
58 lines
1.6 KiB

; ;
; Copyright 2002 Sanchez Computer Associates, Inc. ;
; ;
; This source code contains the intellectual property ;
; of its copyright holder(s), and is made available ;
; under a license. If you do not know the terms of ;
; the license, please stop and do not read further. ;
; ;
gtmload ;
new (%zdebug)
set %level=$zlevel
set $ztrap=$select($data(%zdebug):"b",1:"zg %level:err")
f read "Help file > ",file s x=$zsearch(file) q:file=""!(x'="") d
. w !,"File does not exist, <CR> to quit.",!
. quit
if file="" quit
open file:(readonly)
use file
set ref="^HELP",incr=1,count=0,level=0,oldlevel=0,^HELP=""
for read line quit:$zeof do
. set first=$extract(line)
. if first?1N!(first="-") do
.. if first?1N set level=first,oldlevel=first
.. else set level=oldlevel+1
.. if level'>count set ref=$name(@ref,(level-1)*2)
.. set count=level
.. set:first?1N subtopic=$piece(line," ",2)
.. set:first="-" subtopic=$piece(line," ",1)
.. set ref=$name(@ref@("s"))
.. set ref=$name(@ref@($$UCASE(subtopic)))
.. set @ref=subtopic
.. set incr=1
.. quit
. else do
.. set @ref@(incr)=line
.. set incr=incr+1
.. quit
. quit
close file
err ;
set $ztrap=""
u 0 w !,"Error in GT.M help load utility."
set file="gtmhlpld.dmp"
open file:newversion
use file
zshow "*"
close file
set lo="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
quit $translate(string,lo,up)