
334 lines
12 KiB

; ;
; Copyright 2005, 2010 Fidelity Information Services, Inc ;
; ;
; This source code contains the intellectual property ;
; of its copyright holder(s), and is made available ;
; under a license. If you do not know the terms of ;
; the license, please stop and do not read further. ;
; ;
; If invoked as "mumps -run v5cbsu", this is the V5 Certify Block Split Utility
; Reads scan phase output file from DBCERTIFY and processes level-0 GVT blocks.
; Rewrites the scan phase output file minus those blocks.
; If invoked as "mumps -run dump^v5cbsu", this is the DBCERTSCAN file dump utility.
; Reads scan phase output file from DBCERTIFY and prints the contents of the
; records that it finds. Does not touch the database or the scan file.
; Only dumps the contents.
; On OpenVMS, "define gtm_v5cbsu dump" to invoke the dump utility.
; On OpenVMS, "define gtm_v5cbsu fix512" to remove zero padding
; which may have been added during dbcertify scan runs on some
; OpenVMS 7.3-1 systems. This produces an output file with a
; suffix of _FIX512 to be used as input to v5cbsu (after
; deassigning gtm_v5cbsu) or dbcertify certify. Both "dump" and
; "fix512" can be specified in the value of gtm_v5cbsu for the same run.
; Note that our input and output files contain binary data in the file and
; record headers. GT.M I/O does not deal with this type of data well so these binary
; stream files are treated as fixed record length files so far as GT.M is concerned
; and we do our own buffering of the read and write IOs. This is basically the same
; approach that GDE uses.
; If additional M utility routines are used by V5CBSU.m, remember
; to modify the section which creates GTMDCBUILD.COM
; and any OpenVMS test system scripts which link V5CBSU.
If ($data(dumpmode)=0) set dumpmode=0
Set p1outfile=$ZCMDLINE
If p1outfile="" Use $P Write "Must specify the name of the SCAN phase output file",! Halt
D init
Do doopen(.p1outfile,readflg)
D readp1hd
If p1tag'=p1tagread Do Quit
. Use $P
. Write "%GTM-E-DBCBADFILE, Source file ",p1outfile
. Write " does not appear to have been generated by DBCERTIFY SCAN - rerun SCAN or specify correct file",!
set quitnow=0
If 'dumpmode&'fix512mode Do If quitnow Quit
. If (0=gvtleafc) Use $P Write "There are no GVT leaf (level 0) blocks to process in this database",! Set quitnow=1 Quit
. If (version="V4.4-004")!(version]"V4.4-004") View "GVDUPSETNOOP":0
. Set dbfname=$View("GVFILE",regnameP)
. If dbfnP'=dbfname Do Quit
. . Use $P
. . Write "Database for region ",regnameP,"(",dbfname,") does not match the recorded name from the scan phase (",dbfnP,")",!
. . Set quitnow=1
. ;
. ; Process the input file. Any records we do not handle are rewritten to tmpfile1.
. ;
. Do doopen(.tmpfile1,writeflg)
. Set outrecs=0,byprecs=0,prorecs=0,releaf=0
If fix512mode Do
. Set tmpfile1=p1outfile_"_FIX512" ; File without zero padding
. Use $P Write "V5CBSU: FIX512 mode, use "_tmpfile1_" for real v5cbsu or dbcertify certify input",!
. Do doopen(.tmpfile1,writeflg)
. Do dowrite(.tmpfile1,p1hdr) ; copy header as is
If dumpmode Do
. Use $P
. Write !!,"Database referenced: ",dbfnP,!
. ;
. ; Process the input file.
. ;
. Write " BlkNum BlkType BlkLevl BlkKey",!!
For rec=1:1:blkcnt Do
. If $TLevel Use $P Zshow "*" Write "V5CBSU - GTMASSERT: $TLEVEL non zero at top of processing loop",! Halt
. Do readp1rc(.p1outfile)
. If dumpmode Do
. . Use $P
. . Write $$FUNC^%DH(blknum,8)," ",blktypes(blktype)," ",$J(blklevl,6)," "
. . If akeylen'=0 Write reckey
. . Write !
. If fix512mode Do
. . Set p1rec=p1rec_reckey
. . Do dowrite(.tmpfile1,p1rec) ; copy record header and key
. If 'dumpmode&'fix512mode Do
. . TStart ():TRANSACTION="BATCH" ; BATCH needed to avoid hardening wait in case of journaling
. . Set processed=0
. . If ""'=reckey Do
. . . Set exist=$DATA(@reckey)
. . . If (1=exist)!(11=exist) Set value=$Get(@reckey) Set @reckey=value Set processed=1
. . TCommit
. . If processed=1 Set prorecs=prorecs+1
. . Else Do
. . . If ""'=reckey Set byprecs=byprecs+1 Set p1rec=p1rec_reckey
. . . Do dowrite(.tmpfile1,p1rec)
. . . Set outrecs=outrecs+1
. . . If gvtleaf=blktype Set releaf=releaf+1 ; This is a leaf block we did not process
; If in dump mode, close input file and we are done.
; If in fix512 mode, close input and output file and we are done.
; If in regular mode, close input and output file. Also open new output file
; that will include the fileheader with the correct record count
Do doclose(.p1outfile)
If dumpmode&'fix512mode quit
Do doclose(.tmpfile1)
If fix512mode Quit
Set newp1hdr=p1tag_$$num2bin(hdrtn)_$$num2bin(outrecs)_$$num2bin(totblks)_$$num2bin(dtleafc)_$$num2bin(dtindxc)
Set newp1hdr=newp1hdr_$$num2bin(releaf)_$$num2bin(gvtindxc)_regname_$Char(0)_dbfn_$Char(0)_$$num2bin(uidlen)_uniqueid
Set $Piece(hdrpad,$C(0),33-$Length(uniqueid)+filBufSz-360)="" ; create zero padding of correct length to fill fixed size hdr
Set newp1hdr=newp1hdr_hdrpad
If $Length(newp1hdr)'=p1hdrlen Do
. Use $P
. Zshow "*"
. Write "V5CBSU - GTMASSERT: New fileheader not expected size. Size is ",$Length(newp1hdr)," - Expecting ",p1hdrlen,!
. Halt
Do doopen(.tmpfile1,readflg)
Do doopen(.tmpfile2,writeflg)
Do dowrite(.tmpfile2,newp1hdr)
For recs=1:1:outrecs Do
. Do readp1rc(.tmpfile1)
. If ""'=reckey Set p1rec=p1rec_reckey
. Do dowrite(.tmpfile2,p1rec)
; New version of dbcertp1 file is written to tmpfile2. Close both files and effect the proper name change.
Do doclose(.tmpfile1)
Do doclose(.tmpfile2)
If VMS Set rename="RENAME" Set renamever=";" Set delete="DELETE" Set delver=".*"
Else Set rename="mv" Set renamever="" Set delete="rm -f" Set delver=""
If 'VMS ZSystem delete_" "_p1outfile_"_orig" ; in VMS multiple versions would be automatically created
ZSystem rename_" "_p1outfile_renamever_" "_p1outfile_"_orig"_renamever
ZSystem rename_" "_tmpfile2_renamever_" "_p1outfile_renamever
ZSystem delete_" "_tmpfile1_delver
Use $P
Write "Scan phase records read: ",blkcnt,!
Write "Scan phase records bypassed: ",byprecs,!
Write "Scan phase records processed: ",prorecs,!
Write "Scan phase records left: ",outrecs,!
; Entry point for DUMP mode operation (dump contents of scan file)
dump ;
set dumpmode=1
Do v5cbsu
; Read in scan phase file header
Set p1hdr=$$doread(.p1outfile,p1hdrlen)
Set p1tagread=$Extract(p1hdr,1,8)
Set hdrtn=$$bin2num($Extract(p1hdr,9,12))
Set blkcnt=$$bin2num($Extract(p1hdr,13,16))
Set totblks=$$bin2num($Extract(p1hdr,17,20))
Set dtleafc=$$bin2num($Extract(p1hdr,21,24))
Set dtindxc=$$bin2num($Extract(p1hdr,25,28))
Set gvtleafc=$$bin2num($Extract(p1hdr,29,32))
Set gvtindxc=$$bin2num($Extract(p1hdr,33,36))
Set regname=$Extract(p1hdr,37,67)
; 1 byte of filler we don't care about
Set dbfn=$Extract(p1hdr,69,323)
; 1 byte of filler we don't care about
Set uidlen=$$bin2num($Extract(p1hdr,325,328))
; Size of field varys (by platform) length unique id fields (we don't process them)
Set uniqueid=$Extract(p1hdr,329,329+uidlen-1)
; Eliminate trailing nulls
Set regnameP=$Piece(regname,$Char(0),1)
Set dbfnP=$Piece(dbfn,$Char(0),1)
; Now that we have a region name, define our temps with regname embedded
Set tmpfile1="dbcertp1"_regnameP_".tmp1"
Set tmpfile2="dbcertp1"_regnameP_".tmp2"
; Read in scan phase record (fixed size with optional varying length ascii key following)
Set p1rec=$$doread(.outfile,p1reclen)
Set tn=$$bin2num($Extract(p1rec,1,4))
Set blknum=$$bin2num($Extract(p1rec,5,8))
Set blktype=$$bin2num($Extract(p1rec,9,12))
Set blklevl=$$bin2num($Extract(p1rec,13,16))
Set akeylen=$$bin2num($Extract(p1rec,17,20))
If fix512mode Do
. Set padnum=filBufSz-p1reclen
. Set nulls=$$doread(.outfile,padnum)
. If $Length(nulls,$Char(0))'=(padnum+1) Do
. . Use $P ZShow "*"
. . Write "V5CSBU - GTMASSERT: FIX512: No padding when expected after record header",!
. . Halt
If (blktype=gvtleaf)&(0'=akeylen) Do
. Set reckey=$$doread(.outfile,akeylen)
. If fix512mode Do
. . Set padnum=filBufSz-akeylen
. . Set nulls=$$doread(.outfile,padnum)
. . If $Length(nulls,$Char(0))'=(padnum+1) Do
. . . Use $P ZShow "*"
. . . Write "V5CSBU - GTMASSERT: FIX512: No padding when expected after key",!
. . . Halt
Else Do
. Set reckey=""
. If (0'=akeylen) do
. . Use $P ZShow "*"
. . Write "V5CBSU - GTMASSERT: Error with non-zero akeylen for non-gvtleaf record",!
. . Halt
; Open given file (1st arg MUST be passed by refence) in read or write mode according to flag. Record flag
; in file(1) so close knows whether to flush buffer or not. Buffer for this file is kept in file(2)
Set file(1)=readflag
new chsetstr
set chsetstr=$SELECT($ZV["OS390":":chset=""BINARY""",1:"")
If readflag Open file:@("(Readonly:Fixed"_chsetstr_":RecordSize="_filBufSz_":Blocksize="_filBufSz_")")
Else Open file:@("(New:Fixed"_chsetstr_":RecordSize="_filBufSz_":Blocksize="_filBufSz_")")
Set file(2)="" ; Buffer for this file
; Read given length from given file. Buffer is kept in file(2). We are rebuffering filBufSz byte fixed records
; at the real IO level for the reasons described in the module header.
New rec,br
; A record with ZWR format key can be very long indeed so read more than enough blocks to cover that
; possibility. The max is higher than needs to be but satisfies criteria of not leaving the loop unbounded.
For br=1:1:mxzwrxpr Quit:$Length(file(2))'<len Do
. Use file
. Read rec#filBufSz
. Set file(2)=file(2)_rec
If br'<10 Use $P Zshow "*" Write !!,"V5CBSU - GTMASSERT: Read length exceeds buffer length",! Halt
Set rec=$Extract(file(2),1,len)
Set file(2)=$Extract(file(2),len+1,mxrecsln)
Quit rec
; Write data to given file. If length of buffer (in file(2)) does not exceed filBufSz bytes
; after the write, no real write is made.
New rec
Set file(2)=file(2)_data
If ($Length(file(2))<filBufSz) Quit ; Return
; Write filBufSz byte chunk of data
Use file
Set rec=$Extract(file(2),1,filBufSz)
Write rec
Set file(2)=$Extract(file(2),513,mxrecsln)
; Close given file and flush its output buffer if necessary
If writeflg=file(1) Do
. ; File was opened for write so flush buffer before we close file
. Use file
. Write file(2)
Close file
; Initialize arrays and such we will be using
Set TRUE=1
Set readflg=1
Set writeflg=0
Set endian("AXP")=FALSE
Set endian("x86")=FALSE
Set endian("x86_64")=FALSE
Set endian("HP-PA")=TRUE
Set endian("IA64/B")=TRUE
Set endian("IA64/L")=FALSE
Set endian("SPARC")=TRUE
Set endian("RS6000")=TRUE
Set endian("S390")=TRUE
Set endian("S390X")=TRUE
Set endian=endian($Piece($ZVersion," ",4))
Set HEX(0)=1
For x=1:1:8 Set HEX(x)=HEX(x-1)*16
Set VMS=$ZVersion["VMS"
Set gvtleaf=5 ; gdsblk_gvtleaf - defined in dbcertify.h
Set blktypes(1)="GVT-Generic"
Set blktypes(2)="DT-Generic "
Set blktypes(3)="GVT-Root "
Set blktypes(4)="GVT-Index "
Set blktypes(5)="GVT-Leaf "
Set blktypes(6)="DT-Root "
Set blktypes(7)="DT-Index "
Set blktypes(8)="DT-Leaf "
Set blktypes(9)="Bitmap "
Set version=$Piece($ZVersion," ",2)
Set p1hdrlen=512 ; p1hdr struct defined in dbcertify.h
Set p1reclen=20 ; p1rec struct defined in dbcertify.h
Set p1tag="GTMDBC01" ; P1HDR_TAG define in dbcertify.h
Set filBufSz=p1hdrlen ; Real IO is done at this buffer size. Should coicide with size of header
Set mxzwrxpr=10 ; MAX_ZWR_EXP_RATIO - key can (in actuality) be much larger when using $C() notation
Set mxrecsln=filBufSz*mxzwrxpr ; Rather than use 99999 for max rec len, use blocksize * MAX_ZWR_EXP_RATIO
If ($data(fix512mode)=0) Set fix512mode=0 ; Flag to fixup OpenVMS 7.3-1 CRTL problem
. Set vmsflags=$ZTRNLNM("GTM_V5CBSU")
. Set vmsflags=$$FUNC^%UCASE(vmsflags)
. If vmsflags["FIX512" Set fix512mode=1
. If vmsflags["DUMP" Set dumpmode=1
; Conversion routine - binary number from file to GT.M usable number
New num,i
Set num=0
If endian=TRUE For i=$l(bin):-1:1 Set num=$Ascii(bin,i)*HEX($Length(bin)-i*2)+num
Else For i=1:1:$l(bin) Set num=$Ascii(bin,i)*HEX(i-1*2)+num
Quit num
; Conversion routine - GT.M number to binary (4 byte) number for file
If endian=TRUE Quit $Char(num/16777216,num/65536#256,num/256#256,num#256)
Quit $Char(num#256,num/256#256,num/65536#256,num/16777216)