
57 lines
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; ;
; Copyright 2001, 2004 Sanchez Computer Associates, Inc. ;
; ;
; This source code contains the intellectual property ;
; of its copyright holder(s), and is made available ;
; under a license. If you do not know the terms of ;
; the license, please stop and do not read further. ;
; ;
%gbldef ; ; ;Global Collation Control
n $et
s $et="g error"
i '$$edit(.gname) q 0
i "BGMM"'[$v("GVACCESS_METHOD",$v("REGION",gname)) zm 150376418:$v("REGION",gname); DBREMOTE
i $d(@gname) zm 150373626 ;Error if there is data in the global
s @gname="" k @gname ;make sure that the global is defined
s gname=$e(gname,2,32) ;remove circumflex, take at most 31 chars
v "YDIRTVAL":$e($v("YDIRTREE",gname),1,4),"YDIRTREE":gname
q 1
n ver,$et
s $et="g error"
i '$$edit(.gname) q 0
i "BGMM"'[$v("GVACCESS_METHOD",$v("REGION",gname)) zm 150376418:$v("REGION",gname); DBREMOTE
i $d(@gname) zm 150373626 ;Error if there is data in the global
s act=+$g(act),nct=+$g(nct) s:nct nct=1
i (act>255)!(act<0) zm 150374290:act ; collation type specified is illegal
i act s ver=$V("YCOLLATE",act)
e s ver=0
i ver<0 zm 150376282:act ; doesn't find coll type, or can't get version
s @gname="" k @gname ;make sure that the global is defined
s gname=$e(gname,2,32) ;remove circumflex, take at most 31 chars
v "YDIRTVAL":$e($v("YDIRTREE",gname),1,4)_$c(1,nct,act,ver),"YDIRTREE":gname
q 1
n t,tl,$et
s $et="g error"
i '$$edit(.gname) q 0
i "BGMM"'[$v("GVACCESS_METHOD",$v("REGION",gname)) zm 150376418:$v("REGION",gname); DBREMOTE
s t=$e($v("YDIRTREE",$e(gname,2,32)),5,999),tl=$l(t) ;remove circumflex, take at most 31 chars
i tl,tl>4!($a(t,1)'=1) zm 150374058
q $s(tl:$a(t,2)_","_$a(t,3)_","_$a(t,4),1:0)
i $e(gname)'="^" s gname="^"_gname
i $e(gname,2)'="%",$e(gname,2)'?1A zm 150373218 ; LKNAMEXPECTED
i gname'?1"^"1E.AN zm 150373218
q 1
error s $ec=""
q 0