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! Copyright 2001, 2009 Fidelity Information Services, Inc !
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.TITLE CMIERRORS Error Messages for CMI ,GT.CM
DCNINPROG <Attempt to initiate operation while disconnect was in progress>/fatal/fao=0
LNKNOTIDLE <Attempt to initiate operation before previous operation completed>/fatal/fao=0
ASSERT <Assert failed !AD line !UL>/error/fao=3
CMICHECK <Internal CMI error. Report to your GT.M Support Channel.>/fatal/fao=0
NETFAIL <Failure of Net operation>/error/fao=0
BADPORT <Environment variable GTCM_TCP_PORT is not an integer>/error/fao=0
NOTND <tnd argument to cmi_init is NULL>/fatal/fao=0
OVERRUN <mbf argument in CLB is not large enough for packet>/error/fao=0
NOSERVENT <Sevices data lookup failure>/error/fao=0
BADIPADDRPORT <Bad specification of [ip address:port] in tnd>/error/fao=0
REASON_CONNECT <Incoming connection>/error/fao=0
REASON_INTMSG <Incoming urgent data>/error/fao=0
REASON_DISCON <Disconnect encountered>/error/fao=0
REASON_ABORT <Link aborted>/error/fao=0
REASON_EXIT <Exit>/error/fao=0
REASON_PATHLOST <Network path lost>/error/fao=0
REASON_PROTOCOL <Protocol error>/error/fao=0
REASON_THIRDPARTY <Thirdparty error>/error/fao=0
REASON_TIMEOUT <Network timeout>/error/fao=0
REASON_NETSHUT <Shutdown received>/error/fao=0
REASON_REJECT <Connection rejected>/error/fao=0
REASON_IODONE <I/O done>/error/fao=0
REASON_OVERRUN <Input overran buffer>/error/fao=0
REASON_STATUS <Status>/error/fao=0
REASON_CONFIRM <Confirm>/error/fao=0