
484 lines
19 KiB

* *
* Copyright 2001, 2010 Fidelity Information Services, Inc *
* *
* This source code contains the intellectual property *
* of its copyright holder(s), and is made available *
* under a license. If you do not know the terms of *
* the license, please stop and do not read further. *
* *
#include "mdef.h"
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "gtm_fcntl.h"
#include "gtm_unistd.h"
#include <signal.h> /* for VSIG_ATOMIC_T type */
#include "util.h"
#include "gtm_stdio.h"
#include "aswp.h"
#include "copy.h"
#include "dskspace_msg_timer.h" /* needed for dskspace_msg_timer() declaration and DSKSPACE_MSG_INTERVAL macro value */
#include "error.h"
#include "gdsroot.h"
#include "gtm_facility.h"
#include "gdskill.h"
#include "fileinfo.h"
#include "gdsbt.h"
#include "gdsblk.h"
#include "gdsbml.h"
#include "gdsfhead.h"
#include "filestruct.h"
#include "gdscc.h"
#include "jnl.h"
#include "iosp.h" /* required for SS_NORMAL for use with msyncs */
#include "interlock.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "gdsbgtr.h"
#include "gtmio.h"
#include "relqueopi.h"
#include "gt_timer.h"
#include "send_msg.h"
#include "gtmmsg.h"
#include "tp_grab_crit.h"
#include "wcs_flu.h"
#include "add_inter.h"
#include "wcs_recover.h"
#include "gtm_string.h"
#include "have_crit.h"
#include "gds_blk_downgrade.h"
#include "deferred_signal_handler.h"
#include "memcoherency.h"
#include "wbox_test_init.h"
#include "wcs_clean_dbsync.h"
#ifdef GTM_CRYPT
#include "gtmcrypt.h"
#include "min_max.h"
#include "gtmimagename.h"
#define REINSERT_CR_AT_TAIL(csr, ahead, n, csa, csd, trace_cntr) \
{ \
n = INSQTI((que_ent_ptr_t)csr, (que_head_ptr_t)ahead); \
if (INTERLOCK_FAIL == n) \
{ \
assert(FALSE); \
SET_TRACEABLE_VAR(csd->wc_blocked, TRUE); \
BG_TRACE_PRO_ANY(csa, trace_cntr); \
break; \
} \
GBLREF boolean_t *lseekIoInProgress_flags; /* needed for the LSEEK* macros in gtmio.h */
GBLREF uint4 process_id;
GBLREF sm_uc_ptr_t reformat_buffer;
GBLREF int reformat_buffer_len;
GBLREF volatile int reformat_buffer_in_use; /* used only in DEBUG mode */
GBLREF volatile int4 fast_lock_count;
/* In case of a disk-full situation, we want to print a message every 1 minute. We maintain two global variables to that effect.
* dskspace_msg_counter and save_dskspace_msg_counter. If we encounter a disk-full situation and both those variables are different
* we start a timer dskspace_msg_timer() that pops after a minute and increments one of the variables dskspace_msg_counter.
* Since we want the first disk-full situation to also log a message, we initialise them to different values.
static volatile uint4 save_dskspace_msg_counter = 0;
GBLDEF volatile uint4 dskspace_msg_counter = 1; /* not static since used in dskspace_msg_timer.c */
int4 wcs_wtstart(gd_region *region, int4 writes)
blk_hdr_ptr_t bp, save_bp;
boolean_t need_jnl_sync, queue_empty, got_lock, bmp_status;
cache_que_head_ptr_t ahead; /* serves dual purpose since cache_que_head = mmblk_que_head */
cache_state_rec_ptr_t csr, csrfirst; /* serves dual purpose for MM and BG */
/* since mmblk_state_rec is equal to the top of cache_state_rec */
int4 err_status = 0, n, n1, n2, max_ent, max_writes, save_errno;
size_t size ;
jnl_buffer_ptr_t jb;
jnl_private_control *jpc;
node_local_ptr_t cnl;
off_t blk_1_off, offset;
sgmnt_addrs *csa;
sgmnt_data_ptr_t csd;
sm_uc_ptr_t blk_ptr;
uint4 saved_dsk_addr;
unix_db_info *udi;
cache_rec_ptr_t cr, cr_lo, cr_hi;
static int4 error_message_loop_count = 0;
uint4 index;
boolean_t is_mm;
uint4 curr_wbox_seq_num;
int try_sleep;
int req_enc_blk_size;
int4 crypt_status = 0;
char *inbuf;
boolean_t is_encrypted;
blk_hdr_ptr_t enc_bp;
udi = FILE_INFO(region);
csa = &udi->s_addrs;
csd = csa->hdr;
is_mm = (dba_mm == csd->acc_meth);
assert(is_mm || (dba_bg == csd->acc_meth));
/* you don't enter this routine if this has been compiled with #define UNTARGETED_MSYNC and it is MM mode */
# if defined(UNTARGETED_MSYNC)
# endif
BG_TRACE_ANY(csa, wrt_calls); /* Calls to wcs_wtstart */
if (csd->wc_blocked)
BG_TRACE_ANY(csa, wrt_blocked);
return err_status;
/* If *this* process is already in wtstart, we won't interrupt it do it again */
if (csa->in_wtstart)
BG_TRACE_ANY(csa, wrt_busy);
return err_status; /* Already here, get out */
cnl = csa->nl;
INCR_INTENT_WTSTART(cnl); /* signal intent to enter wcs_wtstart */
/* the above interlocked instruction does the appropriate write memory barrier to publish this change to the world */
SHM_READ_MEMORY_BARRIER; /* need to do this to ensure uptodate value of csd->wc_blocked is read */
if (csd->wc_blocked)
BG_TRACE_ANY(csa, wrt_blocked);
return err_status;
csa->in_wtstart = TRUE; /* Tell ourselves we're here and make the csa->in_wtstart (private copy) */
INCR_CNT(&cnl->in_wtstart, &cnl->wc_var_lock); /* and cnl->in_wtstart (shared copy) assignments as close as possible. */
SAVE_WTSTART_PID(cnl, process_id, index);
assert(cnl->in_wtstart > 0 && csa->in_wtstart);
max_ent = csd->n_bts;
if (0 == (max_writes = writes)) /* If specified writes to do, use that.. */
max_writes = csd->n_wrt_per_flu; /* else, max writes is how many blocks there are */
jpc = csa->jnl;
assert(!JNL_ALLOWED(csd) || NULL != jpc); /* if journaling is allowed, we better have non-null csa->jnl */
if (!is_mm)
if (JNL_ENABLED(csd) && (NULL != jpc) && (NOJNL != jpc->channel))
{ /* Before flushing the database buffers, give journal flushing a nudge. Any failures in writing to the
* journal are not handled here since the main purpose of wcs_wtstart is to flush the database buffers
* (not journal buffers). The journal issue will be caught later (in jnl_flush or some other jnl routine)
* and appropriate errors, including triggering jnl_file_lost (if JNLCNTRL error) will be issued there.
ahead = &csa->>cacheq_active;
cr_lo = csa->>cache_array + csd->bt_buckets;
cr_hi = cr_lo + csd->n_bts;
} else
ahead = &csa->>mmblkq_active;
if (cnl->mm_extender_pid == process_id)
max_writes = max_ent; /* allow file extender or rundown to write everything out */
DEBUG_ONLY(cr_lo = (cache_rec_ptr_t)(csa->>mmblk_array + csd->bt_buckets));
DEBUG_ONLY(cr_hi = (cache_rec_ptr_t)(csa->>mmblk_array + csd->bt_buckets + csd->n_bts));
assert(((sm_long_t)ahead & 7) == 0);
queue_empty = FALSE;
csa->wbuf_dqd++; /* Tell rundown we have an orphaned block in case of interrupt */
for (n1 = n2 = 0, csrfirst = NULL; n1 < max_ent && n2 < max_writes && !csd->wc_blocked ; ++n1)
csr = (cache_state_rec_ptr_t)REMQHI((que_head_ptr_t)ahead);
SET_TRACEABLE_VAR(csd->wc_blocked, TRUE);
BG_TRACE_PRO_ANY(csa, wcb_wtstart_lckfail1);
if (NULL == csr)
/* NO_MSYNC doesn't sync db, make sure it syncs the journal file */
if (is_mm)
queue_empty = TRUE;
break; /* the queue is empty */
if (csr == csrfirst)
{ /* completed a tour of the queue */
queue_empty = FALSE;
REINSERT_CR_AT_TAIL(csr, ahead, n, csa, csd, wcb_wtstart_lckfail2);
cr = (cache_rec_ptr_t)((sm_uc_ptr_t)csr - SIZEOF(cr->blkque));
if (!is_mm)
assert(!CR_NOT_ALIGNED(cr, cr_lo) && !CR_NOT_IN_RANGE(cr, cr_lo, cr_hi));
if (CR_BLKEMPTY == csr->blk)
{ /* must be left by t_commit_cleanup - removing it from the queue and the following
completes the cleanup */
assert(0 != csr->dirty);
csr->data_invalid = FALSE;
csr->dirty = 0;
INCR_CNT(&cnl->wc_in_free, &cnl->wc_var_lock);
queue_empty = !SUB_ENT_FROM_ACTIVE_QUE_CNT(&cnl->wcs_active_lvl, &cnl->wc_var_lock);
/* If journaling, write only if the journal file is up to date and no jnl-switches occurred */
if (JNL_ENABLED(csd))
jb = jpc->jnl_buff;
need_jnl_sync = (csr->jnl_addr > jb->fsync_dskaddr);
assert(!need_jnl_sync || jpc->channel != NOJNL || cnl->wcsflu_pid != process_id);
got_lock = FALSE;
if ((csr->jnl_addr > jb->dskaddr)
|| (need_jnl_sync && (NOJNL == jpc->channel
|| (FALSE == (got_lock = GET_SWAPLOCK(&jb->fsync_in_prog_latch))))))
if (need_jnl_sync)
BG_TRACE_PRO_ANY(csa, n_jnl_fsync_tries);
REINSERT_CR_AT_TAIL(csr, ahead, n, csa, csd, wcb_wtstart_lckfail3);
if (NULL == csrfirst)
csrfirst = csr;
} else if (got_lock)
saved_dsk_addr = jb->dskaddr;
if (jpc->sync_io)
/* We need to maintain the fsync control fields irrespective of the type of IO,
* because we might switch between these at any time.
jb->fsync_dskaddr = saved_dsk_addr;
} else
if (-1 == fsync(jpc->channel))
ERR_TEXT, 2, RTS_ERROR_TEXT("Error with fsync"), errno);
REINSERT_CR_AT_TAIL(csr, ahead, n, csa, csd, wcb_wtstart_lckfail3);
if (NULL == csrfirst)
csrfirst = csr;
} else
jb->fsync_dskaddr = saved_dsk_addr;
BG_TRACE_PRO_ANY(csa, n_jnl_fsyncs);
LOCK_BUFF_FOR_WRITE(csr, n, &cnl->db_latch);
if (OWN_BUFF(n))
{ /* sole owner */
assert(0 == n);
assert(0 != csr->dirty);
/* We're going to write this block out now */
save_errno = 0;
if (!is_mm)
assert(FALSE == csr->data_invalid); /* check that buffer has valid data */
csr->epid = process_id;
CR_BUFFER_CHECK1(region, csa, csd, cr, cr_lo, cr_hi);
bp = (blk_hdr_ptr_t)(GDS_ANY_REL2ABS(csa, csr->buffaddr));
VALIDATE_BM_BLK(csr->blk, bp, csa, region, bmp_status); /* bmp_status holds bmp buffer's validity */
assert(((blk_hdr_ptr_t)bp)->bver); /* GDSV4 (0) version uses this field as a block length so
should always be > 0 */
if (IS_GDS_BLK_DOWNGRADE_NEEDED(csr->ondsk_blkver))
{ /* Need to downgrade/reformat this block back to a previous format. */
assert(0 <= fast_lock_count);
++fast_lock_count; /* do not allow interrupts to use reformat buffer until we are done */
/* reformat_buffer_in_use should always be incremented only AFTER incrementing
* fast_lock_count as it is the latter that prevents interrupts from using the
* reformat buffer. Similarly the decrement of fast_lock_count should be done
* AFTER decrementing reformat_buffer_in_use.
assert(0 == reformat_buffer_in_use);
DEBUG_DYNGRD_ONLY(PRINTF("WCS_WTSTART: Block %d being dynamically downgraded on write\n", \
if (csd->blk_size > reformat_buffer_len)
{ /* Buffer not big enough (or does not exist) .. get a new one releasing
old if it exists */
assert(1 == fast_lock_count); /* should not be in a nested free/malloc */
if (reformat_buffer)
free(reformat_buffer); /* Different blksized databases in use
.. keep only largest one */
reformat_buffer = malloc(csd->blk_size);
reformat_buffer_len = csd->blk_size;
gds_blk_downgrade((v15_blk_hdr_ptr_t)reformat_buffer, (blk_hdr_ptr_t)bp);
bp = (blk_hdr_ptr_t)reformat_buffer;
size = (((v15_blk_hdr_ptr_t)bp)->bsiz + 1) & ~1;
} else DEBUG_ONLY(if (GDSV5 == csr->ondsk_blkver))
size = (bp->bsiz + 1) & ~1;
if (csa->do_fullblockwrites)
size = ROUND_UP(size, csa->fullblockwrite_len);
assert(size <= csd->blk_size);
offset = (csd->start_vbn - 1) * DISK_BLOCK_SIZE + (off_t)csr->blk * csd->blk_size;
INCR_GVSTATS_COUNTER(csa, cnl, n_dsk_write, 1);
save_bp = bp;
# ifdef GTM_CRYPT
if (csd->is_encrypted)
assert((unsigned char *)bp != reformat_buffer);
DBG_ENSURE_PTR_IS_VALID_GLOBUFF(csa, csd, (sm_uc_ptr_t)bp);
save_bp = (blk_hdr_ptr_t) GDS_ANY_ENCRYPTGLOBUF(bp, csa);
DBG_ENSURE_PTR_IS_VALID_ENCTWINGLOBUFF(csa, csd, (sm_uc_ptr_t)save_bp);
assert((bp->bsiz <= csd->blk_size) && (bp->bsiz >= SIZEOF(*bp)));
req_enc_blk_size = MIN(csd->blk_size, bp->bsiz) - SIZEOF(*bp);
if (BLK_NEEDS_ENCRYPTION(bp->levl, req_enc_blk_size))
memcpy(save_bp, bp, SIZEOF(blk_hdr));
(char *)(bp + 1),
(char *)(save_bp + 1),
if (0 != crypt_status)
save_errno = crypt_status;
} else
memcpy(save_bp, bp, bp->bsiz);
# endif
if (0 == save_errno)
{ /* Do db write without timer protect (no need since wtstart not reenterable in one task) */
LSEEKWRITE(udi->fd, offset, save_bp, size, save_errno);
if ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)reformat_buffer == bp)
assert(0 == reformat_buffer_in_use);
/* allow interrupts now that we are done using the reformat buffer */
assert(0 <= fast_lock_count);
} else
#if defined(TARGETED_MSYNC)
bp = (blk_hdr_ptr_t)(csa->db_addrs[0] + (sm_off_t)csr->blk * MSYNC_ADDR_INCS);
if ((sm_uc_ptr_t)bp > csa->db_addrs[1])
save_errno = ERR_GBLOFLOW;
save_errno = 0; /* Assume all will work well */
if (-1 == msync((caddr_t)bp, MSYNC_ADDR_INCS, MS_ASYNC))
save_errno = errno;
#elif !defined(NO_MSYNC)
bp = (blk_hdr_ptr_t)(csa-> + (sm_off_t)csr->blk * csd->blk_size);
if ((sm_uc_ptr_t)bp > csa->db_addrs[1])
save_errno = ERR_GBLOFLOW;
size = bp->bsiz;
if (csa->do_fullblockwrites)
size = ROUND_UP(size, csa->fullblockwrite_len);
assert(size <= csd->blk_size);
offset = (off_t)((sm_uc_ptr_t)bp - (sm_uc_ptr_t)csd);
INCR_DB_CSH_COUNTER(csa, n_dsk_writes, 1);
/* Do db write without timer protect (not needed -- wtstart not reenterable in one task) */
LSEEKWRITE(udi->fd, offset, bp, size, save_errno);
if (0 != save_errno)
if (!is_mm) /* before releasing update lock, clear epid as well in case of bg */
csr->epid = 0;
CLEAR_BUFF_UPDATE_LOCK(csr, &cnl->db_latch);
REINSERT_CR_AT_TAIL(csr, ahead, n, csa, csd, wcb_wtstart_lckfail4);
/* note: this will be automatically retried after csd->flush_time[0] msec, if this was called
* through a timer-pop, otherwise, error should be handled (including ignored) by the caller.
if ((ENOSPC == save_errno) && (dskspace_msg_counter != save_dskspace_msg_counter))
{ /* first time and every minute */
send_msg(VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(region),
ERR_TEXT, 2, RTS_ERROR_TEXT("Error during flush write"), save_errno);
gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(region),
ERR_TEXT, 2, RTS_ERROR_TEXT("Error during flush write"), save_errno);
save_dskspace_msg_counter = dskspace_msg_counter;
start_timer((TID)&dskspace_msg_timer, DSKSPACE_MSG_INTERVAL, dskspace_msg_timer, 0, NULL);
err_status = save_errno;
BG_TRACE_ANY(csa, wrt_count);
/* Detect whether queue has become empty. Defer action (calling wcs_clean_dbsync)
* to end of routine, since we still hold the lock on the cache-record */
queue_empty = !SUB_ENT_FROM_ACTIVE_QUE_CNT(&cnl->wcs_active_lvl, &cnl->wc_var_lock);
INCR_CNT(&cnl->wc_in_free, &cnl->wc_var_lock);
if (!is_mm)
csr->flushed_dirty_tn = csr->dirty;
csr->epid = 0;
csr->dirty = 0;
CLEAR_BUFF_UPDATE_LOCK(csr, &cnl->db_latch);
/* Note we are still under protection of wbuf_dqd lock at this point. Reason we keep
it so long is so that all the counters are updated along with the queue being correct.
The result of not doing this previously is that wcs_recover was NOT called when we
got interrupted just prior to the counter adjustment leaving wcs_active_lvl out of
sync with the actual count on the queue which caused an assert failure in wcs_flu. SE 11/2000
if (0 == n2)
BG_TRACE_ANY(csa, wrt_noblks_wrtn);
assert(cnl->in_wtstart > 0 && csa->in_wtstart);
if (csa->dbsync_timer && n1)
{ /* If we already have a dbsync timer active AND we found at least one dirty cache record in the active queue
* now, this means there has not been enough time period of idleness since the last update and so there is
* no purpose to the existing timer. A new one would anyways be started whenever the last dirty cache
* record in the current active queue is flushed. Cancel the previous one.
DECR_CNT(&cnl->in_wtstart, &cnl->wc_var_lock);
CLEAR_WTSTART_PID(cnl, index);
/* do not allow interrupts (particularly dbsync timer) in this two-line window (C9J06-003139) */
assert(0 <= fast_lock_count);
csa->in_wtstart = FALSE; /* This process can write again */
assert(0 <= fast_lock_count);
if (0 != crypt_status)
{ /* Now that we have done all cleanup (reinserted the cache-record that failed the write and cleared
* cnl->in_wtstart and cnl->intent_wtstart, go ahead and issue the error.
GC_RTS_ERROR(crypt_status, region->dyn.addr->fname);
DEFERRED_EXIT_HANDLING_CHECK; /* now that in_wtstart is FALSE, check if deferred signal/exit handling needs to be done */
if (queue_empty) /* Active queue has become empty. */
wcs_clean_dbsync_timer(csa); /* Start a timer to flush-filehdr (and write epoch if before-imaging) */
return err_status;