
97 lines
2.4 KiB

const { src, dest, series, parallel, watch } = require('gulp'),
del = require('del'),
gulpSass = require('gulp-sass'),
asciidoctor = require('@asciidoctor/gulp-asciidoctor'),
gulpConnect = require('gulp-connect');
const paths = {
sass: 'src/main/sass/**/*.scss',
resources: 'src/main/resources/**',
dist: 'build/dist/',
web: 'build/web/'
* Building the theme
// Cleans the build folder for the dev lifecycle
function clean(cb) {
del([paths.dist + '**'], cb());
// Compile SASS files to build/dist/css/
function sass() {
return src(paths.sass)
.pipe(gulpSass({outputStyle: 'compressed'}))
.pipe(dest(paths.dist + "css"));
// Copy static reosurces to build/dist/
function copyResource() {
return src(paths.resources)
* Developer tools
// Copy built theme to static web folder
function copyDist() {
return src(paths.dist + '**')
// Render test Asciidoctor document
function render() {
return src('src/test/resources/index.adoc')
safe: 'unsafe',
doctype: 'book',
attributes: [
'docinfodir='.concat(process.cwd(), "/", paths.dist)
// Watch files modified in src/** and rebuild theme + sample document
function watchFiles(cb) {
watch('src/**', update);
// cleans the build folder for the dev lifecycle
function cleanDev(cb) {
del([paths.web + '**'], cb());
// Serve sample document and reload for changes
function connect(cb) {
root: paths.web,
livereload: true
const build = series(clean, sass, copyResource);
const update = series(build, copyDist, render);
exports.default = build;
exports.dev = series(cleanDev, update, parallel(connect, watchFiles));