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2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
PEP: 347
Title: Migrating the Python CVS to Subversion
2005-08-07 10:23:31 -04:00
Version: $Revision$
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
Last-Modified: $Date$
Author: Martin v. L<>wis <>
Discussions-To: <>
Status: Draft
Type: Informational
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 14-Jul-2004
Post-History: 14-Jul-2004
The Python source code is currently managed in a CVS repository on
2005-08-08 00:03:40 -04:00 This PEP proposes to move it to a Subversion
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
repository on
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
2005-08-08 00:03:40 -04:00
This change has two aspects: moving from CVS to Subversion, and moving
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
from SourceForge to For each, a rationale will be given.
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
Moving to Subversion
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
2005-08-08 00:03:40 -04:00
CVS has a number of limitations that have been eliminated by
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
Subversion. For the development of Python, the most notable
improvements are:
- the ability to rename files and directories, and to remove
directories, while keeping the history of these files.
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
- support for change sets (sets of correlated changes to multiple
files) through global revision numbers. Change sets are
- atomic, fast tagging: a cvs tag might take many minutes; a
2005-08-08 00:03:40 -04:00
Subversion tag (svn cp) will complete quickly, and atomically.
Likewise, branches are very efficient.
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
- support for offline diffs, which is useful when creating patches.
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2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
Moving to
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2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
SourceForge has kindly provided an important infrastructure for the
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past years. Unfortunately, the attention that SF received has also
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caused repeated overload situations in the past, to which the SF
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operators could not always respond in a timely manner. In particular,
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for CVS, they had to reduce the load on the primary CVS server by
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introducing a second, read-only CVS server for anonymous access. This
server is regularly synchronized, but lags behind the the read-write
CVS repository between synchronizations. As a result, users without
commit access can see recent changes to the repository only after a
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
On, it would be possible to make the repository accessible
for anonymous access.
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
Migration Procedure
To move the Python CVS repository, the following steps need to be
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
executed. The steps are elaborated upon in the following sections.
1. Collect SSH keys for all current committers, along with usernames
to appear in commit messages.
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2. At the beginning of the migration, announce that the repository on
SourceForge closed.
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2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
3. 24 hours after the last commit, download the CVS repository.
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4. Convert the CVS repository into a Subversion repository.
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5. Publish the repository with write access for committers, and
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read-only anonymous access.
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6. Disable CVS access on SF.
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
Collect SSH keys
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
After some discussion, svn+ssh was selected as the best method
for write access to the repository. Developers can continue to
use their SSH keys, but they must be installed on
In order to avoid having to create a new Unix user for each
developer, a single account should be used, with command=
attributes in the authorized_keys files.
The lines in the authorized_keys file should read like this
(wrapped for better readability)::
command="/usr/bin/svnserve --root=/svnroot -t
ssh-dss <key> <comment>
As the usernames, the real names should be used instead of
the SF account names, so that people can be better identified
in log messages.
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
2005-08-07 12:11:59 -04:00
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
Downloading the CVS Repository
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
The CVS repository can be downloaded from
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Since this tarball is generated only once a day, some time must pass
after the repository freeze before the tarball can be picked up. It
should be verified that the last commit, as recorded on the
python-commits mailing list, is indeed included in the tarball.
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
After the conversion, the converted CVS tarball should be kept
forever on<date>.tar.bz2
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
Converting the CVS Repository
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
The Python CVS repository contains two modules: distutils and python.
The python module is further structured into dist and nondist,
where dist only contains src (the python code proper). nondist
contains various subdirectories.
These should be reorganized in the Subversion repository to get
shorter URLs, following the <project>/{trunk,tags,branches}
structure. A project will be created for each nondist directory,
plus for src (called python), plus distutils. Reorganizing the
repository is best done in the CVS tree, as shown below.
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
2005-08-08 00:03:40 -04:00
The fsfs backend should be used as the repository format (which
2005-08-08 21:17:05 -04:00
requires Subversion 1.1). The fsfs backend has the advantage of being
more backup-friendly, as it allows incremental repository backups,
without requiring any dump commands to be run.
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
The conversion should be done using the cvs2svn utility, available
e.g. in the cvs2svn Debian package. As cvs2svn does not currently
support the project/trunk structure, each project needs to be
converted separately. To get each conversion result into a separate
directory in the target repository, svnadmin load must be used.
In summary, the conversion script is::
rm cvs2svn-*
rm -rf python
tar xjf python-cvsroot.tar.bz2
rm -rf python/CVSROOT
svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs
mv python/python python/orig
mv python/orig/dist/src python/python
mv python/orig/nondist/* python
# nondist/nondist is empty
rmdir python/nondist
rm -rf python/orig
for a in python/*
b=`basename $a`
cvs2svn -q --dump-only --encoding=latin1 --force-branch=cnri-16-start \
--force-branch=descr-branch --force-branch=release152p1-patches \
--force-tag=r16b1 $a
svn mkdir -m"Conversion to SVN" file:///`pwd`/$b
svnadmin load -q --parent-dir $b < cvs2svn-dump
rm cvs2svn-dump
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
Sample results of this conversion are available at
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
Publish the Repository
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
The repository should be published at
Read-write access should be granted through basic authentication to
all current SF committers; read-only anonymous access should also be
granted. Read-write access will go through
As an option, websvn (available e.g. from the Debian websvn package)
could be provided. Unfortunately, in the test installation, websvn
breaks because it runs out of memory.
2005-08-04 14:42:26 -04:00
The current SF project admins should get write access to the password
file, in order to create or delete new users.
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
Disable CVS
It appears that CVS cannot be disabled entirely. Only the user
interface can be removed from the project page; the repository itself
remains available. If desired, write access to the python and
distutils modules can be disabled through a CVS commitinfo entry.
2005-08-07 12:11:59 -04:00
Several alternatives had been suggested to the procedure above.
The rejected alternatives are shortly discussed here:
- create multiple repositories, one for python and one for
distutils. This would have allowed even shorter URLs, but
was rejected because a single repository supports moving code
across projects.
- Several people suggested to create the project/trunk structure
through standard cvs2svn, followed by renames. This would have
the disadvantage that old revisions use different path names
than recent revisions; the suggested approach through dump files
works without renames.
- Several people also expressed concern about the administrative
overhead that hosting the repository on would cause
to pydotorg admins. As a specific alternative, BerliOS has been
suggested. The pydotorg admins themselves haven\'t objected
to the additional workload; migrating the repository again if
they get overworked is an option.
- Different authentication strategies were discussed. As
alternatives to svn+ssh were suggested
* Subversion over WebDAV, using SSL and basic authentication,
with pydotorg-generated passwords mailed to the user. People
did not like that approach, since they would need to store
the password on disk (because they can't remember it); this
is a security risk.
* Subversion over WebDAV, using SSL client certificates. This would
2005-08-08 00:03:40 -04:00
work, but would require us to administer a certificate authority.
2005-08-07 12:11:59 -04:00
2005-08-12 19:14:06 -04:00
- Instead of hosting this on, people suggested hosting
it elsewhere. One issue is whether this alternative should be
free or commercial; several people suggested it should better
be commercial, to reduce the load on the volunteers. In
* Greg Stein suggested They
offer 5 GB for $90/month, with 200 GB download/month.
The data is on a RAID drive and fully backed up. Anonymous
access and email commit notifications are supported.
2005-08-05 03:26:32 -04:00
2005-08-05 03:26:32 -04:00
This document has been placed in the public domain.
2005-08-04 20:16:49 -04:00
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