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; ;
; Copyright 1987,2001 Sanchez Computer Associates, Inc. ;
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; This source code contains the intellectual property ;
; of its copyright holder(s), and is made available ;
; under a license. If you do not know the terms of ;
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%TI ;GT.M %TI utility - convert time to $H format
;invoke ^%TI to enter time interactively; returns %TN
;invoke INT^%TI with %TS to convert a previously captured time
;formats accepted include:
; [h]h mm [a/p[m]]
; hhmm is interpreted as 24 hr (military) time
; unique prefixes of midni(ght/te), and noon
; any non-alphameric character(s) are accepted as delimiters
n %TS
f r !,"Time: ",%TS s %TN=$$FUNC(%TS) q:%TN'="" w " - invalid time"
INT s %TN=$$FUNC($g(%TS))
n apm,cp,dir,hr,ilen,min,tp,tok,dh
s dh="",min=0
i $g(ts)="" q $p($H,",",2)
s ilen=$l(ts)+1,cp=1 d advance
i dir?1A q $s("\NOON"[tok:43200,"\MIDNIGHT\MIDNITE"[tok:0,1:"")
i tok?4N,cp=ilen s min=$e(tok,3,4),hr=$e(tok,1,2) q:hr>24!(min>59) "" q hr*60+min*60
i tok'?1.2N!(tok>12) q ""
s hr=$s(tok=12:0,1:tok)
i $e(ts,cp,cp+2)?1":"2N d advance q:tok>59 "" s min=tok
d advance
i dir'?1A!(cp'=ilen) q ""
s apm=$f("\AM\PM",tok)-3\3
i apm'<0 q apm*12+hr*60+min*60
q $s(hr:"",min:"","\NOON"[tok:43200,"\MIDNIGHT\MIDNITE"[tok:0,1:"")
advance f cp=cp:1:ilen q:$e(ts,cp)?1AN
s dir=$e(ts,cp)
i dir?1A f tp=cp+1:1:ilen q:$e(ts,tp)'?1A
e i dir?1N f tp=cp+1:1:ilen q:$e(ts,tp)'?1N
e s tok="" q
s tok=$e(ts,cp,tp-1)
i dir?1A s tok="\"_$tr(tok,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
s cp=tp