
353 lines
11 KiB

* *
* Copyright 2001, 2011 Fidelity Information Services, Inc *
* *
* This source code contains the intellectual property *
* of its copyright holder(s), and is made available *
* under a license. If you do not know the terms of *
* the license, please stop and do not read further. *
* *
#include "mdef.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gtm_string.h"
#include "gtm_fcntl.h"
#include "gtm_unistd.h"
#include "gtm_stat.h"
#include "gtm_stdio.h"
#include <rtnhdr.h>
#include "zroutines.h"
#include "compiler.h"
#include "srcline.h"
#include "gtmio.h"
#include "eintr_wrappers.h"
#include "op.h"
#include "zbreak.h"
#include "hashtab_mname.h"
# include "gdsroot.h"
# include "gtm_facility.h"
# include "fileinfo.h"
# include "gdsbt.h"
# include "gdsfhead.h"
# include "gv_trigger.h"
# include "cdb_sc.h"
# include "t_retry.h"
# include "trigger_source_read_andor_verify.h"
#define RT_TBL_SZ 20
GBLREF uint4 dollar_tlevel;
GBLREF unsigned int t_tries;
LITDEF char litconst_space = ' ';
int get_src_line(mval *routine, mval *label, int offset, mstr **srcret, boolean_t verifytrig)
int srcrecs, *lt_ptr, size, line_indx, srcfilnamlen;
uint4 checksum;
boolean_t found, added, eof_seen, srcstat;
mstr src;
rhdtyp *rtn_vector;
zro_ent *srcdir;
mstr *base, *current, *top;
char buff[MAX_SRCLINE], *cptr, *srcfile_name;
char srcnamebuf[SIZEOF(mident_fixed) + STR_LIT_LEN(DOTM)];
ht_ent_mname *tabent;
var_tabent rtnent;
routine_source *src_tbl;
int rc, fclose_res;
char *fgets_rc;
FILE *fp;
struct stat srcfile_stat;
off_t srcsize;
unsigned char *srcptr, *srcptr_max, *srcstart;
boolean_t is_trigger;
# endif
srcstat = 0;
*srcret = NULL;
if (NULL == (TREF(rt_name_tbl)).base)
init_hashtab_mname(TADR(rt_name_tbl), RT_TBL_SZ, HASHTAB_COMPACT, HASHTAB_SPARE_TABLE);
assert (routine->mvtype & MV_STR);
/* The source to be loaded can be of two types:
* 1. Normal routine source to be looked up on disk
* 2. Trigger source located in a database.
* Determine which source we need.
GTMTRIG_ONLY(IS_TRIGGER_RTN(&routine->str, is_trigger));
/* Need source on a trigger. Get trigger source loaded and/or verified which may involve
* creating a TP fence and dealing with TP restarts.
if (is_trigger)
{ /* ZPRINT wants a consistent view of triggers across multiple calls so it bypasses verification
* after the first call. In this case, the trigger had better be found since the first call found it.
if (verifytrig)
rc = trigger_source_read_andor_verify(&routine->str, TRIGGER_SRC_LOAD);
if (0 != rc)
rtn_vector = find_rtn_hdr(&routine->str); /* Trigger routine should be loaded now */
if (NULL == rtn_vector)
assert(verifytrig); /* Noverify trig should always be found */
return SRCNOTAVAIL; /* Could happen if trigger name got modified or uniqueified */
} else
# endif
if (NULL == (rtn_vector = find_rtn_hdr(&routine->str))) /* Note assignment */
op_zlink(routine, NULL);
rtn_vector = find_rtn_hdr(&routine->str);
if (NULL == rtn_vector)
if (!rtn_vector->src_full_name.len)
rtnent.var_name = rtn_vector->routine_name;
added = add_hashtab_mname(TADR(rt_name_tbl), &rtnent, NULL, &tabent);
src_tbl = (routine_source *)tabent->value;
if (added || (NULL == tabent->value))
checksum = 0;
if (is_trigger)
srcstart = (unsigned char *)((gv_trigger_t *)rtn_vector->trigr_handle)->xecute_str.str.addr;
srcsize = ((gv_trigger_t *)rtn_vector->trigr_handle)->xecute_str.str.len;
assert(0 < srcsize);
assert(NULL != srcstart);
srcrecs = (int)rtn_vector->lnrtab_len;
/* Allocate the array to hold the mstr array pointing to the src lines. */
src_tbl = (routine_source *)malloc(SIZEOF(routine_source) + ((srcrecs - 1) * SIZEOF(mstr)));
src_tbl->srcbuff = srcstart;
src_tbl->srcrecs = srcrecs;
/* Remove the source buffer from the trigger descriptor so nobody frees it inappropriately */
((gv_trigger_t *)rtn_vector->trigr_handle)->xecute_str.str.len = 0;
((gv_trigger_t *)rtn_vector->trigr_handle)->xecute_str.str.addr = NULL;
/* Parse code setting the mstrs for each line encountered */
srcptr = srcstart;
srcptr_max = srcptr + srcsize;
for (current = (src_tbl->srclines + 1), top = current + (srcrecs - 1); current < top; current++)
assert(srcptr < srcptr_max);
current->addr = (char *)srcstart;
/* Find end of this record */
for (; (srcptr < srcptr_max) && ('\n' != *srcptr); srcptr++)
if (0 != (size = (srcptr - (unsigned char *)current->addr))) /* note assignment */
{ /* Do checksum computation plus set length */
RTN_SRC_CHKSUM((char *)srcstart, size, checksum);
current->len = size;
} else
{ /* Null record - point to a single space for the record */
current->addr = (char *)&litconst_space;
current->len = 1;
srcptr++; /* Skip line end char */
srcstart = srcptr;
if (checksum != rtn_vector->checksum)
{ /* Should never happen with a trigger unless it ran into some restartable concurrency
* issues. Assert we can restart and do it.
if (0 < dollar_tlevel)
assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
} else
} else
# endif
srcfile_name = malloc(rtn_vector->src_full_name.len + 1);
memcpy(srcfile_name, rtn_vector->src_full_name.addr, rtn_vector->src_full_name.len);
*(srcfile_name + rtn_vector->src_full_name.len) = 0; /* ensure string is null terminated */
/* At this point, it is not clear if Fopen will handle zos tagging correctly in all cases.
* especially when tagged with other than ISO8859-1 or IBM-1047. When we resurrect the zOS
* platform, we need to test this out.
fp = Fopen(srcfile_name, "r");
if (NULL == fp)
srcfile_name = NULL;
srcfilnamlen = (int)rtn_vector->routine_name.len;
memcpy(srcnamebuf, rtn_vector->routine_name.addr, srcfilnamlen);
if (srcnamebuf[0] == '%') /* percents are translated to _ on filenames */
srcnamebuf[0] = '_';
MEMCPY_LIT(&srcnamebuf[srcfilnamlen], DOTM);
src.addr = srcnamebuf;
src.len = INTCAST(srcfilnamlen + STR_LIT_LEN(DOTM));
zro_search (0, 0, &src, &srcdir, TRUE);
if (srcdir)
srcfile_name = malloc(src.len + srcdir->str.len + 2);
memcpy(srcfile_name, srcdir->str.addr, srcdir->str.len);
cptr = srcfile_name + srcdir->str.len;
*cptr++ = '/';
memcpy(cptr, src.addr, src.len);
cptr += src.len;
*cptr++ = 0;
fp = Fopen(srcfile_name, "r");
if (NULL == fp)
rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) errno);
found = TRUE;
} else
found = FALSE;
} else
found = TRUE;
if (!found)
srcstat |= SRCNOTFND;
srcrecs = 0;
srcsize = 0;
} else
srcrecs = (int)rtn_vector->lnrtab_len;
/* Find out how big the file is so we can allocate the memory in one shot */
if ((NULL != fp) && !(srcstat & (SRCNOTFND | SRCNOTAVAIL)))
rc = stat(srcfile_name, &srcfile_stat);
if (0 != rc)
rts_error(VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_SYSCALL, 5, LEN_AND_LIT("stat"), CALLFROM, rc);
srcsize = srcfile_stat.st_size;
} else
srcsize = 0;
if (NULL != srcfile_name)
assert((found && srcrecs >= 1) || (srcrecs == 0));
/* Allocate source mstr structure. Since structure has one mstr in it, allocate one less.
* Note, the size we get from lnrtab_len has an extra [0] origin entry in the total. This
* entry is not used in the source array for direct referencing ease.
src_tbl = (routine_source *)malloc(SIZEOF(routine_source) + ((srcrecs - 1) * SIZEOF(mstr)));
src_tbl->srcbuff = (0 < srcsize) ? malloc(srcsize) : NULL;
base = src_tbl->srclines;
srcptr = src_tbl->srcbuff;
DEBUG_ONLY(srcptr_max = srcptr + srcsize);
src_tbl->srcrecs = srcrecs;
eof_seen = FALSE;
for (current = base + 1, top = base + srcrecs ; current < top ; current++)
assert(found && (NULL != fp));
if (!eof_seen)
FGETS(buff, MAX_SRCLINE, fp, fgets_rc);
if (NULL == fgets_rc)
if (ferror(fp))
FCLOSE(fp, fclose_res);
rts_error(VARLSTCNT(3) ERR_TXTSRCFMT, 0, errno);
} else
eof_seen = TRUE;
size = 0;
} else
size = (int)STRLEN(buff);
/* Strip trailing '\n' if any (if at least one byte was read in) */
if (size && ('\n' == buff[size - 1]))
} else /* eof seen; nothing more to read in file */
size = 0;
if (size)
{ /* Calculate checksum to verify with loaded routine */
RTN_SRC_CHKSUM(buff, size, checksum);
assert(NULL != srcptr);
assert((srcptr + size) <= srcptr_max);
current->len = size;
current->addr = (char *)srcptr;
memcpy(srcptr, buff, size);
srcptr += size;
} else
current->addr = (char *)&litconst_space;
current->len = 1;
if (found)
*base = *(base + 1);
/* Ensure we have reached the end of the source file. If not, we need to issue a CHECKSUMFAIL
* error. Most often the !eof_seen part of the check is not needed since the checksums will not
* match. But if it so happens that the checksums do match, then this extra check helps us
* correctly identify a TXTSRCMAT error.
if (!eof_seen)
FGETS(buff, MAX_SRCLINE, fp, fgets_rc);
if ((NULL == fgets_rc) && !ferror(fp))
eof_seen = TRUE;
if (!eof_seen || (checksum != rtn_vector->checksum))
srcstat |= CHECKSUMFAIL;
FCLOSE(fp, fclose_res);
src_tbl->srcstat = srcstat;
tabent->value = (char *)src_tbl;
} else
srcstat |= src_tbl->srcstat;
lt_ptr = (int *)find_line_addr(rtn_vector, &label->str, 0, NULL);
if (!lt_ptr)
else if (!(srcstat & (SRCNOTFND | SRCNOTAVAIL)))
line_indx = (int)(lt_ptr - (int *)LNRTAB_ADR(rtn_vector));
line_indx += offset;
if (line_indx == 0)
srcstat |= ZEROLINE;
else if (line_indx < 0)
srcstat |= NEGATIVELINE;
else if (line_indx >= rtn_vector->lnrtab_len)
else /* successfully located line */
*srcret = &src_tbl->srclines[line_indx];
/* DBGFPF((stderr, "get_src_line: returning string %.*s\n", (*srcret)->len, (*srcret)->addr)); */
return srcstat;