################################################################# # # # Copyright 2001 Sanchez Computer Associates, Inc. # # # # This source code contains the intellectual property # # of its copyright holder(s), and is made available # # under a license. If you do not know the terms of # # the license, please stop and do not read further. # # # ################################################################# # ########################################################################################### # # gtmsrc.csh - release-specific definitions # # gtmsrc.csh is an auxiliary shell script invoked by setactive.csh to define release- # specific environment variables and aliases for this release. (The original version # of this file just defined release-specific source directories, hence the name.) # For most releases, this is straightforward, but incremental releases require the # specification of the release(s) upon which the current increment is based. # # This script defines the following environment variables: # # gtm_inc - pathname of source directory containing C and assembly # language header files (*.h and, usually, *.si) # # gtm_pct - pathname of source directory containing all of the GT.M # sources for GDE and the percent utilities and the # sources for the GT.M runtime help facility # # gtm_src - pathname of source directory containing the C and # assembly language sources # # gtm_tools - pathname of source directory containing everything else # (shell scripts and their corresponding input files, awk # and sed programs, installation scripts, etc.) used in # building or maintaining GT.M # # gtm_{inc,pct,src,tools}_list - directory pathname or list of incremental # directory pathnames # # If this is a full release, each of these lists will contain only # one entry. # # If this is an incremental release, each list will consist of # several directory pathnames: # the first will be the directory corresponding to this # version, # the second will be the directory corresponding to the # version on which this incremental version is based, # the third will be the directory corresponding to the # version on which the second version was based, # etc. # # gt_as_option_I - assembler option(s) specifying the location(s) of the # assembly language header files (usually *.si) # # gt_cc_option_I - C compiler option(s) specifying the location(s) of the C # header files (*.h) # ########################################################################################### # setenv gtm_inc_list "$gtm_vrt/inc" setenv gtm_pct_list "$gtm_vrt/pct" setenv gtm_src_list "$gtm_vrt/src" setenv gtm_tools_list "$gtm_vrt/tools" # These shell variables are no longer used (they're now environment variables). However, some older # versions of gtmsrc.csh define them as shell variables and when both a shell variables and an # environment variable of the same name exist, the shell variable value supersedes that of the # environment variable. Therefore, until all V3.1 versions are removed from the system, we need the # following "unset" commands (remove after upgrading past V3.1.). unset gtm_inc_list unset gtm_pct_list unset gtm_src_list unset gtm_tools_list if ( $?gtmsrc_last_exe == "1" ) then # Change path and gtmroutines to reflect new gtm_exe. set path = `echo $path | sed -e "s|$gtmsrc_last_exe|$gtm_exe|"` # (Note: the use of an intermediate gtmroutines shell variable is necessary for csh; tcsh doesn't require it.) set gtmsrc_gtmroutines = `echo $gtmroutines | sed -e "s|$gtmsrc_last_exe|$gtm_exe|"` setenv gtmroutines "$gtmsrc_gtmroutines" endif setenv gtmsrc_last_exe $gtm_exe # Copy to shell variables to make indexed selection possible. set gtmsrc_inc_list = ($gtm_inc_list) set gtmsrc_pct_list = ($gtm_pct_list) set gtmsrc_src_list = ($gtm_src_list) set gtmsrc_tools_list = ($gtm_tools_list) # Set environment variables for this release only (doesn't include any of the # releases on which this is based -- even if this is an incremental release). setenv gtm_inc $gtmsrc_inc_list[1] setenv gtm_pct $gtmsrc_pct_list[1] setenv gtm_src $gtmsrc_src_list[1] setenv gtm_tools $gtmsrc_tools_list[1] unsetenv gt_as_option_I unsetenv gt_cc_option_I setenv gtm_version_change `date` source $gtm_tools/gtm_env.csh unsetenv gtm_version_change if (! $?gt_as_option_I) then setenv gt_as_option_I "" endif foreach i ($gtm_inc_list) setenv gt_as_option_I "$gt_as_option_I -I$i" end if (! $?gt_cc_option_I) then setenv gt_cc_option_I "" endif foreach i ($gtm_inc_list) setenv gt_cc_option_I "$gt_cc_option_I -I$i" end # Clean up local shell variables. unset gtmsrc_gtmroutines unset gtmsrc_inc_list unset gtmsrc_pct_list unset gtmsrc_src_list unset gtmsrc_tools_list