/**************************************************************** * * * Copyright 2001, 2012 Fidelity Information Services, Inc * * * * This source code contains the intellectual property * * of its copyright holder(s), and is made available * * under a license. If you do not know the terms of * * the license, please stop and do not read further. * * * ****************************************************************/ #include "mdef.h" #include "main_pragma.h" #include #include #include "gtm_inet.h" #include "mlkdef.h" #include "gtm_stdlib.h" #include "gtm_stdio.h" #include "gtm_string.h" #include "stp_parms.h" #include "error.h" #include "min_max.h" #include "init_root_gv.h" #include "interlock.h" #include "gtmimagename.h" #include "stringpool.h" #include "gdsroot.h" #include "gdsblk.h" #include "gtm_facility.h" #include "fileinfo.h" #include "gdsbt.h" #include "gdsfhead.h" #include "gdskill.h" #include "gdscc.h" #include "filestruct.h" #include "jnl.h" #include "buddy_list.h" #include "hashtab_int4.h" #include "tp.h" #include "repl_msg.h" #include "gtmsource.h" #include "util.h" #include "cli.h" #include "op.h" #include "gt_timer.h" #include "io.h" #include "dse.h" #include "compiler.h" #include "patcode.h" #include "lke.h" #include "get_page_size.h" #include "gtm_startup_chk.h" #include "generic_signal_handler.h" #include "init_secshr_addrs.h" #include "cli_parse.h" #include "getzdir.h" #include "dse_exit.h" #include "getjobname.h" #include "getjobnum.h" #include "sig_init.h" #include "gtmmsg.h" #include "suspsigs_handler.h" #include "gtm_env_init.h" /* for gtm_env_init() prototype */ #include "gtm_imagetype_init.h" #include "gtm_threadgbl_init.h" #include "wbox_test_init.h" #include "gtmio.h" #include "have_crit.h" #include "gt_timers_add_safe_hndlrs.h" #include "continue_handler.h" #ifdef UNICODE_SUPPORTED #include "gtm_icu_api.h" #include "gtm_utf8.h" #include "gtm_conv.h" GBLREF u_casemap_t gtm_strToTitle_ptr; /* Function pointer for gtm_strToTitle */ #endif GBLREF gd_region *gv_cur_region; GBLREF gd_binding *gd_map; GBLREF gd_binding *gd_map_top; GBLREF gd_addr *gd_header; GBLREF gd_addr *original_header; GBLREF bool licensed; GBLREF void (*func)(void); GBLREF gv_namehead *gv_target; GBLREF mval curr_gbl_root; GBLREF int (*op_open_ptr)(mval *v, mval *p, int t, mval *mspace); GBLREF boolean_t dse_running; GBLREF spdesc rts_stringpool, stringpool; GBLREF global_latch_t defer_latch; GBLREF VSIG_ATOMIC_T util_interrupt; GBLREF char cli_err_str[]; GBLREF boolean_t write_after_image; GBLREF CLI_ENTRY dse_cmd_ary[]; GBLDEF block_id patch_curr_blk; GBLDEF CLI_ENTRY *cmd_ary = &dse_cmd_ary[0]; /* Define cmd_ary to be the DSE specific cmd table */ static bool dse_process(int argc); static void display_prompt(void); static readonly char prompt[]="DSE> "; error_def(ERR_CTRLC); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; GTM_THREADGBL_INIT; set_blocksig(); gtm_imagetype_init(DSE_IMAGE); gtm_wcswidth_fnptr = gtm_wcswidth; gtm_env_init(); /* read in all environment variables */ licensed = TRUE; TREF(transform) = TRUE; op_open_ptr = op_open; patch_curr_blk = get_dir_root(); err_init(util_base_ch); UNICODE_ONLY(gtm_strToTitle_ptr = >m_strToTitle); GTM_ICU_INIT_IF_NEEDED; /* Note: should be invoked after err_init (since it may error out) and before CLI parsing */ sig_init(generic_signal_handler, dse_ctrlc_handler, suspsigs_handler, continue_handler); atexit(util_exit_handler); SET_LATCH_GLOBAL(&defer_latch, LOCK_AVAILABLE); get_page_size(); stp_init(STP_INITSIZE); rts_stringpool = stringpool; getjobname(); INVOKE_INIT_SECSHR_ADDRS; getzdir(); prealloc_gt_timers(); gt_timers_add_safe_hndlrs(); initialize_pattern_table(); gvinit(); region_init(FALSE); INIT_GBL_ROOT(); /* Needed for GVT initialization */ getjobnum(); util_out_print("!/File !_!AD", TRUE, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region)); util_out_print("Region!_!AD!/", TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region)); cli_lex_setup(argc, argv); CREATE_DUMMY_GBLDIR(gd_header, original_header, gv_cur_region, gd_map, gd_map_top); gtm_chk_dist(argv[0]); OPERATOR_LOG_MSG; # ifdef DEBUG if ((gtm_white_box_test_case_enabled && (WBTEST_SEMTOOLONG_STACK_TRACE == gtm_white_box_test_case_number) )) { sgmnt_addrs * csa; node_local_ptr_t cnl; csa = &FILE_INFO(gv_cur_region)->s_addrs; cnl = csa->nl; cnl->wbox_test_seq_num = 1; /*Signal the first step and wait here*/ /* The signal to the shell. MUPIP must not start BEFORE DSE */ util_out_print("DSE is ready. MUPIP can start. Note: This message is a part of WBTEST_SEMTOOLONG_STACK_TRACE test. " "It will not appear in PRO version.", TRUE); while (2 != cnl->wbox_test_seq_num) /*Wait for another process to get hold of the semaphore and signal next step*/ LONG_SLEEP(10); } # endif if (argc < 2) display_prompt(); io_init(TRUE); while (1) { if (!dse_process(argc)) break; display_prompt(); } dse_exit(); REVERT; } static void display_prompt(void) { PRINTF("DSE> "); FFLUSH(stdout); } static bool dse_process(int argc) { int res; ESTABLISH_RET(util_ch, TRUE); func = 0; util_interrupt = 0; if (EOF == (res = parse_cmd())) { if (util_interrupt) { rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_CTRLC); REVERT; return TRUE; } else { REVERT; return FALSE; } } else if (res) { if (1 < argc) { /* Here we need to REVERT since otherwise we stay in dse in a loop * The design of dse needs to be changed to act like VMS (which is: * if there is an error in the dse command (dse dumpoa), go to command * prompt, but UNIX exits */ REVERT; rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) res, 2, LEN_AND_STR(cli_err_str)); } else gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) res, 2, LEN_AND_STR(cli_err_str)); } if (func) func(); REVERT; return(1 >= argc); }