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# #
# Copyright 2010 Fidelity Information Services, Inc #
# #
# This source code contains the intellectual property #
# of its copyright holder(s), and is made available #
# under a license. If you do not know the terms of #
# the license, please stop and do not read further. #
# #
# - generates SHA512 hash output of the given key + Encryption parameters
# $1 - encrypted symmetric key
# echo and options
# Linux honors escape sequence only when run with -e
# gtmcrypt_ref.h and NEED to use the same value for
# the encryption parameter string(defined below).
# This is currently determined by the OS type. If this changes,
# please verify that UNIQ_ENC_PARAM_STRING in gtmcrypt_ref.h
# and encr_param_string in this module match.
hostos=`uname -s`
# try to get a predictable which
if [ "OS/390" = "$hostos" ] ; then which=whence ;
elif [ -x "/usr/bin/which" ] ; then which=/usr/bin/which
else which=which
# temporary file
if [ -x "`$which mktemp 2>&1`" ] ; then tmp_file=`mktemp`
else tmp_file=/tmp/`basename $0`_$$.tmp ; fi
touch $tmp_file
chmod go-rwx $tmp_file
trap 'rm -rf $tmp_file ; stty sane ; exit 1' HUP INT QUIT TERM TRAP
if [ "Linux" = $hostos ] ; then ECHO_OPTIONS="-e" ; encr_param_string="AES256CFB" ;
elif [ "AIX" = "$hostos" ]; then encr_param_string="BLOWFISHCFB"
else encr_param_string="AES256CFB"
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
$ECHO "Usage: `basename $0` encrypted symmetric key file" ; exit 1
$ECHO $ECHO_OPTIONS $encr_param_string\\c >$tmp_file
# Identify GnuPG - it is required
if [ -x "`$which gpg 2>&1`" ] ; then gpg=gpg
elif [ -x "`$which gpg2 2>&1`" ] ; then gpg=gpg2
else $ECHO "Able to find neither gpg nor gpg2. Exiting" ; exit 1 ; fi
# Get passphrase for GnuPG keyring
$ECHO $ECHO_OPTIONS Passphrase for keyring: \\c ; stty -echo ; read passphrase ; stty echo ; $ECHO ""
$ECHO $passphrase | $gpg --no-tty --batch --passphrase-fd 0 -d $encrypted_key_file | cat - $tmp_file | $gpg --print-md SHA512 | tr -d ' \n'
rm -f $tmp_file