2015-10-20 11:25:57 -04:00
2015-10-20 21:44:00 -04:00
This file is used for testing find-pep505.py.
2015-10-20 11:25:57 -04:00
nc_* and Nc* are examples of null coalescing.
sn_* and Sn* are examples of save navigation.
def nc_ifblock1(a=None):
if a is None:
a = 'foo'
def nc_ifblock2(a=None):
if a is not None:
a = 'foo'
class NcIfBlock3:
def __init__(self, a=None):
if a is None:
self.b = {}
self.b = a
class NcIfBlock4:
def __init__(self, a=None):
if a is not None:
self.b = a
self.b = {}
def nc_or1(a=None):
return a or 'foo'
def nc_or2(a=None):
return a or []
def nc_ternary1(a=None):
return a if a is not None else 'foo'
def nc_ternary2(a=None):
return 'foo' if a is None else a
def sn_and1(a=None):
return a and a.foo
def sn_and2(a=None):
return a and a['foo']
def sn_and3(a=None):
return a and a.foo()
def sn_and3(a=None):
return a and a.foo.bar
class SnIfBlock1:
def __init__(self, a=None):
if a is not None:
class SnIfBlock2:
def __init__(self, a=None):
if a is None:
class SnIfBlock3:
def __init__(self, a=None):
if a is None:
b = 'foo'
b = a.foo
class SnIfBlock4:
def __init__(self, a=None):
if a is None:
b = 'foo'
b = a['foo']
def sn_ternary1(a=None):
return a.foo if a is not None else None
def sn_ternary2(a=None):
return None if a is None else a.foo
def sn_ternary3(a=None):
return a['foo'] if a is not None else None
def sn_ternary4(a=None):
return None if a is None else a.foo()