
1681 lines
73 KiB

1 Overview
The GT.M Global Directory Editor (GDE) is a utility that enables you to
create, examine, and modify a global directory. GDE is a program written
in M and you can invoke it from the shell with $gtm_dist/mumps -run ^GDE,
with the gtm alias gtm -run GDE, or from inside the direct mode with Do
The input to GDE can be a text file. In a production environment, FIS
recommends using text files to define database configurations, and putting
these text files under version control.
A global directory stores database attributes and mapping rules. The
mapping rules are like a sieve for globals that determines which database
files hold which global names. The database attributes serve as a
blueprint that MUPIP CREATE uses to create new database file(s). Once a
database file is created, GT.M continues to use the global directory as a
sieve. However, once MUPIP CREATE applies the database attributes
(blueprint) to create a database file, GT.M does not use the blueprint
until the next MUPIP CREATE. Therefore, if you use MUPIP SET (or DSE) to
change the attributes of a database file, always perform an equivalent
change to any global directory used for a subsequent MUPIP CREATE.
2 Identifying_the_Current_Global_Directory
Identifying the Current Global Directory
GT.M identifies the current Global Directory by referring to the
environment variable gtmgbldir. GDE, MUPIP, LKE, DSE, and the GT.M
run-time system use this environment variable. The run-time system
normally uses this environment variable, but may also access a Global
Directory by setting $ZGBLDIR or by using the extended global reference ||
or {} syntax.
If you maintain multiple Global Directories, define gtmgbldir to point to
the currently active Global Directory. You may want to define gtmgbldir in
your login file. Note that this definition is a pathname. If it does not
start with a "/", then it is a relative pathname and GT.M searches for it
starting in the current working directory.
To change the current Global Directory assignment, specify a new
definition for gtmgbldir.
$ gtmgbldir=prod.gld
$ export gtmgbldir
2 Creating_a_Default_Global_Directory
Creating a Default Global Directory
When you invoke GDE and no Global Directory exists for gtmgbldir, GDE
produces a default Global Directory that contains a minimal set of
required components and values for database characteristics. It can be
used for purposes such as development and testing work. A default Global
Directory also serves as a starting point or template for building custom
global directories.
To retain this default Global Directory, exit GDE without making any
$ gtmgbldir=./mumps.gld
$ export gtmgbldir
$ gtm
%GDE-I-GDUSEDEFS, Using defaults for Global Directory
%GDE-I-VERIFY, Verification OK
%GDE-I-GDCREATE, Creating Global Directory file
2 Mapping_Global_Variables_in_a_Global_Directory
Mapping Global Variables in a Global Directory
Mapping is the process of connecting a global variable name to a database
A complete mapping has the following four components:
These components may be defined in any order, but the final result must be
a complete logical path from name to file:
NAME(s) ---> REGION ---> SEGMENT ---> FILE
The default Global Directory contains one complete mapping that comprises
these entries for name, region, segment, and file.
* ---> DEFAULT ---> DEFAULT ---> mumps.dat
The * wildcard identifies all possible global names. Subsequent edits
create entries for individual global names or name prefixes.
Regions and segments store information used to control the creation of the
file. The characteristics stored with the region and segment are passed to
MUPIP only when creating the database file using the CREATE command, so
subsequent changes to these characteristics in the Global Directory have
no effect on an existing database.
When you create a new mapping, GDE ensures that it has all these
components by refusing to complete the EXIT command until all components
of the mapping exist. Informational messages inform you of any missing or
extra components.
2 Examining_the_Default_Global_Directory
Examining the Default Global Directory
The default Global Directory looks like this:
Std Inst
Def Rec Key Null Null Freeze Qdb
Region Coll Size Size Subs Coll Jnl on Error Rndwn
<default> 0 4080 255 NEVER Y Y DISABLED DISABLED
Jnl File (def ext: .mjl) Before Buff Alloc Exten AutoSwitch
<default> <based on DB file-spec> Y 2308 2048 2048 8386560
Segment Active Acc Typ Block Alloc Exten Options
<default> * BG DYN 4096 5000 10000 GLOB =1000
LOCK = 40
RES = 0
<default> MM DYN 4096 5000 10000 DEFER
LOCK = 40
*** NAMES ***
Global Region
*** REGIONS ***
Std Inst
Dynamic Def Rec Key Null Null Freeze Qdb
Region Segment Coll Size Size Subs Coll Jnl on Error Rndwn
Region Jnl File (def ext: .mjl) Before Buff Alloc Exten AutoSwitch
DEFAULT $gtmdir/$gtmver/g/gtm.mjl
Y 2308 2048 2048 8386560
*** SEGMENTS ***
Segment File (def ext: .dat)Acc Typ Block Alloc Exten Options
DEFAULT $gtmdir/$gtmver/g/gtm.dat
BG DYN 4096 5000 10000 GLOB=1000
LOCK= 40
RES = 0
*** MAP ***
- - - - - - - - - - Names - - - - - - - - - -
From Up to Region / Segment / File(def ext: .dat)
FILE = $gtmdir/$gtmver/g/gtm.dat
FILE = $gtmdir/$gtmver/g/gtm.dat
There are five primary sections in a Global Directory:
The function of each section in the Global Directory is described as
This section of the Global Directory provides a default value for every
database or file parameter passed to GT.M as part of a region or segment
definition. GDE uses templates to complete a region or segment definition
where one of these necessary values is not explicitly defined.
GDE provides initial default values when creating a new Global Directory.
You can then change any of the values using the appropriate -REGION or
-SEGMENT qualifiers with the TEMPLATE command.
An M program sees a monolithic global variable name space. The NAMES
section of the Global Directory partitions the name space so that
different globals reside in different files. While each M global can
reside in only one file, each file can store many M globals.
The REGIONS section lists all of the regions in the Global Directory. Each
region defines common properties for all the M global variables;
therefore, multiple sets of names from the NAMES section map onto a single
You assign these values by specifying the appropriate qualifier when you
create or modify individual regions. If you do not specify a value for a
particular parameter, GDE assigns the default value from the TEMPLATES
This section of the Global Directory lists currently defined segments.
While regions specify properties of global variables, segments specify the
properties of files. There is a one-to-one mapping between regions and
segments. You assign these values by specifying the appropriate qualifier
when you create or modify individual segments. If you do not specify a
value for a particular parameter, GDE assigns the default value from the
TEMPLATES section.
This section of the Global Directory lists the current mapping of names to
region to segment to file. In the default Global Directory, there are two
lines in this section: one specifies the destination for all globals, the
other one is for local locks. If you add any new mapping component
definitions (that is, any new names, regions, or segments), this section
displays the current status of that mapping. Any components of the mapping
not currently defined display "NONE". Because GDE requires all elements of
a mapping to be defined, you will not be able to EXIT (and save) your
Global Directory until you complete all mappings.
2 Global_Directory_Abbreviations
Global Directory Abbreviations
GDE uses the following abbreviations to display the output of a global
directory. The following list show global directory abbreviations with the
associated qualifiers. For a description of the function of individual
qualifiers, see "GDE Command Summary".
Abbreviation Full Form
2 Customizing_a_Global_Directory
Customizing a Global Directory
Once you have installed GT.M and verified its operation, create a Global
Directory based on your needs. To create this customized Global Directory,
use the appropriate GDE commands and qualifiers to build the desired
Global Directory. The GDE commands are described later in this chapter.
You can also create a text file of GDE commands with a standard text
editor and process this file with GDE. In a production environment, this
gives better configuration control than interactive usage with GDE.
3 Adding_a_Journaling_Information_Section
Adding a Journaling Information Section
If you select the -JOURNAL option when you ADD or CHANGE a region in a
Global Directory, the following section is added to your Global Directory
and displays when you invoke SHOW. The columns provided display the values
you selected with the journal options, or defaults provided by FIS for any
options not explicitly defined.
Region Jnl File (def ext: .mjl) Before Buff Alloc Exten AutoSwitch
DEFAULT $gtmdir/$gtmver/g/gtm.mjl
Y 2308 2048 2048 8386560
1 Using_GDE
Using GDE
The default installation procedure places the GDE utility into a directory
assigned to the environment variable gtm_dist.
To invoke GDE:
from within GTM, use the command:
from the shell, enter:
$ mumps -r GDE
GDE displays informational messages like the following, and then the GDE>
%GDE-I-LOADGD, loading Global Directory file /prod/mumps.gld
%GDE-I-VERIFY, Verification OK
If this does not work, contact your system manager to investigate setup
and file access issues.
To leave GDE:
1. Use the GDE EXIT command to save all changes and return to the shell.
2. Use the GDE QUIT command to discard all changes and return to the
shell. This will not save any changes.
2 Guidelines_for_Mapping
Guidelines for Mapping
This section lists the parameters that apply to defining each component of
a mapping.
The name is the portion of the global variable name without subscripts.
More than one name can map to a single region, but a single name can only
map to one region.
A name:
o Maps to only one region in the Global Directory.
o Is case sensitive.
o Must begin with an alphabetic character or a percent sign (%).
o Can be one to 31 alphanumeric characters.
o Can be a discrete "global" name, for example, aaa corresponds to the
global variable ^aaa.
o Can be a partial name ending with a wild card ("*"), for example, abc*
represents all globals beginning with the letters ^abc.
A region is a logical structure that holds information about a portion of
a database, such as key-size and record-size. A key is the internal
representation of a global variable name. In this chapter the terms global
variable name and key are used interchangeably. A record refers to a key
and its data.
A Global Directory must have at least one region. A region only maps to a
single segment. More than one name may map to a region.
A region name:
o Can include alphanumerics, dollar signs ($), and underscores ( _ ).
o Can have from 1 to 16 characters.
GDE automatically converts region names to uppercase, and uses DEFAULT for
the default region name.
A segment defines file-related database storage characteristics. A segment
must map to a single file. A segment can be mapped by only one region.
GT.M uses a segment to define a physical file and access method for the
database stored in that file.
A segment-name:
o Can include alphanumerics, dollar signs ($), and underscores ( _ )
o Can have from one to 16 characters
GDE automatically converts segment names to uppercase. GDE uses DEFAULT
for the default segment name.
Files are the structures provided by UNIX for the storage and retrieval of
information. Files used by GT.M must be random-access files resident on
By default, GDE uses the file-name mumps.dat for the DEFAULT segment. GDE
adds the .dat to the file name when you do not specify an extension.
Generally, avoid non-graphic and punctuation with potential semantic
significance to the file system in file names as they tend to produce
operational difficulties.
3 Example_of_a_Basic_Mapping
Example of a Basic Mapping
To complete this procedure, you must have already opened a Global
o ADD a new global variable name.
GDE> add -name cus -region=cusreg
This maps the global name cus to the region cusreg.
o ADD region cusreg, if it does not exist.
GDE> add -region cusreg -d=cusseg
This creates the region cusreg and connects it to the segment cusseg.
-d[ynamic] is a required qualifier that takes the associated
segment-name as a value.
o ADD segment cusreg, if it does not exist, and link it to a file.
GDE> add -segment cusseg -file=cus
This creates the segment cusseg and connects it to the file cus.dat.
To review the information you have added to the Global Directory, enter
the command SHOW.
To perform a base consistency check in the configuration, enter the
command VERIFY.
To exit the Global Directory and save your changes, enter the command
EXIT. At this point, GDE performs an automatic verification. If
successfully confirmed, the mappings and database specifications become
part of the Global Directory, available for access by processes,
utilities, and the run-time system.
Only MUPIP CREATE uses the database specifications; run-time processes and
other utility functions use only the map and ignore the other information
in a global directory.
1 Commands
This section describes the GDE commands. GDE allows abbreviations of
commands. The section describing each command provides the minimum
abbreviation for that command and a description of any qualifiers that are
not object-related. The section discussing the object-type describes all
the associated object-related qualifiers.
Command Syntax:
The general format for GDE commands is:
command [-object-type] [object-name] [-qualifier]
Indicates whether the command operates on a -N[AME] space,
Specifies the name of the N[AME] space, R[EGION], or S[EGMENT].
Objects of different types may have the same name. Name spaces may
include the wildcard operator (*) as a suffix.
Indicates an object qualifier.
The format description for each individual command specifies required
qualifiers for that command.
The @, EXIT, HELP, LOG, QUIT, SETGD, and SPAWN commands do not use this
general format. For the applicable format, refer to the section explaining
each of these commands.
Comments on the command line may be delimited by an exclamation mark (!).
An exclamation mark not enclosed in quotation marks ("") causes GDE to
ignore the rest of that input line.
2 at-sign
The @ command executes a GDE command file. Use the @ command to execute
GDE commands stored in a text file.
The format of the @ command is:
The file-name specifies the command file to execute. Use the file-name
alone for a file in the current working directory, or specify the relative
path, or the full path.
GDE executes each line of the command file as if it were entered at the
GDE> @standard
This command executes the GDE commands in the file to standard in the
current working directory. standard should contain GDE commands; comments
should start with an exclamation mark (!).
2 Add
The ADD command inserts a new name, region, or segment into the Global
The format of the ADD command is one of the f ollowing:
A[DD]-N[AME] name-space -R[EGION]=region-name
A[DD]-R[EGION] region-name -D[YNAMIC]=segment-name [-REGION-qualifier...]
A[DD]-S[EGMENT] segment-name [-SEGMENT-qualifier...] -F[ILE_NAME]=file-name
The ADD command requires specification of an object-type and object-name.
GDE supplies default values from the templates for qualifiers not
explicitly supplied in the command.
Name spaces and file-names are case-sensitive; other objects are not
GDE> add -segment temp -file_name=scratch
This command creates a segment-name TEMP and maps it to the file
scratch.dat in the current working directory. However, if you specify
scratch is as the file-name, in other words specify it in the form of an
environment variable, GT.M finds the file using the translation of that
environment variable.
2 Change
The CHANGE command alters the name-to-region or region-to-segment mapping
and /or the environment for a region or segment.
The format of the CHANGE command is:
C[HANGE]-N[AME] name-space -R[EGION]=new-region
C[HANGE]-R[EGION] region-name [-REGION-qualifier...]
C[HANGE]-S[EGMENT] segment-name [-SEGMENT-qualifier...]
The CHANGE command requires specification of an object-type and
Once you exit GDE, mapping changes take effect for any subsequent image
activation (for example, the next RUN or the mumps -direct command).
Changes to database parameters only take effect for new database files
created with subsequent MUPIP CREATE commands that use the modified Global
Directory. Use the MUPIP SET command (or in some cases DSE) to change
characteristics of existing database files.
GDE> change -region master -dynamic=temp -key=100
This command changes the region master to use the segment temp and
establishes a maximum KEY_SIZE of 100 characters for the next creation of
a file for this region. The segment change takes effect the first time the
system uses the Global Directory after the GDE session EXITs, while the
KEY_SIZE change takes effect after the next MUPIP CREATE that creates a
new database file for segment temp.
2 Delete
The DELETE command removes a name, region, or segment from the Global
Directory. The DELETE command does not delete any actual data. However,
GT.M does not access database files that do not have mapped global
variables except through extended references using an alternative global
directory that does not map to them. Note that GT.M replication does not
support global updates made with extended references, unless they actually
map to the same file as they would with the master global directory of the
The format of the DELETE command is:
D[ELETE]-N[AME] name-space
D[ELETE]-R[EGION] region-name
D[ELETE]-S[EGMENT] segment-name
The DELETE command requires specification of an object-type and
Deleting a name removes the name-to-region mapping. Deleting a region
unmaps all names mapped to the region. Deleting a segment unmaps the
region mapped to the segment.
You may map the deleted names to another region or the deleted region to
another segment using the CHANGE command.
The default name-space (*) cannot be deleted.
GDE> del -name T*
This command deletes the explicit mapping of all global names starting
with the letter "T." This command does not delete any global variables.
However, it may make preexisting globals starting with the letter "T"
invisible, at least while using this global directory, because the T*
global names map to the default namespace going forward.
2 Exit
The EXIT command writes all changes made in the current GDE editing
session to the Global Directory and terminates the current editing
The format of the EXIT command is:
GDE performs a full verification test (VERIFY) on the data. If the
verification succeeds, GDE writes the new Global Directory to file system
and issues a verification message.
If the verification fails, GDE displays a listing of all unverifiable
mappings and waits for corrections. Make appropriate corrections, or leave
the Global Directory in its original, unedited state by using the QUIT
If you have not made any changes to the Global Directory, GDE does not
save a new Global Directory unless the original global directory had an
older format which GDE has automatically upgraded. Note that while GDE
upgrades older global directories to the current version, there is no
facility to downgrade global directories to prior versions, so you should
always save copies of any global directories that might be needed to
retrieve archival data.
2 Help
The HELP command displays online information about GDE commands and
The format of the HELP command is:
H[ELP] [topic...]
where topic specifies the GDE command for which you want information. If
you omit the topic, GDE prompts you for it.
2 LOCks
The LOCKS command specifies the region into which GT.M maps locks on
resource names not starting with a caret symbol (^). GDE maps locks on
resource names, starting with a caret symbol (^), to the database region
mapped for the global variable name matching the resource name.
The format of the LOCKS command is:
LOC[KS] -R[EGION]=region-name
The LOCKS -REGION= qualifier allows specification of a region for local
locks. By default, GDE maps local locks to the default region DEFAULT.
GDE> lock -region=main
This command maps all locks on resource names that don't start with the
caret symbol, "^" to the region main.
The LOG command creates a log file of all GDE commands and displays for
the current editing session. Because the system places an exclamation
point (!) (i.e., the comment symbol) before all display lines that are not
entered by the user. In the log, the log can be used with the @ symbol as
a command procedure.
The format of the LOG command is:
LOG -ON[=file-name]
The LOG command, without a qualifier, reports the current status of GDE
logging. The LOG command displays a message showing whether logging is in
effect and the specification of the current log file for the GDE session.
The log facility can be turned on and off using the -ON or -OFF qualifiers
any time during a GDE session. However, GDE closes the log files only when
the GDE session ends.
The -ON qualifier has an optional argument of a file, which must identify
a legal UNIX file. If LOG -ON has no file-argument, GDE uses the previous
log file for the editing session. If no log file has previously been
specified during this editing session, GDE uses the default log file
GDE> log -on="standard.log"
This command turns on logging of the session and directs the output to
2 Quit
The QUIT command ends the current editing session without saving any
changes to the Global Directory. GDE does not update the Global Directory
The format of the QUIT command is:
If the session made changes to the Global Directory, GDE issues a message
warning that the Global Directory has not been updated.
2 Rename
The RENAME command allows you to change a name-space, the name of a
region, or the name of a segment.
The format of the RENAME command is:
R[ENAME]-N[AME] old-name new-name
R[ENAME]-R[EGION] old-region-name new-region-name
R[ENAME]-S[EGMENT] old-segment-name new-segment-name
The RENAME command requires specification of an object-type and two
When renaming a region, GDE transfers all name mappings to the new region.
When renaming a segment, GDE transfers the region mapping to the new
GDE> rename -segment stable table
This command renames segment stable to table and shifts any region mapped
to stable so it is mapped to table.
2 SEtgd
The SETGD command closes out edits on one Global Directory and opens edits
on another.
The format of the SETGD command is:
SE[TGD] -F[ILE]=file-name [-Q[UIT]]
The -FILE=file-name specifies a different Global Directory file. When you
provide a file-name without a full or relative pathname GDE uses the
current working directory; if the file is missing an extension, then GDE
defaults the type to .gld.
The -QUIT qualifier specifies that any changes made to the current Global
Directory are not written and are lost when you change Global Directories.
SETGD changes the Global Directory that GDE is editing. If the current
Global Directory has not been modified, or the -QUIT qualifier appears in
the command, the change simply occurs. However, if the current Global
Directory has been modified, GDE verifies the Global Directory, and if the
verification is successful, writes that Global Directory. If the
verification is not successful, the SETGD fails.
GDE> SETGD -f="temp"
This changes the Global Directory being edited to temp. The quotation
marks around the file name identifies the name of the file unequivocally
to UNIX. If the -f is the final qualifier on the line, then the quotation
marks are unnecessary.
2 SHow
The SHOW command displays information contained in the Global Directory
about names, regions, and segments.
The format of the SHOW command is:
SH[OW] -C[OMMAND] -F[ILE]=[gde-command-file]
SH[OW] -N[AME] [name-space]
SH[OW] -R[EGION] [region-name]
SH[OW] -S[EGMENT] [segment-name]
SH[OW] -M[AP] [-R[EGION]=region-name]
-COMMAND: Displays GDE commands that recreate the current Global Directory
-F[ILE]=gde-command-file: Optionally specifies a file to hold the GDE
commands produced by -COMMAND. -FILE must must always appear after
-NAME, -REGION, -SEGMENT, -MAP, -TEMPLATE, and -ALL are qualifiers that
cause GDE to display selected portions of the Global Directory as follows:
-MAP: Displays the current mapping of all names, regions, segments, and
files. This qualifier corresponds to the section of the SHOW report titled
***MAP***. The output of a SHOW -MAP may be restricted to a particular
region by specifying a -REGION qualifier with a region name argument.
-TEMPLATE: Displays the current region and segment templates. This
qualifier corresponds to the section of the SHOW report titled:
-ALL: Displays the entire Global Directory. This qualifier corresponds to
displaying "all" sections of the SHOW report:
***TEMPLATES***, ***NAMES***, ***REGIONS***, ***SEGMENTS***, ***MAP***.
By default, SHOW displays -ALL.
If you want to print the Global Directory, create a log file by executing
LOG -ON= before executing the SHOW command. The -LOG command captures all
the commands entered and output. You can print the log file if you want a
hard copy record.
If you want to export the current Global Directory state, create a GDE
command file with the SHOW -COMMAND -FILE=gde-command-file and run it in
the target environment.
GDE>show -template
Std Inst
Def Rec Key Null Null Freeze Qdb
Region Coll Size Size Subs Coll Jnl on Error Rndwn
<default> 0 4080 255 NEVER Y Y DISABLED DISABLED
Jnl File (def ext: .mjl) Before Buff Alloc Exten AutoSwitch
<default> <based on DB file-spec> Y 2308 2048 2048 8386560
Segment Active Acc Typ Block Alloc Exten Options
<default> * BG DYN 4096 5000 10000 GLOB =1000
LOCK = 40
RES = 0
<default> MM DYN 4096 5000 10000 DEFER
LOCK = 40
This displays only the TEMPLATES section of the Global Directory.
GDE>SHOW -command
FILE="$gtmdir/$gtmver/g/gtm.mjl") -NOINST_FREEZE_ON_ERROR -NOQDBRUNDOWN
-LOCK_SPACE=40 -RESERVED_BYTES=0 -GLOBAL_BUFFER_COUNT=1000 -FILE=$gtmdir/$gtmver/g/gtm.dat
This command displays the GDE commands to recreate the current global
directory state.
2 Template
The TEMPLATE command maintains a set of -REGION and -SEGMENT qualifier
values for use as templates when ADDing regions and segments. When an ADD
command omits qualifiers, GDE uses the template values as defaults.
GDE maintains a separate set of -SEGMENT qualifier values for each
ACCESS_METHOD. When GDE modifies the ACCESS_METHOD, it activates the
appropriate set of TEMPLATEs and sets all unspecified qualifiers to the
template defaults for the new ACCESS_METHOD. Use the GDE SHOW command to
display qualifier values for all ACCESS_METHODs.
The format of the TEMPLATE command is:
T[EMPLATE] -R[EGION] [-REGION-qualifier...]
T[EMPLATE] -S[EGMENT] [-SEGMENT-qualifier...]
The TEMPLATE command requires specification of an object-type.
GDE> template -segment -allocation=200000
This command modifies the segment template so that any segments ADDed
after this time produce database files with an ALLOCATION of 200,000 GDS
2 Verify
The VERIFY command validates information entered into the current Global
Directory. It checks the name-to-region mappings to ensure all names map
to a region. The VERIFY command checks region-to-segment mappings to
ensure each region maps to a segment, each segment maps to only one
region, and the segment maps to a UNIX file. The EXIT command implicitly
performs a VERIFY -ALL.
The format of the VERIFY command is:
V[ERIFY] -N[AME] [name-space]
V[ERIFY] -R[EGION] [region-name]
V[ERIFY] -S[EGMENT] [segment-name]
The object-type is optional. -MAP, -TEMPLATE, and -ALL are special
qualifiers used as follows:
Checks that all names map to a region, all regions map to a
segment, and all segments map to a file.
Checks that all templates currently are consistent and useable.
Checks all map and template data.
VERIFY with no qualifier, VERIFY -MAP, and VERIFY -ALL each check all
current information.
GDE> verify -region regis
This command verifies the region regis.
1 Qualifiers
The -NAME, -REGION, and -SEGMENT qualifiers each have additional
qualifiers used to further define or specify characteristics of a name,
region, or segment. For more information, refer to the additional topics.
2 Name_Qualifiers
Name Qualifiers
The following -NAME qualifier can be used with the ADD or CHANGE commands.
Specifies the name of a region. Region names are not case-sensitive, but
are represented as uppercase by GDE.
The minimum length is one alphabetic character.
The maximum length is 16 alphanumeric characters.
GDE> add -name a* -region=areg
This command creates the name-space a*, if it does not exist, and maps it
to the region areg.
| GDE NAME Qualifiers |
| -R[EGION]=region-name (characters) | (none) | 1A | 16A/N |
2 Region_Qualifiers
Region Qualifiers
The following -REGION qualifiers can be used with the ADD, CHANGE, or
TEMPLATE commands.
Specifies the number of the collation sequence definition to be used as
the default for this database file. The number can be any integer from 0
to 255. The number you assign as a value must match the number of a
defined collation sequence that resides in the shared library pointed to
by the environment variable gtm_collate_n. For information on defining
this environment variable and creating an alternate collation sequence,
refer to the "Internationalization" chapter in the GT.M Programmer's
The minimum COLLATION_SEQUENCE ID number is zero, which is the standard M
collation sequence.
The maximum COLLATION_SEQUENCE ID number is 255.
By default, GDE uses zero (0) as the COLLATION_SEQUENCE ID.
Specifies the name of the segment to which the region is mapped.
Segment-names are not case-sensitive, but are displayed as uppercase by
The minimum length is one alphabetic character.
The maximum length is 16 alphanumeric characters.
-K[EY_SIZE]=size in bytes
Specifies the maximum size of keys, in bytes, which can be stored in the
region. The KEY_SIZE must be less than the RECORD_SIZE. GDE rejects the
command if the KEY_SIZE is inappropriate for the RECORD_SIZE.
The minimum KEY_SIZE is three bytes.
The maximum KEY_SIZE is 1019 bytes.
When determining the maximum key size, applications should consider the
o A key must fit within one database block and the maximum KEY_SIZE is
limited to 40 bytes less than the block size. For example, a 1024 byte
block can support a maximum KEY_SIZE of 984 bytes and a 1536 byte
block size is the smallest that supports a maximum KEY_SIZE of 1019
o GT.M uses packed decimal representation for numeric subscripts which
may be larger or smaller than the original representation.
o GT.M substitutes an element terminator for the caret (^), any comma
(,), and any right parenthesis ()).
o GT.M adds an extra byte for every string element, including the global
For example, the key ^ACN ("Name", "Type") internally occupies 17 bytes.
By default, GDE uses a KEY_SIZE of 64 bytes.
-R[ECORD_SIZE]=size in bytes
Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) of a global variable node's value
that can be stored in a region. The KEY_SIZE must be less than the
RECORD_SIZE. GDE rejects the command if the KEY_SIZE is inappropriate for
If the size of a global exceeds one database block, GT.M implicitly spans
that global across multiple database blocks. In the event a global
variable node spans multiple blocks, and the process is not already within
a TP transaction, the GT.M run-time system automatically and transparently
performs the entire operation within an implicit TP transaction (just as
is the case with triggers).
The minimum RECORD_SIZE is seven or eight, depending on your platform.
The maximum RECORD_SIZE is 1,048,576 bytes (1MiB).
By default, GDE uses a RECORD_SIZE of 256 bytes.
Indicates whether GT.M allows null subscripts for global variables stored
in the region (that is, whether GT.M permits references such as
ALWAYS indicates that the null subscripts for global variables are
NEVER indicates that null subscripts for global variables are not allowed.
EXISTING indicates that null subscripts for global variable can be
accessed and updated, but not created anew.
By default, regions have -NULL_SUBSCRIPTS=NEVER.
Determines whether GT.M null subscripts collate in conformance to the M
If -STDNULLCOLL is set to TRUE or -STDNULLCOLL is specified, subscripts of
globals in the database follow the M standard where the null subscript
collates before all other subscripts.
If -STDNULLCOLL is set to FALSE or -NOSTDNULLCOLL is specified, null
subscripts collate between numeric and string subscripts.
Controls whether custom errors in a region should automatically cause an
Instance Freeze. This qualifier modifies the value of "Inst Freeze on
Error" file header element.
Quickens normal process shutdown where a large number of processes
accessing a database file are required to shutdown almost simultaneously,
for example, in benchmarking scenarios. When a terminating GT.M process
observes that a large number of processes are attached to a database file
and QDBRUNDOWN is enabled, it bypasses checking whether it is the last
process accessing the database. Such a check occurs in a critical section
and bypassing it also bypasses the usual RUNDOWN actions which accelerates
process shutdown removing a possible impediment to process startup. By
default, QDBRUNDOWN is disabled.
Note that with QDBRUNDOWN there is a possibility of race condition that
might leave the database fileheader and IPC resources in need of cleanup.
Although QDBRUNDOWN minimizes the probability of such a race condition, it
cannot eliminate it. When using QDBRUNDOWN, FIS recommends an explicit
MUPIP RUNDOWN of the database file after the last process exits, to ensure
the cleanup of database fileheader and IPC resources.
Specifies whether the database file allows journaling. If it does, this
qualifier establishes characteristics for the journal file.
-NOJOURNAL specifies that updates to the database file are not journaled.
-NOJOURNAL does not accept an argument assignment.
-JOURNAL specifies that journaling is allowed. -JOURNAL takes one or more
arguments in a journal-option-list. The journal-option-list contains
keywords separated with commas (,) enclosed in parentheses ( ). If the
list contains only one keyword, the parentheses are optional.
Although you do not have to establish the criteria for your journaling
process at this point, it is efficient to do so, even if you are not
entirely sure you will use journaling. The options available for -JOURNAL
set up the environment, so it is ready for you to enable with MUPIP SET
-JOURNAL. You can also change or add any of the established options at
that time.
The journal-option-list includes:
o F[ILE_NAME]=file-specification-name
o A[LLOCATION]=blocks
o E[XTENSION]=blocks
o BU[FFER_SIZE]=pages
The following section describes some -JOURNAL options.
Specifies the limit on the size of a journal file. When the journal file
size reaches the limit, GT.M automatically performs an implicit online
switch to a new journal file.
[NO]BEFORE_IMAGE controls whether the journal should capture before images
of information that an update is about to modify.
The BEFORE_IMAGE option is required if you plan to consider "roll-back"
(Backward) recovery of the associated database file or if you plan to use
certain database replication options.
Specifies the name of the journal file.
The name should always be enclosed in quotation marks in this context.
Journal file-specifications-names are limited to 255 characters.
By default, GDE derives the file-specification-name from the database
By default, GDE uses a journal file extension of .mjl.
JOL Summary
With GDE, you can create the journal files and define the journal
parameters; however, you must use MUPIP SET to actually enable journaling.
The following table summarizes GDE region qualifiers. It provides their
abbreviations, defaults (as provided by FIS), and allowable minimum and
maximum values.
| GDE REGION Qualifiers |
|-C[OLLATION_SEQUENCE]=id-number (integer) |0 |0 |255 |
|-D[YNAMIC_SEGMENT] =segment-name (char) |- |1 |16 |
|-K[EY_SIZE]=size in bytes (integer) |64 |3 |1019 |
|-R[ECORD_SIZE]=size in bytes (integer) |256 |7 |1,048,576 |
| | | |(1 MiB) |
|-[NO]STDNULLCOLL |N |- |- |
|-[NO]J[OURNAL] [=journal-option-list] |-NOJ |- |- |
2 Segment_Qualifiers
Segment Qualifiers
The following -SEGMENT qualifiers can be used with the ADD, CHANGE, or
TEMPLATE commands.
Specifies the access method or the GT.M buffering strategy for storing and
retrieving data from the global database file.
o code can have 2 values - Buffered Global (BG) or Memory Mapped (MM).
The default value is BG.
o With BG, the global buffer pool manages the buffers (the OS/file
system may also provide additional buffering). You get the choice of
using BEFORE_IMAGE or NOBEFORE_IMAGE journaling for your database.
o BG supports both forward and backward recovery and rollback to
recover a database without a restore.
o BG is a likely choice when you need faster recovery times from
system failures.
o With MM, GT.M bypasses the global buffer pool and relies entirely on
the OS/file system to manage the data traffic between memory and disk.
GT.M has no control over the timing of disk updates, therefore there
is a greater reliance on the OS/file system for database performance.
o MM supports NOBEFORE_IMAGE journaling only. GT.M triggers an
error if you use MM with BEFORE_IMAGE Journaling. MM also
the -RESYNC or -FETCHRESYNC qualifiers to generate lost and
broken transaction files. For more information, see the
Journaling chapter.
o MM does not support backward recovery/rollback.
o MM is a possible choice when you need performance advantage in
situations where the above restrictions are acceptable.
o GDE maintains a separate set of segment qualifier values for each
o When GDE modifies the ACCESS_METHOD, it activates the appropriate set
of TEMPLATEs and sets all unspecified qualifiers to the default values
of the new ACCESS_METHOD.
GDE> change -segment DEFAULT -access_method=MM
This command sets MM as the access method or the GT.M buffering strategy
for storing and retrieving database for segment DEFAULT.
Specifies the number of blocks GT.M allocates to a disk file when MUPIP
creates the file. For GDS files, the number of bytes allocated is the size
of the database file header plus the ALLOCATION size times the BLOCK_SIZE.
o The minimum ALLOCATION is 10 blocks.
o The maximum ALLOCATION is 1,040,187,392 blocks.
o By default, GDE uses an ALLOCATION of 100 blocks.
o The maximum size of a database file is 1,040,187,392(992Mi) blocks.
o Out of the requested allocation, GT.M always reserves 32 global
buffers for BG access method for read-only use to ensure that
non-dirty global buffers are always available.
o The default ALLOCATION was chosen for initial development and
experimentation with GT.M. Because file fragmentation impairs
performance, make the initial allocation for production files and
large projects large enough to hold the anticipated contents of the
file for a length of time consistent with your UNIX file
reorganization schedule.
Specifies the size, in bytes, of each database block in the file system.
The BLOCK_SIZE must be a multiple of 512. If the BLOCK_SIZE is not a
multiple of 512, GDE rounds off the BLOCK_SIZE to the next highest
multiple of 512 and issues a warning message.
If the specified BLOCK_SIZE is less than the minimum, GDE uses the minimum
BLOCK_SIZE. If the specified BLOCK_SIZE is greater than the maximum, GDE
issues an error message.
A BLOCK_SIZE that is equal to the page size used by your UNIX
implementation serves well for most applications, and is a good starting
You should determine the block sizes for your application through
performance timing and benchmarking. In general, larger block sizes are
more efficient from the perspective of the input/output subsystem.
However, larger block sizes use more system resources (CPU and shared
memory) and may increase collision and retry rates for transaction
Global nodes that span blocks incur some overhead and optimum application
performance is likely to be obtained from a BLOCK_SIZE that accommodates
the majority of nodes within a single block. If you adjust the BLOCK_SIZE,
you should also adjust GLOBAL_BUFFER_COUNT.
GDE does not allow you to change the block size to an arbitrary number. It
always rounds the block size to the next higher multiple of 512, because
the database block size must always be a multiple of 512.
The minimum BLOCK_SIZE is 512 bytes.
The maximum BLOCK_SIZE is 65,024 bytes.
FIS recommends against using databases with block sizes larger than 16KB.
If a specific global variable has records that have large record sizes,
FIS recommends placing that global variable in a file by itself with large
block sizes and using more appropriate block sizes for other global
variables. 4KB and 8KB are popular database block sizes.
By default, GDE uses a BLOCK_SIZE of 1024 bytes.
Specifies whether or not the database file for a segment is flagged for
encryption. Note that MUPIP CREATE acquires an encryption key for this
file and puts a cryptographic hash of the key in the database file header.
Specifies the number of extra GDS blocks of disk space by which the file
should extend. The extend amount is interpreted as the number of usable
GDS blocks to create with the extension. To calculate the number of host
operating system blocks added with each extension, multiply the number of
GDS blocks added by (GDS BLOCK_SIZE/host BLOCK_SIZE); add one local bitmap
block for each 512 blocks added in each extension to the amount from step
1. If the extension is not a multiple of 512, remember to roundup when
figuring the number of bitmap blocks.
When a MUPIP EXTEND command does not include a -BLOCKS= qualifier, EXTEND
uses the extension size in the database header.
The extension amount may be changed with the MUPIP SET command.
The minimum EXTENSION is zero blocks.
The maximum EXTENSION is 65,535 blocks.
By default, GDE uses an EXTENSION of 100 blocks.
Like allocation, the default extension amount was chosen for initial
development and experimentation with GT.M projects. Use larger extensions
for larger files. Because multiple file extensions adversely affect
performance, set up extensions appropriate to the file allocation.
Specifies the file for a segment.
The maximum file name length is 255 characters.
By default, GDE uses a file-name of mumps followed by the default
extension, which is .dat.
Specifies the number of global buffers for a file. Global buffers reside
in shared memory and are part of the database caching mechanisms. Global
buffers do not apply to MM databases.
Choose the settings for this qualifier carefully. Small numbers of global
buffers tend to throttle database performance. However, if your system has
limited memory and the database file traffic is not heavy enough to hold
the cache in memory, increasing GLOBAL_BUFFER_COUNT may trigger paging.
If database global buffers are paged out, it may result in poor
performance. Therefore, do not increase this factor to a large value
without careful observation.
The proper number of GLOBAL_BUFFERs depends on the application and the
amount of primary memory available on the system. Most production
databases exhibit a direct relationship between the number of
GLOBAL_BUFFERs and performance. However, the relationship is not linear,
but asymptotic, so that increases past some point have progressively less
benefit. This point of diminishing returns depends on the application. For
most applications, FIS expects the optimum number of GLOBAL_BUFFERs to be
between 1K and 64K.
Because transaction processing can be involved in an update and a
transaction is limited to half the GLOBAL_BUFFER_COUNT, the value for
GLOBAL_BUFFER_COUNT should therefore be at least twenty-six plus twice the
number of the blocks required by the largest global variable node in your
Generally, you should increase the number of GLOBAL_BUFFERs for production
GDS databases. This is because GT.M uses the shared memory database cache
associated with each GDS file for the majority of caching.
The minimum GLOBAL_BUFFER_COUNT for BG is 64 blocks.
The maximum for GLOBAL_BUFFER_COUNT for BG is 2147483647 blocks, but may
vary depending on your platform.
By default, GDE uses a GLOBAL_BUFFER_COUNT that is appropriate for the
typical size of the platform.
If global buffers are "paged out," improvements in system performance
resulting from more global buffers will be more than offset by the
dramatic slowdown that results from globals buffers that are "paged out."
Specifies the number of pages of space to use for the lock database stored
with this segment. The size of a page is always 512 bytes.
As GT.M runs out of space to store LOCK control information, LOCKs become
progressively less efficient. If a single process consumes all the LOCK
space, it cannot continue, and any other processes cannot proceed using
The minimum LOCK_SPACE is 10 pages.
The maximum LOCK_SPACE is 65,536 pages.
By default, GDE uses a LOCK_SPACE of 40 pages.
LOCK_SPACE usage depends on the number of locks and the number of
processes waiting for locks. To estimate lock space needs, here is a rule
of thumb:
o 1.5KB overhead for the lock space, plus
o 640 bytes for each lock base name, plus
o 128 bytes for each subscript, plus
o 128 bytes for each waiting process.
Generally, you would limit LOCK_SPACE when memory is scarce or you want to
be made aware of unexpected levels of LOCK usage. For most other cases,
there is no reason to limit the LOCK_SPACE. If you are introducing new
code, FIS recommends using TSTART and TCOMMIT as a more efficient
alternate for most LOCKs because it pushes the responsibility for
Isolation onto GT.M, which internally manages them with optimistic
Specifies the size to be reserved in each database block. RESERVED_BYTES
is generally used to reserve room for compatibility with other
implementations of M or to observe communications protocol restrictions.
RESERVED_BYTES may also be used as a user-managed fill factor.
The minimum RESERVED_BYTES is zero bytes.
The maximum Reserved_Bytes is the block size minus the size of the block
header (which is 7 or 8 depending on your platform) minus the maximum
record size.
By default, GDE uses a RESERVED_BYTES size of zero bytes.
The following table summarizes GDE segment qualifiers. It provides
abbreviations, defaults (as provided by FIS), and allowable minimum and
maximum values.
| GDE SEGMENT Qualifiers |
| ** BLOCK_SIZE minus the size of the block header |
| * May vary by platform |
| -AC[CESS_METHOD]=BG|MM | BG | - | - |
| -AL[LOCATION]=size (blocks) | 100 | 10 | 1,040,187,392(992Mi) |
| -BL[OCK_SIZE]=size (bytes) | 1024 | 512 | 65024 |
| -[NO]EN[CRYPTION] | 0 | | |
| -EX[TENSION_COUNT]=size | 100 | 0 | 65,535 |
| (blocks) | | | |
| -F[ILE_NAME]=file-name | mumps.dat | - | 255 |
| (chars) | | | |
| -G[LOBAL_BUFFER_COUNT]=size | 1024* | 64 | 2147483647 |
| (blocks) | | | |
| -L[OCK_SPACE]=size (pages) | 40 | 10 | 65536 |
| -R[ESERVED_BYTES]=size | 0 | 0 | block size-7 |
| (bytes) | | | |
1 Summary
The following table summarizes GDE commands, abbreviations, object types,
required object names, and optional qualifiers.
| GDE Command Summary |
| Command | Specified Object | Required Object Name/[Optional] |
| | Type | Qualifier |
| * -ALL is the default for the SHOW and VERIFY commands. |
| @ | N/A | file-name |
| | | name-space |
| A[DD] | -N[AME] | |
| | | -R[EGION]=region-name |
| | | region-name |
| - | -R[EGION] | |
| | | -D[YNAMIC]=segment-name |
| | | [-REGION-qualifier...] |
| | | segment-name |
| - | -S[EGMENT] | |
| | | -F[ILE_NAME]=file-name |
| | | [-SEGMENT-qualifier...] |
| | | name-space |
| C[HANGE] | -N[AME] | |
| | | -R[EGION]=new-region |
| | | region-name |
| - | -R[EGION] | |
| | | [-REGION-qualifier...] |
| | | segment-name |
| - | -S[EGMENT] | |
| | | [-SEGMENT-qualifier] |
| D[ELETE] | -N[AME] | name-space |
| - | -R[EGION] | region-name |
| - | -S[EGMENT] | segment-name |
| E[XIT] | N/A | N/A |
| HE[LP] | N/A | Keyword |
| LOC[KS] | N/A | -R[EGION]=region-name |
| | | [-ON][=file-name] |
| LOG | N/A | |
| | | [-OF[F]] |
| Q[UIT] | N/A | N/A |
| R[ENAME] | -N[AME] | old-name new-name |
| - | -R[EGION] | old-reg-name new-reg-name |
| - | -S[EGMENT] | old-seg-name new-seg-name |
| SE[TGD] | N/A | -F[ILE]=file-name [-Q[UIT]] |
| SH[OW] | -N[AME] | [name-space] |
| - | -R[EGION] | [region-name] |
| - | -S[EGMENT] | [segment-name] |
| - | -M[AP] | [R[EGION]=region-name] |
| - | T[EMPLATE] | N/A |
| - | -A[LL]* | N/A |
| T[EMPLATE] | -R[EGION] | [-REGION-qualifier...] |
| - | -S[EGMENT] | [ -SEGMENT-qualifier...] |
| V[ERIFY] | -N[AME] | [name-space] |
| - | -R[EGION] | [region-name] |
| - | -S[EGMENT] | [segment-name] |
| - | -M[AP] | N/A |
| - | -T[EMPLATE] | N/A |
| - | -A[LL]* | N/A |
2 Qualifier_Summary
Qualifier Summary
The following table summarizes all qualifiers for the ADD, CHANGE, and
TEMPLATE commands. The defaults are those supplied by FIS.
| GDE Command Qualifiers |
| * DEFAULT is the default region- and segment-name |
| ** MUMPS is the default file-name |
| *** May vary by platform |
|-AC[CESS_METHOD]=code |BG |- |- |- |- |X |
|-AL[LOCATION]=size(blocks) |100 |10 |1040187392(992Mi) |- |- |X |
|-BL[OCK_SIZE]=size(bytes) |1024 |512 |65024 |- |- |X |
|-C[OLLATION_SEQUENCE]=id-number (integer) |0 |0 |255 |- |X |- |
|-D[YNAMIC_SEGMENT]=segment-name (chars) |* |1A |16A/N |- |X |- |
|-EX[TENSION_COUNT]=size (blks) |100 |0 |65535 |- |- |X |
|-F[ILE_NAME]=file-name (chars) |** |1A |255A/N |- |- |X |
|-G[LOBAL_BUFFER_COUNT]=size (blocks) |1024 |64 |2147483647 *** |- |- |X |
| |*** | | | | | |
|-K[EY_SIZE]=size (bytes) |64 |3 |1019 |- |X |- |
|-L[OCK_SPACE]=size (pages) |40 |10 |65536 |- |- |X |
|-[NO]INST[_FREEZE_ON_ERROR] |FALSE |- |- |- |X |- |
|-[NO]Q[DBRUNDOWN] |FALSE |- |- |- |X |- |
|-[NO]J[OURNAL]=option-list |-NOJ |- |- |- |X |- |
| |or ****| | | | | |
|-R[ECORD_SIZE]=size (bytes) |256 |7 |1048576 |- |X |- |
|-R[EGION] region-name (chars) |* |1A |16A/N |X |- |- |
|-R[ESERVED_BYTES]=size (bytes) |0 |0 |blocksize |- |- |X |