#!/usr/local/bin/tcsh ################################################################# # # # Copyright 2011, 2012 Fidelity Information Services, Inc # # # # This source code contains the intellectual property # # of its copyright holder(s), and is made available # # under a license. If you do not know the terms of # # the license, please stop and do not read further. # # # ################################################################# # kitstart.csh creates distribution kits for pro and dbg. # In order to test any configure.csh changes, copy a modified version into /usr/library/Vxxx/pro/configure # and /usr/library/Vxxx/dbg/configure. Then execute $gtm_tools/kitstart.csh -ti Vxxx and check output log. # If changes are made to the configure script, such as removing files or changing permissions in the install # directory there may need to be changes made to files used by kitstart.csh to execute # $gtm_tools/gtm_compare_dist.csh. # # Make sure don't start in utf-8 mode if ($?gtm_chset) then if (M != $gtm_chset) then set longline='$LC_CTYPE, $gtm_dist, and $gtmroutines for M mode' echo '$gtm_chset'" = $gtm_chset, so change to M mode and also check "$longline exit endif endif # This script needs root privileges to # - test install GT.M # - set file ownership to 40535 set euser = `$gtm_dist/geteuid` if ("$euser" != "root") then echo "You must have root privileges to run kitstart" exit -1 endif if (-e /etc/csh.cshrc) then # on lester (HPUX), /etc/csh.cshrc does not seem to be invoked at tcsh startup so invoke it explicitly # this is what defines the "version" alias used down below. source /etc/csh.cshrc endif # we need s_linux and s_linux64 here source $cms_tools/cms_cshrc.csh source $cms_tools/server_list if ("$distrib_servers_unix" !~ *${HOST:r:r:r}*) then echo "This is not a distribution server. Exiting." exit endif setenv PATH "/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/bin:/bin" # get the osname and arch type from the tables in server_list set servers = ( $distrib_servers_unix ) set platformarch = ( $distrib_unix_platformarch ) foreach server ( $servers ) @ index++ if ("$server" =~ *${HOST:r:r:r}*) then set os_arch=$platformarch[$index] # contortion alert! get the OS_ARCH value from the list set os_arch="${os_arch:s/_/ /}" # and spilt OS_ARCH into "OS ARCH" and set os_arch=( ${os_arch:s/_/ /} ) # enclose it inside parenthesis to force conversion to an array break endif end set osname = $os_arch[1] set arch = $os_arch[2] set package = "tar cf" set repackage = "tar rf" set package_ext = "tar" if ("$osname" == "os390") then set package = "pax -w -x pax -f" set repackage = "pax -a -f" set package_ext = "pax" endif set syntaxerr = 0 set arguments = "$argv" if ($#argv < 1) then set syntaxerr = 1 else set testinstall = 0 if ("$1" == "logfile") then set logfile = 1 shift endif if ("$1" == "-ti") then set testinstall = 1 shift endif if ("$1" == "" || "$2" != "" && "$2" != "pro" && "$2" != "dbg") then set syntaxerr = 1 endif endif if ($syntaxerr) then echo "" echo "Usage : $0 [-ti] [pro | dbg]" echo "" echo " : Version with no punctuations; create distribution of this GT.M version (must be in $gtm_root)" echo "-ti : Test installation" echo "[pro | dbg] : Create distribution of this image; both if not specified" echo "" exit 1 endif set version = "${1:au}" # ':au' - 'a' means apply to the whole string and 'u' means uppercase everything set imagetype = "pro dbg" if ($2 != "") then set imagetype = $2 endif if (! -d $gtm_root/$version) then echo "" echo "$gtm_root/$version does not exist" echo "" exit 2 endif # make sure $gtm_tools version is same as indicated in $version if ($gtm_tools:h:t != $version) then echo "" echo "$version selected for kit should equal $gtm_tools:h:t in gtm_tools" echo "" exit 1 endif if (! $?logfile) then set fname = ${gtm_root}/$version/log/kitstart.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M` echo "output will be in $fname" $0 logfile $arguments >&! $fname set save_status = $status grep "Test of installation" $fname exit $save_status endif ######################################################################################## version $version p # Set the current version so that relative paths work cmsver $version # Set appropriate path to locate $version sources in CMS, the default is V990 set releasever = `$gtm_dist/mumps -run %XCMD 'write $piece($zversion," ",2),!'` # create a README.txt which has the current year in it setenv readme_txt ${gtm_com}/README.txt set year = `date +%Y` sed "s/#YEAR#/$year/" $cms_tools/license_README_txt > $readme_txt chmod 444 $readme_txt # Set the open source flag and set lib_specific to the platform specific directories that needs to # be copied as a part of open source distribution (down the script) set open_source = 0 set GNU_COPYING_license = "" set OPENSOURCE_build_README = "" if ("$osname" == "linux" && ( "$arch" == "i686" || "x8664" == "$arch" )) then set open_source = 1 set lib_specific = ($s_linux) if ("x8664" == "$arch" ) set lib_specific = ($s_linux64) set GNU_COPYING_license = "${gtm_com}/COPYING" /bin/cp -pf $cms_tools/opensource_COPYING $GNU_COPYING_license chmod 444 $GNU_COPYING_license # create README with current year in it set OPENSOURCE_build_README = "${gtm_com}/README" sed "s/#YEAR#/$year/" $cms_tools/opensource_README > $OPENSOURCE_build_README chmod 444 $OPENSOURCE_build_README endif if ("$osname" == "osf1" && "$arch" == "alpha") then set open_source = 1 set lib_specific = "$s_dux" set GNU_COPYING_license = "${gtm_com}/COPYING" /bin/cp -pf $cms_tools/opensource_COPYING $GNU_COPYING_license chmod 444 $GNU_COPYING_license endif set product = "gtm" set dist = "$gtm_ver/dist" set tmp_dist = "$gtm_ver/tmp_dist" set install = "$gtm_ver/install" set dist_prefix = "${product}_${version}_${osname}_${arch}" set notdistributed = '_*.o GDE*.m *.log map obj' set utf8_notdistributed = '_*.o *.m *.log map obj [a-z]*' if (-d $dist || -d $tmp_dist || -d $install) then echo "" echo "$dist or $tmp_dist or $install exists. Exiting..." exit 3 endif echo "" if ("$GNU_COPYING_license" != "") then if (! -r "$GNU_COPYING_license") then echo "Could not locate GNU Copying license at $GNU_COPYING_license. Exiting..." exit 4 endif if ("$OPENSOURCE_build_README" != "") then if (! -r $OPENSOURCE_build_README) then echo "Could not locate Open Source Build README at $OPENSOURCE_build_README. Exiting..." exit 4 endif endif set opensource_dist = "${dist}/opensource" echo "Creating $dist (for non open source customers) and $opensource_dist (for open source)" mkdir -p $opensource_dist || exit 4 else echo "Creating $dist" mkdir $dist || exit 4 endif if ("$GNU_COPYING_license" != "") then if (! -e ${dist}/README) then cat > ${dist}/README << OPENSOURCE_EOF For paying customers, distribute files in ${dist} For non paying customers (Sourceforge) who use the Open Source version, distribute files in ${opensource_dist} The Open Source binary distribution includes the GNU License (file $GNU_COPYING_license:t) The Open Source source distribution includes the GNU License (file $GNU_COPYING_license:t) OPENSOURCE_EOF if ("$OPENSOURCE_build_README" != "") then cat >> ${dist}/README << OPENSOURCE_EOF and the build procedure documentation (file $OPENSOURCE_build_README:t) OPENSOURCE_EOF endif chmod a-xw ${dist}/README endif endif foreach image ($imagetype) echo "" echo "Creating ${tmp_dist}/${image}" mkdir -p ${tmp_dist}/${image} || exit 5 cd ${tmp_dist}/${image} || exit 7 echo "" echo "Copying files from ${gtm_ver}/${image}" if ("aix" == $osname) then /bin/cp -rh ${gtm_ver}/${image}/* . || exit 8 else if ("solaris" == $osname) then /usr/local/bin/cp -r ${gtm_ver}/${image}/* . || exit 8 else /bin/cp -r ${gtm_ver}/${image}/* . || exit 8 endif echo "" echo "Removing files that are not distributed (${notdistributed})" /bin/rm -rf ${notdistributed} || exit 9 if (-e utf8) then cd utf8 /bin/rm -rf ${utf8_notdistributed} || exit 9 cd .. endif # add the README.txt file cp $readme_txt README.txt || exit 9 # add the custom_errors_sample.txt file cp $gtm_tools/custom_errors_sample.txt . || exit 9 if (-e gtmsecshrdir) then $gtm_com/IGS gtmsecshr "UNHIDE" # make root-owned gtmsecshrdir world-readable chmod u+w gtmsecshrdir endif if (-x dbcertify && -f V5CBSU.m) then set dist_file = "${dist}/dbcertify_${version}_${osname}_${arch}_${image}.${package_ext}" echo "" echo "Creating $dist_file" $package $dist_file README.txt dbcertify V5CBSU.m || exit 10 echo "Gzipping $dist_file" gzip $dist_file || exit 11 if ("$GNU_COPYING_license" != "") then echo "" echo "Creating dbcertify distribution for open source (includes GNU License)" echo "" echo "Copying $GNU_COPYING_license to $cwd" /bin/cp $GNU_COPYING_license . || exit 8 set dist_file="${opensource_dist}/dbcertify_${version}_${osname}_${arch}_${image}.${package_ext}" echo "" echo "Creating $dist_file" $package $dist_file README.txt COPYING dbcertify V5CBSU.m || exit 10 echo "" echo "Gzipping $dist_file" gzip $dist_file || exit 11 rm -f COPYING || exit 9 endif echo "Removing dbcertify" rm -f dbcertify V5CBSU.* || exit 9 if (-e utf8) then cd utf8 rm -f dbcertify V5CBSU.* || exit 9 cd .. endif else echo "" echo "No dbcertify or V5CBSU.m" endif if (-e GTMDefinedTypesInit.m) then set dist_file = "${dist}/GTMDefinedTypesInit_${version}_${osname}_${arch}_${image}.${package_ext}" echo "" echo "Creating $dist_file" $package $dist_file README.txt GTMDefinedTypesInit.m || exit 10 echo "Gzipping $dist_file" gzip $dist_file || exit 11 if ("$GNU_COPYING_license" != "") then echo "" echo "Creating GTMDefinedTypesInit distribution for open source (includes GNU License)" echo "" echo "Copying $GNU_COPYING_license to $cwd" /bin/cp $GNU_COPYING_license . || exit 8 set dist_file="${opensource_dist}/GTMDefinedTypesInit_${version}_${osname}_${arch}_${image}.${package_ext}" echo "" echo "Creating $dist_file" $package $dist_file README.txt COPYING GTMDefinedTypesInit.m || exit 10 echo "" echo "Gzipping $dist_file" gzip $dist_file || exit 11 rm -f COPYING || exit 9 endif echo "Removing GTMDefinedTypesInit" rm -f GTMDefinedTypesInit.* || exit 9 if (-e utf8) then cd utf8 rm -f GTMDefinedTypesInit.* || exit 9 cd .. endif else echo "" echo "No GTMDefinedTypesInit" endif set dist_file = "${dist}/${dist_prefix}_${image}.${package_ext}" # no files to be executable or writeable find . -type f -exec chmod a-xw {} \; # no directories to be writeable for group or world if aix or 32-bit linux, otherwise for all chmod a+x configure chmod a+x gtminstall if ((aix == ${osname}) || ((linux == ${osname}) && (i686 == "$arch"))) then find . -type d -exec chmod go-w {} \; else find . -type d -exec chmod a-w {} \; endif # use 40535 for owner and group find . -exec chown 40535:40535 {} \; echo "" echo "Creating $dist_file" if (("hpux" == ${osname})) then $package $dist_file . >& /dev/null else $package $dist_file . || exit 10 endif echo "" echo "Gzipping $dist_file" gzip $dist_file || exit 11 if ("$GNU_COPYING_license" != "") then echo "" echo "Creating distribution for open source (includes GNU License)" echo "" echo "Copying $GNU_COPYING_license to $cwd" /bin/cp $GNU_COPYING_license . || exit 8 chown 40535:40535 COPYING set dist_file="${opensource_dist}/${dist_prefix}_${image}.${package_ext}" echo "" echo "Creating $dist_file" $package $dist_file . || exit 10 echo "" echo "Gzipping $dist_file" gzip $dist_file || exit 11 rm -f COPYING || exit 9 endif end echo "" # create src tar only for linux and tru64 if ("$GNU_COPYING_license" != "") then cd ${opensource_dist} if ("$OPENSOURCE_build_README" != "") then echo "Creating source distribution for Opensource including $GNU_COPYING_license:t and $OPENSOURCE_build_README:t" else echo "Creating source distribution for Opensource including $GNU_COPYING_license:t" endif echo "" # tar only the directories in ${liblist} set liblist = "" foreach libdir ($lib_specific) set liblist = "$liblist $libdir:t" end echo "" set src_tar="${opensource_dist}/${dist_prefix}_src.${package_ext}" echo "Creating $src_tar" echo "Copy in the original sources from ${version}" mkdir ${version} cp -r $lib_specific ./${version}/ # comlist.mk builds fail on newer 32bit versions of RHEL6 and Ubuntu # 12.04 due to a bad interaction between the deprecated -I- option and # GCC. See mails with the subject: # [GTM-6465] [cmake] #include "" vs #include <> # Keep in sync with test/manually_start/u_inref/makebuild.csh echo "Massage the source files so that we can build on i386 Linux and other platforms without -I-" set hdrlist="emit_code_sp.h|rtnhdr.h|auto_zlink.h|make_mode_sp.h|auto_zlink_sp.h|emit_code.h|mdefsp.h|incr_link_sp.h|gtm_mtio.h|obj_filesp.h|zbreaksp.h|gtm_registers.h|opcode_def.h" #BYPASSOK line length set sedlist=${hdrlist:as/|/ /:as/ /\|/} # fixing for use with SED requires some contortions - replace | with space and then space with \| grep -rlE "#include .(${hdrlist})." sr_* > changefiles.list foreach file (`cat changefiles.list`) set orig=${file:h}/.${file:t} mv ${file} {$orig} sed "s/#include .\(${sedlist}\)./#include <\1>/g" ${orig} > ${file} diff -u ${orig} ${file} rm ${orig} end echo "Copy in the generated files" set srdir = sr_${arch:s/i686/i386/:s/x8664/x86_64/} cp ${gtm_ver}/src/ttt.c ${gtm_ver}/src/*_ctl.c ${gtm_ver}/inc/merrors_ansi.h ./$version/$srdir/ || exit 10 echo "Packaging the source from $version" cd $version || exit 10 # Linux uses CMakeLists.txt, tru64 uses comlist.mk if ("linux" == "$osname") then # this lets the build override $cms_ver/sr_unix/CMakeLists.txt sed "s/GTM_RELEASE_VERSION/${releasever}/" ${gtm_ver}/tools/CMakeLists.txt > CMakeLists.txt || exit 10 set liblist = "$liblist CMakeLists.txt" endif find . -exec chown 40535:40535 {} \; $package $src_tar $liblist || exit 10 cd ${opensource_dist} rm -rf ./$version echo "Package the license and readme files" cd $gtm_com || exit 10 if ("$OPENSOURCE_build_README" != "") then $repackage $src_tar $GNU_COPYING_license:t $OPENSOURCE_build_README:t || exit 10 else $repackage $src_tar $GNU_COPYING_license:t $readme_txt:t || exit 10 endif echo "" echo "Gzipping $src_tar" gzip $src_tar || exit 11 echo "" if ("$OPENSOURCE_build_README" != "") then cat << EOF_MK ############################################################################ !!!!! TEST THE MAKEFILE !!!!! First untar the opensource files in a directory: mkdir ${opensource_dist}/build cd ${opensource_dist}/build tar zxvf $src_tar Then follow the instructions from $gtm_com/README: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- `cat $gtm_com/README` ############################################################################ EOF_MK endif endif find $dist -type f -exec chmod 444 {} \; find $dist -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; chown -R library:gtc $dist echo "Files in $dist" /bin/ls -lR $dist echo "" set leavedir = 0 set kitver = ${gtm_ver:t:s/V//} if ($testinstall) then echo "" echo "Testing installation" echo "" echo "Creating $install" mkdir ${install} || exit 12 foreach image ($imagetype) echo "" echo "Testing installation for $image" cd ${tmp_dist}/${image} || exit 13 # V54000 introduced tests for installation validity. The post v54000(includes it) creates an installation # for comparison using gtm_compare_build.csh later, but this is based on a restricted group # installation. We now include an unrestricted group installation into the "${install}/defgroup" directory # for automated testing later. This will also verify the correct gtmsecshr permissions for both types # of installation. We answer "n" to the last question to remove files since we need them for the # restricted build. # V54002 now asks for an installation group (newline entered for default) so response needs one more # blank line for default group # V54003 now asks whether or not to retain .o files if libgtmutil.so is created # We answer "y" to this question # If libgtmutil.so is not created(on i686) this question is not asked if ("$osname" != "osf1") then if ("$osname" == "linux" && "$arch" == "i686") then sh ./configure << CONFIGURE_EOF n ${install}/defgroup/${image} y y n n n CONFIGURE_EOF else sh ./configure << CONFIGURE_EOF n ${install}/defgroup/${image} y y n n y n CONFIGURE_EOF endif else sh ./configure << CONFIGURE_EOF n ${install}/defgroup/${image} y n y n CONFIGURE_EOF endif # We need for root to be a member of the restricted group. It is a member of the "root" group # for all linux OS and it is a member of "lp" for all others except osf1 where it is "vboxusers" if("$osname" == "linux") then setenv rootgroup "root" else if ("$osname" != "osf1") then setenv rootgroup "lp" else setenv rootgroup "vboxusers" endif # V54002 now asks for an installation group before the restricted group question so response is # reversed from V54000 # V54003 now asks whether or not to retain .o files if libgtmutil.so is created # We answer "y" to this question # If libgtmutil.so is not created(on i686) this question is not asked if("$osname" != "osf1") then if ("$osname" == "linux" && "$arch" == "i686") then sh ./configure << CONFIGURE_EOF $rootgroup y ${install}/${image} y y n n y CONFIGURE_EOF else sh ./configure << CONFIGURE_EOF $rootgroup y ${install}/${image} y y n n y y CONFIGURE_EOF endif else sh ./configure << CONFIGURE_EOF $rootgroup y ${install}/${image} y n y y CONFIGURE_EOF endif # exit if the installation of the image failed if ($status) then echo "" echo "Installation of $image failed; configure returned error" exit 14 endif if ("`/bin/ls`" != "") then echo "" echo "Installation of $image failed; leftover files in ${tmp_dist}/${image}" /bin/ls -l exit 15 endif # compare the files and directories in the installation to those in the build if ("pro" == ${image}) then # create the build.dir. Only have to do it once cd $gtm_ver || exit 14 if ((${osname} != linux) && (${osname} != solaris)) echo pro: > ${tmp_dist}/build.dir ls -lR pro >> ${tmp_dist}/build.dir if (aix == ${osname}) then cat ${tmp_dist}/build.dir | \ awk '$0 == "pro/gtmsecshrdir:" {printf "\n%s\n", $0} $0 != "pro/gtmsecshrdir:" {printf "%s\n", $0}' > ${tmp_dist}/tbuild.dir mv ${tmp_dist}/tbuild.dir ${tmp_dist}/build.dir endif # make a defgroup directory under ${tmp_dist} and copy in the build.dir for use in # first iteration of the while loop mkdir ${tmp_dist}/defgroup cp ${tmp_dist}/build.dir ${tmp_dist}/defgroup set defgroup = "defgroup" @ both = 0 while (2 > $both) # create the install.dir from both installations cd ${install}/$defgroup if ((${osname} != linux) && (${osname} != solaris)) echo pro: > ${tmp_dist}/$defgroup/install.dir ls -lR pro >> ${tmp_dist}/$defgroup/install.dir if (aix == ${osname}) then cat ${tmp_dist}/$defgroup/install.dir | \ awk '$0 == "pro/gtmsecshrdir:" {printf "\n%s\n", $0} $0 != "pro/gtmsecshrdir:" {printf "%s\n", $0}' > \ ${tmp_dist}/$defgroup/tinstall.dir mv ${tmp_dist}/$defgroup/tinstall.dir ${tmp_dist}/$defgroup/install.dir endif cd ${tmp_dist}/${image} set comp="$gtm_tools/gtm_compare_dir.csh ${install} ${tmp_dist}/$defgroup $gtm_tools/bdelete.txt" if (("linux" == ${osname}) && ("i686" == ${arch})) then $comp $gtm_tools/linuxi686_badd.txt $gtm_tools/bdeldir.txt ${osname} set teststat = $status else if (("hpux" == ${osname}) && ("parisc" == ${arch})) then $comp $gtm_tools/hpuxparisc_badd.txt $gtm_tools/hpuxparisc_bdeldir.txt ${osname} set teststat = $status else if (("hpux" == ${osname}) && ("ia64" == ${arch})) then $comp $gtm_tools/hpuxia64_badd.txt $gtm_tools/bdeldir.txt ${osname} set teststat = $status else if (("osf1" == ${osname}) && ("alpha" == ${arch})) then $comp $gtm_tools/osf1alpha_badd.txt $gtm_tools/hpuxparisc_bdeldir.txt ${osname} set teststat = $status else $comp $gtm_tools/badd.txt $gtm_tools/bdeldir.txt ${osname} set teststat = $status endif if ($teststat) then echo "" echo "Comparison of build and install directories failed." echo "Look in ${tmp_dist}/$defgroup/dircompare/diff.out" exit 16 endif # to simplify the code to do the gtm_compare_dir.csh for both restricted and unrestricted group # installations in a loop, we set defgroup to null for the second pass. This takes advantage of # the unix/linux path interpretation where dir//subdir is the same as dir/subdir set defgroup = "" @ both = $both + 1 end endif # test the default group installation $gtm_tools/gtm_test_install.csh ${install}/defgroup/${image} set teststat = $status echo "" echo "" if (! $teststat) then echo "Test of installation for default group ${version}/defgroup/${image} PASSED" else echo "Test of installation for default group ${version}/defgroup/${image} FAILED" set leavedir = 1 endif # test the group restricted installation $gtm_tools/gtm_test_install.csh ${install}/${image} set teststat = $status echo "" echo "" if (! $teststat) then echo "Test of installation for group restricted ${version}/${image} PASSED" else echo "Test of installation for group restriced ${version}/${image} FAILED" set leavedir = 1 endif end endif cd $gtm_ver || exit 16 if (! $leavedir) then echo "" echo "Removing temporary directories" echo "" echo "" /bin/rm -rf ${tmp_dist} ${install} exit 0 endif echo "" echo "Distribution creation/testing failed. Leaving directories ${tmp_dist} ${install}" exit 17