
149 lines
5.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# See for more information
# See for more hooks
minimum_pre_commit_version: '2.8.2'
python: python3
default_stages: [commit]
# General file checks and fixers
- repo:
rev: v4.1.0
- id: mixed-line-ending
name: "Normalize mixed line endings"
args: [--fix=lf]
- id: fix-byte-order-marker
name: "Remove Unicode BOM"
- id: file-contents-sorter
name: "Sort codespell ignore list"
files: '.codespell/ignore-words.txt'
- id: check-case-conflict
name: "Check for case conflicts"
- id: check-merge-conflict
name: "Check for merge conflict markers"
- id: check-executables-have-shebangs
name: "Check that executables have shebangs"
- id: check-shebang-scripts-are-executable
name: "Check that shebangs are executable"
- id: check-vcs-permalinks
name: "Check that VCS links are permalinks"
- id: check-ast
name: "Check Python AST"
- id: check-json
name: "Check JSON"
- id: check-toml
name: "Check TOML"
- id: check-yaml
name: "Check YAML"
# RST checks
- repo:
rev: v1.9.0
- id: rst-backticks
name: "Check RST: No single backticks"
- id: rst-inline-touching-normal
name: "Check RST: No backticks touching text"
files: '^pep-\d+\.txt|\.rst$'
types: [text]
- id: rst-directive-colons
name: "Check RST: 2 colons after directives"
files: '^pep-\d+\.txt|\.rst$'
types: [text]
# Manual codespell check
- repo:
rev: v2.1.0
- id: codespell
name: "Check for common misspellings in text files"
stages: [manual]
# Local checks for PEP headers and more
- repo: local
- id: check-no-tabs
name: "Check tabs not used in PEPs"
language: pygrep
entry: '\t'
files: '^pep-\d+\.(rst|txt)$'
types: [text]
- id: check-required-fields
name: "Check PEPs have all required fields"
language: pygrep
entry: '(?-m:^PEP:(?=[\s\S]*\nTitle:)(?=[\s\S]*\nAuthor:)(?=[\s\S]*\nStatus:)(?=[\s\S]*\nType:)(?=[\s\S]*\nContent-Type:)(?=[\s\S]*\nCreated:))'
args: ['--negate', '--multiline']
files: '^pep-\d+\.(rst|txt)$'
types: [text]
- id: validate-pep-number
name: "Validate PEP number field"
language: pygrep
entry: '(?-m:^PEP:(?:(?! +(0|[1-9][0-9]{0,3})\n)))'
args: ['--multiline']
files: '^pep-\d+\.(rst|txt)$'
types: [text]
- id: validate-status
name: "Validate PEP 'Status' field"
language: pygrep
entry: '^Status:(?:(?! +(Draft|Withdrawn|Rejected|Accepted|Final|Active|Provisional|Deferred|Superseded|April Fool!)$))'
files: '^pep-\d+\.(rst|txt)$'
types: [text]
- id: validate-type
name: "Validate PEP 'Type' field"
language: pygrep
entry: '^Type:(?:(?! +(Standards Track|Informational|Process)$))'
files: '^pep-\d+\.(rst|txt)$'
types: [text]
- id: validate-content-type
name: "Validate PEP 'Content-Type' field"
language: pygrep
entry: '^Content-Type:(?:(?! +text\/x-rst$))'
files: '^pep-\d+\.(rst|txt)$'
types: [text]
- id: validate-pep-references
name: "Validate PEP reference fields"
language: pygrep
entry: '^(Requires|Replaces|Superseded-By):(?:(?! +( ?(0|[1-9][0-9]{0,3}),?)+$))'
files: '^pep-\d+\.(rst|txt)$'
types: [text]
- id: validate-created
name: "Validate PEP 'Created' field"
language: pygrep
entry: '^Created:(?:(?! +([0-2][0-9]|(3[01]))-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)-(199[0-9]|20[0-9][0-9])( \([^()]+\))?$))'
files: '^pep-\d+\.(rst|txt)$'
types: [text]
- id: validate-python-version
name: "Validate PEP 'Python-Version' field"
language: pygrep
entry: '^Python-Version:(?:(?! +( ?[1-9]\.([0-9][0-9]?|x)(\.[1-9][0-9]?)?\??,?)+( \([^()]+\))?$))'
files: '^pep-\d+\.(rst|txt)$'
types: [text]
- id: validate-resolution
name: "Validate PEP 'Resolution' field"
language: pygrep
2022-01-20 19:46:25 -05:00
entry: '(?<!\n\n)^Resolution: (?:(?!(https:\/\/\S*|:pep:`[a-zA-Z\d \-<>#]*?`)\n))'
args: ['--multiline']
files: '^pep-\d+\.(rst|txt)$'
types: [text]
- id: check-direct-pep-links
name: "Check that PEPs aren't linked directly"
language: pygrep
entry: '(dev/peps|peps\.python\.org)/pep-\d+'
files: '^pep-\d+\.(rst|txt)$'
exclude: '^pep-(0009|0287|0676|8001)\.(rst|txt)$'
types: [text]
- id: check-direct-rfc-links
name: "Check that RFCs aren't linked directly"
language: pygrep
entry: '(rfc-editor\.org|ietf\.org)/[\.\-_\?\&\#\w/]*[Rr][Ff][Cc][\-_]?\d+'
files: '\.(rst|txt)$'
types: [text]