665 lines
28 KiB
665 lines
28 KiB
* *
* Copyright 2001, 2011 Fidelity Information Services, Inc *
* *
* This source code contains the intellectual property *
* of its copyright holder(s), and is made available *
* under a license. If you do not know the terms of *
* the license, please stop and do not read further. *
* *
#include "mdef.h"
#include "gtm_string.h"
#ifdef VMS
#include <descrip.h>
#include "gdsroot.h"
#include "gdsblk.h"
#include "gdskill.h"
#include "gtm_facility.h"
#include "fileinfo.h"
#include "gdsbt.h"
#include "gdsfhead.h"
#include "filestruct.h"
#include "gdscc.h"
#include "cdb_sc.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "iosp.h" /* for declaration of SS_NORMAL */
#include "jnl.h"
#include "rtnhdr.h"
#include "mv_stent.h"
#include "stack_frame.h"
#include "hashtab_int4.h" /* needed for tp.h */
#include "buddy_list.h" /* needed for tp.h */
#include "tp.h"
#include "tp_frame.h"
#include "gtm_stdio.h"
#include "gtm_stdlib.h" /* for ATOI */
#include "send_msg.h"
#include "op.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "targ_alloc.h"
#include "getzposition.h"
#include "wcs_recover.h"
#include "tp_unwind.h"
#include "wcs_backoff.h"
#include "rel_quant.h"
#include "wcs_mm_recover.h"
#include "tp_restart.h"
#include "repl_msg.h" /* for gtmsource.h */
#include "gtmsource.h" /* for jnlpool_addrs structure definition */
#include "wbox_test_init.h"
#include "gtmimagename.h"
#include "gv_trigger.h"
#include "gtm_trigger.h"
GBLDEF int4 tprestart_syslog_limit; /* limit TPRESTARTs */
GBLDEF int4 tprestart_syslog_delta; /* limit TPRESTARTs */
GBLDEF trans_num tp_fail_histtn[CDB_MAX_TRIES], tp_fail_bttn[CDB_MAX_TRIES];
GBLDEF int4 tp_fail_n, tp_fail_level;
GBLDEF int4 n_pvtmods, n_blkmods;
GBLDEF gv_namehead *tp_fail_hist[CDB_MAX_TRIES];
GBLDEF block_id t_fail_hist_blk[CDB_MAX_TRIES];
GBLDEF gd_region *tp_fail_hist_reg[CDB_MAX_TRIES];
GBLREF uint4 dollar_tlevel;
GBLREF uint4 dollar_trestart;
GBLREF int dollar_truth;
GBLREF mval dollar_zgbldir;
GBLREF gd_addr *gd_header;
GBLREF gv_key *gv_currkey;
GBLREF gv_namehead *gv_target;
GBLREF stack_frame *frame_pointer;
GBLREF tp_frame *tp_pointer;
GBLREF sgm_info *sgm_info_ptr;
GBLREF tp_region *tp_reg_list; /* Chained list of regions used in this transaction not cleared on tp_restart */
GBLREF mv_stent *mv_chain;
GBLREF unsigned char *msp, *stackbase, *stacktop, t_fail_hist[CDB_MAX_TRIES];
GBLREF sgm_info *first_sgm_info;
GBLREF unsigned int t_tries;
GBLREF int process_id;
GBLREF gd_region *gv_cur_region;
GBLREF jnlpool_addrs jnlpool;
GBLREF bool caller_id_flag;
GBLREF unsigned char *tpstackbase, *tpstacktop;
GBLREF trans_num local_tn; /* transaction number for THIS PROCESS */
GBLREF sgmnt_addrs *cs_addrs;
GBLREF sgmnt_data_ptr_t cs_data;
GBLREF symval *curr_symval;
GBLREF boolean_t hold_onto_locks;
GBLREF trans_num tstart_local_tn; /* copy of global variable "local_tn" at op_tstart time */
#ifdef VMS
GBLREF struct chf$signal_array *tp_restart_fail_sig;
GBLREF boolean_t tp_restart_fail_sig_used;
GBLREF int tprestart_state; /* When triggers restart, multiple states possible. See tp_restart.h */
GBLREF mval dollar_ztwormhole; /* Previous value (mval) restored on restart */
GBLREF mval dollar_ztslate;
LITREF mval literal_null;
static readonly char gvname_unknown[] = GVNAME_UNKNOWN;
static readonly int4 gvname_unknown_len = STR_LIT_LEN(GVNAME_UNKNOWN);
/* On Unix, there is only one set of the signal info and this error will handily replace it. For VMS,
far more subterfuge is required. We will save the signal information and paramters and overlay the
TPRETRY signal information with it so that the signal will be handled properly. Note also that since
VMS does not support triggers, no special avoidance of the below needs to occur when we are dealing with
a trigger unwind initiated rethrow.
# ifdef VMS
assert(TPRESTART_ARG_CNT >= sig->chf$is_sig_args);
if (NULL == tp_restart_fail_sig)
tp_restart_fail_sig = (struct chf$signal_array *)malloc((TPRESTART_ARG_CNT + 1) * SIZEOF(int));
memcpy(tp_restart_fail_sig, sig, (sig->chf$is_sig_args + 1) * SIZEOF(int));
assert(FALSE == tp_restart_fail_sig_used);
tp_restart_fail_sig_used = TRUE;
# endif
GTMTRIG_ONLY(DBGTRIGR((stderr, "tp_restart_ch: ERROR!! unwinding C frame to return. Error is %d, tprestart_state is %d\n",
arg, tprestart_state)));
/* Note that adding a new rts_error in "tp_restart" might need a change to the INVOKE_RESTART macro in tp.h and
* TPRESTART_ARG_CNT in errorsp.h (sl_vvms). See comment in tp.h for INVOKE_RESTART macro for the details.
int tp_restart(int newlevel, boolean_t handle_errors_internally)
unsigned char *cp;
short top;
unsigned int hist_index;
tp_frame *tf;
mv_stent *mvc;
tp_region *tr;
mval beganHere;
sgmnt_addrs *csa;
int4 num_closed = 0;
boolean_t tp_tend_status;
mstr gvname_mstr, reg_mstr;
gd_region *restart_reg, *reg;
int tprestart_rc;
enum cdb_sc status;
tprestart_rc = 0;
/* Some callers of "tp_restart" want this function to return with an error code instead of issue an rts_error
* if there is an error inside tp_restart. The SIGNAL macro is supposed to reflect the error code in that
* case and the caller handles this error code accordingly after tp_restart returns. For those callers,
* establish the "tp_restart_ch" condition handler to catch all errors. For the remaining callers, any errors
* inside tp_restart will invoke whatever parent condition handler is active at that point.
* The reason why a few callers prefer this inside-tprestart error handling is because they are already a
* condition/error handler (e.g. mdb_condition_handler) when they invoke tp_restart and do not want another
* rts_error to happen inside tp_restart and trigger any other condition/error handlers that can alter the
* flow of control elsewhere until this condition handler returns.
if (handle_errors_internally)
{ /* Currently, the only callers of tp_restart with handle_errors_internally set to TRUE are
* "mdb_condition_handler", "updproc.c" and "mupip_recover.c". All of those have SIGNAL set
* to ERR_TPRETRY so assert that. This is one way of protecting against a new caller of tp_restart
* inadvertently using a TRUE value for "handle_errors_internally". One reason for being paranoid
* about the TRUE usage is for example in gv_trigger.c, if tp_restart is incorrectly invoked with
* TRUE as the second paramter, it will result in indefinite number of cores on a broken database.
* In VMS, SIGNAL can be used only if we are inside a condition handler so do the assert only in Unix.
ESTABLISH_RET(tp_restart_ch, tprestart_rc);
assert(1 == newlevel);
if (!dollar_tlevel)
return 0; /* for the compiler only -- never executed */
# ifdef DEBUG
if (TREF(tp_restart_dont_counts) >= dollar_trestart)
TREF(tp_restart_dont_counts) = dollar_trestart;
# endif
DBGTRIGR((stderr, "tp_restart: Entry state: %d\n", tprestart_state));
if (TPRESTART_STATE_NORMAL == tprestart_state)
{ /* Only do if a normal invocation - otherwise we've already done this code for this TP restart */
# endif
/* Increment restart counts for each region in this transaction */
for (tr = tp_reg_list; NULL != tr; tr = tr->fPtr)
reg = tr->reg;
if (reg->open)
csa = &FILE_INFO(reg)->s_addrs;
switch (dollar_trestart)
case 0:
INCR_GVSTATS_COUNTER(csa, csa->nl, n_tp_tot_retries_0, 1);
case 1:
INCR_GVSTATS_COUNTER(csa, csa->nl, n_tp_tot_retries_1, 1);
case 2:
INCR_GVSTATS_COUNTER(csa, csa->nl, n_tp_tot_retries_2, 1);
case 3:
INCR_GVSTATS_COUNTER(csa, csa->nl, n_tp_tot_retries_3, 1);
INCR_GVSTATS_COUNTER(csa, csa->nl, n_tp_tot_retries_4, 1);
} else
assert(cdb_sc_needcrit == t_fail_hist[t_tries]);
assert(!num_closed); /* we can have at the most 1 region not opened in the whole tp_reg_list */
status = t_fail_hist[t_tries];
if (tprestart_syslog_delta && (((TREF(tp_restart_count))++ < tprestart_syslog_limit)
|| (0 == ((TREF(tp_restart_count) - tprestart_syslog_limit) % tprestart_syslog_delta))))
if (NULL != tp_fail_hist[t_tries])
gvname_mstr = tp_fail_hist[t_tries]->gvname.var_name;
gvname_mstr.addr = (char *)gvname_unknown;
gvname_mstr.len = gvname_unknown_len;
caller_id_flag = FALSE; /* don't want caller_id in the operator log */
assert(0 == cdb_sc_normal);
if (cdb_sc_normal == status)
t_fail_hist[t_tries] = '0'; /* temporarily reset just for pretty printing */
restart_reg = tp_fail_hist_reg[t_tries];
if (NULL != restart_reg)
reg_mstr.len = restart_reg->dyn.addr->fname_len;
reg_mstr.addr = (char *)restart_reg->dyn.addr->fname;
} else
reg_mstr.len = 0;
reg_mstr.addr = NULL;
if (cdb_sc_blkmod != status)
send_msg(VARLSTCNT(16) ERR_TPRESTART, 14, reg_mstr.len, reg_mstr.addr,
t_tries + 1, t_fail_hist, t_fail_hist_blk[t_tries], gvname_mstr.len, gvname_mstr.addr,
0, 0, 0, tp_blkmod_nomod,
(NULL != sgm_info_ptr) ? sgm_info_ptr->num_of_blks : 0,
(NULL != sgm_info_ptr) ? sgm_info_ptr->cw_set_depth : 0, &local_tn);
} else
send_msg(VARLSTCNT(16) ERR_TPRESTART, 14, reg_mstr.len, reg_mstr.addr,
t_tries + 1, t_fail_hist, t_fail_hist_blk[t_tries], gvname_mstr.len, gvname_mstr.addr,
n_pvtmods, n_blkmods, tp_fail_level, tp_fail_n,
sgm_info_ptr->cw_set_depth, &local_tn);
tp_fail_hist_reg[t_tries] = NULL;
tp_fail_hist[t_tries] = NULL;
if ('0' == t_fail_hist[t_tries])
t_fail_hist[t_tries] = cdb_sc_normal; /* get back to where it was */
caller_id_flag = TRUE;
n_pvtmods = n_blkmods = 0;
/* Should never come here with a normal restart code */
assert(cdb_sc_normal != status);
# ifdef DEBUG
TAREF1(tp_restart_failhist_arry, (TREF(tp_restart_failhist_indx))++) = status;
if (FAIL_HIST_ARRAY_SIZE <= TREF(tp_restart_failhist_indx))
TREF(tp_restart_failhist_indx) = 0;
# endif
/* the following code is similar, but not identical, to code in t_retry,
* which should also be maintained in parallel
switch (status)
case cdb_sc_helpedout:
csa = sgm_info_ptr->tp_csa;
if (dba_bg == csa->hdr->acc_meth)
if (!csa->now_crit)
{ /* The following grab/rel crit logic is purely to ensure that wcs_recover
* gets called if needed. This is because we saw wc_blocked to be TRUE in
* tp_tend and decided to restart.
} else
{ /* Some non-crit holding process set wc_blocked to TRUE causing us to
* restart even though we held crit. Most likely phase2 commit or a
* process in wcs_wtstart encountered an error. In any case, need to run
* cache-recovery to fix the shared memory structures. Since we hold crit,
* so no need to grab/rel crit. Call wcs_recover right away.
DEBUG_ONLY(TREF(ok_to_call_wcs_recover) = TRUE);
DEBUG_ONLY(TREF(ok_to_call_wcs_recover) = FALSE);
} else
assert(dba_mm == csa->hdr->acc_meth);
if (CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries)
/* WARNING - fallthrough !!! */
case cdb_sc_needcrit:
case cdb_sc_needlock:
/* Here when a final (4th) attempt has failed with a need for crit in some routine. The
* assumption is that the previous attempt failed somewhere before transaction end
* therefore tp_reg_list did not have a complete list of regions necessary to complete the
* transaction and therefore not all the regions have been locked down. The new region (by
* virtue of it having now been referenced) has been added to tp_reg_list so all we need
* now is a retry.
assert(CDB_STAGNATE == t_tries);
for (tr = tp_reg_list; NULL != tr; tr = tr->fPtr)
{ /* regions might not have been opened if we t_retried in gvcst_init(). dont
* rel_crit in that case.
reg = tr->reg;
if (reg->open)
DEBUG_ONLY(csa = &FILE_INFO(reg)->s_addrs;)
rel_crit(reg); /* to ensure deadlock safe order, release all regions
* before retry
/* The journal pool crit lock is currently obtained only inside commit logic at
* which point we will never signal a cdb_sc_needcrit or cdb_sc_needlock restart
* code. So no need to verify if we need to release crit there. Assert this though.
if ((NULL != jnlpool.jnlpool_dummy_reg) && jnlpool.jnlpool_dummy_reg->open)
csa = &FILE_INFO(jnlpool.jnlpool_dummy_reg)->s_addrs;
/* If retry due to M-locks, sleep so needed locks have a chance to get released */
if (cdb_sc_needlock == status)
{ /* Since we are in the final retry and holding crit on at least one database, we want
* to limit the # of times this transaction can restart due to a failed M-lock
* attempt as a restart entails wasted work while holding crit on the db and
* preventing others from accessing the same.
if (TREF(tp_restart_needlock_tn) != tstart_local_tn)
TREF(tp_restart_needlock_cnt) = 0; /* Restart counting */
TREF(tp_restart_needlock_tn) = tstart_local_tn;
assert(MAX_TP_FINAL_RETRY_MLOCKRESTART_CNT >= TREF(tp_restart_needlock_cnt));
if (MAX_TP_FINAL_RETRY_MLOCKRESTART_CNT <= TREF(tp_restart_needlock_cnt))
wcs_backoff(dollar_trestart * TP_DEADLOCK_FACTOR);
/* Journaling might get turned off in the final retry INSIDE crit while trying to flush journal buffer or
* during extending the journal file (due to possible disk issues) in which case we will come here with
* t_tries = CDB_STAGNATE and failure status set to cdb_sc_jnlclose
case cdb_sc_jnlclose:
/* cdb_sc_jnlstatemod is expected in final retry because csa->jnl_state is noted from csd->jnl_state only
* if they are different INSIDE crit. Therefore it is possible that in the final retry one might start with
* a stale value of csa->jnl_state which will be noticed only in t_end just before commit as a result of
* which we would restart. Such a restart is okay (instead of the checking for jnl state change during the
* beginning of final retry) since jnl state changes are considered infrequent that too in the final retry
case cdb_sc_jnlstatemod:
case cdb_sc_optrestart:
if (CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries)
/* fall through */
if (CDB_STAGNATE < ++t_tries)
hist_index = t_tries;
t_tries = 0;
&& (WBTEST_TP_HIST_CDB_SC_BLKMOD == gtm_white_box_test_case_number));
# ifdef UNIX
send_msg(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_TPFAIL, 2, hist_index, t_fail_hist, ERR_GVFAILCORE);
/* Generate core only if not triggering this codepath using white-box tests */
# ifdef DEBUG
if (!gtm_white_box_test_case_enabled
|| (WBTEST_TP_HIST_CDB_SC_BLKMOD != gtm_white_box_test_case_number))
# endif
# endif
VMS_ONLY(send_msg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_TPFAIL, 2, hist_index, t_fail_hist));
rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_TPFAIL, 2, hist_index, t_fail_hist);
return 0; /* for the compiler only -- never executed */
} else
/* Yield the CPU so that the restarting process does not block the crit holder
* and/or other processes (referencing potentially non-intersecting database
* regions) in case they are waiting for the CPU. This is done using the
* rel_quant function.
* As of this writing, this operates only between the 2nd and 3rd tries;
* The 2nd is fast with the assumption of coincidental conflict in an attempt
* to take advantage of the buffer state created by the 1st try.
* The next to last try is not followed by a rel_quant as it may leave the buffers
* locked, to reduce live lock and deadlock issues.
* With only 4 tries that leaves only the "middle" for rel_quant.
if ((CDB_STAGNATE - 1) == t_tries)
if ((CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries))
{ /* If there are any regions that haven't yet been opened, open them before attempting for crit on
* all. Since we don't hold any crit locks now, we can rest assured this cannot cause a deadlock.
* The only exception (to holding crit) currently is mupip journal rollback/recovery if online when
* we will be holding crit on all regions but in that case we should have opened all necessary
* regions at process startup (and set "hold_onto_locks" to TRUE) so we should not be here at all.
* Assert this.
if (num_closed)
for (tr = tp_reg_list; NULL != tr; tr = tr->fPtr)
{ /* to open region use gv_init_reg() instead of gvcst_init() since that does extra
* manipulations with gv_keysize, gv_currkey and gv_altkey.
reg = tr->reg;
if (!reg->open)
DEBUG_ONLY(TREF(ok_to_call_wcs_recover) = TRUE);
tp_tend_status = tp_crit_all_regions(); /* grab crits on all regions */
DEBUG_ONLY(TREF(ok_to_call_wcs_recover) = FALSE);
assert(FALSE != tp_tend_status);
/* pick up all MM extension information */
for (tr = tp_reg_list; NULL != tr; tr = tr->fPtr)
reg = tr->reg;
if (dba_mm == reg->dyn.addr->acc_meth)
MM_DBFILEXT_REMAP_IF_NEEDED(cs_addrs, gv_cur_region);
DBGTRIGR((stderr, "tp_restart: past initial normal state processing\n"));
# endif
/* The below code to determine the roll-back point depends on tp_frame sized blocks being pushed on the TP
* stack. If ever other sized blocks are pushed on, a different method will need to be found.
assert(0 == ((tpstackbase - (unsigned char *)tp_pointer) % SIZEOF(tp_frame))); /* Simple check for above condition */
tf = (tp_frame *)(tpstackbase - (newlevel * SIZEOF(tp_frame)));
assert(NULL != tf);
assert(tpstacktop < (unsigned char *)tf);
if (TPRESTART_STATE_NORMAL == tprestart_state)
{ /* Only if normal tp_restart call - else we've already done this for this tp_restart */
# endif
/* Before we get too far unwound here, if this is a nonrestartable transaction,
let's record where we are for the message later on. */
if (FALSE == tf->restartable && IS_MCODE_RUNNING)
/* Do a rollback type cleanup (invalidate gv_target clues of read as well as updated blocks) */
if (TPRESTART_STATE_TPUNW >= tprestart_state)
{ /* Either this is a normal tp_restart call or we ran into a trigger base frame while "tp_unwind"
* was running which required M and C stack unwinding before we could proceed so this call is
* being restarted.
# endif
/* Note that this form of "tp_unwind" will not only unwind the TP stack but also most if not all of
* the M stackframe and mv_stent chain as well.
GTMTRIG_ONLY(DBGTRIGR((stderr, "tp_restart: Beginning state 0/1 processing (state %d)\n", tprestart_state)));
tp_unwind(newlevel, RESTART_INVOCATION, &tprestart_rc);
assert(tf == tp_pointer); /* Needs to be true for now. Revisit when can restart to other than newlevel == 1 */
gd_header = tp_pointer->gd_header;
gv_target = tp_pointer->orig_gv_target;
gv_cur_region = tp_pointer->gd_reg;
dollar_tlevel = newlevel;
top = gv_currkey->top;
/* ensure proper alignment before dereferencing tp_pointer->orig_key->end */
assert(0 == (((unsigned long)tp_pointer->orig_key) % SIZEOF(tp_pointer->orig_key->end)));
memcpy(gv_currkey, tp_pointer->orig_key, SIZEOF(*tp_pointer->orig_key) + tp_pointer->orig_key->end);
gv_currkey->top = top;
/* Maintenance of SFF_TRIGR_CALLD stack frame flag:
* - Set by gtm_trigger when trigger base frame is created. Purpose to prevent MUM_TSTART from restarting
* a frame making a call-in to a trigger (flag is checked in MUM_TSTART macro) because the mpc in the
* stack frame is not the return point to the frame, which is only available in the C stack.
* - Both TP restart and error handling unwinds can use MUM_TSTART to restart frame.
* - TP restart changes the mpc to the proper address (where TSTART was done) before invoking MUM_TSTART. We allow
* this by shutting the SFF_TRIGR_CALLD flag off when mpc is changed.
* - For TSTARTs done implcitly by triggers, MUM_TSTART would break things so we do not turn off the flag
* for that type.
if (!tp_pointer->implicit_tstart)
{ /* SFF_TRIGR_CALLD validation:
* - This is not a trigger-initiated implicit TSTART.
* - If the flag is is not on, no further checks. Turning off flag is unconditional for best performance.
* - If flag is on, verify the address in the stack frame is in fact being modified so it points to
* a TSTART instead of the (currently) trigger call point.
assert(!(tp_pointer->fp->flags & SFF_TRIGR_CALLD) || (tp_pointer->fp->mpc != tp_pointer->restart_pc));
tp_pointer->fp->flags &= SFF_TRIGR_CALLD_OFF;
DBGTRIGR((stderr, "tp_restart: Removing SFF_TRIGR_CALLD in frame 0x"lvaddr"\n", tp_pointer->fp));
# endif
tp_pointer->fp->mpc = tp_pointer->restart_pc;
tp_pointer->fp->ctxt = tp_pointer->restart_ctxt;
} else
assert(TPRESTART_STATE_MSTKUNW == tprestart_state);
/* From here on, all states run */
# endif
/* Make sure everything else added to the stack since the transaction started is unwound. Note this loop only
* has work to do if there were NO local vars to restore. Otherwise tp_unwind would have already unwound the
* stack for us.
GTMTRIG_ONLY(DBGTRIGR((stderr, "tp_restart: beginning frame unwinds (state %d)\n", tprestart_state)));
while (frame_pointer < tf->fp)
if (SFT_TRIGR & frame_pointer->type)
{ /* We have encountered a trigger base frame. We cannot unroll it because there are C frames
* associated with it so we must interrupt this tp_restart and return to gtm_trigger() so
* it can unroll the base frame and rethrow the error to properly unroll the C stack.
tprestart_rc = ERR_TPRETRY;
tprestart_state = TPRESTART_STATE_MSTKUNW;
DBGTRIGR((stderr, "tp_restart: Encountered trigger base frame in M-stack unwind - rethrowing\n"));
# endif
/* From here on, no further rethrows of tp_restart() - the final finishing touches */
assert((msp <= stackbase) && (msp > stacktop));
assert((mv_chain <= (mv_stent *)stackbase) && (mv_chain > (mv_stent *)stacktop));
assert(MVST_TPHOLD == tf->mvc->mv_st_type);
/* Our stack frames are unwound to the correct frame but there could be mv_stents pushed on after we last (re)started
* this transaction. We need to get rid of them to get back to the correct restart state.
for (mvc = mv_chain; mvc < tf->mvc;)
{ /* Make sure we don't unwind the MVST_TPHOLD for our target level */
assert((MVST_TPHOLD != mvc->mv_st_type) || ((newlevel - 1) != mvc->mv_st_cont.mvs_tp_holder.tphold_tlevel));
DBGEHND((stderr, "tp_restart: unwinding mv_stent addr 0x"lvaddr" type %d\n", mvc, mvc->mv_st_type));
mvc = (mv_stent *)(mvc->mv_st_next + (char *)mvc);
assert((void *)mvc < (void *)frame_pointer);
assert(mvc == tf->mvc);
assert(mvc->mv_st_cont.mvs_tp_holder.tphold_tlevel == (dollar_tlevel - 1));
DBGEHND((stderr, "tp_restart: Resetting msp from 0x"lvaddr", to 0x"lvaddr" (diff=%d)\n",
msp, mvc, INTCAST((unsigned char *)mvc - msp)));
mv_chain = mvc;
msp = (unsigned char *)mvc;
/* Revert $ZTWormhole to its previous value */
DBGTRIGR((stderr, "tp_restart: Restoring $ZTWORMHOLE and NULLifying $ZTSLATE (state %d)\n", tprestart_state));
memcpy(&dollar_ztwormhole, &mvc->mv_st_cont.mvs_tp_holder.ztwormhole_save, SIZEOF(mval));
if (1 == newlevel)
memcpy(&dollar_ztslate, &literal_null, SIZEOF(mval)); /* Zap $ZTSLate at (re)start of lvl 1 transaction */
# endif
assert(curr_symval == tf->sym);
if (frame_pointer->flags & SFF_UNW_SYMVAL)
{ /* A symval was popped in THIS stackframe by one of our last mv_stent unwinds which means
* l_symtab is fairly borked.
assert(frame_pointer->l_symtab); /* Would be NULL in replication processor */
if ((unsigned char *)frame_pointer->l_symtab < msp)
{ /* This condition is set up when a local routine is called which, since it is using the
* same code, uses the same l_symtab as the caller. But when an exclusive new is done in
* this frame, op_xnew creates a NEW symtab just for this frame. But when this code
* unwound back to the TSTART, we also unwound the l_symtab this frame was using. So here
* we verify this frame is a simple call frame from the previous and restore the use of its
* l_symtab if so. If not, GTMASSERT. Note the outer SFF_UWN_SYMVAL check keeps us from having
* non-existant l_symtab issues which is possible when we are MUPIP.
if ((frame_pointer->rvector == frame_pointer->old_frame_pointer->rvector)
&& (frame_pointer->vartab_ptr == frame_pointer->old_frame_pointer->vartab_ptr))
frame_pointer->l_symtab = frame_pointer->old_frame_pointer->l_symtab;
frame_pointer->flags &= SFF_UNW_SYMVAL_OFF; /* No need to clear symtab now */
} else
} else
{ /* Otherwise the l_symtab needs to be cleared so its references get re-resolved to *this* symtab */
memset(frame_pointer->l_symtab, 0, frame_pointer->vartab_len * SIZEOF(ht_ent_mname *));
frame_pointer->flags &= SFF_UNW_SYMVAL_OFF;
dollar_truth = tp_pointer->dlr_t;
dollar_zgbldir = tp_pointer->zgbldir;
if (FALSE == tf->restartable)
{ /* Transation is not restartable. Be sure to leave things in a state that the transaction could
* be continued if an error handler has a mind to do that.
GTMTRIG_ONLY(DBGTRIGR((stderr, "tp_restart: Leaving tp_restart via TRESTNOT error - state reset to 0\n")));
send_msg(VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_TRESTNOT); /* Separate msgs so we get both */
send_msg(VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_TRESTLOC, 4, beganHere.str.len, beganHere.str.addr,
(TREF(tp_restart_entryref)).str.len, (TREF(tp_restart_entryref)).str.addr);
rts_error(VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_TRESTNOT, 0, ERR_TRESTLOC, 4, beganHere.str.len, beganHere.str.addr,
(TREF(tp_restart_entryref)).str.len, (TREF(tp_restart_entryref)).str.addr);
} else
return 0; /* for the compiler only -- never executed */
assert(dollar_trestart >= TREF(tp_restart_dont_counts));
assert(MAX_TRESTARTS > (dollar_trestart - TREF(tp_restart_dont_counts))); /* a magic number limit for restarts */
if (!dollar_trestart) /* in case of a wrap */
if (handle_errors_internally)
GTMTRIG_ONLY(DBGTRIGR((stderr, "tp_restart: completed\n")));
return 0;