
239 lines
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* *
* Copyright 2006, 2010 Fidelity Information Services, Inc *
* *
* This source code contains the intellectual property *
* of its copyright holder(s), and is made available *
* under a license. If you do not know the terms of *
* the license, please stop and do not read further. *
* *
* -----------------------------------------------
* op_fnp1 Piece function (the piecemaker) for unicode
* Special case of 1 char delimiter and 1 piece (reference)
* Arguments:
* src - pointer to Source mval
* del - delimiter char to use looking for a piece
* trgpcidx - index of piece to extract from source string
* dst - pointer to Destination mval to save the piece in
* Return:
* none
* Side effects:
* dst structure gets filled with the result
* -----------------------------------------------
#include "mdef.h"
#include "gtm_string.h"
#include "fnpc.h"
#include "gtm_stdio.h"
#include "min_max.h"
#include "op.h"
#include "gtm_utf8.h"
GBLREF boolean_t gtm_utf8_mode; /* We are indeed doing the UTF8 thang */
GBLREF boolean_t badchar_inhibit; /* No BADCHAR errors should be signaled */
#ifdef DEBUG
GBLREF uint4 process_id;
GBLREF boolean_t setp_work; /* The work we are doing is for set $piece */
GBLREF int c_miss; /* cache misses (debug) */
GBLREF int c_hit; /* cache hits (debug) */
GBLREF int c_small; /* scanned small string brute force */
GBLREF int c_small_pcs; /* chars scanned by small scan */
GBLREF int c_pskip; /* number of pieces "skipped" */
GBLREF int c_pscan; /* number of pieces "scanned" */
GBLREF int c_parscan; /* number of partial scans (partial cache hits) */
GBLREF int cs_miss; /* cache misses (debug) */
GBLREF int cs_hit; /* cache hits (debug) */
GBLREF int cs_small; /* scanned small string brute force */
GBLREF int cs_small_pcs; /* chars scanned by small scan */
GBLREF int cs_pskip; /* number of pieces "skipped" */
GBLREF int cs_pscan; /* number of pieces "scanned" */
GBLREF int cs_parscan; /* number of partial scans (partial cache hits) */
GBLREF int c_clear; /* cleared due to (possible) value change */
# define COUNT_EVENT(x) if (setp_work) ++cs_##x; else ++c_##x;
# define INCR_COUNT(x,y) if (setp_work) cs_##x += y; else c_##x += y;
# define COUNT_EVENT(x)
# define INCR_COUNT(x,y)
void op_fnp1(mval *src, int delim, int trgpcidx, mval *dst)
unsigned char *first, *last, *start, *end;
unsigned int *pcoff, *pcoffmax, fnpc_indx, slen;
int trgpc, cpcidx, spcidx, mblen, dlmlen;
boolean_t valid_char;
mval ldst; /* Local copy since &dst == &src .. move to dst at return */
fnpc *cfnpc;
delimfmt ldelim;
ldelim.unichar_val = delim;
if (!UTF8_VALID(ldelim.unibytes_val, ldelim.unibytes_val + SIZEOF(ldelim.unibytes_val), dlmlen) &&
{ /* The delimiter is a bad character so error out if badchar not inhibited */
UTF8_BADCHAR(0, ldelim.unibytes_val, ldelim.unibytes_val + SIZEOF(ldelim.unibytes_val), 0, NULL);
ldst.mvtype = MV_STR;
start = first = last = (unsigned char *)src->str.addr;
slen = src->str.len;
end = start + slen;
/* Detect annoyance cases and deal with quickly so we don't muck up the
logic below trying to handle it properly */
if (0 >= trgpcidx || 0 == slen)
ldst.str.addr = (char *)start;
ldst.str.len = 0;
*dst = ldst;
/* Test mval for valid cache: index ok, mval addr same, delim same. One additional test
* is if the cache entry is byte_oriented, then this cache entry was created by $ZPIECE
* (using bytes) and since its results are not same as $PIECE(), we must ignore the cache
* and rebuild it for this mval. */
fnpc_indx = src->fnpc_indx - 1;
cfnpc = &(TREF(fnpca)).fnpcs[fnpc_indx];
if (FNPC_MAX > fnpc_indx && cfnpc->last_str.addr == (char *)first &&
cfnpc->last_str.len == slen && cfnpc->delim == ldelim.unichar_val &&
!cfnpc->byte_oriented) /* cannot use the cache created by an earlier $ZPIECE() */
/* Have valid cache. See if piece we want already in cache */
INCR_COUNT(pskip, cfnpc->npcs);
if (trgpcidx <= cfnpc->npcs)
/* Piece is totally in cache no scan needed */
ldst.str.addr = (char *)first + cfnpc->pstart[trgpcidx - 1];
ldst.str.len = cfnpc->pstart[trgpcidx] - cfnpc->pstart[trgpcidx - 1] - dlmlen;
assert(ldst.str.len >= 0 && ldst.str.len <= src->str.len);
*dst = ldst;
} else
/* Not in cache but pick up scan where we left off */
cpcidx = cfnpc->npcs;
first = last = start + cfnpc->pstart[cpcidx]; /* First byte of next pc */
pcoff = &cfnpc->pstart[cpcidx];
if (pcoff == cfnpc->pcoffmax)
++pcoff; /* No further updates to pstart array */
++cpcidx; /* Now past last piece and on to next one */
} else
/* The piece cache index or mval validation was incorrect.
Start from the beginning */
/* Need to steal a new piece cache, get "least recently reused" */
cfnpc = (TREF(fnpca)).fnpcsteal; /* Get next element to steal */
if ((TREF(fnpca)).fnpcmax < cfnpc)
cfnpc = &(TREF(fnpca)).fnpcs[0];
(TREF(fnpca)).fnpcsteal = cfnpc + 1; /* -> next element to steal */
cfnpc->last_str = src->str; /* Save validation info */
cfnpc->delim = ldelim.unichar_val;
cfnpc->npcs = 0;
cfnpc->byte_oriented = FALSE;
src->fnpc_indx = cfnpc->indx + 1; /* Save where we are putting this element
(1 based index in mval so 0 isn't so common) */
pcoff = &cfnpc->pstart[0];
cpcidx = 1; /* current piece index */
/* Do scan filling in offsets of pieces if they fit in the cache */
spcidx = cpcidx; /* Starting value for search */
pcoffmax = cfnpc->pcoffmax; /* Local end of array value */
while (cpcidx <= trgpcidx && last < end)
/* Once through for each piece we pass, last time through to find length of piece we want */
first = last; /* first char of current piece */
while (last < end)
valid_char = UTF8_VALID(last, end, mblen); /* Length of next char */
if (!valid_char)
{ /* Next character is not valid unicode. If badchar error is not inhibited,
signal it now. If it is inhibited, just treat the character as a single
character and continue.
if (!badchar_inhibit)
utf8_badchar(0, last, end, 0, NULL);
assert(1 == mblen);
/* Getting mblen first allows us to do quick length compare before the
heavier weight memcmp call.
assert(0 < mblen);
if (mblen == dlmlen)
if (1 == dlmlen)
if (*last == ldelim.unibytes_val[0]) /* Shortcut - test single byte */
} else if (0 == memcmp(last, ldelim.unibytes_val, dlmlen)) /* Longcut - for multibyte chk */
last += mblen; /* Find delim signaling end of piece */
last += dlmlen; /* Bump past delim to first byte of next piece. The length of
the delimiter is assumed in the pcoff array and is removed
when piece length is calculated so even if we hit the end of
the scanned source, we bump the pointer so this extra length
is reflected in the pcoff array consistently.
++cpcidx; /* Next piece */
if (pcoff < pcoffmax)
*pcoff++ =(unsigned int)(first - start); /* offset to this piece */
if (pcoff == pcoffmax)
*pcoff++ = (unsigned int)(last - start); /* store start of first piece beyond what is in cache */
ldst.str.addr = (char *)first;
/* If we scanned some chars, adjust end pointer and save end of final piece */
if (spcidx != cpcidx)
if (pcoff < pcoffmax)
*pcoff = (unsigned int)(last - start); /* If not at end of cache, save start of "next" piece */
last -= dlmlen; /* Undo bump past last delim (existing or not)
of piece for accurate string len */
/* Update count of pieces in cache */
cfnpc->npcs = MIN((cfnpc->npcs + cpcidx - spcidx), FNPC_ELEM_MAX);
assert(cfnpc->npcs <= FNPC_ELEM_MAX);
assert(cfnpc->npcs > 0);
/* If we the above loop ended prematurely because we ran out of text, we return null string */
if (trgpcidx < cpcidx)
ldst.str.len = INTCAST(last - first); /* Length of piece we located */
ldst.str.len = 0;
INCR_COUNT(pscan, cpcidx - spcidx); /* Pieces scanned */
} else
ldst.str.len = 0;
assert(cfnpc->npcs > 0);
assert(ldst.str.len >= 0 && ldst.str.len <= src->str.len);
*dst = ldst;