDEF int ERR_FREEMEMORY = 150379050; LITDEF int ERR_MUREPLSECDEL = 150379059; LITDEF int ERR_MUREPLSECNOTDEL = 150379067; LITDEF int ERR_MUJPOOLRNDWNSUC = 150379075; LITDEF int ERR_MURPOOLRNDWNSUC = 150379083; LITDEF int ERR_MUJPOOLRNDWNFL = 150379091; LITDEF int ERR_MURPOOLRNDWNFL = 150379099; LITDEF int ERR_MUREPLPOOL = 150379107; LITDEF int ERR_REPLACCSEM = 150379114; LITDEF int ERR_JNLFLUSHNOPROG = 150379122; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTCREATE = 150379130; LITDEF int ERR_SUSPENDING = 150379139; LITDEF int ERR_SOCKBFNOTEMPTY = 150379146; LITDEF int ERR_ILLESOCKBFSIZE = 150379154; LITDEF int ERR_NOSOCKETINDEV = 150379162; LITDEF int ERR_SETSOCKOPTERR = 150379170; LITDEF int ERR_GETSOCKOPTERR = 150379178; LITDEF int ERR_NOSUCHPROC = 150379187; LITDEF int ERR_DSENOFINISH = 150379194; LITDEF int ERR_LKENOFINISH = 150379202; LITDEF int ERR_NOCHLEFT = 150379212; LITDEF int ERR_MULOGNAMEDEF = 150379218; LITDEF int ERR_BUFOWNERSTUCK = 150379226; LITDEF int ERR_ACTIVATEFAIL = 150379234; LITDEF int ERR_DBRNDWNWRN = 150379240; LITDEF int ERR_DLLNOOPEN = 150379250; LITDEF int ERR_DLLNORTN = 150379258; LITDEF int ERR_DLLNOCLOSE = 150379266; LITDEF int ERR_FILTERNOTALIVE = 150379274; LITDEF int ERR_FILTERCOMM = 150379282; LITDEF int ERR_FILTERBADCONV = 150379290; LITDEF int ERR_PRIMARYISROOT = 150379298; LITDEF int ERR_GVQUERYGETFAIL = 150379306; LITDEF int ERR_DBCREC2BIGINBLK = 150379314; LITDEF int ERR_MERGEDESC = 150379322; LITDEF int ERR_MERGEINCOMPL = 150379328; LITDEF int ERR_DBNAMEMISMATCH = 150379338; LITDEF int ERR_DBIDMISMATCH = 150379346; LITDEF int ERR_DEVOPENFAIL = 150379354; LITDEF int ERR_IPCNOTDEL = 150379363; LITDEF int ERR_XCVOIDRET = 150379370; LITDEF int ERR_MURAIMGFAIL = 150379378; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTUNDEF = 150379386; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTACC = 150379394; LITDEF int ERR_NOJNLPOOL = 150379402; LITDEF int ERR_NORECVPOOL = 150379410; LITDEF int ERR_FTOKERR = 150379418; LITDEF int ERR_REPLREQRUNDOWN = 150379426; LITDEF int ERR_BLKCNTEDITFAIL = 150379435; LITDEF int ERR_SEMREMOVED = 150379443; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTFMT = 150379450; LITDEF int ERR_SEMKEYINUSE = 150379458; LITDEF int ERR_XTRNTRANSERR = 150379466; LITDEF int ERR_XTRNTRANSDLL = 150379474; LITDEF int ERR_XTRNRETVAL = 150379482; LITDEF int ERR_XTRNRETSTR = 150379490; LITDEF int ERR_INVECODEVAL = 150379498; LITDEF int ERR_SETECODE = 150379506; LITDEF int ERR_INVSTACODE = 150379514; LITDEF int ERR_REPEATERROR = 150379522; LITDEF int ERR_NOCANONICNAME = 150379530; LITDEF int ERR_NOSUBSCRIPT = 150379538; LITDEF int ERR_SYSTEMVALUE = 150379546; LITDEF int ERR_SIZENOTVALID4 = 150379554; LITDEF int ERR_STRNOTVALID = 150379562; LITDEF int ERR_RECNOCREJNL = 150379571; LITDEF int ERR_ERRWETRAP = 150379578; LITDEF int ERR_TRACINGON = 150379587; LITDEF int ERR_CITABENV = 150379594; LITDEF int ERR_CITABOPN = 150379602; LITDEF int ERR_CIENTNAME = 150379610; LITDEF int ERR_CIRTNTYP = 150379618; LITDEF int ERR_CIRCALLNAME = 150379626; LITDEF int ERR_CIRPARMNAME = 150379634; LITDEF int ERR_CIDIRECTIVE = 150379642; LITDEF int ERR_CIPARTYPE = 150379650; LITDEF int ERR_CIUNTYPE = 150379658; LITDEF int ERR_CINOENTRY = 150379666; LITDEF int ERR_JNLINVSWITCHLMT = 150379674; LITDEF int ERR_SETZDIR = 150379682; LITDEF int ERR_JOBACTREF = 150379690; LITDEF int ERR_ECLOSTMID = 150379696; LITDEF int ERR_ZFF2MANY = 150379706; LITDEF int ERR_JNLFSYNCLSTCK = 150379715; LITDEF int ERR_DELIMWIDTH = 150379722; LITDEF int ERR_DBBMLCORRUPT = 150379730; LITDEF int ERR_DLCKAVOIDANCE = 150379738; LITDEF int ERR_WRITERSTUCK = 150379746; LITDEF int ERR_PATNOTFOUND = 150379754; LITDEF int ERR_INVZDIRFORM = 150379762; LITDEF int ERR_ZDIROUTOFSYNC = 150379768; LITDEF int ERR_GBLNOEXIST = 150379779; LITDEF int ERR_MAXBTLEVEL = 150379786; LITDEF int ERR_JNLSTRESTFL = 150379794; LITDEF int ERR_JNLALIGNSZCHG = 150379803; LITDEF int ERR_MAXTRACELEVEL = 150379811; LITDEF int ERR_GVFAILCORE = 150379818; LITDEF int ERR_DBCDBNOCERTIFY = 150379826; LITDEF int ERR_DBFRZRESETSUC = 150379835; LITDEF int ERR_JNLFILEXTERR = 150379842; LITDEF int ERR_JOBEXAMDONE = 150379851; LITDEF int ERR_JOBEXAMFAIL = 150379858; LITDEF int ERR_JOBINTRRQST = 150379866; LITDEF int ERR_ERRWZINTR = 150379874; LITDEF int ERR_CLIERR = 150379882; LITDEF int ERR_REPLNOBEFORE = 150379888; LITDEF int ERR_REPLJNLCNFLCT = 150379896; LITDEF int ERR_JNLDISABLE = 150379904; LITDEF int ERR_FILEEXISTS = 150379914; LITDEF int ERR_JNLSTATE = 150379923; LITDEF int ERR_REPLSTATE = 150379931; LITDEF int ERR_JNLCREATE = 150379939; LITDEF int ERR_JNLNOCREATE = 150379946; LITDEF int ERR_JNLFNF = 150379955; LITDEF int ERR_PREVJNLLINKCUT = 150379963; LITDEF int ERR_PREVJNLLINKSET = 150379971; LITDEF int ERR_FILENAMETOOLONG = 150379978; LITDEF int ERR_UNUSEDMSG1131 = 150379986; LITDEF int ERR_JNLTRANS2BIG = 150379994; LITDEF int ERR_JNLSWITCHTOOSM = 150380002; LITDEF int ERR_JNLSWITCHSZCHG = 150380011; LITDEF int ERR_NOTRNDMACC = 150380018; LITDEF int ERR_TMPFILENOCRE = 150380026; LITDEF int ERR_SHRMEMEXHAUSTED = 150380034; LITDEF int ERR_JNLSENDOPER = 150380043; LITDEF int ERR_DDPSUBSNUL = 150380050; LITDEF int ERR_DDPNOCONNECT = 150380058; LITDEF int ERR_DDPCONGEST = 150380066; LITDEF int ERR_DDPSHUTDOWN = 150380074; LITDEF int ERR_DDPTOOMANYPROCS = 150380082; LITDEF int ERR_DDPBADRESPONSE = 150380090; LITDEF int ERR_DDPINVCKT = 150380098; LITDEF int ERR_DDPVOLSETCONFIG = 150380106; LITDEF int ERR_DDPCONFGOOD = 150380113; LITDEF int ERR_DDPCONFIGNORE = 150380121; LITDEF int ERR_DDPCONFINCOMPL = 150380128; LITDEF int ERR_DDPCONFBADVOL = 150380138; LITDEF int ERR_DDPCONFBADUCI = 150380146; LITDEF int ERR_DDPCONFBADGLD = 150380154; LITDEF int ERR_DDPRECSIZNOTNUM = 150380162; LITDEF int ERR_DDPOUTMSG2BIG = 150380170; LITDEF int ERR_DDPNOSERVER = 150380178; LITDEF int ERR_MUTEXRELEASED = 150380186; LITDEF int ERR_JNLCRESTATUS = 150380192; LITDEF int ERR_ZBREAKFAIL = 150380203; LITDEF int ERR_DLLVERSION = 150380210; LITDEF int ERR_INVZROENT = 150380218; LITDEF int ERR_DDPLOGERR = 150380226; LITDEF int ERR_GETSOCKNAMERR = 150380234; LITDEF int ERR_INVGTMEXIT = 150380242; LITDEF int ERR_CIMAXPARAM = 150380250; LITDEF int ERR_CITPNESTED = 150380258; LITDEF int ERR_CIMAXLEVELS = 150380266; LITDEF int ERR_JOBINTRRETHROW = 150380274; LITDEF int ERR_STARFILE = 150380282; LITDEF int ERR_NOSTARFILE = 150380290; LITDEF int ERR_MUJNLSTAT = 150380299; LITDEF int ERR_JNLTPNEST = 150380304; LITDEF int ERR_REPLOFFJNLON = 150380314; LITDEF int ERR_FILEDELFAIL = 150380320; LITDEF int ERR_INVQUALTIME = 150380330; LITDEF int ERR_NOTPOSITIVE = 150380338; LITDEF int ERR_INVREDIRQUAL = 150380346; LITDEF int ERR_INVERRORLIM = 150380354; LITDEF int ERR_INVIDQUAL = 150380362; LITDEF int ERR_INVTRNSQUAL = 150380370; LITDEF int ERR_JNLNOBIJBACK = 150380378; LITDEF int ERR_SETREG2RESYNC = 150380387; LITDEF int ERR_JNLALIGNTOOSM = 150380392; LITDEF int ERR_JNLFILEOPNERR = 150380402; LITDEF int ERR_JNLFILECLOSERR = 150380410; LITDEF int ERR_REPLSTATEOFF = 150380418; LITDEF int ERR_MUJNLPREVGEN = 150380427; LITDEF int ERR_MUPJNLINTERRUPT = 150380434; LITDEF int ERR_ROLLBKINTERRUPT = 150380442; LITDEF int ERR_RLBKJNSEQ = 150380451; LITDEF int ERR_REPLRECFMT = 150380460; LITDEF int ERR_PRIMARYNOTROOT = 150380466; LITDEF int ERR_DBFRZRESETFL = 150380474; LITDEF int ERR_JNLCYCLE = 150380482; LITDEF int ERR_JNLPREVRECOV = 150380490; LITDEF int ERR_RESOLVESEQNO = 150380499; LITDEF int ERR_BOVTNGTEOVTN = 150380506; LITDEF int ERR_BOVTMGTEOVTM = 150380514; LITDEF int ERR_BEGSEQGTENDSEQ = 150380522; LITDEF int ERR_DBADDRALIGN = 150380531; LITDEF int ERR_DBWCVERIFYSTART = 150380539; LITDEF int ERR_DBWCVERIFYEND = 150380547; LITDEF int ERR_MUPIPSIG = 150380555; LITDEF int ERR_HTSHRINKFAIL = 150380560; LITDEF int ERR_STPEXPFAIL = 150380570; LITDEF int ERR_DBBTUWRNG = 150380576; LITDEF int ERR_DBBTUFIXED = 150380587; LITDEF int ERR_DBMAXREC2BIG = 150380594; LITDEF int ERR_DBCSCNNOTCMPLT = 150380602; LITDEF int ERR_DBCBADFILE = 150380610; LITDEF int ERR_DBCNOEXTND = 150380618; LITDEF int ERR_DBCINTEGERR = 150380626; LITDEF int ERR_DBMINRESBYTES = 150380634; LITDEF int ERR_DBCNOTSAMEDB = 150380642; LITDEF int ERR_DBCDBCERTIFIED = 150380651; LITDEF int ERR_DBCMODBLK2BIG = 150380658; LITDEF int ERR_DBCREC2BIG = 150380666; LITDEF int ERR_DBCCMDFAIL = 150380674; LITDEF int ERR_DBCKILLIP = 150380682; LITDEF int ERR_DBCNOFINISH = 150380690; LITDEF int ERR_DYNUPGRDFAIL = 150380698; LITDEF int ERR_MMNODYNDWNGRD = 150380706; LITDEF int ERR_MMNODYNUPGRD = 150380714; LITDEF int ERR_MUDWNGRDNRDY = 150380722; LITDEF int ERR_MUDWNGRDTN = 150380730; LITDEF int ERR_MUDWNGRDNOTPOS = 150380738; LITDEF int ERR_MUUPGRDNRDY = 150380746; LITDEF int ERR_TNWARN = 150380752; LITDEF int ERR_TNTOOLARGE = 150380762; LITDEF int ERR_SHMPLRECOV = 150380771; LITDEF int ERR_MUNOSTRMBKUP = 150380776; LITDEF int ERR_EPOCHTNHI = 150380786; LITDEF int ERR_CHNGTPRSLVTM = 150380795; LITDEF int ERR_JNLUNXPCTERR = 150380802; LITDEF int ERR_OMISERVHANG = 150380811; LITDEF int ERR_RSVDBYTE2HIGH = 150380818; LITDEF int ERR_BKUPTMPFILOPEN = 150380826; LITDEF int ERR_BKUPTMPFILWRITE = 150380834; LITDEF int ERR_VMSMEMORY2 = 150380842; LITDEF int ERR_LOADBGSZ2 = 150380850; LITDEF int ERR_LOADEDSZ2 = 150380858; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTMISMTCH = 150380866; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTREAD = 150380874; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTDBMATCH = 150380882; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTNMSAME = 150380890; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTNMUNDEF = 150380898; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTNMLEN = 150380906; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTNOHIST = 150380914; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTSECLEN = 150380922; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTSECMTCH = 150380930; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTSECNONE = 150380938; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTSECUNDF = 150380946; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTSEQORD = 150380954; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTSTNDALN = 150380962; LITDEF int ERR_REPLREQROLLBACK = 150380970; LITDEF int ERR_UNUSEDMSG1255 = 150380978; LITDEF int ERR_UNUSEDMSG1256 = 150380986; LITDEF int ERR_SRCSRVEXISTS = 150380994; LITDEF int ERR_SRCSRVNOTEXIST = 150381002; LITDEF int ERR_SRCSRVTOOMANY = 150381010; LITDEF int ERR_JNLPOOLBADSLOT = 150381016; LITDEF int ERR_NOENDIANCVT = 150381026; LITDEF int ERR_ENDIANCVT = 150381035; LITDEF int ERR_DBENDIAN = 150381042; LITDEF int ERR_BADCHSET = 150381050; LITDEF int ERR_BADCASECODE = 150381058; LITDEF int ERR_BADCHAR = 150381066; LITDEF int ERR_DLRCILLEGAL = 150381074; LITDEF int ERR_NONUTF8LOCALE = 150381082; LITDEF int ERR_INVDLRCVAL = 150381090; LITDEF int ERR_DBMISALIGN = 150381098; LITDEF int ERR_LOADINVCHSET = 150381106; LITDEF int ERR_DLLCHSETM = 150381114; LITDEF int ERR_DLLCHSETUTF8 = 150381122; LITDEF int ERR_BOMMISMATCH = 150381130; LITDEF int ERR_WIDTHTOOSMALL = 150381138; LITDEF int ERR_SOCKMAX = 150381146; LITDEF int ERR_PADCHARINVALID = 150381154; LITDEF int ERR_ZCNOPREALLOUTPAR = 150381162; LITDEF int ERR_SVNEXPECTED = 150381170; LITDEF int ERR_SVNONEW = 150381178; LITDEF int ERR_ZINTDIRECT = 150381186; LITDEF int ERR_ZINTRECURSEIO = 150381194; LITDEF int ERR_MRTMAXEXCEEDED = 150381202; LITDEF int ERR_JNLCLOSED = 150381210; LITDEF int ERR_RLBKNOBIMG = 150381218; LITDEF int ERR_RLBKJNLNOBIMG = 150381227; LITDEF int ERR_RLBKLOSTTNONLY = 150381235; LITDEF int ERR_KILLBYSIGSINFO3 = 150381244; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRTMPPATH = 150381251; LITDEF int ERR_GTMERREXIT = 150381258; LITDEF int ERR_INVMEMRESRV = 150381264; LITDEF int ERR_OPCOMMISSED = 150381275; LITDEF int ERR_COMMITWAITSTUCK = 150381282; LITDEF int ERR_COMMITWAITPID = 150381290; LITDEF int ERR_UPDREPLSTATEOFF = 150381298; LITDEF int ERR_LITNONGRAPH = 150381304; LITDEF int ERR_DBFHEADERR8 = 150381315; LITDEF int ERR_MMBEFOREJNL = 150381320; LITDEF int ERR_MMNOBFORRPL = 150381328; LITDEF int ERR_KILLABANDONED = 150381336; LITDEF int ERR_BACKUPKILLIP = 150381344; LITDEF int ERR_LOGTOOLONG = 150381354; LITDEF int ERR_NOALIASLIST = 150381362; LITDEF int ERR_ALIASEXPECTED = 150381370; LITDEF int ERR_VIEWLVN = 150381378; LITDEF int ERR_DZWRNOPAREN = 150381386; LITDEF int ERR_DZWRNOALIAS = 150381394; LITDEF int ERR_FREEZEERR = 150381402; LITDEF int ERR_CLOSEFAIL = 150381410; LITDEF int ERR_CRYPTINIT = 150381418; LITDEF int ERR_CRYPTOPFAILED = 150381426; LITDEF int ERR_CRYPTDLNOOPEN = 150381434; LITDEF int ERR_CRYPTNOV4 = 150381442; LITDEF int ERR_CRYPTNOMM = 150381450; LITDEF int ERR_CRYPTJNLWRONGHASH = 150381458; LITDEF int ERR_CRYPTKEYFETCHFAILED = 150381466; LITDEF int ERR_CRYPTKEYFETCHFAILEDNF = 150381474; LITDEF int ERR_CRYPTHASHGENFAILED = 150381482; LITDEF int ERR_CRYPTNOPSWDINTP = 150381490; LITDEF int ERR_BADTAG = 150381498; LITDEF int ERR_ICUVERLT36 = 150381506; LITDEF int ERR_ICUSYMNOTFOUND = 150381514; LITDEF int ERR_STUCKACT = 150381523; LITDEF int ERR_CALLINAFTERXIT = 150381530; LITDEF int ERR_LOCKSPACEFULL = 150381538; LITDEF int ERR_IOERROR = 150381546; LITDEF int ERR_MAXSSREACHED = 150381554; LITDEF int ERR_SNAPSHOTNOV4 = 150381562; LITDEF int ERR_SSV4NOALLOW = 150381570; LITDEF int ERR_SSTMPDIRSTAT = 150381578; LITDEF int ERR_SSTMPCREATE = 150381586; LITDEF int ERR_JNLFILEDUP = 150381594; LITDEF int ERR_SSPREMATEOF = 150381602; LITDEF int ERR_SSFILOPERR = 150381610; LITDEF int ERR_REGSSFAIL = 150381618; LITDEF int ERR_SSSHMCLNUPFAIL = 150381626; LITDEF int ERR_SSFILCLNUPFAIL = 150381634; LITDEF int ERR_SETINTRIGONLY = 150381642; LITDEF int ERR_MAXTRIGNEST = 150381650; LITDEF int ERR_TRIGCOMPFAIL = 150381658; LITDEF int ERR_NOZTRAPINTRIG = 150381666; LITDEF int ERR_ZTWORMHOLE2BIG = 150381674; LITDEF int ERR_JNLENDIANLITTLE = 150381682; LITDEF int ERR_JNLENDIANBIG = 150381690; LITDEF int ERR_TRIGINVCHSET = 150381698; LITDEF int ERR_TRIGREPLSTATE = 150381706; LITDEF int ERR_GVDATAGETFAIL = 150381714; LITDEF int ERR_TRIG2NOTRIG = 150381720; LITDEF int ERR_ZGOTOINVLVL = 150381730; LITDEF int ERR_TRIGTCOMMIT = 150381738; LITDEF int ERR_TRIGTLVLCHNG = 150381746; LITDEF int ERR_TRIGNAMEUNIQ = 150381754; LITDEF int ERR_ZTRIGINVACT = 150381762; LITDEF int ERR_UNUSEDMSG1354 = 150381770; LITDEF int ERR_QUITALSINV = 150381778; LITDEF int ERR_PROCTERM = 150381784; LITDEF int ERR_SRCLNNTDSP = 150381795; LITDEF int ERR_ARROWNTDSP = 150381803; LITDEF int ERR_TRIGDEFBAD = 150381810; LITDEF int ERR_TRIGSUBSCRANGE = 150381818; LITDEF int ERR_TRIGDATAIGNORE = 150381827; LITDEF int ERR_TRIGIS = 150381835; LITDEF int ERR_TCOMMITDISALLOW = 150381842; LITDEF int ERR_SSATTACHSHM = 150381850; LITDEF int ERR_TRIGDEFNOSYNC = 150381856; LITDEF int ERR_TRESTMAX = 150381866; LITDEF int ERR_TPLOCKRESTMAX = 150381874; LITDEF int ERR_GBLEXPECTED = 150381882; LITDEF int ERR_GVZTRIGFAIL = 150381890; LITDEF int ERR_UNUSEDMSG1370 = 150381898; LITDEF int ERR_SETINSETTRIGONLY = 150381906; LITDEF int ERR_DZTRIGINTRIG = 150381914; LITDEF int ERR_SECNODZTRIGINTP = 150381922; LITDEF int ERR_BOOLSIDEFFECT = 150381928; LITDEF int ERR_DBBADUPGRDSTATE = 150381936; LITDEF int ERR_WRITEWAITPID = 150381946; LITDEF int ERR_ZGOCALLOUTIN = 150381954; LITDEF int ERR_REPLNOXENDIAN = 150381962; LITDEF int ERR_REPLXENDIANFAIL = 150381970; LITDEF int ERR_ZGOTOINVLVL2 = 150381978; LITDEF int ERR_GTMSECSHRCHDIRF = 150381986; LITDEF int ERR_UNUSEDMSG1382 = 150381994; LITDEF int ERR_ZCCLNUPRTNMISNG = 150382002; LITDEF int ERR_ZCINVALIDKEYWORD = 150382010; LITDEF int ERR_REPLNOMULTILINETRG = 150382018; LITDEF int ERR_DBSHMNAMEDIFF = 150382026; LITDEF int ERR_SHMREMOVED = 150382035; LITDEF int ERR_DEVICEWRITEONLY = 150382042; LITDEF int ERR_ICUERROR = 150382050; LITDEF int ERR_ZDATEBADDATE = 150382058; LITDEF int ERR_ZDATEBADTIME = 150382066; LITDEF int ERR_COREINPROGRESS = 150382074; LITDEF int ERR_MAXSEMGETRETRY = 150382082; LITDEF int ERR_JNLNOREPL = 150382090; LITDEF int ERR_JNLRECINCMPL = 150382098; LITDEF int ERR_JNLALLOCGROW = 150382107; LITDEF int ERR_INVTRCGRP = 150382114; LITDEF int ERR_MUINFOUINT6 = 150382123; LITDEF int ERR_NOLOCKMATCH = 150382131; LITDEF int ERR_BADREGION = 150382138; LITDEF int ERR_LOCKSPACEUSE = 150382147; LITDEF int ERR_JIUNHNDINT = 150382154; LITDEF int ERR_GTMASSERT2 = 150382164; LITDEF int ERR_ZTRIGNOTRW = 150382170; LITDEF int ERR_TRIGMODREGNOTRW = 150382178; LITDEF int ERR_INSNOTJOINED = 150382186; LITDEF int ERR_INSROLECHANGE = 150382194; LITDEF int ERR_INSUNKNOWN = 150382202; LITDEF int ERR_NORESYNCSUPPLONLY = 150382210; LITDEF int ERR_NORESYNCUPDATERONLY = 150382218; LITDEF int ERR_NOSUPPLSUPPL = 150382226; LITDEF int ERR_REPL2OLD = 150382234; LITDEF int ERR_RCVR2MANY = 150382242; LITDEF int ERR_RLBKCONFIGBNDRY = 150382250; LITDEF int ERR_SECNOTSUPPLEMENTARY = 150382258; LITDEF int ERR_SUPRCVRNEEDSSUPSRC = 150382266; LITDEF int ERR_SYNCTOSAMETYPE = 150382274; LITDEF int ERR_TARGINSRUNNING = 150382282; LITDEF int ERR_UPDSYNC2MTINS = 150382290; LITDEF int ERR_UPDSYNCINSTFILE = 150382298; LITDEF int ERR_REUSEINSTNAME = 150382306; LITDEF int ERR_RCVRMANYSTRMS = 150382314; LITDEF int ERR_RSYNCSTRMVAL = 150382322; LITDEF int ERR_RLBKSTRMSEQ = 150382331; LITDEF int ERR_RESOLVESEQSTRM = 150382339; LITDEF int ERR_REPLINSTDBSTRM = 150382346; LITDEF int ERR_RESUMESTRMNUM = 150382354; LITDEF int ERR_ORLBKSTART = 150382363; LITDEF int ERR_ORLBKTERMNTD = 150382370; LITDEF int ERR_ORLBKCMPLT = 150382379; LITDEF int ERR_ORLBKNOSTP = 150382387; LITDEF int ERR_ORLBKFRZPROG = 150382395; LITDEF int ERR_ORLBKFRZOVER = 150382403; LITDEF int ERR_ORLBKNOV4BLK = 150382410; LITDEF int ERR_DBROLLEDBACK = 150382418; LITDEF int ERR_DSEWCREINIT = 150382427; LITDEF int ERR_RNDWNSKIPCNT = 150382435; LITDEF int ERR_REPLONLNRLBK = 150382442; LITDEF int ERR_SRVLCKWT2LNG = 150382450; LITDEF int ERR_IGNBMPMRKFREE = 150382459; LITDEF int ERR_PERMGENFAIL = 150382466; LITDEF int ERR_PERMGENDIAG = 150382475; LITDEF int ERR_MUTRUNC1ATIME = 150382483; LITDEF int ERR_MUTRUNCBACKINPROG = 150382491; LITDEF int ERR_MUTRUNCERROR = 150382498; LITDEF int ERR_MUTRUNCFAIL = 150382506; LITDEF int ERR_MUTRUNCNOSPACE = 150382515; LITDEF int ERR_MUTRUNCNOTBG = 150382522; LITDEF int ERR_MUTRUNCNOV4 = 150382530; LITDEF int ERR_MUTRUNCPERCENT = 150382538; LITDEF int ERR_MUTRUNCSSINPROG = 150382547; LITDEF int ERR_MUTRUNCSUCCESS = 150382555; LITDEF int ERR_RSYNCSTRMSUPPLONLY = 150382562; LITDEF int ERR_STRMNUMIS = 150382571; LITDEF int ERR_STRMNUMMISMTCH1 = 150382578; LITDEF int ERR_STRMNUMMISMTCH2 = 150382586; LITDEF int ERR_STRMSEQMISMTCH = 150382594; LITDEF int ERR_LOCKSPACEINFO = 150382603; LITDEF int ERR_JRTNULLFAIL = 150382610; GBLDEF err_ctl merrors_ctl = { 246, "GTM", &merrors[0], 1282};